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Structural Health Monitoring

10(5) 523–537

Temperature effects on cable stayed ! The Author(s) 2010

Reprints and permissions:
bridge using health monitoring system: DOI: 10.1177/1475921710388970
a case study

Yinghong Cao1, Jinsuk Yim2, Yang Zhao2 and Ming L Wang1

The Zhanjiang Bay Bridge, located in an inner gulf of South China, is a cable stayed bridge with a main span of 480 m. An
analysis on the thermal effects experienced by the bridge is presented according to a health monitoring system (HMS)
that began operation in 2006. The parameters studied in the analysis include thermal time lags and gradients of the steel
box girder, concrete tower, and stayed cables, as well as displacements at center span and tops of the towers. Among the
findings, temperature gradient in the steel girder was larger than the design specification, concrete temperature lagged
significantly behind ambient air, and stayed cable temperatures were between those of ambient air and concrete.
Additional findings were obtained by comparing the measured data to values calculated using a finite element model.
The comparison made it possible to approximate the unmeasured thermal gradient on the surface of the towers, and to
determine that an expansion joint was likely jammed and contributing to the bridge’s asymmetrical displacement. This
article presents these findings in a thorough manner, and in doing so conveys the ability of a HMS to provide realistic
examples of thermal behavior, to estimate conditions at locations free of measurement devices, and to suggest areas of
concern for future manual inspections. Furthermore, it provides evidence that a HMS is not only helpful for bridge design
and management, but also for the development of itself.

bridge, cable stayed, health monitoring, temperature, displacement

statistical process,12 as well as displacement and strain

analysis.13–15 Furthermore, the performance of HMS
Due to their impressive stature and many years of instrumentation16–18 and the limitations of structural
public existence, bridges often appear to be invincible. identification using a HMS19 have also been investi-
However, bridges are vulnerable to the harsh natural gated. Despite these studies and the increasing com-
environment and their sudden failure can lead to sig- monality of HMS’, there are few studies that use
nificant human casualties and property loss. As key HMS data to discuss the thermal behavior of bridges.
elements of the highway transportation system, it is Moreover, the majority of existing non-HMS based
important that bridges have inspection processes that thermal research, on which thermal gradient20,21 and
allow for effective monitoring, detection, and repair. expansion coefficient22 models are based, pertains
Health monitoring systems (HMSs) can be important only to bridges composed entirely of concrete, or of
components of these inspection processes. They have
been gaining acceptance as useful aids in maintaining
and retrofitting bridges since their inception in the 1
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern
1930s,1 and have been installed on modern long-span University, Boston, MA, USA.
bridges2 as well as older bridges experiencing symptoms Intelligent Instrument System Inc., Burr Ridge, IL 60527, USA.
of cracking, corrosion, and settlement.3–5
Corresponding author:
Extensive studies have proven the effectiveness of Yinghong Cao, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
damage detection using HMS’, among them are asso- Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
ciated frequency response,6–10 possibilistic approach,11 Email:

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524 Structural Health Monitoring 10(5)

