Letters August 1976

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Le RUHANI SATSANG — ‘sonno oF oMEcTORE orrcens sr. 00 o; crow DIVINE SCIENCE OF THE SOUL —— gxyy'ghaz tazungin meron ot Me Sama ty ae n ema cana oF goa ik Ghamuse © rucnen ves ots Srp Sah Maa SS its tthe 9. ao anton re FARWELL P. MULL” MSE PRESENT ths "bowa natant ae fie musset. ramets 221 WEST GRONDMAY, ANAMEIN CALIFORNIA RECENT stoewanuex ths "era vena ALANS ADDRESS Box SOP Tesgures, MRE eon Prenoencasy shu eaifonn set REE eccoo vane we seune (ri esa A GIFT FROM SAMT KIRPAL SINGH JI MAHARAJ AUGUST 1976 ‘SOME OF MASTER'S LETTERS RUHANI SATSANG — DIVINE SCIENCE OF THE SOUL eRe ea jn Memory of ERE ny y | | e: a i BS Hu ' 5 3 i j i ; Peeeteeeeeen BRET RES uae August 12, 1976 Dear Initiates and Sincere Seekers, We are sending to you a few of Master Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj's letters to His Initiates so you can personally feel the Guidance that these instructions gave to the recipients. By sharing their letters we can benefit by the Master's continued Radiation that governs each one of us. I trust that you miss Him less because you have moved closer to Him on the inner plane. He is closer than our breath. His Guidance and instructions will live forever in each one of us as we try to follow His last commandment: "BE GOOD; DO GOOD; BE ONE" Cordially, in the Name of the Living Master, Lfhereo dann Reno H. Sirrine RUHANI SATSANG eeyITS AND NEW YEAR VESSAGE Dan eto Dated All scriptures handed down the ages are conclusive that 2 ‘God is Spirit’ - noreover "God nade nan in “is ovn inate’ The inaze cannot be but spirit, God is Infinite, i.e, not subject to death, then man in his own essence can also be not subject to death ~ he 1s conscious entity, a drop of the ocean of all consciousness, an indweller 4n the body, and on account of that the body is working, ‘lod te a living Presence within our beinz - controlling us in the body. Both soul and God reside in our bodies, but we are identified with the body so much so that we have forgotten our own self, “Ye are under a grand delusion and cannot see the world in its right perspective, Unless we know ourselves by rising above body- consciousness, how can we know God vho is residing with us in the body ? Truly speaking, man—body is the temple of Sod, 4e should therefore be conscious of our Divine lature, and try to regain our Godhead. For that, you turn away completely fron outside and outgoing faculties for a while, and close yourself in the closet of your body, The Ringinz Radiance of Tod will become effulrent. God 1s eternal, al1 wisdom, all happiness, so you are the sane Mand that you and God are one,you can never be seperated, He in ever with you, enliveniny you, His life is your life, and you ecrnnot live without “im - so you have nothing to fear, Man 4s what he thirks about all day long, One can only live one moment at a time, Emerson said “There is no monent in eternity nore inportant than this nonent", ‘11 real mood oF evil that may befall hin is from himself, If _ man lives ina zood or bad way in the real present, he will ensure the sam in the future, If you have bad thoughts for others, you will harm not them only but yourself as well, as thoughts are very potent, So try to live in the living present. forgetting the past and the future - and f111 every moment of your 1ife with simple trust in im in all loving devotion, He will manifest in you when you choose and turn your face to Mim, / lovi. advice I give you, from this moment let love he your constant companion and trust Fin in all things. God te love and love is God, and the way back to God 4s also through love, Guru Gobind Singh says "Scar ye all, I tell the truth; God is attained through love, Rest assured that He is with you alsays, and be of good cheer, With all best wishes, Yours affectionately, mate AEF, NO Phone > 221343 RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM SHAKTI NAGAR, oeu-iath. Decembexrg 73+ Dear Your loving letter of October 20th is to hand. It is unfortunate th-t you have not been regular in meditations as a result of which you are not enjoying inner perceptible results. You should give a bumble start to spiritual practices and achieve a target of akleast two hours d9ily in your own interest. Giving time to Simran end Bhajan is as + important for the soul as food for the body. Hence, you should not miss any day without meditations. I am sorry to note that you feel prey to bad habit of smoking and teking marijzana waich are not only harmful for physical health but retard spiritual progress. You should give up partaking of tobaceo and marijauna isnediately, - Repetition of charged names given only by a competent Master are valid. You are fortunate to have been accepted by the Master in His sacred fold, Having some inner experiences before initiation may be due to favourable background. But further way opens only after getting initiation from a living Master who gives first—nend experience of Light and Sound Principles by His own life impulse. Regarding marriage, you should consider the issue and decide on merits. Married life is no bar to spiritvality f conducted according to scriptures. Marriage mesns taking a companion in this life to stand by in weal or woe, and both should work together for meeting God. J You should benefit from local Sataangs by attending regularly. With love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, (Kirpal te Sif ~ Ref. No. Phone 1 221343 RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANON, DELHI-7_Feb, 1972. Dear I have received your loving letter of post dated January 18, with spiritual diaries for the past several monthe end noted their contents, Thank you forthe good wishes end greevings conveyed on the eve of my physicsl birthday which I gladly reciprocate for your physical health and spiritual progress, It is unfortunate that you had indulged in sencual enjoyments with conseouental physical and menta] euffering, However, your deep regret and courageous confession is noteworthy, You are advised to forget all about the past and draw a'thick curtain to start again with fresh zeal and renewed fort-itude, You should pursue the disciplined mode of life as enjoined by the Master based on the holy nommandments which will enable you to rebuild your mental and physical health, My love and blessings are with you, You should set aside some fixed ttme for meditations and stick to it with fim faith and religious regularity, If you will pursue this Toutine with deep faith fora few weeks, you will develop receptivity and your mind will relish to continue joyously, I wish you to be lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy meditations with deep faith and sacred eamestness, Master-Power working constently overhead will be extending all feasible help, grace and protection, With love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, ke é sl (KIRPAL SINGH), RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM, ‘GUR MANDI, DELHI-6 (Indi) April 1, 1963. Dear I have recsived your loving letter of March 18, 1963, and noted its contents. ‘ Ian glad for dear *\. “in whosa case has again beea deferred for 9¢ days ani that she fas been granted pardon on two-counts with the grace of tie.vaster. The vacious Master Power tonos dowa the liquidation of Karmic debt ang the disciplin:d initiates enjoy tte divine gaée in great abunfance., Your help and encouragement for the dear one is appreciated. Holy viberations getting strong at tines 4s equally auspicious. It is the manifestations of divine @ice when the child disciple is filled with divine ecstasy an: the whole physical frame is filled with ave inspiring gratitude, Your subline e-perience of having been blesses with the same during your presence in the sunday service while escorting your patients over there 4s apzrecixted. {As a matter of Tact, tae gracious M aster power Works id iis inmaculate way and the initiates are very often mide as useful channels for the benefit of saffering humanity, A disciplined initiate leaves behind inielible impressioas of divine order on aaytaing he/she toucizs mentally, waich serves as a seed for future germination, You should now it for certain that you are never alom, ami the gracious aster Power works at pes for the uplift of forelora and down trodden throug you. fet self denial and self abnegation be the ennobling virtues Waich transcemi all growth am the initiates are transported into the realms of pure bliss ani harmony, Iam glad for your holy moditvtions to waich you are lovingly devoted with fis grace. Tae celestial manifestations of divine lights and. boly sound current of bells are the