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User manual v 5.


1 SAFETY RULES.................................................8

2 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS .....................................9

2.1 Theory.................................................................................... 9

2.2 Instrument and accessories ................................................ 10

2.3 Device power supply ........................................................... 12

2.4 Basic operation of the instrument ..................................... 14

2.4.1 Switching ON ............................................................... 14
2.4.2 Switching OFF .............................................................. 14
2.4.3 Choice of the Item ........................................................ 14
2.4.4 Number Input ................................................................ 15
2.4.5 Text Input ..................................................................... 15

3 NEW MEASUREMENT CREATION ................. 17

3.1 SP – Self Potential Measurement ...................................... 17
3.1.1 Entering input parameters ............................................. 17
File Header ............................................................................ 18
Measured Area Specification ................................................ 19
Sample time .......................................................................... 20
3.1.2 Measurement ................................................................ 21
Measured Point Position ....................................................... 22
Taking the Measurement on the Point................................... 23
Finishing the Measurement ................................................... 23

3.2 RP – Resistivity Profiling ................................................... 24

3.2.1 Entering input data ........................................................ 24
File Header ............................................................................ 25
Measured Area Specification ................................................ 26
Measuring Arrays .................................................................. 27

Settings of the Pulse and IP Windows ................................... 30
Measurement Optimization ................................................... 31
3.2.2 Measurement ................................................................. 34
Measured Point Position ........................................................ 35
Taking the Measurement on the Point ................................... 36
Change of Parameters / Measurement Finishing ................... 37
Emergency Measurement Finishing ...................................... 38

3.3 VES – Vertical Electrical Sounding .................................. 39

3.3.1 Entering input parameters ............................................. 39
File Header ............................................................................ 40
Measured Area Specification ................................................ 41
VES-Set Choice .................................................................... 42
Settings of the Pulse and IP Windows ................................... 42
Measurement Optimization ................................................... 43
3.3.2 Measurement ................................................................. 46
Measured VES Position ........................................................ 48
Infinite Electrodes Position ................................................... 49
Table of P-pairs for measuring with VES adapter ................. 49
Position of Measuring Electrodes .......................................... 50
Taking the Measurement on the Point ................................... 51
Change of Parameters / Measurement Finishing ................... 52
Emergency Measurement Finishing ...................................... 53

3.4 2D/3D Multi-Electrode Cable Survey ............................... 54

3.4.1 Entering input parameters ............................................. 55
File Header ............................................................................ 56
Measured Area Specification ................................................ 57
Measuring Arrays .................................................................. 59
Setting of the Pulse and IP Windows .................................... 62
Measurement Optimization ................................................... 63
Generated Measurement Info Data ........................................ 65
3.4.2 Measurement ................................................................. 65
Multi-electrode Cable Installation and Rolling ..................... 67
Multi-electrode Cable Identification ..................................... 68
Infinite Electrodes Positions .................................................. 70
Dummy Electrodes ................................................................ 71
Start of the Measurement ...................................................... 71
Change of Parameters / Measurement Finishing ................... 75

Emergency Measurement Finishing ...................................... 75

3.5 Borehole survey .................................................................. 76

3.5.1 Entering input parameters ............................................. 78
File Header ............................................................................ 79
Measured area specification .................................................. 79
Setting of the Pulse and IP Windows .................................... 81
Measurement Optimization ................................................... 82
Generated Measurement Info Data ....................................... 84
3.5.2 Measurement ................................................................ 84
Multi-electrode Cable Identification ..................................... 85
Start of the Measurement ...................................................... 85

3.6 User defined measurement ................................................ 89

3.6.1 Entering Input Parameters ............................................ 89
File Choice ............................................................................ 90
Setting of the Pulse and IP Windows .................................... 90
Measurement Optimization ................................................... 91
Generated Measurement Info Data ....................................... 93
3.6.2 Measurement ................................................................ 94
Multi-electrode Cable Identification ..................................... 94
Start of the Measurement ...................................................... 96
Change of Parameters / Measurement Finishing ................... 99
Emergency Measurement Finishing .................................... 100

4 MEASUREMENT CONTINUATION ............... 101


6 SETTINGS ...................................................... 103

6.1 Display Setting .................................................................. 103

6.2 Setting of the Filtering ...................................................... 104

6.3 Formatting of the Memory .............................................. 105

7 SOFTWARE ARES ........................................ 106
7.1 Installation of the Software .............................................. 106

7.2 Connecting of the Instrument to the PC ......................... 107

7.3 Measuring Files Management .......................................... 108

7.4 Downloading / Deleting of the Measurement.................. 109

7.5 Viewing of the Measurement Data File ........................... 110

7.6 Data Export ....................................................................... 111

7.6.1 Data Export to MS Excel ............................................ 111
7.6.2 Data Export to Surfer .................................................. 111
7.6.3 Data Export to IPI2Win .............................................. 112
7.6.4 Data Export to RES2DINV/RES3DINV .................... 112

7.7 Deleting of the Measurement ........................................... 114

7.8 Creating of User Defined Sets .......................................... 115

7.8.1 User Defined VES-Set Creating ................................. 115
7.8.2 User Defined MEC-Set Creating ................................ 119
7.8.3 Creating of the MEC-Set in MS Excel ........................ 124
7.8.4 User Defined File Format UDS .................................. 126

7.9 VES/MEC/UDS Sets Installing ........................................ 128


(OPTIONAL ACCESORIES)........................ 129

8.1 Intelligent Multi-conductor Cables ................................. 129

8.2 Passive Multi-conductor Cables ...................................... 130

8.3 Adapter for Passive Multi-Conductor Cables ................ 131

8.4 Current and Potential Cable Reels ................................. 134

8.5 Stainless steel electrodes ................................................... 135

8.6 Non-polarizable electrodes............................................... 135

9 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................... 136

1 Safety Rules
During the measurement there is a high voltage on electrodes!

The instrument is to be operated only by one responsible and qualified

person that is demonstrably acquainted with its function, and has
adequate qualification according to the relevant laws. Only this person
can be entrusted with the key for unblocking of the safety STOP
button. This is to be done right before the start of the measurement.

The duties of the responsible person are as follows:

To ensure that the main switch is off during any manipulation with the
instrument and all the time except the time of measurement!!!!
Before each start of the measurement:
To check the instrument and the accessories used. If some damage is
discovered, the measurement must not be carried out!!!!
To arrange a clear way of communication between the persons
involved in the measurement and to mark the area of the measurement
by the warning plates (or another signs) according to the relevant laws
of the particular country.
To ensure, that the electrodes are neither in touch nor in the vicinity of
any conductive objects.
To monitor continuously all the area of measurement. To ensure that
neither persons nor animals come to the vicinity of measuring
electrodes. If a person or animal approach the measuring system, the
responsible person has to stop the measurement by pressing the STOP

In case of necessity any person can press the red main switch and thus
disconnect the measuring electrodes from the power supply!

In case of nonobservance of these safety precautions, the producer

is not responsible for security of persons, animals or property!


2 Basic Instructions
2.1 Theory

The apparent resistivity ρa [Ωm] is determined by the equation:

a k ,
where ΔV [mV] is measured voltage, I [mA] is current and k is geometrical
factor depending on the individual distance between the electrodes (fig. 1).

k .
1 1 1 1
rC1P1 rC 2 P1 rC 2 P 2 rC1P 2

P1 P2

r C1 P
1 r C1 P2


C1, C2 – current electrodes, P1, P2 – measuring (potential) electrodes
fig. 1 General four-electrode array

The standard deviation δ (St-dev) is calculated as follows:

1 R R
100 % ,
R N 1
where R is measured resistance, R is arithmetic mean value and N is the
number of repeated measurements.

2.2 Instrument and accessories

Computer Power supply - 12 V car battery,

Accessories battery pack, AC adapter (for office
2D/3D multi-electrode work only)
cable, VES-Adapter,

C1, C2, P1, P2
Stop button LCD display

fig. 2 ARES-main unit


RS232 and USB Cable for 12 V car battery

communication cables

T-piece AC adapter

fig. 3 Standard acessories

VES-adapter Battery pack

fig. 4 Optional acessories

2.3 Device power supply

Connect the 12 V car battery (12 V, min. 22 Ah) using the cable
from accessories or the attachable battery pack or the AC adapter to the
instrument‟s power supply connector. For more demanding multi-electrode
cable measurements it is recommended to use an external car battery.
Be sure that the nominal voltage of the car battery is 12 V and
its capacity is sufficient. Then connect the red clamp to the plus pole
and the black clamp to the minus pole. The improper connection results
in blown internal fuses. In this case the damage of the unit cannot be

fig. 5 Car battery connection

The attachable battery pack is useful for the SP, RP and VES
measurements, where the instrument‟s easy portability is important. Thus an
undesirable random disconnecting of the supply during measurement can be
avoided. The attachable battery pack is useful for shorter (several hours)
2D/3D measurements.

fig. 6 Battery pack connection

When working in the office (downloading of the measured data to

the PC, preparation of the measurement etc.), the instrument can be supplied
using the AC adapter with exchangeable mains connector.

fig. 7 AC adapter

2.4 Basic operation of the instrument
2.4.1 Switching ON
The instrument is switched on by pressing the or keys.
At first the logo and then the information about the battery condition and
the memory employment are displayed (fig. 8). A moment afterwards the
main menu is displayed.

Memory: 19%
Battery: 75%
Temp: 23oC
fig. 8 Info

New measurement
Continue measur.
Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 9 Main menu

2.4.2 Switching OFF

The instrument is switched off by pressing the key in the main

2.4.3 Choice of the Item

Choose the required item from the menu or list using the /
keys and confirm your choice by pressing (or ) key. This way you
move to the following (or previous) item.

2.4.4 Number Input
Minus sign can be typed by the key. The numbers can be
typed using the numerical keys to , while the decimal point is on
the key. The key serves for the last character deleting. After
typing of the required number, finish the input by pressing and you
will move to the following item. If you finish the input by pressing ,
you will move to the previous item.

Example of number 103.2 typing:

Example of number -64.20 typing:

Example of number 0.2 typing:

2.4.5 Text Input

Each of the keys to and has several character
meanings according to the tab. 1. By pressing the key the first character
related to the key is typed. If the same key is pressed within 1 s (indicated
by the cursor shape change) the following character is typed. I.e. the
characters are chosen by cyclical pressing of the same key. If another key
(or the same key more than 1 s after its previous use) is pressed, the cursor
will move to the next position and it is possible to type the following
character. The last character can be deleted by pressing . The text input
is finished by pressing the key, and you will move to the following
item. If you finish the input by pressing , you will move to the previous

Example of the text „date is“ typing:

, , , 2x , , 3x , 4x

Example of the text „hello“ typing:
2x , 2x ,3x , after the cursor shape change 3x , 3x

Key Characters
space, 1
tab. 1 Set of characters

If you use a special character in your file name which is not

permitted in PC for it that character will be changed to ”_” during the data


3 New Measurement Creation

3.1 SP – Self Potential Measurement
This metod serves for investigation of potentials that occur on the
observed area or line without the connection of the current source. Thus it is
possible to get information about chemical pollution plumes
(electrochemical potentials), about raw material deposits (metal ore,
graphite), about leakage and flow direction of underground water (filtering
potentials). This metod can be used for industrial purposes like earth
currents and ground corrosivity evaluation for civil engineering and pipeline
construction or for minitoring of waste dump insulating sheets.

The measurement passes with two potential electrodes only. One of

them is placed as reference on a fixed point inside of the measured area or
at the beginning of the profile. The second one is moved step by step along
the measured profiles. The obtained data can be used for potential map
drawing e.g. by means of Surfer software.

For the measurement two electrodes are needed (stainless or better

non-polarizable) and two cables of a sufficient length for their connection.
It is possible to use potential cables from optional ARES accessories.

3.1.1 Entering input parameters

New measurement
Continue measur.
Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 10 Main menu

Choose New measurement from the main menu.


 SP
 Cross borehole

fig. 11 Measuring method

From the list of measuring methods choose SP.

