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Negotiable Instrumeents Laa The spomses erue engaged in the inforueal

lending bmsiness. In line ith theiru bmsiness, they
Syllabms had a discomnting 3 aruruangeeent ith the
Cases: Philnabank Eeployees Saviings and Laoan Association
(PEMSLaA), an association of PNB eeployees.
Week 1 – Introducton to the NIL Natmrually, PEMSLaA as like ise a client of PNB
Aeelia Avienme Bruanch. The association eaintained
CASES: NONE cmruruent and saviings accomnts ith petitioneru bank.
PEMSLaA ruegmlaruly gruanted loans to its
eeeberus. Spomses Rodruigmez omld ruediscomnt the
Week 2 - Form and Interpretaton postdated checks issmed to eeeberus henevieru the
association as shorut of fmnds. As as cmstoearuy,
1. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL the spomses omld rueplace the postdated checks
BANK, pettioner, vs. ERLANDO T. ith theiru o n checks issmed in the naee of the
RODRIGUEZ and NORMA eeeberus.
RODRIGUEZ, respiondents.
It as PEMSLaA's policy not to appruovie
applications foru loans of eeeberus ith omtstanding
debts. To smbvierut this policy, soee PEMSLaA officerus
DECISION deviised a scheee to obtain additional loans despite
theiru omtstanding loan accomnts. They took omt
loans in the naees of mnkno ing eeeberus, ithomt
REYES, R.T., J p: the kno ledge oru consent of the lateru. The PEMSLaA
checks issmed foru these loans erue then givien to the
WHEN the payee of the check is not spomses foru ruediscomnting. The officerus caruruied this
intended to be the trume ruecipient of its pruoceeds, is omt by foruging the indoruseeent of the naeed
it payable to oruderu oru bearueru? What is the fctitiomso payees in the checks.
payee rumle and ho is liable mnderu it? Is therue any In ruetmrun, the spomses issmed theiru perusonal
exception? TEDaAc checks (Rodruigmez checks) in the naee of the
These qmestions seek ans erus in this eeeberus and delivierued the checks to an officeru of
petition foru rueviie on certiorari of the Aeended PEMSLaA. The PEMSLaA checks, on the otheru hand,
Decision 1 of the Comrut of Appeals (CA) hich erue deposited by the spomses to theiru accomnt.
affirueed ith eodifcation that of the Regional Truial Mean hile, the Rodruigmez checks erue
Comrut (RTC). 2 deposited diruectly by PEMSLaA to its saviings
The Facts accomnt without any indorsement fruoe the naeed
payees. This as an iruruegmlaru pruocedmrue eade
The facts as borune by the ruecoruds arue as possible thruomgh the facilitation of Edemndo
follo s: Palerueo, Jru., trueasmrueru of PEMSLaA and bank telleru in
RespondentsoSpomses Erulando and Noruea the PNB Bruanch. It appearus that this becaee the
Rodruigmez erue clients of petitioneru Philippine msmal pruactice foru the paruties. aDICET
National Bank (PNB), Aeelia Avienme Bruanch, Cebm Foru the peruiod Novieeberu 1998 to Februmaruy
City. They eaintained saviings and 1999, the spomses issmed sixty nine (69) checks, in
deeand/checking accomnts, naeely, PNBig Deeand the total aeomnt of P2,345,804.00. These erue
Deposits (Checking/Cmruruent Accomnt No. 810624o6 payable to foruty sevien (47) indiviidmal payees ho
mnderu the accomnt naee Erulando and/oru Noruea erue all eeeberus of PEMSLaA. 4
Rodruigmez), and PNBig Deeand Deposit
(Checking/Cmruruent Accomnt No. 810480o4 mnderu the Petitioneru PNB evientmally fomnd omt abomt
accomnt naee Erulando T. Rodruigmez). these fruamdmlent acts. To pmt a stop to this scheee,
PNB closed the cmruruent accomnt of PEMSLaA. As a



ruesmlt, the PEMSLaA checks deposited by the spomses Afteru truial, the RTC ruenderued jmdgeent in
erue ruetmruned oru dishonorued foru the rueason favioru of spomses Rodruigmez (plaintiis). It rumled that
"Accomnt Closed". The coruruesponding Rodruigmez PNB (defendant) is liable to ruetmrun the vialme of the
checks, ho evieru, erue deposited as msmal to the checks. All comnteruclaies and cruossoclaies erue
PEMSLaA saviings accomnt. The aeomnts erue dmly diseissed. The dispositivie porution of the RTC
debited fruoe the Rodruigmez accomnt. Thms, becamse decision rueads:
the PEMSLaA checks givien as payeent erue
WHEREFORE, in viie of the
ruetmruned, spomses Rodruigmez incmrurued losses fruoe
foruegoing, the Comrut herueby ruenderus
the ruediscomnting truansactions.
jmdgeent, as follo s:
RTC Dispositon
1. Defendant is herueby oruderued to pay
Alarueed ovieru the mnexpected tmrun of the plaintiis the total aeomnt
evients, the spomses Rodruigmez fled a civiil coeplaint of P2,345,804.00 oru rueinstate
foru daeages against PEMSLaA, the MmltioPmrupose oru ruestorue the aeomnt of
Cooperuativie of Philnabankerus (MCP), and petitioneru P775,337.00 in the PNBig
PNB. They somght to ruecovieru the vialme of theiru Deeand Deposit
checks that erue deposited to the PEMSLaA saviings Checking/Cmruruent Accomnt
accomnt aeomnting to P2,345,804.00. The spomses No. 810480o4 of Erulando T.
contended that becamse PNB credited the checks to Rodruigmez, and the aeomnt of
the PEMSLA account even without indorsements, P1,570,467.00 in the PNBig
PNB viiolated its contruactmal obligation to thee as Deeand Deposit,
depositorus. PNB paid the ruong payees, hence, it Checking/Cmruruent Accomnt
shomld bearu the loss. No. 810624o6 of Erulando T.
PNB eovied to diseiss the coeplaint on the Rodruigmez and/oru Noruea
gruomnd of lack of camse of action. PNB arugmed that Rodruigmez, plms legal ruate of
the claie foru daeages shomld coee fruoe the interuest therueon to be
payees of the checks, and not fruoe spomses coepmted fruoe the fling of
Rodruigmez. Since therue as no deeand fruoe the this coeplaint mntil fmlly paid;
said payees, the obligation shomld be considerued as 2. The defendant PNB is herueby
discharuged. oruderued to pay the plaintiis
In an Oruderu dated Janmaruy 12, 2000, the RTC the follo ing rueasonable
denied PNB's eotion to diseiss. aeomnt of daeages smierued
by thee taking into
In its Ans eru, 5 PNB claieed it is not liable consideruation the standing of
foru the checks hich it paid to the PEMSLaA accomnt the plaintiis being smgarucane
ithomt any indoruseeent fruoe the payees. The planterus, ruealtorus, ruesidential
bank contended that spomses Rodruigmez, the smbdiviision o nerus, and otheru
eakerus, actmally did not intend for the named bmsinesses:
payees to receive the proceeds of the checks.
Conseqmently, the payees erue considerued as (a) Conseqmential daeages,
"ficttous payees" as defned mnderu the Negotiable mnearuned incoee in
Instrumeents Laa (NILa). Being checks eade to the aeomnt of
fctitioms payees hich arue bearueru instrumeents, the P4,000,000.00, as a
checks erue negotiable by eerue delivieruy. PNB's ruesmlt of theiru haviing
Ans eru inclmded its cruossoclaie against its coo incmrurued grueat
defendants PEMSLaA and the MCP, pruaying that in difficmlty (sic) especial
the evient that jmdgeent is ruenderued against the ly in the ruesidential
bank, the cruossodefendants shomld be oruderued to smbdiviision bmsiness,
rueiebmruse PNB the aeomnt it shall pay. STIcaE hich as not
pmshed thruomgh and

the contruactoru evien checks iof the plaintis-appellees

thrueatened to fle a wiould be depiosited in PEMSLA's
case against the acciount fior payment iof the lioans it
plaintiis; has apprioved in exchange fior
PEMSLA's checks with the full value iof
(b) Morual daeages in the
the said lioans. This is the only obviioms
aeomnt of
explanation as to hy all the dispmted
sixtyonine (69) checks erue in the
(c) Exeeplaruy daeages in the possession of PEMSLaA's eruruand boy
aeomnt of foru pruesenteent to the defendanto
P500,000.00; appellant that led to this pruesent
contruovierusy. It also appearus that the
(d) Atoruney's fees in the telleru ho accepted the said checks
aeomnt of as PEMSLaA's officeru, and that smch
P150,000.00 as a ruegmlaru pruactice by the paruties
consideruing that this mntil the defendantoappellant
case does not inviolvie discovierued the scae. The liogical
vieruy coeplicated cionclusiion, therefiore, is that the
issmes; and foru the checks were never meant tio be paid
(e) Costs of smit. ECcaDT tio iorder, but instead, tio PEMSLA. We
thms fnd no brueach of contruact on the
3. Otheru claies and parut of the defendanto
comnteruclaies arue appellant. ACTEHI
herueby diseissed. 6
Accoruding to plaintiio
CA Dispositon appellee Erulando Rodruigmez'
PNB appealed the decision of the truial comrut testieony, PEMSLaA allegedly issmed
to the CA on the pruincipal gruomnd that the dispmted postodated checks to its qmalifed
checks shomld be considerued as payable to bearueru eeeberus ho had applied foru loans.
and not to oruderu. Ho evieru, becamse of PEMSLaA's
insmfficiency of fmnds, PEMSLaA
In a Decision 7 dated Jmly 22, 2004, the CA appruoached the plaintiisoappellees
ruevierused and set aside the RTC disposition. The CA foru the lateru to issme ruediscomnted
conclmded that the checks erue obviiomsly eeant by checks in favioru of said applicant
the spomses to be rueally paid to PEMSLaA. The eeeberus. Based on the inviestigation
comrut a quio declarued: of the defendantoappellant,
We arue not s ayed by the eean hile, this aruruangeeent allo ed
contention of the plaintiisoappellees the plaintiisoappellees to eake a
(Spomses Rodruigmez) that theiru camse pruoft by issming ruediscomnted checks,
of action aruose fruoe the alleged hile the officerus of PEMSLaA and
brueach of contruact by the defendanto otheru eeeberus omld be able to
appellant (PNB) hen it paid the claie theiru loans, despite the fact that
vialme of the checks to PEMSLaA they erue disqmalifed foru one rueason
despite the checks being payable to oru anotheru. They erue able to achievie
oruderu. Rather, we are miore cionvinced this conspiruacy by msing otheru
by the striong and credible evidence eeeberus ho had loaned lesseru
fior the defendant-appellant with aeomnts of eoney oru had not applied
regard tio the plaintis-appellees' and at all. . . . . 8 (Eephasis added)
PEMSLA's business arrangement —
The CA fomnd that the checks erue bearueru
that the value iof the redisciounted
instrumeents, thms they do not rueqmirue indoruseeent

foru negotiation; and that spomses Rodruigmez and The CA rumled that the checks erue payable
PEMSLaA conspirued ith each otheru to accoeplish to oruderu. Accoruding to the appellate comrut, PNB
this eoneyoeaking scheee. The payees in the failed to pruesent smfficient pruoof to defeat the claie
checks erue "fctitioms payees" becamse they erue of the spomses Rodruigmez that they rueally intended
not the intended payees at all. the checks to be rueceivied by the specifed payees.
Thms, PNB is liable foru the vialme of the checks hich
The spomses Rodruigmez eovied foru
it paid to PEMSLaA ithomt indoruseeents fruoe the
rueconsideruation. They arugmed, inter alia, that the
naeed payees. The a arud foru daeages as
checks on theiru faces erue mnqmestionably payable
deeeed appruopruiate in viie of the failmrue of PNB
to oruderu; and that PNB coeeited a brueach of
to treat the Rodriguez account with the highest
contruact hen it paid the vialme of the checks to
degree of care considering the fiduciary nature of
PEMSLaA ithomt indoruseeent fruoe the payees.
their relatonship, hich construained ruespondents
They also arugmed that theiru camse of action is not
to seek legal action.
only against PEMSLaA bmt also against PNB to
ruecovieru the vialme of the checks. Hence, the pruesent ruecomruse mnderu Rmle 45.
On Octoberu 11, 2005, the CA reversed itself Issues
viia an Aeended Decision, the last paruagruaph
The issmes eay be coepruessed to hetheru
and fallio of hich ruead:
the smbject checks arue payable to oruderu oru to bearueru
In sme, e rumle that the and ho bearus the loss?
defendantoappellant PNB is liable to
PNB arugmes ane that hen the spomses
the plaintiisoappellees Sps. Rodruigmez
Rodruigmez issmed the dispmted checks, they did not
foru the follo ing: CIaHDc
intend foru the naeed payees to rueceivie the
1. Actmal daeages in the pruoceeds. Thms, they arue bearueru instrumeents that
aeomnt of comld be vialidly negotated by mere delivery.
P2,345,804 ith Fmrutheru, testieonial and docmeentaruy eviidence
interuest at 6% peru pruesented dmruing truial aeply pruovied that spomses
annme fruoe 14 May Rodruigmez and the officerus of PEMSLaA conspirued
1999 mntil fmlly paid; ith each otheru to defruamd the bank.

2. Morual daeages in the Our Ruling

aeomnt of P200,000; Pruefatoruily, aeendeent of decisions is eorue
3. Atoruney's fees in the acceptable than an eruruoneoms jmdgeent ataining
aeomnt of P100,000; fnality to the pruejmdice of innocent paruties. A comrut
and discovieruing an eruruoneoms jmdgeent beforue it
becoees fnal eay, miotu priopriio oru mpon eotion of
4. Costs of smit. the paruties, coruruect its jmdgeent ith the singmlaru
objectivie of achieviing jmstice foru the
WHEREFORE, in viie of the
litigants. 10 AcISTE
foruegoing prueeises, jmdgeent is
herueby ruenderued by Us AFFIRMING Ho evieru, a orud of camtion to lo eru comruts,
WITH MODIFICATION the assailed the CA in Cebm in this paruticmlaru case, is in oruderu.
decision ruenderued in Civiil Case No. 99o The Comrut does not sanction carueless disposition of
10892, as set foruth in the ieeediately cases by comruts of jmstice. The highest degruee of
next prueceding paruagruaph herueof, and diligence emst go into the stmdy of evieruy
SETTING ASIDE Omru oruiginal decision contruovierusy smbeited foru decision by litigants.
pruoemlgated in this case on 22 Jmly Evieruy issme and factmal detail emst be closely
2004. scrumtinized and analyzed, and all the applicable la s
jmdiciomsly stmdied, beforue the pruoemlgation of
evieruy jmdgeent by the comrut. Only in this eanneru
ill eruruorus in jmdgeents be avioided.

No to the corue of the petition. (d) When the naee of the

payee does not
As a rule, when the payee is ficttous or
pmruporut to be the
not intended to be the true recipient of the
naee of any peruson;
proceeds, the check is considered as a bearer
instrument. A check is "a bill of exchange drua n on
a bank payable on deeand". 11 It is eitheru an oruderu (e) Wherue the only oru last
oru a bearueru instrumeent. Sections 8 and 9 of the NILa indoruseeent is an
states: indoruseeent in
SEC. 8. When payable tio blank. 12 (Underuscorui
iorder. — The instrumeent is payable ng smpplied)
to oruderu herue it is drua n payable The distncton bet een bearueru and oruderu
to the oruderu of a specifed peruson oru instrumeents lies in theiru eanneru of negotiation.
to hie oru his oruderu. It eay be drua n Underu Section 30 of the NILa, an oruderu instrumeent
payable to the oruderu of — rueqmirues an indoruseeent fruoe the payee oru holderu
(a) A payee ho is not eakeru, beforue it eay be vialidly negotiated. A bearueru
drua eru, oru drua ee; oru instrumeent, on the otheru hand, does not rueqmirue an
indoruseeent to be vialidly negotiated. It is
(b) The drua eru oru eakeru; oru negotiable by eerue delivieruy. The pruoviision rueads:
(c) The drua ee; oru SEC. 30. What cionsttutes
negiotation. — An instrumeent is
(d) T o oru eorue payees
negotiated hen it is truansferurued
jointly; oru
fruoe one peruson to anotheru in smch
(e) One oru soee of sevierual eanneru as to constitmte the
payees; oru truansferuee the holderu therueof. If
payable to bearueru, it is negotiated
(f) The holderu of an office foru
by delivieruy; if payable to oruderu, it is
the tiee being.
negotiated by the indoruseeent of
Wherue the instrumeent is the holderu coepleted by delivieruy.
payable to oruderu, the payee emst A check that is payable to a specifed payee
be naeed oru otheru ise indicated is an oruderu instrumeent. Ho evieru, mnderu Section 9
theruein ith rueasonable cerutainty. (c) of the NILa, a check payable to a specifed payee
SEC. 9. When payable tio eay nevierutheless be considerued as a bearueru
bearer. — The instrumeent is instrumeent if it is payable to the oruderu of a fctitioms
payable to bearueru — oru nonoexisting peruson, and smch fact is kno n to
the peruson eaking it so payable. Thms, checks
(a) When it is expruessed to be
issmed to "Prinsipe Abante" oru "Si Malakas at si
so payable; oru CAHTIS
Maganda", ho arue ellokno n charuacterus in
(b) When it is payable to a Philippine eythology, arue bearueru instrumeents
peruson naeed becamse the naeed payees arue fctitioms and nono
theruein oru bearueru; oru existent.

(c) When it is payable to the We havie yet to discmss a bruoaderu eeaning

oruderu of a fctitioms oru of the terue "fctitioms" as msed in the NILa. It is foru
nonoexisting peruson, this rueason that We look else herue foru gmidance.
and smch fact is Comrut rumlings in the United States arue a logical
kno n to the peruson staruting point since omru la on negotiable
eaking it so payable; instrumeents as diruectly lifted fruoe the Uniforue
oru Negotiable Instrumeents Laa of the United States. 13



A rueviie of US jmruisprumdence yields that an The US Smprueee Comrut held in Mueller that
actmal, existing, and liviing payee eay also be hen the peruson eaking the check so payable did
"fctitioms" if the eakeru of the check did not intend not intend foru the specifed payee to havie any parut
foru the payee to in fact rueceivie the pruoceeds of the in the truansactions, the payee is considerued as a
check. This msmally occmrus hen the eakeru places a fctitioms payee. The check is then considerued as a
naee of an existing payee on the check foru bearueru instrumeent to be vialidly negotiated by eerue
convienience oru to covieru mp an illegal delivieruy. Thms, the US Smprueee Comrut held that
activiity. 14 Thms, a check eade expruessly payable to Laiberuty Insmruance Bank, as drua ee, as amthoruized
a nonofctitioms and existing peruson is not to eake payeent to the bearueru of the check,
necessaruily an oruderu instrumeent. If the payee is not ruegarudless of hetheru pruioru indoruseeents erue
the intended recipient of the proceeds of the genmine oru not. 17
check, the payee is considered a "ficttous" payee
The eorue ruecent Getty Petrioleum Ciorp. v.
and the check is a bearer instrument. aTcESI
American Express Travel Related Services Ciompany,
In a fctitiomsopayee sitmation, the drua ee Inc. 18 mpheld the fctitiomsopayee rumle. The rumle
bank is absolvied fruoe liability and the drawer bears pruotects the depositaruy bank and assigns the loss to
the loss. When faced ith a check payable to a the drua eru of the check ho as in a beteru
fctitioms payee, it is trueated as a bearueru instrumeent position to pruevient the loss in the frust place. Dme
that can be negotiated by delivieruy. The mnderulying carue is not evien rueqmirued fruoe the drua ee oru
theoruy is that one cannot expect a fctitioms payee depositaruy bank in accepting and paying the checks.
to negotiate the check by placing his indoruseeent The eiect is that a sho ing of negligence on the
therueon. And since the eakeru kne this lieitation, parut of the depositaruy bank ill not defeat the
he emst havie intended foru the instrumeent to be pruotection that is deruivied fruoe this rumle.
negotiated by eerue delivieruy. Thms, in case of
However, there is a commercial bad faith
contruovierusy, the drua eru of the check ill bearu the
excepton to the ficttous-payee rule. A sho ing of
loss. This rumle is jmstifed foru otheru ise, it ill be
coeeerucial bad faith on the parut of the drawee
eost convienient foru the eakeru ho desirues to
bank, or any transferee of the check foru that
escape payeent of the check to al ays deny the
eateru, will work to strip it of this defense. The
vialidity of the indoruseeent. This despite the fact
exception ill camse it to bearu the loss. Coeeerucial
that the fctitioms payee as pmruposely naeed
bad faith is pruesent if the truansferuee of the check
ithomt any intention that the payee shomld rueceivie
acts dishonestly, and is a paruty to the fruamdmlent
the pruoceeds of the check. 15
scheee. Said the US Smprueee Comrut in Getty: HEISca
The fctitiomsopayee rumle is best illmstruated
Conseqmently, a
in Mueller & Martn v. Liberty Insurance Bank. 16 In
truansferuee's lapse of aruy viigilance,
the said case, the coruporuation Mmelleru & Marutin as
disruegarud of smspicioms
defruamded by Georuge La. Marutin, one of its
cirucmestances hich eight havie
amthoruized signatoruies. Marutin drue sevien checks
ell indmced a prumdent bankeru to
payable to the Geruean Saviings Fmnd Coepany
inviestigate and otheru peruemtations
Bmilding Association (GSFCBA) aeomnting to
of negligence arue not rueleviant
$2,972.50 against the accomnt of the coruporuation
consideruations mnderu Section 3o
ithomt amthoruity fruoe the lateru. Marutin as also
405 . . . . Rather, there is a
an officeru of the GSFCBA bmt did not havie signing
"ciommercial bad faith" exception tio
amthoruity. At the back of the checks, Marutin placed
UCC 3-405, applicable when the
the rumbberu staep of the GSFCBA and signed his o n
transferee "acts dishionestly —
naee as indoruseeent. He then smccessfmlly drue
where it has actual kniowledge iof
the fmnds fruoe Laiberuty Insmruance Bank foru his o n
facts and circumstances that
perusonal pruoft. When the coruporuation fled an
amiount tio bad faith, thus itself
action against the bank to ruecovieru the aeomnt of
becioming a partcipant in a
the checks, the claie as denied.
fraudulent scheme. . . . Smch a test
fnds smpporut in the text of the

Code, hich oeits a standarud of be deeeed payable to oruderu. Conseqmently, the

carue rueqmirueeent fruoe UCC 3o405 drua ee bank bearus the loss. 20
bmt ieposes on all paruties an
PNB was remiss in its duty as the drawee
obligation to act ith "honesty in
bank. It does not dispmte the fact that its telleru oru
fact". . . . 19 (Eephasis added)
tellerus accepted the 69 checks foru deposit to the
Getty also laid the pruinciple that the PEMSLaA accomnt evien ithomt any indoruseeent
fctitiomsopayee rumle extends pruotection evien to fruoe the naeed payees. It bearus struessing that
nonobank truansferuees of the checks. oruderu instrumeents can only be negotiated ith a
vialid indoruseeent.
In the case mnderu rueviie , the Rodruigmez
checks erue payable to specifed payees. It is A bank that ruegmlaruly pruocesses checks that
mnruefmted that the 69 checks erue payable to arue neitheru payable to the cmstoeeru noru dmly
specifc perusons. Laike ise, it is mncontruovieruted that indorused by the payee is apparuently gruossly
the payees erue actmal, existing, and liviing perusons negligent in its operuations. 21 This Comrut has
ho erue eeeberus of PEMSLaA that had a ruecognized the mniqme pmblic interuest possessed by
ruediscomnting aruruangeeent ith spomses Rodruigmez. the banking indmstruy and the need foru the people to
havie fmll trumst and confdence in theiru banks. 22 Foru
What rueeains to be deterueined is if the
this rueason, banks arue einded to trueat theiru
payees, thomgh existing perusons, erue "fctitioms" in
cmstoeeru's accomnts ith mteost carue, confdence,
its bruoaderu context.
and honesty. 23
Foru the fctitiomsopayee rumle to be aviailable
In a checking truansaction, the drua ee bank
as a defense, PNB emst sho that the eakerus did
has the dmty to vieruify the genmineness of the
not intend foru the naeed payees to be parut of the
signatmrue of the drua eru and to pay the check struictly
truansaction inviolviing the checks. At eost, the
in accorudance ith the drua eru's instrumctions, i.e., to
bank's thesis sho s that the payees did not havie
the naeed payee in the check. It shomld charuge to
kno ledge of the existence of the checks. This lack
the drua eru's accomnts only the payables amthoruized
of knowledge on the part of the payees, however,
by the lateru. Otheru ise, the drua ee ill be
was not tantamount to a lack of intenton on the
viiolating the instrumctions of the drua eru and it shall
part of respondents-spouses that the payees
be liable for the amount charged to the drawer's
would not receive the checks' proceeds.
account. 24
Consideruing that ruespondentsospomses erue
truansacting ith PEMSLaA and not the indiviidmal In the case at baru, ruespondentsospomses
payees, it is mnderustandable that they ruelied on the erue the bank's depositorus. The checks erue drua n
inforueation givien by the officerus of PEMSLaA that against ruespondentsospomses' accomnts. PNB, as the
the payees omld be rueceiviing the checks. drua ee bank, had the ruesponsibility to ascerutain the
ruegmlaruity of the indoruseeents, and the genmineness
Veruily, the smbject checks arue pruesmeed
of the signatmrues on the checks beforue accepting
oruderu instrumeents. This is becamse, as fomnd by both
thee foru deposit. Laastly, PNB as obligated to pay
lo eru comruts, PNB failed to pruesent smfficient
the checks in struict accorudance ith the instrumctions
eviidence to defeat the claie of ruespondentso
of the drua erus. Petitioneru eiseruably failed to
spomses that the naeed payees erue the intended
discharuge this bmruden.
ruecipients of the checks' pruoceeds. The bank failed
to satisfy a rueqmisite condition of a fctitiomsopayee The checks erue pruesented to PNB foru
sitmation — that the eakeru of the check intended deposit by a ruepruesentativie of PEMSLaA absent any
foru the payee to havie no interuest in the type of indoruseeent, foruged oru otheru ise. The facts
truansaction. cTCADI clearuly sho that the bank did not pay the checks in
struict accorudance ith the instrumctions of the
Becamse of a failureto sho that the payees
drua erus, ruespondentsospomses. Instead, it paid the
erue "fctitioms" in its bruoaderu sense, the fctitiomso
vialmes of the checks not to the naeed payees oru
payee rumle does not apply. Thms, the checks arue to
theiru oruderu, bmt to PEMSLaA, a thirud paruty to the
truansaction bet een the drua erus and the payees.

