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Guidelines for

“Grant / Renewal / Withdrawal of permission”

in respect of the


for the conduct of

IT Literacy courses viz. Basic Computer Course

(BCC) and Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) of
the NIELIT along with processing fee structure

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
1 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
Table of contents


Scope of grant of permission to institutes ... 4

Guidelines for grant of permission to institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy courses viz.
BCC and CCC of the NIELIT … 5

Applying for the grant of permission … 5

Processing fee to be submitted while applying for permission to NIELIT … 5

Validity of the permission granted to institutes … 5

Rejection of application … 6

Deferment of application … 6

Process after expiry of validity … 6

Analysis of the institutes for renewal of permission … 6

Intimation to institutes for renewal of permission and notice for withdrawal … 6

Change of premises / management/ or any kind of change in the structure of the institutes … 7

Parameters for renewal of permission … 7

Voluntary withdrawal of permission … 11

Withdrawal of the permission of an institute for any other reasons … 11

Institutes involved in mis-leading activities, though not permitted by NIELIT … 11

Guidelines for publications to be released by approved institutes … 11

Citizen’s Charter … 11

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
2 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure

With the implementation of these guidelines and procedures it is expected to have active and
quality institutions that would be a part of the network of permitted institutions for training of the
students for the IT Literacy courses of NIELIT viz. Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) and Basic
Computer Course (BCC).

At present, as per SOP the following categories of institutes are eligible to apply for the grant of
permission for training and / or fielding of the candidates for BCC and CCC Examination:

a. Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) (Excerpts from SOP)

1. Approved Institutes of NIELIT accredited for NIELIT Courses

2. Institutes other than NIELIT Accredited Institutes granted permission to conduct CCC, which

2.1 Institutions/organisations, where the Central Govt. or the State Government

ensures availability of the required infrastructure including faculty and recommends grant of
permission for conduct of CCC.

2.2 NCPUL Centres: NCPUL centres that are running with the support of NIELIT
Centre Chandigarh are eligible for fielding candidates for the CCC/BCC Examinations.

3. Allocation of E-provisional No. to Schools/Colleges: The Government recognized

Schools/Colleges affiliated to Boards/Universities, etc. would be eligible to offer candidates for
NIELIT CCC Examination after they obtain a specific Unique Identity No. from the NIELIT.

4. Registration of institutions as Facilitation Centres for conduct of CCC on self – certification basis:

b. Basic Computer Course (BCC) (Excerpts from SOP)

1. Approved institutes of CCC

2. ITIs/ITCs for training and fielding candidates for BCC

3. Permission to ITIs/ITCs for fielding candidates of BCC

c. Classification of approved institutes and the terminology: Broadly the institutes can be
categorised as Facilitation Centres and Training Centres.

1. Institutes which are granted permission for the conduct of CCC and BCC on self-certification
basis would be termed as approved “Facilitation Centres”.
2. Institutes other than Facilitation centres which have been granted permission for the conduct
of CCC and BCC would be termed as approved “Training Centres”.

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
3 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
1. Scope of grant of permission to institutes

Granting permission to institutes for conduct of training and fielding candidates for the
examination of CCC and BCC courses is the process that ensures the quality delivery of the
courses to the candidates by the institutes. Such institutions however, would be required to be
analysed periodically on certain parameters to ensure that the objectives are being met. This
periodical review is an assurance that the institute meets established quality standards.
However, the institutes that did not meet the criteria for renewal of permission will be

Apart from this, institute may have an option to exit from the system that is; they can also apply
for voluntary withdrawal, if they did not wish to continue as a permitted institute of NIELIT for
the conduct of its IT literacy courses viz. BCC and/or CCC. However, institutes applying for
voluntary withdrawal would be required to submit an affidavit that they have distributed all the
certificates of BCC and / or CCC that were sent to the institutes for onward disbursement to the

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
4 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
2. Guidelines for grant of permission to institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy courses
viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT

2.1 Applying for the grant of permission: The interested institutes that fall under any of the
category as laid out in the Chapter B of the SOP and fulfil the eligibility criteria may apply for the
grant of permission for the conduct of the IT Literacy courses of NIELIT viz. BCC and CCC in the
prescribed format along with the processing fee and the affidavit. The template for the affidavit
is at Annexure (i).