If there are some previous measurements of appropriate type the

inquiry “Copy settings from another file?” appears. If you would like to
copy settings from one of the previous measurements, press the key.
The list of the previous measurements (if there were some) is displayed.
Choose the required previous measurement from the list. For creating the
new measurement file (with the default settings) press the key.

File Header

File: Test no. 1

Locality: Olomouc S2

fig. 12 Measurement heading

Fill in the name of the measurement file and the locality name
(max. 30 characters). Completion of this information is obligatory.


Operator: D. Skopal
Date: 27.10.

fig. 13 Measurement notes

In the following screen you can type the non-obligatory

information – operator‟s name (max. 10 characters), measurement date and
a note (max. 30 characters).

Measured Area Specification

Now it is necessary to define the position of the first measured

point on the profile (line) and to specify the step of the movement to the
following points.

y [m] measured

16 15 14 13

9 10 11 12

8 7 6 5

Profile 1 2 3 4

Station x [m]

fig. 14 Measured area specification


Profile: 0.0 m
Station: 0.0 m
P-Step: 5.0 m
S-Step: 2.5 m
fig. 15 Measured area

Profile – position of the first measured point in the y-axis

Station – position of the first measured point in the x-axis
P-Step – measurement step in the y axis direction (profile)
S-Step – measurement step in the x axis direction (station)

When starting the measurement on a next profile the direction of

movement along it is changed automatically (according to fig. 14). Check if
the direction of the movement along the profile and the displayed position
of the start point are correct. If not, change the setting according to the real

Sample time

Sample: 0.4 s

fig. 16 Measurement setting

Set the time of the potential measurement (Sample) within the

range 0.3 s to 30 s (step 0.1 s).


3.1.2 Measurement

Measure now?

fig. 17 Measurement activation

If you are only creating an example file or preparing measuring

files, press the key to stop the measurement now.

Before the start of the measurement connect measuring electrodes

to the potential clamps P1 and P2 on the T-piece or on the ARES panel.
Afterwards you can activate the measurement by pressing the key.

P1, positive P2, negative

yellow black

fig. 18 Connection of the measuring electrodes

Measured Point Position
Move to the point with shown coordinates (profile, station). For
each next point check the correct distance between all electrodes according
to the used array.

y [m]


x [m]
fig. 19 Specification of the measured point position

Profile:  100.0 m
Station:  22.0 m

fig. 20 Measured point position

Profile – position of the measured point in the y-axis direction. If

you wish to move to another profile, press the key; if you
need to change the direction of the movement to the following
profiles, press . The measurement can be finished by pressing
the key.
Station – position of the measured point in the x-axis direction. If
it is necessary to skip the actual station and to move to the next
one, press the NEXT key; and if you need to change the
direction of the movement to the following stations, press the
Note – is the comment to the measured point (max. 30 characters).

To start the measurement press the key.

Taking the Measurement on the Point
The current measurement is signalized by the message MEASURE
on the screen. When the measurement on the point is finished, the measured
values screen is displayed.

Voltage: 1.21 mV
St-dev: 0.2 %

fig. 21 Measured values screen

The displayed measured values can be either deleted using the

key (and then you return to the screen of the measured point position)
or they can be saved by pressing the key (and the screen of the
position of the next measured point is displayed

Finishing the Measurement

Press the key and follow the instructions on the screen.


3.2 RP – Resistivity Profiling

This method serves for mapping of apparent resistivity and induced
polarization of rocks at a certain depth below the surface. It is sensitive for
vertical boundaries of different resistivities especially. This way it is
possible to determine conductive (ore bodies, tectonic lines) or non-
conductive (caves, quarz seams) structures or areas with different rocks
(sands, clays).

Measurement passes in a grid of points (profiles, stations) with the

use of a chosen array of current and potential electrodes with the same
mutual distances during all the measurement. Obtained data can be used for
line curve or contour map e.g. by means of Surfer software.

For the measurement one pair of current cables and one pair of
potential cables with electrodes is needed (see optional accessories). When
the induced polarization is measured simultaneously with the resistivity the
use of non-polarizable or stainless electrodes is necessary.

3.2.1 Entering input data

New measurement
Continue measur.
Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 22 Main menu

Choose New measurement from the main menu.


2D multicable
 RP
 SP

fig. 23 Measuring methods

From the list of measuring methods choose RP.

File Header
If there are some previous measurements of appropriate type the
inquiry “Copy settings from another file?” appears. If you would like to
copy settings from one of the previous measurements, press the key.
The list of the previous measurements (if there were some) is displayed.
Choose the required previous measurement from the list. For creating the
new measurement file (with the default settings) press the key.

File: Test no. 1

Locality: Olomouc S2

fig. 24 Measurement heading

Fill in the name of the measurement file and the locality name
(max. 30 characters). Completion of this information is obligatory.

Operator: D. Skopal
Date: 27.10.

fig. 25 Measurement notes


In the following screen you can type the non-obligatory

information – operator‟s name (max. 10 characters), measurement date and
a note (max. 30 characters).

Measured Area Specification

Now it is necessary to define the position of the first measured
point on the profile (line) and to specify the step of the movement to the
following points.

y [m] measured
16 15 14 13

9 10 11 12

8 7 6 5

Profile 1 2 3 4

x [m]

fig. 26 Measured area specification

Profile: 0.0 m
Station: 0.0 m
P-Step 5.0 m
S-Step: 2.5 m
fig. 27 Measured area

Profile – position of the first measured point in the y-axis
Station – position of the first measured point in the x-axis
P-Step – measurement step in the y axis direction (profile)
S-Step – measurement step in the x axis direction (station)

When starting the measurement on a next profile the direction of

movement along it is changed automatically (according to fig. 26). Check if
the direction of the movement along the profile and the displayed position
of the start point are correct. If not, change the setting according to the real

Measuring Arrays
It is necessary to choose the measuring array (see fig. 30 to fig. 38)

Wenner Schlumberger
 Pole-Dipole
 Pole-Pole

fig. 28 Measuring arrays

Choose the required measuring array from the list.

Dist A: 10.0 m
Dist NA: 100.0 m

fig. 29 Array parameters

Type the parameters of the chosen measuring array. The

explanation of the parameters for the different arrays is given in fig. 30 to
fig. 38.If there is no use for the parameter in the chosen array, ignore it.


C1 P1 P2 C2
fig. 30 Wenner Alpha


C2 C1 P1 P2

fig. 31 Wenner Beta


C1 P1 Station C2 P2
fig. 32 Wenner Gamma


C1 P1 P2 C2
fig. 33 Wenner-Schlumberger


C2 C1 P1 P2
fig. 34 Dipole-Dipole

C2 P2


C1 P1

fig. 35 Equatorial Dipole-Dipole

Inf #1
C1 P1 P2
(x, y)
fig. 36 Pole-Dipole

Inf #2

Inf #1 P2
C1 P1 (x, y)
(x, y) fig. 37 Pole-Pole

Inf #2

Inf #1 C2
P1 P2 (x, y)
(x, y)
fig. 38 MGM – Middle gradient method


Inf #1 x: -100.0 m
Y: 0.0 m
Inf #2 x: 100.0 m
Y: 0.0 m
fig. 39 Infinite electrodes position

If the chosen array uses infinite electrodes, type their position. If

there is no infinite electrode, ignore the parameter.

Settings of the Pulse and IP Windows



pulse 1 2 3 4 5
IP-windows 1~10
fig. 40 Representation of the pulse parameters

The measurement of first IP window starts 35 ms (mains frequency

50 Hz) or 28 ms (mains frequency 60 Hz) after the current pulse is switched


Pulse: 1.0 s

IP-wnd IP-wnd
1: 3:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
2: 4:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
5:– Nastavení7:
0.08 s 0.16 s
IP-wnd pulsu #1
8: s 0.16 s
fig. 3-1
IP-wnd 6: 0.08
IP-wnd 9: 0.32 s
IP-wnd 10: 0.32 s

fig. 41 Settings of the pulse and IP windows

Pulse – the length of the current pulse. It can be set in the range
from 0.3 s to 30 s, step 0.1 s.
IP-wnd 1 to 10 – the width of the IP windows. 10 IP windows (at
maximum) are available. Each of them can be set in the range from
0 to 30 s, step 0.02 s (resp. the nearest multiple of 1/60 for 60 Hz
mains frequency).
If the IP window width is set to 0, the window is not used.
If you are going to measure the resistivity only all IP windows
have to be set to 0.

Measurement Optimization

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 42 Parameters of the measurement

Potential – Choose the value from the table according to the actual
measurement (resistivity / induced polarization), depth of the
survey and noise level. For resistivity measured under normal
conditions 10 mV level is recommended. For induced polarization

at least 100 mV level (shown as IP100 mV) is necessary to get
good measurable values in IP windows during exponential pulse
decay. In case of occurrence of significant noise (electric traction,
electric distribution station) and in case of bigger depth of survey it
is recommended to increase the potential level as well. On the
other side the increase of potential causes enormous battery
discharge (due to the bigger transmitted power) and changes in the
ground resistances of electrodes caused by current.

Optim. potential
5 mV
10 mV
20 mV
40 mV
IP 100 mV
IP 200 mV
tab. 2 Potential

Stacking – Choose the value from the table. The first value chosen
is the minimum number of pulses for one measured point, the
second value (following the slash mark) gives the maximum
number of pulses for the point. For the calculation of the
measuring error (standard deviation) at least 4 pulses for one
measured point are necessary.
The specific number of pulses is determined for each
measured point separately according to the current measured value
of the potential. If the measured potential is lower than optimum,
the number of pulses is doubled, if it is lower than 1/4 of the
optimum potential, the number of pulses is multiplied by four.
The preset value of stacking matches to most measuring
conditions.and the increased stacking might uselessly prolong the
time of measurement and decrease the battery life.

Pulses Standard
min. max. deviation
2 2
2/4 2 4 no
2/8 8
4 4
4/8 4 8
4/16 16
8 8
8/16 8 16
8/32 32
16 16
16/32 16 32
16/64 64
32 32
32/64 32 64
32/128 128
tab. 3 Stacking

St-dev max. – The maximum standard deviation that is still

If the real standard deviation of the point is higher than
St-dev max., the measurement is repeated. Then the value with the
lowest measuring error is chosen. The values of 1, 2, 5 and 10%
are available.


3.2.2 Measurement

Measure now?

(unlock STOP button)

fig. 43 Measurement activation

If you are only creating an example file or preparing measuring

files, press the key to stop the measurement now.

Before the start of the measurement connect potential electrodes to

P1 and P2 clamps and current electrodes to C1 and C2 clamps on the T-
piece or on the ARES panel.
Afterwards you can activate the measurement by unlocking the
STOP button.

red C2

P1 P2
yellow black

fig. 44 Connection of the electrodes via T-piece

Measured Point Position
Move to the point with shown coordinates (profile, station). For
each next point check the correct distance between all electrodes according
to the used array.
y [m]


x [m]
fig. 45 Specification of the measured point position

Profile:  100.0 m
Station:  22.0 m

fig. 46 Measured point position

Profile – position of the measured point in the y-axis direction. If

you wish to move to another profile, press the key; if you
need to change the direction of the movement to the following
profiles, press . By pressing the key you can return to the
infinite electrodes position screen (if used) or finish the
Station – position of the measured point in the x-axis direction. If
it is necessary to skip the actual station and to move to the next
one, press the NEXT key; and if you need to change the
direction of the movement to the following stations, press the
Note – is the comment to the measured point (max. 30 characters).

For starting the measurement press the key.

Taking the Measurement on the Point

Start measurement?

(press MEAS key)

fig. 47 Confirmation of the measurement start

You can start the measurement by pressing the key or exit by

pressing . The measurement is signalized by the message MEASURE
on the screen and the current puls by the shining of the MEASURING

When the measurement is finished, the measured values (injected

current, measured voltage, apparent resistivity, standard deviation,
measured point number, El-pot - voltage drift on potential electrodes, IP
values with related standard deviations) are displayed on one of the
following screens.

