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hey say that the eyes are the In fact, MAS managed consecutive
profitable quarters for the September and
December 2006 periods, with earnings
window to the soul and even to health. If totaling MYR361 million ($104.3 mil-
lion). The stock market rewarded the
the airline equivalent is its Internet site, momentum by sending its shares from
MYR2.5 to above MYR6, causing the
then Malaysia Airlines is alive and well, its airline to outperform the Kuala Lumpur
Exchange average by 44% last year.
Much of the credit for the improve-
website brimming with bright, colorful fare promo- ment must go to CEO Idris Jala, a former
Shell Oil executive who came to MAS on
tions and special online deals. It’s quite a departure Dec. 1, 2005, after a number of govern-
ment and private-market rescue efforts
had failed to put the carrier on solid
from a few years ago when the carrier’s future seemed ground.
“When I was first appointed, the com-
much more uncertain and its website was not stacked pany was bleeding cash and accumulating
massive losses,” he recalls. In the short-
ened nine-month 2005 fiscal year it lost
with rotating Domestic SuperSavers. MYR1.3 billion. “If we continued on the

43 atw | MAY 2007

By Geoffrey Thomas

same course and speed, Malaysia Airlines was projected to lose The solution involved tackling four critical problems: Low
MYR1.7 billion by the end of 2006. If we didn’t do anything, yield, inefficient network, low productivity and lack of cost
the company would have plunged into bankruptcy by mid-April control. Management reviewed and readjusted fares and fuel
2006,” he says. surcharges across the board so they matched the rest of the
Jala hit the ground running. The company’s Business industry. Seat inventory management was improved and
Turnaround Plan was presented to the airline’s board, the MAS sharpened its tactical campaigns.
Malaysian Prime Minister and the Ministry of Transport “We tackled the network [problem by] running laboratories
on his first day on the job. “The next day, we had a town to review all the routes, which were clustered into eight business
hall meeting where we gathered some 700 employees across regions. If the teams in the labs concluded that they could not fix
the organization. The Prime Minister, who addressed the certain routes that were losing money on a cash contribution level,
employees, made it very clear that the government will not then we immediately cut the routes,” Jala says. In 2006, MAS
bail out Malaysia Airlines. The airline will have to solve its dropped nearly 25 routes, representing 7% of the network.
own problems and return to profitability,” he explains. In addition, it “focused on expanding our hub-and-
“We had a burning platform. I told the staff that we had spoke strategy by partnering with other airlines.” The net-
no choice other than to take drastic measures over the course work had evolved away from hub-and-spoke and he put
of the next 12 months,” he continues. “At that point, all in place a three-phase program to restructure it. The first
23,000 employees were in disbelief ! Staff morale was at the phase involved refocusing the airline around Kuala Lumpur
lowest in the history of the airline. It was a difficult period International Airport as the hub. Five major indirect routings
for all. When the BTP was announced to the public later, that included London-Langkawi-KL, London-Penang-KL
the share price immediately dropped to below MYR3, show- and Frankfurt-KL-Kuching were scrapped immediately. Now
ing that the public didn’t believe we could do it.” all flights transit KL and the network is better described as

atw | MAY 2007 44

mainly point-to-hub. managed to reduce our costs
The second phase over a six-month by MYR310 million.” Selected Traffic & Financial Data
period involved dropping a host of sec- Quarterly reporting was 2006 2005 % chg.
ondary international and regional desti- scrapped and replaced with
nations including Vienna, Manchester, monthly. “Turnarounds are FINANCIAL
(MYR mil)
Ahmedabad, Xian, Padang, Fukuoka, all about action. If it takes Revenue
Cairo, Chengdu and Kolkata. The too long it will not work, and Passenger 8,218 8,037 2.0
long-haul strategy now is built around staff want to see results,” Jala Cargo 1,946 1,928 1.00
Frankfurt, Zurich, Rome, Paris, Los says. Vital to the turnaround Fuel & Security 1,909 1,248 16.0
Angeles, New York, Stockholm and was the government’s deci- Other 1,417 1,648 99.0
London. MAS has increased frequencies sion to free MAS from its Total 13,490 12,861 4.9
on key routes such as Paris, which is obligation to fly unprofitable Expenditure 13,793 13,481 2.0
Profit/Loss after Taxes (413) (1,193) -65.0
now daily, and extra services were added domestic routes and hand
to Yangon, Dhaka, Hanoi and Cebu. them over to AirAsia with TRAFFIC (mil)