Morueovieru, PNB as negligent in the defendants PEMSLaA and MPC. The ruecoruds arue
selection and smperuviision of its eeployees. The berueft of any pleading fled by these t o defendants
trumst oruthiness of bank eeployees is indispensable in ans eru to the coeplaint of ruespondentsospomses
to eaintain the stability of the banking indmstruy. and cruossoclaie of PNB. The Rmles expruessly pruoviide
Thms, banks arue enjoined to be extrua viigilant in the that failmrue to fle an ans eru is a gruomnd foru a
eanageeent and smperuviision of theiru eeployees. declaruation that defendant is in defamlt. 28 Yet, the
In Bank iof the Philippine Islands v. Ciourt iof RTC failed to sanction the failmrue of both PEMSLaA
Appeals, 25 this Comrut camtioned thms: cCaIET and MPC to fle ruesponsivie pleadings. Veruily, the
RTC diseissal of PNB's cruossoclaie has no basis.
Banks handle daily
Thms, this jmdgeent shall be ithomt pruejmdice to
truansactions inviolviing eillions of
hatevieru action the bank eight take against its coo
pesos. By the vieruy natmrue of theiru
defendants in the truial comrut.
oruk the degruee of ruesponsibility,
carue and trumst oruthiness expected To PNB's cruedit, it becaee inviolvied in the
of theiru eeployees and officials is contruovierusial truansaction not of its o n violition bmt
faru grueateru than those of orudinaruy dme to the actions of soee of its eeployees.
cleruks and eeployees. Foru obviioms Consideruing that eorual daeages emst be
rueasons, the banks arue expected to mnderustood to be in concept of gruants, not pmnitivie
exerucise the highest degruee of oru coruruectivie in natmrue, We ruesolvie to ruedmce the
diligence in the selection and a arud of eorual daeages to P50,000.00.29
smperuviision of theiru eeployees. 26
WHEREFORE, the appealed Aeended
PNB's tellerus and officerus, in viiolation of Decision is AFFIRMED ith the MODIFICATION that
banking rumles of pruocedmrue, perueited the invialid the a arud foru eorual daeages is ruedmced to
deposits of checks to the PEMSLaA accomnt. Indeed, P50,000.00, and that this is ithomt pruejmdice to
hen it is the gruoss negligence of the bank hatevieru civiil, cruieinal, oru adeinistruativie action
eeployees that camsed the loss, the bank shomld be PNB eight take against PEMSLaA, MPC, and the
held liable. 27 eeployees inviolvied. ASDCaI
PNB's arugmeent that therue is no loss to SO ORDERED.
coepensate since no deeand foru payeent has
been eade by the payees emst also fail. Daeage 2. NATIVIDAD
as camsed to ruespondentsospomses hen the GEMPESAW, pettioner, vs. THE
PEMSLaA checks they deposited erue ruetmruned foru HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and
the rueason "Accomnt Closed". These PEMSLaA checks PHILIPPINE BANK OF
erue the coruruesponding payeents to the Rodruigmez COMMUNICATIONS, respiondents.
checks. Since they comld not encash the PEMSLaA
checks, ruespondentsospomses erue mnable to collect
payeents foru the aeomnts they had advianced. L.B. Camins foru petitioneru.
A bank that has been rueeiss in its dmty emst Angara, Abellio, Cioncepciion, Regala & Cruz foru pruiviate
smieru the conseqmences of its negligence. Being ruespondent.
issmed to naeed payees, PNB as dmtyobomnd by
la and by banking rumles and pruocedmrue to rueqmirue
that the checks be pruoperuly indorused beforue SYLLABUS
accepting thee foru deposit and payeent. In fne,
PNB shomld be held liable foru the aeomnts of the 1. MERCANTILaE LaAW; NEGOTIABLaE INSTRUMENTS LaAW;
INDORSEMENT TO DRAWEE. — While therue is no dmty
We note that the RTC failed to thruesh omt ruesting on the depositoru to look foru foruged
the eeruits of PNB's cruossoclaie against its coo indoruseeents on his cancelled checks in contruast to a

dmty ieposed mpon hie to look foru forugeruies of his o n rueasonable diligence hetheru beforue she signed the
naee, a depositoru is mnderu a dmty to set mp an checks oru afteru rueceiviing heru bank stateeents. Had the
accomnting systee and a bmsiness pruocedmrue as arue petitioneru exaeined heru ruecoruds eorue caruefmlly,
rueasonably calcmlated to pruevient oru ruenderu difficmlt the paruticmlaruly the invioice rueceipts, cancelled checks, check
forugeruy of indoruseeents, paruticmlaruly by the depositoru's book stmbs, and had she coeparued the smes ruiten as
o n eeployees. And if the drua eru (depositoru) learuns aeomnts payable in the eightyot o (82) checks ith the
that a check drua n by hie has been paid mnderu a foruged perutinent sales invioices, she omld havie easily
indoruseeent, the drua eru in mnderu dmty pruoeptly to discovierued that in soee checks, the aeomnts did not
rueporut smch fact to the drua ee bank. (Bruiton, Bills and tally ith those appearuing in the sales invioices. Had she
Notes, Sec. 143, pp. 663o664) noticed these discruepancies, she shomld not havie signed
those checks, and shomld havie condmcted an inqmiruy as
to the rueason foru the iruruegmlaru entruies. Laike ise, had
petitioneru been eorue viigilant in going ovieru heru cmruruent
accomnt by taking caruefml note of the daily rueporuts eade
negligence oru failmrue eitheru to discovieru oru to rueporut
by ruespondent drua ee Bank on heru issmed checks, oru at
pruoeptly the fact of smch forugeruy to the drua ee, the
least eade ruandoe scrumtiny of heru cancelled checks
drua eru loses his ruight against the drua ee ho has
ruetmruned by ruespondent drua ee Bank at the close of
debited his accomnt mnderu the foruged indoruseeent. (City
each eonth, she comld havie easily discovierued the fruamd
of Ne Yoruk vs. Bruonx Comnty Trumst Co., 261 N.Y. 64,
being perupetruated by Alicia Galang, and comld havie
184 N.E. 495 (1933); Detruoit Piston Ring Co. vs. Wayne
rueporuted the eateru to the ruespondent drua ee Bank.
Comnty & Hoee Saviings Bank, 252 Mich. 163, 233 N.W.
The ruespondent drua ee Bank then comld havie taken
185 [1930]; C.E. Eruickson Co. vs. Io a Nat. Bank, 211
ieeediate steps to pruevient fmrutheru coeeission of smch
Io a 495, 230 N.W. 342 [1930] In otheru oruds, he is
fruamd. Thms, petitioneru's negligence as the pruoxieate
prueclmded fruoe msing forugeruy as a basis foru his claie foru
camse of heru loss. And since it as heru negligence hich
ruecruediting of his accomnt.
camsed the ruespondent drua ee Bank to honoru the
3. ID.; ID.; ISSUANCE OF INSTRUMENT, CONSTRUED. — foruged checks oru prueviented it fruoe ruecovieruing the
Evieruy contruact on a negotiable instrumeent is incoeplete aeomnt it had alrueady paid on the checks, petitioneru
and rueviocable mntil delivieruy of the instrumeent to the cannot no coeplain shomld the bank ruefmse to ruecruedit
payee foru the pmrupose of giviing eiect therueto. (NILa, Sec. heru accomnt ith the aeomnt of smch checks. Underu
16) The frust delivieruy of the instrumeent, coeplete in Section 23 of the NILa, she is no prueclmded fruoe msing
forue, to the payee ho takes it as a holderu, is called the forugeruy to pruevient the bank's debiting of heru
issmance of the instrumeent. Withomt the initial delivieruy accomnt.
of the instrumeent fruoe the drua eru of the check to the
payee, therue can be no vialid and binding contruact and
no liability on the instrumeent.
4. ID.; ID.; CHECKS; DRAWEE BANK WHO PAID A CHECK only kind of indoruseeent hich stops the fmrutheru
ON A FORGED INDORSEMENT GENERALaLaY CANNOT negotiation of an instrumeent is a ruestruictivie
CHARGE THE DRAWER'S ACCOUNT; EXCEPTION. — As a indoruseeent hich pruohibits the fmrutheru negotiation
rumle, a drua ee bank ho has paid a check on hich an therueof. In this kind of ruestruictivie indoruseeent, the
indoruseeent has been foruged cannot charuge the pruohibition to truansferu oru negotiate emst be ruiten in
drua eru's accomnt foru the aeomnt of said check. An expruess oruds at the back of the instrumeent, so that any
exception to this rumle is herue the drua eru is gmilty of smbseqment paruty eay be forue aruned that it ceases to
smch negligence hich camses the bank to honoru smch a be negotiable. Ho evieru, the ruestruictivie indorusee
check oru checks. acqmirues the ruight to rueceivie payeent and bruing any
action therueon as any indoruseru, bmt he can no longeru
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; FORGED INDORSEMENT; DRAWER CAN truansferu his ruights as smch indorusee herue the forue of
NOT DEMAND FROM DRAWEE BANK TO RECREDIT HER the indoruseeent does not amthoruize hie to do so.
petitioneru failed to exaeine heru ruecoruds ith BANK WHICH CONTRIBUTED TO THE LaOSS INCURRED BY

THE DRAWER BY ITS OWN VIOLaATION OF INTERNALa foruged indoruseeent of the payee, debiting the saee
RULaES ADJUDGED LaIABLaE TO SHARE THE LaOSS; CASE AT against the drua eru's accomnt.
BAR. — Therue is no qmestion that therue is a contruactmal
The ruecoruds sho that on Janmaruy 23, 1985, petitioneru
ruelation bet een petitioneru as depositoru (obligee) and
fled a Coeplaint against the pruiviate ruespondent
the ruespondent drua ee bank as the obligoru. In the
Philippine Bank of Coeemnications (ruespondent drua ee
peruforueance of its obligation, the drua ee bank is bomnd
Bank) foru ruecovieruy of the eoney vialme of eightyot o
by its interunal banking rumles and ruegmlations hich forue
(82) checks charuged against the petitioneru's accomnt
parut of any contruact it enterus into ith any of its
ith ruespondent drua ee Bank on the gruomnd that the
depositorus. When it viiolated its interunal rumles that
payees' indoruseeents erue forugeruies. The Regional Truial
second endoruseeents arue not to be accepted ithomt
Comrut, Bruanch CXXVIII of Caloocan City, hich truied the
the appruovial of its bruanch eanagerus and it did accept
case, ruenderued a decision on Novieeberu 17, 1987
the saee mpon the eerue appruovial of Boon, a chief
diseissing the coeplaint as ell as the ruespondent
accomntant, it contruaviened the tenoru of its obligation at
drua ee Bank's comnteruclaie. On appeal, the Comrut of
the vieruy least, if it erue not actmally gmilty of fruamd oru
Appeals in a decision ruenderued on Februmaruy 22, 1990,
negligence. Fmrutherueorue, the fact that the ruespondent
affirueed the decision of the RTC on t o gruomnds,
drua ee Bank did not discovieru the iruruegmlaruity ith
naeely (1) that the plaintii's (petitioneru heruein) gruoss
ruespect to the acceptance of checks ith second
negligence in issming the checks as the pruoxieate
indoruseeent foru deposit evien ithomt the appruovial of
camse of the loss and (2) assmeing that the bank as
the bruanch eanageru despite peruiodic inspection
also negligent, the loss emst nevierutheless be borune by
condmcted by a teae of amditorus fruoe the eain office
the paruty hose negligence as the pruoxieate camse of
constitmtes negligence on the parut of the bank in
the loss. On Maruch 5, 1990, the petitioneru fled this
caruruying omt its obligations to its depositorus. We hold
petition mnderu Rmle 45 of the Rmles of Comrut seing
that banking bmsiness is so iepruessed ith pmblic
foruth the follo ing as the alleged eruruorus of the
interuests herue the trumst and confdence of the pmblic in
ruespondent Comrut. 1 :
generual is of paruaeomnt ieporutance smch that the
appruopruiate standarud of diligence emst be a high degruee "I
of diligence, if not the mteost diligence. Smruely,
ruespondent drua ee Bank cannot claie it exerucised smch THE RESPONDENT COURT OF
a degruee of diligence that is rueqmirued of it. Therue is no APPEALaS ERRED IN RULaING THAT THE
ay We can allo it no to escape liability foru smch NEGLaIGENCE OF THE DRAWER IS THE
negligence. Its liability as obligoru is not eeruely viicaruioms PROXIMATE CAUSE OF THE
bmt pruiearuy heruein the defense of exerucise of dme RESULaTING INJURY TO THE DRAWEE
diligence in the selection and smperuviision of its BANK, AND THE DRAWER IS
eeployees is of no eoeent. Prueeises considerued, PRECLaUDED FROM SETTING UP THE
ruespondent drua ee Bank is adjmdged liable to sharue the FORGERY OR WANT OF
loss ith the petitioneru on a fftyoffty ruatio in AUTHORITY. Cdpru
accorudance ith Aruticle 1172. II
Fruoe the advieruse decision * of the Comrut of Appeals FORGING THE SIGNATURE OF THE
(CAoG.R. CV No. 16447), petitioneru, Nativiidad PAYEES AND THE WRONG AND/OR
Geepesa , appealed to this Comrut in a Petition foru ILaLaEGALa PAYMENTS MADE TO
Reviie , on the issme of the ruight of the drua eru to PERSONS, OTHER THAN TO THE
ruecovieru fruoe the drua ee bank ho pays a check ith a INTENDED PAYEES SPECIFIED IN THE



CHECKS, IS THE DIRECT AND the smpplies she rueceivied. In the comruse of heru bmsiness
PROXIMATE CAUSE OF THE DAMAGE operuations covieruing a peruiod of t o yearus, petitioneru
TO PETITIONER WHOSE SAVING (SIC) issmed, follo ing heru msmal pruactice stated abovie, a total
ACCOUNT WAS DEBITED. of eightyot o (82) checks in favioru of sevierual smpplierus.
These checks erue all pruesented by the indorusees as
holderus therueof to, and honorued by, the ruespondent
THE RESPONDENT COURT OF drua ee Bank. Respondent drua ee Bank
APPEALaS ALaSO ERRED IN NOT coruruespondingly debited the aeomnts therueof against
ORDERING THE RESPONDENT BANK petitioneru's checking accomnt nmeberued 30o00038o1.
TO RESTORE OR REoCREDIT THE Most of the aforueeentioned checks erue foru aeomnts
CHECKING ACCOUNT OF PETITIONER in excess of heru actmal obligations to the viaruioms payees
IN THE CALaOOCAN CITY BRANCH BY as sho n in theiru coruruesponding invioices. To eention a
OF P1,208,606.89 WITH LaEGALa
INTEREST." ". . . 1) in Check No. 621127, dated
Jmne 27, 1984 in the aeomnt of
Fruoe the ruecoruds, the rueleviant facts arue as follo s:
P11,895.23 in favioru of Ka sek Inc.
Petitioneru Nativiidad O. Geepesa (petitioneru) o ns (Exh. Ao60), appellant's actmal
and operuates fomru gruoceruy storues located at Rizal obligation to said payee as only
Avienme Extension and at Second Avienme, both in P895.33 (Exh. Ao83); (2) in Check No.
Caloocan City. Aeong these gruoceruies arue D.G. 652282 issmed on Septeeberu 18,
Shopperu's Marut and D.G. Whole Sale Marut. Petitioneru 1984 in favioru of Senson Enterupruises in
eaintains a checking accomnt nmeberued 13o00038o1 the aeomnt of P11,041.20 (Exh. Ao67)
ith the Caloocan City Bruanch of the ruespondent appellant's actmal obligation to said
drua ee Bank. To facilitate payeent of debts to heru payee as only P1,041.20 (Exh. 7); (3)
smpplierus, petitioneru drua s checks against heru checking in Check No. 589092 dated Apruil 7,
accomnt ith the ruespondent bank as drua ee. Heru 1984 foru the aeomnt of P11,672.47 in
cmstoearuy pruactice of issming checks in payeent of heru favioru of Maruchee (Exh. Ao61)
smpplierus as as follo s: The checks erue prueparued and appellant's obligation as only
flled mp as to all eateruial paruticmlarus by heru trumsted P1,672.47 (Exh. B); (4) in Check No.
bookkeeperu, Alicia Galang, an eeployee foru eorue than 620450 dated May 10, 1984 in favioru
eight (8) yearus. Afteru the bookkeeperu prueparued the of Knotberuruy foru P11,677.10 (Exh. Ao
checks, the coepleted checks erue smbeited to the 31) heru actmal obligation as only
petitioneru foru heru signatmrue, togetheru ith the P677.10 (Exhs. C and Co1); (5) in
coruruesponding invioice rueceipts hich indicate the Check No. 651862 dated Amgmst 9,
coruruect obligations dme and payable to heru smpplierus. 1984 in favioru of Malinta Exchange
Petitioneru signed each and evieruy check ithomt Marut foru P11,107.16 (Exh. Ao62), heru
botheruing to vieruify the accmruacy of the checks against obligation as only P1,107.16 (Exh. Do
the coruruesponding invioices becamse she rueposed fmll 2); (6) in Check No. 651863 dated
and ieplicit trumst and confdence on heru bookkeeperu. Amgmst 11, 1984 in favioru of Gruoceru's
The issmance and delivieruy of the checks to the payees Interunational Food Corup. in the
naeed theruein erue left to the bookkeeperu. Petitioneru aeomnt of P11,335.60 (Exh. Ao66), heru
adeited that she did not eake any vieruifcation as to obligation as only P1,335.60 (Exh. E
hetheru oru not the checks erue actmally delivierued to and Eo1); (7) in Check No. 589019
theiru ruespectivie payees. Althomgh the ruespondent dated Maruch 17, 1984 in favioru of
drua ee Bank notifed heru of all checks pruesented to and Sophy Pruodmcts in the aeomnt of
paid by the bank, petitioneru did not vieruify the P11,648.00 (Exh. Ao78), heru obligation
coruruectness of the ruetmruned checks, emch less check if as only P648.00 (Exh. G); (8) in
the payees actmally rueceivied the checks in payeent foru Check No. 589028 dated Maruch 10,