cardinal oxpeessions of divinity within. you should not try to follox the sound current, but keep yourself fully absorbed in its rapturous listening; it will Grav closer, grow stronger and ultinately coms trom adove. Tho inner bliss fron listening comes gradualiy, wien one is attunes aundred percent, and hears for a considerably longer periods. You cin graduall} increase the time for this practices. It is the inner silence whica becomes vocal With -is grace. I have becn informed about the passinz away of dear Ann Martin, Wao Was a dear loving soul, and was blessed with divine protection in the Beyond. aul With/love ané best wishes, é Your's a2 etdonately, tuhane Satsang “SAWAN ASHRAM” Gur Mandi, DELHI-6, April 9, 19626 I have received your loving letter of March 25, 1962 and noted its contents. . Your application for twetattwa initiation vas received ani the same has since been santioned in my letter of March 10, 1962 to Dr. Lovelace. I hope ho mst have notified the same to you and you mist have managed to receive the necessary instructions of initiation by now, Please confirn. I am glad to find that you have since afjusted yourself to the restricted diet, which is one of the essential basic pre- Tequisites for taking up the Holy Path. For the elimination of your trouble with the joints, arms legs, due to this switch over, you may consult br, Dona Xeiley 1305, Paim Ave. Beaumont, who 1s an authority on diet ani can advise you soma useful combinations of food, which would be helpful to youe I'note about your seeking for a good position in a large concern, which when matures Will enable you to have regular hours of Work’and leisure. You may look up for the same. My best Wishes are with you. It is good that you are attending the Sats: meetings held over there, which you find immensely helpful. ‘ne gracious Master Power radiates loving life impulses for the congregations and all attending derive mech spiritual benefit with His grace. Your direct mental and spiritual contact with the Master denotes His loving protection being extended to you. Verily a subtle link develops between the gracious Master and the disciplined child disciple when the later grows in receptivity with the greee of the ster. After your holy initiations, you Will find it more and more developed when your intellect witl be rarificd and the spirity# is suffused with the Holy Naam - the God-into-Expression Power. With Love and best wishes, : Yours affectionately, ee (Kirpal Singh. Phone : 221343 RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM SHAKTI NAGAR, POS Rc ld TB. BEF ND ove .oo-n ELH. Dear I am in receipt of your loving letter dated December 10th 1973 and note its emtents. I am glad that the Board meeting was a smooth one were the dear ones Sat in Sweet Peace and harmony. I nete that you had spent a day or so at Mr. Sharma's farm and visited the dear ones who were there and wo were enthushstic toget the Place activited. is dear to me as ever and I have best wishes for her. The Master's love is always there for the dear ones and when they turn their faces to Wim they will be wenefitted. The Perrins were here and Steve Melik and some others are likely to come here at the Conference tim WLI OF MAN CELEBRATIONS 2 the proposed conference in fact is a projection of Birthday Celebrations by the dear ones. Unlike past conferences held at the level of Religions, which had done some good, this convention is being organised at the level of Man as envisaged by the Aishis and Saints in the past so that it may help lead to true integration which is the greatest need of Mankind today. I shall be glad to meet the Group Leaders ana others who wll be coming to the conference as Patrons or Delega’ etc., and who will have an oppertunity te meet the dear ones here who will welcome them warmly. " Cheque Wo. 09900138 dated December 14,1973 for # 20,00 favouring General Manager, Unity of Man is returned as the account that we have hore for the conference 18 as ‘WORLD CONFERENCE OF UVITY OF MAN* DBLHI, Your apphica tion for Membership has been received and placed in file. Inelten tally the requisite feos for delegate ar de reception committee memter is $ 20.00 or 30.00 ri plus one hundred dollars each. ate cum espectively With all love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, Btcheg oa (Kirpal ‘Singh. Phone | 221343 RUHANI SATSANG pERSwAL “haan Ref. No. DELHI-7___August® > 1971 Dear I have received your spiritual diaries for the Past five months ending June 1971 and noted their contents. I am glad to note that you are devoting regular time for holy meditations with the grace of the Master. You have not stated about the inner exPeriences had in the vision and audition Practices wich should have been recorded briefly in the column Provided for the Purpose. This should Please be noted for future guidance which shall enable you to have feasible instructions where necessary- The divine revelations of light and sound principles can be ensured by acctracy, absorPtion and steadfastness. It 1s the inner sincere of the soul which counts and invokes divine grace. However, rostlar, faithful and accurate meditations do bring meh of inner Peace and Progress. Such a disciplined routine of life not obly ensures steady Progress on the Path but g0es a long for meeting with the challenges of life wiich at times grow ere by the reaction of Past Karma, when the child disciple can xatha smile avay ville standing ipmly'on the rock of faith and ortitude- I wish you to be lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy meditations with deeP faith and sacred earnestness. Master Power working eOstantly overhead will be extending all feasible help, grace and Protection. with all love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, Jescpeh s (KIRPAL SINGH) RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI, Ref. No,__S-37 DELHI? July 2) 19 72 lies/ Dear ____I have before me your letter of June 19, 1972 and post-script thereto of June 24 along with your diaries April to June. It may seem to you that you are in a rut, but certainly it is not so, The progress may be slow or not to your expectations - that is a different thing. The Master Power alone is the judge of each measure of advance, the extent thereof, the time when to make the same appreciable to you, The divine path is essentially the path of love aud needs no efforts on your part. Everything comes avout efforlcssly. This is why it is called Sehj-yoga. You have simply to relax aud give yourself up to the higher, holier a.d healthier influences of the Master Power. You be an empty reel tobe playe* upon. If you do so, you will feel no difficulty whatso-ever, The trouble with the western mind is that it abhors vacancy, and keeps thinking sudconsciously. You have not to ‘get your mind anywhere,’ It is simply to ve ignored as if it did notexist, when you take the attention off the physical self, the physical mind drops off, ‘the secret of success/in sitting still ani being still. The rest follows of itself. But in the brain is +he result of constant thinking. You should try to shake off this habit, Yours is only to consciously stick to the eye-focus and as you will do so, the mental sphere will narrow down, and calm would follow - neither heat nor un- awaveness, for you may be un-aware o* the body not of what lies within you. In case of drowsiness or sleep overpowering you, you give up your exercises for a while, walk a little so as to shake off all sloth ani sit again, so as to reach unto Him. learn to wait and watch, and see the result. o not try to stand in between Him and your self, blocking the way; nor expect Him according to your time-schedule. He will come whe: He will, like a thief in the night as stated in the gospels and will give you away-up. My blessings are with you. Now as to your great desire to be in the physical presence of the Master. Such a longing too has its owa advantage. Distance, makes no difference, | Since my foreign tour progranne is in the offing, you would therefore be well advised to wait for sometime and, tagur willing, I will be in the midst of all of you at no jistant time. In the meanwhile, engage yourself heart and soul in your meditations. As the soui is misfit here, so is the mind, but because of its outward tendency through the ages, has forgotten its true home in ‘Ytrikuti, from whence soul takes on its mental apparatus in its descent to the earth plane. Once it gets taste of higher world, it will run faster then you do. wath cind thoughts amd best wishes tor you, dear Yours affectionately, (Kirpal Singh) Ref No. Phone : 221343 RUHAN!I SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAR ‘oUR MANOL, DEL ‘iNoiA) Dated __angust, 2..1970+ Dear I have received your kunt spiritual diaries for the past four months ending July 1970, on return from tour and noted their contents. I am glad to find that you are dewting time for holy meditations with the result that you see som divine light and hear the holy sound current of high pitched coming from right side wth the grace of the Master. Please look lovingly into the middle of whatever you see just in front of you with closed eyes - light or darkness and repeat the charged names mentally, very very slowly, be_at intervals, so that tho inner gaze is not disturbed. light will grow steady, bri ght give you further way ae The sound coming from right side should be listened with rapt attention. 