As Jala explains, the driver was simple: its much lower cost structure
Passengers 7.04 8.85 -20.40
“Only routes that were profitable or (ATW, 4/07, p. 24). MAS RPKs 4,021 4,892 -17.80
could turn a profit were retained and had operated up to 118 ASKs 5,771 6,808 -15.20
the rest were scrapped.” To fill the gaps, domestic routes and during Load Factor (%) 69.7 71.9 -2.2 pts.
the carrier has bulked up its codesharing 2006 that figure was cut to
and currently boasts 28 codesharing and just 19 major ones. In the Passengers 9.35 8.42 -10.0
interline agreements. last quarter the subsidies were RPKs 37,078 42,411 -12.6
Europe/Middle East routes accounts scrapped on those as well. For ASKs 53,152 59,105 -10.1
for 33% of international revenue, MAS, that meant cutting its Load Factor (%) 69.8 71.8 -2.0 pts.
followed by North Asia and North domestic fleet by more than Cargo
America (26%). Inter-Asia is 21%, half, from 41 aircraft to 23, Load tonne km. 2,597 2,576 0.8
Australia/New Zealand is 16%, while and closing four of its major Capacity tonne km. 4,103 4,206 -2.4
South America and Africa generate 3% domestic stations.
Source: Malaysia Airlines
of international revenue. It also launched its own
low-cost carrier called Firefly,
Staff Reductions On low productiv- which took to the air on April FACT FILE
ity, he says MAS was “overstaffed” 3 from Penang. Initially the up 10% to MYR9.3
and staff size was reduced by 3,000, or network is just six routes Fleet * billion and impor-
15%, via a mutual separation scheme using F50s connecting tantly, yield increased
737-400 39
and through natural attrition. Costs Penang to Langkawi, Kota 21% to MYR0.24
747-400 17
came under intense scrutiny, he notes: Baru, Kuala Terengganu and as RASK grew 17%
747-200F 4
“I announced several moratoriums Kuantan on the domestic to MYR0.17. The
747-400F 2
including one on corporate advertis- front and Koh Samui and fourth quarter also
777-200ER 17
ing and sponsorship. All CAPEX had Phuket in Thailand. Fares incorporated the first
A330-200 5
to go through me. We also tightened start from MYR9, “slightly full quarter of the
A330-300 11
our fuel hedging and improved our more than the price of a plate domestic business’s
maintenance expenditure. In 2006 we of nasi kandar [Penang’s best- * As of Sept. 2006. P&L since the ratio-
Source: Malaysia Airlines
known dish],” says Jala. He nalization on Aug. 1,
adds that Firefly links destina- 2006. That segment
tions that currently have no made an operating
air service. profit before finance costs and excep-
While the network restructure was tional items of MYR36 million.
a key plank of the new MAS, it was Jala says MAS has “managed to
only part of the makeover, the results of achieve these results because the BTP
which have been dramatic, he says. “To is totally focused on delivering imme-
date we have beaten the BTP targets for diate results by anchoring everything
Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 and for the 2006 on the P&L. In fact, with the help of
financial year. We recorded a profit of my Blackberry I know the projected
MYR240 million for the third quarter monthly P&L every day . . . I can act fast
of 2006 and a fourth-quarter profit of if my monthly P&L indicator is show-
MYR121 million. For our 2006 full- ing that we are heading in the wrong
year results we exceeded our MYR1.1 direction.”
billion BTP improvement target.” In Cargo also has been a solid perform-
fact, if fuel and aircraft lease payments er. Revenue climbed 8% to MYR2.47
had remained level, the airline would billion on a 2% decline in capacity
have posted a net profit of MRY676 to 4.13 billion TKMs in 2006, while
Managing Director/CEO Idris Jala million last year. Passenger revenue was RTKM jumped 10% to MYR0.602

