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Class: VIII Science Class Notes

CHAPTER 7. Conservation of plants & animals
1. Biosphere: It is that part of the earth in which living organisms exist (or which supports

2. Ecosystem: An ecosystem is a ‘system’ which includes all the living organisms (plants,
animals and micro-organisms) of an area and the physical environment (soil, air and
water) in which they live.

3. Deforestation: The clearing of forests over a wide area is called deforestation.

4. Global warming: The gradual increase in the over-all temperature of earth’s atmosphere
due to greenhouse effect caused by the increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere is called
global warming.

5. Soil erosion: The carrying away of soil from one place to the other by flowing water and
wind is called soil erosion.

6. Desertification: The process by which fertile land becomes desert is called


7. Conservation: The process of keeping and protecting something from damage is termed
as conservation.

8. Flora: The plants found in a particular area is called flora. The flora of Pachmarhi
consists of Sal, Teak, Wild Mango, Jamun, Silver Ferns etc.

9. Fauna: The animals found in a particular area is called fauna. The fauna of Pachmarhi
consists of wild Dog, Cheetal, Wolf, Leopard, Blue Bull, Barking Deer etc.

10. Species: Species is a group of populations which are capable of interbreeding.

11. Endemic species: Those species of plants and animals found exclusively in a particular

12. Endangered animals: Those animals whose numbers are diminishing and might face
extinction in future. E.g. Tiger, Snow Leopard, Great Indian Rhinoceros, Asiatic Lion,
Desert Cat, Lion-Tailed Macaque etc.

13. Extinct species: Species of plants and animal which does not exist now. E.g. Dinosaurs,
Dodo bird, Cave lion, Caspian tiger, Irish deer.
14. Red Data Books: These are books which keeps a record of all endangered plants and

15. Migration: It is the movement of animals or birds from its own habitat to some other
habitat for a particular time period every year due to climatic changes or for breeding.

16. Reforestation: It is the restocking of destroyed forests by planting new trees.

17. Biodiversity: It refers to the variety of organisms found in a particular area.


Very Short Answer Type Questions (1-18), MCQs, HOTS

Q21, Q23, Q27, Q28, Q30, Q31, Q33, Q34, Q36, Q37, Q40, Q45, Q46, Q52, Q53, Q54, Q55,
Q57, Q58, Q59,Q65.


Q20. What are the consequences of deforestation?

Ans. i) Increase in the temperature and pollution level on the earth.
ii) Increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leading to global warming.
iii) Disturbs the water cycle in nature.
iv) Lowering of ground water level.
v) Decrease in rainfall leading to drought.
vi) Decrease in the water holding capacity of soil leading to floods.
vii) Soil erosion and decrease in soil fertility leading to desertification.

Q22. Explain how, deforestation makes the soil infertile leading to desertification
Ans. Plant roots, firmly bind the soil. In the absence of plants, soil becomes loose. So, it can be
moved by wind and flowing water. The removal of top layer of soil during soil erosion, exposes
the lower, hard and rocky layer of soil. This lower layer of soil is less fertile as a result, plant do
not grow well in this soil. Gradually, the fertile land gets converted into a desert.

Q35. Name two man-made causes of deforestation and two natural causes of deforestation.
Ans. The man-made causes for deforestation are :- i) Procuring land for cultivation ii) Building
houses and factories.

The natural causes of deforestation are forest fires and severe drought.

Q61. a) What is meant by the term ‘wildlife’ ? Why should forests and wildlife be
b) What are the various measures which can be taken to conserve forests and wildlife?
Ans. a) The term ‘wild life’ means all the animals and plants which are found naturally in the
forests and other natural habitat.
We should conserve forests and wildlife to preserve biodiversity (variety of species), to prevent
endangered species from becoming extinct, and to maintain ecological balance in nature.

b) Unauthorized cutting of trees should be stopped. More trees should be planted in place
of cut down trees. Paper products should be recycled. The natural habitat of wildlife should be
preserved by establishing biosphere reserve, sanctuaries and national parks. A total ban on the
killing of animals.
Q62. a) What are the various purposes for which the forests trees are cut?
b) What is the effect of deforestation on wild animals?
Ans. a) The forest trees are cut down to obtain wood for fuel, for making furniture, for making
paper, for construction of houses, roads etc.

b) Deforestation leads to extinction of wild animals & plants because the natural habitat of
wild animals gets destroyed due to deforestation.

Q63. a) How does deforestation cause soil erosion?

b) Explain how, deforestation leads to frequent flooding of rivers.
Ans. a) Trees helps in bringing rain. As a result, soil does not become loose and dry. Plant roots,
firmly bind the soil. In the absence of plants, soil becomes loose. So, it can be moved by wind
and flowing water.

b) When forest trees are cut down, the percolation of rain water into the soil is reduced. A
lot of rain water from deforested soil rushes into the rivers quickly, causing floods.

Q64. a) Explain how, deforestation leads to reduced rainfall.

b) How does deforestation lead to global warming?
Ans. a) The forest trees put a lot of groundwater, sucked through their roots, into the atmosphere
as water vapour by the process of transpiration. This vapour brings rain in that area. So, when
trees are cut down it affects the rainfall in that area.
b) When a lot of trees are cut down, then lesser number of trees will use up less carbon
dioxide due to which amount of CO2 will increase in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a green
house gas which traps the sun’s heat rays reflected by the earth. This increases the over-all
temperature of earth’s atmosphere due to greenhouse effect.


Q24. Page 112, 2nd paragraph, 2nd line, Deforestation reduces rainfall because ………………
decreases its water carrying capacity.

Q29. Page 114, Under heading, Role of Biosphere Reserve. Write any 4 points.

Q38. Page 117, Difference between Biosphere Reserve & Wildlife Sanctuary.

Q39. Page 117, Difference between Wildlife Sanctuary & Zoo.

Q41. Page 119, Difference between Wildlife Sanctuary & National Park

Q42. Page 118, 1st Paragraph, 6th line, These rock paintings depict the figures………….. &
playing musical instruments.

Q43. Page 118 , 2nd Paragraph, 5th line, Project Tiger is a wildlife conservation
project………………in specially constituted ‘Tiger Reserves’ throughout India.

Q44. Page 118, 2nd Paragraph, 12th line from bottom, It is pity that even the protected Forest
Reserves…………………… make some quick money.

Q48. Page 120, 2nd Paragraph, 6th line, Snake is a friend of farmer in the sense that it eats vermins
like rats…………………..leading to the loss in the production of foodgrains.

Q50. Page 120, Under heading, Red data book, 7th line, The advantage of maintaining Red Data
Book is that we come to know……………… the Authorities concerned to prevent their

Q56. Definition already done.

Page 122, Under the heading, Advantages of Reforestation, any 4 points.

Q60. Page 113, Figure 2.

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