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PROBLEM 11.4 The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x=1.5/' ~30r? +5/-+10, where x and r are expressed in ‘meters and seconds, respectively. Determine the position, the velocity, and the acceleration of the particle when 14's, SOLUTION Given: X= L5¢ 307 + 5¢+10 Evaluate expressions at ¢ 66m x= 66.0 4 x= 15(4)* ~304) +5(4) +10 v= 6(4) ~60(4)-+5=149 m/s v=149.0 mis a= 18(4)' ~60 = 228 mis? a= 228.0 mis? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. A sights reserved. No part of this Manual may Be displayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, withont the pri writen permission of the publisher, or maed beyond fhe fasted distribution fo teachers andeducaorspermited by MeCr-Hl fr thet individual course preparation Ifyou rast! wing this Mena, ‘pow are using i withou permission. PROBLEM 11.2 ‘The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x=12r* 187 +2r+5, where x and ¢ are expressed in ‘meters and seconds, respectively, Determine the position and the velocity when the acceleration of the particle is equal to zero. SOLUTION Given: S128 187 +2045 de 36° 6142 Find the time fora = 0. 1-360 Substitute into above expressions. x =12(0.5)° -18(0.5)' +2(0.5) +5=3 x=3.00m 4 = 36(0.5)? ~36(0.5) +2 ST mis ~7.00m/s PROPRIETARY MAPERIAL. © 2009 The MeCeaw-Hill Companies, Ine. All Fights reserve No part of this Mama way be deplered, Pepreduced on disrbuted i any form or by any mesns, ston dhe por wetien permission ofthe publisher, oF used beyond the fimited “Aordution to acchers en ecacaors potted by raw for then india conrse preparation If yon arecastudent wing his Manva, pow are sing i without pormivion PROBLEM 11.3 ? —301+ 8x, where x and 7 are expressed in ‘The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x feet and seconds, respectively. Determine the time, the position, and the acceleration when v=0. SOLUTION We have Then v= Zase—51-30 dt and a= Pains ae When v=0: 5 ~ 51-30 =5( -1-6)=0 or t=38 and (=-2s (Reject) » Sige Atra3s 8) —5 (3)? 3063) +8 4 =108)-5 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ® 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All rights teseved. No part of this Manual mey be displayed reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prio walt permission ofthe publisher. or nse beyond the ited tstribution to teachers ana educators permite by MeGraw-Hill fort ndividua couse preparation fyow aca siuken acing thir Mave, {You are nsing it withou pormision PROBLEM 11.4 SOLUTION We have Then and | Acr=6s: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McCraw Ieproduced or diiibued tn any form or By any mean 1? 8440 cos at a #8 124-400 sin m1 at H212~ 40x" cos xt a = 6(6)? ~84 40 008 6 or 2(6) 407 sn 6 or 4,~12-402* cos or ‘The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x=61? ~8-+40cos 1, where x and ¢ are expressed in \d seconds, respectively, Determine the position, the velocity, and the acceleration when ¢ =6 s. X= 248 in, 2.0inis % ag = 383 ini? Companies, Ines Al sights cosrved, No port ofthis Manual may be displayed thou the prior writen pernission of the publisher, or wsed Beyond the linited \tsibution to teachers and educators permite by McGraw Hil for tsi individual course preparation Ifyou area student wing this Manual, ‘yon are sing i eto permistion PROBLEM 11.5 SOLUTION We have xs 6t—2P -12F +3043 ‘Then va En nar 60? 26143 at and Tat = 128-24 When a=0: =24=12(617 0 or Gr-2 r+) =0 or roZs and 5 (Reject) of) J-oG} Gp won -G) 9G) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, (0 2009 The McGraw-Hill Componie, Ine. All ri ‘The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x= 6¢* — 2/5 —12¢? +.3¢+3, where x and fare expressed in meters and seconds, respectively. Determine the time, the position, and the velocity when a=0. 120.6675 or x4, =0.259m OF Ypy =-8.56 m/s reserved. No part of this Monal muy be dlaplaest ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or wsed Beyond the lined iste to teachers and educaiars permite by McGraw-Hill for tht individ conse preperation fou ae student sing this Manual oo are sing I without permission PROBLEM 11.6 ‘The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x= 21° —151° + 24¢+4, where x is expressed in meters and in seconds, Determine (a) when the velocity is zero, (4) the position and the total distance traveled when the acceleration is 72. pore pee 7 4 SOLUTION | x= 2t 151" + 24044 Soop 301-424 dt @ or £=4.008 < 2) For ¢= 2.58: yg = 2(2.5)' = 15(2.5)* +24(2.5) +4 1.500 To find total distance traveled, we note that (1) 150? +240) 44 =0 when f=15 ty x a, =+15m hy For 1=0, wyetdm ' tT Distance traveled 6 ete- From 1=0(of=1s 4-4) =15-4= 11m > Te? 3 From ¢=13t0/=25s: dys -H =IS-1S=1S me Total distance traveled = 11 m 413.5 m=24.5 m < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hl Compass, In, All ighs reserved, No pars of this Manual may be displaved. reproduced or dstributed in any form or beng mete, without the prior written permisron of the publiser, or ase beyond the Tinie (Gorebaion to teachers and educiorspermited by Metra for thei indvndua eomrse preparation youre astdent ws this Manual, pow are uring i without permizion PROBLEM 11.7 =0. The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x=1° ~ 61° ~36¢—40, where x and ¢ are expressed in feet and seconds, respectively. Determine (a) when the velocity is zero, (B) the velocity, the acceleration, and the total distance traveled when SOLUTION We have ‘Then and @ When or (®) When x Factoring, Now observe that Then 3? ~12/-36=3(" ~4r-12)=0 (42)0-6)=0 f=-2s (Reject) and 1=6s 1=6008 4 ~ 61 ~361-40=0 (€-10,¢+20¢42)=0 or 1=108 O<1<6s: veo yoo sy =—40 ft 4 = (6)! ~6(6)° -36(6)~40 =-256 Yio = 3(10)? ~12(10) ~36 OF yy =1440 Us ‘y= 6(10) 12 or ay =48.0 us? ae = o% wes ‘Total distance traveled = (216-+ 256) ft= 472 ft wy GOs) xq) =|-256-(-40)}= 216 vg = 0~(-256) = 256 A —____| PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All vighs reserved. No part of dis Manual may be dxplayed ‘reproduced or distributed in any form o by any means, without the prior wwiten permission of the publisher. or wsed Beyond the Fined disrituton to eachers and educators permitted by McG ye ae sing it thon permission wl forthe inividual course preparation. yon are student sing is Mana PROBLEM 11.8 ‘The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x=1° -97 +24¢~8, where x and ¢ are expressed in inches and seconds, respectively. Determine (a) when the velocity is zero, (b) the position and the total distance traveled when the acceleration is zero. SOLUTION We have Then (a) When v=0: 30? — 180+ 24 = 30? — 6 +8)=0 or (-2)0-4)=0 or 1=2.008 and 1=4.008 4 (6) When a=0: 6f-18=0 or f=38 At 1=35: x, = 3) -9G) #243)~8 or x, =10,00in. First observe that 0 = ¢<2 s: ved 2s C=16 +8" 42-4? £CU-4) +84 Combining 0=-40 + (1648(¢—4) +80 ‘Simplifying 4+4=0 or 1=28 and (C=32 mils 81+ 32 (mis) w=-4r? 4321-44 (m) (@) When v=0: -8+32=0 (8) Velocity and distance at 11 s, v4, = GMI) +32 Atr=0: = —44m f4s: =20m fells: 4) = AU? +3201) 44 =176 m PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All rghts reserve, No put ofthis Manna! may be diplayea ‘reproduced or dincbuted in any form or by any means, with the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, oF ed beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators permed by MeGraw-El far her ous course preparation. Ifo are wsdent using tis Maal yom are sing it without permission. n PROBLEM 11.9 (Continued) Now observe that Osi<4s: v>0 Ascrsils: v<0 new te 1, ma ais) wo as ee xy = 20-(-44) = 64 m bi 4] =|-176 ~ 20) = 196 m_ ‘Total distance traveled = (64 +196) m= 260 m < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw reproduced or diruted in cy form or by any mec dsribuaion to teachers and educators permited by McG Yow are using iihaut permision IN Companies, Ine AM rights teerved. No part of this Maral may be cplayed ith the prior wren permission ofthe publisher, or wed beyond the liited etl forthe ndivddva course preparaiion. von area student using his Maral PROBLEM 11.10 The acceleration of a particle is directly proportional to the squate of the time t. When £=0, the particle is at 4m. Knowing that at ¢=6 s,x=96 m and v=18 m/s, express x and vin terms of SOLUTION We have Now ALI =65s,v=18 mis: or Also At x= 24m: or Now At 1=658,7=96 m: or Then or and or a=k k=constant a at bel ale voI8=54("-216) ake (@ —216,(nv/s) leat Zk? - 216} 184 5k" ~216) < Lig fae feet -216 | L(La xn 2d=ier+ta( Lt —216¢ sa = del Leet vo-an =o Hy 2166] xasmnee df Le 2161) alo la lia 20 = Foglt #10424 < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ic. Allright reserved, No part of this Manual may be dnpleyed, reproduced or dstbuted tn any form or by any means, thou the prior ite pormission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the linited Asribution wo teachers and educators permed hy Mirah forthe individual course proparation Ifyou student wing ths Mana, ou are wing i witht permission 8 PROBLEM 11.11 “The acceleration of a particle is directly proportional to the time & At 1=0, the velocity of the particle is y=16 inJs. Knowing that »=15 in./s and that x=20 in, when ¢=1's, determine the velocity, the position, and the total distance traveled when ¢= 7s. SOLUTION We have a=kt_k=constant Now Be gait ai At 1=0,v=16 ind hea or vlo= hae 2 or v=l6+Lk*(inJs) 2 At t=Is,y=15 in/s: 15 inJo=16 in/s+ L489 or Dinds) and v=16-7" Also Atisis,x=20/in. ‘Then AtI=Ts y= 16-0? or 7-330 inde b (oF v6 or xy =2.00in. When »=0 16-P 0 or 1=4s PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may he displeyet reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, withow te prior write permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the tinted sribation to teachers and educators period by Mois Hil forthe indlnua course preparation If you areca student using his Manual ‘yo aro sing i ido pormision PROBLEM 11.11 (Continued) Atr=0; te ‘Now observe that Oxr<4s: y>0 as 0, x49<0. and actite, x9 Pes (6) When 0 or 128s Atte 8s: +S yi2-i2m 8 Now observe that 2s=/<8s: v<0 i Bs<1sl0s: y>0 eS Then xy ay l=172-35.2]=18 m fio Me =17.6-172=04 Total distance traveled = (18-+0.4) m = 18.40 m < Note: The total distance traveled is the same for both c PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The Meiraw-Hill Companies, Ine All ighs reserve. No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduced or dried in any form ar by cans means, whet the prior written permission ofthe publieker, or rmed beyond the lied ‘dcibution to teachers and educors pried by McGraw Hil forth india cours pepo If yo are stet wing le Mant Dow are ung if withent permission PROBLEM 11.15 ‘The acceleration of a particle is defined by the relation a =~Z/s. It has been experimentally determined that =15 Vs when x=0.6 Rand that v=9ft’s when x=1.2 fl. Determine (a) the velocity of the particle when = 1.5 ft, (6) the position of the particle at which its velocity is zero. SOLUTION de Separate and integrate using x=0.6 ft, v=15 fs, rose def sins 2" Is he ee Lp daspan() o When v=9 1s, (pers 12 Loy —Lasyt=-t n( 12 Solve fork 3.874 I? (@)Substiwe k=103.874 1/6? and x=1.5 into (1) 1,2 _Lasy? =-103.874Im i) pea 06 v=589Us () For v=o, ~osaran( 06 083 x=L7Dh € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2099 The MeGraw-Hill Companies. Inc. All ights reserved. No part of is Manual may be displayed, reproduced or dbsribute in any form or by any means, witow the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used Beyond the lined ¢, write kt et) ks Integrating, “Kx %) 2k xy) emoon) r(g-etjemor =H 4 ((25)? = 11 111) 209%) SU LLL4 3.89510" STL ITT 2/5? 