45 atw | MAY 2007

and yield grew 7% to MYR0.95. “store fronts” by publishing net agreements with KLM, Gulf Air, Virgin
On the overall scorecard, Jala gives market fares and implementation of Blue and South African Airways. He says
MAS high marks in most areas although tighter inventory controls. Middle East routes will be restructured
ontime performance at 84.06%, system- n Passenger Service System: Investment and flight frequencies to nontrunk markets
wide aircraft utilization at 11.74 hr. and of some RM200 million from 2007 such as North America, South America
baggage delivery, which has improved to 2009 to equip the airline with and South Africa will be reviewed.
28% over the previous year, are either on “state-of-the-art” IT systems, provid-
or below target compared to other param- ing cost savings through e-ticketing A380 Orders There has been wide-
eters such as cash surplus and profitabil- and ticketless transactions as well as spread speculation that MAS will scrap
ity, which are deemed “outstanding.” the ability to change fares dynami- its order for six A380s. Jala says, “We
Going forward, he is confident that cally in response to competition. are still in discussions with Airbus and
2007 will be the turning point. “In the n Engineering Breakthrough Project: we will also consider and assess all
BTP, I announced that MAS’s target is to Designed to enhance productivity, available alternatives and options.” He
reduce our projected loss of RM1.7 bil- which in turn will ensure more rev- acknowledges the carrier is looking to
lion to RM620 million for 2006, achieve enue contribution from third-party acquire new aircraft but declines further
a small profit of RM50 million in 2007 MRO. comment.
and go for a record profit of RM500 mil- n Structural Cost Reduction Exercise: On the horizon, he sees three major
lion in 2008,” he says. But while he is Scrutinize every aspect of the busi- challenges. His greatest concern is that
bullish, there is a strong note of caution: ness to ensure maintenance of a cost staff will fall back into complacency;
“There is more to do. For 2007 we will advantage over competitors. “We are not out of the woods just yet,”
continue the momentum and intensify n MASkargo: Continue efforts to he cautions. Coming a close second is
our BTP initiative to generate profit.” maximize net profits through further “the continuous volatility in fuel cost”
To achieve this goal, the airline is revenue enhancements and cost- and third is “the high cost structure that

Rob Finlayson

focused this year on a variety of busi- reduction initiatives with a goal of still exists within MAS.”
ness areas. making the freighter business profit- He is candid: “Unlike other profit-
n Malaysian Hospitality Campaign: able without the contribution from able airlines in the region, MAS was in
Progressively rolling out more than belly freight. financial trouble last year and we are only
125 initiatives to improve the cus- n Network Growth: Finalize a five-year starting to crawl back into the black.
tomer experience at every touch network plan. From 2008 onward Liberalization is akin to the Olympics,
point from purchase, pre-embarka- MAS will develop new routes and where to compete successfully one must
tion, embarkation and inflight to increase frequencies on existing routes train for years. As such, you can’t just tell
disembarkation. with growth potential. us that we have three months to prepare
n Project Omega & Alpha: Designed Jala wants to expand “our core net- . . . We need time to get our house in
to increase yield to close the gap work in Asia/Pacific” while strengthen- order.” However, at the rate he has man-
with the best in the business. ing the airline’s hub-and-spoke con- agement and staff focused and in training,
Initiatives include introduction of nectivity in Europe, Australia, New perhaps he underestimates the carrier’s
new competitive fares, opening of Zealand and Africa via new partnership preparedness for the marathon.

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