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European Association for the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality

Development of Renewable Energies, (ICREPQ’11)

Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ)
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 13th to 15th April, 2011

Active balancing circuit for advanced lithium-ion batteries used in

photovoltaic application

J.F. Reynaud1, 2, C. E. Carrejo1, O. Gantet1, P. Aloïsi1, B. Estibals1, 2, C. Alonso1, 2

CNRS ; LAAS ; 7 avenue du colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, France
Phone number: +0033 561336391
Université de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE ; LAAS ; F-31077 Toulouse, France

Abstract. An approach to the analysis and design of a prevent unbalances during charging and discharging in a
bidirectional DC power converter for the cell voltage balancing series connected battery cells [3]. This repeated charge
control of a series connected lithium-ion battery string is and discharge phenomenon causes a cell mismatch
presented in this paper. The proposed Cell Balancing Circuit problem because lithium-ion batteries have inevitable
(CBC) is designed to transfer the energy from the fully charged differences in chemical and electrical characteristics from
battery cell to the weakest one using a switch mode power manufacturing, and accelerate asymmetrical cell
converter operation. This operation maintains cell batteries at the degradation with aging [4]. The problem is that when
same State-Of-Charge (SOC) and voltage range. Unlike previous
battery balancing circuits, the balancing method uses only one
these imbalanced batteries are left in use without any
magnetic component, resulting small size system. Simulation and control, such as cell balancing, the energy storage
experimental results show that the proposed cell balancing capacity decreases severely, and in the worst case, there
method can not only enhance the bidirectional battery may be an explosion or fire. Lithium-ion batteries require
equalization performance, but can also reduce the switching loss careful management, particularly with regard to
during the equalization period. Experiment results are provided to overcharge and undercharge problems. Thus, charge
verify the operating principle of the proposed balancing method. equalization for a series connected battery string is
Specific conditions of experiments are used to reproduce necessary to prevent these phenomena and extend the
photovoltaic operations.
useful lifetime. Numerous charge balancing circuits have
been presented and well summarized in [5]. They can be
Key words classified into two categories, dissipative and non-
dissipative. Example of dissipative balancing method
Active balancing, Lithium-ion battery, Bidirectional micro could be based on shunt resistive method. It is the
converter, Photovoltaic. simplest and cheapest cell balancing. This method could
be operated continuously on each cell independently but
1. Introduction this method presents high energy losses, which reduces
the energy efficiency. Example of a non-dissipative
Because a single battery cell presents low nominal method could be based on multiple winding transformers
voltage (limited due to the active materials chemistry), with advantage of being an effective low-cost
battery cells are usually connected in series to be equalization, but it is difficult to implement multiple
employed in many applications, such as electric vehicles windings in a single transformer [6]. In a dedicated DC
(EV), hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), photovoltaic (PV) converter approach, a very low voltage stress can be
systems or telecommunication battery energy systems. achieved because the use of a bidirectional DC converter,
Unbalanced cell voltage within a series string can be but there is a high complexity of controlling the
attributed to the differences in the cell’s internal resistance, bidirectional DC power converter [7]. Another non
unbalanced State-Of-Charge (SOC) between cells, dissipative method could be based on a switched
degradation and the ambient temperature gradients during capacitor applied to every two adjacent cells [8]. This
charging and discharging [1]-[2]. Voltage monitoring and method can balance cells in a short time, but it requires a
current diversion equalization circuits and Battery large number of switches, so lots of energy is dissipated
Management Systems (BMS) have been developed to in the switches and capacitor. The main contribution of 1423 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.9, May 2011

