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I. It (rain) ____________ very hard when the bus___________ (leave) the school.
When we ___________ (get) home, my Aunt Carol and Uncle Arthur __________
(wait) for us. They_____________ (tell) us to run into their basement. When I
_____________(look) up the road, I____________ (see) that a tornado
_________ (come) towards our house. We all _________ (run) towards the
shelter. But it was too late. The tornado ___________ (pass) over us while we
____________ (try) to get down the stairs. We ____________ (close) the door
when the wind suddenly __________ (pull) it off. The noise was as loud as a train,
and it was very dark. My uncle_________ (hold) me down when suddenly the
tornado___________ (lift) him and threw him against a wall. Everybody
(scream)_________ for help while the tornado ___________ (throw) things on
top of us. Suddenly the wind ___________ (stop). It__________ (become) very
quiet. My uncle and sister were hurt, but we all__________ (survive).

II. A: I __________________________ (see) Peter and John in the park on Sunday.

B: _________________________________ (they/play) football?
They always play football on Sundays.
A: No, they ______________________ (not/be).
They _______________________ (talk) with some girls.
B: ____________________________ (you/say) hello to them?
A. Although I _______________________ (call) their names, they
_______________ (not/hear) me.
B:Maybe they _______________________ (not/notice) you
________________ (be) there

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