steel girders and a concrete deck. Therefore, while can be utilized to manipulate the data for real-time
design codes use these existing studies to provide rec- structural health monitoring and evaluation.
ommendations,23–26 their accuracy is limited to the The HMS has allowed for over 2 years of continuous
specific cases analyzed in research, and may diminish bridge monitoring. In this time, the collected data has
when a structure of differing material properties is been used to: establish a baseline for the as-built struc-
considered. tural behavior; study reactions to extreme events
This article furthers previous research efforts by uti- including a typhoon as well as an overloaded truck;
lizing a HMS to investigate the thermal behavior on a and warn management authorities of abnormalities
cable stayed bridge of steel girder and steel deck con- that are detected with the server’s automatic processing
struction. The core components of the HMS are the software. Further detail regarding the HMS and the
sensors, as they provide data indicating structural analysis of data collected during extreme events will
behavior. By using this data to study thermal gradient be reported in the future. This article, however, focuses
and deformation, as well as to perform a comparison on using the HMS to analyze the affects of daily
analysis with a finite element (FE) model, it was possi- temperature.
ble to determine the thermal behavior of this specific
bridge type. Furthermore, it was possible to determine
the existence of an abnormal structural condition, and
Temperature gradient
thus provide recommendations for future manual A structural component’s thermal conductivity is
bridge inspections. dependent on its material characteristics; therefore,
temperature distribution can vary between structural
components of differing materials. Moreover, if surface
HMS of Zhanjiang Bay Bridge
exposure to sunlight or shade varies between them,
The Zhanjiang Bay Bridge is located in an inner gulf of components of the same material can also experience
Zhanjiang city in south China. It is a cable stayed varying temperature distributions. These temperature
bridge with a main span of 480 m and total length of variations and gradients can lead to internal forces
3981 m. The bridge consists of five box girder spans; when a structure’s thermal expansion is constrained.
two reinforced concrete end spans and three steel inte- For this reason, many design codes account for pat-
rior spans. Additional steel is found in the parallel steel terns of temperature variation by providing specifica-
wires that compose the prefabricated stay cables. Aside tion values. However, for many bridges, the difference
from the mentioned girders and cables, all remaining between these approximated specifications and real
bridge components are reinforced concrete or pre- temperature patterns is still unknown. Data collected
stressed concrete. by the Zhanjiang Bay Bridge HMS will provide an
Upon completion of the bridge, in December, 2006, example of real temperature patterns for cable stayed
a permanent HMS was installed. The goal of the HMS bridges.
was to monitor structural behavior in conditions of
extremely high temperature, humidity, and sea chlorin-
Temperature gradient in the steel girder
ity. In order to achieve this goal, following sensor appli-
cations were chosen; GPS rovers for displacement, Temperature measurements were collected from July 27
strain gages for longitudinal strain, thermometers for to August 1, 2008, and can be seen in Figure 4. The
temperature, and electromagnetic (EM)27–29 sensors for largest temperature variations occurred at thermometer
cable forces. While EM sensors were installed directly 2; located on the main girder’s top plate. These loca-
on 14 of the stay cables, all other sensors were installed tions experienced the maximum temperature variations
at the center of the main girder, with strain gages being due to the high heat conductivity of steel, and the top
installed on both the girder’s top and bottom plates. plate’s direct exposure to sun. The smallest temperature
Additional installations included GPS rovers at the variation occurred at the thermometer 4 located on the
top of the east and west towers, and thermometers main girder’s bottom plate.
in the west tower. The sensor layout can be seen in In order to analyze the maximum temperature gra-
Figures 1–3. dient and compare it with design values, an estimate
Regarding the handling of data, the sensors are clas- was developed by comparing the peak values of ther-
sified into three sensor groups. Each group corresponds mometers 1 and 4. This estimate, of 21 C, was com-
to a separate substation in the main girder where raw pared to the 10 C30 used in the bridge’s original design,
data is sent for preprocessing and temporary storage. as well as to the 20 C24 provided in the 2004 edition of
After passing these substations, the data is sent to a Design Code for Design of Highway Bridges and
server located at the bridge’s monitoring center. It is Culverts. It can be seen that the estimated maximum
here where the user client interface and server software gradient was more than twice the original design value,

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Cao et al. 525

Figure 1. HMS layout and sensor distribution (m).

Figure 2. Sensor locations (mm): (a) elevation of span center; (b) cross section of tower; and (c) cross section of span center.

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526 Structural Health Monitoring 10(5)

WN-S14 WN-S7 WN-C1 WN-C14 EN-C14 EN-C1 EN-S7

WS-S14 WS-S7 WS-C1 WS-C14 ES-C14 ES-C1 ES-S7

West tower East tower

Figure 3. Cables monitored with EM sensor.

Thermo 5:west
Thermo 6:east
Thermo 2:top
Thermo 1:top inside
Thermo 4:bottom Thermo 2
60 Thermo 3:bottom inside
Ambient temperature

Thermo 6 Thermo 1

Thermo 5

Thermo 3
Thermo 4


25 Ambient

7/27/2008 7/28/2008 7/29/2008 7/30/2008 7/31/2008 8/1/2008


Figure 4. Temperature gradient in towers and steel girder ( C).

