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Gang rape.
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Gang rape.
— a grown-up game

Idea, text & layout 

Layout concept 


With assistance from 

No. players  One victim, two rapists, preferably more

Game masters  None

Playing time  45-90 minutes, depending on number of rapists


”A scenario about gang rape is not meant to be fun to play.”

The term ”GM fiat” means that the

Rules for Playing
GM decides what happens in the game §1  All players must be perfectly clear
without consulting the players or ”the ob-
jective rueles.” It is a term with negative
about the subject and premise of the

connotations—especially for players that game before playing. They must also
ang rape is a short, game thinks role-playing is a struggle between commit to deal with any situation that
master-less jeepform game the players and the GM. The term fiat is
might arise from the game. It is especial-
not a pun on “We go by jeep” but plain
centred around the idea of ly important for the rapists to watch out
English for ”a formal authorization or
using fiat as a means of proposition; a decree.” for the player playing the woman. To this
oppression. The game me- end, it is a rule that all players must
There is, however, a Finnish movement
chanics were conceived for the purpose called “We go by fiat,” that is a pun on have read this text in its entirety
of playing gang rape, but are equally the “We go by jeep” name. before the game starts.
useful for playing any kind of oppression,
§2  Playing ironically, over-the-top or
like for example bullying/mobbing. This
trying to laugh things off is not allowed.
extrapolation and re-application is very
Better then to stop playing, or not play
straightforward, so here I will just focus
Naturally, but statistically quite unlikely, at all.
on the situation hand, which is gang rape.
tables can be turned gender-wise. In any
§3  Having a game master is not
There should be at least three players, case, I don’t trust most of you not to
allowed—every player must be either the
one playing the rape victim (sadistically think ”woman” even if I wrote ”victim”.
victim or one of the rapists.
referred to as ”the woman” below) and Gay rape is of course also possible, but
the rest playing the rapists. watch §4 in the Rules of the Game. §4  A player’s gender need not match
that of the character for either the victim
or the rapists. ❶

Gang rape.
Rules of the Game Why that actually turns you on. For some,
control can be a great turn-on. Natu-
§1  Not all rapists may be stran- Unless played in jest or ironically, this
rally, I am only saying this to raise the
gers. For example, one of them might be game is most likely going to be pretty
stakes of playing.
a current or previous boyfriend, or some harsh. It was written to be pretty damn
of the rapists regularly visit the same harsh to play and it sure was very harsh Going back to Sweden, possibly as a
club as the woman. In any case, she has to write. As I write this, I have still not consequence of the lack of convictions,
met at least some of them before, and decided whether I can attach my name to we hear the word rape in the news often
she will remember at least one name. this, or publish it at all. enough for us to stop taking it in any-
more. Rape is fast becoming a four letter
§2  If charged, the rapists can only be I have several itches I am scratching
word. And it sure as hell ain’t.
convicted for things taking place in with this game. For one, a thing that
the game’s second phase, i.e., things has been severely bugging me the last On a designer note, I am also interested
happening before the rape. couple of years is that it seems nearly in the mechanics of the peer pressure
impossible to get convicted for rape situation, and pushing your limits as a
§3  Only the woman’s player may kill
or gang rape, at least in contemporary player. And doing this completely openly.
her character. This can happen as a
Sweden. In these respects, I think this game is
result from violence, suicide, etc.
doing a pretty good job.
To drive this point home, if the issue ac-
§4  All players must be able to re-
tually arises, and this is another point of Last, I am also commenting on how little
lated to the setting. Unless all players
the game, the game should have been protection “no touching” rule, and to
really can relate, it is not okay to set the
harsh until that point. stir the game design pot if only so little.
game in a prison and let the rape take
I’m sure this game isn’t the first in its
place in the showers. The prison is simply Additionally, and naturally, the game is
kind. The entire game, the rape in par-
too alien to most of us and an easy way also about admitting that we all have
ticular, can be played without touching,
to “hide”. This rule was suggested by the capacity to fantasise about these
for whatever reason.
.❷ things. And just maybe, or so I imagine,
you might find nuances of things in here But it wont save you. ❸
Gang rape.

