Distinguishing Between Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns: Type of Pronoun

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Distinguishing Between Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

Type of Pronoun
1. Ted promised himself to work harder next semester. reflexive
2. The jurors could not agree among themselves. reflexive
3. The students made the scenery themselves. Try Again
4. Ethel promised herself a reward for her hard work. reflexive
5. The mayor presented the new program herself. Try Again
6. We cooked the whole meal ourselves. Try Again
7. Some animals protect themselves through camouflage. reflexive
8. The pitcher scored the winning run himself. Try Again

You could try to be a little nicer. (an idea, an

9. Have you asked yourselves why you are here? reflexive

10. The players prepared themselves by staying in shape. reflexive

You made 6 out of 10 correct choices in the Type of Pronoun column.

Please try again.

You must not to be a unkind. (forbidden)


be ("behave")

You ought to try to be a little nicer. (mildly recommended)

You should try to be a little nicer. (recommendation)

Shouldn't you be a little nicer? ("I think you should.")

Can't you be a little nicer? ("I insist you can.")

You had better try to be a little nicer. (strongly recommended)

You must try to be a little nicer. (obligation)

Be a little nicer. (imperative)

A similar meaning may be expressed with other words, the choice of which depends on the
situation and cultural rules (age, rank, status, etc.) Wording in question form, past tense, or
indirect speech "softens" the impact.

I forbid you to be unkind. (forbidden)

Consider being a little nicer. (an idea, an option)

Why don't you try to be a little nicer. (mildly recommended)

It would be a good idea if you were a little nicer

I suggest you try to be a little nicer. (recommendation)

Don't you think you could be a little nicer? ("I do.")

Being a little nicer would go a lot further, wouldn't it? (reasoning)

I advise that you try to be a little nicer. (strongly recommended)

You need to be a little nicer. (obligation)

You have to be a little nicer. (obligation)

Be a little nicer, or else… (imperative)

Modals Functions Examples
Can (Present) Ability / Capacity She can cook Chinese food.
Could ( Past) She could speak Chinese when she was 5
years old.
Can Request / Permission Can/ May I book a table online?
Could (more polite) Could you tell me the Chef’s name?
May (more formal) Can I go to the restaurant with you?
Yes, you can.
Might (less Possibility / Probability The restaurant may /might be close
probable) today.

Must Obligation / A cook must wear a cook uniform.

Necessity I must buy some bread.
Mustn’t Prohibition You mustn’t smoke in restaurants.
Should Advice You should eat more vegetables and
Duty / moral obligation fruit.
Children should respect their parents.
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
When you are done, try the Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns Quiz.
Reflexive and intensive pronouns are the words myself, yourself, himself, herself,
itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. These words are classified or grouped
as reflexive depending on how they are used in sentences. In the examples
below the reflexive and intensive pronouns are in italics.

Reflexive pronouns refer back to the subject of a sentence:

 I gave myself plenty of time to get to work.

 You should let yourself into the house.
 Jim bought himself a shirt.
 Jill read to herself.
 The dog scratched itself.
 We treated ourselves to pizza.
 You can make yourselves at home.
 The children are able to dress themselves.

Intensive pronouns are the same words used to smphasize the subject of the
sentence. Intensive pronouns usually appear right near the subject of the

 I myself am sick of the heat.

 You yourself are responsible for this mess!
 The president himself appeared at the rally.
 The actress herself wrote those lines.
 The cat itself caught the mouse.
 We ourselves made the meal.
 You yourselves can win this game.
 The troops themselves helped the people escape the burning building.

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