Cri C203 Prelim 2019 2020

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1st SEM SY2018-2019



Subj. Code Subject Description

Prof. Ma. Dulce Balagtas Mangibin Date: ____________________________


INSTRUCTIONS: Read very carefully before answering. STRICTLY NO any form of ALTERATIONS.
Use pencil in shading your chosen answer. Not too dark nor too light.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Shade the oblong shape before your chosen answer.

1. The law view a child as ___________;

0 a future leader
0 enemy of the country
0 a victim of crime and a violator of the law
0 a teacher

2. Juvenile is synonymous to the following word, except;

0 minor
0 child
0 a person whose age is below 21 years of age
0 youth

3. The term youthful offender refers to a child, minor, or youth including one who is emancipated in accordance with the law, who is
over nine (9) years of age or under at the time of the commission of the offense has been already been repealed. Nowadays, this is
what we call;
0 minor offender
0 juvenile criminals
0youthful delinquents
0Child in Conflict with the Law

4. The 1st Comprehensive Juvenile Court was created in this country;

0 Philippines
0 England
0 Spain
0 United States

5. This refers to the segment of the Criminal Justice System designed to treat youthful offenders;
0 Juvenile Justice System
0 Family courts
0 Institutional Corrections

6. The Latin term meaning “Parents of the Country”. This refers to the role of the state as sovereign and guardian of persons under
legal disability;
0 Patria Potestas
0 Parens Patriae
0 Guardian Ad Litem
0 In Loco Parentis

7. Alden and Divina are lovers, one time Divina got drunk and because of that, Alden took advantage of the situation and committed
the crime of rape. Alden during that time was 18 years of age while Divina was only 15, can Alden be considered a CICL?
0 yes
0 no
0 doubtful
0 no idea
8. This agency of the government has the duty to defend and care for the poor, vulnerable and disabled members, most particularly,
0 Office of the President

9. A practice which placed destitute or neglected children with families who then trained them in Agriculture, Trade or Domestic
0 colony
0 indenture
0 forced labor
0 adoption

10. Special Parental Authority

0 In loca parental
0 In loco parentis
0 In Pollo Loco
0 In loco loca

11. Freedom from parental authority upon reaching the age of majority
0 emancipation
0 enumeration
0 evolution
0 infatuation

12. Refers to the efforts aimed at preventing minors from committing delinquent acts, antisocial behavior and ultimately getting
involved in illegal and criminal activities at a young age;
0 Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
0 Juvenile Justice System
0 Juvenile Crime Prevention
0 Restorative Justice

13. Mass rights of parents to their minor children

0 In loco parentis
0 Patria Potestas
0 Patria Adios
0 Parens Patriae

14. Having unexcused absences from school for a period exceeding 20 days;
0 cutting classes
0 waywardness
0 truancy
0 status offense

15. _______ is an act or behavior that is considered wrong or improper when it is committed by a child or minor;
0 Juvenile delinquency
0 status offense
0 waywardness of the youth
0 youthful offender

16. Present age of Majority from 21 to 18 years of age was provided by R.A. _____;
0 6809
0 8609
0 9068
0 9608

17. The law that created the 1st Juvenile Justice System in the Philippines was;
0 Act 1438
0 Act 4381
0 Act 3814
0 Act 8341

18. P.D. 603; Child and Youth Welfare Code, is a law approved on Dec. 10, 1974, by then late President Corazon C. Aquino, this
statement is;
0 false
0 true
0 no idea
0 possible
19. A kind of Mental retardation where the I.Q. is under 20 and capable at most limited to self-help;
0 severe
0 moderate
0 profound
0 mild

20. The largest group of mentally retardation who are educable and can develop social and vocational skills and fall under the mild
category has an I.Q. of;
0 56-67
0 36-51
0 68-83
0 90-109

21. One who is crippled, deaf-mute, blind or with defects which restricts his/her means of actions is called;
0 emotional disturbed child
0 mentally ill child
0 physically handicapped child
0 abused child

22. The following are common crimes committed by juveniles; but which one tops the most?
0 rape and acts of lasciviousness
0 concealing weapons
0 vagrancy
0 theft

23. Those children who are crippled, deaf, mute, blind or otherwise defective which restricts their means of action and communication
to others.
0 physically handicapped children
0 physically handy cupped children
0 physically handy cropped children
0 physically handcraft children

24. Those who are mentally retarded, physically handclapped, emotionally disturbed and with severe mental illness are;
0 able children
0 disabled children
0 disturbed children
0 dis-functional children

25. The civil personality of a person is with a right at the moment of his/her
0 birth
0 conception
0 graduation
0 emancipation

26. Conception is also called

0 birth
0 fertilization
0 baptism
0 confirmation

27. I.Q stands for;

0 Intelligent Quotient
0 Intellectual quota
0 Intelligence Quotient
0 Intelligence Quantum

28. Characterize by no sense of guilt, no sense of right and wrong, insecurity and problem controlling temper;
0 sociable
0 psychotic
0 sociopath
0 neurotic

29. One who without a parent, guardian, or custodian and is dependent upon the public support;
0 dependency
0 dependable
0 dependent child
0 abandoned child
30. The following are the basic needs of a child, except;
0 adequate food
0 medical care
0 latest model cell phones
0 shelter and clothing

31. It occurs when a child is malnourished, ill-clad and without proper shelter.
0 abused child
0 physical neglect
0 neglected child
0 abandoned child

32. It occurs when a child is raped, seduced, maltreated, exploited, overworked or made to work in a condition not conducive to good
health, made to beg on the street, exposed to drugs, alcohol and gambling, prostitution and other vices.
0 abused child
0 seduced child
0 emotional neglect
0 psychological neglect

33. Rights of a child under P.D. 603, Article 3, states that “All children shall be entitled to the rights herein set forth without _______
as to legitimacy or illegitimacy, sex, religion, political antecedents and other factors.”
0 disturbance
0 distraction
0 distinction
0 dictation

34. Chancery courts were created in _______. The goal is to protect the property rights and welfare of minor children who could not
care for themselves. The court dealt with issue of guardianship.
0 England
0 Scotland
0 United States
0 Philippines

35. It is the duty of parents to control their children as to their choice of religion, profession and future partners in life, this is so
because parents will always be parents, this statement is;
0 true
0 not so true
0 can be true
0 false

II. ENUMERATION (15 points)

1. Give at least five (5) Rights of the child as stated in P.D. 603, Article 3
2. Give at least five (5) general duties of parents under Article 46 of P.D. 603
3. Give the 1st five (5) categories of mental retardation.

“Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. You are old as you doubt your fear and incompetence. The way to keep young is to
keep FAITH, SELF-CONFIDENCE and HOPE young for a life time.”

Noted by: _____________________________

Prof. Antonio S. Lacpapan
Dept. Chair Criminology

Prepared on: June 20, 2019

Prof. Ma. Dulce Balagtas Mangibin
Prepared by: Prof. Ma. Dulce Balagtas Mangibin
February 20, 2019

Noted by: Prof. Antonio S. Lacpapan

Dept. Chair

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