The Fiat System Examples of uses of fiat
♂ narrates to ♀ what he is doing to her
The fiat rule system is about having me, and you get on, body you—you force
other players controlling the actions and you do high-fives.” ♂ narrates to ♀ how her body reacts to yourself on me
feelings of your character. There are three The woman may the “sexual act” and dampen the
basic rules in gang rape: also add details ♀ tells ♂ how evil/frightened/… he is feeling or failure
that capitalise and ♀ tells ♂ how he is turned on by hurting by hitting me.” The
• The rapists have power over the her
underline what the difference between
woman’s body and behaviour Examples of broken fiat
rapists already these should be
• The woman has power over the rapists ♂ decides how ♀ feels
brought into play. fairly obvious.
behaviour and feelings ♂ tells the ♀ that she has an orgasm
For example, “you
♀ makes it impossible for ♂ to continue
What this means
• All use of fiat must be embraced grab my hair too”,
is that the rapists
and extended, with the exception of or “the bleeding
get to make the
broken (eq. bad uses of) fiat wont stop.”
woman feel bad and she get to make
The rapists will decide everything about As opposed to the men, the woman has them feel increasingly worse by “cheer-
the rape—what they do, what goes on in control over how the rapists feel. Broken ing them on.”
the woman’s mind, what it feels like, etc. fiat in the respect is all use of power to
If the players dare, and I really hope they
An extreme example that demonstrates make the rapists fail or lose power. An
do, the should give every rapist player
good use of fiat is “slowly, your body example of broken fiat in this respect is
power to add to all other rapist’s behav-
starts to respond…” Broken fiat from “you really don’t want to”, or “you can-
iour. This will turn the chemistry among
the rapists’ side is taking control of the not get it up.” It is however often easy
the rapists into a peer-pressure situa-
woman’s actual feelings, such as “you to turn uses of fiat around to unbreak
tion, which is interesting in itself. Make
are really enjoying this” etc. them: “you really don’t want to, but fall
sure the woman still has the real power,
The woman will decide how the rapists for the pressure, and once you’ve started,
though. Or her game will become pretty
behave amongst themselves during the you don’t want to stop” or “you can-
pointless. ❹
rape. For example, “when you get off not get it up, but you don’t let that stop

Gang rape.
Using Fiat The Scenario
I expect that players will both narrate Gang rape has four equally important After being told the setting, the woman
and play the use of fiat in the game. phases: gets to decide when, where and how
With play, I mean act out, not just using it all turns into a rape. For example,
1. Setting up the game
their voices, but their entire bodies. For after having turned the rapists down,
2. Before
example, the woman can say “Get your they drag her into the lavatories at the
damn hands off of my breasts” as a way 3. During (The Rape) back of the club kicking and scream-
of deciding that that’s what the male 4. After ing. Or, she is very drunk and has fallen
player just did, without breaking charac- asleep in one of the rapist’s bed in the
The four phases are played in different
ter. You can also do quick comments dorm room.
ways: simple pre-planning, jeep-esque
that interrupt the flow of the game mo-
larp-like playing style and narration in makes the valid point that this
mentarily: “In the next scene, you’ll insist
the Danish forteller style with collabora- phase should not be too short. Talking
on dancing with me and start throwing
tive narration, monologues, etc. about difficult subjects knowing that you
punches at my boyfriend for not allowing
will soon start acting them out, can be
you to cut in.” Or concise: “You grab my
quite a trip. You want to use this phase to
ass,” or, for players that dare, the meta- Setting up the Game put some pressure on the yourselves. For
play instruction (player-player) “grab
The rapists get to decide the initial example, you can conjure up scenes that
my ass.”
setting and the woman’s behaviour you may not dare to play—the point it
The last suggestion, naturally works less towards them. For example, maybe not playing them, but knowing that the
well if you play using the ”no touching” the game starts with a club night where potential for playing them is there.
rule. ❺ the woman is extremely flirty and at one
Though this pre-planning experience may
point even gives one of them a lap dance.
be reminiscent of many forge games, the
Or, the game starts as a private party in
role-playing hasn’t started yet. ❻
a dorm room where the woman is visiting
a friend. Or in her home. Or in a car.

