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What is characteristic curve

A graph showing the relationship between two variable but interdependent quantities These are
curves which are characteristic of a particular turbine which help us in studying the performance
of the turbine under various conditions. These curves pertaining to any turbine are supplied by its
manufacturers, based on actual tests.

The data that must be obtained in testing a turbine are the following:

1. The speed of the turbine N

2. The discharge Q
3. The net head H
4. The power developed P
5. The overall efficiency ƞ0
6. Gate opening (this refers to the percentage of the inlet passages provided for water to enter the
characteristic curve of pump
Curves relating total head, efficiency, power, and net positive suction head required (NPSHR) to
discharge or pump capacity (Q) are utilized to describe the operating properties (characteristics)
of a pump. This set of four curves is known as the pump characteristic curves or pump
performance curves .Pump performance characteristics are interpreted from data in tabular form
and then graphed. At the other extreme, the Shutoff head is the net head that occurs when the
volume flow rate is zero, It is achieved when the outlet port of the pump is blocked off. Under
these conditions, H is large but V is zero; the pump’s efficiency is again zero, because the
pump is doing no useful work
Pump performance curves are important drawings produced by the pump manufacturer. Pump
performance curves are primarily used to predict the variation of the differential head across the
pump, as the flow is changed.

But in addition variation of efficiency, power, NPSH required etc., as the flow is changed, can
also be represented on the pump performance curves by the manufacturer. Typically a pump
performance curve will carry information about the following points.

Variation of differential head Vs flow

Differential head Δh is related to differential pressure ΔP by the equation, ΔP = ρgΔh.

1. Variation of differential head with volumetric flow for Maximum Impeller Diameter is
plotted for the impeller with the maximum diameter that can be accommodated within the pump.
This impeller can be used in case flow through the pump is increased or if more differential head
is required in the future, with the same pump.

2. Variation of differential head with volumetric flow for Minimum Impeller Diameter is
plotted for the impeller with minimum possible diameter. If the flow or differential head
requirement is reduced in future, this impeller can be used with lower power consumption.

Surge point
Surge points are the peak points on the characteristic curves (as in Figure 5.) left of which the
pressure generated by the compressor is less than the pipe pressure and these points initiates the
surge cycle. These points on the curves are shown in the fig. by point S.
Surge line
Surge line is the line which connects the surge points (S) on each characteristic curve
corresponding to different constant speeds. The stable range of operation for the compressor is
on the right hand side of the surge line.

Surge control line

Surge control line is the line which works as the indicating line for the surge control mechanism
so that surge can be prevented in the system and proper steps can be taken. The line can vary for
different surge control systems as it is up to the system to decide the margin between operating
point and the surge point.

Best Efficiency Point (BEP)

The best efficiency point (BEP) is the point along a pump curve where efficiency is the highest.
When a pump manufacturer draws a pump curve, the point at which pump efficiency peaks is
called the best efficiency point or BEP
Pumps should be selected to operate as close to BEP as possible. When a pump operates at BEP
it is at its most efficient, When a pump operates at BEP it also produces the lowest vibration
readings, meaning that pump longevity is increased and maintenance costs are decreased.
Impeller diameter
Impeller diameter is a crucial design parameter of high-speed rescue
pumps because it affects the performance and inner flow characteristics of these pumps
Diameter size affected impeller characteristics in both steady and unsteady states. Subsequently,
the differences in performance, hydraulic loss, pressure pulsation, and radial force of the
impellers were evaluated. In the performance test, the head and efficiency of the pump decreased
as impeller diameter was reduced. . Finally, in terms of pressure pulsation and radial force, the
amplitude diminished while periodicity improved as impeller diameter decreased.

In figure Example of a manufacturer’s performance plot for a family of centrifugal

pumps. Each pump has the same casing, but a different impeller diameter.

The pump curve illustrates the available total head at a given flow rate of the pump. Generally,
more head is available in the pump as flow rate decreases.
Pumps in Serial - Head Added
When two (or more) pumps are arranged in serial their resulting pump performance curve is
obtained by adding their heads at the same flow rate as indicated in the figure below.

Centrifugal pumps in series are used to overcome larger system head loss than one pump can
handle alone. for two identical pumps in series the head will be twice the head of a single pump
at the same flow rate as indicated with point 2. With a constant flowrate the combined head
moves from 1 to 2 - BUT in practice the combined head and flow rate moves along the system
curve to point 3. point 3 is where the system operates with both pumps running .point 1 is
where the system operates with one pump running

Pump performance curve (dark blue) for three dissimilar pumps in series.

At low values of volume flow rate, the combined net head is equal to the sum of the net head of
each pump by itself. However, to avoid pump damage and loss of combined net head, any
individual pump should be shut off and bypassed at flow rates larger than that pump’s free
delivery, as indicated by the vertical dashed red lines. If the three pumps were identical, it would
not be necessary to turn off any of the pumps, since the free delivery of each pump would occur
at the same volume flow rate.
Pumps in Parallel - Flow Rate Added : When two or more pumps are arranged in
parallel their resulting performance curve is obtained by adding the pumps flow rates at the
same head as indicated in the figure below.

Centrifugal pumps in parallel are used to overcome larger volume flows than one pump can
handle alone. for two identical pumps in parallel and the head kept constant - the flow rate
doubles compared to a single pump as indicated with point 2

Pump performance curve (dark blue) for three pumps in parallel.

At a low value of net head, the combined capacity is equal to the sum of the capacity of each
pump by itself. However, to avoid pump damage and loss of combined capacity, any individual
pump should be shut off at net heads larger than that pump’s shutoff head, as indicated by the
horizontal dashed gray lines. That pump’s branch should also be blocked with a valve to avoid
reverse flow. If the three pumps were identical, it would not be necessary to turn off any of the
pumps, since the shutoff head of each pump would occur at the same net head.



Using formula (relation between flowrate and ideal head rise)

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