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 Air Pollution In Dhaka City
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Air Pollution In Dhaka City

Muhammad Mahadi

Environmental Science Discipline.

Khulna University.


Air pollution is one of a variety of manmade environmental disasters that arecurrently taking place
all over the world. Air pollution may be defined as an atmosphericcondition in which various
substances are present at concentrations high enough abovetheir normal ambient levels to produce
a measurable effect on people, animals,vegetation, or materials. ‘Substances’ refers to any natural
or manmade chemicalelements or compounds capable of being airborne. These may exist in the
atmosphere asgases, liquid drops, or solid particles. It includes any substance whether noxious
or benign; however, the term ‘measurable effect’ generally restricts attention to thosesubstances
that cause undesirable effects. Air quality has deteriorated both due to humanactivities, and natural
phenomenon such as wind blown dust particles etc. There are twomajor sources of air pollution in
Bangladesh, vehicular emissions and industrialemissions. However, these are mainly concentrated
in the cities. Recently, air pollutionhas received priority among environmental issues in Asia, as
well as in other parts of theworld. Exposure to air pollution is the main environmental threat to
human health inmany towns and cities. Particulate emission is mainly responsible for increased
death rateand respiratory problems for the urban population. This problem is acute in Dhaka
beingthe capital of the country and also the hub of commercial activity.Dhaka is a major,cultural,
and manufacturing center. The common types of industries in and around the periphery of Dhaka
are ready-made garment manufacturing, jute, tanneries, textile, tea processing, fertilizer, cement,
paper and pulp, chemicals and pesticides, food and sugar, pharmaceuticals, petroleum refinery,
distillery, rubber, plastics, and brick manufacturing,assembling buses, trucks, and motorcycles,
assembling radios and televisions. Air of Dhaka is being polluted day by day very badly.The other
urban areas i.e. Chittagong,Khulna, Bogra and Rajshahi have much lesser health problem related
to urban air pollution. The ambient atmospheric conditions have progressively deteriorated due to
theunprecedented growth in numbers of motor vehicles, and continuous housing andindustrial

Air Pollution:

Contamination in the atmosphere caused by the discharge, accidental or deliberates of a wide

range of toxic substances. Often the amount of the releasedsubstance is relatively high in a certain
locality, so the harmful effects are morenoticeable. The major sources of air pollution are
transportation engines, power and heatgeneration, industrial processes and the burning of solid
waste. A new source of air pollution is an increasing 'hole' in the ozone layer in the atmosphere
above Antarctica,coupled with growing evidence of global ozone depletion. Air pollution has also
long been known to have an adverse effect on human beings, plants, livestock and
aquaticecosystem through acid rain.

Description Of The Dhaka City :

Dhaka city is more than 400 years old. Over these years the populationhas increased many
folds.Living in Dhaka is not really like living in the crater of anactive volcano but it is like living
on a sleeping volcano which may erupt any time andengulf everything. Dhakaites are not fully
realizing what crisis is emerging for them. In37 years of independence the capital of Bangladesh,
the historic city which bears manysymbols of national pride like Language Martyr monument,
Monument for martyredfreedom fighters, Historic relics of Mogul Dynasty unfortunately have
become a concreteslum perspiring for fresh air& thirsty for pure drinking water. The dilapidated
state of thecity mirrors the poor state of affairs of the entire nation. The water of the rivers
aroundthe city is polluted, air is poisonous obnoxious particles, gas, electricity and water aregetting
scarce. At last 20%of the population is living in slums in inhuman condition. Costof living has sky
rocketed beyond normal peoples reach. This is not what the liberationwar was fought. Our valiant
freedom fighters did not make supreme sacrifice for a Dhakacity life like this. Many people talk
of realizing the dreams of freedom fighters, many talk about ideals of liberation war. But we should
all be ashamed for our failures at our respective positions to serve the nation with commitment.

Fig : Map Of The Dhaka City.

