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WittS k o r t z 'i

Mind Games

Alphabet Riddles
Will Shortz’s

Will Shortz’s



ST. M A R T I N ’ S G R I F F I N
2008 by W ill Shortz. All rights reserved. Printed in
the United States of America. For information, address
St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

ISBN-13: 9 7 8-0 -312-38273-5

ISBN-10: 0-312-38273-1

First Edition: August 2008

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Welcome to Alphabet Riddles, a collection of puzzle-quizzes in

which all the answers in each particular set have some shared
spelling constraint.
For example, in a puzzle featuring two-word phrases with the
initials F. F., the answers might include FISH FILET, FEATURE FILM,
I've been creating alphabet riddles off and on for NPR's Week­
end Edition Sunday for more than twenty years. There seems to
be no end of alphabetical constraints. Many of the puzzles in this
book have been drawn from my weekly NPR segment. The clues
have been polished and updated, as necessary. Usually more ex­
amples are included here than I had time to use on the air.
I've also created alphabet riddles for TV appearances, such as
in 2003 on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (using J. S.) and in
2005 on The Late Show With David Letterman (using D. L.). Oc­
casionally I've created these puzzles as birthday presents for
friends or for other special occasions. This book includes some of
these, too.
Since alphabet riddles are designed to be presented orally,
they're ideal to play out loud with family and friends. Try them on
a car trip or while sitting around the family room. You can also do
them alone, though, either with a pencil or without.
I think it's safe to say nobody will answer all the questions cor­
rectly to all the puzzles in this book. For one thing the tests of
knowledge are too diverse. But you will assuredly know most of
the answers, so don't give up too soon.
As always, the answers appear in the back.

•Will Shortz
Will Shortz’s

Each answer is a hyphenated w ord o r a fam iliar two-word
phrase that starts and ends with the letter P.
Ex. It holds sheets together: Paper clip
1. Store with three gold balls by the d o o r__________
2. London fog is said to resemble th is __________
3. Product from Ruffles__________
4. Beat with the butt of a g u n __________
5. Sinus problem during a c o ld __________
6. It flies a skull and crossbones fla g __________
7. It goes in the corner of an envelope__________
8. Meat item often served with applesauce__________
9. It's used to open most soft drink ca n s__________
10. Kind of tru c k __________
11. Actions taken by someone who's carried aw ay with
his a u th o rity__________
12. Floor light popular during the '60s and '70s

13. Item tossed into the k itty __________

14. Time to refuel during an auto ra c e __________
15. Abba o r the Beatles, for exam ple__________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials S. S.
Ex. Imaginary creature o f sailing lore: Sea serpent
1. Monthly check for the e ld e rly__________
2. Children's game of im itation __________
3. Something you put on Chinese or Japanese food

4. W hen the biggest football game of the year is held

5. ESP__________
6. Central American c a p ita l__________
7. Store receipt__________
8. W orld W a r II soldier in the com ics____
9. Catchphrase for condom use_________
10. One m inute__________
11. Fiddler on the Roof so n g__________
12. The earth's lo cation __________
13. Educational TV show for ch ildre n _____
14. Overturned jail te rm __________
15. Hero or h o a g ie __________
16. Dashiell Hammett detective__________
17. Rachel Carson book on the environment
18. BMW or Rolex watch, e .g .__________
19. Emphatic "yes," in Mexico (three words)
20. O ld draft organization (three w o rd s )__
3. BB'S
Each answer is a two-syllable word or name in which each
syllable starts with the letter B.
Ex. Spine: Backbone
1. G o o f__________
2. British policem an__________
3. Popular d o ll__________
4. Lightweight furniture m a terial__________
5. M a jor commercial city of India (old spelling)

6. Kind of b e lt__________
7. Large m onkey__________
8. Sewing machine attachm ent__________
9. Sinclair Lewis n o vel__________
10. Clip joint operator?__________
11. C riticism __________
12. Chocolate tre a t__________
13. Weightlifter's w e ig h t__________
14. Alcoholic drink . . . o r a French royal house

15. Hotel em ployee__________

16. Kind of c h a ir__________
17. How Lady Godiva ro d e __________
18. Famous p ira te __________
19. Black and yellow insect (three syllables)__________
20. Kind of account (three syllables, hyphenated)
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase with the initials
T. T.
Ex. Rotate in playing a game: Take turns
1. Contents o f a David Letterman lis t__________
2. Vehicle that takes cars to a car p o u n d __________
3. It has to be upright for a passenger before an
airplane la n d in g __________
4. Lively d a nce __________
5. Maximum span a U.S. president can be president

6. Ping-pong__________
7. Informal shirt that bares the shoulders
8. Usually the leading song on an album
9. Kind o f w restling __________
10. Genteel article of fu rn itu re_________
11. Item that keeps a cravat from flapping
12. Lessons for a very young to d d le r____
13. Rails__________
14. Kind o f b a b y __________
15. Difficult phase in early ch ildh o o d ____
Each answer is a w ord or a fam iliar two-word phrase
name that starts and ends with Y.
Ex. It was founded by Kublai Khan: Yuan Dynasty
1. It's located in New Haven, Connecticut_________
2. Beatles hit that was #1 for four weeks in 1965

3. On an annual basis__________
4. Fictional locale in W illiam Faulkner novels

5. Coward, in sla n g __________

6. Naval petty officers, as a g ro u p __________
7. Sixties TV game show hosted by Tom Kennedy

8. It's north o f British C olum bia__________

9. Biographical film about George M. Cohan

10. Russian poet Yevtushenko__________

11. Classic advertising slogan for Virginia Slims*

12. Phrase used in addressing a king or queen

13. Choice o f vote, in the Senate__________

14. Delicious__________
15. Familiar complimentary close, on a letter____

'Answer is a six-word phrase

Each answer is a compound w ord o r a fam iliar two-word
phrase or name in which the first part ends with W and the
second part starts with W.
Ex. Shrub whose shoots were once used for making barbed
missiles: A rrow w ood.
1. Disney heroine with seven d w a rfs __________
2. Wingless beetle that emits a greenish light

3. North and South A m e ric a __________

4. One who works on the side o f skyscrapers

5. A little dense__________
6. Maximum payload o f a ballistic m issile__________
7. Artist o f the Helga Pictures__________
8. Ship owned by Greenpeace__________
9. Dog's b a rk __________
10. Snore loudly while sleeping__________
11. Spouse w ho was never officially married (first half of
this answer is hyphenated)__________
12. One who makes o r repairs certain farm implements

13. A literary o r musical genre that makes a sharp

break with the p a st__________
14. President before W arren H a rd in g __________
Each answer is a word or two-part phrase or name in which each
part contains LL.
Ex. City in southeast Washington: Walla Walla
1. Legendary Swiss archer__________
2. What people answer "Here!" for __________
3. Jazz great Morton __________
4. Slang term for a coward __________
5. Olympic sport with six players on a side __________
6. Waste time __________
7. Resentment __________
8. Outside the bounds of law __________
9. Host of the old The Price is Right, The $10,000 Pyramid,
and other game shows __________
10. Cigarette once advertised with the slogan "I'm particular"

11. Boring place, in '50s slang __________

12. Broadway musical (1964-65) starring Carol Channing

13. Fill in the blank: October 31 st is __________ Eve

14. Very revealing, as an unauthorized biography__________
15. Operator-assisted telephoning (when the charges are paid
by the recipient) __________
16. Grammy-winning pop group caught lip-synching their songs

17. Civil War battle site (1863) in Virginia

18. Popular political survey __________
Each answer is a fam iliar three-word phrase in which the
middle w ord is "the" and the first and third words begin
with the same letter.
Ex. N ot be on target: A"l/ss the m ark
1. G o to bed, in sla ng __________
2. Antinuclear slogan in the 19 6 0 s __________
3. W ords before "angels sing" in a Christmas carol

4. Make a lot o f noise, as a p a rty __________

5. To tramp about, as in looking for a jo b __________
6. Like an illegal or unfair p u nch __________
7. Be in charge, as a hen in a henhouse__________
8. Run a casino out of m oney__________
9. Change what looks like defeat into victory

10. Take a painful but necessary a c tio n __________

11. Finally cut o ff support__________
12. Prepare a midnight snack, m aybe __________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which each w ord begins with the letter H.
Ex. Farm helper: H ired hand
1. Women's dressy shoes__________
2. Expression o f approval, as o f a speech__________
3. W ish often expressed around Christmas and
Hanukkah __________
4. Former country music variety TV sh o w __________
5. Scary part o f an amusement p a rk __________
6. Star batter on a baseball te a m __________
7. W h a t a construction worker wears on his head

8. In "Silent N ight," they sing "H a lle lu ja h "______

9. Top d o g __________
10. Sailors' exclamation when lifting an anchor

11. W h a t Heloise offered in her newspaper column

12. Master escape a rtis t_______

13. Elvis Presley's first h it______
14. Supreme happiness, in slang
15. Popular cheer (three w o rd s ).
Each answer is a two-syllable word or phrase in which each
syllable ends in the letter K.
Ex. Illegal payment: Kickback
1. Card game also called twenty-one__________
2. Where to find recipes__________
3. Eskimo b o ot__________
4. Style of proceeding with the legs apart and feet
pointed outwards__________
5. Something a hiker carries_________
6. Tchotchke__________
7. It helps you keep your place when reading__________
8. Kind of joke__________
9. Approval for an unlimited expenditure__________
10. Chicago suburb famous for its Frank Lloyd
Wright-designed homes__________
11. Style of music pioneered by the Ramones__________
12. Absolute regularity or precision__________
13. Dangerous, as speed__________
14. Important time for college fraternities and sororities

15. Howard Stern, for o n e __________

16. Classic host of TV's American Bandstand __________
17. Safecracker_________
18. Research institute involved in planning or problem
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase in which both
words start with CA.
Ex. Holder for a laptop computer or other portable equip­
ment: C arrying case
1. Mode of transportation in San Francisco__________
2. Sweet found in a Christmas stocking__________
3. Feline with black, yellow, and white coloring

4. Slang for a theatrical audition that's open to

5. W here N ASA blasts o f f __________
6. Bandleader who wrote "M innie the Moocher"

7. TV show hosted by Allen Funt__________

8. Old-fashioned place to look things up in a library

9. National park in New M e x ic o __________

10. Chalk or limestone, chem ically__________
11. Dessert item that contains orange specks_______
12. Latin for "beware of the d o g " __________
13. In bygone times, something a visitor left when a
person wasn't hom e__________
Each answer is a compound w ord o r a fam iliar two-word
phrase in which the first part ends with ST and the second
part begins with ST.
Ex. W hat the horses usually get off to at the Kentucky Derby:
Fast start
1. Something scary that's told around a campfire

2. Place along an interstate h ig h w a y__________

3. W h a t Custer made at Little B ighorn__________
4. This might knock out a country's nuclear capability

5. Famous person making a special appearance on a

TV series__________
6. Cuba o r North Korea, for exam ple__________
7. Macy's slogan: "W o rld 's __________ "
8. Biblical movie (1965) The __________ Ever Told
9. W h a t a wet iron bar might leave on a floor

10. W h a t makes you finally lose your patience

11. W h a t the wind might cause in the d ry Southwest

12. Nickname for D elaw are__________

13. Swimming event o f 100- o r 200-meters '______
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials P. P.
Ex. Printing trial that an editor checks for errors: Page p ro o f
1. Ones corresponding regularly over a long distance

2. It was smoked by Indians on ceremonial occasions

3. Longstanding personal annoyance__________

4. Garden items that are shelled__________
5. Travelers used to go here "o r b u s t"__________
6. Expensive M onopoly p ro p e rty __________
7. Very flattering bit of p u b licity__________
8. Thick, highly seasoned so u p __________
9. Person who habitually takes medicinal tablets

10. He rid Hamelin of ra ts __________

11. Villains in Invasion o f the Body Snatchers

12. Highly florid w ritin g __________

13. W hat opium is extracted fro m __________
14. A story performance by Punch and Judy, e.g.

15. Honor-roll student__________

16. Disposable item to eat off o f at a p ic n ic __________
17. W hat the "eater" ate in a 1958 Sheb W ooley song
14. EASY E'S
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase in which EE
appears in both halves.
Ex. Extended period of extreme cold: Deep freeze
1. W h a t the moon is said to be made o f __________
2. Right guaranteed by the First Amendment

3. Head of a h iv e __________
4. Equivalent of one y a r d __________
5. Noted thoroughfare for London newspapers

6. Something excellent, in 1920s sla ng__________

7. Initials are often carved in its b a rk __________
8. Active time for fraternities and sororities__________
9. Reaching mid-leg, as mud (h yph.)__________
10. America's Junior Miss, e .g .__________
11. W h a t golfers pay to p la y __________
12. Shropshire or merino, e .g .__________
13. Musical group that sang the soundtrack for Saturday
N ig h t Fever__________
14. Dodger Hall-of-Famer known as the "Little Colonel"
(3 w o rd s)__________
15. W h a t one little pig cried all the w ay home (three
w o rd s )__________
15. B.C.
Each answer is a compound w ord o r a fam iliar two-word
phrase or name in which the first part ends with B and the
second part begins with C.
Ex. Stupid person, in slang: Dumb cluck
1. It covers the middle of an auto w h e e l__________
2. North American lynx; the mascot for O hio University

3. Seafood dish in the shape o f a p a tty __________

4. Meat cut from a young sheep__________
5. Skeletal part that protects the internal organs

6. Bout o f drinks at one bar after a nother__________

7. Federal program that provides employment training,
begun in 1 9 6 4 __________
8. Part of a train with easy chairs and a buffet

9. Bandleader known as the "King of Hi-De-Ho"

10. Longtime columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle

11. Yemen o r Iraq, for exam ple__________

12. Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant, e.g.

13. W h a t a scientist might w ear at w o rk __________

14. NBC sportscaster who used to host the show Later
16. OOPS
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the initials
O . O .