Current: 1855.62 mA
Voltage: 5.21 mV
App-res: 25.28 m
St-dev: 0.2 %
fig. 48 Measured values screen


Point: 211
El-pot: 48.28 mV
Batt: 72 %
Temp: 42°C
fig. 49 Information screen

IP1: 14.3% 0.2%

IP2: 7.2% 0.4%
IP3: IP5:
3.4% 14.3%
0.9% 1.8%
IP4: IP6:
1.0% 7.2%
1.4% 2.4%
IP7: IP9:3.4% 14.3%
3.1% 0.4%
IP8: IP10:
0.2% 7.2%
5.8% 0.8%

fig. 50 IP values screen

The displayed measured values can be either deleted using the

key (and then you return to the screen of the measured point position)
or they can be saved by pressing the key (and the screen of the
position of the next measured point is displayed). The keys to
serve for the movement between the measured values screens.

Change of Parameters / Measurement Finishing

If you need to change the parameters of the measurement, you can

recall the parameters screen by pressing of the key. Then you can do
the required changes and confirm them by pressing of the key. To
finish the measurement you can leave the parameters screen using the

The change of parameters influences measured results so it is not
recommended to make these changes in one measuring file.

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 51 Parameters of the measurement


(press STOP button)

fig. 52 Finishing of the measurement

Emergency Measurement Finishing

In case of a danger the measurement can be stopped immediately
by pressing the STOP button.


3.3 VES – Vertical Electrical Sounding

This method is used for evaluation of changes of apparent
resisitivity and of induced polarization in vertical direction. Thus it is
convenient for measurement on mostly horizontal structures with different
resistivities. Wide range of applications in the frame of geological survey
allows measurement till the depths of hundreds of meters.

Usual measurement is performed with Wenner – Schlumberger

array. Individual depths are reached by means of increasing distance of
current (resp.potential) electrodes according to the prepared measuring
procedure. The VES curve serves for the interpretation of individual layers
(e.g. by means of IPI2WIN). It is possible to assemble several VESs into
one section as well.

Two potential and two current electrodes with cable reels are used
for the VES measurement. The length of cables must correspond with the
measured depth (the distance of current electrodes is about 5-6 times greater
than the depth of measurement). For repeated VES measurement it is more
comfortable to use VES adapter (optional accessories) which allows
automatic connecting of up to 5 potential pairs according to the
programmed procedure.

3.3.1 Entering input parameters

New measurement
Continue measur.
Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 53 Main menu

Choose New measurement from the main menu.


 3D multicable

 SP

fig. 54 Measuring method

From the list of measuring methods choose VES.

File Header
If there are some previous measurements of appropriate type the
inquiry “Copy settings from another file?” appears. If you would like to
copy settings from one of the previous measurements, press the key.
The list of the previous measurements (if there were some) is displayed.
Choose the required previous measurement from the list. For creating the
new measurement file (with the default settings) press the key.

File: Test no. 1

Locality: Olomouc S2

fig. 55 Measurement heading

Fill in the name of the measurement file and the locality name
(max. 30 characters). Completion of this information is obligatory.

Operator: D. Skopal
Date: 27.10.

fig. 56 Measurements notes

In the following screen you can enter non-obligatory information –
operator‟s name (max. 10 characters), measurement date and a note (max.
30 characters).

Measured Area Specification

Now it is necessary to define the position of the first measured

VES and to specify the step of the movement to the following VES.

y [m] measured
16 15 14 13

9 10 11 12

8 7 6 5

Profile 1 2 3 4

x [m]
fig. 57 Measured area specification

Profile: 0.0 m
Station: 0.0 m
P-Step 5.0 m
S-Step: 2.5 m
fig. 58 Measured area

Profile – position of the first measured VES in the y-axis
Station – position of the first measured VES in the x-axis
P-Step – step of the VES movement in the y axis direction
S-Step – step of the VES movement in the x axis direction
When starting the measurement on a next profile the direction of
movement along it is changed automatically (according to fig. 57). Check if
the direction of the movement along the profile and the displayed position
of the start point are correct. If not, change the setting according to the real

VES-Set Choice

 Schlumberger TP
Schlumberger VA

fig. 59 List of the VES-sets

Choose the required VES-set specifying the used distances of the

measuring electrodes. See the chapter 7.8.1 for details.

Settings of the Pulse and IP Windows



pulse 1 2 3 4 5
IP-windows 1~10

fig. 60 Representation of the pulse parameters


The measurement of first IP window starts 35 ms (mains frequency

50 Hz) or 28 ms (mains frequency 60 Hz) after the current pulse is switched

Pulse: 1.0 s

IP-wnd IP-wnd
1: 3:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
2: 4:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
5: 7:0.08 s 0.16 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
6: 8:0.08 s 0.16 s
fig. 3-2 – Nastavení pulsu #1
IP-wnd 9: 0.32 s
IP-wnd 10: 0.32 s

fig. 61 Settings of the pulse and IP windows

Pulse – the length of the current pulse. It can be set in the range
from 0.3 s to 30 s, step 0.1 s.
IP-wnd 1 to 10 – the width of the IP windows. 10 IP windows (at
maximum) are available. Each of them can be set in the range from
0 to 30 s, step 0.02 s (for 50 Hz) and resp. the nearest multiple of
1/60 for 60 Hz mains frequency.
If the IP window width is set to 0, the window is not used.
If you are going to measure the resistivity only all IP windows
have to be set to 0.

Measurement Optimization

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 62 Parameters of the measurement

Potential – Choose the value from the table according to the actual
measurement (resistivity / induced polarization), depth of the
survey and noise level. For resistivity measured under normal
conditions 10 mV level is recommended. For induced polarization
at least 100 mV level (shown as IP100 mV) is necessary to get
good measurable values in IP windows during exponential pulse
decay. In case of occurrence of significant noise (electric traction,
electric distribution station) and in case of bigger depth of survey it
is recommended to increase the potential level as well. On the
other side the increase of potential causes enormous battery
discharge (due to the bigger transmitted power) and changes in the
ground resistances of electrodes caused by current.

Optim. potential
5 mV
10 mV
20 mV
40 mV
IP 100 mV
IP 200 mV
tab. 4 Potential

Stacking – Choose the value from the table. The first value chosen
is the minimum number of pulses for one measured point, the
second value (following the slash mark) gives the maximum
number of pulses for the point. For the calculation of the
measuring error (standard deviation) at least 4 pulses for one
measured point are necessary.
The specific number of pulses is determined for each
measured point separately according to the current measured value
of the potential. If the measured potential is lower than optimum,
the number of pulses is doubled, if it is lower than 1/4 of the
optimum potential, the number of pulses is multiplied by four.
The preset value of stacking matches to most measuring
conditions.and the increased stacking might uselessly prolong the
time of measurement and decrease the battery life.


Pulses Standard
min. max. deviation
2 2
2/4 2 4 No
2/8 8
4 4
4/8 4 8
4/16 16
8 8
8/16 8 16
8/32 32
16 16
16/32 16 32
16/64 64
32 32
32/64 32 64
32/128 128
tab. 5 Stacking

St-dev max. – The maximum standard deviation that is still

If the real standard deviation of the point is higher than
St-dev max., the measurement is repeated. Then the value with the
lowest measuring error is chosen. The values of 1, 2, 5 and 10%
are available.


3.3.2 Measurement

Measure now?

(unlock STOP button)

fig. 63 Measurement activation

If you are only creating an example file or preparing measuring

files, press the key to stop the measurement now.

Before the measurement connect potential electrodes to P1 and P2

clamps and current electrodes to C1 and C2 clamps on the T-piece or on the
ARES panel. In case of use of the VES adapter connect individual pairs of
potential electrodes to appropriate clamps according pair numbers.
Afterwards you can activate the measurement by unlocking the
STOP button.

red C2

P1 P2
yellow black

fig. 64 Connection of the electrodes via T-piece


C1 C2
red blue
Pair number



fig. 65 Connection of the electrodes via VES-Adapter


Measured VES Position

Move to the point with shown coordinates (profile, station). For
each next point check the correct distance between all electrodes according
to the used array.

y [m]


x [m]
fig. 66 Specification of the VES position

Profile:  100.0 m
Station:  22.0 m

fig. 67 VES position

Profile – position of the measured VES in the y-axis direction. If

you wish to move to another profile, press the key; if you
need to change the direction of the movement to the following
profiles, press . The measurement can be finished by pressing
the key.
Station – position of the measured VES in the x-axis direction. If it
is necessary to skip the actual station and to move to the next one,
press the NEXT key; and if you need to change the direction
of the movement to the following stations, press the DIRECTION
Note – is the comment to the measured VES (max. 30 characters).

For start of measurement press the key.

Infinite Electrodes Position

Inf #1 x: -100.0 m
Y: 0.0 m
Inf #2 x: 100.0 m
Y: 0.0 m
fig. 68 Infinite electrodes position

If the chosen method uses infinite electrodes, type their position.

If there is no infinite electrode, ignore the parameter.

Table of P-pairs for measuring with VES adapter

If the chosen VES-Set uses more pairs of potential electrodes, the
table of their distances is displayed. Place the electrodes according to the
displayed distances and then connect them to the VES adapter.



x [m]

P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 P2
fig. 69 Specification of P-pairs of electrodes


P1-pair: 1.0 m
P2-pair: 3.0 m
P3-pair: 10.0 m100.0 m
P4-pair: 30.0 m 0.0 m
P7-pair: 0.0 m
P8-pair: 0.0 m
fig. 70 P-pair distances

Position of Measuring Electrodes

The following screen gives the information for placing of the
measuring electrodes at each measured point according to the chosen VES-

Electrode Mark Position

C1: (Gr) -100.0 m

C2: (Gr) 100.0 m
P1: (Bl 2) -5.0 m
P2: (Bl 2) 5.0 m
fig. 71 Position of electrodes

If you wish to skip the actual spacing and to move to the next one,
press the NEXT key. To change the direction of the measurement
(changing of the electrodes distance), press the DIRECTION key. If
necessary, the user can change (set) the actual position of the electrodes
after pressing the key or finish this VES measurement by another
pressing of key.
If the electrodes are placed in their positions, you can continue by
pressing of OK key .

Taking the Measurement on the Point

Start measurement?

(press MEAS key)

fig. 72 Confirmation of the measurement start

You can start the measurement by pressing the key, and

delete it by pressing . The current measurement is signalized by the
message MEASURE on the screen and the current puls by the shining of the
MEASURING indicator.

When the measurement is finished, the measured values (injected

current, measured voltage, apparent resistivity, standard deviation,
measured point number, El-pot - voltage drift on potential electrodes, IP
values with related standard deviations) are displayed on one of the
following screens.

Current: 1855.62 mA
Voltage: 5.21 mV
App-res: 25.28 m
St-dev: 0.2 %
fig. 73 Measured values screen

Point: 211
El-pot: 48.28 mV
Batt: 65 %
Temp: 42°C
fig. 74 Information screen


IP1: 14.3% 0.2%

IP2: 7.2% 0.4%
IP3: IP5:
3.4% 14.3%
0.9% 1.8%
IP4: IP6:
1.0% 7.2%
1.4% 2.4%
IP7: IP9:3.4% 14.3%
3.1% 0.4%
IP8: IP10:
0.2% 7.2%
5.8% 0.8%

fig. 75 IP values screen

The displayed measured values can be either deleted using the

key (and then you return to the screen of the measured point position)
or they can be saved by pressing the key (and the screen of the
position of the next measured point is displayed). The keys to
serve for the movement between the measured values screens.

Change of Parameters / Measurement Finishing

If you need to change the parameters of the measurement, you can
recall the parameters screen by pressing of the key. Then you can do
the required changes and confirm them by pressing of the key. To
finish the measurement you can leave the parameters screen using the
The change of parameters influences measured results so it is not
recommended to make these changes in one measuring file.

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 76 Parameters of the measurement



(press STOP button)

fig. 77 Finishing of the measurement

Emergency Measurement Finishing

In the case of a danger the measurement can be stopped
immediately by pressing the STOP button.


