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I’m Albert Martinez Roldan and I’m studying Mechatronics Engineering. Why
English is so important to learn when you study Mechatronics Engineering?
Because this career is one of the most important these days, everyday many
factories are opened and most of them need to install, design or even program a
device but unfortunately there aren’t many Engineerings who can do it. The main
reason is because they can’t speak or understand another language. If you can
speak another language for example English you can have a conversation with
specialist from different countries and it will help you to conclude your projects
faster, you will have the opportunity to get a job abroad easier and many other
Unit 1

Objective 1

At the end of this lesson, I’ll be able to describe people’s



Learning how to describe people’s personalities will help me to

improve my vocabulary, identify better a person and explain how
she or her is to anyone.


1.- In my point of view my sister Guadalupe is a sweetheart

because she’s a baby and she is always sleeping.

2.- I’d say my uncle Cornelio is a team player because he works with
many people from different places and they work without problems .
3.- If you ask me John Nash is a brain because he’s the only person to
win the two most important awards which are Fields Medal and The
Nobel Memorial Prize.

4.- It seems to me my cousin Luis is a people person because he has a

lot friends everywhere.

5.- I’d say Elonk Musk is a tyrant because he forces his coworkers to
work for more than 10 hours per day.
6.- I guess my uncle Carlos is a workaholic because he’s always
working on his field and he never is present at parties.

7.- In my point of view my classmate Juan is a pain in the neck

because he doesn’t do his homework and he’s always asking for it.

8.- I’d say my cousin Rodrigo is a wise guy because when we’re doing
something he says he could do it better but when we let him do it he
Objective 2

At the end of this lesson, I’ll be able to talk about being optimist.


Learning how to be an optimist person will help me to live a better

life because I will be able to look on the bright side about difficult
situations or problems. Being optimist means you will confront all
the problems and you won’t tend to expect the worst and see only
problems. Also being optimist will help me to find a job faster
because I’ll be able to deal with difficult situations or problems
and that’s what most of the companies are looking for in a person.


Optimist vs pessimists

The difference between optimists and pessimists isn’t a difference

in life experiences but rather in how people perceive and respond
to problems. For example, an optimist who is going through a
hard time feels confident that life will get better, while a pessimist
is more cynical and believes life will always be difficult and
painful. Pessimists tend to expect the worst and see only
problems. Optimists, confronted with the same situations, expect
the best. While a pessimist may give up, and optimist will look on
the bright side and, instead of seeing a problem, will see a

The Pros and Cons

There are pros and cons to both optimist and pessimism. A

healthy dose of optimism can be uplifting and hopeful, while a
healthy dose of pessimism can be realistic and wise. Achieving a
balance of being realistic and hopeful isn’t always easy.

Staying optimistic
While we can learn from both optimist and pessimists, most of us
need help being optimistic. Maintaining a hopeful, positive, yet
realistic perspective in the face of hard times can be a real
challenge-one may is facing right now in the world- but it’s
essential to living peacefully and happily. Just as it is important to
recognize what is unjust and unfair in our lives and the world, it is
important to see the beauty, love, generosity, and goodness as
Objective 3

At the end of this lesson, I’ll be able to share a life changing


Everyone has a event that changed his or her life. Sharing a life
changing with another person is good for you because you’ll
remember how to life has changed since it happen to this moment
of your life. Also your life changing can help anyone who is living
the same situation you were to have an idea what she or he must


My own life changing

When I was a child I used to eat fast food every day. I remember my
mother telling me to stop doing it but I didn’t. Then when I was 15
years old I used to weight around 80 kg, I started going to the gym but
it was so boring to me then I stopped doing exercise. At the age of 17 I
used to drink a lot alcohol and I didn’t use to eat healthy, for that
reason I started gaining weight, I couldn’t use my favorite clothes and I
got sick. I had to make an appointment with a doctor, he checked me
and he told me to visit a friend of him. I visited him and he gave me a
diet. Since I met him my life change completely I stop drinking alcohol
and eating fast food like I used to, I started doing excersice and eating
healthy. The first month I lost 3 kg of weight then I kept doing it for one
year. When I was 18 years old I weighed 69 kg, I had lost around 21 kg
I was so happy for that. I learned a lot of things about nutrition and the
best way to do exercise to lose weight faster. Now I am in a good
shape, I can eat and wear everything I want.
Objective 4

At the end of this lesson, I’ll be able to write a paragraph using

topic sentences and supporting sentences.


Identify when I must use topic sentences and supporting senteces

will help me to write a paragraph correctly. I won’t have problems
when someone asks me for writing one.


Workaholics lead unbalanced lives. They spend all their energy on

work. They rarely take time to relax and let their minds rest. I know
because my father was a workaholic, and he worked every day of the
week. We hardly ever saw him. Even when he was not at work, we
knew he was thinking about work. He seemed never think of anything
else. In summary, not knowing how to escape from work makes it
difficult for a workaholic to find balance in his or her life.
Unit 2

Objective 1

At the end of this lesson I’ll be able to talk about my favorite celebrities
using the simple past, present perfect and the perfect present
continuous, as well as describe my favorite music and its elements.


Talking about my favorite celebrities will help me to describe the

kind of music that I enjoy listening to and the activities I practice
in my free time.


