How To Reach Our Home

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How to reach our home with public transports

From Airport:
Take the tramway, at your left when you exit from the airport. Get off at the last
stop (near S. Maria Novella Station), than walk for about 300 m to the bus stop, near
Burger King (see map below)

Bus nr. 6 stop

Tram stop from/to Airport

From / to Airport

From S. Maria Novella Railway station (see map above):

Bus nr. 6, 6A or 6B; get off at bus stop “FRA PAOLO SARPI” or at the following, “ARRIVABENE”. Our
home is between the two stops.

Where to buy tickets:

Almost all the tabacconists; some bar and supermarkets with the logo “Ataf” on the front door

Automatic machines (one in San Marco Place) ; Ataf Point (near S. Maria Novella station).

1 simple ticket: Euro 1,50. It must be validated on board at first travel and it lasts 90 minutes.

Carta agile 10 = 10 travels, Euro 14. Can be used ONLY BY 1 PERSON. Each travel lasts 90 minutes after
validation. Must be validated on board.

Ticket on board: it is possible to buy ticket on board, ask it to the driver; it’s more expensive (Euro 2,50, only
simple ticket, it lasts 90 minutes, must be validated on board).

NB If you’re an owner of Florence city card, you have not to buy more tickets.


Available on Google Play and App store. Free app. You can search bus stops, check the travel plan and the
timetables of each bus stop.

Web site:

In Italian and English

From our home towards city centre

Bus 6, 6A or 6B (direction: Torregalli): get on at bus stop “AMMIRATO”, via Scipione Ammirato (best choice,
because there’s a signal with expecting times) or at the following “LANDUCCI”, via Landucci.

Get off at SAN MARCO (San Marco Place, SS. Annunziata Place, Cathedral and Baptistery, Signoria Place,
Palazzo Strozzi etc.) or at S. MARIA NOVELLA SCALETTE (S. Maria Novella church and Place, San Lorenzo
church, Cappelle medicee, Biblioteca Laurenziana, San Lorenzo central market)

If you want to visit the quarters of. S. Spirito and S. Frediano, get off at PESCAIA DI SANTA ROSA

To Piazzale Michelangelo and San Miniato Church: bus nr. 6, same direction as towards the city centre: get
off at “MAZZINi” and then, at the same bus stop, bus nr. 13, get off at “MICHELANGELO” (for the Belvedere)
or at “SAN MINIATO” (church).

Bus service to Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio, Signoria Place, Palazzo Pitti:

Little electric bus C3, get on in PIAZZA BECCARIA; get off at “PONTE VECCHIO”.

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