3.4 2D/3D Multi-Electrode Cable Survey

2D method serves for measurement of vertical apparent resisitivity
and induced polarization sections for detailed investigations of both vertical
and horizontal structures and for imaging of objects with different
resistivities. There are various measuring arrays convenient for optimum
sensitivity for different kinds of structures (vertical / horizontal structures,
cavities). This method is used e.g. for determination of geological sections,
imaging of fissures, water leakages, slope deformations and landslides.
3D method serves for detailed spatial measurements (usually with
lower depth range) convenient for imaging of observed bodies in the frame
of e.g. engineering or archaeological survey.

Automatic measurement with chosen electrode array is performed

by means of multielectrode cables connected to the prepared grid of
electrodes on profile (2D) or square (3D). User defined prescription
(method) is also available. Output data serves for inversion processing done
e.g. by means of RES2DINV/RES3DINV software.

It is necessary to use special multielectrode cables for the

measurement. There are two versions of that cable – either with intelligent
electrodes or classical multiconductor cable with additional switching
adapter. Thus up to 200 electrodes can be handled in one line at the same
time. For methods like pole - pole or pole – dipole it is necessary to use one
or two cables more (see the list of accessories).


3.4.1 Entering input parameters

New measurement
Continue measur.
Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 78 Main menu

Choose New measurement from the main menu.

 2D multicable
3D multicable
 RP

fig. 79 Measuring methods

From the list of measuring methods choose 2D multicable or 3D


If there are some previous measurements of appropriate type the

inquiry “Copy settings from another file?” appears. If you would like to
copy settings from one of the previous measurements, press the key.
The list of the previous measurements (if there were some) is displayed.
Choose the required previous measurement from the list. For creating the
new measurement file (with the default settings) press the key.


File Header

File: Test no. 1

Locality: Olomouc S2

fig. 80 Measurement heading

Fill in the name of the measurement file and the locality name
(max. 30 characters). Completion of this information is obligatory.

Operator: D. Skopal
Date: 27.10.

fig. 81 Measurement notes

In the following screen you can type non-obligatory information –

operator‟s name (max. 10 characters), measurement date and a note (max.
30 characters).


Measured Area Specification

y [m]
Direction of measurement
90° (Y)

4 180° (-X) 0° (X)

270° (-Y)
Profile No.
5 6 7 8
x [m]

fig. 82 Specification of the profile or grid position

Profile: 1
X-loc: 0.0 m
Grid: 1
Y-loc: 0.0 m
X-loc: 0.0 m
Direction: 0Y-loc:
(X) 0.0 m
Direction: 0 (X)
fig. 83 Profile position (2D) and grid position (3D)

Profile/Grid – identification (consecutive) number of the measured

X-loc, Y-loc – position of the beginning of the measured profile
(the first electrode) in the x- and y-axes directions.
Direction – direction of the measurement along the profile.

The X-loc, Y-loc and Direction parameters serve for identification

of the measured profile, especially in order to enable a further conversion of
several 2D measurements into 3D survey. For a standard 2D survey or
direct 3D survey these parameters can be ignored.





fig. 84 Representation of profile parameters for 2D survey

fig. 85 Representation of profile parameters for 3D survey

Length: 2000.0 m
X-dim: 14.0 m
Distance: 2.5 m
Y-dim: 14.0 m
X-dist: 2.0 m
Y-dist: 2.0 m
fig. 86 2D profile parameters, 3D grid parameters

Length – (2D only) the total length of the measured profile.
Distance – (2D only) the electrodes spacing (distance).
X-dim, Y-dim – (3D only) total dimensions of measured area
(grid), see fig. 85. Area dimensions have to be inserted the way
that the number of electrodes, which cover the inspected area, do
not exceed 250. In another case the inserted area will be reduced
in the direction along Y axis.
X-dist, Y-dist – (3D only) the electrodes spacing along X, Y axis.

Measuring Arrays

Wenner Beta
Wenner Gamma  Pole-Pole full

 Wenner Schlumberger
Pole-Pole S1 red
 Dipole-Dipole  Dip-Dip N4 full
 Dip-Dip N4 red

fig. 87 Measuring arrays

Choose the required measuring array from the list. See chapter
7.8.2 for measuring arrays details.

The list of default methods for direct 3D measurements contains

two options for each measuring array:
“full” – all available points measuring. Lot of measured points,
longer measuring time.
“red” – reduced measurement. Less measured points, shorter
measuring time.



Layers layers
Measured zone

fig. 88 Representation of the measured zone

S-min: 0.0 m
S-max: 200.0 m
S-min: 0.0 m
S-max: 200.0 m
Edge type: full

fig. 89 Specification of the measured zone

S-min – minimum distance between the first and the last used
electrodes of the measuring array. By setting this parameter
you can limit the minimum depth range of the measurement. If
you do not set the S-min, the minimum available distance will
be used.
S-max – maximum distance between the first and the last used
electrodes of the measuring array. By setting this parameter

you can limit the maximum depth range of the measurement.
If you do not set the S-max, the total length of the profile will
be used.
Edge – (2D only) serves for the specification of the measured
zone shape according to the following pictures:

Full Continuous, full

Reduced Continuous, reduced


For the minimum number of electrodes used for the 2D

measurement applies that the sum of their distances (total length) should be
equal to or bigger than the S-max value. The minimum number of
electrodes used for the 3D measurement equals to number of electrodes
along X axis multiplied by number of electrodes of choosen measuring
S _ max
No of 2D Electrodes 1

No of 3D Electrodes No of X El No of Array El


Setting of the Pulse and IP Windows



pulse 1 2 3 4 5
IP-windows 1~10
fig. 90 Representation of the pulse parameters

The measurement of first IP window starts 35 ms (mains frequency

50 Hz) or 28 ms (mains frequency 60 Hz) after the current pulse is switched

Pulse: 1.0 s

IP-wnd IP-wnd
1: 3:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
2: 4:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
5: 7:0.08 s 0.16 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
6: 8:0.08 s 0.16 s
fig. 3-3 – Nastavení pulsu #1
IP-wnd 9: 0.32 s
IP-wnd 10: 0.32 s

fig. 91 Settings of the pulse and IP windows

Pulse – the length of the current pulse. It can be set in the range
from 0.3 s to 30 s, step 0.1 s.
IP-wnd 1 to 10 – the width of the IP windows. 10 IP windows (at
maximum) are available. Each of them can be set in the range from
0 to 30 s, step 0.02 s (for 50 Hz), resp. the nearest multiple of 1/60
for 60 Hz mains frequency.

If the IP window width is set to 0, the window is not used.
If you are going to measure the resistivity only all IP windows
have to be set to 0.

Measurement Optimization

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 92 Parameters of the measurement

Potential – Choose the value from the table according to the actual
measurement (resistivity / induced polarization), depth of the
survey and noise level. For resistivity measured under normal
conditions 10 mV level is recommended. For induced polarization
at least 100 mV level (shown as IP100 mV) is necessary to get
good measurable values in IP windows during exponential pulse
decay. In case of occurrence of significant noise (electric traction,
electric distribution station) and in case of bigger depth of survey it
is recommended to increase the potential level as well. On the
other side the increase of potential causes enormous battery
discharge (due to the bigger transmitted power) and changes in the
ground resistances of electrodes caused by current.

Optim. potential
5 mV
10 mV
20 mV
40 mV
IP 100 mV
IP 200 mV
tab. 6 Potential

Stacking – Choose the value from the table. The first value chosen
is the minimum number of pulses for one measured point, the
second value (following the slash mark) gives the maximum
number of pulses for the point. For the calculation of the
measuring error (standard deviation) at least 4 pulses for one
measured point are necessary.
The specific number of pulses is determined for each
measured point separately according to the current measured value
of the potential. If the measured potential is lower than optimum,
the number of pulses is doubled, if it is lower than 1/4 of the
optimum potential, the number of pulses is multiplied by four.
The preset value of stacking matches to most measuring
conditions.and the increased stacking might uselessly prolong the
time of measurement and decrease the battery life.

Pulses Standard
min. max. deviation
2 2
2/4 2 4 no
2/8 8
4 4
4/8 4 8
4/16 16
8 8
8/16 8 16
8/32 32
16 16
16/32 16 32
16/64 64
32 32
32/64 32 64
32/128 128
tab. 7 Stacking

St-dev max. – The maximum standard deviation that is still

If the real standard deviation of the point is higher than
St-dev max., the measurement is repeated. Then the value with the
lowest measuring error is chosen. The values of 1, 2, 5 and 10%
are available.


Generated Measurement Info Data

Then the following measurement info data are generated and
displayed on the screen: number of layers (layers), total number of
measured points (points) and measuring time estimate (Meas-time).

Layers: 14
Points: 12506
Points: 2506
Meas-time: 120 min
Meas-time: 120 min

fig. 93 Generated measurement info data

3.4.2 Measurement

Measure now?

fig. 94 Measurement activation

If you are only creating an example file or preparing measuring

files, press the key to stop the measurement now.

Before the start of the measurement connect the prepared cable line
to the main unit either directly or with the use of T-piece.

Then continue with the key.


or multi-electrode cable

Infinite electrodes
C1 – red
C2 – blue
P1 – yellow
P2 – black

fig. 95 Connection of the T-piece or multi-electrode cable to the instrument

Infinite el. C1 Infinite el. C2

red blue

Infinite el. P1 Infinite el. P2

yellow black

Multi-el. cable Multi-el. cable

(male, profile beginnig) (female, profile end)

fig. 96 Connecting of the multi-electrode cable and infinite el. via T-piece



cable box O-ring

fig. 97 Attaching of the multi-electrode cable box to the electrode

Multi-electrode Cable Installation and Rolling

Multi-electrode cable has to be dislocated along measured profile.
The end of cable with plug (male connector) has to be at the beginning of
the profile and the end of cable with socket (female connector) has to be at
the end of profile.
For direct 3D measurement the multi-electrode cable sections are
connected likewise to 2D measurement. The cable is dislocated in the “key
pattern”. This is depicted by fig. 98.
The rolling along the measured grid is showed too. During cable
rolling is shifted whole cable row which is placed along x axis. ARES main
unit can be connected directly to the beginning of cable. Second possibility
is to connect ARES main unit between any two cable sections by T-piece.
For 3D measurements the electrodes are specified by ordinal
number beginning by zero. This fact affects some parameters setting and
displaying (dummy electrodes, identification of electrodes with wrong
connection, displaying of currently used electrodes during measurement).


fig. 98 Multi-electrode cable dislocation and rolling

Multi-electrode Cable Identification


First el.

fig. 99 Specification of the multi-electrode cable position


Connected: 80 el
Minimal: 64 el
Connected: 80 el
First el: 240 m
Minimal: 32 el
Use el: all el:
First 40

fig. 100 Multi-electrode cable identification

Connected – number of connected electrodes of the multi-

electrode cable. If the number of connected electrodes is smaller
than the minimum one, only the layers, for which the connected
number of electrodes is sufficient, will be measured.
Minimal – minimum number of electrodes necessary for
measurement of all layers
First el – position of the first electrode of the multi-electrode cable
on the measured profile (fig. 99). This value is increased
automatically after each swapping (rolling along) of the cable
section (according to the last section connected). The value can be
also re-written, if necessary. For 2D measurements this value
represents the distance of the first electrode from the profile
beginning. For 3D measurements this value represents the ordinal
electrode number from the grid beginning. (first electrode is
specified by 0).
Use el – (2D only) if set to all, all available electrodes are used for
the measurement. If set to odd, only the odd electrodes of the
multi-electrode cable are used.

If the number of the identified electrodes does not correspond with

the number of connected ones, then:

1) Press the key. The question “Quit?” is displayed.

2) Check, if all multi-electrode cable sections are connected correctly.
3) Activate new multi-electrode cable identification by pressing the


Infinite Electrodes Positions

y [m] Inf #2
(x, y)

Beginning of profile
(x, y)

Inf #1 Measured
(x, y) profile

x [m]

fig. 101 Specification of the infinite electrodes positions

Inf #1 x: -50.0 m
y: -100.0 m
Inf #2 x: 650.0 m
y: 100.0 m
fig. 102 Position of infinite electrodes

Inf #1 – position of the first infinite electrode.

Inf#2 – position of the second infinite electrode.