Problems Of Dhaka City:

Bangladesh capital Historic Dhaka is fast turning into an inhabitable city. Air &water are saturated
with poisonous elements, sound pollution reaching unacceptable limits, gas electricity, and water
supply crisis looming large, rapid depletion of subsurface water level making the city vulnerable
to mild earth quake.

Dhaka city is expanding in all direction east to west, north to south, population is increasing in
geometric progression but the civic amenities can no t keep pace with the growing demand. The
capacity of various utilities can no longer meet the rapidly increasing demand. Supply of pure
drinking water, safe accommodation for the growing population, appropriate sanitation, municipal
waste collection, supply of electricity and gas for about 150 Million city dwellers are progressively
turning into serious crisis. In this serious situation the news about Dhaka city air reported to
containing higher proportion of lead and CO must be considered very alarming. Serious noises,
unacceptable sound level is causing hearing problem. In no modern cities these days the
automobiles blow horns in the heart of the city. The water of rivers around Dhaka city is nothing
but poison. Even WASA Water treatment plant in Salemabad finding it very difficult to treat the
poisonous water of Sitalakya. But the helpless shelter less people from villages and rural people
are migrating to Dhaka compounding the problem still further. City dwellers are already affected
with various contagious water borne disease. Dhaka has already turned into a slum of concrete.

Dhaka has very high air pollution level:

Air pollution has become a matter of great concern for us in recent years. Those who are living in
cities in Asian countries including Dhaka have already realized how seriously air pollution has
been poisoning life and degrading the environment. People living in major towns of Bangladesh
experience the problems of air pollution in varied degrees.

Faulty vehicles, especially diesel run vehicles, brick kilns, and dust from roads and construction
sites and toxic fumes from industries contribute to air pollution. Industrialization and mechanized
vehicles are two major sources of air pollution in any country. Those are unavoidable
accompaniments of increased economic activity of any country. The number of automobiles has
been increasing in Dhaka city at the rate of at least 10 per cent annually, which has been
contributing to air pollution on the one hand and traffic congestion on the other.

The main pollutants from gasoline powered internal combustion engines are carbon monoxide,
hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide particulates of lead compound and unburned
carbon particles. Emissions from diesel engines are smoke, carbon monoxide, unburned carbon,
nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide.

Air pollution seriously affects the respiratory tract and causes irritation, headache, asthma, high
blood pressure, heart ailments and even cancer. If this trend of air pollution continued, those living
in major cities including the metropolis will become exposed to these ailments and also other
complications. The mental faculty of children will be adversely affected by lead pollution, which
can also affect the central nervous system and cause renal damage and hypertension.

In this context, it can be recalled that the average annual deaths from air pollution-related diseases
in Delhi increased to 10,000 from the level of 7,500 in early 1990s as was revealed in a World
Bank study in late 1990s. The level of small particles -- less than 10micron -- present in the air
was very high, which could cause severe lung cancer, according to Delhi based Centre for Science
an Environment (CSE).

The air quality of Dhaka city shows that the concentration of suspended particles in the ambient
air is many times higher than normal. This air, which the city dwellers and road users regularly
breathe, contains lead in concentrations reportedly almost ten times higher than the government
safety standard set by the Department of Environment (DOE).

About 50 tons of leads are emitted into Dhaka city's air annually and the emission reaches its
highest level in dry season (November-January), revealed a study conducted by scientists of
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC). The density of lead in the air of Dhaka city in
dry season reaches 463 monograms, the highest in the world. The lead concentration in the polluted
air of Mexico city is 383 monograms and in Mumbai, India it is 360 monograms per cubic meter.

The Environment Conservation Act, 1995 and the Environment Conservation Rules, 1997have
been enacted by the Parliament. Under the Rules of 1997, Ambient Air Quality Standards,
Vehicular Exhaust Emission Standards, River Transport (Mechanized) Emission Standards and
Gaseous Emission for Industries or Projects Standards have been set.

