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A1 Handout

MECH 331 Fluids I

Fall 2019

Instructor: Prof. Tim Lee; MC211;

Lectures: Tues and Thurs 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (MC13)
Class handouts are available on MyCourses. Class handouts ≠ Lecture notes
Tutorial: Wed 4:30 - 5:30 (MAASS 10)
Office hours: Tues and Thurs 10:00 am - 11:00 pm and 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Wed 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Textbook: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox, Pritchard and McDonald
TAs: Anan Lu (; MD163)

Learning objectives (A1)
Introduction and fundamental concepts (A2) (Chapters 1 and 2)
Basic equations in integral form for a control volume (A3-5) (Chapter 4)
Fluid statics (A6) (Chapter 3)
Introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion (A7) (Chapter 5)
Incompressible inviscid flow (A8) (Chapter 6)
Dimensional analysis and similitude (A9) (Chapter 7)
Internal incompressible viscous flow (A10) (Chapter 8)
External incompressible viscous flow (A11) (Chapter 9)
Fluid machinery (Chapter 10; tentative)
Homework assignments with solutions posted
Three unannounced in-class quizzes a 15%
Midterm 1 (group take-home project; ∼ the week of Oct.)a 25%
Midterm 2 (11:35 am - 1:25 pm, Thurs., Nov. 7, closed books/note)b 25%
Final exam (3-hour comprehensive, closed books/note)c 40% or 65%

aNomakeup or rescheduled midterm exams and quizzes.
A zero score will be given to cheating or plagiarism.
bStudents are allowed to miss one midterm exam and make the final weigh 65%.
cA double-sided 8.5” x 11” crib sheet is allowed.

1. Identify and learn the fundamentals of viscous flow and inviscid flow, including
discrepancy (i.e., shear stress τ yx = µ dy ≠ 0 or τyx = 0), importance, and practical
application to
● Design of all means of transportation: Subsonic & supersonic aircraft
Surface ships & submarines
Aerodynamic design of racing cars &
● Sport aerodynamics (e.g., golf balls, baseball balls, etc.).
● Others (e.g., Keystone XL pipeline)

Definition of a fluid = A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under
the application of τyx no matter how small the shear
stress may be.

2. Determine fluid forces through integral or control volume approach.

i.e., via Reynolds Transport Theorem.

3. Compute fluid forces through differential or system approach.

i.e., via Navier-Stokes equations.

Sport Aerodynamics

Classification of Fluid Mechanics

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