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Hunger Games project

Poster type or brochure type for the presentation

Starting point : Asia (continent)

Philippines (country)

Starting point : Northern region ( Baguio city)

Task 1 : Baguio – contestant needs to be in the mountain to collect different types of rocks

Sedimentary rocks : sand ,pebbles,shells, gravel

Metamorphic rocks : marbles

Task 2 : contestant has to find a strawberry field and eat strawberries to survived the next task.

Strawberries are only specific in Baguio which is found in the mountainous region. Next task is
the contestant has to travel by land going to central Luzon area.

Task 3: Find these animals in the farmlands. Rice fields will be the arena for these task. Majority in this
location are rice fileds which are visible on the way to Central Luzon. Finnd Mt. Pinatubo which is a
historical volcano in cenral Luzon. Get a picture of the volcano to end task 3.

Animals to find:

1. Chicken
2. Goat
3. Carabao (water buffalo type of animals commonly found in farm lands)

Showcase mountains and volcano in this arena.

Task 4: Contestant need to go to Bicol region. Find tobacco plants, coconut tree, banana tree, corn fields
abacca plants which they use in making bags and baskets. Contestant needs to find corn and jackfruit
trees which is common to this arena to end this task for the next round.

Task 5: Contestant will take a boat, swim or get on a ship to travel to Bicol which is in southern Luzon.
Bodies of water are common in this arena. Find Mt . Mayon which is a active volcano. Contestant has to
swim on the beaches which are located in this area. Find different marine life like fish , shells ,pebbles
and water plants.

Marine life is part of the ecosystem. People eat fish to survive as their food. Fruit bearing trees are also
part of the everyday meals. Animals are there like chicken, carabaos, and goat to provide us with eggs,
meat and milk. Waste products become part of the ecosystem as fertilizer. These determines and show
the interdependence of people and marine life which is an example of an ecosystem.

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