The Environmental Conservation Act, 1995 also contains laws as regards the protection
of environmental health and control of environmental pollution. The Supreme Court in two cases
held that the “right to life”, which is enshrined as a fundamental right, includes the right to a healthy

What we find is either absence or little effective cooperation of the members of the public and the
concerned agencies with the Department of Environment (DOE) in implementation of laws and
regulations to help reduce air pollution. DOE gets little cooperation also from the transport owners
and their employees including drivers in this regard. DOE's initiatives for daily monitoring of
vehicles at certain city points sometimes do not succeed due to non-availability of members of law
enforcing agencies.

It may be recalled here that New Delhi in an attempt to reduce air pollution prohibited initially 20
year old vehicles from plying on city streets in late 1990s. They started phasing out 17 year old
vehicles from the end of 1998. It was followed by elimination of 15 year old vehicles in 1999.

Besides registration of new auto-rickshaws with front engines was banned from 1996 and
registration of old defense service and government auctioned vehicles was banned from1998. All
these steps of the New Delhi authorities have created some favorable impacts in reducing air
pollution and in the process have been improving the air quality.

The pollutants in the ambient air of Delhi decreased by 4-40 per cent in case of So2, 4-13 per cent
in case of NO2, 6-17 per cent in case of particulate matter, 3 per cent in case of Carbon Monoxide
and 11-60 per cent in case of lead during 1998, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a Delhi
based non-government organization estimate showed.

In the past our attempts to prohibit plying of old vehicles in city streets failed either for political
reasons or in the face of resistance by transport owners and their employees. But if our neighboring
countries can improve air quality of their cities by banning use of old vehicles and also relocating
some of their polluting industries, authorities in Bangladesh can also do so.

It is time to phase out old and black smoke emitting vehicles from city roads as our right to live in
healthy environment largely depends on it. Good governance helped curb air pollution in cities
like Bangkok, Kolkata, Kathmandu and Lahore while weak administration caused the increase of
air pollution in Dhaka and Karachi. The problem should be high on the agenda of the government
as well as political parties. Let us hope that the issue gets the priority it deserves.
Air Pollution in Dhaka City:

 Basically, there are two major sources of air pollution in Bangladesh industrial emissions
and vehicular emissions. The industrial sources include brick kilns, fertilizer factories,
sugar, paper, jute and textile mills, spinning mills, tanneries, garment, bread and biscuit
factories, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, cement production and processing
factories, metal workshops, wooden dust from saw mills and dusts from ploughed land,
and salt particles from ocean waves near the and coastal lands. These sources produce
enormous amount of smokes, fumes, gases and dusts, which create the condition for the
formation of fog and smog. Certain industries in Bangladesh, such as tanneries at
Hazaribag in Dhaka City, emit hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, chlorine, and some other
odorous chemicals that are poisonous and cause irritation and public complaints. This may
cause headache and other health problems.
 With increased rate of urbanization in the country, the number of vehicles is also increasing
rapidly, and contributing to more and more air pollution. The Department of Environment
(DOE), and other related organizations, have identified the two-stroke engines used in auto
rickshaws (baby-taxies), tempos, mini-trucks, and motorcycles as major polluters. At
present, there are about65000 baby-taxies among them more than 296,000 motor vehicles
ply in Dhaka City alone. Moreover, overloaded, poorly maintained and very old trucks and
mini-buses are also plying the city streets emitting smokes and gases. In fact about 90% of
the vehicles that ply Dhaka's streets daily are faulty, and emit smoke far exceeding the
prescribed limit. Diesel vehicles emit black smoke, which contain unburned fine carbon

 The air quality standards are different for residential, industrial, commercial, and sensitive
areas. The worst affected areas in Dhaka city include: Hatkhola, Manik Mia Avenue,
Tejgaon, Farmgate, Motijheel, Lalmatia, and Mohakhali. Surveys conducted between
January 1990 and December 1999 showed that the concentration of suspended particles
goes up to as high as 3,000 micrograms per cubic meter (Police Box, Farmgate, December
1999), although the allowable limits 400 micrograms per cubic meter. The sulphur dioxide
in the air near Farmgatew as found to be 385 micrograms per cubic meter, where as the
maximum permissible limit is 100 micrograms per cubic meter. Similarly, in the Tejgaon
Industrial Area the maximum concentration of suspended particles was 1,849micrograms
per cubic meter (January 1997), as opposed to the allowable limit of 500 micrograms per
cubic meter. Usually the maximum concentration of air pollution in Dhaka is during the
dry months of December to March.

