12 Federalism Pros and Cons

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12 Federalism Pros and Cons

by Crystal Ayres

Federalism is a system of government where power is divided between

several different entities. Each entity is given the power to share control
over the same geographic region as another entity. In the United States, a
system of Federalism is in place because laws can be passed by a local
government, the state government, or the national government.

This prevents one solitary body from being able to control every aspect of
governing over a population. It also means there are tiered laws and
systems that can be confusing for certain geographic regions when laws
may con ict. Take the marijuana legalization that has occurred in the US.
Recreational marijuana may be legal in some states, but it is illegal at the
national level.

Even though local law enforcement may not arrest someone because the
state laws say their actions are ne, national laws may dictate otherwise
and allow a national law enforcement of cer to conduct an arrest anyway.

Here are some additional Federalism pros and cons to think about.

The Pros of Federalism

1. It creates a sense of local patriotism.
People feel close to their communities. Although there is always a level of
national pride, local patriotism is usually the rst level of loyalty that an
individual will experience. Federalism encourages this local loyalty by
allowing communities to create laws and regulations that bene t
themselves, even if those laws wouldn’t make sense to implement in
another geographic region.

2. It lessens the bureaucracy.

Although there are tiered levels of laws and regulations, the level of
bureaucracy that exists within a system of Federalism is lower than it is in
other government structures. Diverse populations have unique needs that
must be met and having a national-level government attempt to understand
those needs is always dif cult. By allowing local or regional of cials to have
the power to meet those needs, the safety and security of a population can
be better met.

3. It can provide evidence of success… or failure.

Because local and regional communities can create their own laws and
regulations, other government structures can look at the evidence of
success or failure from those efforts to determine if they could be used in
other geographic regions. Welfare reform in the US originated from
regulation efforts made in Wisconsin, for example, and many environmental
protection policies have originated from California.

4. It provides a be er level of stability from a political perspective.

By allowing geographic regions to have a role in self-governing, the national
government achieves political stability to some extent because the people
feel like they are in control of their own destiny. The national government
can then act as more of an oversight or support network to the local and
regional governments that are in place.

5. It encourages involvement.
Because governments are at a local level, people know friends, neighbors,
or family members who are active in creating policies, procedures, or laws.
Most elected positions, from school and hospital boards to the city council
and mayor, are local of ces. Because there is such open access to the
government, it encourages involvement because serving is so easy to do.
6. It separates the powers of the government.
Imagine if the President of the US were to eliminate all other branches of
the national government. No more Congress. No Supreme Court. What could
happen? Because there is a separation of powers, freedom is still ensured
because the state governments act independently of the national
government and the local governments, to a great extent, act independently
of the state government. The checks and balances it creates allows for

Federalism: Crash Course Government and Politics #4

The Cons of Federalism

1. It creates confusion.
Because the laws vary in each geographic region, people who travel or move
to a new destination may nd themselves violating the law without realizing
it. Recreational marijuana may be legal in Colorado, but if you take legally
purchased product outside of the state, you are then violating the local law
there. You’re also violating national laws on marijuana with a purchase. This
makes it dif cult to know if you’re actions are “right” or “wrong” as a
2. It encourages governments to “pass the buck.”
No one really wants to take accountability for failed policies in a structure
of Federalism. Everyone blames everyone else and that creates gridlock
between the various agencies. Then nothing gets done because everyone is
trying to assign blame and each group feels they have the correct ethical or
moral position. In other government systems, there is no question about
who is to blame because there is only one unit of government.

3. It creates a wealth gap.

“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” It’s an expression that is heard
in the US quite often and can be described as a “wealth gap.”
Socioeconomic resources are maintained at local levels and the national
government is then asked to ll-in whatever gaps may exist, with
historically mixed levels of success.

4. It causes uncertainty.
Wild res blaze throughout the Western United States every summer. Who is
responsible for taking care of this issue so that no one gets hurt? Or a
hurricane blasts the eastern seaboard and causes extensive damage,
ooding, and homelessness. Who is responsible for responding? Because
the government is tiered, no one is really sure who needs to respond or pay
for the response and this can create delays in service.

5. It can be used for leverage.

Let’s say the national government wants to change health care laws for
everyone, but a handful of regional governments don’t want any changes to
take place. To garner support for the change, the national government could
offer additional funding or resources to the hold-out regional governments,
but not offer anything to those who agree that a change needs to be made.
Federalism is a structure that encourages dissent because that dissent can
be used as leverage to grab more resources.

6. It stops national policies from being implemented.

Local laws can hamper the passage of regional laws. Regional laws can
hamper the passage of national laws. Federalism effectively disperses
powers throughout a nation, but that also means the creation of national
policies can be incredibly dif cult. Unless there are exceptions in place for
each geographic region so that individualized needs can be met in some
way, it can take more than generation to pass national-level legal changes.

These Federalism pros and cons show us that it is a political system that is
designed to ensure freedoms can be experienced, even in times of
governmental turmoil. No one has all the power, which means the
population can’t be overrun by their government. On the other hand, that
insurance for freedom comes at the cost of creating national identities,
unity, and policy.

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About the Author of this Article

Crystal Ayres is a seasoned writer, who has been serving as our editor-in-
chief for the last ve years. She is a proud veteran, wife and mother.
Vittana's goal is to publish high quality content on some of the biggest
issues that our world faces. If you would like to contact Crystal, then go
here to send her a message.

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