Ex. Club newsletter: O fficial organ

1. Part of the White House where the president works

2. Popeye's sweetheart_____
3. Sixty minutes past midnight
4. Tree of the mulberry family sometimes cultivated for hedges

5. Do what the commander says_________

6. Code name for the Allies' D-day invasion_________
7. Old Vaudeville comedian who starred in the original
H ellzapoppiri_________
8. Heavy metal artist who is the former lead singer of Black
9. Complete the name of this resort in Maine:_________
10. Subject of drilling controversy_________
11. Jimmy Carter's birthday; start of the tenth month

12. What the President takes at the Inauguration (three words)

13. Sign often seen on pay telephones and vending machines

(three words)_________
14. Independent; without anyone else's help (three words)

15. Popular skin cream (three words)

17. P-NUTS
Each answer is a compound w ord or a fam iliar two-word
phrase or name in which the first part ends with P and the
second part begins with P.
Ex. Something to jot notes on: Scrap paper
1. It holds up a street lig h t__________
2. Well-known political survey__________
3. Game in which you might lose your sh irt__________
4. Something you might issue on a check you just wrote

5. Nonbiological mother or fa th e r__________

6. Receptacle you might put under a leaky crankcase

7. Hard-rock group (1960s-'70s), which the Guinness

Book of W orld Records once named the "world's
loudest b a n d " __________
8. Elude__________
9. An upper o r am phetam ine__________
10. It's #1 on your list of things to d o __________
11. W hat several doctors have when they work together

12. W here you might get the ink to print AIRMAIL on an

13. Part of a china setting for a course before the entree

14. S.O.S or Brillo, for exam ple__________

15. Pod vegetables that make a sharp noise when you
open th e m __________
18. MAMA
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which
both parts begin with the letters MA.
Ex. Felt-tipped pen: M agic M arker
1. One who studies calculus and topology in college

2. Nickname for the N.C.A.A. basketball tournament

3. Complete this line from The Lone Ranger. "Who was that

4. Nickname for socialite Sidney Biddle Barrows

5. It has a picture of Alfred E. Neuman on its cover

6. Aeronautics company that built the MX missile

7. Dustin Hoffman thriller in 1976_________

8. Kind of paperback_________
9. Mel Gibson's first hit movie_________
10. Ex-wife of Donald Trump_________
11. Woman who anointed the feet of Jesus_________
12. Suave Italian actor who starred in La Dolce Vita

13. Classic figure in tobacco advertising_________

14. Rock group with the 1964 #1 hit "Do Wah Diddy Diddy"

15. Nickname for Jack Dempsey, with "th e"_________

16. Robin Hood's sweetheart_________
Each answer is a compound w ord o r a fam iliar two-word
phrase that contains the consecutive letters PB.
Ex. Variety of men's hat: Snap-brim
1. W hat an old-fashioned orator stood o n __________
2. Kind of w h a le __________
3. Portable w riting surface__________
4. Place to save newspaper clip pin g s__________
5. Part of the leg that swivels__________
6. One who serves wine to the g o d s __________
7. Industry in Norfolk, V irg in ia __________
8. Result of a tie-up in a game of hoops__________
9. Chapstick, for exam ple__________
10. Heinz container__________
11. Items sold by Dutch florists__________
12. Leftover part of a ham or roast that might be boiled

13. Finely powdered soot used as a pigment in paint

14. Head honcho

20. 2-D
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the first
word ends with D and the second word starts with D.
Ex. Brazen time to pull a hold-up: Broad daylight
1. Thousand Island or Roquefort, e.a.
2. Siring for someone who drives too fast
3. Central part of a computer
4. Iditarod runner
5. W hat the Red Cross might conduct after a disaster

6. Risky social enqaqement

7. Tennis game with a man and woman on each side

8. Where hoys and girls live toqether

9. Intensive questioning, as by the police
10. The hora. for example
11. Flvis Presley's #1 hit for 1956
12. One who's doomed
13. A woman who's interested in men only for their money

14. Nickname for Virqinia

15. Where to huy a Taurus or Mustanq
16. W hat a weather vane indicates
17. It hns hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs
18. W hat you're on for nourishment if you can't eat solid foods

19. Niqhtmare
20. Phrase of greetinq or parting
Each answer is a two-part phrase with the initials A. A.
Ex. Twentieth-century painting genre: A bstract a rt
1. Knob on the th ro a t__________
2. Amtrak conductor's c r y __________
3. Sailors' cry upon leaving d o c k __________
4. Policy o f helping minorities in business and
5. It's less than 9 0 ° __________
6. Tropical insects that march en masse__________
7. Much-watched annual broadcast for movie fans

8. Building blocks from which proteins are constructed

9. Home of the University of M ic h ig a n __________

10. Weekly magazine for Madison Avenue workers

11. Company with the slogan "Something special in the

a ir " __________
12. It begins alif, ba, ta, tha . . . __________
13. Executive's righthand person__________
14. Capital o f E thiopia__________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials D. C.
Ex. Where federal trials are conducted: District court
1. W hat Fido wears around his neck__________
2. W hat a stupid student wears on his head__________
3. Liquid-Plumr, for example__________
4. Popular beverage holder from a dispenser.._________
5. Working parents' need__________
6. Outdoor seat on a ship__________
7. W hat a battery runs o n __________
8. Where to eat on a tra in __________
9. Act of betrayal__________
10. Person who reviews plays__________
11. Explosive device used against a submarine

12. Item for keeping track of appointments__________

13. W hat ambassadors belong t o __________
14. W hat rowdy demonstrators may be arrested for

15. Dante's masterwork__________

16. S.O .S.__________
17. Head of the government's antinarcotics program

18. Set of rules on what to w e a r__________

19. Where to take a dirty dress__________
20. Picture-taking device that doesn't use film
23. EEK!
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials E. E.
Ex. Sharp perception, like a bird's: Eagle eye
1. Something that's dyed each s p rin g __________
2. Shocking fis h __________
3. W ay to leave in case of a fir e __________
4. Area formerly behind the Iron C u rta in __________
5. W hat Reagan once called the Soviet Union

6. Using minimal power, as in modern appliances

(h yph.)__________
7. W here to get a visa to see the Great Pyramids

8. The S.A.T., for exam ple__________

9. How Madrilenos speak__________
10. Houseplants whose leaves resemble parts of a
pachyderm __________
11. p.m. issue o f a newspaper__________
12. Teaching of grades K -6 __________
13. Charles Lamb o r Alexander Pope, e .g .__________
14. Son of M artin Sheen who co-starred in St. Elmo's
F ire __________
15. Expert in the field o f machine w iring and supplying
of p o w e r__________
16. Old-style newsboy's c r y __________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first part ends in ING and the second part begins
with G.
Ex. W here high-speed cars are tested: Proving ground
1. W hat pugilists wear on their hands__________
2. W hat a bride w e a rs__________
3. W rigley's pro du ct__________
4. A , B, C, or D— but not F __________
5. City in O hio, or its university __________
6. Releasing__________
7. Carnival attraction with rifles and targets

8. Person who directs traffic near schools__________

9. W here a horse race begins__________
10. Nitrous o x id e __________
11. Gender-bender film o f 1992 starring Stephen Rea,
with The __________
12. Song title preceding the lyric "How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like m e "__________
13. M ir ro r __________
14. Joke that's repeated again and again during a show

15. Parts o f a plane that are activated when nearing an

a irp o rt__________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials P. H.
Ex. Place to play eight-ball: Pool hall
1. Something made of straw to w ear on the head

2. Headgear for a s a fa ri__________

3. W ork animal in a farmer's fie ld __________
4. A substitute in the batting lin e u p __________
5. Full house o r royal flush, e .g .__________
6. He said "Give me liberty o r give me death"

7. It was bombed on December 7, 1941 __________

8. M ilitary decoration__________
9. Apartment buildings owned by the government

10. New York City landmark, locale of Kay Thompson's

Eloise b o oks__________
11. Rock group with the 1967 hit "A W hiter Shade of
P ale"__________
12. Comedy in 1985 about a M afia family, for which
Anjelica Houston won an O s c a r__________
13. Doubleday or K n o p f__________
14. Rival o f D om ino's__________
26. PJ'S
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials P. J.
Ex. Purple-colored preserves: Plum je lly
1. O rdinary-looking g ir l__________
2. Container for gherkins__________
3. W hoopee cushion or exploding c ig a r__________
4. Name of more than twenty pontiffs, most recently in
the 19 6 0 s __________
5. Instance of someone getting what he deserves

6. Seattle-based rock group led by Eddie Vedder

7. Beverage that helps improve your regularity

8. Sailor's c o a t__________
9. A refinish on a c a r __________
10. Rodgers and Hart 1940 musical starring Gene Kelly

11. Sitcom of the 1960s set in H ooterville__________

12. Informally, a place to get a pepperoni o r a sausage
and m ushroom __________
13. Small, light plane that makes many short hops

14. Vaseline, generically

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials H. 5
Ex. Noted radio shock jock: H ow ard Stern
1. Someone who gets As in school__________
2. Place to get a p e rm __________
3. W here to buy hammers, nails, e tc .__________
4. Social e lite __________
5. TV game show based on tic-tac-toe__________
6. Deli item made with rye bread, m aybe __________
7. W h a t a luau dancer w e a rs __________
8. Nickname for In d ia n a __________
9. Event for an equestrian__________
10. It gets added on food and makes the mouth burn

11. Piece of equipment for a Boston Bruin or C algary

12. Foster's protest__________
13. Initial advantage in a ra c e __________
14. Part of a race just before the finish lin e __________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials C. B.
Ex. Snickers or 3 Musketeers, e.g.: Candy b a r
1. W h a t a seer gazes in to __________
2. Thief who climbs in upstairs w ind o w s__________
3. Unconditional perm ission__________
4. Soft drink containers often compared to thick glasses

5. Game for Charles G o re n __________

6. Short rest from office w o rk __________
7. Young male attendant on a s h ip __________
8. Superman or Archie, e.g. __________
9. Distinguished c h e f__________
10. W h a t a chef slices food o n __________
11. Irish dish often served with ca b ba g e __________
12. Common ingredient in suntan lo tio n __________
13. Longtime quiz program sponsored by G.E.

14. Inability to perceive different hues__________

15. Things your mother wears, in a classic putdown

16. Firm that rates your ability to pay debts__________

17. Area just behind home p la te __________
18. Coffee and rolls, say, in the m o rn in g __________
Each answer is a compound or hyphenated word in which
each half starts with L.
Ex. Rope that you throw to a person who's drowning:
1. Kind o f binder, for notebook p a p e r__________
2. Insect known as "d a d d y " __________
3. People with romance problem s__________
4. Like Bolivia, Switzerland, o r N e p a l__________
5. Flavor of S p rite __________
6. C o w a rd ly__________
7. Dull or without fla ir __________
8. Person who is paid re n t__________
9. Epithet for undesirable p e op le __________
10. Kind of pine often used by woodworkers

11 . _________ Plan, with which the U.S. helped its

allies in W orld W a r II
12. Host A rt o f 1950s-'60s afternoon T V __________
13. Center of public attention o r notoriety__________
14. Person who doesn't know much about sailing
Each answer is a compound w ord with the consecutive
letters PS.
Ex. Attire for a parachutist: Jumpsuit
1. Something you check your oil w ith __________
2. Children's game played on a sidew alk__________
3. Insignificant person__________
4. Logger's to o l__________
5. W oodpecker__________
6. Something that might be put on a tennis ball

7. W here to pitch a te n t__________

8. Item in a woman's purse__________
9. Slang for "to throw aw ay" (hyph.)__________
10. Three Stooges h u m o r__________
11. Implement for eating a Campbell's product

12. Boy who is related by m a rria g e __________

13. Tightw ad__________
14. D ip lo m a __________
15. Publisher's Clearinghouse contest__________
31. "A" THERE
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase in which each
word has a long A sound.
Ex. To cause a disturbance: Raise Cain
1. It's hard to keep this while telling a silly joke

2. It carries heavy goods by r a il__________

3. It officially began with the launch of Sputnik

4. Backup time for a postponed g a m e __________

5. Large, shorthaired d o g __________
6. Flexible a rm o r__________
7. Kleenex o r Coca-Cola, e .g .__________
8. Common money-raising event for a church or school
g ro u p __________
9. Opposite o f a dieting e ffe ct__________
10. Length of time for "a week" in a Beatles hit

11. Slow rate o f m o ving __________

12. Electrical impulses given o ff inside the head

13. The second largest body of water in Canada

(3 words, each containing a long A sound)
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase in which each
w ord has four letters, and the last letter of the first w ord is
the same as the first letter of the second word.
Ex. Unusual person or thing: Rara avis
1. Body o f water that Buffalo is o n __________
2. Cause for a motorist's b reakdow n__________
3. Free-throw shots are made behind th is__________
4. W here to see races in the butterfly and backstroke

5. W hen traffic is most congested__________

6. Maneuver at an intersection that requires a signal

7. Charlotte Bronte heroine__________

8. Senior citizens might pay this to ride a bus

9. W hen a horse race begins__________

10. Hill on a b e ach __________
11. Lab container made of glass__________
12. Cocaine o r h e ro in __________
13. Person who's beyond help or h o p e __________
14. Symbol between numbers to indicate addition

15. A long-lost friend would be a sight for these

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase in which the first
w ord starts with S and the second w ord starts with TH.
Ex. Illness that makes it hard to talk: Strep throat
1. Something odd sticks out like th is __________
2. Reason to reconsider__________
3. Short, unspecified distance__________
4. Cry before "You're o u t!" __________
5. W hat a person with a lisp might seek__________
6. Branch of mathematics involving groups of things

7. South Carolina senator who was the oldest serving

senator in U.S. h isto ry__________
8. Seasonal plays in resort communities__________
9. Weather phenomenon of March or A pril

10. It's used to stitch up a w o u n d __________

11. One week after August 2 7 th __________
12. Fifty times one hundred and tw e n ty__________
13. Furtive b u rg la r__________
14. H allucinating__________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the
first word begins with E and the second word ends with E.
Ex. When water flows out from the shore: Ebb tide
1. Spring event at which people traditionally wear bonnets

2. What surrounds a y o lk _________

3. What you have to pay to compete in a contest

4. Strenuous physical exertion, as scrubbing_________

5. Nickname for Ireland_________
6. Nickname for New York_________
7. It carries steam or gases away from a motor_________
8. Two U.S. dollars for one British pound, e .g ._________
9. Wisconsin city whose name is French for "clear water"

10. You might pull this to bring a train to a screeching halt

11. Cry in fencing_________

12. Provision that allows you to get out of a contract

13. Brand name for a chocolate-covered ice cream bar

14. A president might invoke it to keep secrets________

15. It grows seed cones_________
16. Part of a football field in which to score a touchdown
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials D. L.
Ex. W hat a spy leads: Double life
1. Pro football team from the Motor C ity __________
2. Religious leader from Tibet__________
3. Spiderlike arachnid also called a harvestman

4. Latin or A ra m a ic__________
5. W hat college kids with good grades are on

6. W hat you might shoot somebody you don't like

7. You might sign a contract on th is __________

8. W hat you get at the motor vehicle bureau

9. Embarrassing stuff you wouldn't want to hang out on

the clothesline__________
10. Sharp turn on a golf course__________
11. W hat is given at an Arthur M urray Studio

12. Complete the famous quote: "__________ , I presume"

13. Play by Mae West or its lead character__________
14. Gucci or Donna K a ra n __________
15. Someone you might hire to end a marriage
36. THE WB
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the initials W. B.
Ex. Film studio that distributed Casablanca: Warner Brothers
1. Container for Chablis or C hianti__________
2. In old ads, product that helped build strong bodies__________
3. Popular encyclopedia__________
4. W hat a mammal has that a reptile doesn't__________
5. Someone who dampens others' enthusiasm__________
6. Place to grow flowers next to a s ill__________
7. Things you manipulate in your hand to relieve stress

8. Flamingo or ib is __________
9. Famous place to surf in Honolulu__________
10. Another name for Aquarius__________
11. Hit from 1965 for Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs

12. Woman who marries just before her husband qoes off to fiqht

13. February 2 2________

14. Group that forecasts precipitation and temperature_______
15. Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari, for example________
16. Nickname for frontiersman Hickok________
17. Hollow plastic sphere with holes that's hit with a bat

18. Locale of Bethlehem and Jericho________

19. Thinqs that rinq in June________
20. Greeting to a person who's been away a long time_______
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first w ord ends in AR and the second w ord starts
with M.
Ex. Garage workers: C ar mechanic
1. Rite o f passage for a Jewish b o y __________
2. Sell-off on W all Street__________
3. Man's facial hair that curls up at the ends