If the chosen method uses infinite electrodes, type their position.

If there is no infinite electrode, ignore the parameter.


Dummy Electrodes

Dummy 1: 120.0 m
Dummy 2: 125.0 m
Dummy 3: 0.0 m
Dummy 4: 0.0 m7:
IP-wnd 0.0 m
IP-wnd 8: 0.0 m
IP-wnd 9: 0.0 m
Dummy 12: 0.0 m

fig. 103 Dummy electrodes

If some of the electrodes cannot be used (e.g. when measuring

across a road, concrete surface etc.), set the positions of those unused
electrodes (“dummy” electrodes) in metres from the beginning of the
profile. The maximum number of the dummy electrodes on the profile is not
limited, but their maximum number on the currently used multi-electrode
cable is 12.
For 2D measurements these dummy electrodes are entered by their
distance from the profile beginning. For 3D measurements the dummy
electrodes are entered by their ordinal number.

Start of the Measurement

Start measurement?

(unlock STOP button)

fig. 104 Confirmation of the measurement start

The measurement is started by unlocking of the STOP button, and

finished by pressing of the key.


Electrode: 140.0 m WARNING!
Resistance: 1323.5 Ω
Electrode No: 15
Avg-res: 125.2 Ω
Resistance: 1323.5 Ω
Avg-res: 125.2 Ω
fig. 105 Test of electrodes

Before the measurement is started the resistance of the electrodes is

tested. If some electrodes with the resistances significantly different from
the average values of the electrodes in the vicinity are found, the message
according to the appears. For 2D measurements the distance of wrong
electrode is displayed. For 3D measurements the ordinal number of wrong
electrode is displayed.

If you would like to check the connection of the electrodes

found by the test, press the STOP button at first. The next electrode
found by the test can be displayed by pressing the key. If you like to
return to the dummy electrodes screen (to add more electrodes) and repeat
the test afterwards press the key. If you prefer to ignore the test of the
electrodes and to continue the measurement, press the key.
The measurement runs automatically on the background and the
measured values are displayed currently on one of the measured values
screens. The current pulse is signalized by shining of the MEASURING

In the case of a danger the measurement can be

immediately interrupted by pressing of the STOP button!

Current: 1855.62 mA
Voltage: 5.21 mV
App-res: 825.28 m
St-dev: 0.2 %
fig. 106 Measured values screen


Point: 1210
El-pot: 48.28 mV
Batt: 73 %
Temp: 56°C
fig. 107 Information sceen

IP1: 14.3% 0.2%

IP2: 7.2% 0.4%
IP3: IP5:
3.4% 14.3%
0.9% 1.8%
IP4: IP6:
1.0% 7.2%
1.4% 2.4%
IP7: IP9:3.4% 14.3%
3.1% 0.4%
IP8: IP10:
0.2% 7.2%
5.8% 0.8%

fig. 108 IP values screen

C1: 1200.0 m
C2: 1400.0
C1:m 21
P1: 1290.0
C2:m 24
P2: 1310.0
P1:m 22
P2: 23
fig. 109 Measured position screen

During the measurement, the measured values (injected current,

measured voltage, El-pot - voltage drift on potential electrodes, standard
deviation, measured point number, apparent resistivity, IP values with
related standard deviations, actual positions of the measuring electrodes) are
displayed on one of the following screens. The keys to serve for
the movement between the measured values screens.

If all points (measurable in the current multi-electrode cable
position) have been measured, and the end of the profile has been reached,
the measurement is finished. If the profile end has not been reached, you
will be asked to place the STOP button to the safety position and to move
the first multi-electrode cable section to the end of the cable (to “swap” or
“roll along” the section).
First section
(move it) Measured

Profile beginning

fig. 110 Moving of the first section

Press STOP button

and then Press STOP button
move first section and then
at end of multicable
move first cable row
at end of multicable
fig. 111 Cable section (2D) or row (3D) swopping prompt

Note: Alternatively it is possible only to disconnect the first section

and to connect another one (prepared in advance) to the end of the multi-
electrode cable. Then you can start the measurement, and while it is
running, you can prepare the first disconnected section to the end of the
cable for the next swapping.

Having moved the section, press the key. The measurement

will start with the updated position of the multi-electrode cable. The
measurement can be finished at any time by pressing the key.


Change of Parameters / Measurement Finishing

If you need to change the parameters of the measurement, you can
recall the parameters screen by pressing of the key. Then you can do
the required changes and confirm them by pressing of the key. To
finish the measurement you can leave the parameters screen using the
The change of parameters influences measured results so it is not
recommended to make these changes in one measuring file.

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 112 Parameters of the measurement


(press STOP button)

fig. 113 Finishing of the measurement

Emergency Measurement Finishing

In the case of a danger the measurement can be stopped
immediately by pressing the STOP button.


3.5 Borehole survey

Borehole survey allows obtaining detailed information on apparent
resistivity and induced polarization in the borehole surroundings and
between two boreholes. This way it is possible to measure studied structure
to higher depth in comparison with surface measurements. More accurate
information about separate layers, fissures or other inhomogenities can be
This mode can be well used on restricted survey area, greater depth
or in case of measurement under unaccessible area.

The device allows two basic configurations of measurement. First

possibility is cross-borehole survey (fig. 113), second possibility is
measurement between one borehole and adjacent surface (fig. 114). For
more detailed results the data from several combinations of these basic
methods can be combined. For inversion e.g. the software RES2DINV can
be used.

fig. 114 Cross-borehole survey


fig. 115 Borehole – surface survey

For the measurement it is necessary to provide following


- The boreholes must be watered for good contact between

electrode and environment.
- Recommended distance of the boreholes (for cross-hole
tomography) should be twice higher than the electrode
distance on the borehole cable.
- The last borehole electrode has to be at the aperture of the

For this measurement it is necessary to use special multi-core

cables with the adapter.


3.5.1 Entering input parameters

New measurement
Continue measur.
Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 116 Main menu

Choose New measurement from the main menu.

 SP
 Cross borehole
 User defined

fig. 117 Measuring methods

Choose Cross borehole / Borehole-surface from the list of

measuring methods.

If there are some previous measurements of appropriate type the

inquiry “Copy settings from another file?” appears. If you would like to
copy settings from one of the previous measurements, press the key.
The list of the previous measurements (if there were some) is displayed.
Choose the required previous measurement from the list. For creating the
new measurement file (with the default settings) press the key.
Fill in the name of the measurement file and the locality name
(max. 30 characters). Completion of this information is obligatory.


File Header

File: Test 1

Locality:Olomouc S2

fig. 118 Measurement heading

In the following screen you can type non-obligatory information –

operator‟s name (max. 10 characters), measurement date and a note (max.
30 characters).

Operator: D. Skopal
Date: 27.10.

fig. 119 Measurement notes

Measured area specification

Profile: 1
X-loc: 10.0m
Y-loc: 10.0m
Direction: 0(X)

fig. 120 Profile position

Profile – identification number of the measured profile/grid.
X-loc, Y-loc – position of the first borehole (the first electrode) in
the x- and y-axes directions.
Direction – direction of the measurement along the profile.

The X-loc, Y-loc and Direction parameters serve for identification

of the measured profile, especially in order to enable a further conversion of
several 2D measurements into 3D survey. For a standard 2D survey or
direct 3D survey these parameters can be ignored.

1st BH el.: 8
2nd BH el.: BHole 8
el.: 8
BH dist: Surf.10m
el.: 8
El. dist: 5m
El. dist: 5m

fig. 121 Profile parameters

1st BH el., 2nd BH el., BHole el. – the number of electrodes

which are placed into the borehole (boreholes). The last electrode
in the borehole is at the aperture of the borehole.
Surf. El. – the number of electrodes placed at the surface. The
first electrode is placed at the distance from the borehole aperture
corresponding with electrode distance..
BH dist – boreholes distance.
El. dist – electrodes distance.


Setting of the Pulse and IP Windows



pulse 1 2 3 4 5
IP-windows 1~10
fig. 122 Representation of the pulse parameters

The measurement of first IP window starts 35 ms (mains frequency

50 Hz) or 28 ms (mains frequency 60 Hz) after the current pulse is switched

Pulse: 1.0 s

IP-wnd IP-wnd
1: 3:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
2: 4:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
5: 7:0.08 s 0.16 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
6: 8:0.08 s 0.16 s
fig. 3-4 – Nastavení pulsu #1
IP-wnd 9: 0.32 s
IP-wnd 10: 0.32 s

fig. 123 Settings of the pulse and IP windows

Pulse – the length of the current pulse. It can be set in the range
from 0.3 s to 30 s, step 0.1 s.
IP-wnd 1 to 10 – the width of the IP windows. 10 IP windows (at
maximum) are available. Each of them can be set in the range from
0 to 30 s, step 0.02 s (for 50 Hz), resp. the nearest multiple of 1/60
for 60 Hz mains frequency.

If the IP window width is set to 0, the window is not used.
If you are going to measure the resistivity only all IP windows
have to be set to 0.

Measurement Optimization

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 124 Parameters of the measurement

Potential – Choose the value from the table according to the actual
measurement (resistivity / induced polarization), depth of the
survey and noise level. For resistivity measured under normal
conditions 10 mV level is recommended. For induced polarization
at least 100 mV level (shown as IP100 mV) is necessary to get
good measurable values in IP windows during exponential pulse
decay. In case of occurrence of significant noise (electric traction,
electric distribution station) and in case of bigger depth of survey it
is recommended to increase the potential level as well. On the
other side the increase of potential causes enormous battery
discharge (due to the bigger transmitted power) and changes in the
ground resistances of electrodes caused by current.

Optim. potential
5 mV
10 mV
20 mV
40 mV
IP 100 mV
IP 200 mV
tab. 8 Potential

Stacking – Choose the value from the table. The first value chosen
is the minimum number of pulses for one measured point, the
second value (following the slash mark) gives the maximum
number of pulses for the point. For the calculation of the
measuring error (standard deviation) at least 4 pulses for one
measured point are necessary.
The specific number of pulses is determined for each
measured point separately according to the current measured value
of the potential. If the measured potential is lower than optimum,
the number of pulses is doubled, if it is lower than 1/4 of the
optimum potential, the number of pulses is multiplied by four.
The preset value of stacking matches to most measuring
conditions.and the increased stacking might uselessly prolong the
time of measurement and decrease the battery life.

Pulses Standard
min. max. deviation
2 2
2/4 2 4 no
2/8 8
4 4
4/8 4 8
4/16 16
8 8
8/16 8 16
8/32 32
16 16
16/32 16 32
16/64 64
32 32
32/64 32 64
32/128 128
tab. 9 Stacking

St-dev max. – The maximum standard deviation that is still

If the real standard deviation of the point is higher than St-
dev max., the measurement is repeated. Then the value with the
lowest measuring error is chosen. The values of 1, 2, 5 and 10%
are available.


Generated Measurement Info Data

Then the following measurement info data are generated and

displayed on the screen: number of layers (layers), total number of
measured points (points) and measuring time estimation (Meas-time).

Layers: 2
Points: 2506

Meas-time: 120 min

fig. 125 Generated measurement info data

3.5.2 Measurement

Measure now?

fig. 126 Measurement activation

If you are only creating an example file or preparing measuring

files, press the key to stop the measurement now.

Before the start of measurement connect the used cables with

adapter to the main unit.
Then continue with the key.


Multi-electrode Cable Identification

Connected: 40 el
Minimal: 16 el

fig. 127 Multi-electrode cable identification

Connected – number of connected electrodes of the multi-

electrode cable. If the number of connected electrodes is smaller
than the minimum one, the measurement cannot be performed.
Minimal – minimum number of electrodes necessary for
measurement of given task.

If the number of the identified electrodes does not correspond with

the number of connected ones, then:

1) Press the key. The question “Quit?” is displayed.

2) Check, if all multi-electrode cable sections are connected correctly
(switches on the rear panel of the adapter).
3) Activate new multi-electrode cable identification by pressing the

Start of the Measurement

Start measurement?

(unlock STOP button)

fig. 128 Confirmation of the measurement start


The measurement is started by unlocking of the STOP button, and

finished by pressing of the key.