1t will draw closer,grow louder and ultimately come from above. The wanderings of mind during meditations should be arrested by mre of Se Raa and humility. You can recite some prayer or divine hymn before sitting for holy Meditations which will create an aura of receptivity and gone pacitattons will become more easy,interesting and ir . I hope you mst be attending the local Satsangs which are invariably blessed with the divine radiation of the Master Fowsr. Satsang serves as a strong hedge around the young sapling of initiation. Please be lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy mditations with deep faith and sacre] earnestness. Master Power working constantly overhead will be extending all feasible help,grace and protection. With love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, phe (KIRPAL SINGH) et YE Phone : 221343 RUHMANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM SHAKTI NAGAR, ‘ DELHI-7 1973 REF.NO_ pet. 7 at Deer I have received your loving lette with diaries far the past maiths and noted their contents. I om glad to find that you had been devoting time for meditations vith the gece of th Master. The inne divine reveleticus of light and ecund principles had by you are auspicious gestires of rece and chould be develoed further by more of accuracy, absaptian and steadfastness. It is the ima des humility and keen sence of self surrender during meditations which invokes divine gaze and the practices becane more easy, interesting and fruitful. You are requested to have fixed time for holy meditations and then stick to it with firm faith end religious remladty. If you ‘wl pursue this routine with des husllity fo a fow weeks, you will develop receptivity and your mind will relish to continue Joyoucly.It ie during these blessed maarts of divine grace when you sre attuned and absorbed within in holy Naem. You should be rest assured that each ~ Mit laid for the divine edifice counts creditatle for yor ime spiritu al progress. Regularity, accuracy ond steadfastness are the hall merks of spirituality. It is good thet Satssngs aro katk held rogulerly. Ploase emyey my love to all the menbers of yor grow individually. Please be lovingly and regulerly devoted to your medi tati as with deo fith and sacred earnestness. Mester Power working eastently overhead will be extending all feasible help, grace andprotection, With love and best wishes, Yours affecti metay, Phone 22434) RUHATII SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI. DEUH1-. (moray Ref No.__ Dated 18th May, 1970. Dear I have recetyes your loving letter without date on return from a local tour and noted its contents. I am glad to find that you have since been conveyed the instructions of holy initiation when you were blessed with the inner visions of white and red divine light and sound of be@ls coming from right side with the grace of the Master. These are the auspicious gestures of divine zrace and should be developed further from day to day be regular, faithful and accurate meditations. I enclose a copy of trief Instructions for meditatieng accurately for your guidance and help. Please read and follow them very carefully. Satsang is a great helping factor for imbibing the sacred teachings in their right perspective and fostering inner devotion for the gracious Master Power, Besides you will be able to enjoy the overwhelning bliss from the charged atmosphere wherein loving lite impulses are radiated by the Master Power for the spiritual benefit of the dear ones. Self introspection for weeding out imperfections in daily life is most help8ul for which the prescribed diary be maintained, when you will be able to replace them with opposite ennobling virtues gradually. You may send in your quarterly progress reports in these diarfes which shall enable you to have feasible guidance where necessary. I wish you to be lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy meditations with deep faith and sacred earnestness. Haster Power working constantly overhead will be extending all feasible help, grace and protection. With love and best wishes, Yours sffectionately, Enel. Instructions. ie - fore hea, (KIRPAL SIN RUHAN! SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM I have received your loving letter of May 20, 1974, and noted its contents, Your loving aspirations to visit here again for enjoying the personal aura of the Master are appreciated. You may look to your convenience if you can afford to undertake the long voyage during fall, you may have your wish. Please convey my love to your wift Your personal testimony for enjoying the rare boon of love divine ie noteworthy. The maintenance of diary for self introspection for weeking out lapses in daily life is very much important and helpful, when you can replace them by opposite ennobligng virtues. You may refer to the chapter of ‘Righteous Living! in ‘the Wheel of Life’ for understanding more about becoming Karmaless, which is o fer distant destination on the spirtial goal. It is only vhen you rise upto the causal plane when one loses the sense of doerchi: not earlier. It is a course of gradual awakening and illumination you progress step by step on the holy Path. I an sorry for’ your loss of thumb while at work. Please be careful about your previous person in future by observing all safety measures, I hope you are devoting regular time for holy meditations and enjoying inner peace and progress with the grace of the Master. Regular, faithful and accurate meditations ensure steady receptivity within and bless the child disciple in all sphere of lize. With all love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, Ref. No, Plume t 221343 RUHANI SATSANG RAWAN ANAM want MAN, Deut gsbenary , Dove hive recetved your loving letter of Junu.ry 1079, und dlarios ror tha past flve months and noted their conlents, Lal to find that youare devoting time Cor madi tutions afler WtLutlon Into the Mysteries of the Heyond., wlth the grace of the + Your dvep gratitude for the rare boon Ls appreciated. LIndewd ‘out blessiny to be accepted und put on the Path. The preclous ftx fo inktlation Viz. light and sound principles should be develo rier by more of accuracy, absorption and steadfastness. I enclose a copy of brief Instrvetions for meditating accurately for your midanee and help. Please read and follow them very curefully. Balvuug Lo a great helping factor for imbibing the sucred teuchings In thetr right perspective and fostering inner devotion for the faster Power. You should try te bereft from the local meetings by iLlending regularly. IL Ls good thut you enjoyed your short stay at the Sant Bani Ashram. Such like casual’ retreats to the congenial environments are ulways helptl for establishirg inner receptivity. Your deep gratitude tor the appointment of group leader is oqually noteworthy. Fortunate ave the chosen few who are made instrumental In the divine set up. Please be lovingly and regularly jevoted to your meditations with . devp Calth and sucred earnestness. Master Power workir.g constantly overhead will be extending all feasible help, grace and protection. With love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, leet 9h (KIRPAL SINGH) REFNO RUMAND SATSANG _ SAWAN —ASIIRAM BIIAR AT HAtAn, —-D/ 316. DELHI? Mey &,1973- Dear I nave received your loving letter without @ate covering your personal spiritual progress on t the Holy Path eversince your Initiation and : serviny as Group Leader = and noted its contents. | I am glag to find that you are steadily growing on the Holy Path when you are devoting regular tine and are blessed with the conscious contacts of Divine Tight and Sound principles with the race of the Master. It is the #nevitable result of your loving devotion and steadfastness which has blessed you } with this rare blessing. You should continue with your loving and selfless efforts for Satsang in all humility and serinity, Regular, faithful and accura- te