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84 A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar (3) When a verb beginning with af, 7 or 8 is conjugated in the Hithpael, the F of the F7 prefix assimilates, ie, 7270n* becomes 7277. (4) Other pattems of the Hithpael also occur without another stem formation being constituted, e.g. Hithpoel, Hithpalel, Hithpo- Jal, Hithpalpel. (Cf. Waltke and O’Connor §26.1.1.) 2. Semantics (ji) The Hithpael usually indicates a reflexive or reciprocal action. DUTP ENT EAUSPAT: — Consecrate yourselves and be holy (Lew. 11.48) (ii) The Hithpael also sometimes simply indicates an active meaning of the verb, "p23 S9ERT © — Pray for your servants (1. Sam. 1219), ‘The Hithpael must be regarded as an independent stem formation, the meaning of which must be learned separately. (Cf. Waltke and O’Connor §26.2-4 and Jouon-Muraoka §53i.) §16.7. Morphology and Semantics of the Hiphil 1. Morphology (i) Table 6, The paradigm of the Hiphil HIPHIL [- Singular Perf 3m. 27 3h apna 2m 3070 Ero 2s eo 12070 L Tons Ingf. 3m 27 3h 20 fod L 2m art Eo 2h Ea TET 1 aoe za The Verb 85 HIPHIL Singular Imp. m oh, us Inf es. If. abs. 3s Par. 3738 (ii) The most important morphological features of the Hiphil are: a. In the perfect the prefix is -7 (727). This prefix forms a closed syllable with the first stem consonant b. In the perfect the vowel pattern is /*- - -/ (727). + With the vocalic suffixes the unchangeable long second vowel of the stem vowel, /*./ (73°75), is retained. + With the consonantal suffixes, however, the second stem vowel is /2/ Q3830), In the imperfect the vowel of the preformative is / - /. The pre~ formative, however, falls away completely (3°F21) + Inthe imperfect the vowel pattern is /*- --/ (2°72) + With consonantal suffixes the stem vowel /*- / changes to /- / (7HINSA), + With vowel suffixes the vowel pattern remains unaltered (12°72). 4. In the imperative feminine singular, masculine plural and feminine plural, and the infinitive construct the preformative is -7 and the stem vowel /*- / (FS, 12720). ¢. In the infinitive absolute and imperative masculine singular the stem vowel is /- /(QF27). £. In the jussive form the stem vowel /*- / changes to / = /(2F30). As ‘opposed to the other stem formations, the shorter form of the jussive is thus always readily recognizable. 2. In the participle the preformative is -2 and the stem vowel / *- / (ren) 26 A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar Note the following: the Hiphil is the only stem formation in which the forms of the imperative masculine singular and the infinitive con- struct differ. 2. Semantics (i) Causative a, The Hiphil stem formation mostly indicates the causative sense of verbs occuring in the Qal. (Cf. Waltke and O°Connor §27 and Jouon— Muraoka §54.) In other words, the subject of the stem in the Hiphil causes the object of that verb to act as subject in the idea expressed by the stem owe (Qa: These are the inheritances which the people of Israel received (Josh 140. Hiphil: For you shall cause this peo- YOST TS ple so inherirthe land (Josh. 1.6) In Josh. 1.6 ‘people’ is grammatically the object of the Hiphil form of 9r3. Semantically, however, it is also the subject or doer of the verb, ie. itis the ‘people’ who inherit. . The Hiphil may also be used to express the causative of verbs that oceur in the Niphal. roa 8: Niphal: And who swore to me (Gen 247) Hiphil: As he made you swear (Gen. 50.6), (ii) A causative fink between the Qal and the Hiphil cannot always be deduced from the translation of a verb, for example, Qal: 2B (he vis- ited) versus Hiphil: “755 (he appointed) (iii) Some verbs occur in the Hiphil, without any conjugations in the Qal, e.g. 7°70 (he threw), E°207 (he rose early) and “27 (he eradi- ated) Note the following (1) The factitive expressed by the Piel also has a causative TTP UR They consecrated his son (lit. his son they caused 10 be holy] (1 Sam. 7.1) ‘The Verb 87 (2) When a verb is used in the Piel, it indicates an action that leads to an object ending up in a certain condition. That object does not do the action referred to by the verb. ‘The Hiphil must be regarded as an independent stem formation, the meaning of which must be learned separately. §16.8 Morphology and Semantics of the Hophal 1. Morphology (i) Table 7. The paradigm of the Hophal HOPHAL Singular Plural Perf 3m 2037 3h Tae 2m. Fay 2h 030 fo i "RET 37 moh 3m. 2 a 3 2000 TE 2m 3030 2h Est 1 co imp rm. if Cok sus 20, Inf. es Tf. abs [ a3 Part ES (ii) The most important morphological features of the Hophal are: In the perfect the preformative is <7. This prefix forms a closed syllable with the first stem consonant (327). b, Inthe perfect the vowel pattern is /= > / QED"

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