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THE HISTORY OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RUDIMENTAL ORUMMERS* In 1933, during the American Legion National Convention at Chicago, a group of drummers from all parts of the country had occasion to meet and discuss present and past methods of drumming and drum instruction. This group consisted of some of the most active and prominent rudimental drummers of the day. Thirteen of the twenty-six rudiments were selected by this group and termed the “thirteen essential rudiments of drumming” that all drummers should know. It was decided to adopt the ‘Thirteen Essential Rudiments" as a test for membership in the “Thirteen Club,” or- ganized for the promotion of rudimental drumming, This club idea met with such favorable response that it was decided to adopt the name of National Association of Rudimental Drummers and to further encourage the study of the rudiments of drumming by having members contribute @ solo to be published in book form, to contain 150 solo beats by the members. The response from the members was ex cellent, (The contributing members are listed on page 64) All rudimental drummers, as well as those interested in taking up the rudiments, should hhave this book as reference. Teachers and students will find it very helpful in playing new beats and in the study of compositions. *This is an excerpt from a letter written by the late William F. Ludwig, Sr., former sec: retary of N.A.R.D., which eventually disbanded. Ji DALLAS PERCUSSION 1613 TEMPLE TERRACE WILMINGTON, DE 19805 (03) 594-0755 \ THE THIRTEEN RUDIMENTS OF THE NATIONAL RUDIMENTAL DRUMMERS ASSOCIATION | No. 1 ‘The Long Roll No. 2 ‘The Five Stroke Roll No. 8 The Seven Stroke Roll No! 4 ‘The Flam | No.15 ‘The Flam Accent No. 8 ‘The Flam Paradiddle No. 7 ‘The Flamacue No, 81 The Rutt No. 9 ‘The Single Drag No. 10 ‘The Double Drag No. 11 ‘The Double Paradiddle No. 12 "The Single Ratamacue TORERL weORLR UCRURL eC RUR No. 13 ‘The Triple Ratamacue 4 AM Rediments are to be played Open and Close =, | Copyright 1934 Ludwig and Ludwig | MISTER, RUDIMENTS, ®*?aSebaenes is The Maine Champion. 52 eaterd Bese, mn 2nd COAST ARTILLERY, Ssuiilliam Robes 7 es | THE'STRUT” STREET MARCH. 92: 5/715 TWO-FOUR HOOKER. Fred,flleres S It’s % I SWEET AND EASY. Bil Meu Arn! aera s! a ee RC om Rega ‘em sia ame iE aja sls Beane y CULLETON’S NARD.MARCH. 4£Sylleton, ft aT oa ffF cs oa RC RCE RE RCRC NRL Re 7. RL RRC RL DOUBLING THE ARMY TWO-FOUR | shaneyy bent. ROCKING THE RUDIMENTS. ‘ella Sbivey oy M “SMITTY'S DELIGHT” —_1988¥Mi2EE Mth on > National Champan Drdamer. ie DE MOLAY. doseph Spist man, STOP! LOOK AND LISTEN. Geos fencer Sar fe JAPANESE 2/4 Frege th: ink Arsenault, DOUBLING THE DOWNFALL. ew Ee? tan. CONTEST SOLO for DRUM. Re dls San Francisco, Calif. ‘raham. eles, Calif. DAN GRAHAM'S DESTINY. "%2.5.@ ni abot LEEPER Eel poten Ado THE BILL GRAHAM MARCH. S4%/Si26¢3tasiie | “BENEVOLENT BILL” — Burns Moore WAMDEN , CONN, lt and Pepper. Sa ane Pe BILLY COX... Merle R. Mahone, ENVER, bal pae mo Em ele Sotho le pe aa ® Right stick on left stick. 