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(CHARACTER NANE BOUNTY HUNTER CAREER SKILLS: ATHLETICS, PERCEPTION, PILOTING (PLANETARY), PILOTING (SPACE), STREETWISE, VIGILANCE, BRAWL, RANGED (HEAVY) f i or (Once per game session, the character may choose a known minion NPC on the sama planet tobe her mark, spend ‘wo Destiny Points, and make @ 406 Siroetwse check. I'sne succeeds, the charactor vacks down the chosen mark; & new encounter begins as the character reaches the mark’ lo- Caton. The exact nature of the encounter as well as the circumstances under which it takes place, must be approved by the GM. | May actvate Aiways Gets My Aways Gets My Mark costs Upgrade the dfeuly of the Nay activate Always Gets My Mark with Knowledge (Under. Jone Destiny Point Instead of [chook once to find arial NPC Mark wih Survival instead of word) instead of Streetwise, vo. instead ofa mnion, Streetwise ! Cea Cao Cea Cie Reduce the dificuly ofthe Upgrade the effet ofthe Ifthe charactor has access to Upgrade the atfeulty ofthe check activate Always Gets [chock once to begin with tho inorstolar travol, may choose ‘creck twice to find a nemesis My Mark 0 0@. mark in custody. 2 diferent pianet for her mark, NPC (or PC) instead of a mine Iso, she travels to that on, word. f t (ieee (neo por gare eos inedontal,aftor perforring a combat ch ¥ check against the same target with the ciffeuly increased by 1 for each successtul combat check the character has performed ths tur. This combat ‘heck must be made using @ non-starsip/vehile weapon thatthe character has not already used this tn. I I ] CEs Cans Dean Coad Perform adctional combat Before porferning each com- ‘Te character may choose a \Whhen making a combat check checks equel to ranks in In- bat check with Unmatched Do- ew legal target foreach com- ‘as par of Unmatched Devasto- crease Number vastation, the character may at check made aa part of Un ion, remove Il equal to renks holster and draw a weepon, matched Devastation, In Remove Setback Deca Dien Cine Cites Perform acstional combat ]Wnen making a combat check Before perorming a combat Perform adelional combat checks equal to ranks in n- ae part of Unmatcnad Oavasta- femme chack as pat of Unmatoned erecks equal to ranks in In crease Numoer. ion, remove Il equal 0 ranks, Devastation, sufer 2 Strain to (Cease Number. In Romove Satback [Perform the Move maneuver as an incidental CHARACTER Nae swe ten (sce A ASSASSIN - BOUNTY HUNTER oe ee) CAREER SKILLS: SKULDUGGERY, STEALTH, MELEE, RANGED (HEAVY) ‘FORCE TALENT at conruicr aueat = Dodge to upgrade the dtfculty ofthe attack by that number. é é é I I l PRECISE AIM JUMP UP Tes En Once por round, may perform ‘Once per round, may stand /Ac6 Dl per rank of Quek Stikel | Once per round, draw or ol ‘Precise Aim manouver. ‘tom seated or prone as an ta combat checks against tar- ler a Weapon or item as an Suffer Strain upto ranks in jam) incidental Jem] gets tnat have not acted yot Jumma incidental Pracise Aim and raion tr iis encounter. {ga’s Melee and Ranged Ds- ann 3 3 3 I I I cer Sen re [ter making a successful at- ‘Add El per rank of Staker to ‘Add +10 per rank of Lethal Afler making a successful at- tack, may spend a Destiny all Stealth and Coordination Blows to any Crital injury taok, may spend a Destiny, Point to add damage equal to checks Jem resut inticted on opponents Pint to dd damage equal to ‘Aalty to one nit, Intellect 10 one hi. ¥:) i y ab n TETHALBLOWS ‘Add El per rank of Stalker to Before making a non-thrown When targeted in combat, may ‘Add +10 per rank of Lethal all Stealth and Cooedination fanged attack, as @ maneuver use a Dodge incidental. Sufer Blows to any Critical Injury checks Jem incraase the weapon's Ranga Stan no greater than ranks in resuitinfictad on opponents, by up to one band per rank. edge to upgrade te atfcuty Upgrade the attack’ cticity ofthe attack by that number. 27" g y y I I fo Pee Pan (oe ‘Once per round, may perform ‘when acquired, choose one Gain +1 to single charact ‘Once per round, sufer2 Strain 9 Precise Aim maneuver. combat ski. Add damage Isic. This cannot bring a char- to decrease aiticuty of ext ‘Ser Strain upto ranks in ‘equal to ranks in that sll to acteiste above 6, Stoalth or Skuiduggory check Precise Aim and reduce tar- fone hitof successful attack wt {get's Melee and Ranged De- wh that sil | é é J v SIGNATURE ABILITY annacrenwane, sve we sone ac GADGETEER - BOUNTY HUNTER vase § wuearcost CAREER SKILLS: COERCION, MECHANICS, BRAWL, RANGED (LIGHT) FORCE TALENT 3 convict ateat TOUGHENED i on Patan Pabeeraaer | | an+2¥iund Prata Waysuterenunbertsron | | Onc perraunton mane Cire errant Boa were mmcree”| | rssteeraer sf Sean fampeereed ete Tie Semacneyatss | |ipenienOuenuke roy Symone soe See im | | Sanco ourgnse any Siete aseance Stanataianpcoe: | | sttemie hae atsce 2 tion chocks by an og ‘2 fn equal amount or wold numba round SPARE