4. Vehicle that lands on the m o o n __________

5. Close c a ll__________
6. Rhythm and blues, rock and roll, or rap (but not
7. Tree whose sap is used to make pancake syrup

8. Company that produces havanas__________

9. Something you w ear in the winter to keep the sides
o f your head w a rm __________
10. Monument that honors fallen soldiers__________
11. Big manufacturer of cold cuts__________
12. Selection o f dishes at a restaurant costing exactly
100 cents__________
13. Meter or rod, for exam ple__________
14. Chart showing constellations__________
15. Radioactive stuff from a re actor__________
16. Exclamation meaning "A la s !" __________
Each answer is a compound word or a familiar two-word
phrase or name in which each half has four letters and the
middle two letters of the first word are the same as the middle
two letters of the second.
Ex. Departed years ago: Long gone
1. Picnic competition that involves hopping__________
2. It has 366 days__________
3. Fenced-in area for cows, horses, or chickens

4. Absolute tie __________

5. Each one has a fairway and a green__________
6. Tennis stroke that puts backspin on the b a ll_______
7. Shoal__________
8. Principal canvas on a sh ip __________
9. Co-author of The Communist M anifesto __________
10. Written series of things one would love to get

11. Event for unloading unwanted summer merchandise

12. Middle ground between black and white extremes

(British spelling)__________
13. Classic Pontiac muscle car; or, a Stravinsky ballet,
with The __________
14. How much a ship can c a rry __________
15. Place to use a cue stick__________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which each word's second and third letters are RO.
Ex. Farmers with corn, wheat, etc.: Crop growers
1. Big seller o f fine men's suits__________
2. Metal for a balcony railing, for exam ple__________
3. An oath that's not fo llo w e d __________
4. Place where extremely high-speed vehicles are
tested, as the Bonneville Salt Flats__________
5. Traveled here and there by c a r __________
6. Agreement whereby two companies advertise each
other's products__________
7. Fish from a babbling stream __________
8. Local unit of young Girl Scouts__________
9. W earing-aw ay of soil, as from a stream's bank

10. Money earned by a business before taxes

11. Refute__________
12. O ld m ilitary award in G e rm a n y__________
13. Old-fashioned cable car in one of New York City's
14. Slangy order to remove one's p a nts__________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name in
which the first w ord starts with L and the second w ord starts
with R.
Ex. Popular passenger vehicle from Britain: Land Rover
1. Capital of Arkansas__________
2. Inflatable item on a s h ip __________
3. Item on top of a house that's useful during a storm

4. Person who knows w hat you're saying not by

h e a rin g __________
5. "G ood G olly Miss M olly!" singer__________
6. Singer with the 1977 hit "Blue B a yo u"__________
7. Singer with the #1 hits "Truly" and "Say You Say
M e " __________
8. Country singer with the #1 hit "Something's Gotta
G iv e " __________
9. Pink__________
10. Gin o r vodka cocktail with fruit ju ic e __________
11. Starring part in a movie o r p la y __________
12. Publication for students during legal studies

13. Anim al that runs a m a ze __________

14. Apparatus on top of a c a r __________
15. Part o f a gym adjoining the showers__________
16. W h a t you turn to when all other efforts have failed
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the last two letters of the first w ord are the same as the
first two letters o f the second.
Ex. The final one of a long series o f irritations: Last straw
1. O rganization for young baseball players

2. The United States has a large one with Japan

3. Something scary that's told around a campfire

4. Symbol on Canada's fla g __________

5. Common lo g ic __________
6. Headquarters in Houston o r Cape Canaveral

7. Line that runs through Greenwich, England

8. If your bank makes a mistake on your bank account,

w hat they'd probably blame it o n __________
9. Race madly about on erran d s__________
10. M urder, She W rote s ta r__________
11. Third largest city in Texas__________
12. Place along a highway to pull over and stretch your
13. Breed o f canine that's always referred to as "old"
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with the
initials W. P.
Ex. Something that comes up on the Internet: W eb page
1. Home of the U.S. M ilitary A cadem y__________
2. Summer toy that squirts__________
3. it might offer a reward for someone dead or alive

4. Former group of countries opposing NATO

5. Point formed in the hairline in the middle of the

6. Sign on a bench you shouldn't sit o n __________
7. W rapping material that's not good to write on

8. Electrical outlet on the side of a ro o m __________

9. Group of wild canines__________
10. Jumble or double-crostic__________
11. Professional who helps couples with their nuptials

12. Czar's home in old St. Petersburg__________

13. Possible requirement before buying a gun

14. Spot for a public flo g g in g __________

15. Energy derived from w hirling propellers__________
16. First appearance of a movie or other entertainment
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the
first word starts with P and the second word starts with RO.
Ex. Moving piece in an auto engine: Piston rod
1. Where the Pilgrims landed__________
2. Small women's lavatory for applying makeup, say

3. Business that a child with a bike might have

4. Big piece of beef cooked in one piece and served in its

5. Top of a house that's not at a steep angle__________
6. Colorful flower name in a Woody Allen title__________
7. Implement for applying a swath of color to a wall

8. Paper with holes in a self-playing keyboard instrument

9. Former capital of Jamaica__________

10. Fan of the Ramones, say__________
11. Way for cars that's not open to the public__________
12. Order of players on the mound in baseball

13. Leader of the United States during the 1930s-'40s

14. Televangelist who once ran for president__________

15. Actor who starred in Broadway's Show Boat and The
Emperor Jones__________
16. Onetime Cincinnati Reds star__________
44. LET'S GO!
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials L. G.
Ex. Things to wear on your hands when you do cleaning: Latex
1. A truck uses it when going up a h ill_________
2. Important person on a beach_________
3. Woman's makeup item_________
4. California city whose name means "the cats"_________
5. Slang term for money_________
6. In legend, she rode naked through Coventry_________
7. Body of water on the west end of Switzerland

8. It's deployed when a plane nears an airport_________

9. Nitrous oxide_________
10. Mirror _________
11. Someone responsible for a child in place of a parent

12. What a mayor or town supervisor is head o f _________

13. Second in command in a state_________
14. Tract in the West once given by Congress for a college or
15. What John Lennon played in the Beatles_________
16. It used to be dispensed from pumps into cars_________
17. Weapon that's dangerous to keep around the house

18. Eros or Cupid

45. M&MS
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first w ord ends with M and the second word
begins with M.
Ex. Cause of a computer breakdown: System malfunction
1. Head of a marching b a n d __________
2. Relative o f 2% in the d a iry case__________
3. Occasion to do the butterfly__________
4. Star W ars episode of 1999, with The __________
5. Civil rights protest of the 19 6 0 's __________
6. Leader of the D oors__________
7. O ld movie cowboy with the horse Tony__________
8. Cheers bartender__________
9. In the bestseller's title, words after Men A re

10. Branch of physics dealing with atoms and subatomic

particles or w aves__________
11. Chemical compound with the symbol N a20

12. Tractor and thresher, for exam ple__________

13. Goat for Navy, or Tiger for Princeton__________
14. Popular brand of shoes__________
15. President at the turn of the twentieth century
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name in
which the first word begins with G and the second word
ends with G.
Ex. Common greeting: G ood m orning
1. Anim al that's a subject of experiments__________
2. Zero, in sla ng __________
3. Result of greenhouse gases__________
4. Possible result of an oil shortage__________
5. It flies over public buildings in A thens__________
6. Old-fashioned w ay of making bottles__________
7. Service that stores often provide around Christmas

8. M iscellany__________
9. W here a road meets a railroad tra c k __________
10. Command to a little d o g ie __________
11. Edgar Allan Poe story, with The __________
12. Something a stripper w e a rs__________
13. It helps a blind person get a ro u n d __________
14. Sign on a business that's closed for vacation
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials M. E.
Ex. Slender tropical fish: M o ray eel
1. W orld's tallest p e a k __________
2. W here Israel and Lebanon a r e __________
3. TV's talking horse__________
4. Person who performs autopsies__________
5. Popular NPR p ro g ra m __________
6. Person who runs a m agazine __________
7. Expert on m otors__________
8. W orld's Fair of 1 9 6 7 __________
9. Something to mail documents i n __________
10. W h a t follows the prelim inary contests__________
11. Conflicted feelings__________
12. Brad Davis film that was a 1978 Best Picture
nom inee__________
13. O ur language as it's been spoken since about 1475

14. Exclamation of disbelief

15. B rainw ork__________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials L. P.
Ex. Trap for catching shellfish: Lobster pot
1. Identification on the back of a c a r __________
2. A bullfrog sits on i t __________
3. Site of the 1980 W inter Olympics, in upstate New
Y ork__________
4. Teacher of contracts or to rts__________
5. Tony Blair led i t __________
6. N a d ir__________
7. Safety item on a s h ip __________
8. W hat a teacher prepares for each class__________
9. American coin since 1 9 0 9 __________
10. It's recited in church__________
11. Blastoff site for a rocket__________
12. W h ite -O u t__________
13. Book by Antoine de St. Exupery, with The __________
14. Aphrodisiac d rin k __________
15. Computer product made by Hewlett-Packard

16. W hat women experience during childbirth

17. Cost of an item as published in a catalogue

18. Where a booby prize winner finishes

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in which
the first word ends in LE and the second word begins with G.
Ex. Automobile lubricant: A xle grease
1. Something you chew and b lo w __________
2. Kind of bread, made with unprocessed ingredients

3. Where a w ar is fought__________
4. Item of playground equipm ent__________
5. Stoves, washers, and big machines, from an
economist's standpoint__________
6. Bill Clinton or George Bush, scholastically speaking

7. Device that shoots metal fasteners__________

8. Jim Carrey comedy of 1996, with The __________
9. She played Bea Arthur's mother on The Golden Girls

10. Garden product b ra n d __________

11. Dingy and off-white— like clothes that aren't washed
w e ll__________
12. Chess, monopoly, or ping-pong__________
13. Load on a large truck, which has a danger of
e xploding__________
14. Lag in military production between two countries

15. Chitter-chatter____
16. W hat a turkey says
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name with
the initials T. D.
Ex. It helps you tear off a piece o f adhesive: Tape dispenser
1. Activity in which you click your heels__________
2. W h a t an auto dealer invites you to take in a new car

3. The inability to distinguish pitch in musical sounds

4. Reason for a fillin g __________

5. Thick book that may include the Yellow Pages

6. W h a t shook the w orld, in a classic book by John

7. A charitable contribution or state taxes, on an IRS
fo rm __________
8. M artin Scorsese film o f 1 9 7 6 __________
9. W h a t a TV station tells you it's experiencing when a
program stops suddenly__________
10. Cubed candy made with fruit juice and dusted with
su g a r__________
11. In China it lasted from a .d . 618 to 9 0 7 __________
12. Leader, slangily__________
13. A doctor uses it when you say "A h h h h "__________
14. Gunter Grass novel, with The __________
15. Small marsupial from Down U nd e r__________
16. Harding administration scandal__________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase in which the first
word ends with NE and the second w ord starts with W.
Ex. Representation of periodic oscillations, in physics: Sine
1. Street sign with an a rro w __________
2. Common property barrier in N ew England

3. Riesling or Muller-Thurgau, e .g .__________

4. Famous old stock brokerage __________
5. Man who prefers to live or w ork by himself

6. To clean clothes not by hand (h yph.)__________

7. Actress who won an Oscar for The Three Faces o f
Eve __________
8. Noted African-Am erican congresswoman from CA

9. Female doctor in the O ld W e s t__________

10. Women use them to captivate m en__________
11. W hat oil helps reduce in a c a r __________
12. Ones who dig for ore or diam onds__________
13. It hangs from pole to pole along the street

14. Over and (finished)

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name with
the initials L. A.
Ex. Kind o f award for a body of work: Lifetime achievement
1. College subjects like history, English, biology, etc.

2. Area south o f the United States__________

3. Twenty-one, for d rin k in g __________
4. Numbing of part of the b o d y __________
5. Holdings that are easily convertible to money

6. Four o'clock or 5:00 P.M .____________

7. W hat a southpaw pitcher throws w ith __________
8. Place to fly into New Y o rk__________
9. Satchm o__________
10. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, o rig in a lly __________
11. Smaller guns, but not can no n __________
12. Old-fashioned term for a to m a to __________
13. Terrier from Tibet__________
14. Author/publisher go-betw een__________
15. Years b a c k __________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name in
which each w ord has two T's (not necessarily consecutively)
Ex. Bit o f sewing around a hole in a shirt: Buttonhole stitch
1. Competition between Coke and Pepsi, say

2. W hat a party loyalist votes__________

3. Informal nickname for A la b a m a __________
4. Stationary person or thing wide-open to attack

5. Item left in an ashtray__________

6. Prosecuting officer for local governm ent__________
7. It builds up in clothes in the d ry e r__________
8. An aide for a high school teacher__________
9. Idea or bit o f philosophizing__________
10. Modern crime involving credit c a rd s __________
11. Cat box fille r__________
12. Part o f Canada above Alberta and Saskatchewan

13. Plays or other entertainments performed outdoors in

the c ity __________
14. Image that used to be on TV during the wee hours of
the m o rn in g __________
15. Federal agency administered by Condoleezza Rice
or Colin Pow ell__________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the
first word ends in EN and the second word begins with D.
Ex. Carpenter's pin: Wooden dowel
1. One week_________
2. Invitation to enter a room _________
3. What you do to the hatches_________
4. Rum cocktail served with finely crushed ice_________
5. Variety of apple_________
6. Overtime period in which the first team to score wins

7. Whom Abraham Lincoln debated in 1858 _________

8. Sharp-penned op-ed columnist for the New York Times

9. Frankfurter made with the meat of a fo w l_________

10. Jewish star_________
11. Widow of a king_________
12. Prime minister's street address in London_________
13. Where a can-opener and eating utensils are kept

14. Pulitzer-winning author of Advise and Consent, 1959

15. Comedienne who came out on her sitcom_________

16. Rock group with the chart-topping album Dookie

17. Brand of ice cream (hyph.)

Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the
first word ends in P and the second word starts with S.
Ex. Hush-hush: Top secret
1. Something octagonal on a street corner_________
2. Chinese dish that isn't really Chinese_________
3. Lather from washing_________
4. The lesser-played half of a record_________
5. One-piece garment for women_________
6. Amount of money paid all at once_________
7. Private educational institution before college_________
8. A tiny amount of time added to the world's clocks about
once a year_________
9. In Star Trek, a velocity faster than light_________
10. Areas of the universe far from earth_________
11. Capsule in which John Glenn circled the Earth in 1962

12. Informal group discussion_________

13. Police action that requires a person to remove his or her
14. Basic spiel from a politician on the campaign trail

15. Dress that has an apparatus underneath to flare it out

16. Seafood dish grilled or sauteed in butter and garlic

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name with
the initials O. T.
Ex. Early Ron Howard TV role: O pie Taylor
1. First half of the B ib le __________
2. Ship from the M ideast__________
3. Symbol of sturdiness__________
4. Path for pioneers in the O ld W e st__________
5. If you have a bad heart or kidney, w hat you might
g e t__________
6. W h a t a patient lies on for surgery__________
7. It might go over your bed to help you breathe

