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Workout Plan Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Warm Up
Walking or Jogging 10 min 10 min 10 min Total 30 min
Streching 5 min for Example - Forward bend and side bend
Workout A is Followed For 2 Weeks.
Working Set
1. Pushup 15 12 10
2.Jumping jack 25 20 20
3.Squats and Jump 20 20 15
4.Lunges 12 10 10
5. Leg Raise 10 10 10
6. Sit Up 15 12 12
7. Plank Hold 45 sec 30 sec 15 sec

Workout B is Followed For next 2 weeks

Warm Up Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
Jogging 3.5 min 3.5 min 3.5 min
Rest 1.5 min 1.5min 1.5min
Streching 5 min for Example - Forward bend and side bend
Working Set
1. High Knees 20 20 20
2.Push Up 15 12 10
3.Jumping Jack 25 20 20
4. Squat and Jump 20 20 15
5.Lunges 12 12 12
6. Flutter Kick 30 30 30
7. Hip Thrust 45 sec 45 sec 45 sec

Nutritional Plan
Meal 1 Early Morning 1 Wheat Bread slice + 1 cup Black Coffee + 4 soaked Almond
Meal 2 Breakfast 2 egg white and Milk Oats
Meal 3 Mid Morning Snack 1 Apple + 1 Walnut and 6 rasin
Meal 4 Lunch 1 bowl Veggies Salad + Lentils/Kidney Beans+ 1 cup Rice
Meal 5 Snack 2 Marie Gold Biscuit + Green Tea + Sprouts
Meal 6 Diner Boiled Chicken /2 Egg Curry + Veggies Salad + 1 Chapati
Meal 7 Before Bed Luke Warm Milk with Turmeric / Fruit Bowl.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

Warm Regards
Smile Kataria

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