and slightly larger than the 2004 specification (Table 1). variations and significantly higher averages than
To supplement these findings, a comparison was made ambient air; indicating that the tower was able to pre-
with the climatically equivalent Tsing Ma Bridge in serve heat within itself. Regarding the steel girder, the
Hong Kong.31 It was found that its measured values bottom plate was close to ambient air throughout the
of 18.3–26.0 C were very similar to those of the day and night; the top plate, however, experienced
Zhanjiang Bay Bridge. greater variations during the day and was only
close to ambient air around midnight and the early
Temperature difference between the structure morning hours.
The significance lies in the fact that the girder’s tem-
and ambient air perature was approximately that of ambient air during
In addition to the temperature data provided by the early morning hours. Namely, the phenomenon
thermometers spread throughout the structure, the indicates that during this time the steel structure had
bridge’s weather station provided ambient tempera- uniform and stable features. This verifies that during
tures as well; ranging from 24 C to 35 C. By plotting construction the center span was closed at an optimal
these ambient and structural temperatures together time. It was closed between 1:00 and 3:00 am on June
(Figure 4), several patterns were identified. Regarding 21, 2006, when the temperature of the entire steel girder
the west tower, both thermometers measured smaller was approximately 28 C.

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Cao et al. 527

Table 1. Temperature gradient in girder (August 1, 2008)

AASHTO China Euro code Measured

T1 23 20 18 61
T2 6 6.7 8 40
Gradient 17 13.3 10 21
Note: The values given are in  C.

because the cable forces were considered to be outside

the primary focus of this study, it was decided to save
Thermo 5:west
Thermo 6:east their analysis for future publishing. Thus, this article
40 Thermo 4:bottom
maintains its focus by utilizing only the temperature
Thermo 3:bottom inside
Ambient temperature data from the EM sensors. The results indicated that
Thermo 5
6h40m 20:30 there was no obvious temperature lag between the

Thermo 6
cables and tower (Figure 6(b)).
Thermo 4 The daily temperatures of the cables were between
those of the tower and ambient air (Figure 6(b)).
Thermo 3 However, due to the thickness of the EM sensors’
5:10 Ambient
enclosure, it is possible that changes in the cable tem-
25 peratures were postponed, and that overall variation
7/28/2008 7/29/2008 was reduced. In considering this design feature, it was
suspected that the actual temperatures of the cables
should have been closer to ambient air.
Figure 5. Temperature lag between girder and tower ( C). The maximum temperature gradient, between
the stay cables and tower, was less than 6.3 C
(Figure 6(b)). This value is smaller than the 10 C
used in the bridge’s original design.12 However, because
Temperature lag between the steel girder and the temperature data was only collected over a 3-day
period, it is possible that larger gradients will occur
concrete tower over the course of an entire year.
Analysis of the data in Figure 5 allowed for the identi-
fication of a temperature lag between the steel girder
and concrete tower. As seen in the figure, the tower
reached its minimum temperature at 11:50 am, which Temperature-induced deformation
was 6 h and 40 min later than ambient air at 5:10 am.
Similarly, the tower reached its maximum temperature
Measured thermal displacement
at 8:30 pm, which was 5 h and 15 min later than ambi- To investigate the displacement induced by changes in
ent air at 3:15 pm. These observations indicated that the temperature, data recorded from a GPS rover was uti-
temperature in the concrete tower lagged behind ambi- lized. The original data, which was collected in a fre-
ent air by 5–6 h. quency of 20 Hz, contains the effects of both
temperature and random traffic load. Based on the
daily temperature’s slow rate of change, it was decided
to average this data at 10-min intervals. The averaging
Cable temperatures filtered out temporary deformations from random traf-
Electromagnetic sensors enwrap the stay cables shown fic loads, while maintaining those from temperature
in Figure 3; they were installed in the cables’ steel effects. Figures 7 and 8 shows the filtered tower and
anchor pipes and enclosed by caps (Figure 6(a)). By girder deformations in the longitudinal and vertical
taking advantage of their integrated thermal detector, directions, respectively.
the EM sensors were able to monitor both the cable By comparing the displacements in Figures 7 and 8
temperatures and forces simultaneously. However, to the ambient temperature in Figure 4, it was possible

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528 Structural Health Monitoring 10(5)

WS-S14 WN-S14
(b) 40 WS-C1 WN-C1
WS-C14 WN-C14
38 Thermo 5:west Thermo 6:east
Ambient temperature





Maximal difference is 33.3-27=6.3
7/28/2008 7/29/2008 7/30/2008 7/31/2008

Figure 6. Temperature of cables in comparison with tower and air ( C): (a) EM sensor before enclosed and (b) temperature

West tower
140 East tower
Morning Afternoon Girder vertical
Displacement (mm)