8. Thornton W ilder p la y __________

9. Dickens h e ro __________
10. It's lit for quadrennial gam es__________
11. Face-to-face e xa m __________
12. Toll road between Indiana and Pennsylvania

13. Traditionally, the day Columbus discovered America

14. Tall structure that sightseers look out o f __________

15. Newspaper published across the bay from San
16. It's usually about 40 0 degrees for baking chicken
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the first
word ends in M and the second word begins wih C.
Ex. Transportation in New York's Central Park: Hansom cab
1. It may wake you up in the morning_________
2. It's produced by an atomic blast_________
3. A slightly sweet thin biscuit made of whole wheat flour

4. Tiny room where you keep mops and other cleaning

5. Something spread on a bagel_________
6. It sucks up d irt_________
7. Planner of an art exhibit for a cultural institution_________
8. It may be labeled "New England" or "Manhattan"

9. Period in school for physical education_________

10. Gin drink with lemon, sugar, and selzer_________
11. Chemical name for table salt_________
12. Excerpt shown on a movie review show_________
13. Controversial topic of medical research_________
14. Where you might take refuge during a tornado_________
15. What you might change into after getting cold and wet

16. Star of Liar Liar and The Truman Show _________

17. Real name for Buffalo Bill_________
18. Percussion part of a marching band_________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first word ends in SS and the second word starts
with T.
Ex. Evergreen with scalelike leaves: Cypress tree
1. Event for G ary Kasparov__________
2. First lady of the 1940s and '5 0 s __________
3. You can talk on this as you walk a ro u n d __________
4. Beauty queen from Houston or D allas__________
5. Opposite of a lo c a l__________
6. W hen you're serious about something, you get
down to these__________
7. Excursion for a school g ro u p __________
8. Someone who works to improve your physical
co n ditio n __________
9. A doctor might administer one to check on your
h e a rt__________
10. Nineteenth-century New York City political honcho

11. Buses, trains, subways, e tc .__________

12. Instrument with a slide that has a low sound

13. Airline passenger who might rack up frequent flier

m iles__________
14. Dick Tracy's lo ve __________
15. Something you're told not to remove from a product
except under penalty o f la w __________
Each answer is a compound word or a familiar two-word phrase or
name in which the first part has a short A vowel sound and the second
part has a long A sound.
Ex. Cover for a light: Lampshade
1. Seafood dish that Baltimore is famous fo r__________
2. Cookout on a beach__________
3. Nike or Coca-Cola__________
4. Nine-to-five grind__________
5. Two shakes of a __________
6. If you crawl around on the lawn, you might get this on your
7. Housing in a car engine__________
8. Slang term for the fashion business__________
9. Where Broadway actors wait before performing__________
10. Letters that famous actors get__________
11. Action when you meet someone or close a deal__________
12. Painful problem at the end of your finger__________
13. Vice president under the first President Bush__________
14. Slab of meat that comes from the rear of a hog__________
15. Large pipe carrying methane, e.g.__________
16. They accompany raisins in breakfast cereal__________
17. Betting activity with a pair of dice__________
18. Kind of course in which students don't get grades A, B, C, and
D ____________
19. Kitsch__________
20. When basketball players run down the court quickly
60. STP
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which
the first word ends in ST and the second word starts with P.
Ex. Meat dish popular in Chinese restaurants: Roast pork
1. The pronoun "I," grammatically speaking__________
2. Award for Braveheart or Titanic __________
3. W hat you pay if you pay the full amount for something

4. Image on a TV screen after a station has gone off the

a ir __________
5. Where future army officers go to college__________
6. Conduit for engine fumes__________
7. Where to keep a watch that's on a chain__________
8. The word "sung" in the trio "sing, sang, sung"

9. Time off during kindergarten_________

10. W hat an umpire wears in baseball__________
11. Complete the opening line from "Evangeline": 'This is
th e __________"
12. Prostitution, according to a phrase__________
13. W hat early explorers of the New World tried to find

14. W hat Nikolai Lenin headed in Russia__________

15. Where table scraps and such go in the backyard

16. W hat a booby prize is for

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first w ord ends in O and the second w ord starts
with R.
Ex. Classic Campbell's soup: Tomato rice
1. W here San Juan is __________
2. Floor covering made by Southwest Indians

3. Amount of space for carrying things, as on a ship

4. Author of The Joys o f Y iddish __________

5. Noted Mexican m uralist__________
6. Erskine Caldwell novel made into a movie and a
Broadway p la y __________
7. James Bond spoof from 1 9 6 7 __________
8. It forms Kentucky's northern b o rd e r__________
9. Transaction at Blockbuster__________
10. Guest appearance__________
11. Famous broadcaster o f Japanese propaganda in
W orld W a r I I __________
12. It has perforations that make music when pegs are
passed through them __________
13. Person who improves old snapshots__________
14. King's highway, in Spanish__________
15. How money is distributed so everyone gets an equal
share __________
16. Cry at a Washington football g a m e __________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials R. N.
Ex. W hat a nasty comment might strike: Raw nerve
1. N ot a pseudonym __________
2. X for 10, or C for 1 0 0 __________
3. Its ships fly the Union Ja ck__________
4. This very instant__________
5. W h a t Barry Goldwater won in 1964 and Bob Dole
won in 1 9 9 6 __________
6. Perennial anticorporate presidential candidate

7. In the spring it holds pale blue e g gs__________

8. One thousand, for example, rather than 999 or
1001 __________
9. Book genre that Barbara Cartland was famous for

10. Symptom of a cold or f lu __________

11. Group o f stations that broadcast together

12. Fifties and sixties heartthrob who sang "Be-Bop

B a b y "__________
13. First U.S. president to travel to C h in a __________
14. Drink with Scotch and D ram buie__________
15. W h a t kidnappers send the kidnapper's family
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials F. M.
Ex. It helps relieve a stuffy nose and fever: Flu medicine
1. Letters to a celebrity_________
2. Fine steak_________
3. Place to buy and sell used items_________
4. Gold Medal factory_________
5. Bills, but not coins_________
6. Feature of capitalism_________
7. Something a baseball catcher wears_________
8. Early term for an airplane_________
9. Output of Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie_________
10. Its defense inspired Francis Scott Key to write "The Star-
Spangled Banner"_________
11. Mustache with long, droopy ends_________
12. When the Supreme Court convenes in October

13. Publicly traded, federally backed security_________

14. What a general practitioner practices_________
15. Person who oversees a building's safety code_________
16. It may provide relief for tired heels, arches, and toes

17. Cabinet member in other countries who oversees

diplomatic relations_________
18. Stage show in which male performers show everything
64. A TO B
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the
first word ends with A and the second word starts with B.
Ex. Ingredient in suntan lotion: Cocoa butter
1. Vegetable named for a city in Peru_________
2. Leading dancer in a ballet company_________
3. Piece of furniture that can be converted for sleeping

4. Device that answers questions at parties_________

5. Someone who loves Carmen and A id a _________
6. Black-and-white animal from China in the Washington
7. The Northern Lights_________
8. It might help a defendant get a reduced sentence

9. It might hold a Nikon or a Kodak_________

10. California city that was once the name of a daytime soap
11. Home of the NFL's Buccaneers_________
12. Annual college football championship held in Tempe,
13. World Series champs in 1995_________
14. Tiny annoyance for a d o g _________
15. Musical group that plays Polish dance tunes_________
16. Competitor of the World Book_________
17. Florida city known for auto racing_________
18. It cools an ocean's shore_________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the first
word ends in SE and the second word starts with P.
Ex. Sherwin-Williams product that's applied to the outside of a home:
House paint
1. Identification on the front or back of a car__________
2. What seeing a ghost might give you__________
3. What friends may throw for you on your birthday

4. Flower part that's a common ingredient in perfume

5. Car honking, air horns, and other unwanted sounds

6. Waxy implement for writing on glossy surfaces__________

7. Head of government in Beijing__________
8. Phrase before "hot" and "cold" in a nursery rhyme

9. Air-filled snack food that can leave your fingers orange

10. Flat item beside a computer, used to help move the cursor

11. Lead someone down the__________

12. French scientist after whom a programming language is named

13. Primetime soap opera that co-starred Heather Locklear

14. Athlete who uses a stick to score a goal__________

15. Telling someone to do something when you want them to do
the exact opposite__________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials U. P.
Ex. Person involved in city development: Urban planner
1. News a g en cy:__________ International
2. Instrument smaller than a baby g ra n d __________
3. Company that helped build the first transcontinental
ra ilw a y __________
4. Part of Michigan above Lake M ic h ig a n __________
5. Like a good golf score__________
6. Rightmost column in an addition colum n__________
7. Cruel and __________
8. Publisher of academic b o oks__________
9. Support for telephone wires, electric cables, etc.

10. Insurance that covers everything__________

11. A irp o rt, Jaws, and other films made by a particular
12. W h a t a deodorant stops__________
13. W here nuclear material is processed__________
14. Hawaiian m usician__________
15. Planters product with no sodium __________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the initials
I. C.
Ex. Psychological problem of not knowing who one is: Identify crisis
1. Main ingredient of a sundae_________
2. Kind of engine_________
3. Hot drink topped with whipped cream_________
4. It used to separate Eastern and Western Europe

5. West African country that gained its independence in

6. Maize_________
7. Allstate or Aetna_________
8. Miraculous beginning for Jesus' mother, M ary_________
9. It might make you feel below everyone else_________
10. Part of the hospital where severly sick or injured cases are

11. Sleuth in the Pink Panther movies_________

12. Comedienne who appeared with Sid Caesar on Your Show
of Shows_________
13. Mathematical invention of Leibniz_________
14. Historical novel set in ancient Rome published in 1934

15. Polaroid_________
16. Item that may contain a speaker's notes in the size of
31/2" X 5 " _________
17. Business dealings between New York and California, for
Each answer is a hyphenated w ord o r a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name in
which the first part ends with NE and the second part starts with T.
Ex. W h a t the Geneva Convention guarantees prisoners: Humane treatment
1. Kind o f comb you might conduct a search w ith _____________
2. Something w ith needles that often grows on a mountain

3. Repeatedly leaving messages on each other's answering machines

4. Something you might buy from Delta o r C o n tin e n ta l_____________

5. Toll road that goes from the N ew Hampshire border to Augusta

6. W h a t the ten Commandments w ere written o n _____________

7. It's between an incisor and a p re m o la r_____________
8. Person w ith a crystal b a ll_____________
9. Three-sided figure with unequal sid e s_____________
10. Item w ith a flame fo r w e ld in g _____________
11. A n extra am ount you pay at the p u m p _____________
12. Absolutely exhausted_____________
13. Product advertised w ith the slogan "W here the rubber meets the
r o a d " _____________
14. W h a t a light that goes on on your dashboard m ight signal

15. Something that m ay be in the backyard and holds household fuel

16. Sacagawea belonged to th is _____________

17. Scary in an eerie w a y _____________
18. A simpler w a y o f saying eighteen-twentieths_____________
19. A n oe n o lo g ist_____________
20. W h a t you m ight make to a b ride and groom a t a w edding
re ce p tio n _____________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name with
initials S. N.
Ex. California mountain range: Sierra Nevada
1. Popular Christmas c a ro l__________
2. A captured soldier is supposed to reveal only his
name, rank a n d __________
3. Nickname for Jenny Lind__________
4. Protection for a tightrope w a lk e r__________
5. Musical tone that's o f f __________
6. W h a t sleeping in an awkward position can give you

7. Habits, characteristics, etc. that are so deeply

ingrained that they're almost autom atic__________
8. Swirling set of stars in outer space__________
9. Mythical creature sometimes called an oceanid

10. H arry Houdini, Red Buttons, or Eminem, for example

11. Belgian with the 1963 hit "D o m in iq u e "__________

12. Actor who starred in Jurassic P ark __________
13. Blunt end, as o f a pistol or p lie rs __________
14. Poisonous powder used in the manufacturing of
m irrors__________
15. W hat a lover whispers into his darling's ear

16. Bringer o f Christmas presents

70. O. H.?
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials O. H.
Ex. Common furnace: O il heater
1. Party that new homeowners might th ro w __________
2. Nine to five, com m only__________
3. Fifty + F ifty__________
4. H ow th e __________ Lives
5. Stories that get passed down from generation to
6. Partner of Stan Laurel__________
7. Partner of Richard Rodgers__________
8. Longtime senator from U ta h __________
9. Shout used to get someone's attention__________
10. Group of islands off the west coast of Scotland

11. Present, as supplies__________

12. Popular candy b a r __________
13. Nickname for Andrew Jackson__________
14. Man's fancy headwear worn at La S cala__________
15. Beijing, in 2 0 0 8 __________
71. HA!
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials H. A.
Ex. Ulterior motive: Hidden agenda
1. Device that fits in the e a r __________
2. Macaulay Culkin movie (1990) __________
3. Nickname for the sixteenth president__________
4. Nickname for someone who's good at odd jobs

5. Common term for a myocardial infarction

6. Person next in line to take the th ro n e __________

7. Pompous talk, as in what a politician may be full of

8. Keeping someone confined to where he lives

9. Corrosive, fuming liq u id __________

10. Popular car from Ja p a n __________
11. One who emotes on stage__________
12. Well-known bikers' g ro u p __________
13. Rags-to-riches w rite r__________
14. It begins aleph, beth, gimel, e tc .__________
15. G ra p h o lo g y__________
16. Mel Brooks spoof of Alfred Hitchcock__________
72. I.M .ING
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the ini­
tials I. M.
Ex. Quick electronic communication: Instant message
1. Something usually found on every floor of a hotel

2. Nickname for boxer Tyson_________

3. Footwear often decorated with beads_________
4. Philippine leader famous for her shoe collection

5. An Irish author, she was the subject of a 2001 film

6. Football infraction made before the ball is snapped

7. Ralph Ellison novel about race relations_________

8. "__________ want to know"
9. Part of China bordering Ulaanbaatar's country

10. Book that comes with a computer or appliance

11. Alternative to butter that puts a crown on your head

12. Feature shown on a long airplane trip _________

13. It powers a yacht_________
14. Charge not quite as serious as murder_________
15. Latin phrase starting a tribute to the recently deceased

16. Last words of the Wicked Witch of the West_________

73. P.O. BOX
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials P. O.
Ex. Chance to pose for the camera: Photo op
1. C o p __________
2. W here Hawaii is __________
3. W h a t Bush took on Inauguration D a y __________
4. Star of Lawrence o f A ra b ia __________
5. Musical instrument in a church__________
6. Something you give someone to get them to stop
fighting with y o u __________
7. W h a t a Gallup poll measures on an issue

8. W hat Communism forbids for p ro p e rty__________

9. Shrub whose leaves can give you a ra s h __________
10. Theater musicians who play in a recessed area

11. Classic cereal consisting of air-filled g ra in __________

12. Dominance hierarchy showing status from highest
to lowest__________
13. Mollusk that produces a g e m __________
14. Extract from goobers, used in making margarine
and so a p __________
15. Front o f a newspaper__________
74. A/C
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials A. C.
Ex. Slatted seat designed for outdoor use: Adirondack chair
1. Where you go if you don't like a legal decision

2. W hat a businessperson carries papers in _________

3. A Brinks vehicle_________
4. W hat Dear Abby writes_________
5. Big military ship that has planes on its decks

6. It wakes you up in the m orning_________

7. Where to learn to solve equations__________
8. Animal that prowls back streets_________
9. Friend of the court, in Latin_________
10. Kids' dessert items in the shapes of lions, elephants, etc.