2.2 Processing fee to be submitted while applying for permission to NIELIT: The fee
structure (non-refundable) for processing fee is given below:
Category Purpose / Type of processing fee Processing fee
(in `)
Approved Institutes of NIELIT accredited for Fresh Submission (3 years) / 3,000/-
NIELIT Courses (O/A/B/C) **Continuation of permission (2 years)
Institutes other than NIELIT Accredited Fresh Submission (3 years) / 6,000/-
Institutes viz. Facilitation centres, **Continuation of permission (2 years)
schools/colleges etc.
ITIs/ITCs* Fresh Submission -
(3 years)
Approved Institutes of NIELIT accredited for Renewal 1,500/-
NIELIT Courses (O/A/B/C) (2 years)
Institutes other than NIELIT Accredited Renewal 3,000/-
Institutes viz. Facilitation centres, (2 years)
schools/colleges etc.
ITIs/ITCs* Renewal -

* The ITIs/ITCs are applying for grant of permission to conduct BCC as DGE&T has made BCC certificate as one of the
mandatory approved IT literacy courses for ITIs/ITCs trainees.
** For Institutes that already hold valid permission for the conduct of CCC and BCC as on date i.e. March 21, 2013.

a) The processing fee will be required to be submitted in the form of demand draft
made in favour of NIELIT payable at Delhi.
b) The processing fee is non-refundable.
The ITIs/ITCs can apply for grant of permission for the conduct of CCC by applying under the
category of “schools/colleges” as laid out in SOP and the fee will be charged as tabulated above.
Also, any institution can apply for registration as Facilitation Centre for the conduct of CCC and
BCC, if it fulfils the laid out norms. However, an institution, at one point of time can hold only
one status of permission in respect of CCC and BCC i.e. if any institute already holds permission
for the conduct of CCC and BCC under one category and is applying for permission under another
category; it is required to surrender its previous permission to conduct of CCC and BCC.

2.3 Validity of the permission granted to institutes: After careful scrutiny of the application
submitted by the institute, the Institutes that fulfil the eligibility criteria for the grant of
permission for CCC and BCC are initially granted permission. The permission that is initially
granted to the institute would be valid for a period of 03 years from the date of issue of the
permission letter.

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
5 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
2.4 Rejection of application: After scrutiny, if it is found that an institute that did not fulfil
the eligibility criteria, the application of that institute shall be rejected. The processing fee
submitted by the institute will be forfeited. Such institutes may apply again for obtaining the
permission for the conduct of BCC and CCC after expiry of three month’s time from the date of
issue of letter of rejection.

2.5 Deferment of application: After scrutiny, if it is found that, an institute is fulfilling the
criteria however, has not submitted the application in completion or seal/signature is missing or
any other minor error; will be put under the category of deferred cases. Such institutes will be
given a month’s time to submit the complete documents. In case, an institute fails to submit the
complete documents as communicated to it, the application of the institute will be rejected and
the processing fee submitted by the institute will be forfeited.

2.6 Process after expiry of validity: After expiry of the validity, the permission can be
renewed, if an institute fulfil the laid out criteria for the renewal. The renewal of permission
granted to the institute shall be valid for 02 years.

After expiry of the validity, in case the institute did not fulfil the laid out criteria for the renewal,
the permission of the institute will be withdrawn. Such institute may submit fresh application
for grant of permission after 03 months from the expiry of the date of validity.

During the time gap wherein the validity of permission of an institute is expired and it is under
renewal analysis, the institute will bear the valid status with legend as “Under Renewal Process”.
As it may happen that, certain institutes may not like to get the permission renewed. Such time
gap between the expiry of the validity and renewal process shall not exceed 03 months.

2.7 Analysis of the institutes for renewal of permission

The renewal process will be initiated after expiry of the validity of an institution i.e. 3 years. The
scrutiny shall be made on the parameters as laid out under para – 2.10 “Parameters for renewal
of permission”. After completion of such analysis for a particular time period, the institutes that
are so analysed will fall under any of the following two categories: firstly, institutes eligible for
renewal and secondly, institutes eligible for withdrawal.