meditations not only ensure steady progress on thr Holy Path, but bless you with more of humility to see that the gracious Master-Power has benijmly chosr you to serve as a smooth channel for difusing n| divine grace to the dear ones in this centre. I wish you more of peace and progress on the Holy Path. If the Sound-Current becomes too strong to bear, you may have recourse to repitition of: the NAMES. With all love and best wishes, Koipsecys Ref. No. Phone 1 221343 RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI, g-204 DELHI-7_Feb 20, 1972 Dear I have your loving letter of 93,1.72 with spiritual diaries for the past two months and perusei contents thereof, Ian glad to fini that you are rursuing your holy meiitations ailigentty, sith the grace of the Mascor, the divine revelations of sight aid sound principle, stuted by uu, ax augur well and should be deval cthar by putting in mora tise to each prectice coupled with regularity,accuracy and ste.dfastness. ‘he sey tote to spiritual succe: is to develop the habit 2f looking into the uiddle of the i ‘at, intently and minutely, while repeating the charged hanes mental Hees Pr lisgening to the divine nelody fron the right side with uninterrupted attentidn. Spectacular results will accrue in due course. Please weed out your shortcomings and failures by c-reful xk vigilence and self-dsicipline. Rarticular attention should be paid to the colunn Chastity in deed as it proviies a fertiles soil for the holy seed of spirituality to thrive best. I am glad to note that your weekky local satsang is going on alright with the grace of the Master. Such holy congre¢t: invaribly charged with the divine radiaticn as experien| Please cinvey zy love to all iear ones over theré. Your love off-ring of $ 40.00 does not apsear to have been received over here. You can investigate the matter with your postal authorities. It is so nice that your dear sister, , is very much im interested in the path and is following the vegetarian food. She may read the literaturé books which she cen easily understand. Regarding charging your time from teaching to Medical affer taining iegree it medicine, you may see if it is possible for you. he idea is grand indeed. I would wish you to carry on with your faithful meditations in a spirit of iedication. The gracious “iaster ower overhead will be extending all fe.sible hélp, grace and protection and more to those who live upto his woris in letter and spirit. With «11 love and best wishes; Yours affectiinately; he 2 i Ken ( XTaPil Sin Ga)? Ref No. Phone : 221343 RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI, DELMI-7. (INDIA) Deted_APeil, 12, 197 Dear I have received your spiritual diaries for the past four months and noted their contents. I am glad to find that you are devoting tine for. me@itations with the grace of the Master. The occasional revelations of star and sound of bells coming from right side are auspicious gedtures of grace and should be developed further by Hore of accuracy,absorption and steadfastness. You are advised to refer to my latest circular letter of February 20, 1971 which ecntains exhaustive instructions fa@ the benefit of the dear ones. A diligent study and application will bless you with better results. I hope you must have received ay letter of March 10, relating to the establishing of Satsang centre over there. Please convey my love to dear and encourage him to write to ma all about his spiritual welfare. Flease be lovingly and recularly devoted to your holy meditations with deep faith and sacred earnest— hess. Master Power working constantly overhead will be extending all feasible help,grace and protection. With love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, Ri eee (KUAPAL SINGH) ( ‘BOARD OF DIRECTORS RUHANI SATSANG — Reccate DIVINE SCIENCE OF THE SOUL —sieveiasac tango Memeo Deciate in weary of SHRI, ER ROM vs oe at Si Man saa rata to Rinne DR JOHN H"LoveLace, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS. BEGENGN atoewan Sik. RUSSELL PERKINS 21 WEST BROADWAY, ANAMEIM, CALIFORNIA a er fins. ttoneo ‘ANAM, CALIFORNIA 32800 Resta E eucoo (Mia) 6350213, December, 1975 MASTER'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Dear Children of Light, Merry Christmas has come around once more. It is a season of great rejoicing for it conmemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. However, if we are to make the occasion complete, it must be a season of meditation also. We must remember the cause for which Jesus was born and for which he sacrificed his life, and remembering it we must live by it ourselves for if we love him, we must follow his commandments. Let this day be a day of stock-taking. Let us turn within, recognize our weaknesses and try to overcome them. Let us sink down all differences and sit together in all loving devotion for the Master. Let us purge our souls and cleanse our Hearts. for unless we are pure, we cannot see the Kingdom of God, much less enter into it. If you can love your God with a1] your heart, with al] your strength and with all your soul and love your neighbours as yourselves; if you can forget your pre- Judices and differences, your hatreds and petty jealousies; if you can love even your enemies as Jesus did, who died uncomplaining on the cross, then all things shal] be added unto you and you will achieve spiritual peace here and hereafter. The love of the Master for you is boundless. The Path is difficult, but He is always with you to guide you. Live by what He says, turn within and do daily meditation, and as sure as the sun rises every day, you shall become the seers and the hearers of the Word. My hearty love is always with you and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Happy New Year full of new aspirations and new resolves, on the Way back to God and His Kingdom. (KIRPAL SINGH) RUHAM!I SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI, be Ref. No. DELHI-7_August ~~ 519 71. Dear , I have received your loving letter of oe 3, with spiritual diaries for the quarter ending June, 1971 and noted their contents. I am glad to find that you are devoting time for meditations with the grace Of the Master. The absence of PercePtible inner revelations of light and sound Principles might be attributed to some inaccuracy on your Part which should be located and reconciled carefully. You have to look loyingly into the middle of whatever you see just in 2 front of you with clrosed eyes - light or darkness and 40 mental Simran of charged nates, very very slowly, may be at intergals, sO that the inner gaze is not disturbed. If you will do so lovingly without any clutching tendency on your Part to have One thing or the Other; for say 15 to 20 miautes at a stretch, the darkness shall get thinned and divine light sprout forth ee. which should be Denetrated wise. You should not strain your eyes, nerves Or any other part of body during meditations and instead relax fully with inner attention fixed at the seat of the soul. b This is so simple and easy, yet it requires a g00d deal of Patience and honest effort, wien you shall get established in your meditations. Imaedtately after thts vision practice of say 40 to 60 minutes, you should attempt to listen to the sound coming from right side. Any sound which is very clear and distince should be listened withrapt attention. ‘t will draw closer, grow louder and ultimately come from above. Sincere effort and self surrender are #9x@ co-related: The former means tO PrePare the ground by living a well regulated and sisciplined mode of living as enjoined by the Master and tenets of the holy Path. And the latter means i to inculcate and exhibit rare humility and sense of abnegation to sit silently at the door divine - the seat of the soul in a spirit of deep receptivity to be blessed with whatever 1s deemed best for your spiritual welfare. You are invited to refer to my book 'The wheel of Life’ wherein you should read the Chapter under the heading: Life of Self Surrender. Its careful study will enrich your understanding and be helpful for developing receptivity. I wish y ri to be lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy s with daeD d sacred éearnestness- waster constantly overhead will be extending ail feasidle help, grace and protection. With all love and best wishes, , yours ¢tectionately, iy ft ORfrpal Singh ) Ref. No RUHAN! SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI, DELHI.7 December 19The Dear I have reseived your spiritual diaués for the past four months eading October 1971, and a cheque for 25,00 dollars separately and noted their contents. Your love offering is hereby acknowledged with thanks end shall be utilised