17. THE FLAMMATAP, = “*5,4,Gomperts. THE RATAMACUE SIX-EIGHT. ook 9n.a¢ akkegro Ntoderato (4: 110) HALFTIME FILLING. hack,@rsenault De 2.2, ee ot >> ste | au - > > : 3 ; a om De > THE DOUBLER MARCH. = F"BilHammond, 21. | | DASHING WHITE SERGEANT. “seed titesller | 7 (met. 1.110) 7 see ees gag se JACK'S 2/4. Hohn Feo Eis OLD MAN FLAM ACCENT. Welter) fee re. MALDEN POST. RR (Bot) PeRsons 7 eae as > “FURET CRR @CRR RR CCF FLAMADIDDLINGS . TE, Bradshaw, RCR CRO a x z >> @ gee wergd Fale a 23. | FOGEL'S TIME BEAT Ned. “A292 CANTON”, ‘Ohio | RAY'S STICK BEAT. Segdehnets,, at | a+. ZANE- IRWIN SQUADRON. Sicha 8. Wilson, a Fines DIXIE BELLE. fouls Eile Se: ABIT O’'SYNCOPATION, —- #4, Miller. F Pith Lia 25. | iis Higa Ep ee Ly RHYTHM aan IN N68 aa Ge. Note: Take 2nd Endin eaDe. 26. | Oryille Searey cHIcAGo, Tl Be > i | | LOUISVILLE THUNDER,,,.,. Pdlflenere cago TH Dedicated to alter jueckstead. — per Whale THE LYNEHAN QUICKSTEP, &,Lynehan, x =F S = a x r= re! SE THE FOLLIES. ack Lyngbary.« COLLEGE DRAG. — unstarlesieudaate. tigen Silat all as | oe ntrines| WE TWO DUO “CYRANO” wack 201 16TH CENTURY QUICKSTEP NES ZRPER, = Daas Fine 30. VICTOR QUICKSTEP Veter M, Corrier, Lo. (tee) RUDIMENTAL RAMBLE. /'7enGiete. arf 7 = = = ——— Svinaiaeea-@ —— = fe eee VIC'S SOLO Ts + pfeil nEtis aon TRIP-IT. Herman Wiegman, dr. FLAM-FIVE QUICKSTEP Roy E QUT? cap Los An i / i YEM-KEE-DEE “#0! Stefgnowiex == a = Saat “LOUIE'S QUICKSTEP Lovie utter 0. goon PROCTOR'S N&3. ssscu%¢ DEDICATED TO CHAS. G. PROCTO! nce, RI. 35. ieee ree eee e errr ees THE GUILTY KILTY (eee cure - y eI fui x > ESR TE pe a ileal oi ah i oT ge Holi alee ies CORN PLASTERS. “unix pate ET Rs ETN | _STEINHAUSERS 6/8 “s.sge mses I geen aT oie ea sel FRY MORRISTOWN POST 59. ce erty esl ee mah Fy — amy - . (Brag Parse fal) “ALPHA ST. ee Pole sabes 37. RUDIMENTALLY YouRS. "a Nerducer 2 => => 9 RURR URL | The Cannon-Ball Quickstep. Wm.G! Graham L083 Angeles, Calif | Red Edavig. “Assault and Battery” 7” eeeminagele Monterey “Perk,” Vs A RREL RAUL ACR CRE YOU AND I Harold Thompson oN om Sn cay 3 THE HIGH-DEE-DIDDLE. %dsiehoGass... 5 a he N.B. Shadings are for Concert only. On the march play all ZF. s should not be overdone. THE FLAM TAPPER. Aisles PERFOR. eZee % i eee 1 Fae Fee |Z pégliyiay ane quae | 39. | ABERDEEN Post, = %9r93,E Sime jeen, SD. The Nutmeg Two-Four, “eek Lyneham, D> D> iPS A are F - a —S | Note: Play from Hand toHand - Play all accents HIT. THE DIDDLES. “ee, Badtbaio**- DD z “WHAT HAVE a w domes A. Bekes \ x ick ey po | | | THE TEXAS RANGER. /i/ hahaa THE IRISH PIPER. “/.neetSrd. Peter Turkow. vy MY PAL ; Endies 43. | OMAHA o ‘cae eS on Shannin sen San Mass. L'ESPRIT DE CORPS . ae Peas FF ip Hefpa pe PR aveemniaies Fane ptiesie = sae RC RR CUR pippatehh Ane aag PILE DRIVER. —Satbmindelre detron = 7 Ie 1 | . | . Hallie Kling Two- Four. EEA pie. ag pap So FANCY SIX-EIGHT Michael Stefanowiez PACE- MAKER . ARF REID cari. PER iehs POWDER RIVER. Selig. Meyer sca calif. eit THE PIPER BAND. J MM SiOnes TYPICAL BEATING AS PLAYED BY BAG-PIPE BAND. | aczynski AGO, TLLS. THE PERRY PAIR Cee HY TAPS FOR STREET BEAT. @4ee Perry qa poy : 49. | POST 102. — best. t.Vor Deck, we a oto. Bertha Lef 5 e Aneienlo? Vidlond Bari Moed SIMPSON'S 2/4 A Sadinpsen > =z ame) nin eras H.R.Todd Chicago, its. aD = sera sseens 1835 SOLO WhiBi S28 aay, 7 z Dellerile Swing es M. Rossin Cleveland Courier.” ceretndaghis,o. Unele Bob Mersons EEE, (met. J:120) THE TEXAN, *ieliousect: E.M¢Omber STREETS AFLAME. SEAR “AN . gfe A ED 55. “Hold Everything!” wys eo Bos eN p gt: Zia eae We PARADIDDLE-MANIA. scot hin, TERS we. Luouwle SYNCOPATION SANDY | CHICAGO | abe Snes Te Mh 58 Rudimenter Good Luck . Basle-America Mixpickles.) 