this paper is the use of an active cell balancing method in Control algorithms would be adapted to the lithium-
the design and analysis of the individual cell balancing ion electrochemistry used (i.e. lithium nickel oxide). The
control of the lithium-ion battery strings used in developed operating system takes into consideration
photovoltaic applications. A specific charge controller has several characteristics of the individual battery cells and
been inserted in the conversion chain to optimize the manages, depending on the load profile, the energy flow
charge of the battery pack and presented in section II. In which has to be controlled.
section III, a brief description of a shunt balancing method
based on dissipative resistance is exposed. In section IV, B. Example of Lithium-ion battery Specifications
the principle of the active cell balancing method is
presented using micro converters buck-boost. Two Actual active materials for lithium-ion batteries
designed cases are used to demonstrate the performance in present excellent properties of cyclability and lifetime.
the proposed active balancing method for reducing losses Research has been based on the storage system
and increasing the equalization efficiency and battery adaptation to improve efficiency. A conventional couple
string capacity. Both balancing method will be compared of electrodes, natural graphite (LiC6) for the negative
applying PV production profiles. Analysis of losses is also electrode and lithium nickel oxide (Li(Ni,Co,Al)O2) for
included to evaluate performances of each method. In the positive electrode, has been studied and integrated to
section IV, two practical designs example and the power module. This electrochemical system has
experimental results are presented to compare both demonstrated in cylindrical design cell its high
balancing methods in specific operation conditions. cyclability (over 4000 cycles at 80% Depth-Of-
Discharge) and its long lifetime (8 years without
2. System configuration demonstrating that the system has been aged
significantly) [10]. The batteries used in this power
A. Architecture Specifications module consist of stacks of 3.6V, 10 Amps Hour (Ah) Li-
ion cells. The battery pack contains six cells in series, a
To improve the photovoltaic conversion chain, it is usually nominal voltage of 21.6V. Curves of constant current
used DC power converters associated with a MPPT control charge and discharge at 25°C are represented in Figure 2.
optimizing the research of the Maximum Power Point 4.2

(MPP) delivered by the PV generator. Coupling with a 4.0

controlled storage system, the PV conversion chain will be 3.8

Voltage [V]

obviously more efficient. Figure 1 describes the functional 3.6

architecture of the power architecture module with all 3.2
subsystems included. 3.0
The architecture of the system studied includes a PV 2.8

generator, a storage system and an optimal conversion 0 1 2 3 4 5

Capacity [Ah]
6 7 8 9 10
Vcell 25°C
chain including MPPT and electronic management system a)
with different electrical functions to be connected to a load 4.2

with a maximum security. The principal function of this 3.8
Voltage [V]

architecture is to transfer the Maximum Power from a PV 3.6

panel and store and/or restitute the energy to the load. For 3.4

that, an electronic management system was designed and 3.2

implemented on a microcontroller to control all 3.0

subsystems [9]. The DC power converter connected to the 2.8

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Capacity [Ah] Vcell 25°C
PV generator is associated with a Maximum Power Point b)
Tracking (MPPT) optimizing the research of the
Maximum Power delivered by the PV generator. The non- Fig. 2. Battery cell charging (a) and discharging (b) voltage
reversibility of this static converter will protect the panel curves at constant current C/10, 25°C.
from a possible battery discharge of electrical current.
Electronic management system and energy transfer Observing the slope of the charge and discharge curves
regulator will ensure the management of the battery, for this kind of lithium-ion technology, we can easily
protection and control system included in the power estimate the State-Of-Charge of battery cells.
Power Architecture Module C. Context of the study

PV Mode Battery Management Researches of new topologies of power converters for
Array Power System
(Energy Transfer Regulator)
Load battery management have been done in the Laboratory
Module Converter
for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS) and
specifically for renewable energy applications. Two cell
balancing method have been elaborated to compare
MPPT Li-ion Cell Balancing performances in different working conditions. The first
Control Battery solution developed is a classical structure, the shunt
balancing method, which will be our reference. The
second solution is based on micro converters and tries to
Fig. 1. Functional power architecture module.
improve efficiency with same performances. 1424 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.9, May 2011

3. Topolog
gy descrip
ption of the shu
ng method
The shunt balancing method
m consistts in dischargging
ceells whose vooltages are supperior to 20mV V at the cell with
thhe value of thhe lowest voltaage through a resistor netw work
off dissipation (REQn) and MOSFET
M (MEQQn). It's an acctive
baalancing in terms of conttrol via a miccrocontroller and
thhermal dissippative (Joule effect). Thhe speed of the
baalancing will be proportional to the cuurrent throughh the
Fig. 4. Shunt celll balancing metthod prototype implemented for
baalancing resisstances. Figuure 3 represennts the electrrical
6 cells iin series.
deesign of thee shunt balanncing methodd to n elem ments
coonnected in series.
s Balanccing voltage between cellls is
doone through ana algorithm inntroduced in a microcontrooller. 4.. Topology
y descriptiion of thee active ceell
T algorithm
This m compares vooltages of eachh cell battery and balancin
ng method
acctivates MOSFET switchess, if necessary. During chargging
orr dischargingg the battery pack, balancing is donee by A Cell Balancing Circuuit (CBC) fo or battery paack
diiverting a poortion of the current in the t resistor REQ. appplications has been prooposed to eq qualize batteery
Discharging cells with thee highest pottential differeence strrings. The biddirectional buck-boost batteery equalizatioon
coontributes to the balancingg operation and
a bring all cell circuit has manny advantages such as a high her equalizatioon
vooltages at equuilibrium. effficiency for non dissipattive current diverts, and a
Estimated lossses for this shhunt balancingg method cann be modular
m desiggn approach. The disadv vantage of thhis
evvaluated by thhe following equation:
e eqqualization ciircuit is thatt the stored energy in the t
nductor is trannsferred to thhe weakest cell c only in the
( )
n Rdson * I2EQ(t ) + R EQ * I2EQ
E (t ) (1) seecond part of
o the switchhing period (TOFF). Batteery
qualization control should bbe implementeed to restrict thet
With n the num
W mber of batteery cells, IEQ (A)( the balanccing chharge and diischarge currrent to the allowable ceell
cuurrent and REQQ (Ω) the dissiipative resistaance. limmitations in thhe battery striing. Cell balanncing control is
deesigned to obtain
o the maaximum capaacity from the t
baattery string. However, bbattery string g charging annd
Ibat_CHARGE ↓ diischarging aree limited by any single cell reaching its