CUP Pans DISORIENT Cannot un eut of amme due ‘Choose one weapon, armor, ‘Add 1 damage per rank o! ‘After iting with @ combat to toms with Limited Am- ‘rather item and gve ta Point Blank lo ona hit of suc- check, may spend OH to ‘mo quslity run out of arsmo as Jem permanent improvement wile Jumma cossful Ranged (Heavy) cr ‘sonent trgot fora number oral iremans in use. Ranged (Ligh) atfacks made ‘of rounds equal to ranks in ‘while at Short range or En- Disoront, aS fone Ric Ce Sz 4 14 3 See Gain +2 Wound Threshold When weering armor, increase: (nce per session, may ral ‘When making Melee checks. total Soak value by 1 any one Coercion or Steet- may infict damage as Stain jl Jp wise check, Inctoad of Wounds. This doos ‘ot ignore Soak, ab ‘oe y) r% fin) ici! Perea Ory Choose one weapon, armor, ‘May ad 1 addtional Hard ‘When acquired, choose one “ ‘rather item and give ita Point to a number of items ‘combat ski. Add damage ‘When dealing Strain damage permanent improvement while Jam equal o ranks in Tirkerer. mmm] equal to ranks in that sl to with Melee or Brau chacks, Itremains in use Each item may only be mod fone hitof a successful attack ‘may spend @ to stagger tr- ies once. with that ski get for one round per @. é és é Mod Pe Canary Ce rss May suffer a numberof Stain Gain +1 0. single character- Increase the afculty of next Up to ranks in ltinsating to iste. This cannot bring @ cha When wearing armor with a ‘combat check by 1. If chock. Sowngrade dtfculty of Coae- ARAM acteristic above 6. Jr Soak value of2or higher, in deals damage, taxget sufors con checks o: upgrade citf- ‘crease Defense by 1 4 Strain whnene culty when targeted by Coe forthe remainder ofthe. sien check By equal a a a ‘counter, _ J ' ) SIGNATURE ABILITY, — Fhe moves innacrenwae, ee | MARTIAL ARTIST - BOUNTY HUNTER = 000" ures CAREER SKILLS: ATHLETICS, COORDINATION, DISCIPLINE, BRAWL FORCE TALENT ot ccommuct ratent a ee Sone [Rena 3 3 enG I wielcing @ Ughisaber or Gain +2 Wound Threshold [Once per round, sufer 2 Strain Gain +1 Strain Threshole Melee weapon when hit by a to.adc damage equal to ranks melee attack, suffer 3 Stain to a] in Coordination nk of a reduce damage by 2 plus successful Bram check, ranks in Parry. ab ab : y) ea Er fr MPR May Parry while unarmed. Re- [Once per round, may perform Remove Ml per rank of ran «duce Strain vost to Pay white Ja Grappling manewvor, until the| | Body from Coordination and (Once pet round, when inficting | Unarmed by 1 (to & minima of begining of the character's Reslienca checks. Reduce the Citical Injury with a Brawl or 1, next tur, foes must spend two critical rating of unarmed Moles weapon, may suffer 2 maneuvers to disengage the tacks by {per rank of ren Bo- Strain fo change te result to character 6 (0 a minimum of 1). any Average severity Citical 3 3 3 Iria 3 os [I om hen a carb check made Gain #2 Wound Testo May spend Destiny Porto Gain +1 Stain Meshal by an Engaged foe gonoratos recover Strain equal to his Wil} & 0 8, may siagger o ower ating. the atacker nil ho end of is net im b é y y Cos Sen Dien) Sy ‘STRIKE When targetod by a combat Gain +1 toa single charactor. [Once per session, may re-rall /sheck, may spend a Destiny istic This eannot bring @ char- ony ene Meloe or Bram! check ‘Once per session, when inflict: Point to add ‘Y equal to ranks acteratic above 6. ng a Critical injury with an un- in Coordination to chock armed attack, may suffer é a BEY y U J V SIGNATURE ABILITY (CHARACTER NANE OPERATOR - BOUNTY HUNTER CAREER SKILLS: ASTROGATION, PILOTING (PLANETARY), PILOTING (SPACE), GUNNERY FORCE TALENT sven (scree rawceo tent FE] tatewr cost SS omuruan cu Gain +1 Strain Threshold. a I Etna Remove lil per rank of Galaxy Mapper from all Astrogation checks, Astrogation checks. take ha the usual imo, Sa During a chase, ad per rank of Shortt to checks made to catch or escape an —_ I Ete ‘Upon successful attack with a starship or vohiie weapon, may spond 49 por rank of (Overntoim Defences to re- duce the Defense inthe large [od zone by 1 Tor each OO) spent Geo ‘Toke a Ful Tote ection make 2 609 Piloting chock to by 1 fora number of rounds equal to Cunning, increase a vehicle's ‘op Speed Jemma Survival checks for navigation. PLANET MAPPER Remove Ill per rank of Planet Mapper fom all Strectuise or Such checks take half he usu —_ I [Gain +1 Strain Threshala. ot a I Pine Upon sucessful attack with a starship or vehicle weapon, may spend O49 to reduce tne targets maximum Speed by 1 unt the end ofthe next on I Sey move Il per rank of Jockey from all Pleting (Plan ‘tary) and Plting (Space) = I Mer Do not sufe the usual penal {ies for ding through dificult terrain wien using Pilcting mmm (Pianetary). Cia /AS-a maneuver, suter System Strain up to vehicle's highost Defense to upgrade the dit- Jem Fulty of target's next Piloting check thet meny tes. ca Gain +1 Stain Threshate. ¥.) (nce per round, may mount oF