11. Prefix at the start of a telephone number_________

12. Mystery writer who created Hercule Poirot_________
13. Egypt, Yemen, or Saudi Arabia, e .g ._________
14. International agreement to reduce weapons

15. Ordinary household electricity_________

16. French existentialist who won a Nobel Prize

17. Industrialist who gave money to found many libraries

18. Book on your desk with dates

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which both words contain the consecutive letters OR.
Ex. Neighborhood place to buy a quart of milk: Corner
1. Piece of fiction not as long as a n ovel__________
2. Pyongyang's co u ntry__________
3. Home of Texas Christian University__________
4. Person who gives a kidney o r a h e a rt__________
5. Twining plant with funnel-shaped flowers

6. Piece of paper you fill out to buy goods from a

ca ta lo g __________
7. Listing in the Guinness B ook__________
8. Veterinarian specializing in equine practice

9. Person in charge of athletic reporting in a

10. Author of 1 9 8 4 __________
11. Tennis champion from Sweden, five-time winner of
W im b le d o n __________
12. Danish pianist and com edian__________
13. Largest city in the Beaver State__________
14. Mountainous region o f A fghanistan__________
15. Northern lig h ts__________
16. Rudy G iuliani, n o w __________
17. Verbatim (3 words, all containing O R )__________
Each answer is a compound w ord in two syllables in which
K ends the first part and P begins the second.
Ex. Lottery prize: Jackpot
1. W here the pilot sits__________
2. It's what you might put your lunch and supplies in
when you go h ik in g __________
3. A large supply held in reserve for future need

4. Scarf or other item wound around the body above

the shoulder__________
5. It might say "Ex lib ris " __________
6. Variety of bowling with small b a lls __________
7. Able to resist jolts, as a w a tc h __________
8. Person who might steal your w a lle t__________
9. Snap-brimmed hat usually made of fe lt__________
10. Person with nutty ideas__________
11. Office or factory, for exam ple__________
12. Summer resort in Massachusetts that has the same
name as a brand of shoe__________
13. Another name for garbanzo beans__________
14. Station between two m ilitary zones__________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with the
initials R. H.
Ex. W here a western farmer lives: Ranch house
1. Something that's deliberately m isleading__________
2. Place of convalescence for the e ld e rly__________
3. W hat most people write w ith __________
4. One who drives in two lanes, m a yb e __________
5. Hero in Sherwood Forest__________
6. Child's toy with a saddle and re in s __________
7. It might be used to water the la w n __________
8. Jewish high holy d a y __________
9. Title for a prince or princess__________
10. The __________ Picture Show
11. Amount of water vapor in the air, as expressed in
weather forecasts__________
12. W h a t a square peg has trouble fitting i n __________
13. When traffic is most congested__________
14. Person who's done something in the fastest time, e.g.

15. Doris Day co -star__________

16. M y Fair Lady a c to r__________
17. Pal Joey actress also known as the "Love Goddess"

18. A p o llo 73 d ire c to r__________

19. School attended by Archie and Jughead________
20. Rival o f Simon and Schuster__________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the
first word ends in E and the second word begins with AR.
Ex. Lineup of soldiers, tanks, etc.: Battle array
1. Someone who isn't allowed to leave home may be under
2. Magician who can get out of handcuffs or a straitjacket

3. Part that holds a needle on a phonograph_________

4. Illustrations left by primitive man, for example

5. City neighboring Phoenix in the Grand Canyon state

6. Thin sheets of metal used for protection in battle

7. Piece written for Time or The Atlantic, for example

8. Library for illustrations_________

9. One showing up after the deadline_________
10. Former name of the comedienne whose maiden name
was Barr_________
11. Daughter of Lucille Ball_________
12. Star of 1950s TV's Our M/ss Brooks_________
13. Hall of Fame jockey who won the Kentucky Derby five
14. Sword, pistol, or other small weapon_________
15. Military force based in Beijing_________
16. Place with lots of pinball machines_________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the ini­
tials C. I.
Ex. Popular salad dressing: Creamy Italian
1. Famous amusement park in Brooklyn_________
2. Baseball team in O h io _________
3. Electric item that can put a wave in the h a ir_________
4. Offering for drivers from Allstate or Geico_________
5. One of the Big Three automakers' models 1930s-'70s

6. Unit of measure for newspaper classifieds_________

7. Title for Mr. Morse in the Colin Dexter mysteries

8. Brown covering for a cake_________

9. Whatever copy of a magazine is on newsstands

10. _________ Agency, for spies

11. Option on modern telephones that allows you to screen
incoming messages_________
12. Something to save in the expectation that it will increase
in value_________
13. Before computers, this listed all the books in a library

14. Money earned on a bank account in which the base

includes money previously earned_________
15. Production of goods for sale from home_________
16. Cry before "_________ The cops!"
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials V. F.
Ex. Cabinet for manila folders: Vertical file
1. It might lead to a stolen election__________
2. W here George Washington spent the winter of
1 7 7 7 -7 8 __________
3. Artificial ingredient in white ice cream __________
4. Stylish magazine that was once edited by Tina
B ro w n __________
5. Large area of trees that's never been c u t__________
6. Cooking grease that does not come from animals

7. Famous sight on the Zambezi River in southern

A fric a __________
8. Former president of M e x ic o __________
9. Nickname for Mel Torme__________
10. It follows the third tome in an encyclopedia

11. Nonprofessional who fights blazes__________

12. Plant that catches and eats insects__________
13. It flies over government buildings in Hanoi

14. Stringed instruments like the cello and double bass

are part of i t __________
15. Sonnet or limerick, for exam ple__________,
16. W hat Canada geese fly i n __________
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the
first word ends in VE and the second word starts with T.
Ex. Government levy that affects the wealthy the most: Progressive
1. Romantic arrangement involving three people

2. Rush hour period when a radio audience is at its peak

3. It immediately precedes Ash Wednesday_________

4. Immoral activity that went on before the Civil War

5. Founder of Wendy's_________
6. H ow often Francis Ford C o ppola w on Oscars

7. Sticky stuff that holds a bandage in place_______

8. Esophagus, stomach, and colon, to food_________
9. Exaggerated or deceptive language, in slang

10. Bundles of fibers that carry signals through the body

11. Anyone's first language_________

12. Blue eyes or red hair, genetically_________
13. Programming that's not taped_________
14. Kind of radio that Rush Limbaugh does_________
15. Popular b ra n d o f s tu ffin g ___________
16. Source of a small, green, Mediterranean fru it_________
82. BRR!
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first word starts with BR and the second word
starts with R.
Ex. European flower with hooked prickles: Bramble rose
1. Something to follow in The W iza rd o fO z

2. Uncle Remus character__________

3. In a contest that has no actual prize, this is what
you're said to w in __________
4. Respite, or a space to rest or th in k __________
5. Side dish at a Chinese restaurant__________
6. Crimson or scarlet__________
7. Phrase for someone who goes on and on about the
same th in g __________
8. In a fancy home, where you might eat the first meal
of the d a y __________
9. Person who fixes a car that can't be made to stop

10. W hen a woman is getting married, she may sign up

for this for g ifts __________
11. New York's__________ Parkway, named for a
waterway in New York City's northernmost borough
12. A.L. MVP in 1964 who played for the Baltimore
O rio le s __________
13. Nuclear device in which more fissile material is
produced than consumed__________
Each answer is a familiar Iwo-word phrase or name with the ini­
tials O. R.
Ex. Variety of cookie: Oatmeal raisin
1. Tennessee city known for nuclear research_________
2. Televangelist who once founded a university_________
3. It's where you set a cake to bake_________
4. It separates Indiana and Kentucky_________
5. Device for pumping petroleum from the ground

6. Musical event in a church_________

7. Side order at a fast-food restaurant_________
8. Fine floor covering from A sia_________
9. Famous name in popcorn_________
10. Singer with the 1968 hit "The Dock of the Bay"

11. Tragedy by Sophocles_________

12. California team that lost in Super Bowl XXXVII

13. Field of work of the Gallup company_________

14. Russian event of 1 917 _________
15. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc., collectively_________
16. Citrus bit used in marmalade_________
17. At a gas station: 87, 89, 91 or 9 3 _________
18. Alternative to "extra crispy" at KFC_________
Each answer is a compound w ord in which W ends the first
part of the w ord and B begins the second.
Ex. Reversion to an ancestor: Throwback
1. Something you p a d d le __________
2. Slang for a $10 b ill__________
3. Prying to o l__________
4. Infant that's less than a day o ld __________
5. Appealing to baser interests, as entertainment

6. Roy Rogers in the m ovies__________

7. Cowardly; also a kind o f sapsucker__________
8. Modern winter sport done on h ills __________
9. Endearingly eccentric__________
10. Do some training in a r in g __________
11. Operating on a limited number of frequencies, in
12. Fruit with its seeds on the outside__________
13. Hollywood and such, in fo rm ally__________
14. Entrance to a castle that can be lifted u p __________
15. To harangue__________
16. Piece o f candy that's very difficult to bite into
85. NC-17
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the ini­
tials N. C.
Ex. Raleigh's home: North Carolina
1. Event where reporters ask questions_________
2. Front of a rocket_________
3. Where the Democrats and Republicans nominate their
presidential candidates_________
4. Site of judicial proceedings after d a rk _________
5. Place for people with no clothes o n _________
6. Informal term for a CPA_________
7. French style of cooking_________
8. Plea in which a defendant does not dispute the charges

9. English playwright who wrote Blithe S p irit_________

10. Oscar-winning actor for Leaving Las Vegas_________
11. She had #1 R&B hits with "Miss You Like Crazy" and
"I've Got Love On My M in d "_________
12. "Thou shalt not bear false witness" for Jews and most
13. It happened in England in 1 0 66_________
14. Emma Lazarus poem inscribed on the base of the Statue
of Liberty (with "The")_________
15. Chocolate candy bar with rice inside_________
16. Where a boxer goes after he's knocked out his opponent

17. It trims the ends of your fingers and toes

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name with
the initials L. I.
Ex. Foot soldiers with minimal equipment: Light infantry
1. Section of a city with lots o f trattorias__________
2. Something you buy for the security o f a spouse or
fa m ily __________
3. Part o f the digestive tra c t__________
4. Midwest city near Purdue University__________
5. Shackles__________
6. Frozen treat that's y e llo w __________
7. Common means of administering the death penalty

8. Kind of v e to __________
9. Earning less than $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 /ye ar, s a y __________
10. Having a blood alcohol level of more than .08%

11. Former head of C hrysler__________

12. One who teaches students how to conjugate "am o"

13. Film character who's the object of the lead

character's romantic feelings__________
14. Fancy appointment in a luxury c a r __________
15. Event of March 4, 1861, in Washington,
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials F. D.
Ex. W hat is earned by gaining 10 yards in football: First down
1. Top of an aircraft ca rrier__________
2. Obsolescent item on which to store computer
3. Group with the 1967 hit "Up Up and Away"

4. Salad topping that is made with catsup, oil, and

5. Where you usually greet visitors who come to your
house __________
6. Rum cocktail made with crushed ic e __________
7. Value of an Abraham Lincoln b ill_________
8. Stephen Spielberg or Martin Scorsese__________
9. Christian Dior or Donna K aran__________
10. Wall Street and environs, to New York City

11. Trendy way to lose w eight__________

12. Term for Harry Truman's administration__________
13. Substance sprinkled by Tinkerbell in Peter Pan

14. D oe__________
15. Where to buy a Mustang or Explorer___
16. Podiatrist__________
17. Event in which students evacuate a school
18. Traditional Fourth of July event________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first w ord ends in IN and the second w ord begins
with T.
Ex. Place to grab discount items at a sale: Bargain table
1. W h a t a railroad runs o n __________
2. Group of very smart advisers__________
3. Very sharp change of direction, as on a mountain
ro a d __________
4. W hat Denver residents set their clocks on

5. Decathlon event with a sp e ar__________

6. Baking pan with cuplike m olds__________
7. Author of Future Shock __________
8. Extra charge the government imposes on cigarettes,
alcohol, e tc .__________
9. Good facial cream can improve i t __________ _
10. Start o f a football g a m e __________
11. Mr. Chips' profession in Goodbye, Mr. Chips

12. Informal term for the former W orld Trade Center

13. Browned slice of bread with bits of fruit

14. Capital of the Lone Star State________
15. W here to take a car to watch a movie _
16. Sea W orld employee who uses a hoop
17. Tender ends o f a steak__________
18. You might take one to stop a headache
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase in which each word has
exactly five letters and ends with a silent E.
Ex. Craft sent out to collect information on planets and such: Space
1. The president's hom e____________
2. Permission for a sailor to go on la n d ____________
3. Place to practice shooting____________
4. Fruit drink made by Welch's____________
5. Popular side dish made by M ott's____________
6. In writing', a punctuation mark at the end of what someone says

7. Exercise of sheer might, as in opening a jammed door

8. It's less than 9 0 ° ____________

9. It was won by Jimmy Carter in 2002 and Al Gore in 2007

10. W hat a Hopi Indian might perform with a rattler____________

11. An unfocused search is said to be a w ild ____________
12. Actress who played Mama in the movie I Remember Mama

13. It might have a chalk outline of a body on the ground

14. Old commerce of the type conducted by the Amistad

15. Brush with disaster, where you have a narrow escape

16. Ordinary intelligence in everyday matters

Each answer is a compound word or a fam iliar two-word
phrase or name in which the first w ord has a long A vowel
sound and the second word has a long I vowel sound.
Ex. Transportation via Amtrak: Train ride
1. The shortest distance between two points

2. W hat you use to cut a T-bone__________

3. Manicurist's implem ent__________
4. Result of an asp's a ttack__________
5. Informal source of inform ation__________
6. It might make an actor forget his lines__________
7. Something red that shows on the back of a car

8. Two-wheeler you take o ff-ro a d __________

9. When kickoff is scheduled at a football stadium

10. After 11 p.m ., say (hyph.)__________

11. Illegal violence against a m in o rity____
12. Vladim ir Nabokov novel__________
13. Eminem movie of 2 0 0 2 __________
14. Conduit that carries water a w a y _____
15. Astronaut's t r ip __________
16. Place for a headstone__________
17. According to a saying, they think alike
91. TNT
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name in which the
first word starts with T and the second word ends with NT.
Ex. Noncommissioned officer rated E-8 in the Army: Top sergeant
1. Person who arranges airline tickets for yo u _________
2. Classroom a ide _________
3. Donald Regan headed it for Ronald Reagan_________
4. Hurdles or the 100-meter dash_________
5. Where momentum shifts in a contest_________
6. Copper, iodine, manganese, or molybdenum, e.g., in the
human body_________
7. Standard amount for tithing_________
8. Where you might eat sticky rice and food with satay
sauce _________
9. Commercial pact to lower tariffs, for example