2.8 Intimation to institutes for renewal of permission and notice for withdrawal

Renewal: Intimation for renewal of permission will be sent to the respective institutes that fulfil
the laid out parameters for renewal. Such institutions will be required to submit the application
for renewal of permission (in the prescribed format-Annexure-A) along with the processing fee
within 30 days of the issue of communication of renewal intimation. After receipt of application
and processing fee at NIELIT, the applications will be scrutinised and if eligible, renewal letter
will be issued to the institute. The first renewal will be carried out after expiry of validity of 03
years time from the date of grant of permission to the institute. Subsequently, the renewal will
be carried out after every two years.

In case details submitted by the institute in renewal application makes it not eligible for grant of
permission, for any reasons, a notice of withdrawal will be served and processing fee submitted
for renewal will be forfeited.
Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
6 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
In case, the institute is not willing to continue with the permission, the institute may apply for
voluntary withdrawal of permission. For voluntary withdrawal of permission the institute is
required to submit an application along with an affidavit that it has distributed all the
certificates of BCC and / or CCC that were sent to the institute for onward disbursement to the
candidates. The template for the affidavit is at Annexure (ii).

In case, no reply is received from the institute, a notice of withdrawal will be served to the

Withdrawal: A notice for withdrawal of the permission will be served to the institute who did
not fulfil the laid out parameters for renewal. The letter for withdrawal of permission of the
institute will be issued to the institute after the expiry of 30 days time of the notice for
withdrawal. Such institutes may apply again for obtaining the permission for the conduct of BCC
and CCC after expiry of three month’s time from the date of issue of letter of withdrawal.

2.9 Change of premises / management/ or any kind of change in the structure of the

1. Category a, 1 of Chapter B of SOP – the institute is required to submit the application

along with the letter issued to it from NIELIT for acceptance of change. As under this
category the permission to the institute is granted on the basis of the accreditation
granted by NIELIT for other higher level of courses. No fee is charged from the institute.
2. Other categories – the permission of the institute will be withdrawn and the institute
needs to submit fresh application. This is desired as there is no on site scrutiny of the
institutes by NIELIT for grant of permission for the conduct of IT Literacy courses

2.10 Parameters for renewal of permission: An institute is eligible for renewal of permission if
it meets the eligibility criteria as tabulated below:
1st renewal
Course No. of Criteria
Examinations Minimum number of Minimum number of candidates Minimum
in conducted examinations in which fielded in one examination cycle required pass
in three years an institute has fielded percentage for
candidates each exam
(60% of total Metro State Other
examination cycles in Cities Capitals cities/towns/di
three years) (excluding stricts & NE
NE region) region
CCC 45 27 25 15 10 50% of the
BCC 36 22 25 15 10 50% of the

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
7 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
Additional weightage of 1 point will be given to the institutes that have fielded more
than the minimum required number of candidates. However, the additional weightage
will not be more than 5 points. The slab for additional weightage is as per below:
5 candidates – 1 point
10 candidates – 2 points
15 candidates – 3 points
20 candidates – 4 points
25 candidates – 5 points

Formula for calculating national average (pass percentage) for each exam is given below:

Number of candidates passed X 100

Total number of candidates

Award of Points to the institute:

1 point is credited to institute for meeting the criteria of fielding of the candidate
1 point is credited to institute for meeting pass percentage criteria for 1 exam cycle
Additional weightage, if applicable, however, is not exceeding 5 points.

for example: for metro cities (under ideal situation) -CCC Examination

1 exam cycle + 25 candidates will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 27 exam cycles + 25 candidates for each examination will credit 27 points to the

1 exam cycle + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 27 exam cycles + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 27 points to the

This means that an institute which falls under the category of Metro Cities will be eligible for
renewal if it scores a minimum of 54 points in a span of three years.

for example: for State Capitals (excluding NE region) -CCC Examination

1 exam cycle + 15 candidates will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 27 exam cycles + 15 candidates for each examination will credit 27 points to the

1 exam cycle + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 27 exam cycles + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 27 points to the

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
8 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
This means that an institute which falls under the category of State Capitals (excluding NE
region) will be eligible for renewal if it scores a minimum of 54 points in a span of three years.

for example: for NE region-CCC Examination

1 exam cycle + 10 candidates will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 27 exam cycles + 10 candidates for each examination will credit 27 points to the

1 exam cycle + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 27 exam cycles + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 27 points to the

This means that an institute which falls under the category of NE region will be eligible for
renewal if it scores a minimum of 54 points in a span of three years.