Electrode No: 15
Resistance: 1323.5 Ω
Avg-res: 125.2 Ω
fig. 129 Test of electrodes

Before the measurement is started the resistance of the electrodes is

tested. If some electrodes with the resistances significantly different from
the average values of the electrodes in the vicinity are found, the message
according to the fig. 129 appears. The ordinal number of wrong electrode is
displayed (first electrode has a number 0).

If you would like to check the connection of the electrodes

found by the test, press the STOP button at first. The next electrode
found by the test can be displayed by pressing the key. If you like to
return to the dummy electrodes screen (to add more electrodes) and repeat
the test afterwards press the key. If you prefer to ignore the test of the
electrodes and to continue the measurement, press the key.
The measurement runs automatically on the background and the
measured values are displayed currently on one of the measured values
screens. The current pulse is signalized by shining of the MEASURING

In the case of a danger the measurement can be

immediately interrupted by pressing of the STOP button!


Current: 1855.62 mA
Voltage: 5.21 mV
App-res: 825.28 m
St-dev: 0.2 %
fig. 130 Measured values screen

Point: 1210
El-pot: 48.28 mV
Batt: 73 %
Temp: 56°C
fig. 131 Information sceen

IP1: 14.3% 0.2%

IP2: 7.2% 0.4%
IP3: IP5:
3.4% 14.3%
0.9% 1.8%
IP4: IP6:
1.0% 7.2%
1.4% 2.4%
IP7: IP9:3.4% 14.3%
3.1% 0.4%
IP8: IP10:
0.2% 7.2%
5.8% 0.8%

fig. 132 IP values screen

C1: 21
C2: 24
P1: 22
P2: 23
fig. 133 Measured position screen

During the measurement, the measured values (injected current,
measured voltage, apparent resistivity, standard deviation, measured point
number, El-pot - voltage drift on potential electrodes, IP values with related
standard deviations, actual positions of the measuring electrodes) are
displayed on one of the following screens. The keys to , and
serves for the movement between the measured values screens.

Measurement is finished after all points have measured.


3.6 User defined measurement

This mode is designed for special cases of measurement done with
the use of multi-electrode cables. All measuring points are defined
individually by the user in the user defined file. This file is uploaded into
ARES device.

The apparent resistivity computation expects that the electrodes are

placed in a single row (like 2D multicable survey). If the electrodes
configuration is different, the correct apparent resistivity has to be
recomputed after data download.
Detailed description of user defined file creation can be found in
chapter 7.8.4.

3.6.1 Entering Input Parameters

New measurement
Continue measur.
Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 134 Main menu

Choose New measurement from the main menu.

 SP
Cross borehole
 User defined
fig. 135 Measuring methods

From the list of measuring methods choose User defined.

File Choice


fig. 136 Measurement heading

Choose the desired file from the displayed list.

Setting of the Pulse and IP Windows



pulse 1 2 3 4 5
IP-windows 1~10
fig. 137 Representation of the pulse parameters

The measurement of first IP window starts 35 ms (mains frequency

50 Hz) or 28 ms (mains frequency 60 Hz) after the current pulse is switched


Pulse: 1.0 s

IP-wnd IP-wnd
1: 3:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
2: 4:0.02 s 0.04 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
5: 7:
0.08 s 0.16 s
IP-wnd IP-wnd
6: 8:
0.08 s 0.16 s
IP-wnd 9: 0.32 s
IP-wnd 10: 0.32 s

fig. 138 Settings of the pulse and IP windows

Pulse – the length of the current pulse. It can be set in the range
from 0.3 s to 30 s, step 0.1 s.
IP-wnd 1 to 10 – the width of the IP windows. 10 IP windows (at
maximum) are available. Each of them can be set in the range from
0 to 30 s, step 0.02 s (for 50 Hz), resp. the nearest multiple of 1/60
for 60 Hz mains frequency.
If the IP window width is set to 0, the window is not used.
If you are going to measure the resistivity only all IP windows
have to be set to 0.

Measurement Optimization

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 139 Parameters of the measurement

Potential – Choose the value from the table according to the actual
measurement (resistivity / induced polarization), depth of the
survey and noise level. For resistivity measured under normal
conditions 10 mV level is recommended. For induced polarization
at least 100 mV level (shown as IP100 mV) is necessary to get

good measurable values in IP windows during exponential pulse
decay. In case of occurrence of significant noise (electric traction,
electric distribution station) and in case of bigger depth of survey it
is recommended to increase the potential level as well. On the
other side the increase of potential causes enormous battery
discharge (due to the bigger transmitted power) and changes in the
ground resistances of electrodes caused by current.

Optim. potential
5 mV
10 mV
20 mV
40 mV
IP 100 mV
IP 200 mV
tab. 10 Potential

Stacking – Choose the value from the table. The first value chosen
is the minimum number of pulses for one measured point, the
second value (following the slash mark) gives the maximum
number of pulses for the point. For the calculation of the
measuring error (standard deviation) at least 4 pulses for one
measured point are necessary.
The specific number of pulses is determined for each
measured point separately according to the current measured value
of the potential. If the measured potential is lower than optimum,
the number of pulses is doubled, if it is lower than 1/4 of the
optimum potential, the number of pulses is multiplied by four.
The preset value of stacking matches to most measuring
conditions.and the increased stacking might uselessly prolong the
time of measurement and decrease the battery life.

Pulses Standard
min. max. deviation
2 2
2/4 2 4 no
2/8 8
4 4
4/8 4 8
4/16 16
8 8
8/16 8 16
8/32 32
16 16
16/32 16 32
16/64 64
32 32
32/64 32 64
32/128 128
tab. 11 Stacking

St-dev max. – The maximum standard deviation that is still

If the real standard deviation of the point is higher than
St-dev max., the measurement is repeated. Then the value with the
lowest measuring error is chosen. The values of 1, 2, 5 and 10%
are available.

Generated Measurement Info Data

Then the following measurement info data are generated and
displayed on the screen: total number of measured points (points) and
measuring time estimation (Meas-time).

Points: 12506

Meas-time: 120 min

fig. 140 Generated measurement info data

3.6.2 Measurement

Measure now?

fig. 141 Measurement activation

If you are only creating an example file or preparing measuring

files, press the key to stop the measurement now.

Before the start of measurement connect the multielectrode cable

with the main unit directly or using the T-piece.

Then continue with the key.

Multi-electrode Cable Identification


First el.

fig. 142 Specification of the multi-electrode cable position


Connected: 80 el
Minimal: 64 el
First el: 240 m
Use el: all

fig. 143 Multi-electrode cable identification

Connected – number of connected electrodes of the multi-

electrode cable. If the number of connected electrodes is smaller
than the minimum one, only the layers, for which the connected
number of electrodes is sufficient, will be measured.
Minimal – minimum number of electrodes necessary for
measurement of all layers
First el – position of the first electrode of the multi-electrode cable
on the measured profile (fig. 142). This value is increased
automatically after each swapping (rolling along) of the cable
section (according to the last section connected). The value can be
also re-written, if necessary.
Use el – if set to all, all available electrodes are used for the
measurement. If set to odd, only the odd electrodes of the multi-
electrode cable are used.

If the number of the identified electrodes does not correspond with

the number of connected ones, then:

1) Press the key. The question “Quit?” is displayed.

2) Check, if all multi-electrode cable sections are connected correctly.
3) Activate new multi-electrode cable identification by pressing the


Start of the Measurement

Start measurement?

(unlock STOP button)

fig. 144 Confirmation of the measurement start

The measurement is started by unlocking of the STOP button, and

finished by pressing of the key.

Electrode: 140.0 m
Resistance: 1323.5 Ω
Avg-res: 125.2 Ω
fig. 145 Test of electrodes

Before the measurement is started the resistance of the electrodes is

tested. If some electrodes with the resistances significantly different from
the average values of the electrodes in the vicinity are found, the message
according to the fig. 145 appears.

If you would like to check the connection of the electrodes

found by the test, press the STOP button at first. The next electrode
found by the test can be displayed by pressing the key. If you like to
return to the dummy electrodes screen (to add more electrodes) and repeat
the test afterwards press the key. If you prefer to ignore the test of the
electrodes and to continue the measurement, press the key.
The measurement runs automatically on the background and the
measured values are displayed currently on one of the measured values

screens. The current pulse is signalized by shining of the MEASURING

In the case of a danger the measurement can be

immediately interrupted by pressing of the STOP button!

Current: 1855.62 mA
Voltage: 5.21 mV
App-res: 825.28 m
St-dev: 0.2 %
fig. 146 Measured values screen

Point: 1210
El-pot: 48.28 mV
Batt: 73 %
Temp: 56°C
fig. 147 Information sceen

IP1: 14.3% 0.2%

IP2: 7.2% 0.4%
IP3: IP5:
3.4% 14.3%
0.9% 1.8%
IP4: IP6:
1.0% 7.2%
1.4% 2.4%
IP7: IP9:3.4% 14.3%
3.1% 0.4%
IP8: IP10:
0.2% 7.2%
5.8% 0.8%

fig. 148 IP values screen


C1: 1200.0 m
C2: 1400.0 m
P1: 1290.0 m
P2: 1310.0 m
fig. 149 Measured position screen

During the measurement, the measured values (injected current,

measured voltage, El-pot - voltage drift on potential electrodes, standard
deviation, measured point number, apparent resistivity, IP values with
related standard deviations, actual positions of the measuring electrodes) are
displayed on one of the following screens. The keys to serve for
the movement between the measured values screens.

If all points (measurable in the current multi-electrode cable

position) have been measured, and the end of the profile has been reached,
the measurement is finished. If the profile end has not been reached, you
will be asked to place the STOP button to the safety position and to move
the first multi-electrode cable section to the end of the cable (to “swap” or
“roll along” the section).
First section
(move it) Measured

Profile beginning

fig. 150 Moving of the first section

Press STOP button

and then
move first section
at end of multicable
fig. 151 Cable section swapping prompt

Note: Alternatively it is possible only to disconnect the first section
and to connect another one (prepared in advance) to the end of the multi-
electrode cable. Then you can start the measurement, and while it is
running, you can prepare the first disconnected section to the end of the
cable for the next swapping.

Having moved the section, press the key. The measurement

will start with the updated position of the multi-electrode cable. The
measurement can be finished at any time by pressing the key.

Change of Parameters / Measurement Finishing

If you need to change the parameters of the measurement, you can
recall the parameters screen by pressing of the key. Then you can do
the required changes and confirm them by pressing of the key. To
finish the measurement you can leave the parameters screen using the
The change of parameters influences measured results so it is not
recommended to make these changes in one measuring file.

Potential: 10 mV
Stacking: 4/16
St-dev max: 2 %

fig. 152 Parameters of the measurement


(press STOP button)

fig. 153 Finishing of the measurement

Emergency Measurement Finishing
In the case of a danger the measurement can be stopped
immediately by pressing the STOP button.


4 Measurement Continuation

New measurerement
 Continue measur.
Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 154 Main menu

Choose Continue measurement from the main menu.

3D multicable
 RP
 SP

fig. 155 Measuring method

Choose the measuring method.

From the next displayed screen choose the measurement you are
going to continue in. The measurement according to the chosen type follows
– see chapter 3.


5 Deleting of the Measurement

New measurerement
Continue measur.
 Delete measur.
 Setting

fig. 156 Main menu

Choose Delete measurement from the main menu.

All measures
2D multicable
3D multicable

fig. 157 Measuring method

Choose the required measuring method. From the next displayed

list choose the measurement file you would like to delete.

6 Settings
6.1 Display Setting

Continue measur.
Delete measur.
Show Info
 Setting
fig. 158 Main menu

Choose Setting from the main menu.

 Display
Memory format
 Service menu

fig. 159 Setting menu

Choose Display from the setting menu.

Contrast: +10 %
Backlight: Off

fig. 160 Display setting

Set the required contrast of the display and the intensity of its
backlight. The contrast can be adjusted within the range of –50% to +100%.
The backlight intensity can be set to Off, Low, Mid, High.

