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Charlotte Benstead Student ID:

Pre-Service Teacher
Learning Area:
Mentor Maths / Science
University Liaison

Professional knowledge:
Throughout my first 4 weeks of placement I have been developing my ability to adapt and change how I teach
in relationship to different learning and physical needs. At the beginning of placement, I struggled with lesson
sequences and how to plan for a double lesson. Although, I am still developing strategies to manage this I
believe I have improved by taking the time to listen to feedback, meeting with other professionals and engaging
with the wider educational community via twitter, blogs and other platforms. I plan to continue working on my
lesson structure by planning for the variety of ways students may respond to the activities displayed to them,
through reflecting on feedback and continuing to connect to the wider educational community.

Through the site stile, I have been able to develop my use of information and communication and technology
within the classroom. I found adding this into my lesson sparked more engagement and enabled me to deliver
the content more comfortably. Engagement is an important aspect of differentiation, in which I hope to
improve throughout the remainder of my placement. Within some of my mathematical classes I have started
including games which have sparked engagement. Therefore, another goal for the remainder of my placement
is to continue to plan and create engaging and relevant learning experiences. I hope to do this by discussions
with mentors, my own personal research and through engaging with the wider education community.

Another big goal for me within professional knowledge is differentiation within my classes. I have found this
aspect challenging especially within mathematics where some students require a lot of support as others need
extension. Although I have been trying these strategies such as making worksheets which outline on basic,
target and challenging questions. My goal is to incorporate more differentiation into my lessons. A strategy I
hope to implement is having a set of challenge questions for students to go on with once finished and
incorporating more purposeful diagnostic testings to ensure I can identify who requires more support.

Professional Practice:
Throughout my placement I have had the opportunity to develop two chemistry detailed units and lesson plans
using SACE stage 1 chemistry outline and have been able to develop both units and then work closely with my
mentor to refine them. From week to week I have been refining my plans in relationship to change of timetables
and what students did or did not grasp from previous lessons. A goal for my planning, as outlined above, is to
plan more consciously of what and how students may respond and develop strategies to deal with engagement
within double lessons. I am looking forward to being able to plan a unit plan for year 10 chemistry and a goal
of mine is to plan a more detail unit plan (similar to that I made in chemistry) for my year 9 & 10 maths classes.

Throughout my placement I have used a variety of methods to obtain assessment of student learning, this was
goal for me that I had set myself prior to placement. I have used Charis to communicate this feedback for my
year 9 maths class, as well as written and whole class feedback for my general maths class (for their draft
investigations) and my year 11 chemistry class (for their quiz on hydrocarbons). I believe that I could refine this
practice by imbedding more opportunities for feedback and ensuring that I am able to manage my time so that
I can act on it timely. I have had the opportunity to use Charis as a tool to post feedback, in which my goal for
the remainder of the term is to use Charis more to ensure I am communicating progression of learning to the
students and their parents.

A goal for me for the remainder of the term is develop my behaviour management skills and actively having
classroom presence. I have been often using the waiting technique, however, I hope to refine my practice a
develop a variety of go to strategies through discussion with mentors and other professionals and researching
and connecting with the wider educational community. I believe this is an ongoing goal throughout my practice
and will develop with more experience and as my confidence grows.

Professional Engagement:
During my time on placement I have tried to constantly be reflecting on my practice and taking notes of what I
could improve if I were to do this lesson again. Having discussions with mentors has helped me as well as
seeking advice from other staff members and connecting to the wider education community. I have begun
discussing my ongoing project for the internship, I have started attending the maths study group during
Thursday lunch time and am excited to be helping out with the planning of maths week in term 2. Next week I
will be involved in the year 8 city days which I will be able to see a different side of the school community and
get to know some students who I do not teach. Another milestone was having the opportunity to present a
devotion to all the staff. This experience was rewarding and enabled me to feel more apart of the school
community. As I am beginning to settle into the community and work load, a goal for me for the remainder of
the term is to get involved in an extra curriculum program, practically in music (another passion of mine). As I
have had very minimal interaction and experience with parents, a goal of mine moving forward is to contact
parents in relation to student learning.

Pre-service Teacher: Charlotte Benstead Date: 26/05/19

I have discussed and approve this learning plan:

Mentor: …………………… ....................................................................................... Date:

I have discussed and approve this learning plan:

University Liaison: ………………………….................................................................. Date:

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