8y Dr. FR Ber er BASLE , SWITZE. % eat a ip ft R. b o-pitytrt » site tstt it Lenehan A tytn Remember. ayelaaalaghest Late nee | feaataper | a 2 Siskroke tell besinning with 0 fan (night, ea stroke coll beninning with Right) (Single & Stroke roll, @ i £ 4. Apglication of Lesson 25, Sut only one way ! Onphrases | + (i a ‘a. © i . ape yf 2 Adapttinat Lesson 25, but 059 hand-to-hond rudiment. Payee Ipstend 59. FOUR MARCHES FOR THE BIG PARADE THE ARMY 24 _ ely Burns Moore 7 77 7 en | Ae Fee =“ SUPPER CALL” ines ere, “OLD 9th”, N¥.City. PATERSON, NDED DOWN ALONG THE LINE BY JIMMIE smi 63 YEAR OLD RUDIMENTAL DRUMMER , of Paterson, NJ. Da j vee LS B® DF SF ge ons of American. — CH.,Bustenen ma 61. | uw Filling the Pouble Drag — J.euRNs MOORE , 7 —— ' zy 92 | Hamden , Conn. > THE THIRTEEN RUDIMENTS TO COMPLETE THE STANDARD 26 AMERICAN DRUM RUDIMENTS AsAdepted | Magda (Tepe ake mage ates RLCURRI No.16. The Jen’ Stroke ROLL No.\7The 4 ELeven ¢ Stroke Roll RRUCRRCCR CCRRLCRRLCA LURRLLRRLLR still Stroke ROLL No.20.the _FLAM TAP TAP 7 NoBl-The Pate HE _PARADIBDL TREC RCRR CRUL RUCRUCRLRR LRAL Jtit jj {it |, Perr f Nope de Recieane Saas PAR DIE S TRLARLL FURLURA TRLRRLL XLALURR efe. — MONTI ON PARADE Ned €, Albright Rey Duncon ACES. Ale Rolph G. Gomer, J. EM. Anderton John H. Foy Horey C. Angell Ken Fletcher Bil Flowers H. A. eae! Jc J. Gativen Horsid Giese Cher. J: Bevsette Herman Giese WD. E Bloedgood NOR Gindro! Tommy Bloomingdale Jas. 6. Gomperts Allon Bradtord 42 Wim. 6. Grohom 1. € Brodshow 2 WIE. “Bil” Hommond Robert W. Bugger? 54 Wolter F. Hort Ci, Bunion GL Wolter Fivekt 1 Burne Calby 14,15. George E lonee ED Cooley 52 Benjamin Johaton Vietor M. Corin 31, 32 Ed Kecryasi Emile F. Cote 2,54 Edmind.Kitoe Billy Con 17 Hole A. Kling ony F. Crosby & Mrs. Bertha Lehoeky Ravel Cross 38 Jimmy Leet 4. . Galeton 5 Wn. Ludwig Dr HR. Dering 37 Jack Lynehom Reivert Deck 50 Deneld Mohon IE Doster TW Merle R: Mohone Page 4, ", 2. 3 aw os 2 By n is R KEN FLETCHER SAN JOSE CAL FT = RLRR> LRLL> RLERE RL CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS 2 —P —=P Pose Poge J.B. Mertin 6 Neil Shirley ne Bil Moute 5 George F. Sime 40 Selig, Meyer 47 AR. Simpson, Jr st Billy Miller 25 George A. Smith “4 Fred Miller 4, IL Joseph, Soistman 35 Edward H. Moeller 22 Mike $elanowier 34, 47 J: Burns Moore 16, 60, 62 Heiney Steinhovser 6 RF. Moore 2 RF. Stoesial 7 Vinee Mott 9. b1 George L. Stone 10 1.W, MeKinnon 48 Eorl Sturno 15 3. E MeOmber 55 Lovis Swilet 4 Nick Nordueci 38 Herold Thompson 33 John P. Noonan 45. Harry Thompson 56 ‘A. E. Oslling 27 HER feds 26,51 ‘Allee Pearson 38. 47 Peter fu a RR, (Bob) Persons 16, 23 C. A. Weters 7 ©. Lee Parry 49 Chari} Westgate 2 Lester Reinhardt 52, Hermon Wieg 3B Loui F. Rhein 25 Clorente L. Wiley 36 Sgt. Win. Robos 4 Eugene, Wilhelm st WM. Rossington 53. Phil Willems a2 George Schmidt 24 Richard 8. Wilton 25.43 Rudy Schuls 12. Jock Zuber 30, 57 a ler 2

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