6.2 Setting of the Filtering

 Continue measur.
Delete measur
Show Info
 Setting

fig. 161 Main menu

Choose Setting from the main menu.

 Display

 Filtering
Memory format
 Service menu

fig. 162 Setting menu

Choose Filtering from the setting menu.

Frequency:  50 Hz

fig. 163 Filtering setting

Choose the value of the digital filtering (50 or 60 Hz) so that it

corresponds with the mains frequency used in your country.

6.3 Formatting of the Memory
It is recommended to do the formatting of the memory at least
once a year .



 Continue measur.
Delete measur.
Show Info
 Setting

fig. 164 Main menu

Choose Setting from the main menu.

 Display
 Memory format
 Service menu

fig. 165 Setting menu

Choose Memory format from the setting menu.


7 Software ARES
Software ARES delivered with the instrument serves for measured
data and measuring sets management, measured data transfer to PC, export
of the data to the interpretation software etc.

fig. 166 Main window

7.1 Installation of the Software

Insert the installation CD ARES to the PC. For installation of the
ARES Software please follow the instruction in the readme_en.txt file in
ARES Software folder.


7.2 Connecting of the Instrument to the PC

Connect the instrument to a power supply (see chapter 2.3) and to
PC (through serial ports COM1 to COM9, or USB). Run the program ARES
and from the menu Options/Connection port choose the port, to which the
instrument is connected. (You can also choose „Auto” and the program will
try to find the instrument on one of the ports automatically). Now switch the
instrument on.

fig. 167 Port setting


7.3 Measuring Files Management

The data from measurements can be kept in order by sorting to
groups or projects according to operator‟s name, year, client etc. Some
examples are given below.

fig. 168 Projects window

To create a new group of measurements choose New Group from

the menu Project and type a new name of the group. A new project can be
added to the currently chosen group by choosing the item New Project from
the menu Project and typing the project name. To rename or delete a
currently chosen group or project choose Rename or Delete from the menu

fig. 169 Menu Project

7.4 Downloading / Deleting of the
Connect the instrument and switch it on (see chapter 7.2). Then
choose the project you would like to transfer the measured files to (from the
left window) and click on Download data.

fig. 170 Selection of the project

The window with all available measurement files is displayed.


fig. 171 Downloading or deleting of the measured data

Choose the file you would like to transfer to PC (or delete) from
the list and click on Download data, (or Delete).

7.5 Viewing of the Measurement Data File

Choose the file you would like to open from the main window and
click on View.

The program that will be used for measurement editing can be

chosen from the menu Options \ Set editing program. Notepad is set as
standard, but it is recommended to use UltraEdit32 (
and set the tabulator to the value 12 (menu Advanced \ Configuration,
bookmark Edit, item Tab Stop Value).


7.6 Data Export

7.6.1 Data Export to MS Excel
Open MS Excel and create an empty file. From the menu Data
choose Import external data... and Import text file.... The window for the
file choice is displayed: set the type of the opened file to All files and
choose the measurement file you would like to import to Excel. When the
choice is completed, the import guide window opens. In the first two
windows leave the initial setting (type of source data: separator, separator:
tabulator). In the third window set the data format in all columns to
„general„ and finish the import. While exporting the data it is necessary to
set the decimal point as a decimal-place separator.

7.6.2 Data Export to Surfer

From the main window choose the RP or SP file you are going to
export to SURFER and click on Export to Surfer.
According to the settings of the measurement several files with the
same name as the exported file will be generated for Surfer. Their
extensions are given in the table below:
File extension Resistivity data IP data (window)
*.srf.dat yes none
*.srf.ip1.dat yes no. 1
*.srf.ip2.dat yes no. 2
*.srf.ip3.dat yes no. 3
*.srf.ip4.dat yes no. 4
*.srf.ip5.dat yes no. 5
*.srf.ip6.dat yes no. 6
*.srf.ip7.dat yes no. 7
*.srf.ip8.dat yes no. 8
*.srf.ip9.dat yes no. 9
*.srf.ip10.dat yes no. 10

The format of the *.dat file is described in the Surfer user guide.

7.6.3 Data Export to IPI2Win

From the main window choose the VES file you are going to
export to IPI2Win and click on Export to IPI2Win.

According to the setting of the measurement several files with the

same name as the exported file will be generated for IPI2Win. Their
extensions are given in the table below:

File extension Resistivity data IP data (window)

*.ipi.dat yes none
*.ipi.ip1.dat yes no. 1
*.ipi.ip2.dat yes no. 2
*.ipi.ip3.dat yes no. 3
*.ipi.ip4.dat yes no. 4
*.ipi.ip5.dat yes no. 5
*.ipi.ip6.dat yes no. 6
*.ipi.ip7.dat yes no. 7
*.ipi.ip8.dat yes no. 8
*.ipi.ip9.dat yes no. 9
*.ipi.ip10.dat yes no. 10

The format of the *.dat file is described in the IPI2Win user guide.

7.6.4 Data Export to RES2DINV/RES3DINV

From the main window choose the multi-electrode measurement

file you are going to export to RES2DINV / RES3DINV and click on
Export to Res2DInv or Export to Res3DInv. If more files are chosen, they
will be assembled in one output file.

The following window appears:

fig. 172 Export filter

Source file – list of files with measured data

Destination file – exported file name
Method – if there are measured data from several measuring
methods (combined methods), it is possible to choose the method to be

A simple Resistivity filter allows setting of the export of the

required data from the measuring methods chosen from the Method list with
the current / potential higher than Minimal injected current / Minimal
measured potential, apparent resistivity values within the Resistivity range
and the standard deviation lower than Maximal error.
The item Density is accessible for borehole survey files only. This
parameter sets the number of blocks between two electrodes during

inversion task (see software RES2DINV). This value can be set from 1 to
10. Higher number causes finer grid of the final picture, but the time of the
computation is higher.

If the IP data were measured, it is possible to choose the IP

window required for export from the Export IP Window list. Only the
measured points with the IP values within the IP range and standard
deviation lower than Maximal error will be included in the exported file.

According to the setting of the measurement several files with the

same name as the exported file will be generated for RES2DINV. Their
extensions are given in the table below:

File extension Resistivity data IP data (window)

*.dat yes none
*.ip1.dat yes no. 1
*.ip2.dat yes no. 2
*.ip3.dat yes no. 3
*.ip4.dat yes no. 4
*.ip5.dat yes no. 5
*.ip6.dat yes no. 6
*.ip7.dat yes no. 7
*.ip8.dat yes no. 8
*.ip9.dat yes no. 9
*.ip10.dat yes no. 10

The format of the *.dat file is described in the RES2DINV user

To collate 2D data from several profiles into RES3DINV format
follow the instructions in RES2DINV/RES3DINV user guide (Appendix P).

7.7 Deleting of the Measurement

Choose the files you are going to delete from the main window and
click on Delete.


7.8 Creating of User Defined Sets

7.8.1 User Defined VES-Set Creating

This chapter describes the way of creating of the user VES

measuring set (VES - Set).
Choose New VES-set from the menu Sets. Type the name of the
new VES-Set into the dialog window. In the file window opened
consequently fill in the following information:

1. First line: full name of the method and its version.

2. Second line: author‟s name
3. Third line: code of the array (according to the tab. 13)
4. Fourth line: always 0 (except GEN array)
For GEN array fill in the codes for used infinite electrodes C1, C2,
P1, P2 (the codes are: 1 – Inf #1, 2 – Inf #2, 0 – the electrode is
used as a measuring one). The codes are separated by tabulator.
5. Next eight lines: type the distances (in metres) of the used potential
pairs of electrodes P1 to P8. Write 0 for the pairs that are not used.
All pairs of potential electrodes are to be connected to the
instrument using the VES-Adapter.
If only one pair of potential electrodes is used, all distance
values can be 0 and it is sufficient to connect this pair to the
instrument via T-piece.
6. On each of the following lines the measuring electrodes array for
one point is given (in the following sequence):
Positions of the electrodes C1, C2, P1, P2, number of used pair of
potential electrodes for the VES-Adapter. Each position of
electrodes C1, C2, P1, P2 can be completed by colour mark
(if used): R – red, G – green, B – blue. The items are separated by


Schlumberger 1100 m / 5 (VES-Adapter) Name of the method

GFInstruments (Ing. D. Skopal) Author, note
WS Method type
0 See item 4. above
-0.2 0.2
-1.0 1.0
-5.0 5.0
Distances of the 1st to 8th
-20.0 20.0
pairs of potential
-100.0 100.0
0 0
0 0
0 0
-1.0R 1.0R -0.2 0.2 1
-1.3B 1.3B -0.2 0.2 1
-1.7R 1.7R -0.2 0.2 1 Positions and marks of the
-2.2B 2.2B -0.2 0.2 1 C1, C2, P1, P2 electrodes,
-2.8R 2.8R -0.2 0.2 1 P-pair
-3.7B 3.7B -0.2 0.2 1
-3.7B 3.7B -1.0 1.0 2
tab. 12 VES-Set file format

Array code Description

GEN General
WA Wenner-Alpha
WB Wenner-Beta
WG Wenner-Gama
WS (Wenner-) Schlumberger
DD Dipole-Dipole
PD Pole-Dipole
RPD Reverse Pole-Dipole
PP Pole-Pole
MGM Midle Gradient Method
tab. 13 Array code

The schemes of the measuring arrays follow:



C1 P1 P2 C2
fig. 173 Wenner Alpha


C2 C1 P1 P2

fig. 174 Wenner Beta


C1 P1 C2 P2
fig. 175 Wenner Gama


C1 P1 P2 C2
fig. 176 Werner-Schlumberger



C2 C1 P1 P2

fig. 177 Dipole-Dipole

Inf #1
(x, y)



C1 P1 P2
fig. 178 Pole-Dipole

Inf #1
(x, y)



P1 P2 C2

fig. 179 Reverse Pole-Dipole


Inf #1
(x, y)
Inf #2
(x, y)
C1 P1
fig. 180 Pole-Pole

Inf #2

Inf #1 C2
P1 P2 (x, y)
(x, y)

fig. 181 MGM – Middle gradient method array

7.8.2 User Defined MEC-Set Creating

This chapter describes the way of creating of the user multi-
electrode cable measuring set (MEC - Set).
Choose New VES-sets from the menu Sets. Type the name of the
new MEC-Set into the dialog window. In the file window opened
consequently fill in the following information:

1. First line: full name of the method and its version.

2. Second line: author‟s name
3. Enter 0 to the following line.
4. Enter either 1 if some infinite electrode is used in the MEC-Set or
0 if there is no infinite electrode.

5. Each of the following lines represents the position of the
measuring electrodes for one layer (in the following sequence):
position code for the electrodes C1, C2, P1, P2 (tab. 16), grid
direction code (3D only, see fig. 182) and measuring array code
(tab. 17). The electrode position of the first measured point of the
layer is given in metres (for the electrode distance 1 m). (One
electrode is always on the first electrode position and thus its value
is 0). One MC-Set can contain up to 8 methods. The maximum
number of layers is 250.