33 tvs < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, In. All ights reserved. No part of this Maal may be displayed reprodvced or larbuted in any form or by any means, withont the prior writen permission ofthe publisher used beyond the limited ‘Astibtion to teachers nd edcetors permitted by McGraw Hil for cr invidual course preparation. Ifyare aston! using this Marea, bow are using i without permission 20 PROBLEM 11.25 ‘The acceleration of a particle is defined by the relation a= 0.4(1—Av), where k is a constant, Knowing that at ¢=0 the particle starts from rest at x=4 m and that when 1=15 s, =< avs, determine (a) the constant (8) the position of the particle when v=6 mis, (c) the maximum velocity of the particle. SOLUTION (a) Wehave AL t=0, v= At f=15s, v=4 mis: ~~ bk Ing = by a In = 4% Solving yields = 0.145703 s/n or 4 =0,1457 sim ©) Wehave 04(-h) When x=4m, ¥=0: [ora ae vol, vk fr 4 7 at dv [04d te tl k aml fosa or [-z smo OL; a lo f vd ° -|2+ bind) |=0.4¢0- or fied in | x4) When v=6mvs: =| 4 nt -0,145 703%6) |= 0.4084) 0.145 703 © (0.145 703)" 040-4) = 56.4778 re1452m 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL” © 2009 ‘The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All rights reserved. No prt of this Manual may be displayed. ‘reproduced or disibated in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission ofthe pblicher, or ned beyond He ited dsiibution to teachers and educators permed by Merese-Bil for thet individual couse preparation. you are-astulen sain this Manual on are nsing ite permssion 3 PROBLEM 11.25 (Continued) (©) The maximum velocity occurs when a= 0 0.4(1~h%pq.) or a fms "0.145 703, or Yage =6.86 005 ‘An altemative solution is to begin with Eq. (I). In(l —Av) =-0.4ke 1 Ther vec hen oe) ThUS, Vga iS attained as ¢—> 9 as above, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «2 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, te. All rights eeserved. No pant of ahis Mana may be displaye Feproduced or ditribied in any form or by any meds, wiht the prior written permusion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the liited \Gertbuton fo teachers and edactarspormied by MG Hil for toi dvi course preparation. Ifyou area stent using this Marva yon are ising ivsthnd pormission n PROBLEM 11.26 A particle is projected to the right from the position x =0 with an initial velocity of 9 ms. Ifthe acceleration ‘of the particle is defined by the relation a *? where a and v are expressed in m/s? and m/s, respectively, determine (a) the distance the particle will have traveled when its velocity is 4 mvs, (D) the time when v=I vs, (0) the time required for the particle o travel 6 m. SOLUTION @ ~~ Wehave When x=0, »=9 mis: or or @ When v=4 nvs: @~4"?) or 33m 4 ae (6) We have Pa a=-06"" (6) We hay 7 Ts When ¢=0, »=9 mis: [vars [-o.6a or Av = 0.61 or 034 When y=1 mis: oar or 2228 -¢ (©) Wehave +-te03 Ww 3 y 9 or eo 14097) "+090" de 9 Now Boye? dt 140.90" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All ights reserved. No prt ofthis Manual may be displayed, reproduced or dstributed in any frm oF by any ans, withont the prior writen permission of the publisher or used beyond the limited dstrbuton o teachers ard educetos perniied by McGraw Hil for her indivi cour prpartion Ifyou astacent uring this Mea, pow are using it wthowt permission. PROBLEM 11.26 (Continued) 9 At {=0, x=0: dv= [2 t Casoay or yao] 091+ 05, -wft5 ) 1+097 __ oF “7097 When x =6m: 7 +09 or 661s 4 An alternative solution is to begin with Eq. (1) Now Ati=0,x=0: Coy fa f 17 x 03/3-03r), 9-09 or Which leads to the same equation as above. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. « 2009 The MeCiaw-Hill Companies, We. ADL ights reserved. No part ofthis Manaal may be displayed roprodvced or dltyibuted in any form or hy any means, without the ror writen permiscion of the publisher, av used beyond the lnsted Uistributon 1 tachers and edncors porn by MeGraw-Hifor thelr mdlvidua couse preparation. Ifyou are a student sing his Maal, dow are using it withont permis PROBLEM 11.27 Based on observations, the speed of a jogger can be approximated by the relation v=7.5(1-0.04x)", where v and x are expressed in mish and miles, sespectively. Knowing that x=0 at 7=0, determine (a) the distance the Jogger has run when ¢=1h, (b) the jogger’s acceleration in fs? at 1=0, (6) the time required for the jogger to run 6 mi. SOLUTION (@) Wehave 7.5(1=0.04x)" Atr=0,=0: Cote= [50 10,043)? fo or J 0.043)" Ij = 7.57 or 1=(1-0.04x)" = 0.21 w 1 or x= fl (-0.219"7 aoa!“ end 1 0. Atr=th x= tl-[1-0210 f=1h: vor lt apy or 715 mi iv 6) Weave a Aas de d =7.5(1- 0.04x)" = 17.5(1 -0.04x)"* (1 = 0.044)" 17.5 oy =7.5°(1 = 0.04x)"5[(0.3X-0.04(1 ~0,04x) 7} -0.675(1~ 0.0474 5280 ft (1h Att=0,x=0: “ ~ iE Timi (sean or ay =-275 x10" ts? 1 os oF ae (©) From Eq. (1) pal O- O.04ey] 1 a When x=6n {1 ~[l~0.04(6) wen x =6 mi Tal -ooaor?s = 0.83229 h or 49.9 min PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGra0-Hill Companies, Ine. All ights reece prt ofthe Mana ry be diplayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior rien permission ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the linia siributon to teachers and educators porate by McGrane 1B for thts nvidaal course prepareton. fyow ene astudet asl this Mea, “pow are using i without permission 38 PROBLEM 11.28 Experimental data indicate that in @ region downstream of a given louvered supply vent, the velocity of the emitted air is defined by v=0.18vp/x, where v and x are expressed in m/s and meters, respectively, and yy is the initial discharge velocity of .6 m/s, determine (a) the acceleration of the air SOLUTION @ Wehave When x= 2m: or @) Wehave From x=1mtox=3 m: or or a aave O18 d (0.18y sae) 0.03243 0,0324(3.6)" ey a= 0.0525 mis? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. * 2009 The MeCssw-Hill Companies, Inc. All ighs resanved. No part of this Monnal may be dxplayed reproduced ov dstrbated in any form ar by any means, without the prior writin permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited isibution ta eachers and eductors ported by MeCrave il forth indvidua course preparation Ifyon area stlent sing this Maral, Jem are sing without permission. 