Exercise 7

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College of Agriculture and Food Sciences

Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte 6521 – A, Philippines

Name: Carisse Jade E. Angulo Date Conducted: April 12, 2019

Lab. Section: Friday 7:00 – 10:00 Date Submitted: April 17, 2019
Lab. Instructor: Medardo C. Magdadaro Rating:


Part I. Charge on Soil Particles

SOIL Color with Gentian violet Color with Methyl red Charge ( + or - )

Clayey Colorless Red -

Sandy Yellowish Light Red -

Since both soils possess negative charges, they are able to retain positively charged
cations. In the table above, the results in the soils added with Gentian violet became colorless
and yellowish respectively because the particles found in the solution are positively charged,
thus, retained in the soil samples. On the other hand, the Methyl red solution, when added to both
soil samples, remained red due to the fact that this solution’s particles are negatively charged,
thus, repulsion between the two charges.

Part II. Adsorption of cation from solution by soils

Test tube containing Relative amount precipitate Relative cation exchange

BaCr2O7 capacity

BaCl2 solution Positive

Filtrate, Clayey Soil None

Filtrate, Sandy Soil Positive

Part III. Cation Substitution in Soils

Treatment Calcium in filtrate (high, medium, or low)

Clayey Soil Sandy Soil

KCl filtrate High High

Water filtrate Negative Negative

The negative charges associated with isomorphous substitution are considered to be

permanent, that is, the charges do not change with pH changes. In the table above, both soil
samples have high cation exchange capacity because of the formation of a white precipitate
which is high that implies the replacement and exposure of calcium ions with potassium ions.
When the soils were added with water, reaction was not observed because H2O molecules do
contain high cations that can expose the calcium ions.


1. Compare the cation exchange capacity of a kaolinitic soil and montmorillonitic soil.
- A kaolinitic soil has a lower cation exchange capacity compared to the montmorillonitic
2. When the soils in Part 2 were leached with 0.2 N KCl solution, calcium was found in the
leachate, when leached with water, none or only small amount was found. Explain why.
- This is because the KCl solution when added to the soil samples, potassium ions in the
solution replaced the calcium ions found in the soil thus, resulting to a white precipitate.
When water was added into the soil samples, reaction was not observed because it does
not have enough charge to expose the calcium ions.
3. Explain the relation between the amount of negative charge in the soil and its ability to
filter contaminated water.
- The surfaces of soil particles often are chemically reactive and provide multiple means by
which contaminants in water can be adsorbed by soil particles and effectively be removed
from the water by chemical processes. Many soil clay particles have a negative charge
and will attract any constituents in the water that have a positive charge (e.g., some heavy
metals, salts, organic chemicals and pesticides).
4. Explain the much higher mobility of nitrate (NO3) than calcium (Ca2+) in soils.
- Nitrate’s higher mobility in the soil is because it is being used by the plant as food, so it
travels faster within the plant itself. On the other hand, calcium, it enters the plant, it
sticks to the cell wall all throughout the plant’s life cycle.

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