Similarly, for BCC examination, an institute will be eligible for renewal if it scores a
minimum of 44 points in a span of three years.

Parameters for 2nd renewal of permission and so on: An institute is eligible for renewal of
permission if it meets the eligibility criteria as tabulated below:

Course No. of Criteria

Examinations Minimum Minimum number of candidates Minimum
in conducted in number of fielded in one examination cycle required pass
two years examinations in percentage for
which an each exam
institute has Metro State Other
fielded Cities Capitals cities/tow
candidates (excluding ns/district
(60% of total NE region) s & NE
examination region
cycles in two
CCC 30 18 25 15 10 50% of the
national average
BCC 24 15 25 15 10 50% of the
national average

Additional weightage of 1 point will be given to the institutes that have fielded more
than the minimum required number of candidates. However, the additional weightage
will not be more than 5 points. The slab for additional weightage is as per below:
5 candidates – 1 point
10 candidates – 2 points
15 candidates – 3 points
20 candidates – 4 points
25 candidates – 5 points
Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
9 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
Formula for calculating national average (pass percentage) for each exam is given below:

Number of candidates passed X 100

Total number of candidates

Award of Points to the institute:

1 point is credited to institute for meeting the criteria of fielding of the candidate
1 point is credited to institute for meeting pass percentage criteria for 1 exam cycle
Additional weightage, if applicable, however, is not exceeding 5 points.

for example: for metro cities (under ideal situation)-CCC Examination

1 exam cycle + 25 candidates will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 18 exam cycles + 25 candidates for each examination will credit 18 points to the

1 exam cycle + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 18 exam cycles + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 18 points to the

This means that an institute which falls under the category of Metro Cities will be eligible for
renewal if it scores a minimum of 36 points in a span of two years.

for example: for State Capitals (excluding NE region) -CCC Examination

1 exam cycle + 15 candidates will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 18 exam cycles + 15 candidates for each examination will credit 18 points to the

1 exam cycle + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 18 exam cycles + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 18 points to the

This means that an institute which falls under the category of State Capitals (excluding NE
region) will be eligible for renewal if it scores a minimum of 36 points in a span of two years.

for example: for NE region-CCC Examination

1 exam cycle + 10 candidates will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 18 exam cycles + 10 candidates for each examination will credit 18 points to the
Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
10 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
1 exam cycle + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 1 point to the institute

i.e. for 18 exam cycles + 50% of the national pass percentage will credit 18 points to the

This means that an institute which falls under the category of NE region will be eligible for
renewal if it scores a minimum of 36 points in a span of two years.

Similarly, for BCC examination, an institute will be eligible for renewal if it scores a
minimum of 30 points in a span of two years.

2.11 Voluntary withdrawal of permission: An institute may apply for voluntary withdrawal of
permission if it does not wish to hold the status of permitted institute of NIELIT for conduct of
its IT literacy courses viz. BCC and/or CCC. Such institutes are required to submit an application
along with an affidavit that they have distributed all the certificates of BCC and / or CCC that
were sent to the institute for onward disbursement to the candidates. The template for the
affidavit is at Annexure (ii).

2.12 Withdrawal of the permission of an institute for any other reasons: Permission of an
institute may be withdrawn by the NIELIT if at any stage it has been found that the institute has
misguided NIELIT for obtaining the permission or is involved in anything detrimental to the
reputation and image of the NIELIT, its courses, its logo and / or its name. However, prior to
withdraw the permission of any institute who falls under the above category, a show cause
notice, upto a maximum period of three months, will be served by the NIELIT to such institutes
for adequate compliance/removal of defects failing which NIELIT will withdraw the permission.
Such a decision by NIELIT shall be final and binding.

2.13 Institutes involved in mis-leading activities, though not permitted by NIELIT: Institutes
that are not permitted by NIELIT for conduct of NIELIT’s BCC/CCC courses, but are giving false
information about it will be liable for legal action as deemed fit by the NIELIT.