+ ↓ ICelln

VCelln Celln MEQn ennd-of-charge voltage and by low volltage thresholld,

- reespectively. Cell balanciing algorithm ms search to
effficiently rem move energy from a stro onger cell annd
traansfer that energy
e into a weaker onee until the ceell
vooltage is equualized acrosss all cells. Complete ceell
vooltage balanciing is perform med using a bidirectional DC D

+ ↓ ICell3
VCell3 MEQ3
poower convertter based onn the buck-boost converteer.
- x3
Active balancinng methods aare intended to t optimize thhe
chharging of thee battery packk to make it uniform for all a
REQ2 ceells and thus avoid any vvoltage dispaarity that couuld

+ ↓ ICell2 afffect the life tiime of the batttery pack [11]].

VCell2 Cell2
x2 The objectivve of this method is to usee a set of active
coomponents assembled onn a bidirectiional convertter
REQ1 opperating as micro
m convertters buck-boo ost for voltage

+ ↓ ICell1 baalancing betw ween cells ass shown in Figure 5. The

VCell1 Cell1 MEQ1 x1
coontrol algorithhm associatedd has to manage state of all a
M inclluded in the cconversion sy ystem. For that,
he algorithm receives
r inforrmation fromm the BMS annd
F 3. Principlee circuit of the shunt cell balanncing method foor n
Fig. coompares cellss voltage to active cell balancing. The
cell inn series. target of thiss process is the pack battery charrge
opptimization inn order to get tthe same charrge for each ceell
The values of the balanccing current and
a balance sheet annd so to gett the optimum m battery liffe time in PV P
loosses for this method are given
g in sectioon IV for sevveral appplications. Thhe well know wn method is to t discharge the
exxperiments deetermining the average runnning time off the hiighest chargedd element throough resistancces. It is an eaasy
acctive cell constituting thet balancingg network. The syystem but disssipative. The pproposed solu ution is to usee a
exxperimental results correspponding to thee developmennt of buuck-boost connverter to traansfer the en nergy from the
thhis method aree analyzed andd the successiive improvemments hiighest chargedd battery to thhe lowest one and so on. The
ass innovative solutions baalancing tend to increase the deeveloped algoorithms will coonnect the hig ghest cell in the
sppeed balanciing. Figure 4 shows the t experimeental strring to the coonverter input and the outpu ut to the loweest
prrototype usedd to demonstrate the perrformance of the onne. Battery cellls are classifiied by their vo
oltage and statte-
prroposed shuntt balancing meethod in PV application.
a off-charge by a microcontroll
m er (µC). 1425 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.9, May 2011

In the same way, the current passes of charging battery
and discharging battery can be selected by controlling the
gate signal of switches (MOSFETs). When two or more
+ ↓ ICelln battery cells are fully charged, those battery cells have to
VCelln Celln
- Yn
be discharged turn and turn about to avoid overcharging.