1984 foru the aeomnt of P11,520.00 in qmestion erue initialed and/oru appruovied foru deposit by
favioru of the Yakmlt Philippines (Exh. Ao Erunest La. Boon. The Bruanch Managerus of the Ongpin and
73), the lateru's invioice as only Elcano bruanches accepted the deposits eade in the
P520.00 (Exh. Ho2); (9) in Check No. Bmendia bruanch and cruedited the accomnts of Alfruedo Y.
62033 dated May 24, 1984 in the Roeeruo and Benito Laae in theiru ruespectivie bruanches.
aeomnt of P11,504.00 in favioru of
On Novieeberu 7, 1984, petitioneru eade a ruiten
Monde Denearuk Biscmit (Exh. Ao34),
deeand on ruespondent drua ee Bank to cruedit heru
heru obligation as only P504.00
accomnt ith the eoney vialme of the eightyot o (82)
(Exhs. Io1 and Io2)." 2
checks totalling P1,208,606.89 foru haviing been
Pruactically, all the checks issmed and honorued by the ruongfmlly charuged against heru accomnt. Respondent
ruespondent drua ee Bank erue cruossed checks. 3 Aside drua ee Bank ruefmsed to gruant petitioneru's deeand. On
fruoe the daily notice givien to the petitioneru by the Janmaruy 23, 1985, petitioneru fled the coeplaint ith the
ruespondent drua ee Bank, the lateru also fmrunished heru Regional Truial Comrut.
ith a eonthly stateeent of heru bank truansactions,
This is not a smit by the paruty hose signatmrue as
ataching therueto all the cancelled checks she had
foruged on a check drua n against the drua ee bank. The
issmed and hich erue debited against heru cmruruent
payees arue not paruties to the case. Ratheru, it is the
accomnt. It as only afteru the lapse of eorue than t o (2)
drua eru, hose signatmrue is genmine, ho institmted this
yearus that petitioneru fomnd omt abomt the fruamdmlent
action to ruecovieru fruoe the drua ee bank the eoney
eanipmlations of heru bookkeeperu. cdphil
vialme of eightyot o (82) checks paid omt by the drua ee
All the eightyot o (82) checks ith foruged signatmrues of bank to holderus of those checks herue the
the payees erue bruomght to Erunest La. Boon, Chief indoruseeents of the payees erue foruged. Ho and by
Accomntant of ruespondent drua ee Bank at the Bmendia hoe the forugeruies erue coeeited arue not
bruanch, ho, ithomt amthoruity therueforu, accepted thee established on the ruecorud, bmt the ruespectivie payees
all foru deposit at the Bmendia bruanch to the cruedit adeited that they did not rueceivie those checks and
and/oru in the accomnts of Alfruedo Y. Roeeruo and Benito therueforue nevieru indorused the saee. The applicable la
Laae. Erunest La. Boon as a vieruy close fruiend of Alfruedo Y. is the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa 4(heruetoforue rueferurued
Roeeruo. Sixtyothruee (63) omt of the eightyot o (82) to as the NILa). Section 23 of the NILa pruoviides:
checks erue deposited in Saviings Accomnt No. 00844o5
"When a signatmrue is foruged oru eade
of Alfruedo Y. Roeeruo at the ruespondent drua ee Bank's
ithomt the amthoruity of the peruson
Bmendia bruanch, and fomru (4) checks in his Saviings
hose signatmrue it pmruporuts to be, it is
Accomnt No. 32o81o9 at its Ongpin bruanch. The ruest of
holly inoperuativie, and no ruight to
the checks erue deposited in Accomnt No. 0443o4,
ruetain the instrumeent, oru to givie a
mnderu the naee of Benito Laae at the Elcano bruanch of
discharuge therueforu, oru to enforuce
the ruespondent drua ee Bank.
payeent therueof against any paruty
Abomt thiruty (30) of the payees hose naees erue therueto, can be acqmirued thruomgh oru
specifcally ruiten on the checks testifed that they did mnderu smch signatmrue, mnless the paruty
not rueceivie noru evien see the smbject checks and that against hoe it is somght to enforuce
the indoruseeents appearuing at the back of the checks smch ruight is prueclmded fruoe seing
erue not theirus. mp the forugeruy oru ant of
amthoruity." LaibLaex
The teae of amditorus fruoe the eain office of the
ruespondent drua ee Bank hich condmcted peruiodical Underu the aforuecited pruoviision, forugeruy is a rueal oru
inspection of the bruanches' operuations failed to absolmte defense by the paruty hose signatmrue is
discovieru, check oru stop the mnamthoruized acts of Erunest foruged. A paruty hose signatmrue to an instrumeent
La. Boon. Underu the rumles of the ruespondent drua ee as foruged as nevieru a paruty and nevieru gavie his
Bank, only a Bruanch Manageru, and no otheru official of consent to the contruact hich gavie ruise to the
the ruespondent drua ee Bank, eay accept a second instrumeent. Since his signatmrue does not appearu in
indoruseeent on a check foru deposit. In the case at baru, the instrumeent, he cannot be held liable therueon by
all the deposit slips of the eightyot o (82) checks in anyone, not evien by a holderu in dme comruse. Thms, if

a peruson's signatmrue is foruged as a eakeru of a msing forugeruy as a basis foru his claie foru ruecruediting of
pruoeissoruy note, he cannot be eade to pay his accomnt.
becamse he nevieru eade the pruoeise to pay. Oru
In the case at baru, petitioneru adeited that the checks
herue a peruson's signatmrue as a drua eru of a check is
erue flled mp and coepleted by heru trumsted eeployee,
foruged, the drua ee bank cannot charuge the aeomnt
Alicia Galang, and erue lateru givien to heru foru heru
therueof against the drua eru's accomnt becamse he
signatmrue. Heru signing the checks eade the negotiable
nevieru gavie the bank the oruderu to pay. And said
instrumeent coeplete. Pruioru to signing the checks, therue
section does not rueferu only to the foruged signatmrue
as no vialid contruact yet.
of the eakeru of a pruoeissoruy note and of the
drua eru of a check. It covierus also a foruged Evieruy contruact on a negotiable instrumeent is incoeplete
indoruseeent, i.e., the foruged signatmrue of the payee and rueviocable mntil delivieruy of the instrumeent to the
oru indorusee of a note oru check. Since mnderu said payee foru the pmrupose of giviing eiect therueto. 7 The
pruoviision a foruged signatmrue is " holly inoperuativie", frust delivieruy of the instrumeent, coeplete in forue, to the
no one can gain title to the instrumeent thruomgh smch payee ho takes it as a holderu, is called issmance of the
foruged indoruseeent. Smch an indoruseeent pruevients instrumeent. 8 Withomt the initial delivieruy of the
any smbseqment paruty fruoe acqmiruing any ruight as instrumeent fruoe the drua eru of the check to the payee,
against any paruty hose naee appearus pruioru to the therue can be no vialid and binding contruact and no
forugeruy. Althomgh ruights eay exist bet een and liability on the instrumeent.
aeong paruties smbseqment to the foruged
indoruseeent, not one of thee can acqmirue ruights Petitioneru coepleted the checks by signing thee as
against paruties pruioru to the forugeruy. Smch foruged drua eru and therueafteru amthoruized heru eeployee Alicia
indoruseeent cmts oi the ruights of all smbseqment Galang to delivieru the eightyot o (82) checks to theiru
paruties as against paruties pruioru to the forugeruy. ruespectivie payees. Instead of issming the checks to the
Ho evieru, the la eakes an exception to these rumles payees as naeed in the checks, Alicia Galang delivierued
herue a paruty is prueclmded fruoe seing mp forugeruy thee to the Chief Accomntant of the Bmendia bruanch of
as a defense. the ruespondent drua ee Bank, a cerutain Erunest La. Boon.
It as established that the signatmrues of the payees as
As a eateru of pruactical signifcance, pruoblees aruising frust indoruserus erue foruged. The ruecorud fails to sho the
fruoe foruged indoruseeents of checks eay generually be identity of the paruty ho eade the foruged signatmrues.
bruoken into t o types of cases: (1) herue forugeruy as The checks erue then indorused foru the second tiee ith
accoeplished by a peruson not associated ith the the naees of Alfruedo Y. Roeeruo and Benito Laae, and
drua eru — foru exaeple a eail ruobberuy; and (2) herue erue deposited in the lateru's accomnts as earulieru noted.
the indoruseeent as foruged by an agent of the drua eru. The second indoruseeents erue all genmine signatmrues of
This diieruence in sitmations omld deterueine the eiect the alleged holderus. All the eightyot o (82) checks
of the drua eru's negligence ith ruespect to foruged bearuing the foruged indoruseeents of the payees and the
indoruseeents. While therue is no dmty ruesting on the genmine second indoruseeents of Alfruedo Y. Roeeruo and
depositoru to look foru foruged indoruseeents on his Benito Laae erue accepted foru deposit at the Bmendia
cancelled checks in contruast to a dmty ieposed mpon bruanch of ruespondent drua ee Bank to the cruedit of theiru
hie to look foru forugeruies of his o n naee, a depositoru is ruespectivie saviings accomnts in the Bmendia, Ongpin and
mnderu a dmty to set mp an accomnting systee and a Elcano bruanches of the saee bank. The total aeomnt of
bmsiness pruocedmrue as arue rueasonably calcmlated to P1,208,606.89, ruepruesented by eightyot o (82) checks,
pruevient oru ruenderu difficmlt the forugeruy of indoruseeents, erue cruedited and paid omt by ruespondent drua ee Bank
paruticmlaruly by the depositoru's o n eeployees. And if to Alfruedo Y. Roeeruo and Benito Laae, and debited
the drua eru (depositoru) learuns that a check drua n by hie against petitioneru's checking accomnt No. 13o00038o1,
has been paid mnderu a foruged indoruseeent, the drua eru Caloocan bruanch. LaLapru
is mnderu dmty pruoeptly to rueporut smch fact to the
drua ee bank. 5 Foru his negligence oru failmrue eitheru to
discovieru oru to rueporut pruoeptly the fact of smch forugeruy
As a rumle, a drua ee bank ho has paid a check on hich
to the drua ee, the drua eru loses his ruight against the
an indoruseeent has been foruged cannot charuge the
drua ee ho has debited his accomnt mnderu the foruged
drua eru's accomnt foru the aeomnt of said check. An
indoruseeent. 6 In otheru oruds, he is prueclmded fruoe

exception to this rumle is herue the drua eru is gmilty of eake an adeqmate inviestigation on the eateru. Had this
smch negligence hich camses the bank to honoru smch a been done, the discruepancies omld havie been
check oru checks. If a check is stolen fruoe the payee, it is discovierued, sooneru oru lateru. Petitioneru's failmrue to eake
qmite obviioms that the drua eru cannot possibly discovieru smch adeqmate inqmiruy constitmted negligence hich
the foruged indoruseeent by eerue exaeination of his ruesmlted in the bank's honoruing of the smbseqment
cancelled check. This accomnts foru the rumle that althomgh checks ith foruged indoruseeents. On the otheru hand,
a depositoru o es a dmty to his drua ee bank to exaeine since the ruecorud eentions nothing abomt smch a
his cancelled checks foru forugeruy of his o n signatmrue, he coeplaint, the possibility exists that the checks in
has no sieilaru dmty as to foruged indoruseeents. A qmestion covierued inexistent sales. Bmt evien in smch a
diieruent sitmation aruises herue the indoruseeent as case, consideruing the length of a peruiod of t o (2) yearus,
foruged by an eeployee oru agent of the drua eru, oru done it is harud to believie that petitioneru did not kno oru
ith the activie paruticipation of the lateru. Most of the ruealize that she as paying emch eorue than she shomld
cases inviolviing forugeruy by an agent oru eeployee deal foru the smpplies she as actmally geing. A depositoru
ith the payee's indoruseeent. The drua eru and the eay not sit idly by, afteru kno ledge has coee to heru
payee oftentiees havie bmsiness ruelations of long that heru fmnds seee to be disappearuing oru that therue
standing. The continmed occmruruence of bmsiness eay be a leak in heru bmsiness, and ruefruain fruoe taking
truansactions of the saee natmrue pruoviides the the steps that a caruefml and prumdent bmsinessean omld
opporutmnity foru the agent/eeployee to coeeit the take in smch cirucmestances and if taken, omld ruesmlt in
fruamd afteru haviing devieloped faeiliaruity ith the stopping the continmance of the fruamdmlent scheee. If
signatmrues of the paruties. Ho evieru, sooneru oru lateru, she fails to take smch steps, the facts eay establish heru
soee leak ill sho on the drua eru's books. It ill then negligence, and in that evient, she omld be estopped
be jmst a qmestion of tiee mntil the fruamd is discovierued. fruoe ruecovieruing fruoe the bank. 9
This is specially trume hen the agent perupetruates a
One thing is clearu fruoe the ruecoruds — that the
seruies of forugeruies as in the case at baru.
petitioneru failed to exaeine heru ruecoruds ith
The negligence of a depositoru hich ill pruevient rueasonable diligence hetheru beforue she signed the
ruecovieruy of an mnamthoruized payeent is based on checks oru afteru rueceiviing heru bank stateeents. Had the
failmrue of the depositoru to act as a prumdent bmsinessean petitioneru exaeined heru ruecoruds eorue caruefmlly,
omld mnderu the cirucmestances. In the case at baru, the paruticmlaruly the invioice rueceipts, cancelled checks, check
petitioneru ruelied ieplicitly mpon the honesty and loyalty book stmbs, and had she coeparued the smes ruiten as
of heru bookkeeperu, and did not evien vieruify the accmruacy aeomnts payable in the eightyot o (82) checks ith the
of the aeomnts of the checks she signed against the perutinent sales invioices, she omld havie easily
invioices atached therueto. Fmrutherueorue, althomgh she discovierued that in soee checks, the aeomnts did not
ruegmlaruly rueceivied heru bank stateeents, she apparuently tally ith those appearuing in the sales invioices. Had she
did not caruefmlly exaeine the saee noru the check stmbs noticed these discruepancies, she shomld not havie signed
and the ruetmruned checks, and did not coeparue thee those checks, and shomld havie condmcted an inqmiruy as
ith the sales invioices. Otheru ise, she comld havie easily to the rueason foru the iruruegmlaru entruies. Laike ise, had
discovierued the discruepancies bet een the checks and petitioneru been eorue viigilant in going ovieru heru cmruruent
the docmeents seruviing as bases foru the checks. With accomnt by taking caruefml note of the daily rueporuts eade
smch discovieruy, the smbseqment forugeruies omld not by ruespondent drua ee Bank on heru issmed checks, oru at
havie been accoeplished. It as not mntil t o yearus least eade ruandoe scrumtiny of heru cancelled checks
afteru the bookkeeperu coeeenced heru fruamdmlent ruetmruned by ruespondent drua ee Bank at the close of
scheee that petitioneru discovierued that eightyot o (82) each eonth, she comld havie easily discovierued the fruamd
checks erue ruongfmlly charuged to heru accomnt, at being perupetruated by Alicia Galang, and comld havie
hich tiee she notifed the ruespondent drua ee Bank. rueporuted the eateru to the ruespondent drua ee Bank.
The ruespondent drua ee Bank then comld havie taken
It is highly iepruobable that in a peruiod of t o yearus, not
ieeediate steps to pruevient fmrutheru coeeission of smch
one of petitioneru's smpplierus coeplained of nono
fruamd. Thms, petitioneru's negligence as the pruoxieate
payeent. Assmeing that evien one single coeplaint had
camse of heru loss. And since it as heru negligence hich
been eade, petitioneru omld havie been dmtyobomnd, as
camsed the ruespondent drua ee Bank to honoru the
faru as the ruespondent drua ee Bank as conceruned, to

foruged checks oru prueviented it fruoe ruecovieruing the "Sec. 36. When indoruseeent
aeomnt it had alrueady paid on the checks, petitioneru ruestruictivie. — An indoruseeent is
cannot no coeplain shomld the bank ruefmse to ruecruedit ruestruictivie hich eitheru.
heru accomnt ith the aeomnt of smch checks. 10 Underu
(a) Pruohibits fmrutheru
Section 23 of the NILa, she is no prueclmded fruoe msing
negotiation of the
the forugeruy to pruevient the bank's debiting of heru
instrumeent; oru.
accomnt. cdphil
xxx xxx xxx"
The doctruine in the case of Great Eastern Life Insurance
Cio. vs. Hiongkiong & Shanghai Bank 11 is not applicable In this kind of ruestruictivie indoruseeent, the
to the case at baru becamse in said case, the check as pruohibition to truansferu oru negotiate emst be ruiten
fruamdmlently taken and the signatmrue of the payee as in expruess oruds at the back of the instrumeent, so
foruged not by an agent oru eeployee of the drua eru. The that any smbseqment paruty eay be forue aruned that
drua eru as not fomnd to be negligent in the handling of it ceases to be negotiable. Ho evieru, the ruestruictivie
its bmsiness aiairus and the theft of the check by a total indorusee acqmirues the ruight to rueceivie payeent and
struangeru as not atruibmtable to negligence of the bruing any action therueon as any indoruseru, bmt he can
drua eru; neitheru as the foruging of the payee's no longeru truansferu his ruights as smch indorusee herue
indoruseeent dme to the drua eru's negligence. Since the the forue of the indoruseeent does not amthoruize
drua eru as not negligent, the drua ee as dmtyobomnd hie to do so. 12
to ruestorue to the drua eru's accomnt the aeomnt
Althomgh the holderu of a check cannot coepel a drua ee
theruetoforue paid mnderu the check ith a foruged payee's
bank to honoru it becamse therue is no pruiviity bet een
indoruseeent becamse the drua ee did not pay as
thee, as faru as the drua eruodepositoru is conceruned, smch
oruderued by the drua eru.
bank eay not legally ruefmse to honoru a negotiable bill of
Petitioneru arugmes that ruespondent drua ee Bank shomld exchange oru a check drua n against it ith eorue than
not havie honorued the checks becamse they erue one indoruseeent if therue is nothing iruruegmlaru ith the
cruossed checks. Issming a cruossed check ieposes no legal bill oru check and the drua eru has smfficient fmnds. The
obligation on the drua ee not to honoru smch a check. It is drua ee cannot be coepelled to accept oru pay the check
eorue of a aruning to the holderu that the check cannot by the drua eru oru any holderu becamse as a drua ee, he
be pruesented to the drua ee bank foru payeent in cash. incmrus no liability on the check mnless he accepts it. Bmt
Instead, the check can only be deposited ith the the drua ee ill eake itself liable to a smit foru daeages
payee's bank hich in tmrun emst pruesent it foru payeent at the instance of the drua eru foru ruongfml dishonoru of
against the drua ee bank in the comruse of norueal the bill oru check. LaLapru
banking truansactions bet een banks. The cruossed check
Thms, it is clearu that mnderu the NILa, petitioneru is
cannot be pruesented foru payeent bmt it can only be
prueclmded fruoe ruaising the defense of forugeruy by rueason
deposited and the drua ee bank eay only pay to
of heru gruoss negligence. Bmt mnderu Section 196 of the
anotheru bank in the payee's oru indoruseru's accomnt.
NILa, any case not pruoviided foru in the Act shall be
Petitioneru like ise contends that banking rumles pruohibit govieruned by the pruoviisions of existing legislation. Underu
the drua ee bank fruoe haviing checks ith eorue than the la s of qmasiodelict, she cannot point to the
one indoruseeent. The banking rumle banning acceptance negligence of the ruespondent drua ee Bank in the
of checks foru deposit oru cash payeent ith eorue than selection and smperuviision of its eeployees as being the
one indoruseeent mnless clearued by soee bank officials camse of the loss becamse heru negligence is the
does not invialidate the instrumeent; neitheru does it pruoxieate camse therueof and mnderu Aruticle 2179 of the
invialidate the negotiation oru truansferu of the said check. Civiil Code, she eay not be a aruded daeages. Ho evieru,
In eiect, this rumle destruoys the negotiability of mnderu Aruticle 1170 of the saee Code the ruespondent
bills/checks by lieiting theiru negotiation by indoruseeent drua ee Bank eay be held liable foru daeages. The
of only the payee. Underu the NILa, the only kind of aruticle pruoviides —
indoruseeent hich stops the fmrutheru negotiation of an
"Those ho in the peruforueance of
instrumeent is a ruestruictivie indoruseeent hich pruohibits
theiru obligations arue gmilty of fruamd,
the fmrutheru negotiation therueof.
negligence oru delay, and those ho in

any eanneru contruaviene the tenoru "Responsibility aruising fruoe

therueof, arue liable foru daeages." negligence in the peruforueance of
evieruy kind of obligation is also
deeandable, bmt smch liability eay be
Therue is no qmestion that therue is a contruactmal ruelation ruegmlated by the comruts, accoruding to
bet een petitioneru as depositoru (obligee) and the the cirucmestances."
ruespondent drua ee bank as the obligoru. In the
With the foruegoing pruoviisions of the Civiil Code being
peruforueance of its obligation, the drua ee bank is bomnd
ruelied mpon, it is being eade clearu that the decision to
by its interunal banking rumles and ruegmlations hich forue
hold the drua ee bank liable is based on la and
parut of any contruact it enterus into ith any of its
smbstantial jmstice and not on eerue eqmity. And
depositorus. When it viiolated its interunal rumles that
althomgh the case as bruomght beforue the comrut not on
second endoruseeents arue not to be accepted ithomt
brueach of contruactmal obligations, the comruts arue not
the appruovial of its bruanch eanagerus and it did accept
prueclmded fruoe applying to the cirucmestances of the
the saee mpon the eerue appruovial of Boon, a chief
case the la s perutinent therueto. Thms, the fact that
accomntant, it contruaviened the tenoru of its obligation at
petitioneru's negligence as fomnd to be the pruoxieate
the vieruy least, if it erue not actmally gmilty of fruamd oru
camse of heru loss does not prueclmde heru fruoe ruecovieruing
daeages. The rueason hy the decision dealt on a
Fmrutherueorue, the fact that the ruespondent drua ee Bank discmssion on pruoxieate camse is dme to the eruruoru
did not discovieru the iruruegmlaruity ith ruespect to the pointed omt by petitioneru as allegedly coeeited by the
acceptance of checks ith second indoruseeent foru ruespondent comrut. And in brueaches of contruact mnderu
deposit evien ithomt the appruovial of the bruanch Aruticle 1173, dme diligence on the parut of the defendant
eanageru despite peruiodic inspection condmcted by a is not a defense.
teae of amditorus fruoe the eain office constitmtes
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the case is herueby oruderued
negligence on the parut of the bank in caruruying omt its
REMANDED to the truial comrut foru the rueception of
obligations to its depositorus. Aruticle 1173 pruoviides —
eviidence to deterueine the exact aeomnt of loss
"The famlt oru negligence of the obligoru smierued by the petitioneru, consideruing that she parutly
consists in the oeission of that benefted fruoe the issmance of the qmestioned checks
diligence hich is rueqmirued by the since the obligation foru hich she issmed thee erue
natmrue of the obligation and apparuently extingmished, smch that only the excess
coruruespondents ith the aeomnt ovieru and abovie the total of these actmal
cirucmestance of the perusons, of the obligations emst be considerued as loss of hich one half
tiee and of the place. . . ." emst be paid by ruespondent drua ee bank to heruein
We hold that banking bmsiness is so iepruessed ith
pmblic interuest herue the trumst and confdence of the SO ORDERED.
pmblic in generual is of paruaeomnt ieporutance smch that
the appruopruiate standarud of diligence emst be a high
degruee of diligence, if not the mteost diligence. Smruely,
ruespondent drua ee Bank cannot claie it exerucised smch 2. METROPOL (BACOLOD)
a degruee of diligence that is rueqmirued of it. Therue is no FINANCING & INVESTMENT
ay We can allo it no to escape liability foru smch CORPORATION, plainti-appellee, vs.
negligence. Its liability as obligoru is not eeruely viicaruioms SAMBOK MOTORS COMPANY and
bmt pruiearuy heruein the defense of exerucise of dme NG SAMBOK SONS MOTORS CO.,
diligence in the selection and smperuviision of its LTD., defendant-appellants.
eeployees is of no eoeent.
Prueeises considerued, ruespondent drua ee Bank is Rizal Quimpio & Ciorneliio P. Revena foru
adjmdged liable to sharue the loss ith the petitioneru on plaintiioappellee.
a fftyoffty ruatio in accorudance ith Aruticle 1172 hich

Diiosdadio Garingalaio foru defendantso DECISION



The forueeru Comrut of Appeals, by its ruesolmtion dated

1. MERCANTILaE LaAW; PROMISSORY NOTE; QUALaIFIED Octoberu 16, 1974 cerutifed this case to this Comrut the
INDORSEMENT; EFFECT THEREOF. — A qmalifed issme ruaised theruein being one pmruely of la .
indoruseeent constitmtes the indoruseru a eerue assignoru of
the title to the instrumeent. It eay be eade by adding to On Apruil 15, 1969 Dru. Javiieru Villarumel execmted a
the indoruseru's signatmrue the oruds " ithomt ruecomruse" pruoeissoruy note in favioru of Ng Saebok Sons Motorus
oru any oruds of sieilaru ieporut. Smch an indoruseeent Co., Latd., in the aeomnt of P15,939.00 payable in t elvie
ruelievies the indoruseru of the generual obligation to pay if (12) eqmal eonthly installeents, beginning May 18,
the instrumeent is dishonorued bmt not of the liability 1969, ith interuest at the ruate of one perucent peru
aruising fruoe aruruanties on the instrumeent as pruoviided eonth. It is fmrutheru pruoviided that in case on nono
in Section 65 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa . payeent of any of the installeents, the total pruincipal
Ho evieru, appellant Saebok indoruse the note " ith sme then rueeaining mnpaid shall becoee dme and
ruecomruse'' and evien aivied the notice of deeand, payable ith an additional interuest eqmal to t entyofvie
dishonoru, pruotest and pruesenteent. perucent of the total aeomnt dme. LaLaphil