8/3/2008 8/4/2008 8/5/2008

Figure 7. Longitudinal displacement of towers compared with vertical displacement of girder.

behavior observed in Figures 7 and 8 can be seen in

to identify the following characteristics:
Table 2.
. In the early mornings, when ambient temperature By combining all of the previously identified temper-
was lowest, the longitudinal displacement of the ature characteristics, it was possible to determine the
girder restored to nearly zero. bridge’s daily behavior.
. In the early afternoons, when ambient temperature
was highest, both the west tower and girder reached . During the morning’s rising temperatures, the girder
their maximum negative displacements. began to deform upwards and to the west.
. In the late afternoons, the east tower reached its Additionally, the towers moved away from
maximum positive displacement, while the girder each other; with the west tower deforming at a
restored and began to move in the positive direction. faster rate.
. In the early afternoon, the west tower displaced by
These characteristics can be seen in Figure 9. nearly twice the amount of the east tower,
Additionally, an averaged summary of the and reached its maximum western displacement.

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Cao et al. 529

West tower
18:20 18:10 16:30 East tower
Firder longitudinal
60.3 53.0
60 56.3 22.1 47.0
32.4 37.9 33.9

Displacement (mm)
20 –10.2 12.1
0 –29.2
–12.5 –2.6 –3.0
–40 –24.5 –15.0
–60 –29.0
–58.2 –59.2 –82.5 –53.0
–80 –67.1
14:40 15:00 14:20 14:10
8/3/2008 8/4/2008 8/5/2008

Figure 8. Longitudinal displacement of towers and girder.

The girder reached its maximum western displace- . Greater late afternoon displacement occurred in the
ment at the same time. eastern tower as a result of the sun setting in the
. At mid-afternoon, the girder reached its maximum west. The sun’s energy was now focused on the west-
vertical displacement and the towers displaced to the ern surfaces; causing them to experience warmer
east. As the towers moved, the difference in displace- temperatures and expansion. Evidence supporting
ment between them remained nearly the same as was this explanation can be seen in Figure 10.
observed in the early afternoon. . Longitudinal displacement of the main girder was
. In the late afternoon, the east tower had deformed suspected to have resulted from the uneven tower dis-
nearly twice as much as the west tower, and reached placement. However, in order to conform to earlier
its maximum deformation. The girder restored to its behavior, the girder should have experienced an east-
original position at the same time. ern displacement similar in magnitude to the western
displacement from the early afternoon. As seen in
These characteristics can be seen in Figure 9. Table 2, these displacements were significantly differ-
Structural engineering theory and experience were ent. Therefore, it is suspected that factors in addition
used to determine the most probable explanations for to the uneven tower displacement contributed to the
the identified behavior seen in Figure 9. Assuming that girder’s longitudinal movement. A factor that likely
all components of the HMS were functioning properly, contributed is that friction at the east end of the girder
these explanations are provided below: was significantly greater than at the west end. This
uneven friction could have resulted from an abnor-
. Tower displacement in opposite directions resulted mal condition in the bridge’s expansion joints.
from expansion of the girder. The expansion was
caused by a uniform temperature increase that can
be seen in Figure 4.
Calculated thermal displacement
. Vertical deflection of the girder resulted from a uni- In theory, when subjected to equivalent loads, an accu-
form temperature increase of the entire structure, rately designed model should experience the same
and/or a localized temperature increase at the gir- behavior as the structure it represents. On this princi-
der’s top plate. Both temperature patterns can be ple, a FE model was created in ANSYS based on the
seen in Figure 4. bridge’s design plans and dimensional/sectional prop-
. Greater early afternoon displacement occurred in erties (Tables 3 and 4). The calculated temperature
the western tower as a result of the sun rising in induced displacements were obtained from this model,
the east. The sun’s energy was focused on the eastern and compared to the measured displacements. Results
surfaces of the towers; causing them to experience from the comparison provided a means by which to
warmer temperatures and expansion. Data from check the validity of the structure’s displacement expla-
internal thermometers located on the west tower nations (section ‘Measure thermal displacement’), as
provided evidence supporting this explanation well as to identify the existence of structural abnormal-
(Figure 10). ities. The model can be seen in Figure 11.

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530 Structural Health Monitoring 10(5)

Figure 9. Daily bridge deformations (mm): (a) early afternoon; (b) mid-afternoon; and (c) late afternoon.