MnC4D Table I shows an example, for 4 cells in series, different

possible switching (actions on Xn and Yn) and the inputs
↓ ICell4 M4CnD of decoder controlled by the microcontroller.
VCell4 Cell4 Y4
- M4C3D Table I. Switching actions on Xn and Yn
↓ ICell3 M3C4D Cell1>Cell2 Cell1>Cell3 Cell1>Cell4 Cell2>Cell1 Cell2>Cell3 Cell2>Cell4
VCell3 Cell3 Y3
- M3C2D L iL TON=αTc X1-Y0 X1-Y0 X1-Y0 X2-Y1 X2-Y1 X2-Y1

X2 TOFF=Tc-TON X1-Y2 X2-Y3 X3-Y4 X0-Y1 X2-Y3 X3-Y4

↓ ICell2 M2C3D
Cell2 Y2
VCell2 M2C1D Cell3>Cell1 Cell3>Cell2 Cell3>Cell4 Cell4>Cell1 Cell4>Cell2 Cell4>Cell3

X1 TON=αTc X3-Y2 X3-Y2 X3-Y2 X4-Y3 X4-Y3 X4-Y3

↓ ICell1 M1C2D
VCell1 Cell1 Y1 TOFF=Tc-TON X0-Y1 X1-Y2 X3-Y4 X0-Y1 X1-Y2 X2-Y3
- M1C

The control of micro converters is realized by a
conventional voltage regulation. The operating time of
Y0 the converter are adjusted for balancing needs to maintain
Fig. 5. Principle circuit of cell balancing method using buck- permanently a maximum deviation of 20mV between
boost micro converter for n cell in series. each cell. Using this method and following figure 5, we
can generalized to any cells of the battery pack through
Micro converters will be controlled in voltage the command of MOSFETs (figure 7).
according to the system, protections and the battery cells.
A SPI bus is used for the all dialogues between µC and ICelln M(n+1)CnD MmC(m-1)D ICellm

measurement devices. MOSFETs are most of the time high

side driven. + Xn Xm
VCelln -
For example with two adjacent cells, if the cell noted Cell4 -
Celln Discharge VCelln L iL
2.8mH Charge VCellm Cellm VCellm
is fully charged and the Cell3 is the lowest charged when +
charging process, the current flows through the micro M(n-1)CnD MmC(m+1)D

converter following the path as shown in Figure 6.

Yn Ym

ICell4 M5C4D M3C2D

ICell3 Fig. 7. Equivalent circuit of the buck-boost converter when
energy transfers between Cell4 and Cell3.

X4 L iL X3
+ - Estimated losses for this active cell balancing method can
VCell4 Cell4 Cell3 VCell3 be evaluated by the following equation:
- M3C4D
Y3 +
Discharge VCell4 Charge VCell3
( ) ( )
2N 2R dson * i 2Lrms (t ) + 2N 2Vf * i Lavg (t ) + ri * i 2Lrms (t ) (4)
Fig. 6. Equivalent circuit of the buck-boost converter when
With N the number of micro converters involved in the
energy transfers between Cell4 and Cell3.
balancing action where two cells are included at every
stage of balancing ; Rdson (Ω), the conduction resistance
During TON = αTc (MnC4D and M3C4D => ON) the quantity
of the MOSFET; Vf (V), the diode threshold voltage, and
of charge which is transferred from battery Cell4 to the ri (Ω), the winding resistance of the inductor L.
inductor L is:
1 1 Vcell4 To obtain efficient results it is necessary to use voltage
QCell4 = i L maxαTc = (αTc )2 (2) sensors with high accuracy allowing optimal control of
2 2 L balancing actions. A LTC6802 is used to have a
maximum of voltage accuracy. A specific high
During TOFF = (1 − α )Tc (M3C2D and M3C4D => ON) the bootstrapped side control has been implemented to
quantity of charge which is transferred from inductor to control MOSFETs. Figure 8 shows the experimental
battery Cell3 is: prototype used to demonstrate the performance of the
proposed active balancing method in PV application.
1 Vcell4
QCell3 = QCell4 = (αTc )2 (3)
2 L 1426 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.9, May 2011


Battery Current [A]

00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00
me [h] I Battery Pack


Cell Voltage [V]

Fig. 8. Active ceell balancing meethod prototypee implemented for
f 6 3.5

cells in
i series. 3.4


5. Experim
mental results 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00
me [h] VCell1 VCell2 VCe
4 VCell5 VCe
To validatee proposed equalization
e c
circuits, the two 0.025
prroposed balanncing methodd was installled in a six cell