19— PROBLEM 11.29 ' ' ] ‘The acceleration duc to gravity at an altitude y above the surface of the earth can be i ‘expressed as } y Hl ' 32.2 I [14 (120.9%10)F : where a and y are expressed in ft/s" and feet, respectively. Using this expression, ‘compute the height reached by a projectile fired vertically upward from the surface of the earth i its initial velocity is (a) 1800 fs, (6) 3000 fs, (c) 36,700 1Us, SOLUTION We have When ‘Then or or (2) vy =1800 tvs: ()—%=3000 1s or y=0, v= P= Vpagr VEO no 32.2 (i 32, ofr + = pass ie ye Pra, = Oh ost (1800) Gag 07 sox =50.4x10° 1 ___ 000)" 64,4 — 20 oon Yas =H40.7X10° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AI igs reserved, No part of dis Manna ma be displayed, reproduced or dimibuted in cw for or by any mec, without the prior virion permission ofthe publisher. or ured beyond the Lint Alitibuton to teachers andl educators permite by MeGrovHl forthe india conrsepreperaon If yow-are a student sing this Mana. dou are using iin permission a PROBLEM 11.29 (Continued) 36,700)? ~ B60 644 soon () vy =36,700 fis: Sian = PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, All igh reseed. No part of this Momual maybe displayed, ‘reproduced or diivibted tn any form or by any means, ston the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the linited Uistributon to teachers al educators permite by McGraw Hil for dee Indiv course preparation. Ifyou are astdent using ths Sara “yo are ung i witha permission Py PROBLEM 11.30 ‘The acceleration due to gravity of a particle falling toward the earth is @=—gh'/r’, where r is the distance from the center of the earth to the particle, & is the radius of the earth, and g is the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth, If R=3960 mi, calculate the escape velocity, that is, the minimum velocity with which a particle must be projected vertically upward from the surface of the earth if it is not t© return to the earth, (Hint: v=0 for r=") SOLUTION We have When or or =| 2%32.2 fs? x3960 mix 5280 f y Timi i vy, =36.7x10" tus PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MoGraw-Hill Companies, nc. AU rights reserved. No par ofthis Manual may be diypleye, apreuced or dstibuted ts any form oF By any meas, withont the pri write permission ofthe publisher, er ned beyond the limited Asoributon te teachers and educaiors permite hy Mera Hill fr thet india eoure preparation. you area studen sing this Mana Yow are usin without permieson 29 PROBLEM 11.31 The velocity of @ particle is v=y[l~sin(av/T)]. Knowing that the particle starts from the origin with an initial velocity vp, determine (a) its position and its acceleration at ¢= 37, (6) its average velocity during the interval ¢=0 to 1=7, SOLUTION (a) Wehave Atr 0: a Att=37) or typ 2.36 yr Also At r= or (6) Using Eq. (1) Att PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AI rights reserved. No part of this Mana! may be displayed ‘repraduced on distbuted ine form or hy any means, without the prior writin permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Tinted ‘soributon to teachers an educators porated by McCraw for dei nda course preparation. Ifyou are student wing hs Manual “ PROBLEM 11.31 (Continued) AULT: Now PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights reserve. No purt of dis Manual may be displayed, reproduced or disrbuted in ey form or by ey means, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher. or used beyond the tinted dtissbtion to teachers andl educators permite by Metaw-Hil for tei individual couse preparation If von are ashen using his Mona, ow are sing two permission PROBLEM 11.32 ‘The velocity ofa slider is defined by the relation v= ¥'sin (@,+9). Denoting the velocity and the position of the slider at ¢=0 by vy and x,, respectively, and knowing that the maximum displacement of the slider is 2xy, show that (a) ¥=($ +390; ) 20, (®) the maximum yalue of the velocity occurs when x= X13 — (vp ,)” 2. SOLUTION (@ Ati=0,v=% vy =V'sin(O4+9=v'sing Then cong faa fi’ Ses dx Now paving) Atr=0, fio= fe sincar- gar Now observe that 2,4, 0ecurs when cos (@,¢-+9)=—I. Then 2x = a9 + feos —(-1 not loose) Substituting for cosy or By, ~ ‘Squaring both sides of this equation xj, ~2xge, +¥ or © fa s PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. AIL ighs reserved. No part of dis Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced on dinibted inc form or by ay mean, thou the prior viiten permission ofthe publisher. or used besond the lined B and CD, wwe have va tat Then = 4B 5.3666 mis=0+ (4.8 m/s?) gy or fgg = 1.118045 and C2D 7.2 mis = 5.3666 m/s-+ (4.8 m/s" Men or fey = 0.38196 5 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Allright reserved. Mo part of tiv Manual mur be displayed, reproduced or dstrabued in any farm or By any mens, thou the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, oF ase Deyand the Tanied ‘lsiribution to teachers and educators perme by Mr: HI forthe inlividual course preparation Ifyou area student using this Manual, ‘You are using without permision. ” Now, for we have or Finally, or PROBLEM 11.38 (Cont Bac, X= Xe t Miclac 3m 3666 WS)tp 55901 s fF lye Hep = (1.11804 + 0.55901 + 0.38196) s » 2.068 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ln. Allright weserved. No part of this Manwal ae be dsplyed, reproduced or diaribued ina form or by any means, wathou the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the late ‘stributon to teachers end ecto permated by Metrenw-Iil fr thet individual course preparation Iron areca student using hs Meal, Yoware uso if without permusion PROBLEM 11.39 A police officer in a patrol car parked in a 70 km/h speed zone observes a passing automobile waveling at a slow, constant speed. Believing that the driver of the automobile might be intoxicated, the officer starts his car, aecelerates uniformly