The model’s accuracy was verified using results from was considered acceptable. The FE model was not
a load test that was performed shortly after the bridge’s updated to eliminate this small error due to uncertainty
construction. In the load test, shown in Figure 12, in the error’s source.
12-test trucks were placed at mid span of the main In order to determine the calculated displacements,
girder, they caused a vertical displacement of and perform a subsequent comparison with the
334.7 mm.32 The test was replicated in the model by measured structure, it was necessary to apply an
applying several loads in the vertical direction; the cal- accurate temperature loading to the FE model. The
culated displacement was 346.5 mm. This difference in key components in developing this temperature loading
displacement of 11.8 mm, at a relative error of 3.5%, were the temperature patterns associated with Table 5.

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Cao et al. 531

Table 2. Average bridge displacement (mm)

August 2, August 3, August 4, August 5,

Date 2008 2008 2008 2008 Average

Early afternoon Time 14:40 15:00 14:20 14:10 14:33

(west tower reached Displacement of west tower 58.2 59.2 82.5 53.10 63.25
maximum) Vertical displacement of girder 32.4 62.3 78.0 50.0 55.68
Longitudinal displacement of girder 27.2 12.5 29.2 15.0 20.98
Displacement of east tower 32.4 37.9 22.1 33.9 31.58
Middle afternoon Time 16:10 16:10 15:20 14:30 15:33
(girder reached Displacement of west tower 39.8 38.9 75.0 49.9 50.9
maximum) Vertical displacement of girder 93.4 88.6 88.7 71.1 85.45
Longitudinal displacement of girder 9.8 12.8 21.0 19.3 15.73
Displacement of east tower 49.0 43.7 42.1 35.2 42.5
Late afternoon Time 18:20 18:10 16:30 16:30 17:23
(east tower reached Displacement of west tower 24.5 2.6 67.1 29.0 30.8
maximum) Vertical displacement of girder 48.9 53.9 79.1 29.7 53.9
Longitudinal displacement of girder 10.2 12.1 17.4 3.0 0.48
Displacement of eat tower 56.3 60.3 53.0 47.0 54.15
Note: The values given are in millimeters.

Thermo 5: west
Thermo 6: east
Morning Morning Morning

34 East side is
warmer in

the morning


East side is
29 cooler in
Afternoon the afternoon Afternoon Afternoon

8/2/2008 8/3/2008 8/4/2008 8/5/2008 8/6/2008


Figure 10. Temperature difference between the west tower’s two inner surfaces ( C).

These patterns were based on the measured temperatures was much greater. To account for this
temperature data, however, because there were no ther- difference, the temperatures for patterns 3 and 4 were
mometers located on the external surfaces of the defined as >0.2 C.
towers, patterns 3 and 4 were assigned an (*) to signify Temperature loadings were applied to the FE
that they were approximated using thermometers model through unit temperature patterns. The patterns
located on the interior surfaces. The thermometers were developed according to Table 5 and are shown
measured an east/west surface difference of 0.2 C. below:
Therefore, on the basis that these thermometers were
sheltered within the concrete tower, it was suspected . Pattern 1: temperature of the entire structure
that the actual difference in external surface increases by 1.0 C.

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532 Structural Health Monitoring 10(5)

Table 3. Structural dimensions

Item Parameters

Span arrangement (m) 60 + 120 + 480 + 120 + 60 ¼ 840

Main girder Top width (m) 28.5
Height (m) 3.0
Interval of transversal beam (m) Concrete, 4; Steel, 3.2
Material Concrete, C50; Steel, Q345qC
Stayed cable Anchorage Cold cast
Standard interval at girder (m) Concrete, 8; Steel, 16
Standard interval at tower (m) 2
Material 7 mm pre-fabricated wire
Strength (MPa) Ry ¼ 1670
Tower Height (m) 150.64
Cross section (m*) 3.2  6.0–7.0  8.0
Transversal beam section (m*m) 7.0  8.0
Material Concrete, C50
Side piers Height (m) 49.2
Cross section (m*m) 3.6  3.8
Material Concrete: C40

Table 4. Element cross section properties

Element Area (m2) Inertia (m4) Centroid from top (m)

