Cosmeceuticals and Ayurveda

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Indian Journal of Agriculture

and Allied Sciences

ISSN 2395-1109
e-ISSN 2455-9709 Received: 15.02.2019, Accepted: 20.03.2019
Volume: 5, No.: 1, Year: 2019 Publication Date: 30th March 2019


Gyan Chand Kr. Morya1 and K.N. Dwivedi2
1 2
PhD Scholar and Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, E-mail:, Corresponding Author: Gyan Chand Kr. Morya

Abstract: Beauty is the most important attractive factor in the life of people. Beautification and grooming
have been the main aim of cosmetics. Cosmeceuticals products have a biological effect on the human skin
and hair, which improves complexion, texture, appearance of skin. Cosmetology, the science has been
practiced since time immemorial for beautification in the discrete manner in Ayurvedic texts. The recent
interest of population in herbal cosmetics has been stimulated by the decline of faith in modern cosmetics
and increased acceptance as well as availability of herbal cosmetics. Judicious use of Ayurvedic herbs for
cosmetic benefits has been certainly provides a solution to various skin pathology.
Keywords: Cosmeceuticals, Cosmetics, Ayurveda, Skincare.

Introduction: Beauty is the most important occur in this layer. Shweta (stratum granulosum)
attractive factor in the life of people. Apart from is third layer of skin in which eczema and
the beauty of soul and mind, beauty of skin allergic rashes are occurring. Tamra (stratum
creates much attractive effect on the eyes of basale) is the fourth layer of skin, site of different
peoples. Beautification and grooming have been types of leprosy. Vedini (dermis papillary layer)
the major concern of common people since time is fifth layer and site of herpes. Rohini (reticular
immemorial. Cosmeceuticals are those cosmetics layer) is the sixth layer, site of cancer, tumors,
that contain ingredients which have medical elephantiasis. Mamsadhara (subcutaneous tissue)
benefits. Cosmeceuticals products have a is the innermost layer for skin's stability and
biological effect on the human skin and hair, firmness. The size of this layer varies throughout
which improves complexion, texture, appearance the body and from person to person. Abscess
of skin[1]. The cosmeceuticals in Ayurveda like and fistulas arises in this layer [2]. Healthy states
Varnyakara Dravyas, Raktaprasadana Dravyas of Doshas and Dhatus as well as Prakruti of
which have been used in the form of Lepa person are consideration for healthy body as well
(herbal topical applications), Abhyanga (oil as healthy skin. Twak Sara and Rasa Sara
massage), Udvartan (message with with herbal Purush[3] are the person represent with ideal skin.
paste), Swedana (Sweating) and Panchakarma Rasa is responsible for health, complexion
(Purification therapy). They are not only and satisfaction. Vitiation of Rasa gives rise to
beautifying externally, but also improving the reduction in normal activities, anorexia, nausea,
health of skin. weak digestive power, fever, restlessness,
Skin Health: Sparshnendriya (skin) is the most emaciation and dryness and wrinkling of skin,
important and widely present sense organ. It is premature greying of hair. Rakta is responsible
susceptible to various external and internal for maintaining life, complexion and nutrition of
pathological conditions. “Sapta twacha”, the the body. Vitiation of Rakta causes Kushtha
seven layers of skin described in Ayurveda. (skin diseases), Raktapitta (bleeding disorders),
Avabhasini (stratum corneum), outermost layer Visarpa (erysipelas) and others[4].
of skin, is responsible for maintaining the Factors Responsible for Skin Diseases
integrity and hydration of the skin. Pimples, acne 1. Apathya Aahar
and dandruff occur in this layer. Lohita 2. Exposure to environmental pollution
(corneocytes layer) is the second layer of skin. 3. Solar radiation
Moles, dark circles and black pigmentations
Cosmeceuticals and Ayurvedic Appproach of Skin Care 71

