Grade 4 Large Numbers: Answer The Questions

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ID : lk-4-Large-Numbers [1]

Grade 4
Large Numbers
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Answer t he quest ions

(1) T he picture below shows a milestone in a village on "Kandy - Hill City" highway. What is the
distance between Kandy and Hill City?

(2) Arrange the f ollowing numbers in Ascending Order:

73164752, 51325772, 35592055, 76429781, 68844763, 62601592
(3) Write the largest and smallest 8 digit number.
(4) Add the f ollowing numbers
A) 24, 82412, 582250, 23529

B) 42, 947, 7504, 5935

(5) Write the number name in International System f or:

A) 61849063 B) 68574109

C) 50605364 D) 18898540

Choose correct answer(s) f rom given choice

(6) Shashini is traveling to her hometown. Shashini has to travel 5763 Km on Highway number 16,
4889 Km on Highway number 24 and 6875 Km on highway number 46 and 939 Km within the
town to get to her home. How many kilometers does Shashini need to travel to reach her home?
a. 18419 b. 18538
c. 18488 d. 18466

(7) Which of the f ollowing numbers is smaller than 57113036 and larger than 57100036?

a. 57105036 b. 57055036
c. 57185036 d. 57905036

(8) T here are __________ zeroes in ten thousand .

a. 3 b. 6
c. 5 d. 4

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ID : lk-4-Large-Numbers [2]
(9) Following table shows the prof it made by 5 companies during last year:

Company Profit
Company 1 Rs500,000
Company 2 Rs300,000
Company 3 Rs400,000
Company 4 Rs100,000
Company 5 Rs200,000

Which of the f ollowing statement is not correct?

a. No company made more than Rs500,000 b. Company 3 made Rs200,000 more prof it
prof it. than Company 5
c. No company made less than Rs100,000 d. Company 2 made Rs200,000 more prof it
prof it. than Company 1

(10) T he successor of 29995004 is:

a. 29995003 b. 29995006
c. 29995005 d. 29995015

(11) T he number 38013737 in expanded f orm is represented as :

a. 30000000 + 8000000 + 10000 + 3000 + 700 + 30 + 7
b. 3000000 + 8000000 + 10000 + 3000 + 700 + 30 + 7
c. 3000000 + 800000 + 1000 + 300 + 70 + 3 + 7
d. ( 3 8 0 1 3 7 3 7 )

Fill in t he blanks

(12) If you add 10 to the smallest 5 digit number that can be f ormed by using digits 2, 6, 3, 1, 1, then

the result is

(13) T he number three million f ive hundred ten thousand f our exceeds three hundred six thousand ninety-nine by

. (Write the number name).

T he dif f erence between the smallest 6 digit number and the largest 3 digit number is

ones = one crore

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ID : lk-4-Large-Numbers [3]
(1) 207 km

Step 1
From picture we can see that Kandy is 121 km f rom the village, and Hill City is 86 km f rom
the village.
Step 2
Also since arrow points in opposite directions, total distance between Kandy and Hill City
should sum of two distances
Step 3
T heref ore distance between Kandy and Hill City = 121 + 86 = 207 km

(2) 35592055, 51325772, 62601592, 68844763, 73164752, 76429781

(3) Largest : 99999999, Smallest : 10000000

Step 1
In order to write the smallest 8 digit number, the f ace value of each digit should be the
lowest possible.
Step 2
It is the digit 0 whose f ace value is the smallest. We could have used 0 as all 8 digits of the
number we have to write, but that will make the overall value of the number 0, and the
number no longer will be of 8 digits.
Step 3
T hus we will need to use 1 as the lef t most digit and 0 as all other digits to write the
smallest 8 number:
Step 4
In order to write the largest 8 digit number, the f ace value of each digit should be the
largest possible.
Step 5
It is the digit 9 whose f ace value is the largest. Let us use 9 as all digits to write the largest
8 number:
Step 6
T hus, the smallest 8 digit number is 10000000 and the largest 8 digit number is 99999999.