10. Legislative body that sits in Ankara_________

11. What Venus and Serena Williams compete in

12. Thomas Lipton, for one_________

13. Rock guitarist famous for "Cat Scratch Fever"_________
14. Its leaves are used to make cigarettes_________
15. Christmas ball or angel for hanging_________
16. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife" for Jews and
most Protestants_________
17. Game of clues in search of a prize_________
18. _________ Ninja Turtles
Each answer is a familiar three-word phrase in which the first
word begins with P and the second word is "of."
Ex. What an invading army needs before starting: Plan o f attack
1. It's at the end of a rainbow_________
2. Noun, verb, or adjective, for example_________
3. What Shylock tried to exact from Antonio in The
Merchant o f Venice_________
4. Title for Charles, in Great Britain_________
5. Old silver coins on the Spanish M a in _________
6. Soldier captured by the enemy_________
7. Material used in making ornamental casts_________
8. Location named on a passport_________
9. Something recited in a classroom_________
10. Gilbert and Sullivan operetta_________
11. Logical method involved in ruling out one possibility after
12. What Lot's wife was turned into_________
13. Legal document letting one person represent another

14. What you might buy at a Florsheim or Thom McAn store

15. What you might give at the Red Cross drive_________

16. Cry from a parliamentarian at a meeting_________
17. Jacques Chirac, formerly_________
18. Feeling of comfort and safety_________
19. Where a ship stops to take on or discharge passengers

20. Slang term meaning "easy"

Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first w ord starts with BA and the second word
starts with BE.
Ex. The meat in a sloppy joe: Barbecue beef
1. Product made by Heinz or B & M __________
2. Small steel roller in a m achine__________
3. W ager made over d rin k s __________
4. W here the parliam entary members who aren't
leaders sit in the House of Com m ons__________
5. Spinoff from AT&T in 1 9 8 4 __________
6. They make bubbles in a tu b __________
7. Old-fashioned term for a pretty woman sunning
8. Wooden rail that a gymnast performs on

9. Stretch o f sand protecting a coastline__________

10. Insect that lives under the outer layer of a tree

11. Poor conduct or acting u p __________

12. A plie, for example, done by a performer in a tutu

13. Playboy cover girl who had a longtime relationship

with Hugh H efner__________
14. 1-695 in M a ry la n d __________
15. Brand of brew once advertised with a Mitch M iller
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials E. S.
Ex. Men's grooming item with a cord: Electric shaver
1. Nickname for New York__________
2. Central American country__________
3. Venus; or a bygone newspaper in Washington, D.C.

4. Curative addition to bath w a te r__________

5. Boy with merit badges__________
6. It shoots a pilot out of a je t__________
7. Respected former public o fficia l__________
8. Grades 1 - 6 __________
9. Something they say not to drink alcohol on

10. California condor or Bengal tiger, for example

11. W hat goes between 2 + 2 and 4 __________

12. Popular sandwich fillin g __________
13. Classic surfing movie or Beach Boys album

14. It's lit in a movie theater__________

15. Geology or geography__________
16. Where the U.N. is in Manhattan__________
17. Comfortable living, figuratively__________
18. Foreign visitor for the school ye a r__________
19. Muffler and tailpipe__________
20. Corporate official's assistant__________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase or name in
which the first w ord ends in A N and the second w ord starts
with T.
Ex. Small baked dessert with nuts: Pecan tart
1. Nickname for Boston__________
2. Hiker's path from Georgia to M a in e __________
3. Oklahoma before it was O kla h o m a __________
4. For a right triangle, a2+ b2= c2 __________
5. Brand of lu g g a g e __________
6. Something extremely hard to d o __________
7. Card game also called parliament or sevens

8. G reenw ich__________ __________

9. Welsh poet who wrote "Do N ot Go Gentle into That
Good N ig h t" __________
10. Zulu, Hottentot, or Tutsi__________
11. Allied armored vehicle in W orld W a r I I __________
12. Path an egg takes from the o v a ry __________
13. W hat a W a lk/D o n 't W alk sign regulates

14. M acbeth o r A ntony and C leopatra __________

15. Prestigious college football a w a rd __________
96. RDA
Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name that
contains the consecutive letters RDA.
Ex. The tween years, so it's said: A w kw ard age
1. Engineering feat on the Colorado River__________
2. Highest turnout e ver__________
3. Singer Yankovic__________
4. Right not to have soldiers quartered in your home

5. W hat an evangelist might call G o d __________

6. Spanish Surrealist__________
7. Information usually stored in binary co d e __________
8. Evening event involving eating and music__________
9. Wealthy older man who gives money to an ingenue

10. Nearly heart-shaped tropical American fruit

11. The Beatles's Revolver or Rubber S oul__________

12. An Indian might do it before going into battle

13. W hat workers celebrate in early September

14. Method in psychoanalysis where someone says

a term and you say whatever jumps to mind
97. S OF THE S
Each answer is a familiar four-word phrase in which the first word starts
with S and the second and third words are "of the."
Ex. A small, silly error in speech: Slip o f the tongue
1. Capricorn, Leo, Aquarius, etc.____________
2. Hot dish before an entree that a waitress announces specially

3. Subject for an annual presidential address in Congress

4. Congressional b ig w ig ____________
5. Cabinet officer in charge of monetary matters____________
6. Area marked off with police tape____________
7. W hat you say when someone you've been talking about
suddenly shows u p ____________
8. Wee, small hours, as sung about by the Five Satins with "In"

9. Mexico, to the United States____________

10. Nickname for a cam el____________
11. Jodie Foster/Anthony Hopkins film from 1991, with The

12. Disney musical based on the Uncle Remus stories____________

13. Sudden time when you decide to do something____________
14. TV game show in which contestants won the right to "buy"
prizes for very little money (1970s-'80s)____________
15. Person or group representing the most dependable and
steadfast elements of society____________
16. Area near a spine's base____________
17. Foundation of Darwinian theory____________
Each answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase o r name with
the initials S. L.
Ex. Petulant type: Sore loser
1. How a deaf person communicates__________
2. N obody doesn't like her, in a slogan __________
3. Nathaniel Hawthorne novel, with The __________
4. Sailor's balance on a s h ip __________
5. W hat every cloud is said to h a ve __________
6. On many roads, 6 5 m .p .h .__________
7. Painting of a bowl of fruit, for exam ple__________
8. It can tan you indoors__________
9. Long car used by celebrities__________
10. T -b a r__________
11. Rank above sergeant m ajor in the a rm y __________
12. Tchaikovsky b a lle t__________
13. Brutal taskmaster in Uncle Tom's C o b in __________
14. African country whose capital is Freetown

15. City famous for its Gateway Arch

Each answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name with the
initials S. O.
Ex. Part of an executive's compensation: Stock option
1. Afternoon TV serial_________
2. Enthusiastic response for a speaker_________
3. Large group that plays classical music_________
4. Plantation owner in Gone With the W ind _________
5. Unmarried romantic partner, more serious than just a
boyfriend or girlfriend_________
6. Breakfast dish having a filling of green pepper, onion,
and tomato_________
7. It begins: "On my honor I will do my best / To do my
duty to God and my country . . _________
8. Barn bird with a harsh c ry _________
9. Playful marine animal_________
10. Midway between noon and midnight_________
11. The mineral argentite_________
12. Bunkum or hooey that a traveling salesman might try to
sell yo u _________
13. Quadrennial event that includes gymnastics and track
and field_________
14. Person who routes incoming telephone calls_________
15. Before a doctor convinces you to have an operation, you
should seek this_________
16. Continuation of the film title that begins 2001 (with A)
Each answer is a word or a fam iliar phrase containing three
or more syllables in which each syllable begins with the
letter T.
Ex. Not definite: Tentative
1. One who snitches__________
2. Completely avoid a lco h o l__________
3. Game with X's and O 's __________
4. One whose job is to sample foods for flavor

5. "Peter Piper picked a peck o f pickled peppers," for

exam ple__________
6. Being in direct opposition, as fighters__________
7. W ith lyrics adapted from the Book o f Ecclesiastes,
the 1965 #1 hit for the B yrds__________
8. O re-lda Foods brand na m e __________
9. Nathaniel Hawthorne b o o k __________
10. Scold for committing an e rro r__________
11. Person who makes a w ill__________
12. Having been proved valid over many years