Before This phase continues seamlessly until the hands (unless you use the “no touching”
start of the actual rape, when the game rule), whisper in her ears, etc. He may
The reason for playing the before situ-
moves to the next phase. ❼ not expose his inner play—not hold
ation is to get the players into the right
monologues or play insides/outsides.
frame of mind before the game starts
for real, and to give players a chance to During (The Rape) The woman must be still and pas-
quit while they are ahead. Think of it as a sive in the primary scene. She may give
The woman has decided how it all turns
“practise round.” inner monologues, add details about the
into a rape. When this happens in the
rapist’s behaviour and importantly tell
The before situation starts in the setting game, it marks the transition into the
the rapist what he feels like in this
determined in the previous phase. There phase of the actual rape. The actual
is probably a good scene framing for this rape is not played as larp, rather, we
scene already from the discussion above. use story-telling in the Danish forteller The reason for restraining the woman
style, much like in games like Once Upon is that there is very little relevant input
In this phase, the players are expected to
a Time. that the she can do. Playing a screaming
do three things:
or crying or futilely kicking person in a
a) Find and get into their characters,
During the gang rape, the rapists will
number of consecutive scenes wont bring
take turns sitting in front of the
b) Establish each others’ characters, and the game anywhere.
woman. There are two simultaneous
c) Practise the fiat rule system
scenes, a primary one-on-one scene with Good uses of fiat here are for example,
The before situation should be played the woman and one rapist, and a second- “I turn you around so that you cannot
relatively jeeply, i.e., acting everything ary scene with the rest of the rapists. look at me”, or “this is what I do to you
out as you would in a (symbolic) larp and this is how it feels,” or “you cannot
In the primary scene, the two players
with a minimum of out-of-character dis- stand looking me in the eyes and you
cussion. The only kind of out-of-character will take turns narrating or playing
deal with that by hitting me in the face
discussion that is endorsed is input from the events. The rapist will tell the woman
until I turn my face away and stops look-
the players to each other using the fiat what he is doing to her and act towards
ing at you.”
rule system. her. He may only touch her with his
Gang rape.

Trying to gross Monologues and Insides/Outsides are also be responsible going). The rapist stays in the primary
each other out two pretty similar techniques to expose for timing the pri- scene until he comes. This can either
the inner play. A monologue tells us about
is okay. mary scene. happen through the rule above, or, after
the characters’ thoughts and feelings—the
players hear it but not the characters. In- the third iteration, by fiat or player
For example, “it The primary scene
sides/Outsides are basically short, mono- choice. There is no limits to how many
is easy for you to logue-like comments on what happens in
follows a pre-defined
times the woman can come. A rapist that
enter me, semen the game—my character says “What a nice structure. The rapist
coat!” and then takes one step to the side
stays on after ejaculation (by invitation,
from Steven is starts to narrate,
and says to herself “My God, doesn’t she as per above) is free to leave whenev-
still pouring out with possible
have a mirror at home?” Only the woman er and can still come a second time after
of me, and acts is allowed to use techniques like these. playing, for two
which he must leave.
as a lubricant.” minutes. Then it is
Now that I’ve the woman’s turn for On a meta-note, I tried hard not to come
opened this door, one minute. This when writing this—that is I tried hard
going through it is going to be easy. But is then repeated over and over. During not to back down from making this game
make sure you can keep a straight face a narration, if the a player hesitates, is less scary at any point. This is a game
doing this. Or you will have fucked the quiet for too long, or tries to downplay without smileys or covers to duck behind.
game up. Literally. the situation or repeats himself/herself
When all rapists have had primary
too much, the player’s character
In the secondary scene, the idle scenes, the gang rape is over, and the
comes. Additionally, the rapists must not
rapists stand in a ring around the scenario moves on to the next phase. ❽
break eye contact with the woman.
two players in the primary scene. They
observe and act towards the actions of If the rapist comes, he must return to
the others, specifically the primary scene. the secondary scene and be replaced
For example, players in the second- by the next rapist unless the woman
ary scene might cheer the player in the invites him to stay on in her narration
primary scene on, and not talk so much (for example to hit her, or because he
amongst themselves. One idle player will is to drunk to realise it so he keeps on