to 90 km/h in 8 s, and, maintaining a constant velocity of 99 knvh, overtakes the motorist 42 s aller the automobile passed him. Knowing that 18 s elapsed before the officer began pursuing the motorist, determine (a) the distance the officer traveled before overtaking the motorist, (b) the motorist’ speed. SOLUTION = ae 7 SD ESO ease Aes Antes 102s (Cp ie=9 (ep )gg =90 km/h =25 mis (vp )gy =90 km/h = 25 mis For 18s <1 26s: vp =O+ap(t—18) At (= 268: 25 ns = ap(26~18)s or ap =3.125 mis Also, 0400-18) -Lap(1-18)? p= Cipha# (Hp aa lt =26) (xp )qy = 100 m+ (25 m/s}(42—26)s 500m Cpa =05km ()— Forthe motorist’s car xy = 0b rt AL £242 8,24 = 3p 500 m= v4, (428) or Vyy = 11.9048 mis or vy = 42.9 kmih PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGeav-Hill Compavies, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be dyplaed, reproduced or dstribued any form or by nny means, witht the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the linsied ‘erin to teachers ad educators permite by MCG Hil forte dividual ome preparation Iyer area stent ws he Manuel, Yow ave aig i withow ponnission st PROBLEM 11.40 As relay runner 4 enters the 20-m-long exchange zone with a speed of 12.9 11/5, he hegins to slow down. He hands the baton to runner B 1,82 s later as they leave the exchange zone with the same velocity. Determine (a) the uniform acceleration of each of the runners, (6) when runner B should begin to run, SOLUTION (a) Fortunner 4 0+ (Dot +H At I= L825: 20 m= (12.9 mis) ss) ha, (1827 or 2.10 mis? Also M4 Ago +4yt AtI=1.828: (puso =C02.9 mls)+ (2.10 mvs? \(1.82 8) =9.078 mis For runner B: ¥} 204 2g [%y —0] When Xy=20m, vy =Vv4: (9.078 mvs)" +2dy(20 m) or day =2.0603 mis? 4, =2.06 wis? () Forrunner B: Ot aglt ty) Where fy isthe time at whieh he begins to run, At f= 1.828: 9.078 m/s = (2.0603 m/s? 1.82 —ty)s or fy = 2598 Runner B should start to run 2.59 s before A reaches the exchange zone, < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-ll Companies, Ine All igh eseved, No part of this Manual mer be displayed, ‘reproduce or cistrtbuced i any frm ov By ary means, without the prior wen pesnistion of the publisher, om wsed beyond the Limited dsrbation 0 teachers end educaior penned by MeGras-10l for her initial cee preparation. you area student uss this Manel, ow are sing Ir wthowtpermizsion PROBLEM 11.44 Automobiles and B are traveling in adjacent highway lanes, and at ¢=0 have the positions and speeds shown, Knowing that automobile has a constant acceleration of 1.8 fs? and that B has a constant deceleration of 1.2 f°, determine (@ when and where A will overtake 8, (b) the speed of each automobile at that time. SOLUTION a, = 418 MUS? ay =~1.2 fs lo = 24 mith = =36 mill Opel eit od ¥s Ya Motion of auto 4: (Qo tay = 35.24 1.81 wo X42 Ode Halt bay? 043521440 837 @ Motion of auto B: Vp = Opp Hagl = 5281.28 8 1 1 : Xp Cpl Hp loft nagl? = 754528044 (1.2) 4 t= Cp)o + aol taal? = 15452814 (1.2) @) @ yt 35.2140.98 = 7545281, ~0.64 1.59 -17.61,-75=0 4273.28 and 4 =15.0546 4 =15058 4 Bg. Q) x4 =35.2(15.05)+0.9(15.05)" x= TA PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCicaw-Hill Companies, nc. AIL ight reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, rypreduced or dried ix any form or by any means, sthou te prior welten permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the fined 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. Allright served. No part of this Manual may be dspleyed, ‘repreduced or dtd in any form or by any mens, sithout the ior writ permission ofthe publiher, or wsed beyond the limited (stibution to techers and educators ported by McCrae Hl for the indvicual course preparation Ifyouareastdont wring thi Mana, pow ae using i thou permission 56 PROBLEM 11.44 “Two automobiles 4 and B are approaching each other in adjacent highway lanes. At , A and B are | km apart, theit speeds are vj =108 knvh and vy = 63 kinvih, and they are at Points P and Q, respectively. Knowing that 4 passes Point 040 s after B was thete and that B passes Point P42. after A was there, determine (a) the uniform accelerations of A and B, (b) when the vehicles pass each other, (¢) the speed ws astm pe of Bat that time. SOLUTION (@) Wehave A-OK Del Ha, 2 (jp =108 kamih = 30 mvs ALI=408: 1000 n= (30 mvsy40 )+ ha, (408) or 0.250 mis? Also, sg=OF (po! bag (Yq)y = 63 kavh =17.5 as At r= 42s: 1000 m= (07.5 mis)(42 or jayt4 s) or y= 0.30045 m/s? Gy = 0.300 mis? (6) When the cars pass each other Xt yp = 1000 m 0.250 msn #(17.5 SV ay Then 80 m3) 4p 4 + looo4s rws?)f3y= 1000 m o 0.0s04572, +9572, ~2000=0 0.822 sand 1904's 120 typ =2088 ¢ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All Fights reseved. No part of wis Momual may be displayed reproduced or dsrbued ov any form or by any means, thou te prior written permission ofthe publishes, ar wsed beyond the lied 2009 The MeGeaw.Hill Companies, Ine. All righ reseved. No part of this Monual may be dyplaed rprndced or diibted in any form or by any means, with the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or uaed beyond the linited ‘teiuaion to teachers and educators permited by MeCraw-tIl for their mdvidval course preparation If yon ave astuent wing his Ma, Jom are using i with permission se PROBLEM 11.45 Car 4 is parked along the northbound lane of a highway, and car B is traveling in the southbound lane at a constant speed of 60 mifh. At ¢=0, 4 starts and accelerates at a constant rate a4, while at 1=5s, B begins to slow down with a constant deceleration of magnitude @4/6. Knowing that when the cars pass each other x= 294 ft and v4 =vp, determine (@) the acceleration ay, (5) when the vehicles pass each other, () the distance @ 0. between the vehicles at ¢ SOLUTION a) SEP For 120: ¥,-04a 0404 Xp =O4(%p)ot (Vy) = 60 mh =88 Ms Atia5s: Xp = (88 AUS) 8) = 440 For 155: Vp= Ca tap (l-3) ay Xp = Op)s + Wp )olt—9)+ Assume 125 s when the ears pass each other, Atthat time (4), Vg = gl ay = (88 