 Also many Report states that at peak hours Dhaka air at Motijheel Commercial Area has
been found to contain 100 ppm of Carbon Monoxide, the sound level reaches 80 decibels.
The report also indicates that the water of Buriganga River contains alarming amount of
organochloric compound which may cause cancer like DDT or may obstruct Endocrine
(causing genetic problems leading to men turning women) .A survey of the Environmental
Chemistry Department of the University evidenced that the water of Buriganga at half a
kilometer of Hazaribagh Tannery contains about 28ppm chromium which is extremely
dangerous. Usually Buriganga water contains 6-10 ppm Chromium. The wastes
of Tanneries at Hazaribagh are responsible for this menace. According to the guidelines of
World Health Organization (WHO) water must not contain more than 1 ppm of Chromium.
This alarming level of Chromium in River water which in many ways used for human
consumption is causing serious threat for human life in the city. But unfortunately Rajuk
and Dhaka City Corporation are doing nothing to mitigate this menace. We have a
Department of Environment (DOE),Air Pollution In Dhaka CityMuhammad
MahadiEnvironmental Science Discipline.Khulna University..It is time to phase out old
and black smoke emitting vehicles from city roads as our rightto live in healthy
environment largely depends on it. Good governance helped curb air pollution in cities
like Bangkok, Kolkata, Kathmandu and Lahore while weak administration caused the
increase of air pollution in Dhaka and Karachi. The problemshould be high on the agenda
of the government as well as political parties. Let us hopethat the issue gets the priority it
deserves.Air Pollution In Dhaka City : we have a very active Civil Society but wonder why
this very alarming situation is escaping every ones attention. We understand the tanneries
from Hazaribagh will be relocated soon to outskirts of Dhaka but if the wastes are not
treated properly and disposed off carefully these will continue to pollute another
water stream.

 Contribution of urban transport system to Dhaka's air pollution :

Air pollution in Dhaka is serious due to increasing population and associated motorization.
Although existing air quality monitoring data is limited, it has been clearly shown that the average
ambient concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) and airborne lead are higher than
the Bangladesh national ambient air quality standards and much higher than the WHO guidelines.
The city's average SPM levels are about 2 times higher than the Bangladeshi standard of 200 µg/m3
in residential areas and are more than 10 times higher than the WHO guidelines of 120 µg/m3
(24hours) in commercial areas. Lead levels are also high compared to other cities in the world.
Although there is a lack of time-series data, the ambient air quality measurements available for
1990 and 1996 onward indicate that the air pollution is worsening.

Diesel vehicles found causing 80pc of air pollution in city

Diesel-run vehicles account for more than 80 per cent of the air pollution in Dhaka as most of them
fail to comply with the approved emission standard, said a recently published survey report.
About 60 per cent of the city dwellers consider motor vehicles as the main source of air pollution,
about 55 per cent consider diesel-run buses to be most polluting the air and 22 per cent feel that
diesel-run trucks cause the air pollution.

Nearly 60 per cent of the dwellers said they contract diseases because of air pollution and 88 per
cent believed smoke and dust are the most important air pollutants. The public perception of air
pollution was revealed in the survey, Stakeholders Perception on Air Pollution by Diesel Vehicles
in Dhaka City, conducted by the Air Quality Management Project of the Department of
Environment and the World Bank.

