Max (Logistic Agent)

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Name: Diana Catalina Polo Gamarra / 1792951


Catalina A: Hello Max, we have to speak of the sending of seiches to iunaired esteis.

Max (logistic agent): Hi catalina, of course, what is the mins of transport that you want to use?

Catalina A: I like the maritime transport for we our product is very simpol for material handling
cheap and adequeit.

Max (logistic agent): Ok, you have in accaunt that the delivery is more slow?

Catalina A: I know, there is no problem, biseid we must valideit the truck for transport the seiches
of Bogota to Buenaventura seaport.

Max (logistic agent): In agreement, do you know how mach days of road there is of Bogota to

Catalina A: Exactly it is two days with not problems

Max (logistic agent): Perfect, how mach unities Will to send?

Catalina A: it is twenty four thousand unities of seiches in the container High cube HC

Max (logistic agent): I understand, you want i make the cost report?

Catalina A: Of course ¡I nid please cost of toll, sure, fuel and consult the state of the rut Bogota to

Max (logistic agent): Ok, is ridy packing of the garment?

Catalina A: Yes, each germent Will be packed in bags and after in the boxs for main seifty

Max (logistic agent): In agreement, i quen you to help you some things more?

Catalina A: Not, very thanks Max

Max (logistic agent): Ok Catalina, Good night

Catalina A: Good night Max.

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