fils) “4. yy 5 7% hag = (88 US) “* gp 5) x, = 294 ft PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. (0 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. Allright reserved. No part of this Mannal may be displayed ‘reproduced or distributed in any form oF by any means, without the prior wren permission of the publisher, axed bavond the lnited tribution to teachers and educaios permite by 3cGraw Hil for hr inal corse prspartion Ifyou are aston sing this Mama, Sow are asin fe without permission, » PROBLEM 11.45 (Continued) aeeaee nee Ast. a) _ 38 lay 294 or Adc ~348 4, 4245-0 solving {yp=0.195s and typ (@) With ty >5s, 294 547.0087 or a, =12.00 us? (©) From above ty =7008 Nore: An acceptable solution cannot be found ifitis assumed that fyy 5s. (©) Wehave d=x+ phy = 204 £1 +[440 ft + (88 11/5)(7.00 8) s +4[-Lea0000Jr009%¢ 26 or d=906 1 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw) Companies, Ine. All ight easerved. No part of dis Manual may’ be displayed, reproduced or diatrihted in any form or by any means, wiht the prior written permisson ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lived ‘dsiibtion to towchers and educators permed by McGraw Hil for their nei dual couse preparation. you are aatcen asin this Mame you ave using it without permission. o PROBLEM 11.46 ‘Two blocks 4 and B are placed on an incline as shown, At 10, A is projected up the incline with an initial velocity ‘of 27 fs and B is released from rest. The blocks pass cach other 1 s later, and B reaches the bottom of the incline when £=3.45.” Knowing that the maximum distance from the bottom of the incline reached by block 4 is 21 ft and that the accelerations of A and B (due to gravity and friction) are constant and are directed down the incline, determine (a) the accelerations of A and 8, (b) the distance d, (0) the speed of 4 when the blocks pass each other: SOLUTION (a) Wehave vi = (va + 2aylx,~0] When %4= (amas a Then = (27 fs)? + 2a,(21 A) or a, =-173571 tus? or Now x, 204 (yet past and xy =0+ 01 Lagt? 2 At ¢=15, the blocks pass each other. (xd +l) AU1=3.4 5,55 <4: ‘Thus Cah + Gn = Ce drs or |e fils)(1 a +4¢ 17.3871 fus*\(1 »| 2 or 4700 fs? 1 z|_! 2 [baa eto a, =17360S 4 a, =3.47 fis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, nc. All igh reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduced or distributed ix any form or by any means, without the prior writen permston ofthe publisher. or used beyond the lied a., is constant and negative Also, Eq. (1) and (¥)p =0= (vg)y=0 ‘Then V3 = 0420424 (eyo) When |Ax,|= 04m: (4 mis}? =2a,(04 m) or a,=20mis' > ‘Then, substituting into Bq. (2): =20 mis? +34, =0 or 4-2 mst 667 ms Ld PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 Toe McGraw-Hill Companies, ine All Highs eservod. No part of his Monat may be displayed, repreduced or dsb in any form or by any meas, withon the rier writin permussion of the publisher, or used bed the tinted ‘doibution vo teachers anc ecucatore permite by MeGraw- Hil forthe india course preparation. ffyowareastadent wg this Mant, pow are sing ito permission PROBLEM 11.48 (Continued) (®) Wehave vy OF aye Att=2s: (2 ms Ja s) oe yp=13.33 msl 4 Also Ye =Ode #04 Say? Atr=2st Ye—Uede (2 wa sf 333ml 4 ial Ya Vado PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MoGraw-Vill Companies, ne. All rights served. No part of tis Manual may be dsplaed, reproduced or dstribited in any form or by any means, thon the prior written permission ofthe publisher, oF sed beyond tie Tinted distribution io teachers end edvcaiors permed by McGraw: Hl forthe indiviual course preparation. Iyoncarc stent uring this Mana ‘yon are ing it without permission “ PROBLEM 11.49 ‘The elevator shown in the figure moves downward with a constant velocity of 15 f¥s, Determine (a) the velocity of the cable C, (6) the velocity of the counterweight IV, (c) the relative velocity of the cable C with respect to the elevator, (a) the relative velocity of the counterweight HY with respect to the elevator. SOLUTION ‘Choose the positive direction downward. (a) Velocity of cable C. Yo + 2yp = constant Yo +2vp =0 Bat, vp S15 Bs or 2vp = ~30 fs () Velocity of counterweight W. 15.00 nis T Vy tM, =O dy tus (©) Relative velocity of C with respect ta E. Yor (A) Relative velocity of W with respect to B. Mine = Ya ~ ne =30.0 057 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 Tho MeGeaw il Companies, In Al rights reserved. No part of this Mameal may be displayed repouduced or disbuted in cv form or by any teins, withoo the prior written permission of the publisher, 0” ued beyond the limited disiburon to teachers end edcitns ported by BfeGrave Hl for Biv individual eonrse preparation. If you areca sadn wing his Manvel, Do are sing i itn! permission 66 PROBLEM 11.50 ‘The clevator shown starts from rest and moves upward with a constant acceleration. If the counterweight W’ moves through 30 ft in 5 s, determine (@) the accelerations of the elevator and the cable C, (b) the velocity of the elevator after 5. SOLUTION We choose Positive direction downward for motion of counterweight Wy = agl? 2 Atr=55, Jy =30 ft 1 a0 = La (5s) Zaws) ay =24 fs? ay =2.4 EL (@)— Aecelerations of E.and C. Since Yip +p = constant and ay +4, “Thus: ay = ay = (2.4 fUS?), ay = 2.40 fs? Td Also, Yo #2y_ = constant, ve+2y~=0, and de +2ap ‘Thus: de = -2(-2.4 fils?) =+4.8 fs’, ay = 4.80 fis? Ld () Velocity of elevator after 5s. Ve = (Ue )p + Apt = 0+ (-2.4 fis? (5 8) =—12 fils (Wp), = 12.00 fis T PROPRIETARY MATERIAL” © 2009 The MeGa-lill Companies, Io. Al sights reserve. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the pri watten permission ofthe publisher, or nsed Bey the nie! ay is constant and positive Then VyrOFayt vp HOF agh Now Vo (ay a4) FromEq.