The air quality project director, Mohammad Nasiruddin, said in 2004, they conducted a study,
Roadside Vehicle Emission Testing Programme in Dhaka, where they surveyed2,140 vehicles of
all types to identify the principal contributors to air pollution.’ At the end of the study, we found
90 per cent of human haulers followed by 60 percent diesel-run minibus have failed to comply
with the approved emission standard, as their smoke capacity is higher than 80 Hart ridge Smoke
Units (HSU),’ he said, The study suggested aset of recommendations that included retirement of
old-technology vehicles following a time-bound road map, introduction of low sulphur diesel,
imposition of a total ban on the import of all types of old vehicles and switchover to natural gas as
the main source of transport fuel.

The visible signs of ambient air quality of Dhaka is indicating an upward trend in gross emissions
in recent years. Motor vehicles, especially the two strokes engine vehicles (TSEV) are responsible
for the increase in emissions of both local pollutants and green house gases due to the rapid growth
in the number and use of motor vehicles. Data shows that number of registered vehicles in Dhaka
has grown by 60% from 1990 to 1996.TSEVs have outgrown all other types of vehicles. The
following table shows the vehicle population by type, utilization, and fuel economy.

Data of these:

Vehicle population, utilization, and fuel economy in Dhaka, 1996 (Source: European Economic
Commission; Dhaka Urban Transport Project Working Papers):
Initial estimates reveal that motor vehicles annually emit 3,700 tons of particulate matters(PM10),
8,550 tons of nitrogen oxides, 50,700 tons of carbon dioxide, etc. TSEVs(mainly 3-wheeler baby
taxis) are the significant contributors.

Baseline vehicular emissions inventory in Dhaka, 1996; Unit: 1,000 tons

Two strokes engine baby taxis pollute intensively in terms of per vehicle per kilometer driven. A
typical baby taxi is driven 100-120 kms per day. Thus, in 360 days of a year,Dhaka's 30,000 strong
baby taxis (<17% of total vehicles) are responsible for 25% of total vehicular PM10, 62% of
hydrocarbons, and 32% of carbon mono oxide. The healthrelated economic cost is US$ 360 per
vehicle per year. The transport sector is anincreasingly improtant Green House Gas (GHG)
contributor. Bangladesh emitted 20million tons of carbon dioxide in 1995 (International Energy
Agency, 1995). But, publichealth impact of transport system is more compared to its impact on
global warming.

Motorized Vehicles by Type on Road in Greater Dhaka.

 Air pollution in the Dhaka city Caused By Lead:

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stated in its News Briefs (Bangladesh studies
pollution levels. IAEA News briefs. Volume 11, No. 4(73), November/December 1996: 11) that
pollution levels of lead in Bangladesh are among the world’s highest during dry season, according
Dr. M. Khaliquzzaman, a chief scientific officer of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
(BAEC), with levels falling during periods of medium and heavy rainfall. Dr. Khaliquzzaman
attributed the high lead levels to the use of leaded fuel in vehicles. He said that lead poses a public
health danger, especially to children, by penetrating the lungs and entering the blood stream, and
can lead to impaired intelligence.

Lead concentration in air of Dhaka in ng/m3

Lead dispersion and lead in gasoline in Dhaka

Cost of lead pollution

• 1 µg/m3 of air Pb corresponds to 1 point decrease in IQ.

• Current level of blood Pb concentration in adults in Dhaka is ~50 µg/dl.

• Cost involvement for 1 µg/dl increment of blood lead in Dhaka is ~US$ 8.33million per year
(Method of calculation is linear scaling by population and per capita GDP). Component costs for
children includes medical cost, infant mortality, neonatal cost and supplementary cost, and for
adults include medical cost, earning loss and mortality.

Why there is Pb in Bangladesh gasoline?

• Eastern Refinery processes Arabian Light Crude which lacks branch chain or cyclic hydrocarbon.

• It is a small skimming refinery which performs crude distillation.

• Gasoline produced has low octane number.

• Lead based additives are used to increase octane number.

• One of most common additives is TEL (Tetraethyl lead).

• TEL is 100% imported.