Wenner Aplha v1.0 Full name of the array and its version
GF Instruments (Ing. D. Skopal) Author
0 See item 4. above
0 3 1 2 WA Position code and meas. method for the 1st layer
0 6 2 4 WA Position code and meas. method for the 2nd layer
0 9 3 6 WA Position code and meas. method for the 3rd layer
0 12 4 8 WA Position code and meas. method for the 4th layer
0 15 5 10 WA Position code and meas. method for the 5th layer
0 18 6 12 WA Position code and meas. method for the 6th layer

tab. 14 MEC-Set format for 2D measurements

Schlumberger N6 red Full name of the array and its version

GF Instruments (Ing. Z. Ruzicka) Author
0 See item 4. above
0 3 1 2 0 WA Position code, direction and meas. method for the 1st
0 3 1 2 2 WA Position code, direction and meas. method for the 2nd
0 5 2 3 0 WA Position code, direction and meas. method for the 3rd
0 5 2 3 2 WA Position code, direction and meas. method for the 4th
0 7 3 4 0 WA Position code, direction and meas. method for the 5th
0 7 3 4 2 WA Position code, direction and meas. method for the 6th

tab. 15 MEC-Set format for 3D measurements

Position code Type of the electrode
0 až 199 position of the electrode in metres
-1 passive
first infinite electrode
-2 active
-3 passive
second infinite electrode
-4 active
tab. 16 Position code of the electrode

Array code Name of the array

GEN General
WA Wenner Alpha
WB Wenner Betta
WG Wenner Gama
WS Wenner Schlumberger
DD Dipole-Dipole
EDD Equatorial Dipole-Dipole
PD Pole-Dipole (forward, reverse)
PP Pole-Pole
MGM Middle gradient method array
tab. 17 Measuring array code

fig. 182 Profile direction code in the grid for 3D MEC-set

The schemes of the measuring arrays follow:



C1 P1 P2 C2
fig. 183 WA – Wenner Alpha


C2 C1 P1 P2
fig. 184 WB – Wenner Beta


C1 P1 C2 P2
fig. 185 WG – Wenner Gamma


C1 P1 P2 C2
fig. 186 WS – Wenner-Schlumberger


C2 C1 P1 P2
fig. 187 DD – Dipole-Dipole


Inf #1

(x, y)


C1 P1 P2
fig. 188 PD – Pole-Dipole

Inf #1

(x, y)


P2 P1 C1
fig. 189 RPD – Reverse Pole-Dipole

Inf #1

(x, y)

C1 P1 Inf #2

(x, y)
fig. 190 PP – Pole-Pole

Inf #1 A Inf #2

C2 C1 P1 P2
(x, y) (x, y)

fig. 191 MGM – Middle gradient method

7.8.3 Creating of the MEC-Set in MS Excel

The MEC-Set (user multi-electrode cable measuring set) file can
be created also in MS Excel, which enables an automatic generation of the
electrode positions for each layer. The procedure is as follows:

1. Create a new MS Excel file.

2. First line: full name of the method and its version.
3. Second line: author‟s name.
4. Enter 0 to the following line.

5. Enter either 1 if some infinite electrode is used in the MEC-Set or
0 if there is no infinite electrode.
6. Each of the following lines represents the position of the
measuring electrodes for one layer (in the following sequence):
position code for the electrodes C1, C2, P1, P2 (tab. 16), profile
direction code in the grid (3D only, see fig. 182) and measuring
array code (tab. 17). The electrode position of the first measured
point of the layer is given in metres (for the electrode distance 1
m). (One electrode is always on the first electrode position and
thus its value is 0). One MEC-Set can contain up to 8 methods.
The maximum number of measured layers is 250.
7. Choose Save As… from the menu File and in the displayed dialog
window set the file type to “Text (separated by tabulators)”. Write
the name of the MEC-Set as file name and save the file in the
directory “...\Methods”. The file will be saved with “.txt”
extension, so change it to “.mcs” in the case of 2D MEC-Set or
“.m3s” in the case of 3D MEC-Set then.

1 Name of the method, version
2 Author
3 0
4 0 - See item 5. above
5 C1 C2 P1 P2 Array
6 C1 C2 P1 P2 Array
... ... ... ... ... ...
n C1 C2 P1 P2 Array
fig. 192 Format of the MEC-Set 2D in Excel

1 Name of the method, version
2 Author
3 0
4 0 - See item 5. above
5 C1 C2 P1 P2 Direction Array
6 C1 C2 P1 P2 Direction Array
... ... ... ... ... … ...
n C1 C2 P1 P2 Direction Array
fig. 193 Format of the MEC-Set 3D in Excel

7.8.4 User Defined File Format UDS

The file which contains user defined measurement is in the format
*.uds and has the following structure:

Olomouc S2 Locality (max 30 characters)

Z. Ruzicka Operátor (max 10 characters)
Pozn Poznámka (max 30 characters)
25/8 Date - DD/MM
1 Profile
0 X-Loc
0 Y-Loc
0 Direction
47 The profile length
1 The electrodes distance
0 IP (0 – without IP, 1 –with IP)
0 3 1 2 1. measured point
0 1 2 3 2. measured point The relative position
3 0 2 1 3. measured point of theelectrodes C1,
1 0 3 2 4. measured point C2, P1, P2 on the
2 7 4 5 5. measured point cable in the interval
3 9 5 6 6. measured point <0, number of el. -1>

tab. 18 Format of user defined measurement file

The Profile, X-loc, Y-loc and Direction parameters serve for

identification of the measured profile, especially in order to enable a further
files combination. For a single survey these parameters can be ignored.

Profile/Grid – identification (consecutive) number of the measured
X-loc, Y-loc – position of the beginning of the measured profile
(the first electrode) in the x- and y-axes directions.
Direction – direction of the measurement along the profile.

The file defined this way can be uploaded int the ARES device
using the ARES software, see chapter 7.9.


7.9 VES/MEC/UDS Sets Installing

Connect the instrument and switch it on (see chapter 7.2).

Choose Install/Uninstall from the menu Sets. The window with

the list of the methods installed in the instrument opens.

fig. 194 Set Manager

To install a new set click on Add new method and choose the set
(VES or MEC) you like to install from the displayed list.
To install user defined file (UDS) click on Upload user defined
file and choose the desired file.
If you like to remove some sets from the instrument, choose them
from the list and click on Delete.

8 Measuring cables and electrodes
(optional accesories)
8.1 Intelligent Multi-conductor Cables
These advanced cables serve for standard 2D/3D multicable
surveys or for user defined surveys. This kind of cables with high resistance
against electromagnetic noise is especially convenient for measurement on
longer lines where its ability for easy rolling can be appreciated as well.

Standard version:
- MCS–5: Cable section with 8 electrode boxes with 5.5 m

fig. 195 Inteligent multi-conductor cable

8.2 Passive Multi-conductor Cables
These cables serve for 2D/3D multicable surveys with shorter
electrode spacing or total line lenght. Their special versions can be used for
borehole surveys and for underwater surveys. The use of these cables
requires the adapter for passive multi-conductor cables, see next chapter.

Standard version:
- Cable reel with 12 electrode boxes with 2.2 m spacing.

fig. 196 Passive multi-conductor cable

8.3 Adapter for Passive Multi-Conductor
The adapter for multi-conductor cables was designed for the ARES
instruments and serves for connection of multi-conductor cables with up to
72 takeouts.
The adapter with multi-conductor cables allows using all functions
of those instruments available for multi-electrode cables with intelligent

fig. 197 Adapter for multi-conductor cables

The gray cable of the adapter serves for connection of up to 36-

conductor cable as well as the connector on the right side of the adapter.
The measuring multi-conductor cable is to be connected to the
adapter so that the lower numbers of the takeouts are situated on the left (1-
24 for the 48-channel adapter), the higher numbers of the takeouts are
situated on the right (25-48 for the 48-channel adapter).

The orange cable serves for connection of the ARES systems.

The smaller connector on the right side of the adapter serves for
connection to another adapter. Several adapters can be connected together

in a cascade for increasing the number of electrodes up to 200. In this case
the ARES must be always connected to the first adapter on the profile. For
mutual connection of adapters it is necessary to order the prolongation cable
of a proper length (for maximum used distance of adapters according to
used spacing of electrodes on cables).

1 48 49 96
fig. 198 Measuring device engagement

For the software handling, please, follow the same rules as for a
line with intelligent electrodes.

All the line operated by the adapter is divided into 4 or 6 parts

(sections) switched using appropriate number of switches on the rear panel
of the adapter (see the fig. 199 and fig. 200).

1 2 1 31 4 1 1

fig. 199 Switches arrangement for 48 channel adapter version


1 2 13 1 14 5 16 1 1

fig. 200 Switches arrangement for 72 channel adapter version

Switch 1 – belongs to the electrodes 1-12.

Switch 2 – belongs to the electrodes 13-24.

Switch 3 – belongs to the electrodes 25-36.

Switch 4 – belongs to the electrodes 37-48.

Switch 5 – belongs to the electrodes 49-60.

Switch 6 – belongs to the electrodes 61-72.

Turn on only the switches belonging to the cable sections that are
really used – connected to the adapter.

For connecting of electrodes situated in infinite use clamps on the

ARES panel or T-piece connected between the ARES main unit and the
adapter for multi-conductor cables.

Adapter is attachable to the ARES main unit. In case you want to

simultaneously attach both 48 / 72 channel adapter and 12 V battery pack to
the ARES main unit please attach the adapter as the first one and the battery
pack as the second one.

8.4 Current and Potential Cable Reels
These cables serves for self potential measurements (SP),
resistivity profilling (RP), vertical electrical sounding (VES). They can be
used for connecting of infinite electrodes for multi-electrode cable surveys.
The length of cable is specified by customer.

fig. 201 Cable reel for current electrodes

fig. 202 Cable reel for potential electrodes

8.5 Stainless steel electrodes
These electrodes with rubber rings serve for standard surface
surveys with multielectrode cables.

fig. 203 Stainless stell electrodes

8.6 Non-polarizable electrodes

These electrodes (filled with copper sulphate solution) are designed
for applications as self potential measurement and induced polarization

fig. 204 Non-polarizable electrodes

9 Technical Specifications
Power up to 300 W
Current up to 2.0 A
Voltage 10 – 550 V (1100 Vp-p)
Protection full electronic protection
Precision 0.1%

Input impedance 20 M
Input voltage range 5V
Mains frequency filtering 50 or 60 Hz
Precision 0.1%

Supported methods
2D/3D-Multi-Electrode Resistivity and IP Tomography
VES – Vertical Electrical Sounding
RP – Resistivity Profiling
SP - Self Potential
Borehole survey
User defined survey

Supported arrays
Wenner Alpha / Beta / Gamma
Reverse Pole-Dipole
Equatorial dipole-dipole
User defined configurations

Measurement – features

Self-adapting control system
Automatic ranging and calibration
Automatic checking of measured values
Easy interruption of the measurement
Capability of profile prolongation by means of multi-electrode cable
IP - Induced Polarization (Chargeability) available for all 1D / 2D / 3D
methods up to 10 adjustable IP-windows, each max. 30s,
step 20 / 16.66ms
Pulse 0.3 s – 30 s, step 0.1 s
SP compensation constant and linear, time-invariant
Stacking manual or automatic (with self-adaptive setting)
Adjustable optimum measured voltage and maximum acceptable
measurement error
Stored values: position of the measured point, output current, input
voltage, SP, apparent resistivity, standard deviation, chargeability
with standard deviation for all 10 IP windows
Output data format: RES2DINV / RES3DINV, Surfer (and others)
Maximum number of electrodes: 200 (connected in one array)
Maximum profile length for ME cable: 10 km

Control unit
Easy-Control system, no need of PC for the measurement
Alphanumeric keyboard, large LCD display
Safety switch
Memory: 16Mbit, up to 100 files, 70000 readings
Interface: RS232 or USB
Power supply: 12 V car battery or attachable battery pack
Connectors:for PC, battery and a universal one for all measuring
accessories (Multi-Electrode Cable, VES-Adapter)
Dimensions: 13 x 17 x 39 cm
Weight: 3.5 kg
Ambient conditions: -10°C to +50°C, weatherproof

Standard accessories:
Transport case
T-piece (for connection of multi-electrode cable sections and
cables for current and potential electrodes)
Cable for external 12 V battery
RS232C and USB cables
AC adapter (for all countries)
Measuring software ARES

Optional accessories:
12 V attachable battery pack with fast 3-stage battery charger
Multi-Electrode cable sections – active (intelligent) and passive
multi-conductor (classic)
Attachable 48-channel adapter for multi-conductor cable
VES-Adapter (for 5 pairs of potential electrodes)
Cable reels
Standard electrodes, non-polarisable electrodes
Interpretation and mapping software



For RP or measurement of a number of VES the use of

optional 12 V battery pack is recommended.
During moving the equipment it is necessary either to finish
the current measurement or to ensure continual power

During the measurement there is a high voltage on


This device meets essential requirements and other relevant

conditions of the applicable European directives. The
Declaration of Conformity is delivered with the instrument
and testing reports are available on request.

Dispose of the device at a recycling centre. Do not dispose of

the device with the household waste.


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