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To: RGV Inc

From: Gilbert Cruz

Date: 9/30/2019
Re: Revenue Assessment

Thank you for the opportunity to assess your sales data in order to provide recommendations for
increasing your sales. The analysis and recommendations below are based on the data you provided,
which covers a period from August 2004 through June 2006. The analysis below is based on this data
alone. Therefore, our recommendations should be tempered by your knowledge of business realities
and your market. Please let us know if we can answer any questions concerning the analysis or the
recommendations provided.

ANALYSIS 1 Employee Sales Performance Analysis


Looking over your employee’s performance overtime I’ve noticed only a few willing to push your
company sales and others who have been lacking over the years. If you notice the graph how the first
two dots show high sales and then the last two that show the lowest sales. What I’m trying to show you
with the graph is the difference between your sales team.


Margaret Janet Nancy Andrew Laura Robert Anne Michael Steven
Peacock Leverling Davolio Fuller Callahan King Dodswrth Suyama Buchanan



Maybe by adding an incentive to sell would increase the lower selling employees and keep the one’s on
top to keep on selling. Some examples would be a monetary prize or employee of the month with perks
for the highest seller. What can also be done is to adjust the type of products you sell and maybe have
the employees go through training to improve sale techniques.

ANALYSIS 2 Best Selling Products


The data that was farmed is shown here broken up to different types of products. From looking at the
data I believe that your highest selling items are dairy products, confections, beverages, and condiments.
You can use this information to help create new strategies to improve the sale of the less popular items.


Product Comparation
Uncle Bob's Organic Dried…

Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper…

Grandma's Boysenberry…

Alice Mutton

Zaanse koeken


Aniseed Syrup
Gravad lax

Sirop d'?rable

Outback Lager
P?t? chinois

Queso Cabrales

Northwoods Cranberry Sauce

R?d Kaviar

Inlagd Sill

Ravioli Angelo



Guaran? Fant?stica

C?te de Blaye
Longlife Tofu

Sasquatch Ale
Carnarvon Tigers

Gnocchi di nonna Alice

Raclette Courdavault

Mascarpone Fabioli
Gorgonzola Telino

Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix

R?ssle Sauerkraut

Sir Rodney's Scones

Th?ringer Rostbratwurst

Scottish Longbreads

Teatime Chocolate Biscuits


Seafood Produce
Dairy Products Confections Condiments Beverages


The above graph shows information that is vital to your product sales. The information gives what’s
popular and what isn’t. A recommendation to boost sales in other products would be to provide coupons
or bundled products. By doing this you can get a customer to purchase something that really wasn’t on
their mind but seems reasonable to purchase at the time. One example could be a bundled coupon with
Cheese, a dairy product, and maybe bread. This could get the customer to start looking at a deli meat
that way they can make the full sandwich.

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ANALYSIS 3 Country Performance Analysis

The data provided below shows the total amount by country. As you can notice on the graph the country
with the highest sales is the USA and Germany. I think these countries are high because they have a
huge population. The lowest countries are Poland and Norway, which have lower populations than USA
and Germany.


Country Comparation
Venezuela $56,810.63
USA $245,584.61
UK $58,971.31
Switzerl… $31,692.66
Sweden $54,495.14
Spain $17,983.20
Portugal $11,472.36
Poland $3,531.95
Norway $5,735.15
Mexico $23,582.08
Italy $15,770.16
Ireland $49,979.91
Germany $230,284.63
France $81,358.32
Finland $18,810.05
Denmark $32,661.02
Canada $50,196.29
Brazil $106,925.78
Belgium $33,824.86
Austria $128,003.84
Argentina $8,119.10

$0.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 $150,000.00 $200,000.00 $250,000.00 $300,000.00


Recommendation would be to tailor the stores to the countries you’re serving. By being relatable to the
surrounding communities and still bring something unique to it can boost your sales in those areas a lot.
Being a unique store, yet familiar goes a long way with a customer. By not making them go out of their
comfort zone too much you’ll keep customers and boost sales. You need to adjust by for the population
and what products are popular in those areas.

What I learned from working on the excel document is that data can be very messy. Using Microsoft
excel you can help gather this information and create graphs to help showcase the data and make
sense of it. By organizing the data and keeping it concise you can really use the information to your

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advantage and not get lost. Shifting through all that data is time consuming but, in the end, well worth it. I
can see how companies would need to hire a team of employees to manage this data or invest in a pricy
pos system for their stores. In working with all this data, I believe I am now ready to manage my own
data and make good decisions from it.

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