(4) A) 688215
B) 14428

(5) A) sixty-one million eight hundred f orty-nine thousand sixty-three

Step 1
Let us write the place values of all digits according to the international system:
T -M M H-T h T -T h T h H T U
6 1 8 4 9 063

Step 2
Now we can f orm the name f or the given number according to the above table:
sixty-one million eight hundred f orty-nine thousand sixty-three

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B) sixty-eight million f ive hundred seventy-f our thousand one hundred nine

Step 1
Let us write the place values of all digits according to the international system:
T -M M H-T h T -T h T h H T U
6 8 5 7 4 109

Step 2
Now we can f orm the name f or the given number according to the above table:
sixty-eight million f ive hundred seventy-f our thousand one hundred nine

C) f if ty million six hundred f ive thousand three hundred sixty-f our

Step 1
Let us write the place values of all digits according to the international system:
T -M M H-T h T -T h T h H T U
5 0 6 0 5 364

Step 2
Now we can f orm the name f or the given number according to the above table:
f if ty million six hundred f ive thousand three hundred sixty-f our

D) eighteen million eight hundred ninety-eight thousand f ive hundred f orty

Step 1
Let us write the place values of all digits according to the international system:
T -M M H-T h T -T h T h H T U
1 8 8 9 8 54 0

Step 2
Now we can f orm the name f or the given number according to the above table:
eighteen million eight hundred ninety-eight thousand f ive hundred f orty

(6) d. 18466

Step 1
Shashini has to travel through three highways and one road in her town to reach her home.
Step 2
T o f ind the total distance she will need to travel, we will need to add all distances she
covers on all three highways and the road in her town.
Step 3
T his means, the total distance she will need to travel = 5763 + 4889 + 6875 + 939 = 18466

(7) a. 57105036

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ID : lk-4-Large-Numbers [5]
(8) d. 4

Step 1
T he number ten thousand can be written in numeric f ormat as 10000, which consists of 4
Step 2
T heref ore, there are 4 zeroes in the ten thousand.

(9) d. Company 2 made Rs200,000 more prof it than Company 1

Step 1
Let us observe the given table and check f or every option individually.
Step 2
Option a: As we can see in the column of prof its made by companies, no company has
made a prof it of more than Rs500,000. T he statement is correct.
Step 3
Option b: Company 3 made a prof it of Rs400,000 and company 5 also made a prof it of
Rs200,000. We see that prof it made by company 3 is more than company 5, and by
subtracting them we get: Rs400,000 - Rs200,000 = Rs200,000. Company 3 made
Rs200,000 more than company 5. T he statement is correct.
Step 4
Option c: Looking at the column of prof its made by the companies, no company made a
prof it of less than Rs100,000. T he statement is correct.
Step 5
Option d: Company 2 made a prof it of Rs300,000 and company 1 made a prof it of
Rs500,000. We see that the prof it made by company 2 is less than that made by company 1.
Hence the given statement is incorrect.
Step 6
So we f ound out that statement d is not true.

(10) c. 29995005

Step 1
T he successor of any number is the number next to it (or one more to it).
Step 2
T he number next to 29995004 = 29995004 + 1 = 29995005.

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ID : lk-4-Large-Numbers [6]
(11) a. 30000000 + 8000000 + 10000 + 3000 + 700 + 30 + 7

Step 1
We know that each number can be written as the sum of place values of all of its digits.
Step 2
T he number 38013737 can be written as the sum of place values of each of its digits:
7 × 1 = 7 (7 is at unit place)
3 × 10 = 30 (3 is at ten's place)
7 × 100 = 700 (7 is at hundred’s place)
3 × 1000 = 3000 (3 is at thousand’s place)
1 × 10000 = 10000 (1 is at ten thousand's place)
0 × 100000 = 0 (0 is at lakhs's place)
8 × 1000000 = 8000000 (8 is at million's place)
3 × 10000000 = 30000000 (3 is at ten million's place)
Step 3
T hus, the expanded f orm of the number 38013737 is 30000000 + 8000000 + 10000 +
3000 + 700 + 30 + 7 .


Step 1
A digit on lef t hand side of a number has largest place value, while digit on right hand side
has smallest place value. T heref ore, to f orm a number using given digits, we need to have
smallest digit on lef t and largest digit on right
Step 2
T heref ore smallest 5 digit number that can be f ormed using 2, 6, 3, 1 and 1 will be,
Step 3
As asked in the question now we need to add 10 to this number.
T heref ore required number = 11236 + 10
= 11246

three million two hundred three thousand nine hundred f ive

Step 1
Let us f irst convert the given number names to numbers:
T hree million f ive hundred ten thousand f our = 3510004
T hree hundred six thousand ninety-nine = 306099
Step 2
We now subtract the obtained numbers to f ind the answer:
3510004 - 306099 = 3203905
Step 3
Writing the obtained answer in its number name: three million two hundred three thousand nine hundred five.

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ID : lk-4-Large-Numbers [7]

Step 1
T he smallest 6 digit number = 100000
Step 2
T he largest 3 digit number = 999
Step 3
Dif f erence between them = T he smallest 6 digit number - T he largest 3 digit number
= 100000 - 999
= 99001
Step 4
T heref ore, the dif f erence between the smallest 6 digit number and the largest 3 digit
number is 99001.


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