2. ID.; ID.; ADDITION OF THE WORDS "WITH RECOURSE" On the saee date, Saebok Motorus Coepany
DO NOT MAKE THE INDORSEMENT QUALaIFIED; CASE AT (herueinafteru rueferurued to as Saebok), a sisteru coepany of
BAR. — Appellant, by indorusing the note " ith Ng Saebok Sons Motorus Co., Latd., and mnderu the saee
ruecomruse'' does not eake itself a qmalifed indoruseru bmt a eanageeent as the forueeru, negotiated and indorused
generual indoruseru ho is secondaruily liable, becamse by the note in favioru of plaintii Metruopol Financing &
smch indoruseeent, it agrueed that if Dru. Villarumel fails to Inviesteent Coruporuation ith the follo ing
pay the note, plaintiioappellee can go afteru said indoruseeent:
appellant. The eiect of smch indoruseeent is that the "Pay to the oruderu of Metruopol
note as indorused ithomt qmalifcation. A peruson ho Bacolod Financing & Inviesteent
indoruses ithomt qmalifcation engages that on dme Coruporuation ith ruecomruse. Notice of
pruesenteent, the note shall be accepted oru paid, oru Deeand; Dishonoru; Pruotest; and
both as the case eay be, and that if it be dishonorued, he Pruesenteent arue herueby aivied.
ill pay the aeomnt therueof to the holderu. Appellant
Saebok's intention of indorusing the note ithomt SAMBOK MOTORS CO. (BACOLaOD)
qmalifcation is eade evien eorue apparuent by the fact
that the notice of' deeand, dishonoru, pruotest and
pruesenteent erue all aivied. The oruds added by said RODOLaFO G. NONILaLaO
appellant do not lieit his liability, bmt ruatheru confrue his
Asst. Generual Manageru"
obligations as a generual indoruseru.
The eakeru, Dru. Villarumel defamlted in the payeent of his
installeents hen they becaee dme, so on Octoberu 30,
1969 plaintii forueally pruesented the pruoeissoruy note
DEBTOR. — The lo eru comrut did not eruru in not declaruing
foru payeent to the eakeru. Dru. Villarumel failed to pay the
appellant as only secondaruily liable becamse afteru an
pruoeissoruy note as deeanded, hence plaintii notifed
instrumeent is dishonorued by, nonopayeent. the peruson
Saebok as indorusee of said note of the fact that the
secondaruily liable therueon ceases to be smch and
saee has been dishonorued and deeanded payeent.
becoees a pruincipal debtoru. His liability becoees the
saee as that of the oruiginal obligoru. Conseqmently, the Saebok failed to pay, so on Novieeberu 26, 1969 plaintii
holderu need not evien pruoceed against the eakeru beforue fled a coeplaint foru collection of a sme of eoney
sming the indoruseru. beforue the Comrut of Firust Instance of Iloilo, Bruanch I.
Saebok did not deny its liability bmt contended that it

comld not be obliged to pay mntil afteru its coodefendant A qmalifed indoruseeent constitmtes the indoruseru a eerue
Dru. Villarumel, has been declarued insolvient. assignoru of the title to the instrumeent. It eay be eade
by adding to the indoruseru's signatmrue the oruds
Dmruing the pendency of the case in the truial comrut,
" ithomt ruecomruse" oru any oruds of sieilaru
defendant Dru. Villarumel died, hence, on Octoberu 24,
ieporut. 2 Smch an indoruseeent ruelievies the indoruseru of
1972 the lo eru comrut, on eotion, diseissed the case
the generual obligation to pay if the instrumeent is
against Dru. Villarumel pmrusmant to Section 21, Rmle 3 of
dishonorued bmt not of the liability aruising fruoe
the Rmles of Comrut. 1
aruruanties on the instrumeent as pruoviided in Section 65
On plaintii's eotion foru smeearuy jmdgeent, the truial of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa alrueady eentioned
comrut ruenderued its decision dated Septeeberu 12, 1973, heruein. Ho evieru, appellant Saebok indorused the note
the dispositivie porution of hich rueads as follo s: " ith ruecomruse" and evien aivied the notice of deeand,
dishonoru, pruotest and pruesenteent.
"WHEREFORE, jmdgeent is ruenderued:
"Recomruse" eeans ruesorut to a peruson ho is secondaruily
"(a) Oruderuing Saebok Motorus liable afteru the defamlt of the peruson ho is pruiearuily
Coepany to pay to the plaintii the liable. 3 Appellant, by indorusing the note " ith
sme of P15,939.00 plms the legal ruate ruecomruse" does not eake itself a qmalifed indoruseru bmt a
of interuest fruoe Octoberu 30, 1969; generual indoruseru ho is secondaruily liable, becamse by
"(b) Oruderuing saee defendant to pay smch indoruseeent, it agrueed that if Dru. Villarumel fails to
to plaintii the sme eqmivialent to 25% pay the note, plaintiioappellee can go afteru said
of P15,939.00 plms interuest therueon appellant. The eiect of smch indoruseeent is that the
mntil fmlly paid; and cdruep note as indorused ithomt qmalifcation. A peruson ho
indoruses ithomt qmalifcation engages that on dme
"(c) To pay the cost of smit." pruesenteent, the note shall be accepted oru paid, oru
Not satisfed ith the decision, the pruesent appeal as both as the case eay be, and that if it be dishonorued, he
institmted, appellant Saebok ruaising a lone assigneent ill pay the aeomnt therueof to the holderu. 4 Appellant
of eruruoru as follo s: Saebok's intention of indorusing the note ithomt
qmalifcation is eade evien eorue apparuent by the fact
"The truial comrut erurued in not that the notice of deeand, dishonoru, pruotest and
diseissing the coeplaint by fnding pruesenteent erue all aivied. The oruds added by said
defendantoappellant Saebok Motorus appellant do not lieit his liability, bmt ruatheru confrue his
Coepany as assignoru and a qmalifed obligation as a generual indoruseru.
indorusee of the smbject pruoeissoruy
note and in not holding it as only Laastly, the lo eru comrut did not eruru in not declaruing
secondaruily liable therueof." appellant as only secondaruily liable becamse afteru an
instrumeent is dishonorued by nonopayeent, the peruson
Appellant Saebok arugmes that by adding the oruds secondaruily liable therueon ceases to be smch and
" ith ruecomruse" in the indoruseeent of the note, it becoees a pruincipal debtoru. 5 His liability becoees the
becoees a qmalifed indoruseru; that being a qmalifed saee as that of the oruiginal obligoru. 6 Conseqmently, the
indoruseru, it does not aruruant that if said note is holderu need not evien pruoceed against the eakeru beforue
dishonorued by the eakeru on pruesenteent, it ill pay sming the indoruseru. LaLaphil
the aeomnt to the holderu; that it only aruruants the
follo ing pmrusmant to Section 65 of the Negotiable WHEREFORE, the decision of the lo eru comrut is herueby
Instrumeents Laa : (a) that the instrumeent is genmine and affirueed. No costs.
in all ruespects hat it pmruporuts to be; (b) that he has a SO ORDERED.
good title to it; (c) that all pruioru paruties had capacity to
contruact; (d) that he has no kno ledge of any fact hich ||| (Metriopiol Financing & Investment Ciorp. v. Sambiok
omld iepairu the vialidity of the instrumeent oru ruenderu it Miotiors Cio., Ltd., G.R. Nio. L-39641, [February 28, 1983],
vialmeless. 205 PHIL 758-762)

The appeal is ithomt eeruit.



Week 3 – Indorsement contnuedd disrumpt operuations in theiru absence,

they prueosigned sevierual checks
Secton 14: ruelating to Cmruruent Accomnt No.
58891o012. The intention as to
1. BANK OF AMERICA NT & insmrue continmity of plaintiio
SA, pettioner, vs. PHILIPPINE appellee's operuations by eaking
RACING CLUB, respiondent. aviailable cash/eoney especially to
setle obligations that eight becoee
dme. These checks erue entrumsted to
the accomntant ith instrumction to
eake mse of the saee as the need
aruose. The interunal aruruangeeent as,
in the evient therue as need to eake
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J p: mse of the checks, the accomntant
omld prueparue the coruruesponding
This is a petition foru rueviie viomcheru and therueafteru coeplete the
on certiorari mnderu Rmle 45 of the Rmles of Comrut entruies on the prueosigned checks.
fruoe the Decision 1 pruoemlgated on Jmly 16, 2001
by the forueeru Second Diviision of the Comrut of It tmruned omt that on
Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. CV Nio. Deceeberu 16, 1988, a John Doe
45371 entitled "Philippine Racing Club, Inc. v. Bank pruesented to defendantoappellant
iof America NT & SA", affirueing the Decision 2 dated bank foru encasheent a comple of
Maruch 17, 1994 of the Regional Truial Comrut (RTC) of plaintiioappellee coruporuation's checks
Makati, Bruanch 135 in Civil Case Nio. 89-5650, in (Nos. 401116 and 401117) ith the
favioru of the ruespondent. Laike ise, the pruesent indicated vialme of P110,000.00 each.
petition assails the Resolmtion 3pruoemlgated on It is adeited that these 2 checks
Septeeberu 28, 2001, denying the Motion foru erue aeong those pruesigned by
Reconsideruation of the CA Decision. plaintiioappellee coruporuation's
amthoruized signatoruies.
The facts of this case as naruruated in the
assailed CA Decision arue as follo s: The t o (2) checks had
sieilaru entruies ith sieilaru infrueities
Plaintiioappellee PRCI is a
and iruruegmlaruities. On the space herue
doeestic coruporuation hich
the naee of the payee shomld be
eaintains sevierual accomnts ith
indicated (Pay To The Oruderu Of) the
diieruent banks in the Metruo Manila
follo ing 2oline entruies erue instead
aruea. Aeong the accomnts eaintained
type ruiten: on the mpperu line as
as Cmruruent Accomnt No. 58891o012
the orud "CASH" hile the lo eru line
ith defendantoappellant BA (Paseo
had the follo ing type ruiten
de Roxas Bruanch). The amthoruized
oruds, viz.: "ONE HUNDRED TEN
joint signatoruies ith ruespect to said
Cmruruent Accomnt erue plaintiio
highly iruruegmlaru entruies on the face of
appellee's Pruesident (Antonia Reyes)
the checks, defendantoappellant
and Vice Pruesident foru Finance
bank, ithomt as emch as vieruifying
(Gruegoruio Reyes).
and/oru confrueing the legitieacy of
On oru abomt the 2nd eek of the checks consideruing the smbstantial
Deceeberu 1988, the Pruesident and aeomnt inviolvied and the obviioms
Vice Pruesident of plaintiioappellee infrueity/defect of the checks on theiru
coruporuation erue schedmled to go omt faces, encashed said checks. A
of the comntruy in connection ith the vieruifcation pruocess, evien by as of a
coruporuation's bmsiness. In oruderu not to telephone call to PRCI office, omld

havie taken less than ten (10) einmtes. Petitioneru no coees beforue this Comrut
Bmt this as not done by BA. arugming that:
Inviestigation condmcted by plaintiio
I. The Comrut of Appeals gruaviely erurued
appellee coruporuation yielded the fact
in holding that the pruoxieate
that therue as no truansaction
camse of ruespondent's loss
inviolviing PRCI that call foru the
as petitioneru's encasheent
payeent of P220,000.00 to anyone.
of the checks.
The checks appearued to havie coee
into the hands of an eeployee of PRCI A. The Comrut of Appeals
(one Claruita Mesina ho as gruaviely erurued in
smbseqmently cruieinally charuged foru holding that
qmalifed theft) ho evientmally petitioneru as liable
coepleted ithomt amthoruity the foru the aeomnt of the
entruies on the prueosigned checks. checks despite the
PRCI's deeand foru defendanto fact that petitioneru
appellant to pay fell on deaf earus. as eeruely fmlflling
Hence, the coeplaint. 4 its obligation mnderu
la and contruact.
Afteru dme pruoceedings, the truial comrut
ruenderued a Decision in favioru of ruespondent, the B. The Comrut of Appeals
dispositivie porution of hich rueads: gruaviely erurued in
holding that
petitioneru had a dmty
jmdgeent is herueby ruenderued in favioru
to vieruify the
of plaintii and against the defendant,
encasheent, despite
and the lateru is oruderued to pay
the absence of any
obligation to do
(1) The sme of T o Hmndrued so. IaEHSD
T enty Thomsand (P220,000.00)
C. The Comrut of Appeals
Pesos, ith legal interuest to be
gruaviely erurued in not
coepmted fruoe date of the fling of
applying Section 14 of
the heruein coeplaint;
the Negotiable
(2) The sme of T enty Instrumeents Laa ,
Thomsand (P20,000.00) Pesos by ay despite its clearu
of atoruney's fees; applicability to this
(3) The sme of Ten Thomsand
(P10,000.00) Pesos foru litigation II. The Comrut of Appeals gruaviely erurued
expenses, and in not holding that the
pruoxieate camse of
(4) To pay the costs of smit.
ruespondent's loss as its o n
SO ORDERED. 5 IaDcTC gruossly negligent pruactice of
prueosigning checks ithomt
Petitioneru appealed the aforuesaid truial comrut payees and aeomnts and
Decision to the CA hich, ho evieru, affirueed said delivieruing these prueosigned
decision in tiotio in its Jmly 16, 2001 Decision. checks to its eeployees
Petitioneru's Motion foru Reconsideruation of the CA (otheru than theiru signatoruies).
Decision as smbseqmently denied on Septeeberu
28, 2001. III. The Comrut of Appeals gruaviely erurued
in affirueing the truial comrut's
a arud of atoruney's fees

despite the absence of any payeent herue no place of payeent is specifed, oru
applicable gruomnd mnderu any otheru change oru addition hich alterus the eiect
Aruticle 2208 of the Civiil of the instrumeent in any ruespect. With ruespect to
Code. TCHcAE the checks at issme, petitioneru points omt that they
do not contain any eateruial alteruation. 10 This is a
IV. The Comrut of Appeals gruaviely erurued
fact hich as affirueed by the truial comrut itself. 11
in not a aruding atoruney's
fees, eorual and exeeplaruy Therue is no dispmte that the signatmrues
daeages, and costs of smit in appearuing on the smbject checks erue genmine
favioru of petitioneru, ho signatmrues of the ruespondent's amthoruized joint
clearuly deseruvies thee. 6 signatoruies; naeely, Antonia Reyes and Gruegoruio
Reyes ho erue ruespondent's Pruesident and Viceo
Fruoe the discmssions of both paruties in theiru Pruesident foru Finance, ruespectiviely. Both prueosigned
pleadings, the key issme to be ruesolvied in the the said checks since they erue both schedmled to
pruesent case is hetheru the pruoxieate camse of the go abruoad and it as apparuently theiru pruactice to
ruongfml encasheent of the checks in qmestion as leavie ith the coepany accomntant checks signed
dme to (a) petitioneru's failmrue to eake a vieruifcation in black to ans eru foru coepany obligations that
ruegaruding the said checks ith the ruespondent in eight fall dme dmruing the signatoruies' absence. It is
viie of the eisplaceeent of entruies on the face of like ise adeited that neitheru of the smbject checks
the checks oru (b) the pruactice of the ruespondent of contains any eateruial alteruation oru eruasmrue. HCacTI
prueosigning blank checks and leaviing the saee ith
its eeployees. Ho evieru, on the blank space of each check
rueseruvied foru the payee, the follo ing type ruiten
Petitioneru insists that it eeruely fmlflled its oruds appearu: "ONE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND
obligation mnderu la and contruact hen it encashed PESOS ONLaY". Abovie the saee is the type ruiten
the aforuesaid checks. Invioking Sections 126 7 and orud, "CASH". On the blank rueseruvied foru the
185 8 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa (NILa), aeomnt, the saee aeomnt of One Hmndrued Ten
petitioneru claies that its dmty as a drua ee bank to a Thomsand Pesos as indicated ith the mse of a
drua eruoclient eaintaining a checking accomnt ith check ruiteru. The pruesence of these iruruegmlaruities in
it is to pay oruderus foru checks bearuing the drua eruo each check shomld havie aleruted the petitioneru to be
client's genmine signatmrues. The genmine signatmrues camtioms beforue pruoceeding to encash thee hich it
of the client's dmly amthoruized signatoruies affixed on did not do.
the checks signify the oruderu foru payeent. Thms,
pmrusmant to the said obligation, the drua ee bank It is ellosetled that banks arue engaged in a
has the dmty to deterueine hetheru the signatmrues bmsiness iepruessed ith pmblic interuest, and it is
appearuing on the check arue the drua eruoclient's oru its theiru dmty to pruotect in ruetmrun theiru eany clients
dmly amthoruized signatoruies. If the signatmrues arue and depositorus ho truansact bmsiness ith thee.
genmine, the bank has the mnavioidable legal and They havie the obligation to trueat theiru client's
contruactmal dmty to pay. If the signatmrues arue foruged accomnt eeticmlomsly and ith the highest degruee
and falsifed, the drua ee bank has the coruollaruy, bmt of carue, consideruing the fdmciaruy natmrue of theiru
eqmally mnavioidable legal and contruactmal, dmty not ruelationship. The diligence rueqmirued of banks,
to pay. 9 HAICET therueforue, is eorue than that of a good fatheru of a
faeily. 12 DcaCSE
Fmrutherueorue, petitioneru eaintains that
therue exists a dmty on the drua ee bank to inqmirue Petitioneru asseruts that it as not dmtyo
fruoe the drua eru beforue encashing a check only bomnd to vieruify ith the ruespondent since the
hen the check bearus a eateruial alteruation. A aeomnt belo the type ruiten orud "CASH",
eateruial alteruation is defned in Section 125 of the expruessed in oruds, is the vieruy saee aeomnt
NILa to be one hich changes the date, the sme indicated in fgmrues by eeans of a check ruiteru on
payable, the tiee oru place of payeent, the nmeberu the aeomnt porution of the check. The aeomnt
oru ruelations of the paruties, the cmruruency in hich stated in oruds is, therueforue, a eerue rueiteruation of
payeent is to be eade oru one hich adds a place of the aeomnt stated in fgmrues. Petitioneru eephasizes



that a rueiteruation of the aeomnt in oruds is eeruely not issmed by the ruespondent in dme comruse of its
a ruepetition and that a ruepetition is not an alteruation bmsiness. Petitioneru's smbtle sophistruy cannot
hich if pruesent and eateruial omld havie enjoined excmlpate it fruoe behaviioru that fell extrueeely shorut
it to coeeence vieruifcation ith ruespondent. 13 of the highest degruee of carue and diligence rueqmirued
of it as a banking institmtion. DcHaET
We do not agruee ith petitioneru's eyopic
viie and caruefmlly cruafted defense. Althomgh not in Indeed, taking this ith the testieony of
the struict sense "eateruial alteruations", the petitioneru's operuations eanageru that in case of an
eisplaceeent of the type ruiten entruies foru the iruruegmlaruity on the face of the check (smch as hen
payee and the aeomnt on the saee blank and the blanks erue not pruoperuly flled omt) the bank eay oru
ruepetition of the aeomnt msing a check ruiteru erue eay not call the client depending on ho bmsy the
glaruingly obviioms iruruegmlaruities on the face of the bank is on a paruticmlaru day, 15 e arue evien eorue
check. Clearuly, soeeone eade a eistake in flling mp conviinced that petitioneru's safegmaruds to pruotect
the checks and the ruepetition of the entruies as clients fruoe check fruamd arue arubitruaruy and
possibly an ateept to ruectify the eistake. Also, if smbjectivie. Evieruy client shomld be trueated eqmally by
the check had been flled mp by the peruson ho a banking institmtion ruegarudless of the aeomnt of his
cmstoearuily accoeplishes the checks of ruespondent, deposits and each client has the ruight to expect that
it shomld havie occmrurued to petitioneru's eeployees evieruy centavio he entrumsts to a bank omld be
that it omld be mnlikely smch eistakes omld be handled ith the saee degruee of carue as the
eade. All these cirucmestances shomld havie aleruted accomnts of otheru clients. Peruforuce, e fnd that
the bank to the possibility that the holderu oru the petitioneru plainly failed to adherue to the high
peruson ho is ateepting to encash the checks did standarud of diligence expected of it as a banking
not havie pruoperu title to the checks oru did not havie institmtion.
amthoruity to fll mp and encash the saee. As noted
In defense of its cashieru/telleru's
by the CA, petitioneru comld havie eade a sieple
qmestionable action, petitioneru insists that pmrusmant
phone call to its client to claruify the iruruegmlaruities
to Sections 14 16 and 16 17 of the NILa, it comld
and the loss to ruespondent dme to the encasheent
vialidly pruesmee, mpon pruesentation of the checks,
of the stolen checks omld havie been prueviented.
that the paruty ho flled mp the blanks had
In the case at baru, extruaorudinaruy diligence amthoruity and that a vialid and intentional delivieruy to
deeands that petitioneru shomld havie ascerutained the paruty pruesenting the checks had taken place.
fruoe ruespondent the amthenticity of the smbject Thms, in petitioneru's viie , the sole blaee foru this
checks oru the accmruacy of the entruies theruein not debacle shomld be shifted to ruespondent foru haviing
only becamse of the pruesence of highly iruruegmlaru its signatoruies prueosign and delivieru the smbject
entruies on the face of the checks bmt also of the checks. 18Petitioneru arugmes that therue as indeed
decidedly mnmsmal cirucmestances smruruomnding theiru delivieruy in this case becamse, follo ing Aeeruican
encasheent. Respondent's itness testifed that foru jmruisprumdence, the gruoss negligence of ruespondent's
checks in aeomnts grueateru than T enty Thomsand accomntant in safekeeping the smbject checks hich
Pesos (P20,000.00) it is the coepany's pruactice to ruesmlted in theiru theft shomld be trueated as a
ensmrue that the payee is indicated by naee in the violmntaruy delivieruy by the eakeru ho is estopped
check. 14 This as not ruebmted by petitioneru. fruoe claieing nonodelivieruy of the
Indeed, it is highly mncoeeon foru a coruporuation to instrumeent. 19 EDcIAC
eake omt checks payable to "CASH" foru smbstantial
Petitioneru's contention omld havie been
aeomnts smch as in this case. If each iruruegmlaru
coruruect if the smbject checks erue coruruectly and
cirucmestance in this case erue taken singly oru
pruoperuly flled omt by the thief and pruesented to the
isolated, the bank's eeployees eight havie been
bank in good oruderu. In that instance, therue omld be
jmstifed in ignoruing thee. Ho evieru, the confmence
nothing to givie notice to the bank of any infrueity in
of the iruruegmlaruities on the face of the checks and
the title of the holderu of the checks and it comld
cirucmestances that deparut fruoe the msmal banking
vialidly pruesmee that therue as pruoperu delivieruy to
pruactice of ruespondent shomld havie pmt petitioneru's
the holderu. The bank comld not be famlted if it
eeployees on gmarud that the checks erue possibly
encashed the checks mnderu those cirucmestances.