Steel girder 1.165 1.487 1.23

Concrete girder 18.76 18.22 1.24
Upper tower 13.73–20.20 65.0–142.26 3.01–4.0
Lower tower 21.31–25.67 171.14–224.79 4.0
Side pier 6.6 11.16 1.8

. Pattern 2: temperature of the girder’s top plate the girder was significantly greater than at the west end.
increases by 1.0 C. To investigate this scenario, the east end of the main
. Pattern 3: temperature of the towers’ east surfaces girder was fixed, and a subsequent FE analysis was
increases by 1.0 C. performed on this modified structure. The results are
. Pattern 4: temperature of the towers’ west surfaces shown in Figure 14; excluding pattern 4 which had the
increases by 1.0 C. opposite effect of pattern 3.

The calculated displacements were obtained

using the ANSYS software. They are shown in Figure Comparison of the measured and calculated
13, excluding pattern 4 which had the opposite effect
thermal displacements
of pattern 3. The figure shows that the displace-
ments were representative of how the bridge was The calculated displacements were determined based on
designed, and therefore occurred in a symmetric unit temperature loadings. Therefore, in order to bring
manner. these displacements to the correct scaling, it was neces-
In comparing the calculated displacements to the sary to multiply them by the measured temperatures.
asymmetrical measured displacements, few similarities Additionally, to be able to use the calculated results in
were identified. Thus, further evidence was provided identifying conditions at the east end of the main
that the bridge was experiencing abnormal conditions. girder, it was necessary to develop an equation that
As mentioned in section ‘Measure thermal displace- implemented different percentages of fixity at this loca-
ment’, it was possible that friction at the east end of tion. The equation was developed based on the rules of

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Cao et al. 533

Figure 11. 3D FE model.

Figure 12. Comparison of test truck loads and simulated FE model loads: (a) test truck deployment and (b) loads on FE model.

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534 Structural Health Monitoring 10(5)

Table 5. Average measured thermal pattern between August 2 and August 5, 2008

Time 14:33 15:33 17:23

Pattern 1: uniformly temperature increasing 9 10 8

Pattern 2: temperature increasing at girder top 15 16 10
*Pattern 3: temperature increasing at east surface of towers (in the morning) >0.2 0 –
*Pattern 4: temperature increasing at west surface of towers (in the afternoon) – 0 >0.2
Note: The values given are in  C.

(a) –3.08 3.08

–1.81 1.81


(c) –8.18 –2.2


Figure 13. Calculated thermal displacement for original structure (mm): (a) uniform temperature increment of 1.0 C (pattern 1);
(b) temperature increment of 1.0 C at top of girder (pattern 2); and (c) temperature increment of 1.0 C at east surface of two towers
(pattern 3).

linear systems and is provided below: displacement of original structure induced by tempera-
ture pattern i;  the ratio of fixity at the east end of the
3   main girder.
D¼ Ti dif þ ð1  Þdi0 ð1Þ The final calculated displacements were then com-
pared to the measured displacements, and reasons for
the actual structure’s behavior could be identified.
where D is the final calculated displacement; Ti the Results indicated that the model behaved most simi-
measured temperature of pattern i at time of concern; larly to the measured structure when subjected to the
dif the calculated displacement of fixed structure following conditions: the temperature difference
induced by temperature pattern i; di0 the calculated between the exterior surfaces on each tower was

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Cao et al. 535

(a) –9.38 –8.82



(b) –3.7



(c) –1.85 –0.95


Figure 14. Calculated thermal displacement for a structure that is fixed (longitudinal direction) at the east end of the main
girder (mm): (a) uniform temperature increment of 1.0 C (pattern 1); (b) temperature increment of 1.0 C at top of girder (pattern 2);
and (c) temperature increment of 1.0 C at east surface of two towers (pattern 3).

1–2 C, and the east end girder was 10–20% fixed. The It is evident that strong similarities existed between
comparison between the measured and calculated dis- the calculated and measured displacements.
placements can be seen in Table 6. Nevertheless, other surface temperature of towers and
The following is a summary of the key points in extend of girder fixity may also be possible solutions,
Table 6: depending on how the overall similarity is judged.