3. Guidelines for publications to be released by approved institutes: For promotion

purposes the approved institutes can use the advertisement templates. The do’s and don’ts
with respect to the publications related to promotion purposes are at Annexure (iii). The
advertisement template for “Facilitation Centres” is at Annexure (iv) and for institutes covered
under “Training Centres” is at Annexure (v).

4. Citizen’s Charter: The tentative timelines for the various activities involved in the entire
process are tabulated below:

Activity Timelines
Processing of application for grant of Within 15 days time of the receipt of application
permission to the prospective institute for the proforma and related documents
conduct of CCC/BCC
Issue of permission letter to institute, granting Within 15 days time of the receipt of application
permission to conduct CCC/BCC course proforma and related documents
Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
11 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
Issue of rejection letter to institute Within 15 days time of the receipt of application
proforma and related documents
Issue of deferment letter to institute Within 20 days time of the receipt of application
proforma and related documents
Processing of deferment cases Within 15 days time of the receipt of rectified
application proforma and related documents
Intimation of renewal process to eligible Within 30 days from the date of the expiry of the
institutes validity
Processing of renewal cases With 90 days / 03 months from the date of the expiry
of the validity
Issue of grant of renewal letter to institutes With 90 days / 03 months from the date of the expiry
of the validity
Issue of withdrawal notice to institute, which Within 30 days from the date of the expiry of the
are not eligible for renewal validity
Issue of withdrawal letter to institutes, which Within 30 days from the date of the expiry of the
are not eligible for renewal withdrawal notice served to the institute
Issue of withdrawal letter to institutes, that Within 30 days from the date of receipt of affidavit
apply for voluntary withdrawal from the institute.

Complaint Redressal Systems: The institutes can submit its complaints regarding any of the
activity pertaining to “grant of permission to institutes for the conduct of CCC and/or BCC” to
the following officials of NIELIT:

Level Name and designation of the Address for the Contact nos. and email
Officer correspondence ID
Level 1 Shri Vikas Mittal, Scientist-B NIELIT, Electronics 011-2436 3330 – 3332
Niketan, 6 CGO
Complex, New Delhi-
Level 2 Dr. S. Birendra Singh, -do- 011-2436 3330 – 3332
Director (Technical)
Final Level Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma, -do- 011-2436 3330 – 3332
Managing Director
All complaints will be acknowledged by us within 15 days and final reply on the action taken will
be communicated within 30 days.

If you do not receive a response within 30 days from the channel under Level 1, or, if you are not
satisfied with the response received, please escalate your complaint to Level 2.

If you are not satisfied with the response that you receive from Level 2, or if you do not receive a
response within 30 days from Level 2, please escalate your complaint to Final Level for a speedy
investigation and fair resolution of your problem.
Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
12 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
Annexure - A
(An Autonomous Scientific Society of the DeitY, Ministry of Communications and Information
Technology, Govt. of India)
Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, New Delhi – 110 003
Phone:011-2436 3330-02, 2436 6577, 79, 80, FAX:011-2436 3335, Web site:

Application form for renewal of permission of institution to conduct training and fielding candidates
for CCC and BCC

(To be completed by the applicant institution in all respect)

General Instructions: All the columns must be filled up in legible handwriting. Incomplete applications may be
For office use only: (to be filled by NIELIT)
Renewal granted (Y/N):________________

To be filled by the institute

Demand draft details

E-Provisional no. of the institute:

AMOUNT (in Rs.)









Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
13 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
4. Details of the HEAD of the Institution








5. Details of Contact Person:








6. In case there is a change in the details with respect to the faculty and infrastructure, please furnish the
details. If there is no change, please fill “NO CHANGE”;
Name of Academic Qualification(s) Professional Qualification(s)
the Faculty Examination Name of the Board Examination Name of the Board Duration of
Passed & year / University / Passed & year / University / the Course
of passing Institution of passing Institution (in months)

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
14 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
Software availability:
Licensed Software Availability at the Institution Printer, Scanner and Power
(Please indicate the relevant software pertaining to the CCC and BCC course backup Facility
only) (indicate (Y/N)
Please fill the availability at
SOFTWARE VERSION the institute
Operating System As per syllabus

OFFICE As per syllabus

WEB BROWSER As per syllabus

ANTIVIRUS As per syllabus

Internet Connectivity As per syllabus

Other teachings aids

(Please Specify)

