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District Name of School 1st Quarter

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
PADRE GARCIA Banaba ES 80.45 76.22 75.1 77.74 75.96
Banaybanay ES 75.38 75.7 77.73 75.57 75.69
Bawi ES 81.44 82.19 82.03 82.03 81.37
Bukal ES 80.26 82.84 80.71 80.99 80.58
Castillo ES 80 80.07 81.27 80.6 81.26
Cawongan ES 86.48 82.89 79.53 79.32 80.72
Domingo M. Zuño ES 82.61 85.44 81.94 80.25 81.59
Manggas-Tamak ES 82.44 84.44 83.29 82.73 83.04
Maugat East ES 81.67 80.5 80 80.7 82.9
Padre Garcia CS 80.86 77.63 81.91 80.91 80.3
Pansol ES 77.87 78.45 81.88 75.5 76.39
Payapa ES 84.34 82.03 83.63 86.19 86.74
Quilo-Quilo ES 80.85 80.51 82.25 81.57 83.34
Quilo-Quilo North ES 80.5 80.63 80.23 80.33 80.36
San Felipe ES 75.42 75.94 75.13 74.86 74.74
San Miguel ES 80.08 81 80.39 80.44 80
Tangob ES 80.24 80.07 80.47 80.63 80.8


Grade 2

a. Recognize the common terms in Eng relating to part of book (e.g covet, title,page etc)

b. answering wh questions

c. Sequence of events through a story heard

Grade 3

a. Differentiate sentences from phrases

b. sequence events

c. u se appropriate punctuation mark

Grade 4

a. Use context clues (synonyms) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words

b. infer the feelings, traitss of characters in selection listened to

c. compost clear and coherent sentences using appropriate structures

d. write 2-3 step directions using signal words

Grade 5

a. Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries

b. describe different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures (lights, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialogue, setting or set up)

c. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the given context clues

Grade 6

a. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures -tenses of the verbs

b. determine the tone, mood and purpose of the author

c. Infer the meaning of the idiomatic expressions

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