. The general direction and magnitude of the calcu-

lated and measured displacements were in confor-
mance at all times.
. The majority of relative errors were less than 30%, A distributed HMS was installed on the Zhanjiang Bay
which is small in practical implementation. Bridge to monitor its post-construction behavior and
. The only relative error of 115.32% came from tiny health status. Among the large amount of data col-
absolute displacements, 0.48 mm by measurement lected by the HMS’ various sensors, this article inves-
and 1.03 mm by calculation. This error can be rea- tigates the temperature induced displacement. The
sonably neglected in comparison with the system following conclusions were reached by analyzing these
error of GPS’s static accuracy of 3 mm in horizontal measured displacements, and also, by comparing them
direction. to the calculated displacements from a FE model:
. The remaining three relative errors from 38.46% to
42.42% may result from some uncertain factors, . The steel box girder’s positive temperature gradient
such as complexity of temperature field. was slightly larger than the value provided in the

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536 Structural Health Monitoring 10(5)

Table 6. Comparison between measured and calculated thermal displacement

Measured Calculated Relative error (%)

Item A B C ¼ (B–A)/A

Early afternoon at time 14:33 Displacement of west tower 63.25 78.38 23.93
Vertical displacement of girder 55.68 50.88 8.63
Longitudinal displacement of girder 20.98 19.71 6.06
Displacement of east tower 31.58 31.94 1.14
Middle afternoon at time 15:33 Displacement of west tower 50.9 71.95 41.35
Vertical displacement of girder 85.45 52.59 38.46
Longitudinal displacement of girder 15.73 11.33 28.00
Displacement of east tower 42.5 47.21 11.08
Late afternoon at time 17:23 Displacement of west tower 30.8 39.32 27.66
Vertical displacement of girder 53.9 31.15 42.21
Longitudinal displacement of girder 0.48 1.03 115.31
Displacement of eat tower 54.15 44.97 16.96
Note: The values given are in millimeters.

current design specification, and nearly twice the . Similarities between the measured and calculated
value used in the original design. values indicated that the adjusted FE model was rep-
. Temperature of the concrete lagged behind ambient resentative of the bridge’s actual conditions.
air by 5–6 h. Therefore, the temperature gradient on the surfaces
. Temperature variation within the stay cables’ steel of the towers was determined to be 1.0–2.0 C. And
anchor pipes (detected by the EM sensor) was similarly, the east end of the main girder was deter-
between the ambient air and concrete tower. mined to be 10–20% fixed; possibly resulting from
Furthermore, there was no obvious temperature abnormal congestion in its expansion joint. Among
lag between the stay cables and tower. these identified conditions, further development of
. Four temperature patterns were identified: uniform the congestion in the expansion joint could lead to
increase of the entire structure; increase at the top costly damage of the joint itself and/or cracking of
plate of the main girder; increase on the east surfaces the local concrete. Therefore, it is important to verify
of the towers; and increase on the west surfaces of the joints actual condition with a manual inspection,
the towers. as well as to provide long term monitoring of its
. The measured temperature displacements corre- behavior.
sponded to the four temperature patterns. During
the afternoon’s high temperatures, the towers dis- The HMS was effective at estimating the unmea-
placed in opposite directions and the main girder sured bridge conditions, and is likely valuable for
moved upwards. Similarly, during the early morn- broader applications. Nevertheless, by altering the
ing’s low temperatures, the bridge restored to its method used to evaluate the relative errors between
original position. the measured and calculated displacements, it may be
. Few similarities were found in the initial compari- possible to extract further information from the
son between the measured and calculated displace- Zhanjiang Bay Bridge. In future research, an evaluation
ments. However, this comparison was based on a method of a higher sophistication can be developed and
FE model that was missing information regarding used in conjunction with a HMS; in turn, higher accu-
the temperature gradient on the surface of the racy estimations of missing bridge conditions will be
towers, as well as friction conditions at the ends obtained. Furthermore, the continued research of
of the girder. To account for the missing informa- HMS data will provide invaluable knowledge for the
tion, the FE model was adjusted in these locations management of bridges and further development of
based on what was expected to be causing the struc- HMSs themselves.
ture’s asymmetrical displacement. Subsequently, a
second comparison was performed in which the Acknowledgments
measured and calculated displacements were gener- This research is supported by China Guangdong Department
ally in conformance; relative errors were less of Transportation under grant no. 2002-15, and National
than 40%. Science Foundation (NSF) under grant no. 0937196 with

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Zhanjiang Bay Bridge Co. Ltd. is also greatly appreciated. tech 21 all-composite bridge. J Compos Constr 2005; 9(3):
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