7. In case of any other change, please attach relevant copies with respect to the changes.


1. This is to certify that all the above information furnished regarding the institution is correct and authentic to the best of my knowledge.
2. I am aware that in case any information given by me is found false or misleading, my institution would be debarred from fielding
candidates CCC and BCC examination conducted by NIELIT besides being subjected to any other action that may be deemed fit by

Date : _______________

Place :_______________
(Signature of the Head of Institution
/authorised signatory)
(Name in Block Letters______________________)
(Affix Stamp duly initialled on all pages of the application form)

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
15 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure
Annexure (i)

Format of Affidavit to be given on Rs. 100/- Non Judicial Paper duly attested by Notary Public

I,_________________________ (name of authorised signatory with designation) S/o/D/o

aged about ____ years do hereby solemn affirms and declare as under:-

1. That I am the authroised signatory of _________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the

institute” ) located at _____________________ and has been authorized by the institute by way of
__________________________________________ (state whether proprietor/ partner/ or is otherwise
authorized to sign the present affidavit by way of resolution dated ______ in case of company or
authority letter or attorney and annex any such resolution/ attorney/ authorization letter etc.) and as
such is competent to sign the present affidavit on behalf of the institute.

2. That the institute is a ____________________ registered under __________ Act * (state whether
proprietorship concern/ partnership firm registered under “Partnership Act, 1932” / private limited
company or public limited company registered under “Companies Act, 1956” / society registered under
“Societies Registration Act, 1860” / trust under “Trusts Act, 1882” / or any other entity along with the
relevant Statute under which it is registered.) and the certified certificate of registration/ incorporation
is annexed herewith. (Annex a certified true copy of the relevant certificate of registration /
incorporation with the relevant registering / incorporating authority*)(For proprietorship concern,
certificates from sales tax, service tax or any other authority or certificate from Shops and
Establishment Acts under various state government be annexed or in the absence of all above a
certificate from the bank that an account exists in the name of proprietorship concern be annexed.)(*-
Not applicable for proprietorship concerns).

3. That the information / contents provided in the “Application Form for grant of permission to conduct
CCC and/or BCC” and the attached documents submitted by me are true and correct and that it
conceals nothing and that no part of this is false.

4. That the institute undertakes that it will abide by the rules and regulations of NIELIT and would also
abide by the guidelines as issued by NIELIT from time to time for the smooth conduct of CCC/BCC and
otherwise also.

5. That the institute undertakes that it will indemnify NIELIT for any liability arising out of any liability that
might arise during the continuance of CCC/BCC during the time when the permission is given by NIELIT
for conduct of CCC/BCC to the institute or even after withdrawal of such permission by NIELIT due to
any reason.

6. That in case the contents of this Affidavit are found to be incorrect or false, I shall be liable for action
under the relevant provision of law. Besides any action that may be taken against the institute such as
withdrawal of accreditation or imposing any penalty amongst others.

(Signature of the Applicant)


Verification : Verified at (place of execution of affidavit) on this (date of execution of affidavit) that the contents
of my above affidavit are true and correct of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed there from.

(Signature of the Applicant)


Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
16 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure

Format of Affidavit to be given on Rs. 100/- Non – Judicial Paper duly attested by Notary Public

I,_________________________ (name of authorized signatory with designation) S/o/D/o

aged about ____ years do hereby solemn affirms and declare as under:-

1. That I am the authorized signatory of _________________________ (hereinafter referred to as

“the institute” ) located at _____________________ and has been authorized by the institute by
way of __________________________________________ (state whether proprietor/ partner/ or
is otherwise authorized to sign the present affidavit by way of resolution dated ______ in case of
company or authority letter or attorney and annex any such resolution/ attorney/ authorization
letter etc.) and as such is competent to sign the present affidavit on behalf of the institute.

2. That I as the authorized signatory of the institute, voluntary surrenders the permission which has
been granted by NIELIT to the institute for the conduct of CCC and BCC.

3. That the certificates of CCC and/or BCC which were dispatched to the institute by NIELIT for onward
disbursement to the candidates in respect of the examination cycles
__________________________ have been handed over to the respective candidates under
acknowledgement and as on date there are no certificates of CCC and/or BCC pending with the
institute for disbursement to the respective candidates who have qualified CCC and /or BCC.