Gang rape.
After Mind Fuck
In the aftermath, the woman narrates Last, the woman also gets to nar- Players that dare to experiment might
what the rapists do afterwards. This rate what she does next. How does she want to ponder over whether the game
may or may not lead to actual jeepish feel, does she tell anyone, does she press is best played with players that have ab-
playing. For example, the rapists drive charges, etc.? Unless things for some stained themselves from sexual relations
her somewhere and let chuck her out of reason go to court, the game ends here. for say a week or two, or players that
the car at some random intersection. Or have relieved themselves from all such
Remember that if charged, rapists can
maybe the rapists go out for beers and tension just before the game starts. ❿
only be convicted for things taking place
club dancing as if nothing had happened.
in the game’s second phase. If things do
Or something else. The woman may invite
rapists to feel regret, panic, etc., if she
go to court, the rapists are allowed one Music
statement which swears them free before
wants to. I would like to urge you not to use
the game finally ends. The woman must
music during the rape and after.
If it seems to fit, I encourage you to shut up at this point. ❾
It will affect the players’ feelings too
act some of the aftermath scenes out.
much—which exactly what I want their
who would let me run this game at
actions to do.
Fastaval 2008 would I submit it, points
out that the aftermath must really be in If you insist, a reasonable use of music
level with the rest of the game, and that during the rape is to let every rapist play
everything is possible here—you can re- background music as a metaphor for
ally go through the rest of the woman’s what he is doing to the woman. Every
life if you want. But it is probably best rapist will have his own musical theme
to keep any strict narration reason- describing his assault. Finding that mu-
ably short. sic is then an additional task when
setting up the game. ⓫

Gang rape.
Characters Feedback
What characters you play are pretty Comments and criticism for this game
much determined in the first phase. is very welcome. We are already quite
Briefly discuss how the rapists know clear on the fact that we are sick fucks,
each other, etc., plus who the woman is. so there is no need to write only to point
Jotting down a few words on a piece of that out. And when I say we, I mean
paper might be a good idea, but I have myself, and probably also , who
provided invaluable support while I was
It is not allowed to create characters writing this game by, whenever I would
that try to make excuses for or paint a describe a rule, either laughing or saying
background as to why the character
becomes a rapist. That’s not what the
“Man, that’s sweet!” ⓭
scenario is about.

made the conscious choice, not to have

written characters. Partially because it
, airport and
controls too much in this kind of
international airspace, September 2007
game, but also because I don’t want to
provide any more absolution for the
players’ actions than I already have.

But please, avoid clichés like “The

Leader”, “The Coward”, “The Sadist”,
etc. On the other hand, playing yourselves
in the setting where you are playing (like
my play testers did) is probably too much
on the other end. As is playing an ex. ⓬
Gang rape.
Aid for players
Gang rape. — Aid for Players

The Fiat System 1. Setting up the Game 3. During (Played as below)

♂♂ have power over ♀’s body and behaviour ♂♂ determines the setting and the ♀’s behaviour ♀ and one ♂ in the middle, the rest of the ♂♂ in a
towards them during the evening/day/… circle around them
♀ has power over ♂♂’s feelings and behaviour
♀ determines how and when it all turns into a rape ♂ plays for 2 minutes—tells what he does to her,
embrace and extend all uses of fiat
how her body behaves and reacts, whispers, touches
Ponder the characters briefly
(opt. ♂♂ have power over each others’ behaviour) the ♀ etc. The ♂ who were just with the ♀ keeps
Brainstorm about possible scenes and possible track of the time. The first ♂ to take time goes last.
ways the game might develop in
♀ plays 1 minute—inner monologues, what the ♂
Rules for Playing does, how the ♂ feels, etc.
All players must have read the entire scenario text 2. Before (To be played jeeply) The scene between the ♀ and the ♂ is played 3
times, ♂ might not break eye contact with the ♀
The game must be played seriously
Play everything up to the rape
If a player ”backs down”, his/her character comes
No game master
The players have power over their own characters
unless someone gives them an order by virtue of the ♂ is swapped for another after orgasm—is allowed
Men can play female characters and vice versa
fiat system to leave on own or ♀’s initiative after 3 times of 2
min. rounds interleaved by 1 min. rounds by the ♀
♀ uses the fiat system to control the rapists feel-
Rules for the Game ings and behaviours
♀ ”knows” at least one of the ♂♂ ♂♂ controls the woman’s behaviour
4. After (Narr. or played jeeply)

♂♂ can only be convicted for before-actions ♀ decides what ♂♂ does after the rape, if they do
anything with ♀, etc.
Only the ♀’s player can let the ♀ die
♀ decides what she does afterwards, if she tells
Only settings that all players can relate to
anyone about the rape, informs the police, etc.

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