13. Seesaw__________
14. Sound o f a grandfather clo ck__________
15. The time 11:38 (five syllables)__________
16. Lines after "A tutor who tooted a flute . . ." (nine
I . P'S AND CLUES 20. Selective Service 14. Test tube
System 15. Terrible twos
1. Pawn shop
2. Pea soup
3. Potato chip 3. BB'S 5. WORDS TO THE
4. Pistol-whip 1. Boo-boo
5. Postnasal drip 2. Bobby 1. Yale University
6. Pirate ship 3. Barbie 2. "Yesterday"
7. Postage stamp 4. Bamboo 3. Yearly
8. Pork chop 5. Bombay 4. Yoknapatawpha
9. Pop top 6. Bible County
10. Pickup 7. Baboon 5. Yellowbelly
I I . Power trip 8. Bobbin 6. Yeomanry
12. Pole lamp 9. Babbitt 7. You D on't Say
13. Poker chip 10. Barber 8. Yukon Territory
14. Pit stop 11. Brickbat 9. Yankee Doodle
15. Pop group 12. Bonbon Dandy
13. Barbell 10. Yevgeny
14. Bourbon 11. "You've come a long
2. DOUBLE CURVE 15. Bellboy way, baby"
16. Beanbag 12. "Your majesty"
1. Social Security 17. Bareback 13. Yea or nay
2. Simon Says 18. Blackbeard 14. Yummy
3. Soy sauce 19. Bumblebee 15. Yours truly
4. Super Sunday 20. Blow-by-blow
5. Sixth sense
6. San Salvador 6. DOUBLE W
7. Sales slip
1. Snow White
8. Sad Sack 1. Top fen 2. Glowworm
9. Safe sex 2. Tow truck 3. New World
10. Sixty seconds 3. Tray table 4. Window washer
11. "Sunrise, Sunset" 4. Turkey trot 5. Slow-witted
12. Solar system 5. Two terms 6. Throw weight
13. Sesame Street 6. Table tennis 7. Andrew Wyeth
14. Suspended sentence 7. Tank top 8. Rainbow W a rrio r
15. Submarine 8. Title track 9. Bowwow
sandwich 9. Tag team 10. Saw wood
16. Sam Spade 10. Tea table 11. Common-law wife
17. Silent Spring 11. Tie tack 12. Plowwright
18. Status symbol 12. Toilet training 13. New wave
19. Si si, senor 13. Train tracks 14. Woodrow Wilson
7. LL FOR 5. Haunted house 8. Card catalogue
YOUR BEAN 6. Heavy hitter 9. Carlsbad Caverns
7. Hard hat 10. Calcium carbonate
1. William Tell
8. Heavenly hosts 11. Carrot cake
2. Roll call
9. Head honcho 12. Cave canem
3. Jelly Roll 13. Calling card
10. Heave ho
4. Yellowbelly
11. Household hints
5. Volleyball
12. Harry Houdini
6. Dillydally (or shilly­ 12. SECOND
13. "Heartbreak Hotel"
shally) STREET
14. Hog heaven
7. Ill will 1. Ghost story
15. "Hip hip hooray!"
8. Illegally
2. Rest stop
9. Bill Cullen 3. Last stand
10. Pall Mall 10. SPECIAL K 4. First strike
11. Dullsville 5. Guest star
1. Blackjack
12. Hello, D olly!
6. Communist state
2. Cookbook
13. All Hallows 7. Largest Store
3. Mukluk
14. Tell-all 8. G reatest Story
4. Duckwalk
15. Collect call 9. Rust stain
5. Backpack(or
16. Milli Vanilli 10. Last straw
17. Chancellorsville 11. Dust storm
6. Knickknack
18. Gallup poll
7. Bookmark 12. First State
8. Knock-knock 13. Breaststroke
8. BEGIN, AGAIN 9. Blank check
1. Hit the hay 10. Oak Park
2. Ban the bomb 11. Punk rock
3. Hark the herald 12. Clockwork 1. Pen pals
4. Raise the roof 13. Breakneck 2. Peace pipe
5. Pound the pavement 14. Greek Week 3. Pet peeve
6. Below the belt 15. Shock jock 4. Pea pods
7. Rule the roost 16. Dick Clark 5. Pike's Peak
8. Break the bank 17. Picklock 6. Park Place
9. Turn the tide 18. Think tank 7. Puff piece
10. Bite the bullet 8. Pepper pot
11. Pull the plug 9. Pill popper
11. GOING CA-CA10. Pied Piper
12. Raid the refrigerator
1. Cable car 11. Pod people
2. Candy cane 12. Purple prose
9. H-HOUR 3. Calico cat 13. Poppy plant
1. High heels 4. Cattle call 14. Puppet play
2. Hear! Hear! 5. Cape Canaveral 15. Prize pupil
3. Happy holidays 6. Cab Calloway 16. Paper plate
4. Hee Haw 7. C andid Camera 17. Purple people
14. EASY E'S 8. Ozzy Osborne 15. Manassa Mauler
9. Old Orchard 16. Maid Marian
1. Green cheese
10. Offshore oil
2. Free speech
11. October one 19. HIDDEN LEAD
3. Queen bee
12. Oath of Office
4. Three feet 1. Soapbox
13. Out of order
5. Fleet Street 2. Humpback
14. On one's own
6. Bee's knees 3. Clipboard
15. Oil of Olay
7. Beech tree 4. Scrapbook
8. Greek Week 5. Hipbone
17. P-NUTS
9. Knee-deep 6. Cupbearer
10. Teen queen 1. Lamppost 7. Shipbuilding
11. Greens fee 2. Gallup poll 8. Jump ball
12. Sheep breed 3. Strip poker 9. Lip balm
13. Bee Gees 4. Stop payment 10. Ketchup bottle (or
14. Pee Wee Reese 5. Stepparent catsup bottle)
15. "Wee wee wee" 6. Drip pan 11. Tulip bulbs
7. Deep Purple 12. Soup bone
15. B.C. 8. Slip past 13. Lampblack
9. Pep pill 14. Top banana
1. Hubcap 10. Top priority
2. Bobcat 11. Group practice 20. 2-D
3. Crabcake 12. Stamp pad
4. Lamb chop 1. Salad dressing
13. Soup plate
5. Rib cage 2. Speed demon
14. Soap pad
6. Pub crawl 3. Hard drive (or hard
15. Snap peas
7. Job Corps disk)
8. Club car 4. Sled dog
18. MAMA
9. Cab Calloway 5. Blood drive
10. Herb Caen 1. Math major 6. Blind date
11. Arab country 2. March Madness 7. Mixed doubles
12. Verb conjugation 3. Masked man 8. Coed dorm
13. Lab coat 4. Mayflower Madam 9. Third degree
14. Bob Costas 5. Mad magazine 10. Round dance
6. Martin Marietta 11. "Hound Dog"
7. M arathon Man 12. Dead duck
16. OOPS
8. Mass market 13. Gold digger
1. Oval Office 9. M ad M ax 14. Old Dominion
2. Olive Oyl 10. Marla Maples 15. Ford dealer
3. One o'clock 11. Mary Magdalene 16. Wind direction
4. Osage orange 12. Marcello 17. Card deck
5. Obey orders Mastroianni 18. Liquid diet
6. Operation Overlord 1 3. Marlboro Man 19. Bad dream
7. Ole Olsen 14. Manfred Mann 20. Good day
21. AA BATTERIES 23. EEKI 5. Poker hand
6. Patrick Henry
1. Adam's apple 1. Easter egg
7. Pearl Harbor
2. "All aboard!" 2. Electric eel
8. Purple Heart
3. "Anchors aweigh!" 3. Emergency exit
9. Public housing
4. Affirmative action 4. Eastern Europe
10. Plaza Hotel
5. Acute angle 5. Evil empire
11. Procol Harum
6. Army ants 6. Energy-efficient
12. Prizzi's Honor
7. Academy Awards 7. Egyptian embassy
13. Publishing house
8. Amino acids 8. Entrance exam
14. Pizza Hut
9. Ann Arbor 9. En Espanol
10. A dvertising A ge 10. Elephant's ears
26. PJ'S
11. American 11. Evening edition
Airlines 12. Elementary 1. Plain Jane
12. Arabic alphabet education 2. Pickle jar
13. Administrative 13. English essayist 3. Practical joke
assistant 14. Emilio Estevez 4. Pope John
14. Addis Ababa 15. Electrical engineer 5. Poetic justice
16. "Extra! Extra!" 6. Pearl Jam
7. Prune juice
22. DISTRICT OF 24. ING-GOTS 8. Pea jacket
COLUMBIA 9. Paint job
1. Boxing gloves 10. Pal Joey
1. Dog collar 2. Wedding gown 11. Petticoat Junction
2. Dunce cap 3. Chewing gum 12. Pizza joint
3. Drain cleaner 4. Passing grade 13. Puddle jumper
4. Dixie cup 5. Bowling Green 14. Petroleum jelly
5. Day care 6. Letting go
6. Deck chair 7. Shooting gallery 27. HOT SPOT
7. Direct current 8. Crossing guard
8. Dining car 9. Starting gate 1. Honor student
9. Double cross 10. Laughing gas 2. Hair salon
10. Drama critic 11. C rying Game 3. Hardware store
11. Depth charge 12. "Amazing Grace" 4. High society
12. Desk calendar 13. Looking glass 5. H ollyw ood Squares
13. Diplomatic 14. Running gag 6. Ham sandwich
corps 15. Landing gear 7. Hula skirt
14. Disorderly conduct 8. Hoosier State
15. "Divine Comedy" 9. Horse show
25. PH FACTOR 10. Hot sauce
16. Distress call
17. Drug czar 1. Panama hat 11. Hockey stick
18. Dress code 2. Pith helmet 12. Hunger strike
19. Dry cleaner 3. Plow horse 13. Head start
20. Digital camera 4. Pinch hitter 14. Home stretch
28. CB TALK 3. Pipsqueak 10. Sand dune
4. Ripsaw (or whipsaw) 11. Test tube
1. Crystal ball
5. Sapsucker 12. Hard drug
2. Cat burglar
6. Topspin 13. Dead duck
3. Carte blanche
7. Campsite 14. Plus sign
4. Coke bottles
8. Lipstick 15. Sore eyes
5. Contract bridge
9. Deep-six
6. Coffee break
10. Slapstick
7. Cabin boy
11. Soupspoon
33. THAT'S
8. Comic book SOMETHING
12. Stepson
9. Cordon bleu
13. Cheapskate 1. Sore thumb
10. Cutting board
14. Sheepskin 2. Second thought
11. Corned beef
15. Sweepstakes 3. Stone's throw
12. Cocoa butter
4. "Strike three"
13. College Bowl
5. Speech therapy
14. Color blindness 31. "A" THERE
6. Set theory
15. Combat boots
1. Straight face 7. Strom Thurmond
16. Credit bureau
2. Freight train 8. Summer theater
17. Catcher's box
3. Space Age (or Space 9. Spring thaw
18. Continental
Race) 10. Surgical thread
4. Rain date 11. September third
5. Great Dane 12. Six thousand
29. LIPLOCK 6. Chain mail 13. Sneak thief
1. Looseleaf 7. Trade name 14. Seeing things
2. Longlegs 8. Bake sale
3. Lovelorn 9. Weight gain
4. Landlocked 10. Eight days
5. Lemon-lime 11. Snail's pace 1. Easter parade
6. Lily-livered 12. Brain waves 2. Egg white
7. Lackluster 13. Great Slave Lake 3. Entry fee
8. Landlord or 4. Elbow grease
landlady 5. Emerald Isle
9. Lowlife 6. Empire State
10. Longleaf 7. Exhaust pipe
11. Lend-Lease 1. Lake Erie 8. Exchange rate
12. Linkletter 2. Flat tire 9. Eau Claire
13. Limelight 3. Foul line 10. Emergency brake
14. Landlubber 4. Swim meet 11. "En garde"
5. Rush hour 12. Escape clause
6. Left turn 13. Eskimo Pie
30. POSTSCRIPT 14. Executive privilege
7. Jane Eyre
1. Dipstick 8. Half fare 15. Evergreen tree
2. Hopscotch 9. Post time 16. End zone
35. ON THE DL 18. West Bank 39. ROW YOUR
1. Detroit Lions
19. Wedding bells BOAT
20. Welcome back!
2. Dalai Lama 1. Brooks Brothers
3. Daddy longlegs 2. Wrought iron
4. Dead language 37. ARMS CACHE 3. Broken promise
5. Dean's list 4. Proving ground
1. Bar mitzvah
6. Dirty look 5. Drove around
2. Bear market
7. Dotted line 6. Cross promotion
3. Handlebar
8. Driver's 7. Brook trout
license 8. Brownie troop
4. Lunar module
9. Dirty laundry 9. Ground erosion
5. Near miss
10. Dog leg 10. Gross profit
6. Popular music
11. Dance lesson 11. Prove wrong
7. Sugar maple
12. Doctor Living­ 12. Iron Cross
8. Cigar maker
stone 13. Brooklyn trolley
9. Ear muffs
13. Diamond Lil 14. "Drop trou"
10. War memorial
14. Designer
11. Oscar Mayer
label 40. LEFT AND
12. Dollar menu
15. Divorce RIGHT
13. Linear measure
14. Star map 1. Little Rock
15. Nuclear 2. Life raft
36. THE WB
material 3. Lightning rod
1. Wine bottle 16. "Dear me!" 4. Lip reader
2. Wonder 5. Little Richard
Bread 6. Linda Ronstadt
3. World Book 7. Lionel Richie
4. Warm blood 8. Leann Rimes
5. Wet blanket 1. Sack race 9. Light red
6. Window box 2. Leap year 10. Lime rickey
7. Worry beads 3. Barnyard 11. Lead role
8. Wading bird 4. Dead heat 12. Law review
9. Waikiki Beach 5. Golf hole 13. Lab rat
10. Water Bearer 6. Chop shot 14. Luggage rack
11. Wooly Bully 7. Sandbank 15. Locker room
12. War bride 8. Mainsail 16. Last resort
13. Washington's 9. Karl Marx
birthday 10. Wish list
14. Weather 11. Fall sale
bureau 12. Grey area 1. Little League
15. Web browser 13. Firebird 2. Trade deficit
16. W ild Bill 14. Boatload 3. Ghost story
17. Wiffle ball 15. Pool room 4. Maple leaf
5. Horse sense 14. Pat Robertson 46. GOOD
6. Space center 15. Paul Robeson THINKING!
7. Prime meridian 16. Pete Rose
1. Guinea pig
8. Computer error
2. Goose egg
9. Tear around 44. LET'S GO!
3. Global warming
10. Angela Lansbury
1. Low gear 4. Gas rationing
11. San Antonio
2. Life guard 5. Greek flag
12. Rest stop
3. Lip gloss 6. Glass blowing
13. English sheepdog
4. Los Gatos 7. Gift wrapping
5. Long green 8. Grab bag
6. Lady Godiva 9. Grade crossing
1. West Point 7. Lake Geneva 10. "Git along"
2. Water pistol 8. Landing gear 11. C o ld Bug
3. Wanted poster 9. Laughing gas 12. G String
4. Warsaw Pact 10. Looking glass 13. Guide dog
5. Widow's peak 11. Legal guardian 14. Gone fishing
6. Wet paint 12. Local government
7. Wax paper 13. Lieutenant 47. ALL ABOUT ME
8. Wall plug governor
9. Wolf pack 14. Land grant 1. Mount Everest
10. Word puzzle 15. Lead guitar 2. Middle East
11. Wedding planner 16. Leaded gasoline 3. M ister Ed
12. Winter Palace 17. Loaded gun 4. Medical examiner
13. Waiting period 18. Love god 5. M orning Edition
14. Whipping post 6. Managing editor
15. Wind power 45. M&MS 7. Mechanical engineer
16. World premiere 8. Montreal Expo
1. Drum major 9. Manila envelope
2. Skim milk 10. Main event
43. FOR PROS 3. Swim meet 11. Mixed emotions
1. Plymouth Rock 4. Phantom M enace 12. M id nig ht Express
2. Powder room 5. Freedom March 13. Modern English
3. Paper route 6. Jim Morrison 14. "My eye!"
4. Pot roast 7. Tom Mix 15. Mental exercise
5. Pitched roof 8. Sam Malone
6. Purple rose 9. From M ars
7. Paint roller 10. Quantum
8. Piano roll mechanics 1. License plate
9. Port Royal 11. Sodium monoxide 2. Lily pad
10. Punk rocker 12. Farm machinery 3. Lake Placid
11. Private road 13. Team mascot 4. Law professor
12. Pitching rotation 14. Thom McAn 5. Labor Party
1 3. President Roosevelt 15. William McKinley 6. Low point
7. Life preserver 9. Technical difficulties 53. TUTEES
8. Lesson plan 10. Turkish delight
1. Taste test
9. Lincoln penny 11. T'ang dynasty
2. Straight ticket
10. Lord's prayer 12. Top dog
3. Cotton State
11. Launch pad 13. Tongue depressor
4. Sitting target
12. Liquid paper 14. Tin Drum
5. Cigarette butt
13. Little Prince 15. Tasmanian devil
6. District attorney
14. Love potion 16. Teapot Dome
7. Static electricity
15. Laser printer
8. Student assistant
16. Labor pains
51. NEW AT HEART 9. Abstract thought
17. List price
10. Identity theft
18. Last place 1. One way
11. Kitty litter
2. Stone wall
12. Northwest Territories
49. CONCEALED 3. Rhine wine
13. Street theater
LEGS 4. Paine Webber
14. Test pattern
5. Lone wolf
1. Bubble gum 15. State Department
6. Machine-wash
2. Whole grain
7. Joanne Woodward
3. Battle ground 54. SPLIT ENDS
8. Maxene Waters
4. Jungle gym
9. Medicine woman 1. Seven days
5. Durable goods
10. Feminine wiles 2. Open door
6. Yale graduate
11. Engine wear 3. Batten down
7. Staple gun
12. Mine workers 4. Frozen daiquiri
8. Cable G uy
13. Telephone wire 5. Golden Delicious
9. Estelle Getty
14. Done with 6. Sudden death
10. Miracle-Gro
11. Tattletale gray 7. Stephen Douglas
12. Table game 52. LOS ANGELES 8. Maureen Dowd
13. Flammable gas (or 9. Chicken dog
1. Liberal arts 10. Magen David
inflammable gas)
2. Latin America 11. Queen dowager
14. Missile gap
3. Legal age 12. Ten Downing
15. Idle gossip
4. Local anesthesia 13. Kitchen drawer
16. "Gobble gobble"
5. Liquid assets 14. Allen Drury
6. Late afternoon 15. Ellen Degeneres
7. Left arm 16. Green Day
1. Tap dance 8. LaGuardia airport 17. Haagen-Dazs
2. Test drive 9. Louis Armstrong
3. Tone deafness 10. LewAlcindor
4. Tooth decay 11. Light artillery
5. Telephone directory 12. Love apple 1. Stop sign
6. Ten days 13. Lhasa apso 2. Chop suey
7. Tax deduction 14. Literary agent 3. Soap suds
8. Taxi D river 15. Long ago 4. Flip side
5. Jump suit 10. Tom Collins 13. Dan Quayle
6. Lump sum 11. Sodium chloride 14. Ham steak
7. Prep school 12. Film clip 15. Gas main
8. Leap second 13. Stem cell 16. Bran flakes
9. Warp speed 14. Storm cellar 17. Craps game
10. Deep space 15. Warm clothes 18. Pass/fail
1 1. Friendship Seven 16. Jim Carrey 19. Bad taste
12. Rap session 17. William Cody 20. Fast break
13. Strip search 18. Drum corps
14. Stump speech
60. STP
15. Hoop skirt 58. SUPERSONIC
16. Shrimp scampi 1. First person
1. Chess tournament
2. Best Picture
2. Bess Truman
56. OVERTIME 3. List price
3. Cordless telephone
4. Test pattern
1. Old Testament 4. Miss Texas
5. West Point
2. Oil tanker 5. Express train
6. Exhaust pipe
3. Oak tree 6. Brass tacks
7. Vest pocket
4. Oregon Trail 7. Class trip
8. Past participle
5. Organ transplant 8. Fitness trainer
9. Rest period
6. Operating table 9. Stress test
10. Chest protector
7. Oxygen tent 10. Boss Tweed
11. Forest primeval
8. O u r Town 11. Mass transit
12. Oldest profession
9. Oliver Twist 12. Bass trombone
13. Northwest Passage
10. Olympic torch 13. Business traveler
14. Communist Party
11. Oral test 14. Tess Trueheart
15. Compost pile
12. Ohio Turnpike 15. Mattress tag
16. Last place
13. October Twelfth
14. Observation tower 59. THE SHORT
15. Oakland Tribune AND THE 61. INSIDE THE
16. Oven temperature LONG OF IT O.R.
1. Crabcake 1. Puerto Rico
2. Clambake 2. Navajo rug
3. Brand name 3. Cargo room
1. Alarm clock 4. Rat race 4. Leo Rosten
2. Mushroom cloud 5. Lamb's tail 5. Diego Rivera
3. Graham cracker 6. Grass stain 6. Tobacco Road
4. Broom closet 7. Crankcase 7. Casino Royale
5. Cream cheese 8. Rag trade 8. Ohio River
6. Vacuum cleaner 9. Backstage 9. Video rental
7. Museum curator 10. Fan mail 10. Cameo role
8. Clam chowder 11. Handshake 11. Tokyo Rose
9. Gym class 12. Hangnail 12. Piano roll
13. Photo retoucher 17. Foreign minister 66. LOOKING U.P.
14. Camino Real 18. Full monty
1. United Press
15. Pro rata
2. Upright piano
16. "Go Redskins!"
64. A TO B 3. Union Pacific
4. Upper Peninsula
62. REGISTERED 1. Lima bean
5. Under par
NURSE 2. Prima ballerina
6. Units place
3. Sofa bed
1. Real name 7. Unusual
4. Ouija board
2. Roman numeral punishment
5. Opera buff
3. Royal Navy 8. University press
6. Panda bear
4. Right now 9. Utility pole
7. Aurora borealis
5. Republican 10. Umbrella policy
8. Plea bargain
nomination 11. Universal Pictures
9. Camera bag
6. Ralph Nader 12. Underarm
10. Santa Barbara
7. Robin's nest perspiration
11. Tampa Bay
8. Round number 13. Uranium plant
12. Fiesta Bowl
9. Romance novel 14. Ukulele player
13. Atlanta Braves
10. Red nose 15. Unsalted peanuts
14. Flea bite
(or runny nose)
15. Polka band
11. Radio network
16. Encyclopedia
12. Ricky Nelson 67. SEE WHAT I.C.
13. Richard Nixon
17. Daytona Beach 1. Ice cream
14. Rusty nail
18. Sea breeze 2. Internal combustion
15. Ransom note
3. Irish coffee
4. Iron Curtain
5. Ivory Coast
1. Fan mail 1. License plate 6. Indian corn
2. Filet mignon 2. Goose pimples 7. Insurance
3. Flea market 3. Surprise parly company
4. Flour mill 4. Rose petal 8. Immaculate
5. Folding money 5. Noise pollution conception
6. Free market 6. Grease pencil 9. Inferiority
7. Face mask 7. Chinese premier complex
8. Flying machine 8. Pease porridge 10. Intensive care
9. Folk music 9. Cheese puffs 11. Inspector Clouseau
10. Fort McHenry 10. Mouse pad 12. Imogene Coca
11. Fu Manchu 11. Primrose path 13. Integral calculus
12. First Monday 12. Blaise Pascal 14. "I, Claudius"
13. Fannie Mae 13. M elrose Place 15. Instant camera
14. Family medicine 14. Lacrosse player 16. Index card
15. Fire marshal 15. Reverse 17. Interstate
16. Foot massage psychology commerce
68. NET 70. O. H.? 6. Illegal motion
HOLDINGS 7. Invisible M an
1. Open house
8. Inquiring minds
1. Fine-tooth(ed) 2. Office hours
9. Inner Mongolia
2. Pine tree 3. One hundred
10. Instruction manual
3. Phone tag 4. O ther H a lf
11. Imperial margarine
4. Plane ticket 5. Oral history
12. In-flight movie
5. Maine Turnpike 6. Oliver Hardy
13. Inboard motor
6. Stone tablets 7. Oscar Hammerstein
14. Involuntary
7. Canine tooth 8. Orrin Hatch
8. Fortune teller 9. "Over here!"
15. In memoriam
9. Scalene triangle 10. Outer Hebrides
16. "I'm melting"
10. Acetylene torch 11. On hand
11. Gasoline tax 12. Oh Henry!
73. P.O. BOX
12. Bone-tired 13. Old Hickory
13. Firestone tire(s) 14. Opera hat 1. Police officer
14. Engine trouble 15. Olympic's host 2. Pacific Ocean
15. Propane tank 3. Presidential Oath
16. Shoshone tribe 71. HA! 4. Peter O'Toole
17. Spine-tingling 5. Pipe organ
18. Nine-tenths 1. Hearing aid 6. Peace offering
19. Wine taster 2. Home Alone 7. Public opinion
20. Champagne toast 3. Honest Abe 8. Private ownership
4. Handy Andy 9. Poison oak
5. Heart attack 10. Pit orchestra
69. ESSEN 6. Heir apparent 11. Puffed Oats
7. Hot air 12. Pecking order
1. "Silent Night" 8. House arrest 13. Pearl oyster
2. Serial number 9. Hydrochloric acid 14. Peanut oil
3. Swedish 10. Honda Accord 15. Page one
Nightingale 11. Ham actor
4. Safety net 12. Hells Angels 74. A/C
5. Sour note 13. Horatio Alger
6. Stiff neck 14. Hebrew alphabet 1. Appeals Court
7. Second nature 15. Handwriting analysis 2. Attache case
8. Spiral nebula 16. High A nxiety 3. Armored car