4. That as on date there is no liability on part / impediment of the institute whereby the institute
cannot surrender the permission for granting of conduct of CCC and BCC.

5. That the institute undertakes to fulfill any obligation and/or indemnify NIELIT if any losses occur to
NIELIT or any liability arises in relation and during the tenure when the institute had the permission to
conduct CCC / BCC, even after the withdrawal of permission by NIELIT for grant of conduct of CCC and
BCC subsequent to surrender by the institute.

6. That in case the contents of this Affidavit are found to be incorrect or false, I shall be liable for
action under the relevant provision of law. Besides any action that may be taken against the
institute such as withdrawal of accreditation or imposing any penalty amongst others.

(Signature of the Applicant)


Verification : Verified at (place of execution of affidavit) on this (date of execution of affidavit) that the contents
of my above affidavit are true and correct of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed there from.

(Signature of the Applicant)


Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
17 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure

Do’s and Don’ts for publications to be released by the approved institutes for NIELIT’s Course
on Computer Concepts (CCC) and Basic Computer Course (BCC)

The Logo

The logo of NIELIT consists of two parts: the graphic element and the text element.

Institutes approved by NIELIT for its IT literacy courses viz. CCC and BCC can use the logo in the
advertisement / publications that are exclusive to NIELIT’s CCC and BCC. The use of logo will be
governed by the following guidelines.


1. Institutes approved by NIELIT for its IT literacy courses viz. CCC and BCC can use the logo to
promote the NIELIT’s courses viz. CCC and BCC. The template for advertisement is enclosed

Annexure(iv) - Facilitation Centres; (institutes which are granted permission for the
conduct of CCC and BCC on self-certification basis).
Annexure(v) - Training Centres; (institutes other than Facilitation Centres).

2. The logo of the NIELIT used by the approved institutes in their publications should have the same
specifications with respect to colour, text and design.
3. Requests for use of NIELIT’s logo and name outside described Scope/template: Requests
for use of the NIELIT’s logo and name other than the template provided are to be brought to the
attention of the NIELIT. No publication, other than the advertisement in accordance to the
template provided to the approved institute, can be released with the logo and name of the
NIELIT without obtaining written approval from the NIELIT.


1. The logo of NIELIT should not be modified with respect to colour, text and design.
2. Institute should not publish any false or misleading information with respect to NIELIT or its
courses in its publications.
3. Institute should not do anything detrimental to the reputation and image of the NIELIT, its
courses, its logo and / or its name.
4. Institute should not publish any other than publication other than the advertisement template
provided to the institute, with the logo and name of the NIELIT, without obtaining written
approval from the NIELIT.
5. Institute should not use the logo and name of the NIELIT for promoting other courses which
running at the institute and are not related or belongs to NIELIT.
Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
18 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure

Advertisement template for Facilitation Centres for the conduct of CCC and BCC.

Place for logo of the

Approved “Facilitation Centre” of institute to which
the permission to
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology work as “Facilitation
(NIELIT), Centre” for CCC/BCC
(An autonomous Scientific Society of DeitY, MoC&IT, Govt. of India) is granted by NIELIT.

vide CCC no. < >

Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) and Basic Computer Course (BCC).

Place for name & address of the institute to which the permission to work as “Facilitation
Centre” for CCC/BCC is granted by NIELIT.

Contact nos._________, email ID:____________

Website: __________________

Training schedule and forthcoming examination details of CCC and BCC

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
19 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure

Place for logo of the

Approved “Training Centre” of institute to which
the permission to
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology work as “Facilitation
(NIELIT), Centre” for CCC/BCC
(An autonomous Scientific Society of DeitY, MoC&IT, Govt. of India) is granted by NIELIT.

vide CCC no. < >

Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) and Basic Computer Course (BCC).

Place for name & address of the institute to which the permission to work as “Training Centre”
for CCC/BCC is granted by NIELIT.

Contact nos._________, email ID:____________

Website: __________________

Training schedule and forthcoming examination details of CCC and BCC

Guidelines for “grant of permission, renewal and withdrawal” of the institutes for the conduct of IT Literacy
20 courses viz. BCC and CCC of the NIELIT along with processing fee structure

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