(2) dy So that Yiu PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All vighis reserved No part of this Manual may be dhsplyed reproduced or dicted in ey form or by any means, thou the pier rtien permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the liited tdstibution to teachers and educators permite by eGra- Hl fr di individual course preparation. Ifyou areca student wsing his Marval, Sow are using i within permission os At t=8s: or and then @ Ar=6s: Now At t=6s: or PROBLEM 11.51 (Continued) 3 Faul88) Vp = (1 inds?\(6 8) Pace n= (Yp)y +04 x agl ¥u = (a) 34 (1 in/s?)(6 8) Yo (eo ini Td inis? Td inisl 4 18ind PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Allright reserve. No part of this Manel may. be displayed ‘reproduced or diibted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publsher, or waed beyond the finned Alsibution to teachers and educators permited by MeGraw-Hil for thot individual course preparation. Ifyow area student un is Mana ‘ou are ning without permission. ° PROBLEM 11.52 In the position shown, collar B moves downward with a velocity of 12 ins. Determine (a) the velocity of collar A, (b) the velocity of portion C of the cable, (c) the relative velocity of portion C’of the cable with respect to collar B. SOLUTION From the diagram 2y4 + Yy = Wp — 94) = constant Then vy #25 =0 a ; and a, + 2a, =0 @Q) | A (a) Substituting into Eq. (1) 42012 in/s) =0 7 Geert | (©) From the diagram | "Then Substituting 2-24 inds) + y or ve =48 in'sl () Wehave or Yow =36 ins PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All igh reserved. No part of this Momual may’ be displayed repraduced or disibted in ey form or by amy means, withon the prior wetien permission ofthe publisher, or used bayond the limited Aisnibution to teachers and eductors permed by McG forthe individual cose preparation Ifyou areashudent using this dona ow are ning witha pormssion » PROBLEM 11.53 Slider block B moves to the right with a constant velocity of 300 mm/s. Determine (a) the velocity of slider block 4, (6) the velocity of portion C of the cable, (c) the velocity of portion D of the cable, (d) the relative velocity of portion C of the cable with respect to slider block 4. SOLUTION From the diagram Xp + (xp — 2) 2x4 Sconstant ‘Then 2vp 304 o and 2ay ~3ay (eo) Also, we have a Then Ww t% @ (@) Substituting into Eq. (1) 2(300 mm/s) ~ 3, or (®) From the diagram Xp t (tp ~ Xe) =constant ‘Then 2vp ve =0 Substituting 2(300 mm/s) — ¥¢ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrw-Uill Companies, Is. Al cights reserved. No par ofthis Manual may be displayed. ‘reproduce or ehtetbuted in any form 0° by any mean, without the prion writen permission of the publisher, or wsed beyond the Tinted Uisribution ta weachers end educators permed by McGrw-IBil fr ther indival course prepareton. Iowa student wing this Manvel, ‘yor ane ssn widow permission in (©) From the diagram Then Substituting or (d) Wehave or PROBLEM 11.53 (Continued) (ie =,) + (tp = X4) =constant Von 2vy #¥p =0 600 mm/s ~2(200 mm/s) + vy =0 ¥p=200 mils € Yow = 600 minvs— 200 mm/s Vey =400 mms > PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All righ ceseved. No port of this Manual may be dispaved, ‘epreducod or distributed in np form or by any mere, withon the prior witle pernisson ofthe publisher, or aed beyond the Lamted ‘isribution teachers eed ductors permite by MeCircw- Hil for Csi indie omree preparation I areca student using he Bane, ‘yo are ving i thon permission. n PROBLEM 11.54 At the instant shown, slider block B is moving With constant acceleration, and its speed is 150 mm/s. Knowing that after slider block has moved 240 mm to the right its velocity is 60 min/s, determine (a) the accelerations of 4 and B, (b) the acceleration of portion D of the cable, (c) the velocity and change in position of slider block B after 4 5, SOLUTION From the diagram e Xp # (ip 744) 284 = constant Then 2vy—3v4 =0 a and 2ay 3a, =0 @) (@) First observe that if lock 4 moves to the right, v, —> and Bq, (1) => vq —>. Then, using Bg, (Iat 120 2(150 mnvvs) ~3(¥,)9 = 0 or Also, Eq. (2) and ay = constant => a, ~ constant ‘Then 140 mm: When 4 ~()o (4 )o = 100 mvs V4 = (rae + 2a,lx4~ (aol (60 mm/s)? = (100 mm/s)? +2a,(240 mm) 3 ns? 3 or a, =1333 mms? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All righis reser. No port of tix Manaul may be displayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form ov by any twas, without the prior weiten permission ofthe publisher used beyond Ie lied ‘srbution to teachers and educoios pennitd by McGraw til for ther inva course preparation, Ifyotear a tadent wring this Mana “youre sig i without permission n PROBLEM 11.54 (Continued) "Then, substituting into Eq. (2) ay = 20.0 mms? or (©) From the solution to Problem 11.53 wy t¥y Then ay ta, A 2 or 3.33 mm/s? > (©) Wehave ve =On)o tape Atra4s: vp =150 mmls + (-20.0 mm/s? 4 s) or yy =70.0 mmis—> Also Ya =On)o + Opt Aur=4s: 35 Undo = (150 mmisy(a 8) 20.0 munis? (4 sy + or Yo ~(4)) =440 mm > PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCraw-Mill Companies, Ie. AI rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be diyplaye ‘uproduced on ditibuted ine form or by any means, witout te prior rin permission ofthe pubibsher,o” ned basen the Tinted \aribetion to leachers and ede ners ported by MeGrawe Hil for Hiv indisidual ones preparation Ifyou area student ns his Mave dow are ning without permission. ™ PROBLEM 11.55 Block B moves downward with a constant velocity of 20 mms. At 1=0, block 4 is moving upward with a constant acceleration, and its velocity is 30 mnvs, Knowing that at ¢=3s slider block C has moved 57 mm to the right, determine (a) the velocity of slider block Cat 1=0, (#) the accelerations of A and C, (¢) the change in position of block 4 after 5s, SOLUTION From the diagram By 4 49 +e = constant ‘Then 3y,44vp +¥e =0 « and Bay tay +a @) Waa (@) Substituting into Eq. (1) at 1=0 3(-30 rans) + 4(20 mms) + (Ye = 0 mays or (vey =10 mas» (6) We have Xe = Coho at + hac? Ati=3s: st mm= CO mnm9x9 9)+-ac6 97 mm/s? or ap =6 mms? > Now ‘constant > dy = 