My favorite basketball player

My favorite basketball player is Lebron James. He was born on March

3rd 1986 in Akron, Ohio. At the age of 6 years old he started practicing
basketball, most of his family realized that he was a gifted player for
that reason his mother let him live with his couch Brown. He wasn’t a
people person he only had 4 friends which were his teammates where
he used to play, for that reason he didn’t use to hang out with friends.
He won his first championship at the age of 17 years old his with four
friends and his coach Brown. Later, he was selected in the 2008 NBA
draft in the first round by the Cleveland Cavaliers; he played with that
team for 4 seasons. He left that team and signed a contract with The
Miami Heat. He played 4 season with Miami heat and he won 2
championship, the first one in the season 2012-2013 and the second
one in the season 2013-2014. On June 15th 2016 he left this team and
come back to Cleveland, the first season after his comeback he lost
the final against Golden State Warriors. The next season he won his
third championship against Golden State Warriors and the first one to
the franchise. On June 23th 2017 he left this team again and signed a
contract with Angeles Lakers. He has been playing for 2 season with
this team.
Objective 2

At the end of this lesson I’ll be able to use noun clauses to talk about
celebrities and the role of music in my life.


Learning how use noun clauses will help me to speak more

natural and fluency. I’ll be able to explain better specific
information using noun clauses.


Sentences using noun clauses.

Whatever happens during the day comes out in my music.

I don’t know why I’m so crazy about his music.

I’ll give whoever calls first the tickets.

Music is what helps me unwind

Music is a way for people to communicate with whomever they meet.

They asked whether we could recommend some good recordings

The violinist explained that the concerto was quite difficult to play

Whoever can combine hip-hop with pop is sure to be a hit

The audience always loves whatever they play

It’s my opinion that music is a kind of international language.

The fact that enjoyment of music is universal is quite interesting.

I believe that life would be empty without music

We asked them if they could play the song for us again.

Do you now which instruments she plays?

They asked her how she trained her voice to be so beautiful

Objective 3

At the end of this lesson I’ll be able to use describe how creative is my
own personality


I will be able to introduce myself better and I’ll be able to describe

another person’s personality


I’m a little moody because when I’m hungry and I don’t eat anything
immediately I usually stop doing what I’m doing in that moment

I’m somewhat gifted because I can play basketball very well, I’ve been
practicing it for 8 years

I’m a little difficult because I can’t eat anything I want.

I’m a little eccentric because I don’t like to eat fast food.

I’m somewhat imaginative because I try to look for a better solution for

I’m a little creative because it’s difficult to me draw something good.

I’m somewhat passionate because I can play basketball for hours and I
don’t get tired of doing it easily.

I’m somewhat egotistical because I don’t get along with my classmates


I’m somewhat energetic because I can play basketball for hours and I
don’t get tired.
Objective 3

At the end of this lesson I’ll be able to use participial adjectives and
understand their meaning and function


It’s very common to use participial adjectives every day for that
reason it’s very important how to use them appropriately to avoid
making mistakes when you’re having a conversation


Yesterday I saw an action movie but it was so boring that I had to turn
the tv off

Look at this roller coaster! It looks amazing.

He got disappointed when he realized that he hadn’t passed the exam.

That book seems to be interesting I’m going to buy it tomorrow

He ate everything he wanted and now he’s satisfied

Carlos has been studying for his exam for almost one week that’s why
he’s soothed

I like being here, it’s so relaxing this place.

When he told her that he had been in love with her for almost 5 years
was so touching

I don’t get along with Carlos, he’s so annoying, do you?

Why are you so bored? Let’s dance Brandon

I enjoy playing this videogame it’s so entertaining

He was touched after watching that movie with you

Objective 3

At the end of this lesson I’ll be able to write a paragraph describing

myself using parallel structure


Parallel structure will help me to order the main things and then
write a paragraph or something similar faster.


I have always been a relaxed, passionate, energetic and people

person. I like playing basketball on weekends with my family, we
usually play it for almost 3 hours and after that we go to buy some
hamburgers. I usually spend my time watching tv, I like to watch horror
movies or action movies by myself but when my grandpa comes to my
house we whatch the NBA games. I love listening music specially
when I’m doing exercise or doing my homework. I like to listening to
rap, metal and rock music. My favorites rappers are 50 cent and
Eminem, my favorite rock’s bands are Queen, System of down, Korn,
Metallica and static X. I’ve never traveled abroad but I’d love doing it
someday. There’re a lot of amazing places to visit around the world but
I’d like traveling to Egypt to visit the giza pyramids and I’d like to going
down the great wall of China.
Unit 3

Objective 1

At the end of this lesson I’ll be able to use the verbs hope, expect,
plan, and intend + infinitives or/and perfect infinitives and the future
perfect to talk about my (economical) plans for the future.


This structure will help to improve my grammatical and I’ll be able to

talk about wishes and plans for the future.


I plan to finish my semester with good grades.

I intend to get my TOFEL certificate

I hope to visit Yucatan the next vacations

Manuel plans to travel to Cancun in two years

Carlos plans to buy a motorcycle in two months

She hopes to have bought her own house by the time she get married
with Carlos.

Brandon plans to have paid his own house by the time he retire

.Kenya expects to have traveled to another country by the time she’s

30 years old.

Oscar intends to have saved a lot of money to quit working before he

has a baby

Edgar hopes to have gotten a car before I graduate.

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