• Only old technology automobiles (typically pre 1980 models) with soft valve seats need some
Pb for lubrication in order to avoid valve recession. A lead level of ~0.02-0.05 g/l is sufficient for
this. This also can be replaced by adding lubricants to unleaded gasoline. Cost of lubricant
additives is ~0.3 cents.
 Suspended Particulate Matters (SPM) in City Air :

Department of Environment has taken 8 hours measurements at several locations along busy roads
of Dhaka city. Results show SMP concentrations of 665-2456ug/m3 at Farmgate. Bangladesh
standard for Commercial Area is 400 ug/m3. The SMP trends are highest during the dry season
(December-March) due to increase in roadway dust, dust from dust-carrying vehicles, and
increased open burning. Figure-1 shows Street side SPM levels at Farmgate, a busy traffic place
in Dhaka. and figure-2 showsPM2.5 urban composition.

Figure-2. Urban Composition of Particulate Matter of Size <2.5 µ

Air pollution making Dhaka city inhospitable:

The volume of poisonous particles in the city air has reached far beyond the permissible level for
human body in recent years.

The Dhaka city dwellers are always at a serious health risk due to the highly polluted air, warned
health experts.

The increasingly high concentration of toxic elements in the air is causing a foggy blanket in the
city sky at present, according to the experts of Air Quality Management Project (AQMP) under
the Department of Environment (DoE).
The AQMP, which has been monitoring the air quality of the city since 2002, has recently lunched
a website to inform the people about the air quality on daily basis.

The website reveals that the air quality of the city is lethal for human body especially during winter
and post winter.

The AQMP advised the city dwellers to stay indoors as much as possible during this time to avoid
health hazards from the pollution.

According to the website, poisonous carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide,
suspended particulate matter (PM-10) and particulate matter (PM-2.5) exist in Dhaka's air beyond
permissible level for human body.

Due to increase of PM-10 and PM-2.5, people lose lung function and suffer from chronic
respiratory and cardiovascular diseases while nitrogen dioxide increase risks of bronchitis and
pneumonia. Nitrogen dioxide causes respiratory infection.

Carbon monoxide reduces delivery of oxygen into the human body, creates severe headache and
decreases visual perception and manual dexterity.

Permissible limit of PM-10 is 65 micrograms per cubic metre and for PM-2.5 it is 150micrograms
per cubic metre.

The implementation of the ban on two-stroke three-wheelers in 2003 made some temporary
progress in reducing toxic elements from the air but has been marred by the functioning of old
motorized vehicles and the brick kilns around the city.

Faulty vehicles are the largest source of air pollution. Only the diesel-run vehicles contribute about
60 per cent of such particles in the air, surveys of the AQMP revealed.

At least 70 per cent of the diesel-run vehicles, mainly buses and trucks, are emitting toxic particles
beyond the permissible limit. Brick kilns in the northern edge of the city contribute at least 20 per
cent to the air pollution.

There are 4,000 brick kilns around the city, which use tyres, wood and low-quality coal, emitting
poisonous particles into the air. But no initiative has been taken yet to measure quantity of
poisonous particles emitting from brick kilns.

The chimneys of the brick kilns made higher than 120-feet is not a solution to reducing the air
pollution, said the AQMP officials.

The government banned running of buses more than 20 years old in the city but failed to keep
those vehicles out of the city.

The height of brick kiln chimneys has been increased to reduce air pollution but the initiative failed
as the government failed to ensure quality of fuel used in the kilns.
Mohammad Nasiruddin, Director of the AQMP, said: "Phasing out of the diesel-run old and faulty
vehicles could reduce air pollution to half in the city."

Effects Of Air Pollutants On Human Health:

Carbon di-oxide (CO2): It is a major absorber of infrared radiation emitted towards thespace from
the earth surface. Thus, it has crucial role in planetary temperature structure.

Carbon monoxide (CO): If inhaled, it is absorbed from the lung alveoli 300 times faster than
oxygen. High concentration of CO in blood makes it difficult for heart to pump blood through

Hydrocarbons (HC): Unburnt hydrocarbon may form ozone with oxides of nitrogen which is a
central nervous system depressant. Other hydrocarbons cause convulsion of CNS.