for the holy Cause, Iam gled to find that you are devoting tive for medititions with the result thet yor are blessed with the divine revelations of light and sound principles with ¢ grace of the Master, These experiences should be developed further by more of accuracy, absorption and steadfastness, You should put in more of loving devotion and humility in practices when these shall tecoue more interesting, fruitful and rovarding. You have not acknowledged the receipt of my letter of September 13, in which you were written relative to your having a Satsang centre over there, I hope you got At ell right and might be taking some effective steps in this tebalt, Please be regularly and lovingly devoted to your holy meditations with deep faith and sacred earnestness, Master Power working constantly overhead will be extending all feasible help,grace and protection, With ll love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, Peet Suny neat = 4 (Kirpal Singh’ Phone : 221343 RUHATI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM. SHAKTI NAGAR, BEE NDoroo- DELHI-T.. NOV... cece od 978 I have received your loving letter of October 7, with spiritual diaries for the past months, on return from 4 loal tour and noted their contents. Iam glad to find that you are devoting time for holy meditations with the grace of the Master. ‘he inner divine revelations of their light and sound principles can be ensured and developed further by nore of accuracy, absorptimn and steadfastness. It is the inner deep humilit: and keen sense of skiff surrender during meditations which invokes divine grace and the practices become more fruitful. a well regulated and disciplined life 1s an asset which ensures steady receptivity. It is all right that dear has agreed to take over —~ Satsang duties at You may notify Mr. Reno Sirrine about 1t and convey my love to and other members of his group. You may undertake your graduate shool studies ani work towards doctorate in nutrition by working hard. Hard work is another name of genius. when you decide to execute your plans in any sphere of life, you should weigh sll the pros and cons by considering all aspects. When you have once chartered your plans unddecided finally then put in heart and soul. It 15 the single minded devotion which yields positive result. My love and blessings are with you. Please be lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy meditations with deep faith and sacred earnestness. Mister Power working constantly overhead will be extending all feasible help, grace and protection. With all love and best wishes, Yours affectionitely, Rer. No. Phone : 221343 RUMANT SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI. DELHI-7 June 24 19 72 Deer I have received your loving lette of May 14, vith spiritual diaries fo the past four nonths and noted their omtonts, I em gled to find that ya are devoting time for meditations with the result thet ya ere blessed with the inne divine reveletions of dim light and sound principles with the grace of the Master, These experiences should be devel med further ty mare of accuracy, absorption and steadfestness, Tt doos not matter if you could not pursue yor medical training for one reas @ the other. You should continue with your teaching job which is a notl vooatin. You should try to put in more of heart end soul in your profession wm which shall bless you vith more of inner pesce end harmany, It does not seem justified to suspend the satsang ot for sumtier months when you would be working near You could request any other member of your group to work in your temporary absence, and the cent once established should continue to function regulerly, You will appreciate thet your centre has been published in the Sat Sendesh with firm timings and dates cf Satseng to be held thee, and ss such all eincere efforts should be mdetaka: to contnue it faithfully, You may request eithe of the dear ones, Viz. to cartinue, Please convey ny love to then. You must not be sceptic over yar restricted inne progress. You shaild instead follow the golden principle: * to do your best and leave the rest to the grecious Master Power waking overhead.’ Please be lovingly and regularly devoted to your meditatias with deep faith and sacred earnest Maste Power working constantly overheed will be extend ing all feasitle help, erece and protection. With all love and best wishes, Yours affecti mately, Phone 221343 RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHI SHARTI NABARs Ref. No. =262 Delhi-7 august 5 19-7 Pear I have reeeivee your loving letter of July 21, 1974 and noted its contents. Your interest in the field of natural medicines ete. 1s noteworthy when you wieh to undertake the course and relish to serve the suffering humanity ie appreciated. If you have considered the issue in its widers aspects and can Afford to undertake thie course there can be no objection. However it 1s for you to decide independently on merite and once you eet your target then forget all about other things and pursue it with all honesty and sincerity. You may be rest assured that my love and blessings are with you. You have not stated about your meditations for which I hope that you are devoting regular time and enjoying inner peace and progress with the grace of the Master. Regular, faithful and accurate meditations ensure steady receptivity within and bless the child disciple in all svheres of lif Please be lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy neditations with deep faith and sacred earnestness. Maste: Power working overhead will be extending all feasible help, grace and protection. With all love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, : -weo Ash.am- Reheat © * Gur Aandi, 216 July 1, 1959 Dear Lam glad to recoive your loving letter of June 11, 1959 and note that your inner light tas been your saving grace, It romains steady and somotimes gots brighter, The inner light comes only vhon one is withdravn within, You have to gaze penetratingly within this light, it will grow still nore strong and give you further vay up high up. The sound Will also get strong 1f you will lease act as indic- ated in my previous letter. The more one is devoted and attentive and accurate in meditation, the more fruitful are the (then the mind needs no other thing ‘opt the Master, le wilSis alvays within with the initiates draws the veil aside and appears. So it 1s a question of developing an intense desire for ilim, This 1s aroused by meditations and sveotly reneabering and Kooping lin in onets heart to the exclusion of other thingsyYou are fortunate in having inner links, Please steadily and lovingly carry on so as to progress from day to day. & Dear wherever you remin/whatover you do to mect your financial obligations, remain devoted and in touch with the Master. You will be getting abundance of iis over-flowing Crace, ‘he Master Power Will remain ever with you and will be extending all foasible help and protection, anGinitiates aro on the way, Some have developed more than the*others. so sone may have nore faults and failings than the others, ie have to hate the sin and love the sinner. Those who are doing the Master's work in helping otiers to find a vay back, noed and command our help and wore tolerance, Zample is better than precept. My love goos to al] and I wish everyone to live upto what the Master says, The wore one vould progress within, the more would he/ste begin to realise what rightful way they have been givengto walk on and in face of which all other things fade avay into insigaificanes. You have been given a sterling Truth which will surely shine in the middle of any other metal, You need be afraid of none although you should love a1, and valk safoly and serenly in Is benign protection, You my, however, explain lovingly about the oxtrene hecessity of having a’ Positive contact with Godly Light and Sound within to be developed from day to day, right now and not depend on more promises. Depending on neré foolings,enotions and inferences is subject to evror. Seoing is above 411, Should you happen to go and live in Vancouver there is enough of work to carry on there, You will find thirsty and yoaming souls everywhere to need your help. Dea: is here but may ave to go soon as his visa exsires si He tions 4 Hegarding my trip to U.3.A, I have written to This is the Master's werk and when the time cones, the finances will surely be found. “hore is, however, never a question of coupulsion. It is a service of love. Thé noblost service vhat one can render in this world is to help peoplo tread on the day back to their True Eternal Joue, No financial service vould be great for assisting such a noblo