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Between Canada And USA

Canada and USA are two neighboring coutries which belong to the same geographical grouping,
that is, North America. North America, third llargest of the world’s continents, lying for the most
part between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer. They are friendly neighbor states and
share a large border. The worlds largest waterfall, Niagara Falls, is also on the border of the two
countries. Although these two countries share several similiarities, they are also different in
many aspects.

The capital city of Canada is Ottawa. Canada's political system is a federal parliamentary
representative democracy with a formal constitutional monarchy. Chief of State is the British
monarch (Queen Elizabeth II) represented by the Governor General, who is appointed by the
monarch. Theoretically, the executive power lies with the monarch, but in practice, the monarch
and his representative are apolitical and predominantly perform ceremonial functions. Head of
Government is the Canadian Prime Minister (Justin Trudeau). The Parliament of Canada consists
of three parts, the sovereign, represented by the Governor-General of Canada, the Senate (Upper
House), and the House of Commons. Canada’s people uses two official language, which are
English and French. The average population of Canada is Christianity. In 2019, Canada has an
estimated population of 37.41 million, which ranks 39th in the world. Canada is the world's
second largest country by total area (behind Russia) and the largest North American country.
Canada extends from the Pacific to the Atlantic and north to the Arctic Ocean. The United
States-Canadian border is the longest land border in the world. Canada's most recent census was
conducted in 2016. At the time the population was counted at 35,121,728, which represents a
4.9% increase from 2011. The average age of Canadians also increased to 41 years, up from 40.1
in 2011. The next census in Canada is scheduled for 2021. The GDP figure in the first quarter of
2019 was $327,967 million, leaving Canada placed 9th in the ranking of quarterly GDP of the 50
countries that we publish.

USA located in the south of Canada. Washington D.C is the capital city of USA which is the
third of big population in the world. There is no one who doesn,t know USA cause so many
people want to live in USA. Many college student want to study in there. One of the best college
in the world is Harvard, which is located in USA. People of USA uses English as their language.
The politics of the US takes place mainly under a two-party system. Two major political parties,
the Democratic and Republican parties, dominate the political scene of the US. The presidency
usually alternates between the two political parties. However, there are other minority political
parties. The minority parties are rarely given recognition. In very rare instances do the minority
parties to form the government. The president is the head of the federal government of the
United States. However, each state forms its government for administration purposes. The
powers of the state governments are exercised within restricted state boundaries. The most
powerful figures in the states are the governors. The federal government of the US has three
branches: the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The powers, roles, and limitations of
the three branches are highlighted in the US constitution. The three branches of the government
are as discussed below. USA has the most Chirtianity in their country but there is only 1% of
Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist.

In conlusion, a comparasion between USA and Canada shows that the wto neighboring states
have several similiarities and differences. The comparasion here has been limited to geography
and language. Although Canada and USA is neighboring they always support to each other.

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