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Details report/ Time of crash

1. State (Code)
2. District (Code)
3. Police Station (Code)
4. Report No.
5. Year
6. Month (01 – 12)
7. Date (01 – 31)
8. Time (0 – 2359)
9. Day
1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Saturday
10. No of vehicle involved
11. No of vehicle damaged
12. No of driver killed
13. No of driver injuries
14. No of occupant killed
15. No of occupant injuries
16. No of pedestrian killed
17. No of pedestrian injuries
18. Type of accident
1. Fatal
2. Serious Injury
3. Slight Injury
4. Property Damage Only
B. Road Information
19. Road surface type
1. Crasher run (Gravel)
2. Interlocking block (brick)
3. Bitumen / Tar Pavement
4. Concrete pavement
5. Earth
20. Traffic System
1. One way
2. Two way
3. Three lane
4. Dual carriageway
21. Road geometry
1. Straight
2. Bend
3. Roundabout
4. Cross section
5. T/Y junction
6. Staggered junction
7. Interchange
22. Quality of road surface
1. Smooth
2. Corrugation
3. Potholes
4. Rutted
23. Road Condition
1. Flat
2. Slope (gradient)
24. Line Marking
1. Double
2. Single
3. One way
4. Divider (median)
5. U-Turn
6. No marking
25. Hit run
1. Yes
2. No
26. Control Type
1. Police
2. Other agencies
3. Traffic light
4. Pedestrian crossing
5. Pedestrian crossing with traffic light
6. Train crossing
7. Yellow line
8. Yellow box
9. No control
27. Road width (meter)
28. Shoulder width for both sides (meter)
29. Type of road shoulder
1. Paved
2. Unpaved
30. Road Defect
1. Road shoulder drop / raise
2. Main hole drop / raise
3. Loose gravel
4. Dusty road
5. Pothole
6. Slippery
7. Defective traffic light
8. Narrow railway crossing
9. Narrow bridge
10. No guard rails
11. No/ Insufficient street lights
12. Not relevant
31. Speed limit
1. 50km/h
2. 70 km/h
3. 80 km/h
4. 90 km/h
5. 110 km/h
6. Others
32. Road surface condition
1. Dry
2. Flood
3. Wet
4. Oily
5. Sandy
6. Reconstruction work
33. Collision Type
1. Head-on
2. Rear-end
3. Right angle side
4. Angular
5. Side swipe
6. Forced
7. Hitting Animal
8. Hitting object off road
9. Hitting object on road
10. Hitting Pedestrian
11. Overturned
12. Out-of-control
13. Others
C. Environmental Information
34. Weather condition
1. Clear
2. Foggy
3. Rain
35. Lighting condition
1. Day
2. Dawn/ Dusk
3. Dark with street light
4. Dark without street light
D. Crash Location
36. Road type
1. Expressway
2. Federal road
3. State road
4. Municipal
5. Others
37. Route No
Name of Road / Intersection
38. Type of location
1. City
2. Urban
3. Built-up area
4. Rural
39. Type of area
1. Residential
2. Office
3. Commercial
4. Construction / Industrial
5. Bridge / Foot bridge
6. School
7. Others
Nearest kilometre post
Distance from _________
E. Vehicle Information
40. Vehicle brand
41. Year manufacturing
42. Registration number
43. Type of Vehicle
1. Express bus
2. Stage bus
3. Factory bus
4. Mini bus
5. Tour/excursion bus
6. School bus
7. Four-wheel drive
8. Special duty vehicle
9. Bullock cart
10. Lorry trailer
11. Rigid lorry (>2.5tonne)
12. Small lorry (<2.5 tonne)
13. Passenger car / Wagon
14. Motorcycle > 250 cc
15. Motorcycle < 251 cc
16. Taxi
17. Trishaw
18. Van
19. Hired car
20. Bicycle
44. Type of ownership
1. Private
2. Goods
3. Service
4. Government
5. Police
6. Army
45. Part of damage
46. Vehicle movement
1. Parked
2. Suddenly stopped
3. Diverging
4. Converging
5. Slippery
6. Right turn
7. Left turn
8. Overtaking
9. U-turn
10. Forward
11. Reverse
12. Others
47. Crash factors related to vehicle
1. Break
2. Broken windscreen
3. Vehicle without light
4. Light damage
5. Steering
6. Old tyre
7. Recycle tyre
8. Bold tyre
9. Wiper
10. Over smoke
11. Not applicable
48. Vehicle modified?
1. Yes
2. No
49. Length of break marked (meter)
50. Tire burst
1. Yes
2. No
51. Foreign vehicle
1. Singapore
2. Thailand
3. Diplomat
4. Brunei
1 Crash Amount / Crash Frequency (number of crashes)

2 Crashes Incident (Fatal, Serious Injury, Slight Injury, Property Damage Only, Major injury, minor injury)

3 Crash Type (Angle, head-on, rear- end, sideswipe)

4 Crash Rate (100 Million Vehicle per km, 100 million entering vehicle 100 million vehicle travelled per
segment, crashes per year, crashes per year, crashes per year per km)

5 AADT (Number of vehicle)

6 ADT10k (Average daily traffic volume in tens of thousands of vehicles)

7 Daily vehicle miles travelled

8 Proportion of truck (%)

9 Truck Miles (miles)

10 HVADT / HVADT 1k (Average daily heavy vehicle volume in thousands of vehicles)

11 Length of section / segment (meter, km, mile)

15 Weather

18 Numbers of truck involving in crashes (number)

26 Gradient (%)

Vertical curve length (feet, meter)

30 Radius of curvature (feet , meter)

31 Change rate of vertical curvature (-)

32 Vertical slope length (feet, meter)

A measure of the sharpness of vertical curvature, K (-)

35 Continuous Downgrade Segment (km, meter, feet, mile)

36 Steep downgrade segments (≤-4%)

37 Site (metropolitan area, rural segments located in level and rolling areas)

39 Horizontal curvature (horizontal curve weighted by length, consecutive curve)

40 Radius of horizontal curvature (feet, meter)

41 Degree of curvature (degree per feet, degree per 100feet, degree per segment)

42 Curvature length (feet , curve length per km, mile)

43 Curvature length ratio

44 Change rate of horizontal curve (grad/km)

45 Deflection angle (radian, degree)

46 Tangent length (meter, km, feet, mile)

47 Combination horizontal and vertical alignment (-)

48 Terrain Type (Flat, rolling, mountainous,

49 Type of road

Road side Features

50 Guardrail (km, number, m)

51 Road sign (number, m-distance)

52 Shoulder

53 Shoulder width (m)

54 Shoulder type (-)

56 Embankment / hill (number, m-distance)

57 Ditch (cm-deep, m-distance)

58 Tree (number, m-distance)

59 Concrete barrier (cm-height, m- distance)

59 Concrete barrier (cm-height, m- distance)

59 Concrete barrier (cm-height, m- distance)

63 Electric pole (number, m-distance)

64 Fence (cm-height, m- distance)

65 House/ Shop / building (number,

66 Miscellaneous fixed object (number,

Cross-Section Elements

69 Lane (number)

70 Lane width (m)

71 One way traffic

72 Turn left lane (number, indicator)

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