cause, But it sould »lvays be loving and spontaneous, No compulsions, no taxation, no Ampositions. If anly learn to love, all other things wil follow of themselves. I am anxious for your spiritual progress and will be glad to hear about the same at regular intervals. With love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, t Saal. (KIRPAL SIGH DL c/o Frau B. Fitting, Gluckstrasse 6, Bonn, Germany. July 2nd 1963. Dear 1 ‘Thank you for your letter of June 13th. 1963. I am gled that my tour has been going on well with the Grace of God. I wish that all souls may be united into God again, that is the mission before me, in life on this earth. But full benefaction is not achieved by the seekers of truth because of the negativeness being in full force against God's work. At this time, all hands should be joined together against the negative to save the world from destruction, specially by those who have been united on this Path which leads back to God. I wish the initiates should remove al] petty misunderstandings from amongst themselves in a loving WY and have reliance on one another for the One Common Cause ‘of humanity. An ounce of practice is more than tong of theories. We should set an example in loving one another in all sweet humility, so that we may become helping factors to God's work. Lf, however, we work in a negative way, it will be a sorry state of affairs. I am afraia there is a’want of loving cooperation and regards smongst those who have been chosen as helpers on the Path.) I wish there should be more understanding and love at heart for each other for you are the people on whom the future depends. I have love for each one of you. Yes, it is a long time, eight years of parting, but it was only physical, for in truth you and the rest are very near o me, Please wish all well from me, With all love, Yours affectionately, Kirpal Singh From: His Holiness, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, "Bonn. Phone : 221383 RUHANI SATSANG SAAN ASHRAM SHAKTI NAGAR, Fi DeLMT TIRE, VE RH fave Revedved 20un 7 letter of June 1, 197% and noted ite contents. T understand that you are studying music to be taken ay 8 a vocation for life, If co there can be no objecti¢n if you have chosen this profession. Like cther sensual enjoy~ mente, musie is aleo one of the sense pleasures, Cuter music B® brings up to the verge of matter but cannot transcend furthsr whereas inner heavenly Music of the spheres leads the soul on to the True Home of the Father, cuter music avakone the dormant mind whereas inner music or Wort awakens the epirit. You see both are diagonally opposite. You may refer to my book; ‘Naam or Word", Its diligent study shall enrich your understanding on the subject. T hope that you are devoting time for holy meditations ané enjoying inner peace and progress wittlthe grace of the Master. Regular, faithful and accurate ueditations ensure steady receptivity within and bess the child disciple in all spheres of life. = Please be Lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy mesitatione ith deep faith and eacred earnestnescs Master Poror working overiead will be extending all feaeibic help, grace and vrotection. "Ath all love and test wisues, Yours afiecticnately, Phone + 221343 RUHANI SATSANG BAWAN ASHRAM GON MARDI, ep. No, prune May 9 5p, 19 72 Doar I have raceived your loving letter of post dated April 7, 1971 and noted its contents. Your long search after Tmth has ultimately guided you to the ripht place. It 1s due to the evolution of some rare noble Karma that one yearns for spiritual progress. The.gracious Master Power ricing ahd controlling the destiny of child humanity leads the sincere to tho Living Master. It is good that you are preparing yourvolf for holy initiation. You should attend the local Satsangs, atudy sacro] books relating to, the holy Path and grasp theory which Preeetes practice when you feel satisfied and desire to be initiated into the Mystries of the Beyond, you may apply for initiation thyonzh tho local representative and necessary arrangements will be made for putting you on way back to God. Bhaktivedanta Swami is an Indien teacher preaching Krishna consciousness Over there in the West. You may please note ono of the fundamental and demarcating line of difference between tho holy Path and other schools of thought that the former is of transconsion and introversion within after rising above body consetouness, whereas the other prescribes outer chanting and other fornularios. You may refer to my book 'The Crown of Life" yhich tonis with various Yogas with an exhoustive discussion of Surat Shabd fogae. Its diligent study will enrich your understanding and be helpful Cor innér progress. I hope you are abiding by the dietary regulations of strict vegetarianism which is one of the essential basic pre-requisites for taking up the holy Path, With love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, \ Uke eco fe Kot ( Kirpal Singh: Ref No. Phone : 221343 RUHANI SATSANG SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI, DEUH-7, (nora) Dated December, 1970. Dear ; I have received your spiritual diaries for the past four months and noted their contents. I am glad to find that you are devoting time for meditations with the result that you ere blessed with the inner revelations of divine light with the grace of the Master. Please look lovingly into the middle of this light and do mental Simran of charged names very very slowly,may be at intervals, so that the inner gaze 4s not disturbed. The light will grow steady,brighter and ultimately open to give you further way up. The listening of the sound current from right side is an important and essential aspect of meditations for which equal and regular time should be deveoted daily for having steady progress on the Path. You are advised to be very careful in this behalf. Immediately after vision practice you should attempt to listen to the sound coming from right side. Any sound which is very clear and distinct should be listened with rapt attention. It will draw closer, grow louder and ultimately come from above. Please be lovingly and regularly devoted to your holy medit- ations with deep faith and sacred earnestness. Master Power working constantly overhead will be extending all feasible help,grace and protection. With love and best vishes, Yours affectionately, hepa d Sua, (KIRPAL SINGH) aes Sawn Adhina Ruban! Sutsaagy Gur Mand! DELMI-G. vruary 7, 1°61. Dear 4 am in receipt of 1561 and note Teg°eRt of your loving letter of January 12, I am sorry for your two falls E on th Sut thanks to the liaster that no bones we from the ultimate hardships. features of life and one ned je ico within two days , re broken and saved such of the events are normal be cautiously careful. + am glad you ehjoyed the Christmad mes:age. Ti message was also mailed in time which you ‘ust have eaioe enjoyed. “orgunate are dear ones wht 2 enjoyed. organi @s who hive been accepted into I aim glad to note that you hear the holy sound current perceptively evan when you are equipped with stethoscope. But you have a difficulty for keepiny wide avace during your heditations. for warding off sle-p during ueditations one should not let tie gize slickened as it is during these periods of slackness that sleep overtukes. ‘You sre correct when you say that you have a deeper understanding of the spir-tail teachings than otaers. this is the resultant reaction of your growing Teceptivety and awakening to your awareness. snowledve with patience results in serene assimilation ind the more one is attuned within with the holy light and sound more enjoy:ble and happy one feels. I note about your yearnings for s:eing the Muster amongst you personally. The tour programe is before me and possible it may be before iong when it is fixed up, when all of youg shall know of it, Your loving,cooperative and combined efforts shill hasten my visit. Flease do not be algfimed about the so-called ; rophesie: as these seldo: come out true. For those wio know say not and those wio say know not is 1 useful adage. the beniga Laster Fower working over the heads of iis loving citliren is sufficiently strony enoigh to extend 211 feasible help,grace and ; rotectioa to tiem under all circumstances. Theg need practice and be faithfully devoted to their meditations which would enable tha: to be calu and serene/peaceful. i thaik you for your good wishes for ay physical birthday. bi dardevi raciprocites your reweinbrances and coavays her good wishes. lease bs loviajly devoted to your holy ueditat- tons. 111 help aad yrace shall be forthcoming. “ith all love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, 4 ° (Kixpat Singh) 