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Technology is the UNION of all the knowledge we have to process actions, IN OTHER WORDS,

you are using technology to read this content right now. These processes offer us a way to simplify
our lives THAT TO SAY, solve problems and perform tasks, help us communicate with others, it is
very beneficial but it can also be used for malicious purposes.


Technology gives us access to more information.

it is a way easy to experience different perspectives, ideas and cultures worldwide. it is a simple
experience that allows us to access a great deal of knowledge. you can receive real-time news
updates, play or chat with someone on the other side of the planet

We have developed better learning methods thanks to the technology

The USE software, the devices IS TO SAY When learning can be turned into a video game or an
interactive presentation, we retain more information than was provided to us at that time. 90%

You can save time using technology.

Thanks to the development of technology, you can take a trip anywhere and know exactly where to
go with instructions line by line. . Some systems can even help you book a hotel room directly from
the application. You can even see the traffic situations that await you thanks to technology.


Technology creates dependencies.

The evolution of technology has created a dependency on our devices, tools and processes. It is no
longer necessary to remember information because everything is immediately available in a
database. THEREFORE, they create a decrease in human capital.

Technology can be addictive.

People are destroying personal relationships because they would rather stay connected. NOW

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