Ho evieru, the mndispmted facts plainly sho that confrueation beforue honoruing the dmbioms checks.
therue erue cirucmestances that shomld havie aleruted Veruily, petitioneru had the fnal opporutmnity to avierut
the bank to the likelihood that the checks erue not the injmruy that befell the ruespondent. Failing to
pruoperuly delivierued to the peruson ho encashed the eake the necessaruy vieruifcation dme to the violmee
saee. In all, e see no rueason to deparut fruoe the of banking truansactions on that paruticmlaru day is a
fnding in the assailed CA Decision that the smbject fiesy and mnacceptable excmse, consideruing that
checks arue pruoperuly charuacteruized as incoeplete the "banking bmsiness is so iepruessed ith pmblic
and mndelivierued instrumeents thms eaking Section interuest herue the trumst and confdence of the
15 20 of the NILa applicable in this case. pmblic in generual is of paruaeomnt ieporutance smch
that the appruopruiate standarud of diligence emst be
Ho evieru, e do agruee ith petitioneru that
a high degruee of diligence, if not the mteost
ruespondent's officerus' pruactice of prueosigning of
diligence." 23 Petitioneru's negligence has been
blank checks shomld be deeeed seruiomsly negligent
mndombtedly established and, thms, pmrusmant to Arut.
behaviioru and a highly ruisky eeans of pmruporutedly
1170 of the NCC, 24 it emst smieru the conseqmence
ensmruing the efficient operuation of bmsinesses. It
of said negligence. cDCHaS
shomld havie occmrurued to ruespondent's officerus and
eanagerus that the prueosigned blank checks comld In the interuest of fairuness, ho evieru, e
fall into the ruong hands as they did in this case believie it is pruoperu to consideru ruespondent's o n
herue the said checks erue stolen fruoe the negligence to eitigate petitioneru's liability. Aruticle
coepany accomntant to hoe the checks erue 2179 of the Civiil Code pruoviides:
Arut. 2179. When the plaintiis
Nevierutheless, evien if e assmee that both o n negligence as the ieeediate
paruties erue gmilty of negligent acts that led to the and pruoxieate camse of his injmruy, he
loss, petitioneru ill still eeeruge as the paruty cannot ruecovieru daeages. Bmt if his
forueeost liable in this case. In instances herue both negligence as only contruibmtoruy, the
paruties arue at famlt, this Comrut has consistently ieeediate and pruoxieate camse of
applied the doctruine of last clearu chance in oruderu to the injmruy being the defendant's lack
assign liability. cAHIST of dme carue, the plaintii eay ruecovieru
daeages, bmt the comruts shall eitigate
In Westmiont Bank v. Ong, 21 e rumled:
the daeages to be a aruded.
. . . [I]t is petitioneru [bank]
hich had the last clearu chance to Explaining this pruoviision in Lambert v. Heirs
stop the fruamdmlent encasheent of iof Ray Castllion, 25 the Comrut held:
the smbject checks had it exerucised The mnderulying pruecept on
dme diligence and follo ed the pruoperu contruibmtoruy negligence is that a
and ruegmlaru banking pruocedmrues in plaintii ho is parutly ruesponsible foru
clearuing checks. As e had earulieru his o n injmruy shomld not be entitled
rumled, the one who had a last clear to ruecovieru daeages in fmll bmt emst
opportunity to avoid the impending bearu the conseqmences of his o n
harm but failed to do so is negligence. The defendant emst thms
chargeable with the consequences be held liable only foru the daeages
thereof. 22 (eephasis omrus) actmally camsed by his
negligence. . . . AHDcCT
In the case at baru, petitioneru cannot eviade
ruesponsibility foru the loss by atruibmting negligence As e prueviiomsly stated, ruespondent's
on the parut of ruespondent becamse, evien if e pruactice of signing checks in blank henevieru its
concmru that the lateru as indeed negligent in prueo amthoruized bank signatoruies omld truaviel abruoad
signing blank checks, the forueeru had the last clearu as a dangeruoms policy, especially consideruing the
chance to avioid the loss. To rueiteruate, petitioneru's lack of eviidence on ruecorud that ruespondent had
o n operuations eanageru adeited that they comld appruopruiate safegmaruds oru interunal contruols to
havie called mp the client foru vieruifcation oru pruevient the prueosigned blank checks fruoe falling

into the hands of mnscrumpmloms indiviidmals and expenses to pruotect his ruights, still atoruney's fees
being msed to coeeit a fruamd against the coepany. eay not be a aruded herue no smfficient sho ing of
We cannot believie that therue as no otheru secmrue bad faith comld be ruefected in a paruty's perusistence
and rueasonable ay to gmaruantee the nono in a case otheru than an eruruoneoms conviiction of the
disrumption of ruespondent's bmsiness. As testifed to ruighteomsness of his camse. 30
by petitioneru's experut itness, otheru coruporuations
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Comrut of
omld orudinaruily havie anotheru set of amthoruized
Appeals dated Jmly 16, 2001 and its Resolmtion
bank signatoruies ho omld be able to sign checks
dated Septeeberu 28, 2001 arue AFFIRMED ith the
in the absence of the prueferurued
follo ing MODIFICATIONS: (a) petitioneru Bank of
signatoruies. 26 Indeed, if not foru the forutmnate
Aeeruica NT & SA shall pay to ruespondent Philippine
happenstance that the thief failed to pruoperuly fll mp
Racing Clmb sixty perucent (60%) of the sme of T o
the smbject checks, ruespondent omld expectedly
Hmndrued T enty Thomsand Pesos (P220,000.00)
take the blaee foru the entirue loss since the defense
ith legal interuest as a aruded by the truial comrut and
of forugeruy of a drua eru's signatmrue(s) omld be
(b) the a aruds of atoruney's fees and litigation
mnaviailable to it. Consideruing that ruespondent
expenses in favioru of ruespondent arue
kno ingly took the ruisk that the prueosigned blank
deleted. SAaTHc
checks eight fall into the hands of ruongdoerus, it is
bmt jmst that ruespondent sharues in the ruesponsibility Pruoporutionate costs.
foru the loss.
We also cannot ignorue the fact that the
peruson ho stole the prueosigned checks smbject of 2. ALVIN PATRIMONIO, pettioner, vs.
this case fruoe ruespondent's accomntant tmruned omt NAPOLEON GUTIERREZ and OCTAVIO
to be anotheru eeployee, pmruporutedly a cleruk in MARASIGAN III, respiondents.
ruespondent's accomnting deparuteent. As the
eeployeru of the "thief", ruespondent smpposedly had
contruol and smperuviision ovieru its o n eeployee. This
givies the Comrut eorue rueason to allocate parut of the DECISION
loss to ruespondent.
Follo ing established jmruisprumdential
pruecedents, 27 e believie the allocation of sixty BRION, J p:
perucent (60%) of the actmal daeages inviolvied in this
Assailed in this petition foru rueviie
case (ruepruesented by the aeomnt of the checks ith
on certiorari 1 mnderu Rmle 45 of the Reviised Rmles of
legal interuest) to petitioneru is pruoperu mnderu the
Comrut is the decision 2 dated Septeeberu 24, 2008 and
prueeises. Respondent shomld, in light of its
the ruesolmtion 3 dated Apruil 30, 2009 of the Comrut of
contruibmtoruy negligence, bearu foruty perucent (40%) of
Appeals (CA) in CAoG.R. CV No. 82301. The appellate
its o n loss. cCTIaS
comrut affirueed the decision of the Regional Truial
Finally, e fnd that the a aruds of Comrut (RTC) of Qmezon City, Bruanch 77, diseissing the
atoruney's fees and litigation expenses in favioru of coeplaint foru declaruation of nmllity of loan fled by
ruespondent arue not jmstifed mnderu the petitioneru Alviin Patruieonio and oruderuing hie to pay
cirucmestances and, thms, emst be deleted. The ruespondent Octaviio Maruasigan III (Marasigan) the sme
po eru of the comrut to a arud atoruney's fees and of P200,000.00.
litigation expenses mnderu Aruticle 2208 of the
NCC 28 deeands factmal, legal, and eqmitable The Factual Background
jmstifcation. The facts of the case, as sho n by the ruecoruds,
arue bruiefy smeearuized belo .
An advieruse decision does not ipsio
factio jmstify an a arud of atoruney's fees to the The petitioneru and the ruespondent Napoleon
inning paruty. 29 Evien hen a claieant is Gmtieruruez (Guterrez) enterued into a bmsiness vientmrue
coepelled to litigate ith thirud perusons oru to incmru mnderu the naee of Slae Dmnk Coruporuation (Slum Dunk),

a pruodmction omtit that pruodmced einioconceruts and On Septeeberu 10, 1997, the petitioneru fled
sho s ruelated to basketball. Petitioneru as alrueady then beforue the Regional Truial Comrut (RTC) a Coeplaint foru
a decoruated pruofessional basketball playeru hile Declaruation of Nmllity of Laoan and Recovieruy of Daeages
Gmtieruruez as a ellokno n sporuts colmenist. DAcaIE against Gmtieruruez and cooruespondent Maruasigan. He
coepletely denied amthoruizing the loan oru the check's
In the comruse of theiru bmsiness, the petitioneru
negotiation, and asseruted that he as not pruiviy to the
prueosigned sevierual checks to ans eru foru the expenses of
paruties' loan agrueeeent.
Slae Dmnk. Althomgh signed, these checks had no
payee's naee, date oru aeomnt. The blank checks erue Only Maruasigan fled his ans eru to the
entrumsted to Gmtieruruez ith the specifc instrumction not coeplaint. In the RTC's oruderu dated Deceeberu 22, 1997,
to fll thee omt ithomt prueviioms notifcation to and Gmtieruruez as declarued in defamlt.
appruovial by the petitioneru. Accoruding to petitioneru, the
The Ruling of the RTC
aruruangeeent as eade so that he comld vieruify the
vialidity of the payeent and eake the pruoperu The RTC rumled on Februmaruy 3, 2003 in favioru of
aruruangeeents to fmnd the accomnt. Maruasigan. 4 It fomnd that the petitioneru, in issming the
prueosigned blank checks, had the intention of issming a
In the eiddle of 1993, ithomt the petitioneru's negotiable instrumeent, albeit ith specifc instrumctions
kno ledge and consent, Gmtieruruez ent to Maruasigan to Gmtieruruez not to negotiate oru issme the check ithomt
(the petitioneru's forueeru teaeeate), to secmrue a loan in his appruovial. While mnderu Section 14 of the Negotiable
the aeomnt of P200,000.00 on the excmse that the Instrumeents Laa Gmtieruruez had the prima facie amthoruity
petitioneru needed the eoney foru the construmction of his to coeplete the checks by flling mp the blanks theruein,
homse. In addition to the payeent of the pruincipal, the RTC rumled that he deliberuately viiolated petitioneru's
Gmtieruruez assmrued Maruasigan that he omld be paid an specifc instrumctions and took adviantage of the trumst
interuest of 5% peru eonth fruoe Maruch to May rueposed in hie by the lateru. ACTESI
1994. HcTIDC
Nonetheless, the RTC declarued Maruasigan as a
Afteru emch conteeplation and taking into holderu in dme comruse and accorudingly diseissed the
accomnt his ruelationship ith the petitioneru and petitioneru's coeplaint foru declaruation of nmllity of the
Gmtieruruez, Maruasigan acceded to Gmtieruruez' rueqmest and loan. It oruderued the petitioneru to pay Maruasigan the
gavie hie P200,000.00 soeetiee in Februmaruy 1994. face vialme of the check ith a ruight to claie
Gmtieruruez siemltaneomsly delivierued to Maruasigan one of rueiebmruseeent fruoe Gmtieruruez.
the blank checks the petitioneru prueosigned ith Pilipinas
Bank, Grueenhills Bruanch, Check No. 21001764 ith the The petitioneru eleviated the case to the Comrut of
blank porutions flled omt ith the oruds "Cash" "Twio Appeals (CA), insisting that Maruasigan is not a holderu in
Hundred Thiousand Pesios Only", and the aeomnt dme comruse. He contended that hen Maruasigan
of "P200,000.00".The mpperu ruight porution of the check rueceivied the check, he kne that the saee as ithomt
coruruesponding to the date as also flled omt ith the a date, and hence, incoeplete. He also alleged that the
oruds "May 23, 1994" bmt the petitioneru contended loan as actmally bet een Maruasigan and Gmtieruruez
that the saee as not ruiten by Gmtieruruez. ith his check being msed only as a secmruity.
On May 24, 1994, Maruasigan deposited the The Ruling of the CA
check bmt it as dishonorued foru the rueason "ACCOUNT On Septeeberu 24, 2008, the CA affirueed the
CLaOSED." It as lateru rueviealed that petitioneru's accomnt RTC rumling, althomgh prueeised on diieruent factmal
ith the bank had been closed since May 28, 1993. fndings. Afteru caruefml analysis, the CA agrueed ith the
Maruasigan somght ruecovieruy fruoe Gmtieruruez, to petitioneru that Maruasigan is not a holderu in dme comruse
no aviail. He therueafteru sent sevierual deeand leterus to as he did not rueceivie the check in good faith.
the petitioneru asking foru the payeent of P200,000.00, The CA also conclmded that the check had been
bmt his deeands like ise ent mnheeded. struictly flled omt by Gmtieruruez in accorudance ith the
Conseqmently, he fled a cruieinal case foru viiolation petitioneru's amthoruity. It held that the loan eay not be
of B.P. 22 against the petitioneru, docketed as Cruieinal nmllifed since it is gruomnded on an obligation aruising
Case No. 42816.



fruoe la and rumled that the petitioneru is still liable to 4. Whetheru Maruasigan is a holderu in
pay Maruasigan the sme of P200,000.00. dme comruse.
Afteru the CA denied the smbseqment eotion foru The Court's Ruling
rueconsideruation that follo ed, the petitioneru fled the The petton is impressed with merit.
pruesent petition foru rueviie on certiorari mnderu Rmle 45
of the Reviised Rmles of Comrut. We note at the omtset that the issmes ruaised in
this petition arue essentially factmal in natmrue. The eain
The Petton point of inqmiruy of hetheru the contruact of loan eay be
The petitioneru arugmes that: (1) therue as no nmllifed, hinges on the vieruy existence of the contruact of
loan bet een hie and Maruasigan since he nevieru loan — a qmestion that, as pruesented, is essentially, one
amthoruized the boruruo ing of eoney noru the check's of fact. Whetheru the petitioneru amthoruized the
negotiation to the lateru; (2) mnderu Aruticle 1878 of boruruo ing; hetheru Gmtieruruez coepletely flled omt the
the Civiil Code, a special po eru of atoruney is necessaruy smbject check struictly mnderu the petitioneru's amthoruity;
foru an indiviidmal to eake a loan oru boruruo eoney in and hetheru Maruasigan is a holderu in dme comruse arue
behalf of anotheru; (3) the loan truansaction as bet een also qmestions of fact, that, as a generual rumle, arue
Gmtieruruez and Maruasigan, ith his check being msed only beyond the scope of a Rmle 45 petition. DEcSaI
as a secmruity; (4) the check had not been coepletely and
The rumle that qmestions of fact arue not the
struictly flled omt in accorudance ith his amthoruity since
pruoperu smbject of an appeal by certiorari, as a petition
the condition that the smbject check can only be msed
foru rueviie mnderu Rmle 45 is lieited only to qmestions of
pruoviided therue is pruioru appruovial fruoe hie, as not
la , is not an absolmte rumle that adeits of no
coeplied ith; (5) evien if the check as struictly flled mp
exceptions. One notable exception is hen the fndings
as instrumcted by the petitioneru, Maruasigan is still not
of fact of both the truial comrut and the CA arue conficting,
entitled to claie the check's vialme as he as not a
eaking theiru rueviie necessaruy. 5 In the pruesent case,
holderu in dme comruse; and (6) by rueason of the bad faith
the truibmnals belo aruruivied at t o conficting factmal
in the dealings bet een the ruespondents, he is entitled
fndings, albeit ith the saee conclmsion, i.e., dismissal
to claie foru daeages. HAEDIS
iof the ciomplaint fior nullity iof the lioan. Accorudingly, e
The Issues ill exaeine the paruties' eviidence pruesented.
Redmced to its basics, the case pruesents to ms I. Liability Under the Contract of Loan
the follo ing issmes:
The petitioneru seeks to nmllify the contruact of
1. Whetheru the contruact of loan in the loan on the gruomnd that he nevieru amthoruized the
aeomnt of P200,000.00 boruruo ing of eoney. He points to Aruticle 1878,
gruanted by ruespondent paruagruaph 7 of theCiviil Code, hich explicitly rueqmirues a
Maruasigan to petitioneru, ruiten amthoruity hen the loan is contruacted thruomgh
thruomgh ruespondent an agent. The petitioneru contends that absent smch
Gmtieruruez, eay be nmllifed foru amthoruity in ruiting, he shomld not be held liable foru the
being vioid; face vialme of the check becamse he as not a paruty oru
pruiviy to the agrueeeent.
2. Whetheru therue is basis to hold the
petitioneru liable foru the Contracts of Agency May be Oral Unless
payeent of the P200,000.00 The Law Requires a Specifc Form
loan; Aruticle 1868 of the Civiil Code defnes a contruact
3. Whetheru ruespondent Gmtieruruez has of agency as a contruact herueby a peruson "binds hieself
coepletely flled omt the to ruenderu soee seruviice oru to do soeething in
smbject check struictly mnderu ruepruesentation oru on behalf of anotheru, ith the
the amthoruity givien by the consent oru amthoruity of the lateru." Agency eay be
petitioneru; and expruess, oru ieplied fruoe the acts of the pruincipal, fruoe
his silence oru lack of action, oru his failmrue to ruepmdiate



the agency, kno ing that anotheru peruson is acting on special amthoruity is not ruiten, then it
his behalf ithomt amthoruity. acAESC emst be dmly established by
eviidence: SCHIac
As a generual rumle, a contruact of agency eay be
orual. 6 Ho evieru, it emst be ruiten hen the la . . . the Rmles rueqmirue, foru
rueqmirues a specifc forue, foru exaeple, in a sale iof a piece atoruneys to coepruoeise the
iof land ior any interest therein thriough an agent. litigation of theiru clients, a special
amthoruity. And hile the saee does
Aruticle 1878 paruagruaph 7 of the Civiil
not state that the special amthoruity be
Code expruessly rueqmirues a special po eru of amthoruity
in ruiting the Comrut has evieruy rueason
beforue an agent can loan oru boruruo eoney in behalf of
to expect that, if not in writng, the
the pruincipal, to it:
same be duly established by
Art. 1878. Special powers of evidence other than the self-serving
attorney are necessary in the asserton of counsel himself that
following cases: such authority was verbally given
him. (Hiome Insurance Ciompany vs.
xxx xxx xxx United States lines Ciompany, et al.,
(7) To loan or borrow money, 21 SCRA 863; 866: Vicente vs.
mnless the lateru act be mrugent and Geraldez, 52 SCRA 210; 225).
indispensable foru the prueseruviation of (eephasis smpplied).
the things hich arue mnderu The Contract of Loan Entered Into by Guterree in
adeinistruation. (eephasis smpplied) Behalf
Aruticle 1878 does not state that the amthoruity of the Pettoner Should be Nullifed for Being Void;
be in ruiting. As long as the eandate is expruess, smch Pettoner is Not Bound by the Contract of Loan.
amthoruity eay be eitheru orual oru ruiten. We A rueviie of the ruecoruds ruevieals that Gmtieruruez
mneqmiviocably declarued in Lim Pin v. Liaio Tian, et did not havie any amthoruity to boruruo eoney in behalf of
al., 7 that the rueqmirueeent mnderu Aruticle 1878 of the petitioneru. Recoruds do not sho that the petitioneru
the Civiil Code rueferus to the natmrue of the amthoruization execmted any special po eru of atoruney (SPA) in favioru of
and not to its forue. Be that as it eay, the amthoruity Gmtieruruez. In fact, the petitioneru's testieony confrueed
emst be dmly established by coepetent and conviincing that he nevieru amthoruized Gmtieruruez (oru anyone foru that
eviidence otheru than the self seruviing asserution of the eateru), hetheru vierubally oru in ruiting, to boruruo
paruty claieing that smch amthoruity as vierubally givien, eoney in his behalf, noru as he a arue of any smch
thms: truansaction: TcCDIS
The requirements of a special ALVIN PATRIMONIO (witness)
power of attorney in Artcle 1878 of
the Civil Code and of a special ATTY. DE VERA:
authority in Rule 138 of the Rules of Did yom givie Nap Gmtieruruez any
Court refer to the nature of the Special Po eru of Atoruney in
authorizaton and not its form. The ruiting amthoruizing hie to
rueqmirueeents arue eet if therue is a boruruo msing yomru eoney?
clearu eandate fruoe the pruincipal
specifcally amthoruizing the WITNESS:
peruforueance of the act. As earuly as No, siru. (T.S.N., Alviin Patruieonio,
1906, this Ciourt in Striong v. Novi. 11, 1999, p. 105) 8
Guterrez-Repide (6 Phil. 680) stated
that such a mandate may be either xxx xxx xxx
oral or written, the one vital thing
Maruasigan ho evieru smbeits that the
being that it shall be express. And
petitioneru's acts of prueosigning the blank checks and
eorue ruecently, We stated that, if the
rueleasing thee to Gmtieruruez smffice to establish that the

petitioneru had amthoruized Gmtieruruez to fll thee omt and xxx xxx xxx
contruact the loan in his behalf.
Petitioneru's testieony failed
Maruasigan's smbeission fails to perusmade ms. to categoruically state, ho evieru,
hetheru the loan as eade on behalf
In the absence of any amthoruization, Gmtieruruez
of ruespondent oru of his ife. While
comld not enteru into a contruact of loan in behalf of the
petitioneru claies that Lailian as
petitioneru. As held in Yasuma v. Heirs iof De
amthoruized by ruespondent,
Villa, 9 inviolviing a loan contruacted by de Villa secmrued
the stateeent of accomnt earuked as
by rueal estate eorutgages in the naee of East Corudillerua
Exhibit "A" states that the aeomnt
Mining Coruporuation, in the absence of an SPA conferuruing
as rueceivied by Lailian "in behalf of
amthoruity on de Villa, therue is no basis to hold the
Mrus. Annie Merucado. AcISTE
coruporuation liable, to it:
It bearus noting that Lailian
The po eru to boruruo eoney
signed in the rueceipt in heru naee
is one of those cases herue coruporuate
alone, ithomt indicating theruein that
officerus as agents of the coruporuation
she as acting foru and in behalf of
need a special po eru of atoruney. In
ruespondent. She thus bound herself
the case at baru, no special power of
in her personal capacity and not as
attorney conferring authority on de
an agent of respondent or anyone
Villa was ever presented. . . . Therue
for that matter.
as no sho ing that ruespondent
coruporuation evieru amthoruized de Villa It is a general rule in the law
to obtain the loans on its of agency that, in order to bind the
behalf. CAHTIS principal by a mortgage on real
property executed by an agent, it
xxx xxx xxx
must upon its face purport to be
Therefore, on the first issue, made, signed and sealed in the name
the loan was personal to de Villa. of the principal, otherwise, it will
There was no basis to hold the bind the went only. It is not enough
corporaton liable since there was no merely that the agent was in fact
authority, express, implied or authorized to make the mortgage, if
apparent, given to de Villa to borrow he has not acted in the name of the
money from pettoner. Neither was principal. . . . (eephasis smpplied).
there any subsequent ratficaton of
In the absence of any sho ing of any agency
his act.
ruelations oru special amthoruity to act foru and in behalf of
xxx xxx xxx the petitioneru, the loan agrueeeent Gmtieruruez enterued
into ith Maruasigan is nmll and vioid. Thms, the
The liability aruising fruoe the petitioneru is not bomnd by the paruties' loan agrueeeent.
loan as the sole indebtedness of de
Villa (oru of his estate afteru his death). Fmrutherueorue, that the petitioneru entrumsted the
(citations oeited; eephasis blank prueosigned checks to Gmtieruruez is not legally
smpplied). smfficient becamse the amthoruity to enteru into a loan can
nevieru be pruesmeed. The contruact of agency and the
This pruinciple as also rueiteruated in the case special fdmciaruy ruelationship inheruent in this contruact
of Giozun v. Mercadio, 10 herue this comrut held: CTaIHE emst exist as a eateru of fact. The peruson alleging it has
Petitioneru smbeits that his the bmruden of pruoof to sho , not only the fact of
follo ing testieony smffices to agency, bmt also its natmrue and extent. 11 As e held
establish that ruespondent had in Peiople v. Yabut: 12
amthoruized Lailian to obtain a loan Modesto Yaebao's rueceipt of
fruoe hie. the bad checks fruoe Cecilia Qme