Max [V]

baattery strings for experimennt to verify thhe performancce of 0.015

D lt M

thhe proposed balancing
b metthods. The drriving signalss for 0.005

thhe two equalization circuuits were controlled usinng a 0.000

00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00
microcontroller r based intelliigent BMS sysstem accordinng to Tim
me [h] Delta
a VCell Maximun

thhe sensed cell voltages. The drivinng signals were w

coonstructed usiing a logical switching alggorithm follow wing
thhe flowchart and the intellligent decisioon strategy off the Fig. 10. Experriment of the chharge of six lithium-ion cell in
seriees with the shunnt balancing meethod.
drriving signal generating froom the BMS and instructedd by
Test coonditions: Sunnny PV profile att 25°C.
a PIC18F6585 microcontrolller.
The experiiment consistts to apply two t different PV
prrofiles to charrge the batteryy pack integrated at the poower 1.2

module. Batterry charging will
w be optim mal and use a DC
Battery Current [A]

poower converteer associated with a Maxim mum Power Point
P 0.6
Tracking (MPP PT) optimizingg the researchh of the maxim mum 0.4

poower delivereed by the PV generator. Too perform ressults 0.2

annd to compaare both balaancing methood a solar array a 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00

siimulator (Agiilent E4360A A) has been used.

u Figure 9 a) Tim
me [h] I Battery Pack
shhows a sunnyy profile with a maximum power, after two
Cell Voltage [V]

hoours workingg, at 30W andd figure 9 b)) shows a clooudy

prrofile represenntative of PV
V power variattions. All proffiles 3.4
appplied to the system for exxperiment havve a total duraation 3.3
off four hours. 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00
me [h] VCell1 VCell2 VCe
4 VCell5 VCe
35 35 0.030

30 30 0.025
Max [V]

25 25
Ppv [W]

Ppv [W]

D lt M

20 20

15 15 0.005
10 10 0.000
00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00
5 5
me [h] Delta
a VCell Maximun
0 0
00:00 01:00 0
02:00 03:00 04:0
00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00

me [h] Time [h]

a) b) Fig. 11. Experriment of the chharge of six lithium-ion cell in

seriees with the shunnt balancing meethod.
Fig. 9. Photoovoltaic profiless a) Sunny day, b) Cloudy dayy. Test coonditions: Clouddy PV profile ata 25°C.

Figures 10, 11, 13 and 14 shhow experimeents of the poower 45 45

module applyiing PV profiiles describedd above. Ressults 3
ΔCell Voltage maximum

40 30
shhow that usinng active baalancing circuuit the maxim mum 30
diifference volttage, noted ΔVCell
Δ max, beetween each cell 20
foollow specificcations definedd at 20mV duuring the full time

exxperiment. Allso, system daata acquisitionn performs ressults 0
thhat the quantitty of charge sttore into the battery
b is senssibly Without W
With Withouut With
thhe same for both
b experimeents. Figure 12 and 15 resuume
vaalues of ΔVCeellmax and com mpare results without
w balanccing Sunny C
acction. Converrsion efficienccy during batteery charging with
acctive balancinng method is around
a 91.5% applying a suunny Fig.
F 12. Final reesults of ΔVCeellmax applying or
o not shunt celll
prrofile and 87.33% applying cloudy
c profilee. balancing for diffferent PV Profilles. 1427 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.9, May 2011

6. Conclusion
Battery Current [A]

An intelligent cell balancing circuit was proposed for
0.4 bidirectional battery equalization of a series connected
0.2 lithium-ion battery string. A buck-boost converter was
00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 employed to improve the dynamic equalization
Time [h] I Battery Pack performance, and to guarantee that each cell voltage of
the lithium-ion battery string would be operated within
the safety region during the cell balancing period. The
Cell Voltage [V]

advantages of the proposed intelligent battery
equalization circuit are summarized as follows.
ƒ The proposed buck-boost converter topology
00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00
Time [h] VCell1 VCell2 VCell3 accelerates the equalizing process. The equalization
VCell4 VCell5 VCell6
time is abbreviated and continuous compared with
the conventional shunt balancing method under the
Delta Max [V]

same equalization conditions.
0.010 ƒ The bidirectional cell balancing control circuit can
be used in the charging or discharging state to
00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 extend lifetime of lithium-ion battery cells used in
Delta VCell Maximun
Time [h]
photovoltaic applications.
In system design of a practical lithium-ion based
Fig. 13. Experiment of the charge of six lithium-ion cell in series battery pack, the scope of cell imbalancing effects in the
with the active balancing method. battery string applications must be evaluated comparing
Test conditions: Sunny PV profile at 25°C. various solutions for cell balancing and execution time it
requires in the charge process.

Battery Current [A]

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Time [h]
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