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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

November 9, 2010

Pastor’s Notes
Matthew 24:44 - Therefore
be ye also ready: for in such
an hour as ye think not the
Son of man cometh. Evidently the Lord is
trying to tell us something. Last Wednesday
evening I talked about the Doctrine of the
Second Coming. Sunday Morning I talked
about being Commissioned for Service and
ended by talking about the final orders given at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider being
the Soldier of Rank telling the man who had been guarding the tomb to “Fall Out”. When
the Lord Himself descends from heaven with a “shout”….that word “shout” means
command or order…the Lord will give a command that our time of serving and fighting
is over. We will then meet the Lord in the air and we will forever be with Him!!!!!
Pastor Shealy preached Sunday night on the need to BE READY! I truly believe that the
Lord is coming soon and if we believe in the any moment coming of Christ, we MUST be
ready at any moment. There will not be time to get ready because His coming is
described as happening “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye”. THAT IS FAST!!!!
We were challenged on Sunday night to make sure our lamps were trimmed, make sure
we had oil in our lamps and make sure we had on the wedding garment. Is YOUR lamps
trimmed? Is there oil in YOUR lamp? Are you wearing YOUR wedding garment. ARE

Still not too late to volunteer to help with the Community Clothes Closet. We’re
manning it the Saturday’s of this month. Please see Alysia Hayes to get more details or
sign the sheet in the long hall going towards the bathrooms. Thank you in advance for
being willing to serve!

Next Wednesday morning, we will be serving

breakfast to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
We need some help getting the drinks ready while
we are gone to pick up the biscuits. Last year we
had a good group to help and to represent our
church. I’ve been asked to address the group this
year and would love support, both to help serve
and to be my prayer help too. Would you be
willing to be at First Baptist in Woodruff around
6:15 or so to get the drinks, napkins, plates, etc. together? Please let Pastor Terry know
of your willingness to help! Thanks!
It is time for the election of Church Administrative Board. During this time, we allow
people who meet the proper qualifications to sign up to be considered. This past
Assembly, the General Assembly voted to allow ALL members who meet the
qualifications to be eligible to serve. Previously it had been “all male members”. The
following are the qualifications to serve: 1) A loyal member of the church, adhering to its
teachings, 2) Baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues,
3) Faithful in tithing, 4) A regular church attendant, 5) One who works in harmony with
the local, state, and general church’s program and reflects a cooperative attitude toward
the progress of the church. There is a sign up sheet on the table in the lobby. You have
until the last Sunday of November to sign up. All names on the list will be verified for
their eligibility and then a time in December will be given to vote for the Pastor’s
Council. Please be in much prayer about being willing to serve and who you should vote
for to serve. These people will be instrumental in helping us forge ahead towards the
future the Lord has destined for us.

BABY DEDICATION is planned for Sunday,

November 21st during the AM service. Please understand,
that baby dedication is a very spiritual thing. It is an act of
presenting the baby to the Lord with the understanding that
the one’s presenting the baby will be responsible for the
spiritual nurturing and upbringing of the baby. For that to
happen, the people bringing the child to the Lord need to be
believer’s themselves (are at least one of them). I hope you
understand. Please make sure that you meet the criteria
before committing to this. Once you know that the spiritual side if covered, make sure
you contact the church office (476-2977) and leave the proper information to our

MARK YOUR CALENDAR - Special Thanksgiving Service…..Tuesday, November

23rd at 7:00 PM. As is our custom, we will move our Wednesday evening service that
week to Tuesday evening. We will have a one hour service of Thanksgiving. Last years
service was WONDERFUL. Mark your calendar, invite your friends and family and
come and thank God for all His many blessings!

The church office will be closed Wednesday - Friday during the week of Thanksgiving!
We will be on call should you need us!
PRAYER LIST: Cindy Cooper, Mertice Whitmore, Teresa Johnson, Shirley
Middlebrook, Jackie Ann Jacobs, Rhonda Roach, Darryl Mindars, Tammy Morrow,
Kathy Richards, Owen Garcia, Bryce Morrow, Billy Smith, Stacy & Allen Killough,
Mike Cobb, Bill Thomas, Nicole Turner, Curtis Thackston, Makala Renee Lipsey, Leon
Freeman,Tish York, Curt & Sonjy Ellison, Jeremy & Chris Greene, Josh Cline, Villa
Mosley, Arlene Hughes, Roy West, Shut Ins, Those in Nursing Homes.
J. O. Y. CLUB NOVEMBER MEETING will be on Thursday, November 18th,
At 6:00 P.M. in the CLC dining area. This will be a Soup & Sandwich meal.

Entertainment will be BINGO ! If you are age 50 or over, or a grandparent, please make
plans to join this group for fun, food, and fellowship.

EXTREME KIDZ NEWS: NO drama or praise & worship practice on Sunday….there

will be Christmas play practice each Sunday until the play is presented.

T-shirts with the Extreme Kidz logo are now available for only $10 each, and all sizes are
available. See Donna Burdette to place your order.

The children are taking donations to make “Thankful Baskets” for shut ins for
Thanksgiving. They need packs of peanut butter crackers, sugar free candies, travel size
toiletries, and any other items that would fit into a small basket. Contact Donna at
382-9212 for more information.

Our next fundraiser will be to do your holiday baking for you. The children need
volunteers to bake a cake, pie, or other holiday goodies and donate them to the children’s
church to sell. We will have them ready on December 18th, at the CLC from 9:30 -12
Noon. Please see Donna Burdette or Deanna Burgess to donate your Christmas goodies.

Youth Praise and Worship Practice…Tuesday at 7:00 P.M.,

Connection Wednesday at 6:00 P.M., and Ignition Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.

Drama Practice is on Sunday at 4:30 P.M.


* Greeters - Jeanette Bragg and Kathy Simmons

* Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan
* CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
* Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown
* Usher Team # 3 - Tracy Grant, Buddy Arnold, Lamar Crowe, Clint Letourneau,
And Marion Simmons
* Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard, Bobby Brown, and Sam Garrett
* Spotlight: In Loving Memory of Victoria Patterson on her 3rd year in her heavenly
home! We Miss You! Love Dad, Mom and Chase
* Nursery - Wednesday - Genise Watson
Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Lynette Tucker
P.M. - Marilynn Sykes
* Van Drivers (Wednesday only) - Garren Burdette and Tim Vassey
* Music - Wednesday - Kathy Arellano
Sunday A.M. - Jason Hayes
P.M. - Keithi Cooper
* Praise Team - Maroon

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