4. Adverse effects of chemicals drugs and Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum) and

cosmetics Punarnava (Boerrhavia diffusa) belong to this
5. Stress group[8].
Factors Responsible for Skin Health Vranaropana (Healing Promoters): The group
1. Proper balance of Kapha (moisture balance), of drugs which promotes the healing process in
2. Proper balance of Bhrajak Pitta (balanced the body. Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia,
effective metabolism that coordinate all the Rasanjana (preparation of Berberis aristataa),
Physicochemical and hormonal reactions of Daruharidra (Berberis aristataa), Mocharasa
the body) (Salmalia malabarica), Dhataki (Woodfordia
3. Proper balance of Vata (balanced efficient fruticosa), Madhuka (Madhuca indica), Lodhra
flow of nutrients to the different layers of the (Symplocus racemosa) and Sariva (Hemedismus
skin). indicus) belong to this group[9].
4. Rakta prasadhana (detoxify the blood) Kushtaghna (Anti-dermatophytic): The group
5. Varnaprasadana (herbs which bring about of drugs which cure the different skin diseases.
and establish the original colour and Khadira (Acacia catechu), Haritaki (Terminalia
complexion of skin). belerica), Salasara (Veteria indica), Sarja
Cosmeceuticals Used in Ayurveda (Shorea robusta), Amalaki (Embica officinais),
Varnya (Anti-complexion): The group of drugs Haridra (Curcuma longa ), Bhallataka
which enhance the complexion of the skin. (Semecarpus anacardium), Asana (Terminalia
Chandana (Santalum album), Punnaga tomentosa ), Dhava (Anogeissus latifoia),
(Callophyllum innophyllum), Padmaka (Prunus PutiKaranja (Caesalpinia crista), Agaru
cerrasoides), Usheera (Andrpogon muricatus), (Aquiillaria agallocha), Peetachandana
Yashti Madhu (Glycyrrizzha glabra), Manjishta (Santaum album), Saptaparna (Alstonia
(Rubia cordifolia), Sariva (Hemedismus indicus), schoaris), Aragvadha (Cassia fistula), Karaveera
Ksheeravidari (Ipomeadigitata), Shwethadurva (Nerium indicum) and Vidanga (Embeia ribes)
(Cynodon dactylon), Shyamadurva (Cynodon are the drugs known under the group[10].
linearis), Shavara lodhra (Symplocus racemosa), Kandughna (Anti-pruritic): Chandana
Palasha (Butea monosperma), Ashoka (Saraca (Santaum album), Usheer a(Andropogon
indica), Shallaki (Boswelia serrata) and Shala muricatus), Aragwadha (Withania somnifera),
(Shorea robusta) are come under the group[5]. Karanja (Pongammia pinnata), Nimbha
Raktaprasadaka (Blood Detoxifier): (Azadirachta indica), Kutaja (Wrightia
Anantamoola (Hemedismus indicus), Ushava, tinctoria), Sarshapa (Brassica campestris),
Chopchini (Smilax aspera), Mundi (Spaeranthus Yashtimadhu (Glycirrhiza glabra), Daruharidra
indicus), Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia), Guduchi (Berberis aristata) and Musta (Cyperus
(Tinspora cordifolia), Kirata (Swertia chirata) rotundus).These drugs control the pruritoceptives
and Nimba (Azadirachta indica) help in therein reducing the sensation of itching[10].
detoxification of blood [6-7]. Krimighna (Anti-bacterial): These drugs are
Vishaghna (Detoxifiers): The group of drugs meant to kill or slow down the growth of bacteria
which removes the body toxins. Haridra when used both internally & externally.
(Curcuma longa), Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia), Shobhanjana (Moringa oleifera), Maricha (Piper
Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata), Sukshma ela nigrum), Gandeera (Amaranthus viridis),
(Elettaria cardamomum), Trivrut (Ipomoea Kebuka (Costus speciosus), Vidanga (Embelia
turpethum), Chandana (Santalum album), ribes), Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Kinihi (Abizia
Nirmali (Strychnous potatarum), Shirisha procera), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) and
(Albizzia lebbeck), Nirgundi (Vitex Negundo)and Vrishaparni (Ipomea reniformis)[10]
Shleshmataka (Cordia waillici) belong to this Roma shatana (Hair Remover): Kshara
group[8]. (alkaline substances), Haridra (Curcumalonga),
Vayasthapana (Anti-aging): The group of drugs Haratala (Arsenic tri sulphide), Hingu (Ferula
which rejuvenate and maintains the metabolism narthex), Takra (Butter-milk) and Samudra
of the body. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifoilia), lavana (Common salt) [11].
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalaki (Embica Yuvanapidaka-har (Anti-acne): Dhanyaka
officinalis), Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata), (Criandrum sativum), Vacha (Acorus calamus),
Shwetha Aparajita (Clitorea ternatea), Jeevanti Lodhra, (Sympocus reacemosus), Saindhava
(Leptidenia reticulate),Shathavari (Asaragus (Potassium salt), Sarshapa (Brassica nigra),
recemosus), Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica), Vata (Ficus bengalensis, Narikel (Cocus
72 Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences

nucifera), and Lodhra (Symplococus racemosus) Ayurvedic texts. The recent interest of
(SS.Ci.20.37)[12]. population in herbal cosmetics has been
Nyaccha & Vyanga (Anti-black Spots & stimulated by the decline of faith in modern
Moles): Bala (Sida cordifolia), Atibala (Sida cosmetics and increased acceptance as well as
rhombifolium), Haridra lepa, Agaru Krishna availability of herbal cosmetics. The recent
chandana lepa, Kumkumadi lepa (SS.Ci.20.33- trends towards the cosmeceuticals with their
36) [12]. therapeutic potential are continuously increasing
Arunshika-har (Anti-dandruff): Neem and several newer herbs are incorporating in the
(Azadirachta indica), Haridra (Curcuma longa), cosmetic industry. Judicious use of Ayurvedic
Patol (Trichosanthes dioica), Madhuyashthi herbs for cosmetic benefits has been certainly
(Glycyrrhiza glabra), Nilotpal (Nymphaea provides a solution to various skin pathology.
nouchali), Eranda (Ricinus communis) and References
Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) (SS.Ci.20.27-29) [12]. 1. Oricha, B.S. (2010). Cosmeceuticals: A review.
Discussion African journal of pharmacy and pharmacology.
Ayurvedic principles of Tridosh (living 4(4):127-129.
entities), Mansik Dosha (psychological entities), 2. Shastri Ambika Dutta (Ed.). (2010). Sushruta
Samhita Ayurveda tatvasamdeepika commentary
Ahara (food) and Achara (lifestyle) play a very
(SS.Sa.4.4), Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan,
important role in keeping the psycho- Varanasi.
physiological wellbeing. The principles of 3. Pandey Kashi Nath, Chaturvedi Gorakhnath
Dinacharya (daily regimen), Rutucharya (Eds.). (2005). Charak Samhita of Agnivesha.
(seasonal regimen) and Achara Rasayana Vidyotini Hindi commentary (CS.Vi.8.103-104),
(behavioural practices) are also very essential for Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi.
healthy living. These all are also determining 4. Pandey Kashi Nath, Chaturvedi Gorakhnath
factors for the internal and external beauty. (Eds.). (2005). Charak Samhita of Agnivesha.
Healthy body and mind represent the beauty of Vidyotini Hindi commentary (CS.Su.24.12-16),
any individual. Rejuvenative drugs restore the Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi.
5. Pandey Kashi Nath, Chaturvedi Gorakhnath
bodily normal functions and correct the
(Eds.) (2005). Charak Samhita of Agnivesha.
nutritional abnormalities. These drugs lead to Vidyotini Hindi commentary (CS.Su.4.10),
rejuvenate body and skin itself. Apart from these Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi.
factors certain conditions which affect the 6. Sharma, P.V. (2005). Dravyaguna Vigyana,
appearance of the skin which alters the beauty of Volume II Chaukhambha Bharti Academy,
individual. Varnya drugs uses in the condition of Varanasi, pp. 798-806.
complexion of the skin. It restores the normal 7. Sharma, P.V. (2010). Dravyaguna Vigyana,
colors of the skin. Visaghna drugs uses for the Volume I Chaukhambha Bharti Academy,
detoxification of the skin from outside and inner Varanasi, pp. 111.
ones. Vrana ropana drugs heal the abrupt skin 8. Pandey Kashi Nath, Chaturvedi Gorakhnath
(Eds.). (2005). Charak Samhita of Agnivesha.
conditions. Kusthaghna drugs depict the
Vidyotini Hindi commentary (CS.Su.4.11,18),
remedies for all types of skin disorders. Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi.
Kandughna relieves the pruritic conditions. 9. Shastri Ambika Dutta (Ed.). (2010). Sushruta
Krimighna drugs are antibacterial and used for Samhita Ayurveda tatvasamdeepika commentary
skin infections. Raktaprasadan drugs specially (SS.Su.37.22,28), Chowkhambha Sanskrit
detoxify the blood which leads to removal of all Sansthan, Varanasi.
the toxins and free radicals. Yuvanpidika, 10. Pandey Kashi Nath, Chaturvedi Gorakhnath
Arunsika and Nyaccha-Vyanga are the (Eds.). (2005). Charak Samhita of Agnivesha.
commonest skin ailment occurs in the society, Vidyotini Hindi commentary (CS.Su.4.11),
which specially affect the beauty of individual. Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi..
11. Sharma, P.V. (2010). Dravyaguna Vigyana,
Their remedies are also prescribed in the
Volume I Chaukhambha Bharti Academy,
Ayurveda in the form of Lepa, Udvartana and Varanasi, pp. 102.
Abhyanga. 12. Shastri Ambika Dutta (Ed.). (2010). Sushruta
Conclusion Samhita Ayurveda tatvasamdeepika commentary
Cosmetology, the science has been (SS.Ci.20. 27-29, 33-36, 37) Chowkhambha
practiced since time immemorial for Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi.
beautification in the discrete manner in

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