0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. &© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part of this Mannal may he dxpleed, reprnluced or dsribited in any form or by any means, stthou the prior sto permascon ofthe publisher, oF need beyond the Tinted {dstibaion wo teachers and educiors permed by McGrane forthe intial corse preparation I yon areastdentwsing his Man ew ore anieg it without parson, co PROBLEM 11.55 (Continued) ‘Then, substituting into Eq, (2) Bay + 4(0)+ (6 mms?) =0 a4 =-2 mm/s? or a,=2mmbs?t € (© Wehave (ds Hoar Lay Y1-Orlost-30 amin +L mnb N85 or Ya~(¥ gy 2175 mm Td PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No port of this Manual may be dspleyed, ‘reproduced or elinituted in any form or by any meant, without the prior writes permission ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the ited ddsibution to teachers aul educators permite by McCall forthe nui course preparation Ifyunareca stent wring hs Man Po are sing isto permission. 6 PROBLEM 11.56 Block B starts from rest, block A moves with a constant acceleration, and slider block C moves to the right with a constant acceleration of 75 mm/s, Knowing that at ¢=2.s the velocities of B and C are 480 mm/s downward and 280 mals to the right, respectively, determine (a) the accelerations of 4 and B, (0) the initial velocities of A and C, (c) the change in position of slider C after 3 s SOLUTION From the diagram By, +4yp + Xe constant ‘Then 304 4 4vy ye =O a) and Bay +4dy tae =0 Q) Given: (a) =0, a, =constent {a_)=75 mm/s > oes vp =480 mms L Yo = 280 me's (@) Eq. (2)and a, ~constant and ay = constant => ay = constant ‘Then Vp = 04 ay! Atl= 480 mmis = ay(25) =240 mm/s? or ay =240 mmis? L Substituting into Eq, (2) 3a, +4(240 mmis?)+(75 mm/s?) =0 4, =—345 mm/s or a =345 mms? T PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Allright reserve. No port of dis Manual may be displayed, ‘spredaced or dlamibuted in any form or by any means, without the prior writes pormssion of the publisher, o” asd beyond the Tinted ‘dstibation to techers ans edhcotorspermited by MeGraw-Hil fori inoidua conrse preparation. If you areca student wsing his Alana pow arc ung isithow permision n PROBLEM 11.56 (Continued) @) Wehave Ve = Wel + act Att=25 280 mum's = (ve )y + (75 mais} ) Ye = 130 mm/s or (ve)g = 30 mms Then, substituting into Eq, (I) at ¢=0 Hv 4)o + 4(0) (130 mms) =0 vy = 43.3 mms or (¥Jo=43.3 min’s T (©) Wehave = Dot Wot bat AUt=35: Xe ~ (Keo = (130 mans 8)-+ (75 mm/s?) 8)? ==128 mm of Xe-(Ky)p= 728m» PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «2 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights reserved. No prt of this Manval may be displays, ‘repracice or dstribuied in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission of the publisher, or used beyond the lnied 10 mm/s’, (b) the change in position of block D when the velocity of block C is 600 mms upward, ‘SOLUTION From the diagram | jp caber 2y4 +25 + ye = constant | Then 2vg +204 + wo * and Day +2ay +a Q | [fables On —¥4)# On ~ 98 ‘Thea Ly Yp~2¥p =O oy and may ~ apt 2ay =O « Given: At 1=0 0 Oe =Owa =Voo All accelerations constant at ¢=2.s Yep =280 mm T When Yong = 80 mls ¥4- (go = 160 mm T Yp~ Crp p =320 mm £ ay > 10 mis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrav-Hill Companies, fo. AU rights reserved. Ho part of thie Mout say be diplayed, reproduced of disibuted in any form or By any means, without the prio writen permission ofthe publisher, or sed Beyond the lene Udstribution to teachers and educators paroited by McGraw Hil for their individal conse preparation Ifyou arc ast using this Sanna ow are using it witout permission. PROBLEM 11.60" (Continued) (@ Wehave va=Oao +O La? and Ye= Oey OMA? L 2 ‘Then Yeu = Ye Va = 5 (de — 44M ACL=28, You =—280 mm 1 2 280 mm = (a, -a,)(2s) 7 (te -a2s) or ae=a,-140 6) ing into Eq. (2) 2a, + 2g +(a, -140) =0 1 7 S40 ~24 6 y= (140-245) 6 Now vy =0+ agt vg 204 agt Yara = ayy Also Y= Onde HON Legt When Vo =80 mms bs 80= (ay at oF Ay, =160mmL: 160 ‘yy =320 mam t: 320: Say Then 160 Fn ane Using Bo (7) 320=(80y or 1=45 Then 160=La,c4y? or a,=20mmi?| and 320= aga) or a, =40mmis? L Note that Eg. (6) is not used; thus, the problem is over-determined. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2000 The McGraw-Hill Compssies, ne All rights reserve Mo part of this Manval may be dsplayed, ‘repreducod or ditibuted in en form or By amy means, wathow te prior written permtssion ofthe publisher, or aaed beyond the Lamited ‘dsaribaion to eochers ae ebcutarspeonited By Meese Hl for hi indivi course preearation I yar student rig Uh Banea, oo ane using ttithou permission PROBLEM 11.60" (Continued) Alternative solution: We have (0)+2a41y. Cro] (0)+ 2agL¥y — Ono] ‘Then V2ayLy9 = ado = V2 Le Odo) When Vig =80 ms V2 [ ylag 20 main) ~ Jr(160 mn) | or 20=\2( (200, - /100,) (8) Solving Eqs. (6) and (8) yields a, and ®— Substitutin 80 mm/s into Eg. (5) and into Eg. (4) ~(20 mm/s?) ~ (40 mais?) + 2ay, or ay = 30 mais? Now Ve =O det When ve 600 mm/s = (-120 mnvs?)¢ Also AUIS: Pym 75 mmd or Yn (Yodo PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 00 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. AIL igh weseved. No pt of thir Manoa! may be displayed reproduced or distributed In any farm or by any means, wihout the prior writen pormision of the publisher or wsed beyond th Fined Uisribution to teachers ad educciors permite by Meroe for thetr nvidia course preparation. If youre astcenasing this Mra, ow are wing without permission a7 PROBLEM 11.61 A particle moves in a straight line with the acceleration shown in the figure. Knowing that it starts from the origin with vj =—18 fs, (@) plot the v-# and x-1 curves for 0= 1 < 20s, (b) determine its velocity, its position, and the total distance traveled when f= 12's, SOLUTION (a) yy =-18 fs O<6<4s: vy vy =G fs"\4s)= +12 fis 4 =-6 fs 48<1< 108: yg —vy=(6 fs? (68) = 436 fs Mio = +30 Ns WS

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