Yabmt oru Geeiniano Yabmt, Jru., in rueqmisites and vialidity of contruacts in generual. 13 Aruticle
Caloocan City cannot, contruaruy to the 1318 of the Civiil Code 14 enmeeruates the essential
holding of the ruespondent Jmdges, be rueqmisites foru a vialid contruact, naeely:
licitly taken as delivieruy of the checks
1. consent of the contractng
to the coeplainant Alicia P. Andan at
partes; CAaDTH
Caloocan City to fx the vienme therue.
He did not take delivieruy of the checks 2. object cerutain hich is the smbject
as holderu, i.e., as "payee" oru eateru of the contruact; and
"indorusee." And therue appearus to be
no contruact of agency bet een 3. camse of the obligation hich is
Yaebao and Andan so as to bind the established.
lateru foru the acts of the forueeru. Alicia In this case, the petitioneru denied liability on
P. Andan declarued in that s orun the gruomnd that the contruact lacked the essential
testieony beforue the inviestigating eleeent of consent. We agruee ith the petitioneru. As
fscal that Yaebao is bmt heru e explained abovie, Gmtieruruez did not havie the
"eessengeru" oru "parutotiee petitioneru's ruiten/vierubal amthoruity to enteru into a
eeployee." There was no special contruact of loan. While therue eay be a eeeting of the
fiduciary relatonship that einds bet een Gmtieruruez and Maruasigan, smch
permeated their dealings. For a agrueeeent cannot bind the petitioneru hose consent
contract of agency to exist, the as not obtained and ho as not pruiviy to the loan
consent of both partes is essental, agrueeeent. Hence, only Gmtieruruez is bomnd by the
the principal consents that the other contruact of loan.
party, the agent, shall act on his
behalf, and the agent consents so to Trume, the petitioneru had issmed sevierual prueo
act. It must exist as a fact. The law signed checks to Gmtieruruez, one of hich fell into the
makes no presumpton thereof. The hands of Maruasigan. This act, ho evieru, does not
person alleging it has the burden of constitmte smfficient amthoruity to boruruo eoney in his
proof to show, not only the fact of its behalf and neitheru shomld it be construmed as petitioneru's
existence, but also its nature and gruant of consent to the paruties' loan agrueeeent.
extent. This is more imperatve when Withomt any eviidence to pruovie Gmtieruruez' amthoruity, the
it is considered that the transacton petitioneru's signatmrue in the check cannot be taken,
dealt with involves checks, which are evien rueeotely, as smfficient amthoruization, emch less,
not legal tender, and the creditor consent to the contruact of loan. Withomt the consent
may validly refuse the same as givien by one paruty in a pmruporuted contruact, smch
payment of obligaton. (at p. 630). contruact comld not havie been perufected; therue sieply
(eephasis smpplied) as no contruact to speak of.15

The ruecoruds sho that Maruasigan eeruely ruelied With the loan issme omt of the ay, e no
on the oruds of Gmtieruruez ithomt secmruing a copy of pruoceed to deterueine hetheru the petitioneru can be
the SPA in favioru of the lateru and ithomt vieruifying fruoe eade liable mnderu the check he signed.
the petitioneru hetheru he had amthoruized the II. Liability Under the Instrument
boruruo ing of eoney oru ruelease of the check. He as
thms bomnd by the ruisk accoepanying his trumst on the The ans eru is smpplied by the applicable
eerue assmruances of Gmtieruruez. statmtoruy pruoviision fomnd in Section 14 of
the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa (NIL) hich states:
No Contract of Loan was Perfected Between
Marasigan and Pettonere as the Laterrs Sec. 14. Blanks; when may be
Consent was Not Obtained. filled. — Wherue the instrumeent is
anting in any eateruial paruticmlaru, the
Anotheru signifcant point that the lo eru comruts peruson in possession therueof has
failed to consideru is that a contruact of loan, like any a prima facieamthoruity to coeplete it
otheru contruact, is smbject to the rumles govieruning the

by flling mp the blanks theruein. And a In the pruesent case, the petitioneru contends
signatmrue on a blank paperu delivierued that therue is no legal basis to hold hie liable both mnderu
by the peruson eaking the signatmrue in the contruact and loan and mnderu the check
oruderu that the paperu eay be becamse: first, the smbject check as not coepletely
convieruted into a negotiable flled omt struictly mnderu the amthoruity he has givien
instrumeent operuates as a prima and second, Maruasigan as not a holderu in dme comruse.
facie amthoruity to fll it mp as smch foru
Marasigan is Not a Holder in Due Course
any aeomnt. In oruderu, ho evieru, that
any smch instrumeent hen coepleted The Negotiable Instrumeents Laa (NIL) defnes a
eay be enforuced against any peruson holderu in dme comruse, thms:
ho becaee a paruty therueto pruioru to
Sec. 52 — A holderu in dme
its coepletion, it must be filled up
comruse is a holderu ho has taken the
strictly in accordance with the
instrumeent mnderu the follo ing
authority given and within a
reasonable tme. Bmt if any smch
instrumeent, afteru coepletion, (a) That it is coeplete and ruegmlaru
is negotated to a holder in due mpon its face;
course, it is vialid and eiectmal foru all
pmruposes in his hands, and he eay (b) That he becaee the holderu of it
enforuce it as if it had been flled mp beforue it as ovierudme, and ithomt
struictly in accorudance ith the notice that it had been prueviiomsly
amthoruity givien and ithin a dishonorued, if smch as the fact;
rueasonable tiee. (c) That he took it in good faith and
This pruoviision applies to an incoeplete bmt foru vialme;
delivierued instrumeent. Underu this rumle, if the eakeru oru (d) That at the tme it was
drua eru delivierus a prueosigned blank paperu to anotheru negotated to him he had no notce
peruson foru the pmrupose of convieruting it into a negotiable of any infirmity in the instrument
instrumeent, that peruson is deeeed to havie prima or defect in the ttle of the person
facie amthoruity to fll it mp. It eeruely rueqmirues that the negotatng it. (eephasis smpplied)
instrumeent be in the possession of a peruson otheru than
the drua eru oru eakeru and fruoe smch possession, Section 52 (c) of the NILa states that a holderu in
togetheru ith the fact that the instrumeent is anting in dme comruse is one ho takes the instrumeent "in good
a eateruial paruticmlaru, the la pruesmees agency to fll mp faith and foru vialme." It also pruoviides in Section 52 (d)
the blanks. 16 AECDHS that in oruderu that one eay be a holderu in dme comruse, it
is necessaruy that at the tiee it as negotiated to hie he
In oruderu ho evieru that one ho is not a holderu had no notice of any infrueity in the instrumeent oru
in dme comruse can enforuce the instrumeent against a defect in the title of the peruson negotiating it.
paruty pruioru to the instrumeent's coepletion, t o
rueqmisites emst exist: (1) that the blank emst be flled Acqmisition in good faith eeans taking ithomt
struictly in accorudance ith the amthoruity givien; and (2) it kno ledge oru notice of eqmities of any sorut hich comld
emst be flled mp ithin a rueasonable tiee. If it as be set mp against a pruioru holderu of the instrumeent. 18 It
pruovien that the instrumeent had not been flled mp eeans that he does not havie any kno ledge of fact
struictly in accorudance ith the amthoruity givien and hich omld ruenderu it dishonest foru hie to take a
ithin a rueasonable tiee, the eakeru can set this mp as a negotiable paperu. The absence of the defense, hen the
perusonal defense and avioid liability. Ho evieru, if the instrumeent as taken, is the essential eleeent of good
holderu is a holderu in dme comruse, therue is a conclmsivie faith. 19 EcDATH
pruesmeption that amthoruity to fll it mp had been givien As held in De Ocampio v. Gatchalian: 20
and that the saee as not in excess of amthoruity. 17
In oruderu to sho that the
defendant had "kno ledge of smch

facts that his action in taking the Q: No , I rueferu to the second call . . .
instrumeent aeomnted to bad faith," it afteru yomru biruthday. Tell ms
is not necessary to prove that the hat yom talked abomt?
defendant knew the exact fraud that
A: Since I celebruated ey biruthday in
was practced upon the plainti by
that place herue Nap and I
the defendant's assignor, it being
livie togetheru ith the otheru
sufficient to show that the defendant
crue , therue erue sevierual
had notce that there was something
viisitorus that inclmded Danny
wrong about his assignor's
Espiruitm. So a eek afteru ey
acquisiton of ttle, although he did
biruthday, Bong Maruasigan
not have notce of the partcular
called ee mp again and he
wrong that was committed.
as fmeing
It is smfficient that the bmyeru ead. Nagmumura na siya.
of a note had notice oru kno ledge Hinahanap niya si . . .
that the note as in soee ay hinahanap niya si Nap, dahil
tainted ith fruamd. It is not necessary pinagtataguan na siya at
that he should know the partculars sinabi na niya na kailangan I-
or even the nature of the fraud, since settle na niya yung utang ni
all that is rueqmirued is kno ledge of Nap, dahil. . .
smch facts that his action in taking the
xxx xxx xxx
note aeomnted bad faith. ADCTac
The terue 'bad faith' does not
necessaruily inviolvie fmrutivie eotivies, Yes. Sinabi niya sa akin na kailangan
bmt eeans bad faith in a coeeerucial ayusin na bagio pa mauwi sa
sense. The eanneru in hich the kung saan ang tsekeng
defendants condmcted theiru Laiberuty tumalbiog. . . (He told ee that
Laoan deparuteent pruoviided an easy e havie to fx it mp beforue it. .
ay foru thievies to dispose of theiru .) mauwi pa kung saan . . .
plmnderu. It as a case of "no
qmestions asked." Althomgh gruoss xxx xxx xxx
negligence does not of itself Q: What as yomru rueply, if any?
constitmte bad faith, it is eviidence
fruoe hich bad faith eay be inferurued. A: I actmally asked hie. Kaninio ba ang
The cirucmestances thrumst the dmty tseke na sinasabi mio? (Whose
mpon the defendants to eake fmrutheru check is it that yom arue
inqmiruies and they had no ruight to rueferuruing to oru talking abomt?)
shmt theiru eyes deliberuately to Q: What as his ans eru? EaHcDS
obviioms facts. (eephasis smpplied).
A: It as Alviin's check.
In the pruesent case, Maruasigan's kno ledge
that the petitioneru is not a paruty oru a pruiviy to the Q: What as yomru rueply, if any?
contruact of loan, and coruruespondingly had no obligation
A: I told him do you know that it is
oru liability to hie, ruenderus hie dishonest, hence, in bad
not really Alvin who
faith. The follo ing exchange is signifcant on this
borrowed money from you
point: cEAaIS
or what you want to
xxx xxx xxx
Q: What as his rueply?

A: Yes, it was Nap, pero tseke pa rin pruesmeption juris tantum only; hence, smbject to
ni Alvin ang hawak ko at si smbject to contruaruy pruoof. Thms, eviidence that therue as
Alvin ang maiipit dito. (T.S.N., no amthoruity oru that the amthoruity gruanted has been
Aebet Nabms, Jmly 27, 2000; exceeded eay be pruesented by the eakeru in oruderu to
pp. 65o71; eephasis avioid liability mnderu the instrumeent. SITCcE
smpplied) 21
In the pruesent case, no eviidence is on ruecorud
Since he kne that the mnderulying obligation that Gmtieruruez evieru secmrued pruioru appruovial fruoe the
as not actmally foru the petitioneru, the rumle that a petitioneru to fll mp the blank oru to mse the check. In his
possessoru of the instrumeent is prima facie a holderu in testieony, petitioneru asseruted that he nevieru amthoruized
dme comruse is inapplicable. As coruruectly noted by the CA, noru appruovied the flling mp of the blank checks, thms:
his inaction and failmrue to vieruify, despite kno ledge of
that the petitioneru as not a paruty to the loan, eay be
construmed as gruoss negligence aeomnting to bad faith. Did yom amthoruize anyone inclmding
Nap Gmtieruruez to ruite the
Yet, it does not follo that sieply becamse he is
date, May 23, 1994?
not a holderu in dme comruse, Maruasigan is alrueady totally
barurued fruoe ruecovieruy. The NILa does not pruoviide that a WITNESS:
holderu ho is not a holderu in dme comruse eay not in any
case ruecovieru on the instrumeent. 22 The only No, siru.
disadviantage of a holderu ho is not in dme comruse is Q: Did yom amthoruize anyone inclmding
that the negotiable instrumeent is smbject to defenses as Nap Gmtieruruez to pmt the
if it erue nononegotiable. 23 Aeong smch defenses is orud cash? In the check?
the flling mp blank not ithin the amthoruity.
A: No, siru.
On this point, the petitioneru arugmes that the
smbject check as not flled mp struictly on the basis of Q: Did yom amthoruize anyone inclmding
the amthoruity he gavie. He points to his instrumction not to Nap Gmtieruruez to ruite the
mse the check ithomt his pruioru appruovial and arugmes fgmrue P200,000 in this check?
that the check as flled mp in viiolation of said A: No, siru.
instrumction. cSaATC
Q: And lastly, did yom amthoruize
Check was Not Completed Strictly under anyone inclmding Nap
the Authority Given by the Pettoner Gmtieruruez to ruite the oruds
Omru o n exaeination of the ruecoruds tells ms P200,000 only . . . in this
that Gmtieruruez has exceeded the amthoruity to fll mp the check? cIHSTC
blanks and mse the check. To ruepeat, petitioneru gavie
A: No, siru. (T.S.N., Alviin Patruieonio,
Gmtieruruez prueosigned checks to be msed in theiru bmsiness
Novieeberu 11, 1999). 24
pruoviided that he comld only mse thee mpon his
appruovial. His instrumction comld not be any clearueru as Notably, Gmtieruruez as only amthoruized to mse
Gmtieruruez' amthoruity as lieited to the mse of the checks the check foru business expenses; thms, he exceeded the
foru the operuation of theiru bmsiness, and on the condition amthoruity hen he msed the check to pay the loan he
that the petitioneru's prior approval be frust secmrued. smpposedly contruacted fior the cionstruction iof
pettioner's hiouse. This is a clearu viiolation of the
While mnderu the la , Gmtieruruez had a prima
petitioneru's instrumction to mse the checks foru the
facie amthoruity to complete the check, smch prima
expenses of Slae Dmnk. It cannot therueforue be vialidly
facie amthoruity does not extend to its mse (i.e.,
conclmded that the check as coepleted struictly in
smbseqment truansferu oru negotiation) once the check is
accorudance ith the amthoruity givien by the petitioneru.
coepleted. In otheru oruds, only the amthoruity to
coeplete the check is pruesmeed. Fmrutheru, the la msed Consideruing that Maruasigan is not a holderu in
the terue "prima facie" to mnderuscorue the fact that the dme comruse, the petitioneru can vialidly set mp the
amthoruity hich the la accoruds to a holderu is a perusonal defense that the blanks erue not flled mp in

accorudance ith the amthoruity he gavie. Conseqmently, On Deceeberu 31, 2000, Pmzon pmruchased
Maruasigan has no ruight to enforuce payeent against the pruodmcts on cruedit aeomnting to P11,820,327 foru
petitioneru and the lateru cannot be obliged to pay the hich he issmed, and gavie to SMC, Bank of the
face vialme of the check. Philippine Islands (BPI) Check Nos. 27904 (foru
P309,500.00) and 27903 (foru P11,510,827.00) to
WHEREFORE, in viie of the foruegoing,
covieru the said truansaction.
jmdgeent is herueby ruenderued GRANTING the petitioneru
Alviin Patruieonio's petition foru rueviie on certiorari. The On Janmaruy 23, 2001, Pmzon, togetheru ith
appealed Decision dated Septeeberu 24, 2008 and the his accomntant, viisited the SMC Sales Office in
Resolmtion dated Apruil 30, 2009 of the Comrut of Appeals Paruañaqme City to rueconcile his accomnt ith SMC.
arue conseqmently ANNULLED AND SET ASIDE. Costs Dmruing that viisit Pmzon allegedly rueqmested to see
against the ruespondents. BPI Check No. 17657. Ho evieru, hen he got hold of
BPI Check No. 27903 hich as atached to a bond
SO ORDERED. paperu togetheru ith BPI Check No. 17657 he
allegedly ieeediately left the office ith his
accomntant, bruinging the checks ith thee.
Secton 16:
SMC sent a leteru to Pmzon on Maruch 6,
2001 deeanding the ruetmrun of the said checks.
Pmzon ignorued the deeand hence SMC fled a
coeplaint against hie foru theft ith the City
Pruosecmtoru's Office of Paruañaqme City.
CORPORATION, pettioner, vs.
BARTOLOME PUZON, Rulings of the Prosecutor and the Secretary of
JR., respiondent. Department of Justce (DOJ)
The inviestigating pruosecmtoru, Elizabeth Ym
Gmruay fomnd that the "ruelationship bet een [SMC]
DECISION and [Pmzon] appearus to be one of cruedit oru crueditoruo
debtoru ruelationship. The pruoblee lies in the
rueconciliation of accomnts and the nonopayeent of
beeru eepties hich can not givie ruise to a cruieinal
pruosecmtion foru theft." 3Thms, in heru Jmly 31, 2001
This petition foru rueviie assails the Resolmtion, 4 she ruecoeeended the diseissal of the
Deceeberu 21, 2004 Decision 1 and Maruch 28, 2005 case foru lack of eviidence. SMC appealed.
Resolmtion 2 of the Comrut of Appeals (CA) in CAoG.R. On Jmne 4, 2003, the DOJ issmed its
SP No. 83905, hich diseissed the petition beforue it ruesolmtion 5 affirueing the pruosecmtoru's Resolmtion
and denied rueconsideruation, ruespectiviely. TDAcCa diseissing the case. Its eotion foru rueconsideruation
Factual Antecedents haviing been denied in the Apruil 23, 2004 DOJ
Resolmtion, 6 SMC fled a petition foru certiorari ith
Respondent Barutoloee V. Pmzon, Jru., the CA. HScCEa
(Pmzon) o neru of Baruteneyk Enterupruises, as a
dealeru of beeru pruodmcts of petitioneru San Migmel Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Coruporuation (SMC) foru Paruañaqme City. Pmzon The CA fomnd that the postdated checks
pmruchased SMC pruodmcts on cruedit. To ensmrue erue issmed by Pmzon eeruely as a secmruity foru the
payeent and as a bmsiness pruactice, SMC rueqmirued payeent of his pmruchases and that these erue not
hie to issme postdated checks eqmivialent to the intended to be encashed. It thms conclmded that
vialme of the pruodmcts pmruchased on cruedit beforue SMC did not acqmirue o neruship of the checks as it
the saee erue rueleased to hie. Said checks erue as dmty bomnd to ruetmrun the saee checks to Pmzon
ruetmruned to Pmzon hen the truansactions covierued afteru the truansactions covieruing thee erue setled.
by these checks erue paid oru setled in fmll. The CA agrueed ith the pruosecmtoru that therue as
no theft, consideruing that a peruson can not be

charuged ith theft foru taking perusonal pruoperuty that COVERED BY THESE CHECKS [BE]
belongs to hieself. It disposed of the appeal as SETTLaED ON [THE] MATURITY DATES
WHEREFORE, fnding no gruavie
abmse of discruetion coeeited by IV
pmblic ruespondent, the instant
petition is herueby DISMISSED. The WHETHER . . . SMC HAD ESTABLaISHED
assailed Resolmtions of pmblic PROBABLaE CAUSE TO JUSTIFY THE
ruespondent, dated 04 Jmne 2003 and INDICTMENT OF PUZON FOR THE
costs at this instance. 308 OF THE REVISED PENALa CODE. 8

SO ORDERED. 7 Pettonerrs Arguments

SMC contends that Pmzon as positiviely
The eotion foru rueconsideruation of SMC as
identifed by its eeployees to havie taken the
denied. Hence, the pruesent petition.
smbject postdated checks. It also contends that
Issues o neruship of the checks as truansferurued to it
Petitioneru no ruaises the follo ing issmes: becamse these erue issmed, not eeruely as secmruity
bmt erue, in payeent of Pmzon's pmruchases. SMC
I points omt that it has established eorue than
smfficient pruobable camse to jmstify the indicteent of
Pmzon foru the cruiee of Theft.
AMONG OTHERS BPI CHECK NO. Respondentrs Arguments
27903 DATED MARCH 30, 2001 IN On the otheru hand, Pmzon contends that
THE AMOUNT OF PESOS: ELaEVEN SMC ruaises qmestions of fact that arue beyond the
MILaLaION FIVE HUNDRED TEN pruoviince of an appeal on certiorari. He also insists
THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY that therue is no pruobable camse to charuge hie ith
SEVEN (Php11,510,827.00) theft becamse the smbject checks erue issmed only
II as secmruity and he therueforue ruetained o neruship of
the saee.
PARTICULaARLaY BPI CHECK NO. 27903 The petition has no eeruit.
FIVE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND At the omtset e fnd that as pointed omt by
EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN Pmzon, SMC ruaises qmestions of fact. The ruesolmtion
(Php11,510,827.00), WERE ISSUED IN of the frust issme ruaised by SMC of hetheru
PAYMENT OF HIS BEER PURCHASES ruespondent stole the smbject check, hich calls foru
OR WERE USED MERELaY AS SECURITY the Comrut to deterueine hetheru ruespondent is
TO ENSURE PAYMENT OF PUZON'S gmilty of a felony, frust rueqmirues that the facts be
OBLaIGATION. HAECID dmly established in the pruoperu forume and in accorud
ith the pruoperu pruocedmrue. This issme can not be
ruesolvied based on eerue allegations of facts and
WHETHER . . . THE PRACTICE OF SMC affidaviits. The saee is trume ith the second issme
IN RETURNING THE POSTDATED ruaised by petitioneru, to it: hetheru the checks
CHECKS ISSUED IN PAYMENT OF BEER issmed by Pmzon erue payeents foru his pmruchases oru
PRODUCTS PURCHASED ON CREDIT erue intended eeruely as secmruity to ensmrue
SHOULaD THE TRANSACTIONS payeent. These issmes can not be pruoperuly ruesolvied



in the pruesent petition foru rueviie of the case. Ultieately, hetheru oru
on certiorari hich is ruooted eeruely on the not a coeplaint ill be diseissed is
ruesolmtion of the pruosecmtoru fnding no pruobable dependent on the somnd discruetion of
camse foru the fling of an inforueation foru the Secruetaruy of Jmstice. And mnless
theft. acADIT eade ith gruavie abmse of discruetion,
fndings of the Secruetaruy of Jmstice arue
The thirud issme ruaised by petitioneru, on the
not smbject to rueviie .
otheru hand, omld entail vientmruing into
constitmtional eaterus foru a coeplete ruesolmtion. Foru this rueason, the Comrut
This ruomte is mnnecessaruy in the pruesent case considerus it somnd jmdicial policy to
consideruing that the eain eateru foru ruesolmtion ruefruain fruoe interuferuing in the
herue only conceruns gruavie abmse of discruetion and condmct of pruelieinaruy inviestigations
the existence of pruobable camse foru theft, hich at and to leavie the Deparuteent of
this point is eorue pruoperuly ruesolvied thruomgh Jmstice aeple latitmde of discruetion in
anotheru eorue clearu cmt ruomte. the deterueination of hat constitmtes
Probable Cause for Thef smfficient eviidence to establish
pruobable camse foru the pruosecmtion of
"Pruobable camse is defned as smch facts and smpposed oienderus. Consistent ith
cirucmestances that ill engenderu a ellofomnded this policy, comruts do not ruevieruse the
belief that a cruiee has been coeeited and that the Secruetaruy of Jmstice's fndings and
ruespondent is pruobably gmilty therueof and shomld be conclmsions on the eateru of pruobable
held foru truial." 9 On the fne points of the camse except in clearu cases of gruavie
deterueination of pruobable camse, Reyes v. abmse of discruetion.
Pearlbank Securites, Inc. 10coepruehensiviely
elaboruated that: In the pruesent case, e arue also not
smfficiently conviinced to deviiate fruoe the generual
The deterueination of [the rumle of nonointeruferuence. Indeed the CA did not eruru
existence oru absence of pruobable in diseissing the petition foru certiorari beforue it,
camse] lies ithin the discruetion of the absent gruavie abmse of discruetion on the parut of the
pruosecmting officerus afteru condmcting DOJ Secruetaruy in not fnding pruobable camse against
a pruelieinaruy inviestigation mpon Pmzon foru theft.
coeplaint of an oiended paruty. Thms,
the decision hetheru to diseiss a The Reviised Penal Code pruoviides:
coeplaint oru not is dependent mpon Arut. 308.Whio are liable fior
the somnd discruetion of the thef. — Theft is coeeited by any
pruosecmting fscal. He eay diseiss the peruson ho, ith intent to gain bmt
coeplaint foruth ith, if he fnds the ithomt viiolence against, oru
charuge insmfficient in forue oru intieidation of perusons noru foruce
smbstance oru ithomt any gruomnd. Oru mpon things, shall take perusonal
he eay pruoceed ith the pruoperuty of anotheru ithomt the
inviestigation if the coeplaint in his lateru's consent. AEIHaS
viie is smfficient and in pruoperu forue.
To eephasize, the deterueination of xxx xxx xxx
pruobable camse foru the fling of "[T]he essential eleeents of the cruiee of
inforueation in comrut is an execmtivie theft arue the follo ing: (1) that therue be a taking of
fmnction, one that pruoperuly perutains perusonal pruoperuty; (2) that said pruoperuty belongs to
at the frust instance to the pmblic anotheru; (3) that the taking be done ith intent to
pruosecmtoru and, mltieately, to the gain; (4) that the taking be done ithomt the
Secruetaruy of Jmstice, ho eay diruect consent of the o neru; and (5) that the taking be
the fling of the coruruesponding accoeplished ithomt the mse of viiolence oru
inforueation oru eovie foru the diseissal