4 Rakani Satsang “SAWAN ASHRAM” GUR MANDI, Dear T have recoived your loving letter of Sept.13, 1961 and noted its contents. Tam glad tht you have recoived a copy of the recently issued circular and value its vorth. The sacred teachines of tho Hastor offor a positive approach for thdvroblems of life. ‘the gracious Master desires tit the little babes should progress from crawling to valiting and ultimately be on their legs, so as to become a source of help ani inspiration for their less fortunate brethern, in leading thom to the holy fect of the Living Master. It is gratifying that the purnose of sending out this circular is being coming out fraitil and many a dear ones havo taken a now start with resolute will ani fortitude. You will appreciate tht occasional strong doses are naoded for the general improvement, but in no vay the personal liberty of the child disciple is circumscribed en2forged. it is a ploce of advice, and should have its own reciprocal effect. It 4s 30 good thit you had the privilege of having your harmoniy ous meditations for about a week whan you State having been blessed vith a form amidst trilidant golden light and tha sound current grav stronger, With the grace of the Master. Such a sublime phononom ean become a regular feature only 1f you learn to abide hundred percent by Ilis commndments.) Physical plane is a land of duality and in order to achieve that superb stillness and recession Within, a will have to say good bye to th@ glow and glory of this world. y gradual and persistent efforts, the mind will become clearor with the aid of diving light and holy sound current, and it would enjoy complete inversion Within with the grace of the Master. I find that you cannot malitate properly in your present circumstances, wailo having moved to this prosent household, and cannot give nore time to your holy meditations. seclusion and solitude aro truly beneficial ior the spiritual practices, but your presonca in sphere 1s suxely a blessing and encourdgemont to your colleague Valusgyour presence. You hayehmplo chances of serving hod; cause? which is a rare privilege and a revard in itse tions With doen owrhead will be Please be lovingly devoted to your holy muit faith 4m) sacrod carnestness, Master Power vorki extending all feasible liclp, grace and protection. u vo and bust wishos BE Tere ale : Yours affectionately, es tes C9 ( Kinpal Sineh ) * BEF. NO. soo Paae: ee eo RUHANI SATSANG ‘SAWAN ASHRAM SHAKTI NAGAR, K/a25 BELT MAR Qap. od9 7 I have received your loving letter with diaries for the past months dd noted their cotents. I am glad to find that you are devoting tim for meditations with the grace @ the Master. The inner divine revelations of light ad sound principles can be ensured and developed further by more ¢ accuracy, absorption and steadfast- ness. Itis the inner deep humility ad keen sense of self Surrender during meditations which invokes divine grace and practices become mre fruitful. Your two questiors are replied ad seriatum = D The soul enters the mother's womb at the time of conception and artificial abortion means mortality, 2) The best way to avoid telling lies is to develop silence which % a great virtue. Besides it is by regular introspection when you wl recall the rumber of failires 4m this particular sphere every evening at the close ¢ the day, you will be able to overcome. It is a constant and long draw struggle for inner purity and perfection. Please refer to 'Receptivity' available from local Satsa-g. You should follow these three principles for overcoming this habit of telling lies = 1. Think before you speak as to if it is necessary.? 2. If so, is it true what you are going to speak ? 3. Is it kind ? You will find that such a course will enable you to avoid undue speaking and ultimately develop a habit of serene silence which shall be of immense help for inrer receptivity during mditatios. I hope you benefit from the local gatherings which are invariably blessed with the divine radiation of the Master Pwer. Satsang serves as a strong hedge around the yourg sapling of initiation. Please be lovingly ad regularly devoted to your holy meditations with deep faith and sacred earnestness, Master Power working overhead will be extending all feasible help, grace and protection. With loge and best wishes, Yours affectionately, (Kirpal Singh) 9 —— RUMANIETSATSAN< D/316 SAWAN ASHRAM GUR MANDI, REF. No. DELL? July 954 yy 73 Dear Your loving lettey6f May 30, 1973 is to hana. I appreciate your kind sentiments and bumble suppli- cations to become a true disciple and also your overwhelming gratitude for the manifold blessings of the Master. Ag grateful heart becomes the abodo of all virtues. Spiritual perfection is a slow but steady process of self transformation by living upto the holy command— ments of the Master both in letter and spirit. I hope you are doing well with your holy meditations which is the bread of life and water of life, With love and best wishes, Yours affectionately, fe 5 Sw (ATRPAL S1NG1)—— From: ceoxrga and Margaret Arnsby Jones, 3941 Whispering Pines Dr ay | e *caisacala, Viorida S250% SWEET REMEMBRANCE OF GREAT MASTER KIRPAL August, 1976 Dear Friends: his letter is written as a direct result of the many letters, Satsangi visits, telephone calls and other comm unications we have received since the final ascension of our beloved Master, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, in August, 1974. A great deal has happened in the Sangat since that fateful day but this communication is not intended to discuss what is past. We are concerned with the eternal Now, and have no intention of preaching, lecturing, instructing or advising. We wish only to Share some thougats in sweet remembrance of our Great Master. Whatever truth may be herein is due solely to His Grace. As embodied souls we live in a world pulsating with negative vibrations and destructive energies, It is often difficult for us not to be involved in the negativity that impinges upon us from all directions. Nevertheless, our Master Kirpal gave us the living power to transcend these negative energies, to be in the world, performing our daily duties, but not of the world. Our Master Kirpal gave us the means to tap the very center of our soul-being, to experience that divine music which is the essence of God and of ourselves, Master Kirpal instructed us to GO JOLLY! He told us that we should feel grateful, good and positive about things---NOT because our world is good and positive, but because our true Home---our inner CONSCIOUSNESS---is good and positive. We must focus our attention upon what is true and good and loving. We are embodied SOULS, and our most important relationship with our Master Kirpal is on the soul level, Our soul is not subject to the everchanging winds of negativity that buffet this world. All our negative emotions arise from a false sense of identity. We have submerged ourselves in a negative egotism instead of immersing ourselves in the living, redeeming powor of Naam. Every painful feeling that we experience, every twinge of despair,envy, Sadness, guilt, antagonism and insecurity is the sour fruit of our futile egotism, By initiation we received the greatest blessing possible from our Master Kirpal. He taught us how to transcend the negative personality and to rise in communion with the true Master within, We received initiation from One Who was a living Embodiment of the Supreme Lord whilst He was on this earth. He is still a living Embodiment of Anami Purusha on the inner planes. Our link with Waster Kirpal is eternal, not limited by the bonds of tine and space. Meny initiates (ourselves included) can attest to the fact that they have become even more conscious of Master Kirpal's liwing Presence since Hie departure in August, 1974. Page One /over page SWEET REMEMBRANCE OF MASTER KIRPAL Page Two Master Kirpal awakened in us faculties that had long since become Geadened through constant contact with the downward flow of mind and matter, Master Kirpal never claimed that ie pub His devotees in contact with something that was not there before. Bat He ripped away the voil of the nogative power within us and revealed to us that we are never really separated trom our true Seif, our soul. Our apparent separation has been one of consciousness. Like the prisoners in Plato's cave, we had never veLtured into the world of sunlight outside the cave, and so this world did not exist as far as we wore concerned, But Master Kirpal revealed that this world of spiritual, simlight does exist! It makes no difference what heme we give to the ultimate reality, REALITY is there! We may use the words Anemi Purusha, God, Supreme