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Lesson 2: Respect
D2.Civ.8.K-2. Describe democratic principles such as equality, fairness, and respect for
legitimate authority and rules.

1.Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

Students will be able to define respect.
Students will understand the roles of empathy and compassion in giving respect.
Students will be able to utilize strategies to recognize when classmates are comfortable
and uncomfortable.

2.Instructional Materials
a. Nobody Hugs a Cactus
b. Cactus Photo
c. Second Step kit
d. Cactus Survey
e. White Board and Marker

3.Subject Matter/Content
a. Prerequisite Skills
i. Students know the Pride rules.
b. Key Vocabulary
i. Respect-​ regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions of
ii. Compassion-​ concern for others
iii. Empathy-​ the ability to share the feelings of another
iv. Comfortable-​ providing physical ease or relaxation
v. Uncomfortable-​ not providing physical ease or relaxation
c. Big Idea: Taking Care to Respect One Another

a. Day 1: Introduction (15 minutes)
i. Invite students to come to calendar area quietly.
ii. Explain that our next Pride rule is respect.
1. Respect is considering the feelings, wishes, rights, and
traditions of others. Thinking about how our actions or words
will affect someone before we say or do something.
2. It is important to respect each and every person and thing in
our school so that we create a happy, safe place where
everyone can learn. Everyone feels a different way every day,
and we have to remember that when we talk to people.
iii. In the story ​Nobody Hugs a Cactus​, there are several instances when
respect could have played a bigger part in the characters’ words and
1. When I lift the cactus photo after someone says or does
something that is disrespectful, say “OUCH! That hurt!”, and
we will discuss why.
iv. Explain that tomorrow we will further discuss how to be respectful
in our lives.

b. Day 2: Development (10 minutes)

i. Personal Feelings Survey (5 minutes)
1. Set up white board with different categories of feelings using
smiley faces and numbers. Have students close their eyes and
show a number 1-5 of how they are feeling today. Tally the
votes on the Smart Board.
a. Great
b. Good
c. Okay
d. Bad
e. Terrible
ii. Second Step (5 minutes)
1. Introduce the following terms. (How do they make a person
feel comfortable?) Show and display the poster with these
a. Compassion- concern for others
b. Empathy- the ability to share the feelings of another
2. Read and show “Identifying Feelings” scenario card. Allow the
students to respond to the questions.
a. How does Daniel feel?
b. What could be happening to make Daniel scared?
c. How you ever been scared? This is how I look when I
am scared. How do you look when you are scared?
d. Show a thumbs-up if you think feeling scared feels
e. What are some comfortable feelings?
3. “You showed empathy by putting yourself in Daniel’s shoes.
You also showed compassion is talking about his situation.”
c. Closure (5 minutes)
i. Cactus Feeling Survey
1. How was the cactus feeling at the beginning of the story?
2. How was he feeling in the middle?
3. How did he feel at the end?
4. Have you ever felt like the cactus? Why or why not?
ii. Ask students to submit their papers in the bin. State that tomorrow,
we will be exploring how to solve a problem.

d. Accommodations/Differentiation
Planning to stick to all pictures on surveys for the variety of levels. in the

e. Assessment/Evaluation Plan

Assessment Evaluation Plan

Personal Feelings Survey Checklist +/-

Read Aloud Ouches! Checklist +/

Cactus Feelings Survey Checklist- 4 Point Rating Scale

1. Formative

Students Read Aloud Personal Feelings Cactus Feelings

Ouches! Survey Survey
D2.Civ.8.K-2 D2.Civ.8.K-2 D2.Civ.8.K-2
Identify Identify personal Identify and
disrespectful feelings. connect the
Checklist +/- character’s feelings
Checklist +/-
throughout the story
to self.
Checklist-4 Point
Rating Scale

M.A. + + 4

A.B. + + 4

P.C. + + 4

A.D. + + 4

Se.D. + + 4

St.D. + + 4

C.F. + + 4

T.F. + + 4

N.H. + + 4

R.J. + + 4

M.K. + + 4

C.K. + + 4

B.K. + + 4

V.K. + + 4

G.L. + + 4

N.L. + + 4

P.M. + + 4

T.M. + + 4

J.O. + + 4

L.P. + + 4

L.R. + + 4

I.S. + + 4

B.S. + + 4
W.S. + + 4

B.V. + + 4

D.Y. + + 4

Read Aloud Ouches!

Identify disrespectful moments.
Checklist +/-

Personal Feelings Survey

Identify personal feelings.
Checklist +/-

Cactus Feelings Survey

Identify and connect the character’s feelings throughout the story to self.
Checklist-4 Point Rating Scale
1 point per question answered
Rating Scale
4- Advanced
2- Basic
1-0-Below Basic

5.Reflective Response
Students were able to define respect.
Students were able to understand the roles of empathy and compassion in giving respect.
Students were able to utilize strategies to recognize when classmates are comfortable and

Remediation Plan
I am so glad that I introduced key phrases like empathy, compassion, and the
“Ouch, that hurt!” Now, I can continue to use them in my classroom!
In the future, I would do the Cactus Survey on the same day I read the book. Even
with a review, I think a few students forgot. Having pictures up on the SmartBoard of the
beginning, the middle, and the end of the story to help them remember.

Personal Reflection
Was the idea of empathy too much for them to understand?
Day 1: No! It seemed like they were getting it. I notion of “treat others how you
want to be treated” hit home.
Day 2: No. They really got it. I could tell it made them feel good to know that I
empathize with them because I used to be a second grader and I know what it is like.

Does​ ​calling the students out who are exhibiting the behavior we are trying to teach
against during the lesson help or hurt?
So far, I believe it has helped. I think the students don’t know what I mean when I
warn them in class. Citing their specific behavior gives them the best example:

Second Step: Skills for Social and Academic Success for Grade 2 from Committee for

Goodrich, C. (2019). ​Nobody Hugs a Cactus​. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for
Young Readers.

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