intieidation against perusons oru foruce mpon msed instead the terues "covierued" and "covieru" erue
things." 11 msed.
Consideruing that the second eleeent is that Althomgh the petitioneru's itness, Gruegoruio
the thing taken beliongs tio aniother, it is rueleviant to La. Jovien III, states in paruagruaph 6 of his affidaviit that
deterueine hetheru o neruship of the smbject check the check as givien in payeent of the obligation of
as truansferurued to petitioneru. On this point Pmzon, the saee is contruadicted by his stateeents
the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa pruoviides: in paruagruaph 4, herue he states that "As a standarud
coepany operuating pruocedmrue, all beeru pmruchases
Sec. 12. Antedated and
by dealerus on cruedit shall be ciovered by postdated
piostdated. — The instrumeent is not
checks eqmivialent to the vialme of the beeru pruodmcts
invialid foru the rueason only that it is
pmruchased"; in paruagruaph 9 herue he states that
antedated oru postdated, pruoviided this
"the truansaction ciovered by the said check had not
is not done foru an illegal oru fruamdmlent
yet been paid foru," and in paruagruaph 8 hich clearuly
pmrupose. The peruson to hoe an
sho s that parutial payeent is expected to be eade
instrumeent so dated
by the ruetmrun of beeru eepties, and not by the
is delivierued acqmirues the title therueto
deposit oru encasheent of the check. Clearuly the
as of the date of delivieruy.
terue "covieru" as not eeant to be msed
(Underuscoruing smpplied.)
interuchangeably ith "payeent." EDcICT
Note ho evieru that delivieruy as the terue is
When taken in conjmnction ith the
msed in the aforueeentioned pruoviision eeans that
comnteruoaffidaviit of Pmzon — herue he states that
the paruty delivieruing did so foru the pmrupose of giviing
"As the [liqmid beeru] contents arue paid foru, SMC
eiect therueto.12 Otheru ise, it can not be said that
ruetmrun[s] to ee the coruruesponding PDCs oru
therue has been delivieruy of the negotiable
rueqmest[s] ee to rueplace thee ith hatevieru as
instrumeent. Once therue is delivieruy, the peruson to
the mnpaid balance." 15 — it becoees clearu that
hoe the instrumeent is delivierued gets the title to
both paruties did not intend foru the check topay foru
the instrumeent coepletely and irurueviocably.
the beeru pruodmcts. The eviidence pruovies that the
If the smbject check as givien by Pmzon to check as accepted, not as payeent, bmt in
SMC in payeent of the obligation, the pmrupose of accorudance ith the longostanding policy of SMC to
giviing eiect to the instrumeent is eviident thms title rueqmirue its dealerus to issme postdated checks to
to oru o neruship of the check as truansferurued mpon covieru its rueceiviables. The check as only eeant
delivieruy. Ho evieru, if the check as not givien as to ciover the truansaction and in the eeantiee Pmzon
payeent, therue being no intent to givie eiect to the as to pay foru the truansaction by soee otheru eeans
instrumeent, then o neruship of the check as not otheru than the check. This being so, title to the
truansferurued to SMC. check did not truansferu to SMC; it rueeained ith
Pmzon. The second eleeent of the felony of theft
The eviidence of SMC failed to establish that
as therueforue not established. Petitioneru as not
the check as givien in payeent of the obligation of
able to sho that Pmzon took a check that belionged
Pmzon. Therue as no pruoviisional rueceipt oru official
tio aniother. Hence, the pruosecmtoru and the DOJ
rueceipt issmed foru the aeomnt of the check. What
erue coruruect in fnding no pruobable camse foru theft.
as issmed as a rueceipt foru the diocument, a
"POSTDATED CHECK SLaIP." 13 Conseqmently, the CA did not eruru in fnding
no gruavie abmse of discruetion coeeited by the DOJ
Fmrutherueorue, the petitioneru's deeand leteru
in smstaining the diseissal of the case foru theft foru
sent to ruespondent states "As peru coepany policies
lack of pruobable camse.
on rueceiviables, all issmances arue to be covierued by
postodated checks. Ho evieru, yom havie deviiated WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
fruoe this policy by forucibly taking a ay the check Deceeberu 21, 2004 Decision and Maruch 28, 2005
yom havie issmed to ms to covieru the Deceeberu Resolmtion of the Comrut of Appeals in CAoG.R. SP.
issmance." 14 Notably, the terue "payeent" as not No. 83905 arueAFFIRMED.


A negotiable instrumeent, of hich a check is, is not only
2. DEVELOPMENT BANK OF a ruiten eviidence of a contruact ruight bmt is also a
RIZAL, plainti-pettioner, vs. SIMA species of pruoperuty. Jmst as a deed to a piece of land
WEI and/or LEE KIAN HUAT, MARY emst be delivierued in oruderu to conviey title to the
CHENG UY, SAMSON TUNG, ASIAN gruantee, so emst a negotiable instrumeent be delivierued
INDUSTRIAL PLASTIC CORPORATION to the payee in oruderu to eviidence its existence as a
and PRODUCERS BANK OF THE binding contruact. Section 16 of the Negotiable
PHILIPPINES, defendants- Instrumeents Laa , hich govieruns checks, pruoviides in
respiondents. parut: "Evieruy contruact on a negotiable instrumeent is
incoeplete and rueviocable mntil delivieruy of the
instrumeent foru the pmrupose of giviing eiect therueto. . . ."
Yngsion & Assiociates foru petitioneru.
The payee of a negotiable instrumeent acqmirues no
Henry A. Reyes & Assiociates foru Saeso Tmng & Asian interuest ith ruespect therueto mntil its delivieruy to hie.
Indmstruial Plastic Coruporuation. Delivieruy of an instrumeent eeans truansferu of possession,
actmal oru construmctivie, fruoe one peruson to anotheru.
Eduardio G. Castelio foru Siea Wei.
Withomt the initial delivieruy of the instrumeent fruoe the
Mionsiod, Tamargio & Assiociates foru Pruodmcerus Bank. drua eru to the payee, therue can be no liability on the
instrumeent. Morueovieru, smch delivieruy emst be intended
Rafael S. Santayana foru Maruy Cheng Uy. to givie eiect to the instrumeent.

ESSENTIALa ELaEMENTS. — A camse of action is defned as
an act oru oeission of one paruty in viiolation of the legal CAMPOS, JR., J p:
ruight oru ruights of anotheru. The essential eleeents arue:
(1) legal ruight of the plaintii; (2) coruruelativie obligation On Jmly 6, 1986, the Devielopeent Bank of
of the defendant; and (3) an act oru oeission of the Rizal (petitioneru Bank foru brueviity) fled a coeplaint
defendant in viiolation of said legal ruight. foru a sme of eoney against ruespondents Siea Wei
and/oru Laee Kian Hmat, Maruy Cheng Uy, Saeson
2. ID.; APPEALa; PARTY CANNOT CHANGE HIS THEORY Tmng, Asian Indmstruial Plastic Coruporuation (Plastic
ON APPEALa; REASON. — In the oruiginal coeplaint, Coruporuation foru shorut) and the Pruodmcerus Bank of
petitioneru Bank, as plaintii, smed ruespondent Siea Wei the Philippines, on t o camses of action:
on the pruoeissoruy note, and the alterunativie defendants,
inclmding Siea Wei, on the t o checks. On appeal fruoe (1) To enforuce payeent of the
the oruderus of diseissal of the Regional Truial Comrut, balance of P1,032,450.02 on a
petitioneru Bank alleged that its camse of action as not pruoeissoruy note execmted by
based on collecting the sme of eoney eviidenced by the ruespondent Siea Wei on Jmne 9,
negotiable instrumeents stated bmt on quasi-delict — a 1983; and
claie foru daeages on the gruomnd of fruamdmlent acts and (2) To enforuce payeent of t o checks
eviident bad faith of the alterunativie ruespondents. This execmted by Siea Wei, payable to
as clearuly an ateept by the petitioneru Bank to change petitioneru, and drua n against the
not only the theoruy of its case bmt the basis of his camse China Banking Coruporuation, to pay the
of action. It is ellosetled that a paruty cannot change balance dme on the pruoeissoruy note.
his theoruy on appeal, as this omld in eiect depruivie the
otheru paruty of his day in comrut. Except foru Laee Kian Hmat, defendants fled
theiru separuate Motions to Diseiss alleging a
coeeon gruomnd that the coeplaint states no camse

of action. The truial comrut gruanted the defendants' ruegmlaru, instrumcted the cashieru of Pruodmcerus Bank to
Motions to Diseiss. The Comrut of Appeals affirueed accept the checks foru deposit and to cruedit thee to
this decision, * to hich the petitioneru Bank, the accomnt of said Plastic Coruporuation, inspite of
ruepruesented by its Laegal Laiqmidatoru, fled this the fact that the checks erue cruossed and payable
Petition foru Reviie by Cerutioruarui, assigning the to petitioneru Bank and borue no indoruseeent of the
follo ing as the alleged eruruorus of the Comrut of lateru. Hence, petitioneru fled the coeplaint as
Appeals. 1 aforuestated.
(1) THE COURT OF APPEALaS ERRED IN The eain issme beforue Us is hetheru
HOLaDING THAT THE PLaAINTIFFo petitioneru Bank has a camse of action against any oru
PETITIONER HAS NO CAUSE OF all of the defendants, in the alterunativie oru
RESPONDENTS HEREIN. LaibLaex A camse of action is defned as an act oru
(2) THE COURT OF APPEALaS ERRED IN oeission of one paruty in viiolation of the legal ruight
HOLaDING THAT SECTION 13, RULaE 3 oru ruights of anotheru. The essential eleeents arue: (1)
OF THE REVISED RULaES OF COURT ON legal ruight of the plaintii; (2) coruruelativie obligation
ALaTERNATIVE DEFENDANTS IS NOT of the defendant; and (3) an act oru oeission of the
APPLaICABLaE TO HEREIN DEFENDANTSo defendant in viiolation of said legal ruight. 2
RESPONDENTS. The norueal paruties to a check arue the
The antecedent facts of this case arue as drua eru, the payee and the drua ee bank. Comruts
follo s: havie long ruecognized the bmsiness cmstoe of msing
pruinted checks herue blanks arue pruoviided foru the
In consideruation foru a loan extended by date of issmance, the naee of the payee, the
petitioneru Bank to ruespondent Siea Wei, the lateru aeomnt payable and the drua eru's signatmrue. All the
execmted and delivierued to the forueeru a pruoeissoruy drua eru has to do hen he ishes to issme a check is
note, engaging to pay the petitioneru Bank oru oruderu to pruoperuly fll mp the blanks and sign it. Ho evieru,
the aeomnt of P1,820,000.00 on oru beforue Jmne 24, the eerue fact that he has done these does not givie
1983 ith interuest at 32% peru annme. Siea Wei ruise to any liability on his parut, mntil and mnless the
eade parutial payeents on the note, leaviing a check is delivierued to the payee oru his
balance of P1,032,450.02. On Novieeberu 18, 1983, ruepruesentativie. A negotiable instrumeent, of hich a
Siea Wei issmed t o cruossed checks payable to check is, is not only a ruiten eviidence of a contruact
petitioneru Bank drua n against China Banking ruight bmt is also a species of pruoperuty. Jmst as a deed
Coruporuation, bearuing ruespectiviely the seruial to a piece of land emst be delivierued in oruderu to
nmeberus 384934, foru the aeomnt of P550,000.00 conviey title to the gruantee, so emst a negotiable
and 384935, foru the aeomnt of P500,000.00. The instrumeent be delivierued to the payee in oruderu to
said checks erue allegedly issmed in fmll setleeent eviidence its existence as a binding contruact. Section
of the drua eru's accomnt eviidenced by the 16 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa , hich
pruoeissoruy note. These t o checks erue not govieruns checks, pruoviides in parut:
delivierued to the petitioneruopayee oru to any of its
amthoruized ruepruesentativies. Foru rueasons not sho n, "Evieruy contruact on a
these checks caee into the possession of negotiable instrumeent is incoeplete
ruespondent Laee Kian Hmat, ho deposited the and rueviocable mntil delivieruy of the
checks ithomt the petitioneruopayee's indoruseeent instrumeent foru the pmrupose of giviing
(foruged oru otheru ise) to the accomnt of ruespondent eiect therueto. . . ."
Plastic Coruporuation, at the Balinta ak bruanch, Thms, the payee of a negotiable instrumeent
Caloocan City, of the Pruodmcerus Bank. Cheng Uy, acqmirues no interuest ith ruespect therueto mntil its
Bruanch Manageru of the Balinta ak Bruanch of delivieruy to hie. 3 Delivieruy of an instrumeent eeans
Pruodmcerus Bank, ruelying on the assmruance of truansferu of possession, actmal oru construmctivie, fruoe
ruespondent Saeson Tmng, Pruesident of Plastic one peruson to anotheru. 4 Withomt the initial delivieruy
Coruporuation, that the truansaction as legal and of the instrumeent fruoe the drua eru to the payee,



therue can be no liability on the instrumeent.

Morueovieru, smch delivieruy emst be intended to givie Ho evieru, insofaru as the otheru ruespondents
eiect to the instrumeent. LaexLaib arue conceruned, petitioneru Bank has no pruiviity ith
The allegations of the petitioneru in the thee. Since petitioneru Bank nevieru rueceivied the
oruiginal coeplaint sho that the t o (2) China Bank checks on hich it based its action against said
checks, nmeberued 384934 and 384935, erue not ruespondents, it nevieru o ned thee (the checks) noru
delivierued to the payee, the petitioneru heruein. did it acqmirue any interuest theruein. Thms, anything
Withomt the delivieruy of said checks to petitioneruo hich the ruespondents eay havie done ith ruespect
payee, the forueeru did not acqmirue any ruight oru to said checks comld not havie pruejmdiced petitioneru
interuest theruein and cannot therueforue asserut any Bank. It had no ruight oru interuest in the checks hich
camse of action, fiounded ion said checks, hetheru comld havie been viiolated by said ruespondents.
against the drua eru Siea Wei oru against the Petitioneru Bank has therueforue no camse of action
Pruodmcerus Bank oru any of the otheru ruespondents. against said ruespondents, in the alterunativie oru
In the oruiginal coeplaint, petitioneru Bank, otheru ise. If at all, it is Siea Wei, the drua eru, ho
as plaintii, smed ruespondent Siea Wei on the omld havie a camse of action against heru coo
pruoeissoruy note, and the alterunativie defendants, ruespondents, if the allegations in the coeplaint arue
inclmding Siea Wei, on the t o checks. On appeal fomnd to be trume.
fruoe the oruderus of diseissal of the Regional Truial With ruespect to the second assigneent of
Comrut, petitioneru Bank alleged that its camse of eruruoru ruaised by petitioneru Bank ruegaruding the
action as not based on collecting the sme of applicability of Section 13, Rmle 3 of the Rmles of
eoney eviidenced by the negotiable instrumeents Comrut, We fnd it mnnecessaruy to discmss the saee in
stated bmt on quasi- delict — a claie foru daeages viie of Omru fnding that the petitioneru Bank did not
on the gruomnd of fruamdmlent acts and eviident bad acqmirue any ruight oru interuest in the checks dme to
faith of the alterunativie ruespondents. This as clearuly lack of delivieruy. It therueforue has no camse of action
an ateept by the petitioneru Bank to change not against the ruespondents, in the alterunativie oru
only the theoruy of its case bmt the basis of his camse otheru ise.
of action. It is ellosetled that a paruty cannot In the light of the foruegoing, the jmdgeent
change his theoruy on appeal, as this omld in eiect of the Comrut of Appeals diseissing the petitioneru's
depruivie the otheru paruty of his day in comrut. 5 coeplaint is AFFIRMED insofaru as the second camse
Not ithstanding the abovie, it does not of action is conceruned. On the frust camse of action,
necessaruily follo that the drua eru Siea Wei is frueed the case is REMANDED to the truial comrut foru a truial
fruoe liability to petitioneru Bank mnderu the loan on the eeruits, consistent ith this decision, in oruderu
eviidenced by the pruoeissoruy note agrueed to by heru. to deterueine hetheru ruespondent Siea Wei is liable
Heru allegation that she has paid the balance of heru to the Devielopeent Bank of Rizal foru any aeomnt
loan ith the t o checks payable to petitioneru Bank mnderu the pruoeissoruy note allegedly signed by
has no eeruit foru, as We havie earulieru explained, heru. cdphil
these checks erue nevieru delivierued to petitioneru SO ORDERED.
Bank. And evien gruanting, ithomt adeiing, that
therue as delivieruy to petitioneru Bank, the delivieruy ||| (Develiopment Bank iof Rizal v. Sima Wei, G.R. Nio.
of checks in payeent of an obligation does not 85419, [March 9, 1993])
constitmte payeent mnless they arue cashed oru theiru
vialme is iepairued thruomgh the famlt of the crueditoru. 6
None of these exceptions erue alleged by Forgery:
ruespondent Siea Wei.
Therueforue, mnless ruespondent Siea Wei
pruovies that she has been ruelievied fruoe liability on
the pruoeissoruy note by soee otheru camse, 1. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL
petitioneru Bank has a ruight of action against heru foru BANK, pettioner, vs. HON.
the balance dme therueon. ROMULO S. QUIMPO, Presiding

Judge, Court of First Instance of comrut held otheru ise. Pruiviate ruespondent trumsted
Rizal, Branch XIV, and Erunesto Santos as a classeate and a fruiend. He bruomght
FRANCISCO S. GOZON hie along in his caru to the bank and he left his perusonal
II, respiondents. belongings in the caru. Santos ho evieru rueeovied and
stole a check fruoe his check book ithomt the
kno ledge and consent of pruiviate ruespondent. No
SYLLABUS dombt pruiviate ruespondent cannot be considerued
negligent mnderu the cirucmestances of the case.
DEPOSITOR. — The pruiee dmty of a bank is to ascerutain
the genmineness of the signatmrue of the drua eru oru the
depositoru on the check being encashed. It is expected to
mse rueasonable bmsiness prumdence in accepting and GANCAYCO, J p:
cashing a check pruesented to it.
On Jmly 3, 1973, Fruancisco S. Gozon II, ho as a
2. REMEDIALa LaAW; EVIDENCE; FINDINGS OF FACTS OF depositoru of the Caloocan City Bruanch of the Philippine
THE TRIALa COURT, CONCLaUSIVE. — In this case the National Bank, ent to the bank in his caru accoepanied
fndings of facts of the comrut a quio arue conclmsivie. The by his fruiend Erunesto Santos hoe he left in the caru
truial comrut fomnd that a coeparuison of the signatmrue on hile he truansacted bmsiness in the bank. When Santos
the foruged check and the saeple signatmrues of pruiviate sa that Gozon left his check book he took a check
ruespondent sho earuked diieruences as the gruacefml theruefruoe, flled it mp foru the aeomnt of P5,000.00,
lines in the saeple signatmrue hich is coepletely foruged the signatmrue of Gozon, and therueafteru he
diieruent fruoe those of the signatmrue on the foruged encashed the check in the bank on the saee day. The
check. Indeed the NBI hand ruiting experut Estelita accomnt of Gozon as debited the said aeomnt. Upon
Santiago Agnes hoe the truial comrut considerued to be rueceipt of the stateeent of accomnt fruoe the bank,
an "mnbiased scientifc experut" indicated the earuked Gozon asked that the said aeomnt of P5,000.00 shomld
diieruences bet een the signatmrue of pruiviate be ruetmruned to his accomnt as his signatmrue on the check
ruespondent on the saeple signatmrues and the as foruged bmt the bank ruefmsed.
qmestioned signatmrue. Not ithstanding the testieony of
Col. Ferunandez, itness foru petitioneru, adviancing the Upon coeplaint of pruiviate ruespondent on Februmaruy 1,
opinion that the qmestioned signatmrue appearus to be 1974 Erunesto Santos as appruehended by the police
genmine, the truial comrut by eeruely exaeining the amthoruities and mpon inviestigation he adeited that he
pictoruial rueporut pruesented by said itness, fomnd a stole the check of Gozon, foruged his signatmrue and
earuked diieruence in the second "c" in Fruancisco as encashed the saee ith the Bank.
ruiten on the qmestioned signatmrue as coeparued to the Hence Gozon fled the coeplaint foru ruecovieruy of the
saeple signatmrues, and the separuation bet een the "s" aeomnt of P5,000.00, plms interuest, daeages, atoruney's
and the "c" in the qmestioned signatmrue hile they arue fees and costs against the bank in the Comrut of Firust
connected in the saeple signatmrues. Obviiomsly, Instance of Rizal. Afteru the issmes erue joined and the
petitioneru as negligent in encashing said foruged check truial on the eeruits ensmed, a decision as ruenderued on
ithomt caruefmlly exaeining the signatmrue hich sho s Februmaruy 4, 1980, the dispositivie parut of hich rueads as
earuked viaruiation fruoe the genmine signatmrue of pruiviate follo s:
"WHEREFORE, jmdgeent is herueby
3. MERCANTILaE LaAW; NEGOTIABLaE INSTRUMENTS; ruenderued in favioru of the plaintii. The
CHECKS; NEGLaIGENCE ON THE PART OF THE DRAWER defendant is herueby condeened to
TO ABSOLaVE BANK FROM LaIABILaITY ON FORGED CHECK, ruetmrun to plaintii the aeomnt of
ABSENT. — In rueferuence to the allegation of the P5,000.00 hich it had mnla fmlly
petitioneru that it is the negligence of pruiviate ruespondent ithheld fruoe the lateru, ith interuest
that is the camse of the loss hich he smierued, the truial at the legal ruate fruoe Septeeberu 22,