Oxides of nitrogen (NOx): Causes dilatation of air spaces in lungs. NO2 causes damages to
bronchioles and alveolar ducts. NO2 is also suspected to impair the defense mechanism of
respiratory system. Infants and children are more susceptible.

Particulate matter: Diesel emits suspended particulate matter (SPM) which contains shoot. Shoot
is responsible for reduction of atmospheric visibility and absorb and carry organic compound to

Lead (Pb): Around 75% of the ingested lead is deposited in bones and tissues causing irreversible
brain and kidney damage. Growing nervous system of young children are particularly vulnerable.

(Source: Effect on Dhaka air quality by 2-strokes engines and suggested remedies. Paper presented
byUttara Motors Ltd. at a Consultative Meeting on integrated approach to vehicular pollution
control held between April 26-27, 1998 in Dhaka.)


Bangladesh has yet to be implemented a National Air Quality Standard, there are no detail air
quality regulations based on which Environmental Impact Assessment could be done. Very few
works have been done on air quality measurements and national air pollutants estimates in
Bangladesh. Author is willing to extend his assistance in doing any projects related to road traffic
pollution in Bangladesh. Few recommendations are:

• A national steering committee constituting experts is urgently established to cope with the

• Formulate guidelines for policy makers, city planners, traffic engineering practitioners towards
mitigating traffic pollution problems and make recommendations for setting National Air Quality
• Auto-rickshaw (AR) should be restricted in Dhaka city. Consequently, an equivalent and efficient
alternative mode of transport should initiate in Dhaka, so that; those who are importing AR, driving
AR can do the same for the new mode of transport.

• Current initiative of taxi-cab is appreciating, however, the pre-conditions, NEW and 2000CC car
seem to be policy makers ignorance in understanding modal choice in Dhaka. A pre-condition is
really necessary that is "not the diesel car". As we are plagued with severe air pollution problem
in Dhaka. What we need is to find an alternative equivalent of AR, that is environmentally friendly
and is able to provide door-to-door service.

Mainly Motor vehicles, especially two-strokes engine vehicles are an increasingly important
source of air pollution emissions in Dhaka. Further understanding of the sources of air pollution,
the contribution of vehicles to air pollution emissions, and the characteristics of vehicular emission
control measures is necessary to design a cost effective action plan. It is recommended that
government will undertake actual measurement of emission factors, complete the emission
inventory, and conduct an investigation on emission control measures. A set of cost effective
technical measures are already available for controlling pollution emissions by two strokes 3-
wheelers.Government should strengthen vehicle emission standards, regulations and enforcement.
Measures to reduce fuel demand and improve traffic conditions are also critical to ensuring a net
emission reduction and should be used as a complement to technical measures.



Effect on Dhaka air quality by two strokes engines and suggested remedies. Paper presented by
Uttara Motors Ltd. in a Consultative Meeting on Integrated Approach to Vehicular Pollution
Control held during April 26-27, 1998 in Dhaka.

Xie J, Brandon CJ and Shaj JJ. Fighting urban transport air pollution for local and global good
: The case of two strokes engine three-wheelers in Dhaka. Paper presented at the Consultative
Meeting on Integrated approach to vehicular air pollution control in Dhaka held by World Bank
and Department of Environment, Government of Bangladesh between April 26-27, 1998.

Khondkar Abdus Saleque, Shama Ishteak, Dhaka Sitting on a Sleeping Volcano, April 08,

United Nations Environment Programme, State of the Environment: Bangladesh, United Nations
Environment Programme, 2001.

John Core, Consultant World Bank in Dhaka. Sources of air pollution and control options. Paper
presented in the Consultative Meeting of World Bank and Department of Environment,
Government of Bangladesh during April 26-27,1998 in Dhaka.

BRTA (Bangladesh Road Transport Authority) (developed in Cooperation with DITS and BBS.
Source: scribd

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