Badge Buddies: Roleplay Traits: Read Below and Fill in The Badge To Create Your Cop

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Badge Buddies

In Badge Buddies you get a badge, a gun, and a partner. Now

it’s your job to solve the case by any means possible. Are you a
tough-as-nails super cop? A quick talking rookie? The K9 unit? WBPD
Now go undercover, get into car chases, hit someone with a
ladder--just make sure you say something cool when it all goes Officer _____________________
down. 2+ players are cops, 1 is the Chief (GM). Badge Buddies was
created by Jessica Geyer and Alexander Sprague live on Twitch 5/6/2019. (@Jawska & @
KittyCrusade on Twitter). This game is licensed under a CC BY-NCSA 3.0 license. http:// Academy___________________ Equipment _________________
Read below and fill in the badge to create your cop.
Roleplay Traits: The best buddy cops are nothing alike. Taking turns going first, each ___ Wile Guns ___
cop will state a trait that they have and the other cop(s) will pick a contrasting trait. If
the first cop’s a math whiz, the other might be a drama nerd; a family man plays off a ___ Badge Streets ___
bachelor. Go until everyone has 3-4 traits. ___ Fight Flight ___
Skills: There are six skills that the cops use. Wile represents your ability to improvise
and use makeshift weapons, while Guns represents your shooting range skills and Wounds [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
trigger discipline. Badge is your authoritativeness and ability to play by the book, while
Streets is how charming you are and your comfort with civilians. Fight is your hand-to-
hand prowess while Flight is how easily you can flee a bad situation. Distribute a total of Protect and
6 points into each opposing skillset. For example, if you have a 2 in Wile, you’ll have a 4
in Guns. You may have a 0. Serve
Accredited Academies
Murtaugh’s Detective Academy: +2 doing shit you’re too old for Skill Checks: Each action is a mix of 2 non-opposing skills. Taking off a belt to
Chan’s Dojo of Ladders: +2 to makeshift weapons zipline off a large building is Wile+Flight, and arresting and cuffing a resisting baddie
Harry’s School for Lucky Punks: +2 to guns is Badge+Fight. Cops roll 1D6 + skill points and bonuses. They must beat a difficulty
Hooch’s Dog Pound: You’re a dog. decided by the Chief. If the skill check is being used for combat it will create your dice
James Carter’s School of Enunciation: +2 to streets pool shown in Combat below. Below are some common skill check examples:
Starsky Driving School: +2 when driving
21 Depp Street: +2 when not in uniform,
Wile+Badge=Entrapment Badge+Flight=Commandeer a car
Peralta’s Toastmasters Club: Retry a quip without a penalty.
Wile+Fight=Makeshift weapon Fight+Guns=Action hero moves
Wile+Streets=Undercover work Fight+Street=Dirty fighting
Equipment Wile+Flight=Unconventional escape Guns+Streets=Sneak a gun in
Shotgun (Roll D8s in combat. -2 to Guns) Badge+Fight=Cuffing a perp Guns+Flight=Suppressing fire
2 guns (+2 to Guns) Badge+Guns=Police standoff Street+Flight=Car chase
Baton (+2 to Fight)
Taser (Use Guns for a non-lethal takedown) Combat: Narrate your actions, determine the 2 relevant skills, and add your skill
Non-Police Issue Car (+2 when in a car) points to get your dice pool. The Chief will say who the bad guys are attacking by plac-
Revolver (Use D8s in combat. Max out at 6 dice) ing dice in front of the cops. The cops will then be able to use dice from their pools in
Whiskey (Refresh your wounds once per case) response, allocating any number of dice to fight any enemy. Two cops can’t attack the
Standard Police Issue (+2 to Badge) same bad guy at the same time (that’s illegal), but one cop can attack two bad guys
and many bad guys can attack one cop. Using multiple dice against a single bad guy
Want to go to a different school or pick up different equipment? makes combat safer and not defending an attack is a certain wound.
Okay it with the chief! Each cop rolls their dice versus each bad guy they’re fighting, and vice versa. The
highest number on any single die rolled against a bad guy determines the result. If a
cop rolls the same or higher than a bad guy, the bad guy takes a wound. If the cop rolls
Quips: Anytime you have a great one-liner, the Chief will reward lower, the cop takes a wound. Melee combat uses D4s, guns use D6s, big guns use
you with a +1-3 bonus. If your quip is lame, you can be punished D8s, and special circumstances may use even bigger dice.
by the same amount. Yippee ki yay, Mr. Falcon.
Wounds: When you take a wound, you lose one per wound die from all dice pools.
When you take 6 wounds you take a serious injury and have to run to fight another day,
Red Tape: When the cops do something out line--like using a red tape will increase. Anytime you have time for a coffee break your wounds are fully
gun in a fistfight, committing crimes, or letting the bad guys get healed. It only takes 1 wound to knock out a Minion, but Crime Bosses take 6.
away--they start getting caught up in red tape. The Chief will dole
out punishments. The consequences don’t need to come from the The bad guys: There are two types of bad guys. Minions are the faceless baddies
force. For example, the Chief might assign the big case to a pair of doing the Crime Boss’s work. They only use one die when fighting. Watch out, the Boss
rival cops, or the bad guy might beef up security at his lair. If the might hire more skilled minions if they hear someone’s on their case. Crimes Bosses
cops get four infractions, they only have one more chance to bring are the focus of a case, and each case has one ore more. They have stats and special-
in the bad guys before they’re off the force for good. ties just like the cops do and take actions in the same way.

Red Tape
Slap on the wrist [ ] Extra paperwork [ ] Chief’s riding me [ ] Turn in your badge and gun [ ]

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