9. Sea nymph 4. Advice column
10. Stage name 5. Aircraft carrier
72 I.M.ING
11. Singing Nun 6. Alarm clock
12. Sam Neill 1. Ice machine 7. Algebra class
13. Snub nose 2. Iron Mike 8. Alley cat
14. Silver nitrate 3. Indian moccasin 9. Amicus curiae
15. Sweet nothings 4. Imelda Marcos 10. Animal crackers
16. St. Nicholas 5. Iris Murdoch 11. Area code
12. Agatha Christie 13. Chickpeas 79. C.I. TOLD
13. Arab country 14. Checkpoint YOU SO
14. Arms control
1. Coney Island
15. Alternating 77. RH FACTOR
2. Cleveland Indians
1. Red herring 3. Curling iron
16. Albert Camus
2. Rest home 4. Car insurance
17. Andrew Carnegie
3. Right hand 5. Chrysler Imperial
18. Appointment
4. Road hog 6. Column inch
5. Robin Hood 7. Chief inspector
6. Rocking horse 8. Chocolate icing
75. ALTERNATIVES 7. Rubber hose 9. Current issue
1. Short story 8. Rosh Hashanah 10. Central Intelligence
2. North Korea 9. Royal Highness 11. Caller ID
3. Fort Worth 10. Rocky H orror 12. Collector's item
4. Organ donor 11. Relative humidity 13. Card index
5. Morning glory 12. Round hole 14. Compound interest
6. Order form 1 3. Rush hour 15. Cottage industry
7. World record 14. Record holder 16. "Cheese it!"
8. Horse doctor 15. Rock Hudson
9. Sports editor 16. Rex Harrison 80. VERY FINE
10. George Orwell 17. Rita Hayworth
11. Bjorn Borg 18. Ron Howard 1. Vote fraud
12. Victor Borge 19. Riverdale High 2. Valley Forge
13. Portland, Oregon 20. Random House 3. Vanilla flavor(ing)
14. Tora Bora 4. Vanity Fair
15. Aurora borealis 78. ALL EARS 5. Virgin forest
16. Former Mayor 6. Vegetable fat
1. House arrest 7. Victoria Falls
17. Word for word
2. Escape artist 8. Vicente Fox
3. Tone arm 9. Velvet Fog
76. KP DUTY 4. Cave art 10. Volume four
1. Cockpit 5. Tempe, Arizona 11. Volunteer fireman
2. Backpack 6. Plate armor 12. Venus fly-trap
3. Stockpile 7. Magazine article 13. Vietnamese flag
4. Neckpiece 8. Picture archive 14. Violin family
5. Bookplate 9. Late arrival 15. Verse form
6. Duckpins 10. Roseanne Arnold 16. V formation
7. Shockproof 11. Lucie Arnaz
8. Pickpocket 12. Eve Arden
9. Porkpie 13. Eddie Arcaro
10. Crackpot 14. Side arm
11. Workplace 15. Chinese army 1. Love triangle
12. Rockport 16. Game arcade 2. Drive time
3. Shrove Tuesday 11. O edipus Rex 14. "New Colossus"
4. Slave trade 12. Oakland Raiders 15. Nestle Crunch
5. Dave Thomas 13. Opinion research 16. Neutral corner
6. Five times 14. October Revolution 17. Nail clipper
7. Adhesive tape 15. Organized religion
8. Digestive tract 16. Orange rind
9. Jive talk 17. Octane rating
10. Nerve tissue 18. Original recipe 1. Little Italy
11. Native tongue 2. Life insurance
12. Recessive trait 84. INSIDE 3. Large intestine (or
13. Live television WARNER BROS. lower intestine)
14. Conservative talk 4. Lafayette, Indiana
1. Rowboat
15. Stove Top 5. Leg irons
2. Sawbuck
16. Olive tree 6. Lemon ice
3. Crowbar
7. Lethal injection
4. Newborn
82. BRR! 5. Lowbrow
8. Line item
9. Low income
1. Brick road 6. Cowboy
10. Legally intoxicated
2. Brer Rabbit 7. Yellowbellied
11. Lee lacocca
3. Bragging rights 8. Snowboarding
12. Latin instructor
4. Breathing room 9. Screwball
13. Love interest
5. Brown rice 10. Shadowbox
14. Leather interior
6. Bright red 11. Narrowband
15. Lincoln's Inaugural
7. Broken record 12. Strawberry
8. Breakfast room 13. Showbiz
9. Brake repairman 14. Drawbridge 87. FOR FATHER'S
10. Bridal registry 15. Browbeat DAY
11. Bronx River 16. Jawbreaker
1. Flight deck
1 2. Brooks Robinson
2. Floppy disk
13. Breeder reactor 85. NC-17
3. Fifth Dimension
1. News conference 4. French dressing
83. OPERATING 5. Front door
2. Nose cone
3. National convention 6. Frozen daiquiri
1. Oak Ridge 4. Night court 7. Five dollars
2. Oral Roberts 5. Nudist colony 8. Film director
3. Oven rack 6. Number cruncher 9. Fashion designer
4. Ohio River 7. Nouvelle cuisine 10. Financial district
5. Oil rig 8. No contest 11. Fad diet
6. Organ recital 9. Noel Coward 12. Fair Deal
7. Onion rings 10. Nicolas Cage 13. Fairy dust
8. Oriental rug 11. Natalie Cole 14. Female deer
9. Orville Redenbacher 12. Ninth Commandment 15. Ford dealer
10. Otis Redding 13. Norman Conquest 16. Foot doctor
17. Fire drill 90. ARTIFICIAL 92. POINT OF
18. Fireworks display INTELLIGENCE VIEW
1. Straight line 1. Pot of gold
2. Steak knife 2. Part of speech
1. Train track(s) 3. Nail file 3. Pound of flesh
2. Brain trust 4. Snake bite 4. Prince of Wales
3. Hairpin turn 5. Grapevine 5. Pieces of eight
4. Mountain Time 6. Stage fright 6. Prisoner of war
5. Javelin throw 7. Brake light (or tail 7. Plaster of Paris
6. Muffin tin light) 8. Place of birth
7. Alvin Toffler 8. Trail bike 9. Pledge of
8. Sin tax 9. Game time Allegiance
9. Skin tone (or skin 10. Late-night 10. Pirates o f
texture) 11. Hate crime Penzance
10. Coin toss 12. Pale Fire 11. Process of
11. Latin teacher 13. Eight M ile elimination
12. Twin Towers 14. Drainpipe 12. Pillar of salt
13. Raisin toast 15. Spaceflight 13. Power of attorney
14. Austin, Texas 16. Grave site 14. Pair of shoes
15. Drive-in theater 17. Great minds 15. Pint of blood
16. Dolphin trainer 16. Point of order
17. Sirloin tips 17. President of France
18. Aspirin tablet 91. TNT 18. Peace of mind
19. Port of call
1. Travel agent
89. SILENT E 20. Piece of cake
2. Teaching assistant
1. White House 3. Treasury Department
2. Shore leave 4. Track event
3. Rifle range 5. Turning point
4. Grape juice 6. Trace element 1. Baked beans
5. Apple sauce 7. Ten percent 2. Ball bearing
6. Close quote 8. Thai restaurant 3. Bar bet
7. Brute force 9. Trade agreement 4. Back bench
8. Acute angle 10. Turkish parliament 5. Baby Bell
9. Peace Prize 11. Tennis tournament 6. Bath beads
10. Snake dance 12. Tea merchant 7. Bathing beauty
11. Goose chase 13. Ted Nugent 8. Balance beam
12. Irene Dunne 14. Tobacco plant 9. Barrier beach
13. Crime scene 15. Tree ornament 10. Bark beetle
14. Slave trade 16. Tenth commandment 11. Bad behavior
15. Close shave 17. Treasure hunt 12. Ballet bend
16. Horse sense 18. Teenage Mutant 13. Barbi Benton
14. Baltimore Beltway 12. Fallopian tube 15. Salt of the earth
15. Ballantine beer 13. Pedestrian traffic 16. Small of the back
14. Shakespearean 17. Survival of the
tragedy fittest
15. Heisman Trophy
1. Empire State 96. RDA LOAN
2. El Salvador 1. Hoover Dam
3. Evening Star 1. Sign language
2. Record attendance 2. Sara Lee
4. Epsom salts
3. Weird Al 3. Scarlet Letter
5. Eagle scout
4. Third Amendment 4. Sea legs
6. Ejector seat 5. Lord Almighty 5. Silver lining
7. Elder statesman 6. Salvador Dali
8. Elementary school 6. Speed limit
7. Computer data (or 7. Still life
9. Empty stomach
user data) 8. Sun lamp
10. Endangered species 8. Dinner dance 9. Stretch limo
11. Equal sign 9. Sugar daddy
12. Egg salad 10. Ski lift
10. Custard apple 11. Second lieutenant
13. Endless Summer
11. Record album 12. Swan Lake
14. Exit sign
12. War dance 13. Simon Legree
15. Earth science 13. Labor Day 14. Sierra Leone
16. East Side 14. Word association
17. Easy street 15. St. Louis
18. Exchange student
97. S OF THE S 99. JUST SO
19. Exhaust system
20. Executive secretary 1. Sign of the zodiac 1. Soap opera
2. Soup of the day 2. Standing ovation
3. State of the Union 3. Symphony orchestra
4. Speaker of 4. Scarlett O'Hara
the House 5. Significant other
1. Bean Town 5. Secretary of the 6. Spanish omelet
2. Appalachian Trail Treasury 7. Scout oath
3. Indian Territory 6. Scene of the crime 8. Screech owl
4. Pythagorean 7. Speak of the devil 9. Sea otter
theorem 8. "Still of the Night" 10. Six o'clock
5. American Tourister 9. South of the border 11. Silver ore
6. Herculean task 10. Ship of the desert 12. Snake oil
7. Fan tan 11. Silence o f the 13. Summer Olympics
8. Mean Time Lambs 14. Switchboard
9. Dylan Thomas 12. Song o f the South operator
10. African tribe 13. Spur of the moment 15. Second opinion
11. Sherman tank 14. Sale o f the Century 16. Space Odyssey
100. EXTRA 5. Tongue twister 12. Time-tested
HELPING OF T 6. Toe to toe 13. Teeter-totter
7. 'Turn! Turn! Turn!" 14. Tick-tock, tick-tock
1. Tattletale 15. Twenty-two to
8. TaterTots
2. Teetotal twelve
9. Twice-Told Tales
3. Tic-tac-toe 16. Tried to tutor two
10. Take to task
4. Taste tester footers to toot
11. Testator
(^ntey'taln tjo u r i^ ra in !
Will Shortz, NPR's Puzzlemaster, has been challenging and enter­
taining puzzle fans for years. One of his most popular puzzles is the
Alphabet Riddle.
W hat's an Alphabet Riddle? It’s an initial puzzle in which every
answer is a fam iliar two-word phrase having the same pair of initials.

FOR E X A M P L E , U S I N G THE I N I T I A L S S a B:



‘ Answers: soccer ball, sandwich board, supreme being

$ 6 . 9 5 / $ 7 . 9 5 Can.
C o v e r d e s ig n b y O lg a G rlic
ISBN-13: 978-0-312-38273-5
C o v e r illu s tr a t io n © U e la n d Illu stra tio n Co. ISBN-10: 0-312-38273-1
5 0 6 9 5>|
w w w.stm


175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010
D I S T R I B U T E D IN C AN ADA 8 Y H. 8. F E NN ANO C O MP AN Y, L I D . 9 780312 382735

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