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Name: Karl Jason Comin

Subject: BM 215 Philosophy of Business

The External Suprastructures in the Environment of Business

I. Introduction

The external environment is composed for all the outside factors or influences

that impact the operation of business. The environment transforms business through

its natural resources and all the forces of nature which m en utilized for survival and

development, thus, a society, business and other institutions and all levels of

interaction were created. Likewise, business transforms the environment through

economic development. The interrelations of the factors and forces of society,

business and other institutions created by man, events, places and people made a

number of environmental suprastructures.

II. Summary of the Topics/Topics Digest

External Business Environment is a set of political, economic, social and

technological forces that are largely outside the control and influence of a business

and that can be potentially have both positive and negative impact on the business.

Factors influencing the business environment are technological innovation,

globalization, growth of poverty, collapse of emerging markets, shift from

manufacturing jobs to service jobs, and new methods of manufacturing. External

environment has three elements which are the environmental suprastructures,

environmental infrastructures, and external publics.

Man’s interaction with other man and forces of the nature is the ethical

environment dictating man’s behavior. The character of the external environment is

drawn directly from the ideology espoused by the society. Ideology is a body of

socio-political concepts systematically theorized and expressed in a particular

manner of thinking characteristic of society. It is the highest expression of society’s

philosophy as embodied in the society’s vision, mission, and goals.

The constitution is the codification of the political suprastructure embodying

the society’s ideology upon which the whole political structure of the country is

founded. The constitution defines how the government should run politics and it is

the mode by which the government runs. Electoral process it is how the bureaucracy

is structured and restructured is determine by systems or power acquisition. Political

climate defined as the impact of the political culture on the people.

Government is the totality of the government set-up composed of all

branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of the government, including

government-owned or controlled corporations with original charters. The system of

authority and domination is a structure of hierarchical relationships, with central

power from where authority emanates and goes down the line through lower power

centers. Government has three basic operations:

Legislative – which enacts laws (legislation)

Executive - which implements the laws (execution)

Judiciary – which interprets the laws (conflict resolution)

Government dynamism has also three basic elements and these are bureaucracy,

politics, and administration.

Politics is considered in two aspects, ideological politics sometimes referred

to as modal politics, being the direct expression of the society’s ideology, the mode

of government, or the operations of the government as a system. And partisan

politics refers to the practices of politicians and of their political parties. It gives

human touch to the life of the government, for better or for worse and the objectives

of these is having complementary and conflicting.

Administration refers to the task of governance and public service delivery.

Governance has to do with the running of the country, embracing the whole range of

operations law-making, law enforcement and conflict resolution. Law is defined as a

mandate of reason directed towards the common good and promulgated by one who

cares the community. Public service delivery is the channel through which the

governments dispense the common good to the people, such as education, health,

and welfare. It has three fundamental roles of public servants:

1) As agents of the government who have the duty to enforce the law, implement

programs, and represent the government in providing public services.

2) As the trustees of the public who, in the performance of their duties, must look

after the welfare of the people, protect their interest, and uphold their rights and


3) As examplars of behavior whose actuations and decisions are seen by the public

as the acts and decisions of government. What they do reflects on the government

and becomes the model of behavior.

Government is the largest single interest group in the business environment to which

business relates in three principle ways: Mutual control, mutual support, and

partnership in economic development.

The economic environment is a natural consequence of man’s need to

complete himself, as well as the need among men to complement one another

toward the perfection of their human existence. The impact of these interplaying

factors constitutes the economic environment or economic suprastructure where

business plays in two major fields and these are microeconomics and

macroeconomics. With the economic environment, business firms do not only carry

out economic activities in trade and industry. In the process, they also provide

employment and livelihood to the citizens and contribute to national development

through infrastructures, taxes and services.

The social environment is a natural consequence of men’s need for

completion and complementation. A man has to live in society to share with outputs

of other men and to share with them his own outputs. This is a process created out

of the differences in men’s skills, knowledge and attitudes, as well as in the levels of

their physical and mental fitness. Basic model of social stratification to which

business should be sensitive would be: Upper Class, Middle Class, and Lower

Class. It has its own elements which are the family, school, and church.

The cultural environment as an element in the internal environment of the

organization has its counterpart in the external environment, larger and more

extensive than internal environment. Two terms have a world of difference which are

customs and tradition. Specifically, culture consists in the totality of the cultural

objects and the shared or common orientation of the people towards these objects.
Technological Environment comes from the greek word “techne” which means

skill, and its derivative technology would refer to science and art of human skills.

Technology is both a structure and a process. The following basic Quadruple-O of

technology are: Operator, Operation, Operands, and Output. The technology

elements are the technology of concepts, technology of process, and the technology

of tools. The entries of technology are by adaptation, by innovation, and by invention.

There levels of technology are manual, mechanical, electrical, electronic, nuclear,

and space technology.

Genetic engineering is inspired by the complex of new discoveries in genetic

deciphering, scientists are now attaining greater achievements in genetic

restructuring: from cells to structures to integral organisms. Classifications of cloning

are cellular cloning, structural cloning or therapeutic cloning, and integral cloning.

The techno ethical issues are the human cloning for it is the highest form of genetic


The space environment is the concept of space that puzzled the human mind

since man started contemplating it and probing its mysteries. The environment of

time is the nature of time is such that, as in the case of space, its definition is more

on its attributes than its essence. And the measurement of time provides with a

measure of change by putting dates on moments, fixing the durations of events, and

specifying which events happen before which other events. In order to do that, some

method of time measurement is needed.

III. Recommendations

Business is one of the clients of the government addresses, the kind of

politics and administration obtaining in government determines the kind of

bureaucracy the government will have, and ultimately the kind of governance and

delivery of public services in business will receive. They also shape the political

environment where business operates, and influence the business philosophy and


For business, economic environment is the locus of the environmental

concern for the description an analysis of the production and consumption of goods

and services, as well as the distribution of scars resources among unlimited

demands. And technology is the powerhouse of every organization as it is the driving

force of every society of every generation in its search for progress.

IV. Conclusion

All of these environments that has been mentioned are very important to be

considered for the business. Therefore, business should support the government to

honestly pay taxes and implementation of laws and policies because governments

establish to promote and protect welfare. And the importance of technologies

because it is always with organizations and societies, for both of which, the level of

technology they possess and harness determines the level of their growth and


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