Lord, Truth, and a million other words--~but THAT exists! REALITY is! When we contact the holy power of Naam, the true Christ-Power, we lift the veils of illusion that hang between the human mind and the ultimate spiritual reality, We recognize that the veils of the petty ego-self block the inner light. Our Great Master Kirpal has given us the complete technique for penetrating the dark veil into the innermost secret of human happiness, the eternal Naam, Why should we seek elsewhere? For what? If we initiates are not receptive to our Master Kirpal's impressions, who is at fault? Do we cling to the false notion that something is wrong “on the inner planes," that our beloved Master is not sending out signals to us? Are we like the man with a broken television set who foolishly complains that the T,¥, station will not send him any pictures? The Master who initiated us is the omnipresent and eternal Living Master for us. We are merely repeating the ageless teachings; we are NOT "Setting up a new religion," Sant Kirpal's mission on this plane of materiality is completed, but His mission with each individual disciple is far from completed. No true disciple should let anyone usurp the place of his or her Master in the inner heart of love, The inner Master may---or He may not-—direct one to assist in some true spiritual work; but such inner directio. should be tested and tested over and over again, To let an outer emotional of intellectual involvement take whe place of the true inspiration of one's own Master is also to court the most dire karmic consequences We have no part in making cod's decisions. |The relationship between each individual devotee and his or her own Master is that of soul to soul. If we were privileged in serving Master's cause in some wey, this was Master's way of giving us aNopportunity for further growth, It was our good fortune. We are not responsible for any soul coming to the Holy feet of a Godman. We can comfort, serve and advise others. That is all; and it is enough. Page Two next page SWEET REMEMBRANCE OF MASTER KIRPAL Page Three Each one of us signals to a more powerful Teacher and Helpég when we inwardly acknowledge our own helplessness, "When the disciple is ready, the Guru will appear." A dear Satsangi sister wrote us the following words: "It is not up to me to concern myself whether or not Master has this or that or no successor. I figure that if God heard my weak cry He will certainly hear the cries of those who are seeking the Truth that sets us free." If we diligently strive to keep our Masterscommandments, we will contact the Living Master within, and we will receive accurate guidance. However, we ourselves are subject to errors and emotional weaknesses; we should always test our own desires, reactions and judgments.’ Our greatest responsibility is to follow the command- ments of our Master Kirpal diligently and untiringly. We may make excuses in that we have difficulty in following His instructions Dut we must proceed along the Paty that He alone charted for us. The Master Power is eternal, and is never in error. Truth will eventually prevail, and falsehood will surrender. Apart from our individual work of self-change, what can we do? Master constantly counselled us to be His ambassadors in our everyday lives. An ambassador is an authorized representative or messenger, Master did not use words lightly, and so this injunction is very important. While an ambassador is NOT that which he or she represents, a good ambassador will be able to reflect some aspect (no matter how small) of that Power which he or she represents. To the degree that we obey Master Kirpal's commandments and let His light shine through us---to that degree our Beloved Master is still manifesting on this suffering and strife-torn planet. We should abandon any useless effort that takes us’ away from remembrance of our Master, We should put aside our ego-directed drives, such as contriving, desiring, hoping, arguing, claiming, speculating, influencing, debating, attaining and dominating. We contact the Master Power with increasing efficiency as we loosen our attachments to our ego-directed drives, When we put aside these negative attributes, we take a giant step towards eventual liberation. Since August, 1974, there have been several claimants for the spiritual "succéssorship" to the Great Master Kirpal. Whether or not one of the claimants is right and all the others are wrong is baside the point. The point is that the claiming and speculating, debating and arguing, announcing and denouncing, have taken many devotees from the most important and necdfvl swoct remembrance of thé Great Master Kirpal. Page Three Jover page SWEET REMEMBRANCE OF MASTER KIRPAL Page Four We are completely dependent upon our receptivity to the Master Power. “Outer journeys, hither and yon, will not lead us to any ultimate truth, This inner dependence is highlighted by the self-introspection diery. If the results of our daily thoughts, words and deeds are harmful to ourselves or others, we need more consciousness, more recepti¥ity to the Master within. We have wasted so much time in outer propagandizing and debating that we have too often lost sight of the simple commandments that our Master Kirpal gave us, The Mystical Path of Love has the simplest morality possible: "Whatever helps us to awaken our inner recept- ivity to the Master Power is right; whatever keeps us hypnotized in the bondage of negativity and separation is wrong,” We have also been questioned concerning the various organizations that were set up to promote Master's mission, We can only answer such questions within our own limited understanding, as individual devotees on the Path of our Great Master Kirpal. Most of us realize that any organization has a mere temporal value, and the organizat- ions set up to serve the planetary mission of Param Sant Kirpal are obviously temporal. History is full of moribund organizations which have perpetuated themselves after the original Teacher or Inspirer has departed from this planetary sphere. To what degree Ruheni Satsang has a necessary function as a viable spiritual- educational organisation, we do not know; and we have no wish to debate the ouestion in this context. Nevertheless, we feel strongly that-~-apart from our primary devotion to Simran, Dhyan and Bhajan-—-we should always be mindful of the loving association of those who love our Master, Sant Kirpal. Let us be aware of our individual relationship with our Master; and let us continue our loving association with each other in our Satsangs, which are devoted to sweet remembrance of the Great Master Kirval Singh Ji, Whose inspiration and Grace will guide us all, if we merely "let go and let God.” Sant Kirpal Singh Ji was and Is @ Living Miracle of the Holy Path. Whilst in the human body He had gone through every temptation, pain, hardship and confusion that desets all seekers after Truth. But He had heroically sought the highest Truth and He found the Crown of Life. ‘The authentic Master personally experiences all-Truth, all-Love, all-Wisdom, The hypno- tized person, swayed by the negative power, merely believes what he or she has been told. The Truth is within! Only there! Let us share our love in constant remembrance of Kirpal, Who is nearer then hends or feet. We have been given a tiny glimpse of the Harbor of Love and Light; let us sail eayerly and it. onwards. with all Love in His Holy Name, George and Margefdt fgnsby Jones Page Four (Conclusion) To Members of the Sangat RUHANI-SATBANG His Holiness Sardar Kirpal Singh Sahib, "SAWAN ASHRAM" Ruhani Satsang, Gur Mandi Delhi 6, India. December 14, 1953. QHRISTHAR MESSAGE FOR 1953_ I convey you my sincere and heartfelt love on this day and wish you speedy progress on your Way back to your Eternal and Blissful Home, We hay pai a ere now so many Christmas eves, There 1s need to take stock today where we stand, how far we have travelled, Let us do 60 calmly but seriously. The Journey may be long but has to be completed. Life ie running out, let not vain pursuite defleot us from our Noble Path. The Grace of the Master ie overwhelming and 18 extending far and wide. ‘Through His Grace the MERRY CHRISTMAS long and tedious journey back to our Eternal Home is out short and rendered full of melodivus charm. His Gracious Love is overflowing, and He is waiting for you at the door back of your eyes to receive you. Ours 1s to invert and sit at the door. Let our steadfast devotion and whole-hearted Faith 4n Him stand in our good stead, My best wishes are always hovering around you to quioken you on your Way back to God. KIRPAL SINGH

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