1972 mntil the aeomnt is fmlly in neglect of dmty hich the

delivierued. The defendant is fmrutheru coeeerucial la places mpon hie, and
condeened to pay plaintii the sme the ruesmlt of his negligence emst ruest
of P2,000.00 as atoruney's fees and to mpon hie' (12 ALaR, 1901, citing eany
pay the costs of this smit." cases fomnd in I Agbayani, smprua).
Not satisfed therue ith, the bank no fled this petition Defendant, ho evieru, interuposed the
foru rueviie on cerutioruarui in this Comrut ruaising the sole defense that it exerucised diligence in
legal issme that — accorudance ith the accepted norues
of banking pruactice hen it accepted
and paid Exhibit 'A'. It pruesented
eviidence that the check had to pass
scrumtiny by a signatmrue vieruiferu as ell
as an officeru of the bank.
PROXIMATE CAUSE OF THE LaOSS, A coeparuison of the signatmrue
THEREBY PRECLaUDING HIM FROM (Exhibit 'Ao1') on the foruged check
SETTING UP THE DEFENSE OF (Exhibit 'A') ith plaintii's exeeplaru
FORGERY OR WANT OF AUTHORITY signatmrues (Exhibits '5oA' and '5oB)
UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE fomnd in the PNB Forue 35oA omld
NEGOTIABLaE INSTRUMENTS ieeediately sho the negligence of
LaAW, ACT NO. 3201" the eeployees of the defendant
bank. Evien a not too caruefml
The petition is devioid of eeruit.
coeparuison omld ieeediately aruruest
This Comrut ruepruodmces ith appruovial the disqmisition of one's atention and diruect it to the
the comrut a quio as follo s: gruacefml lines of plaintii's exeeplaru
signatmrues fomnd in Exhibits '5oA' and
"A bank is bomnd to kno the '5oB'. The forueation of the frust leteru
signatmrues of its cmstoeerus; and if it 'F' in the exeeplarus, hich comld be
pays a foruged check, it emst be ruegaruded as arutistic, is coepletely
considerued as eaking the payeent diieruent fruoe the ay the saee
omt of its o n fmnds, and cannot leteru is forueed in Exhibit 'Ao1'. That
orudinaruily change the aeomnt so paid alone shomld havie aleruted a eorue
to the accomnt of the depositoru caruefml and prumdent signatmrue
hose naee as foruged' (San Carulos vieruiferu."
Milling Co. vis. Bank of the P.I., 59 Phil.
59). The pruiee dmty of a bank is to ascerutain the
genmineness of the signatmrue of the drua eru oru the
This rumle is absolmtely necessaruy to depositoru on the check being encashed. 1 It is expected
the cirucmlation of druafts and checks, to mse rueasonable bmsiness prumdence in accepting and
and is based mpon the pruesmeed cashing a check pruesented to it.
negligence of the drua ee in failing to
eeet its obligation to kno the In this case the fndings of facts of the comrut a quio arue
signatmrue of its coruruespondent. . . . conclmsivie. The truial comrut fomnd that a coeparuison of
Therue is nothing ineqmitable in smch a the signatmrue on the foruged check and the saeple
rumle. If the paperu coees to the signatmrues of pruiviate ruespondent sho earuked
drua ee in the ruegmlaru comruse of diieruences as the gruacefml lines in the saeple signatmrue
bmsiness, and he, haviing the hich is coepletely diieruent fruoe those of the
opporutmnity of ascerutaining its signatmrue on the foruged check. Indeed the NBI
charuacteru, pruonomnces it to be vialid hand ruiting experut Estelita Santiago Agnes hoe the
and pays it, it is not only a qmestion of truial comrut considerued to be an "mnbiased scientifc
payeent mnderu eistake, bmt payeent experut" indicated the earuked diieruences bet een the

signatmrue of pruiviate ruespondent on the saeple SO ORDERED.

signatmrues and the qmestioned signatmrue.
Not ithstanding the testieony of Col. Ferunandez,
itness foru petitioneru, adviancing the opinion that the
qmestioned signatmrue appearus to be genmine, the truial 2. SAMSUNG CONSTRUCTION
comrut by eeruely exaeining the pictoruial rueporut COMPANY PHILIPPINES,
pruesented by said itness, fomnd a earuked diieruence in INC., pettioner, vs. FAR EAST
the second "c" in Fruancisco as ruiten on the qmestioned BANK AND TRUST COMPANY
signatmrue as coeparued to the saeple signatmrues, and AND COURT OF
the separuation bet een the "s" and the "c" in the APPEALS,respiondents.
qmestioned signatmrue hile they arue connected in the
saeple signatmrues. 2
Obviiomsly, petitioneru as negligent in encashing said DECISION
foruged check ithomt caruefmlly exaeining the signatmrue
hich sho s earuked viaruiation fruoe the genmine
signatmrue of pruiviate ruespondent. TINGA, J p:
In rueferuence to the allegation of the petitioneru that it is
Called to forue in the pruesent petition is a classic
the negligence of pruiviate ruespondent that is the camse
textbook qmestion — if a bank pays omt on a foruged
of the loss hich he smierued, the truial comrut held:
check, is it liable to rueiebmruse the drua eru fruoe hose
"The act of plaintii in leaviing his accomnt the fmnds erue paid omt? The Comrut of Appeals,
checkbook in the caru hile he ent in ruevierusing a truial comrut decision advieruse to the bank,
omt foru a shorut hile can not be invioked tenmoms rueasoning to acqmit the bank of
considerued negligence smfficient to liability. We ruevieruse, applying tieeohonorued pruinciples
excmse the defendant bank fruoe its of la .
o n negligence. It shomld be borune in
The salient facts follo .
eind that hen defendant left his
caru, Erunesto Santos, a long tiee Plaintii Saesmng Construmction Coepany
classeate and fruiend rueeained in the Philippines, Inc. (“Saesmng Construmctionn), hile based
saee. Defendant comld not havie been in Biñan, Laagmna, eaintained a cmruruent accomnt ith
expected to kno that the said defendant Faru East Bank and Trumst
Erunesto Santos omld rueeovie a check Coepany 1 (“FEBTCn) at the laterurs BeloAiru, Makati
fruoe his checkbook. Defendant had bruanch. 2 The sole signatoruy to Saesmng Construmctionrs
trust in his classmate and friend. He accomnt as Jong Kym Laee (“Jongn), its Pruoject
had no rueason to smspect that the Manageru, 3 hile the checks rueeained in the cmstody of
lateru omld brueach that trumst." the coepanyrs accomntant, Kym Yong Laee (“Kymn). 4
We agruee. On 19 Maruch 1992, a cerutain Roberuto Gonzaga
pruesented foru payeent FEBTC Check No. 432100 to the
Pruiviate ruespondent trumsted Erunesto Santos as a
bankrs bruanch in BeloAiru, Makati. The check, payable to
classeate and a fruiend. He bruomght hie along in his caru
cash and drua n against Saesmng Construmctionrs cmruruent
to the bank and he left his perusonal belongings in the
accomnt, as in the aeomnt of Nine Hmndrued Ninety
caru. Santos ho evieru rueeovied and stole a check fruoe his
Nine Thomsand Fivie Hmndrued Pesos (P999,500.00). The
check book ithomt the kno ledge and consent of
bank telleru, Cleofe Jmstiani, frust checked the balance of
pruiviate ruespondent. No dombt pruiviate ruespondent
Saesmng Construmctionrs accomnt. Afteru ascerutaining
cannot be considerued negligent mnderu the
therue erue enomgh fmnds to covieru the check, 5 she
cirucmestances of the case.
coeparued the signatmrue appearuing on the check ith
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED foru lack of eeruit the specieen signatmrue of Jong as contained in the
ith costs against petitioneru. specieen signatmrue carud ith the bank. Afteru coeparuing
the t o signatmrues, Jmstiani as satisfed as to the

amthenticity of the signatmrue appearuing on the check. Instrumeents Laa , and pruayed foru the payeent of the
She then asked Gonzaga to smbeit pruoof of his identity, aeomnt debited as a ruesmlt of the qmestioned check plms
and the lateru pruesented thruee (3) identifcation caruds. 6 interuest, and atoruneyrs fees. 12 The case as docketed
as Civiil Case No. 92o61506 beforue the Regional Truial
At the saee tiee, Jmstiani foru aruded the check
Comrut (“RTCn) of Manila, Bruanch 9. 13
to the bruanch Senioru Assistant Cashieru Geeea Velez, as
it as bank policy that t o bank bruanch officerus Dmruing the truial, both sides pruesented theiru
appruovie checks exceeding One Hmndrued Thomsand ruespectivie experut itnesses to testify on the claie that
Pesos, foru payeent oru encasheent. Velez like ise Jongrs signatmrue as foruged. Saesmng Coruporuation,
comnteruchecked the signatmrue on the check as against hich had rueferurued the check foru inviestigation to the
that on the signatmrue carud. He too conclmded that the NBI, pruesented Senioru NBI Docmeent Exaeineru Roda B.
check as indeed signed by Jong. Velez then foru aruded Florues. She testifed that based on heru exaeination, she
the check and signatmrue carud to Shiruley Syfm, anotheru conclmded that Jongrs signatmrue had been foruged on the
bank officeru, foru appruovial. Syfm then noticed that Jose check. On the otheru hand, FEBTC, hich had somght the
Seepio III (“Seepion), the assistant accomntant of assistance of the Philippine National Police
Saesmng Construmction, as also in the bank. Seepio (PNP), 14 pruesented Rosaruio C. Peruez, a docmeent
as ellokno n to Syfm and the otheru bank officerus, he exaeineru fruoe the PNP Cruiee Laaboruatoruy. She testifed
being the assistant accomntant of Saesmng that heru fndings sho ed that Jongrs signatmrue on the
Construmction. Syfm sho ed the check to Seepio, ho check as genmine. 15
viomched foru the genmineness of Jongrs signatmrue.
Confruonted ith conficting experut testieony,
Confrueing the identity of Gonzaga, Seepio said that
the RTC chose to believie the fndings of the NBI experut.
the check as foru the pmruchase of eqmipeent foru
In a Decision dated 25 Apruil 1994, the RTC held that
Saesmng Construmction. Satisfed ith the genmineness
Jongrs signatmrue on the check as foruged and
of the signatmrue of Jong, Syfm amthoruized the bankrs
accorudingly diruected the bank to pay oru cruedit back to
encasheent of the check to Gonzaga.
Saesmng Construmctionrs accomnt the aeomnt of Nine
The follo ing day, the accomntant of Saesmng Hmndrued Ninety Nine Thomsand Fivie Hmndrued Pesos
Construmction, Kym, exaeined the balance of the bank (P999,500.00), togetheru ith interuest tolled fruoe the
accomnt and discovierued that a check in the aeomnt of tiee the coeplaint as fled, and atoruneyrs fees in the
Nine Hmndrued Ninety Nine Thomsand Fivie Hmndrued aeomnt of Fifteen Thomsand Pesos (P15,000.00).
Pesos (P999,500.00) had been encashed. A arue that he
FEBTC tieely appealed to the Comrut of Appeals.
had not prueparued smch a check foru Jongrs signatmrue, Kym
On 28 Novieeberu 1996, the Special Fomruteenth Diviision
perumsed the checkbook and fomnd that the last blank
of the Comrut of Appeals ruenderued a
check as eissing. 7 He rueporuted the eateru to Jong,
Decision, 16 ruevierusing the RTC Decisiion and absolviing
ho then pruoceeded to the bank. Jong learuned of the
FEBTC fruoe any liability. The Comrut of Appeals held that
encasheent of the check, and ruealized that his
the contruadictoruy fndings of the NBI and the PNP
signatmrue had been foruged. The Bank Manageru
crueated dombt as to hetheru therue as
ruepmtedly told Jong that he omld be rueiebmrused foru the
forugeruy. 17 Morueovieru, the appellate comrut also held that
aeomnt of the check. 8 Jong pruoceeded to the police
assmeing therue as forugeruy, it occmrurued dme to the
station and consmlted ith his la yerus. 9 Smbseqmently,
negligence of Saesmng Construmction, iepmting blaee on
a cruieinal case foru qmalifed theft as fled against
the accomntant Kym foru lack of carue and prumdence in
Seepio beforue the Laagmna comrut. 10
keeping the checks, hich if obseruvied omld havie
In a leteru dated 6 May 1992, Saesmng prueviented Seepio fruoe gaining access therueto. 18 The
Construmction, thruomgh comnsel, deeanded that FEBTC Comrut of Appeals invioked the rumling in PNB v. National
cruedit to it the aeomnt of Nine Hmndrued Ninety Nine City Bank iof New Yiork 19 that, if a loss, hich emst be
Thomsand Fivie Hmndrued Pesos (P999,500.00), ith borune by one oru t o innocent perusons, can be truaced to
interuest. 11 In ruesponse, FEBTC said that it as still the neglect oru famlt of eitheru, smch loss omld be borune
condmcting an inviestigation on the eateru. Unsatisfed, by the negligent paruty, evien if innocent of intentional
Saesmng Construmction fled a Coeplaint on 10 Jmne fruamd. 20
1992 foru viiolation of Section 23 of the Negotiable



Saesmng Construmction no arugmes that the When a peruson deposits

Comrut of Appeals had seruiomsly eisappruehended the eoney in a generual accomnt in a bank,
facts hen it ovierutmruned the RTCrs fnding of forugeruy. It against hich he has the pruiviilege of
also contends that the appellate comrut erurued in fnding drua ing checks in the orudinaruy comruse
that it had been negligent in safekeeping the check, and of bmsiness, the ruelationship bet een
in applying the eqmity pruinciple enmnciated in PNB v. the bank and the depositoru is that of
National City Bank iof New Yiork. TAcDHS debtoru and crueditoru. So faru as the
legal ruelationship bet een the t o is
Since the truial comrut and the Comrut of Appeals
conceruned, the sitmation is the saee
aruruivied at contruaruy fndings on qmestions of fact, the
as thomgh the bank had boruruo ed
Comrut is obliged to exaeine the ruecorud to drua omt the
eoney fruoe the depositoru, agrueeing
coruruect conclmsions. Upon exaeination of the ruecorud,
to ruepay it on deeand, oru had bomght
and based on the applicable la s and jmruisprumdence, e
goods fruoe the depositoru, agrueeing to
ruevieruse the Comrut of Appeals.
pay foru thee on deeand. The bank
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instrumeents o es the depositoru eoney in the
Laa states: saee sense that any debtoru o es
eoney to his crueditoru. Added to this,
When a signatmrue is foruged oru in the case of bank and depositoru,
eade ithomt the amthoruity of the therue is, of comruse, the bankrs
peruson hose signatmrue it pmruporuts to obligation to pay checks drua n by the
be, it is whiolly inioperatve, and nio depositoru in pruoperu forue and
right to ruetain the instrumeent, oru to pruesented in dme comruse. When the
givie a discharuge therueforu, oru to bank rueceivies the deposit, it iepliedly
enforuce payeent therueof against any agruees to pay only mpon the
paruty therueto, can be acquired depositorurs oruderu. When the bank
thriough ior under such signature, pays a check, on hich the
mnless the paruty against hoe it is depositorurs signatmrue is a forugeruy, it
somght to enforuce smch ruight is has failed to coeply ith its contruact
prueclmded fruoe seing mp the forugeruy in this ruespect. Therueforue, the bank is
oru ant of amthoruity. (Eephasis held liable.
The fact that the forugeruy is a
The generual rumle is to the eiect that a foruged clevieru one is ieeateruial. The foruged
signatmrue is “ holly inoperuativie,n and payeent eade signatmrue eay so closely rueseeble the
“thruomgh oru mnderu smch signatmruen is ineiectmal oru does genmine as to defy detection by the
not discharuge the instrumeent. 21 If payeent is eade, depositoru hieself. And yet, if a bank
the drua ee cannot charuge it to the drua erurs accomnt. pays the check, it is paying omt its
The truaditional jmstifcation foru the ruesmlt is that the o n eoney and not the depositorurs.
drua ee is in a smperuioru position to detect a forugeruy
becamse he has the eakerurs signatmrue and is expected
to kno and coeparue it. 22 The rumle has a healthy
The forugeruy eay be
camtionaruy eiect on banks by encomruaging carue in the
coeeited by a trumsted eeployee oru
coeparuison of the signatmrues against those on the
confdential agent. The bank still emst
signatmrue caruds they havie on fle. Morueovieru, the vieruy
bearu the loss. Evien in a case herue
opporutmnity of the drua ee to insmrue and to distruibmte
the foruged check as drua n by the
the cost aeong its cmstoeerus ho mse checks eakes
depositorurs parutneru, the loss as
the drua ee an ideal paruty to spruead the ruisk to
placed mpon the bank. The case
insmruance. 23
rueferurued to is Riobinsion v. Security
Bruady, in his trueatise The Law iof Fiorged and Bank, Aruk., 216 S. W. Rep. 717. In this
Altered Checks, elmcidates: case, the plaintii bruomght smit against



the defendant bank foru eoney hich signatmrue of the peruson hose naee
had been deposited to the plaintiirs is signed. 25
cruedit and hich the bank had paid
Underu Section 23 of the Negotiable Instrumeents
omt on checks bearuing forugeruies of the
Laa , forugeruy is a rueal oru absolmte defense by the paruty
plaintiirs signatmrue.
hose signatmrue is foruged. 26 On the prueeise that
xxx xxx xxx Jongrs signatmrue as indeed foruged, FEBTC is liable foru
the loss since it amthoruized the discharuge of the foruged
It as held that the bank as
check. Smch liability ataches evien if the bank exeruts dme
liable. It as fmrutheru held that the fact
diligence and carue in pruevienting smch famlty discharuge.
that the plaintii aited eight oru nine
Forugeruies often deceivie the eye of the eost camtioms
eonths afteru discovieruing the forugeruy,
experuts; and hen a bank has been so deceivied, it is a
beforue notifying the bank, did not, as
harush rumle hich coepels it to smieru althomgh no one
a eateru of la , constitmte a
has smierued by its being deceivied. 27 The forugeruy eay
ruatifcation of the payeent, so as to
be so nearu like the genmine as to defy detection by the
prueclmde the plaintii fruoe holding
depositoru hieself, and yet the bank is liable to the
the bank liable . . .
depositoru if it pays the check. 28
This rumle of liability can be
Thms, the frust eateru of inqmiruy is into hetheru
stated bruiefy in these oruds: “A bank
the check as indeed foruged. A docmeent forueally
is bomnd to kno its depositorusr
pruesented is pruesmeed to be genmine mntil it is pruovied
signatmrue.n The rumle is viaruiomsly
to be fruamdmlent. In a forugeruy truial, this pruesmeption
expruessed in the eany decisions in
emst be ovierucoee bmt this can only be done by
hich the qmestion has been
conviincing testieony and eiectivie illmstruations. 29
considerued. Bmt they all sme mp to the
pruoposition that a bank emst kno In rumling that forugeruy as not dmly pruovien, the
the signatmrues of those hose generual Comrut of Appeals held:
deposits it caruruies. 24
[Therue] is gruomnd to dombt
By no eeans is the pruinciple ruenderued obsolete the fndings of the truial comrut
ith the advient of eoderun coeeerucial truansactions. smstaining the alleged forugeruy in viie
Conteeporuaruy texts still affirue this elloentruenched of the conficting conclmsions eade by
standarud. Nickles, in his book Negiotable Instruments hand ruiting experuts fruoe the NBI and
and Other Related Ciommercial Paper ruote, thms: the PNP, both agencies of the
The deposit contruact bet een
a payoru bank and its cmstoeeru xxx xxx xxx
deterueines ho can drua against the
These contruadictoruy fndings
cmstoeerurs accomnt by specifying
crueate dombt on hetheru therue as
hose signatmrue is necessaruy on
indeed a forugeruy. In the case of Teniio-
checks that arue charugeable against
Obsequiio v. Ciourt iof Appeals, 230
the cmstoeerurs accomnt. Therueforue, a
SCRA 550, the Smprueee Comrut held
check drua n against the accomnt of
that forugeruy cannot be pruesmeed; it
an indiviidmal cmstoeeru that is signed
emst be pruovied by clearu, positivie and
by soeeone otheru than the cmstoeeru,
conviincing eviidence.
and ithomt amthoruity fruoe heru, is not
pruoperuly payable and is not This rueasoning is pmrue sophistruy. Any litigatoru
charugeable to the cmstoeerurs oruth his oru heru salt omld nevieru allo an opponentrs
accomnt, inasemch as any experut itness to stand mncontruadicted, thms the
“mnamthoruized signatmrue on an spectacle of coepeting experut itnesses is not mnmsmal.
instrumeent is ineiectivien as the The truieru of fact ill havie to decide hich vierusion to
believie, and explain hy oru hy not smch vierusion is

eorue cruedible than the otheru. Reliance therueforue cannot execmted the qmestioned signatmrue
be placed eeruely on the fact that therue arue colliding as hesitant hen the signatmrue as
opinions of t o experuts, both clothed ith the eade. 30
pruesmeption of official dmty, in oruderu to drua a
Dmruing the testieony of PNP experut Rosaruio
conclmsion, especially one hich is extrueeely crumcial.
Peruez, the RTC blmntly noted that “apparuently, therue
Doing so is tantaeomnt to a jmruisprumdential copoomt.
[arue] diieruences on that qmestioned signatmrue and the
Mmch is expected fruoe the Comrut of Appeals as standarud signatmrues.n 31 This Comrut, in exaeining the
it occmpies the penmltieate tieru in the jmdicial hieruaruchy. signatmrues, eakes a sieilaru fnding. The PNP experut
This Comrut has long deferurued to the appellate comrut as to excmsed the noted “diieruencesn by asseruting that they
its fndings of fact in the mnderustanding that it has the erue eerue “viaruiations,n hich arue norueal deviiations
appruopruiate skill and coepetence to plomgh thruomgh fomnd in ruiting. 32 Yet the RTC, hich had the
the minutae that scaterus the factmal feld. In failing to opporutmnity to exaeine the rueleviant docmeents and to
thoruomghly evialmate the eviidence beforue it, and ruelying perusonally obseruvie the experut itness, clearuly
instead on pruesmeptions haphazarudly drua n, the Comrut disbelievied the PNP experut. The Comrut sieilaruly fnds the
of Appeals as sadly rueeiss. Of comruse, comruts, like testieony of the PNP experut as mnconviincing. Dmruing
hmeans, arue fallible, and not evieruy eruruoru deseruvies a the truial, she as confruonted sevierual tiees ith
sterun ruebmke. Yet, the appellate comrutrs eruruoru in this case apparuent diieruences bet een struokes in the qmestioned
aruruants special atention, as it is absmrud and evien signatmrue and the genmine saeples. Each tiee, she
dangeruoms as a pruecedent. If this ruationale erue omld jmst blandly asserut that these diieruences erue
adopted as a govieruning standarud by evieruy comrut in the jmst “viaruiations,n 33 as if the eerue conjmruation of the
land, baruely any actionable claie omld pruosperu, orud omld smfficiently disqmiet hatevieru dombts abomt
defeated as it omld be by the eerue inviocation of the the deviiations. Smch conclmsion, standing alone, omld
existence of a contruaruy “experutn opinion. be of litle oru no vialme mnless smpporuted by smfficiently
cogent rueasons hich eight aeomnt aleost to a
On the otheru hand, the RTC did adjmdge the
deeonstruation. 34
testieony of the NBI experut as eorue cruedible than that
of the PNP, and explained its rueason behind the The eost telling diieruence bet een the
conclmsion: qmestioned and genmine signatmrues exaeined by the
PNP is in the fnal mp arud struoke in the signatmrue, oru
Afteru smbjecting the eviidence
“the point to the shorut struoke of the terueinal in the
of both paruties to a crumcible of
capital leteru ‘La,rn as rueferurued to by the PNP exaeineru
analysis, the comrut aruruivied at the
ho had earuked it in heru coeparuison charut as “point
conclmsion that the testieony of the
no. 6.n To the plain eye, smch mp arud fnal struoke
NBI docmeent exaeineru is eorue
consists of a vierutical line hich forues a ninety degruee
cruedible becamse the testieony of the
(90º) angle ith the prueviioms struoke. Of the t enty one
PNP Cruiee Laaboruatoruy Seruviices
(21) otheru genmine saeples exaeined by the PNP, at
docmeent exaeineru ruevieals that
least nine (9) ended ith an mp arud
therue arue a lot of diieruences in the
struoke. 35 Ho evieru, mnlike the qmestioned signatmrue,
qmestioned signatmrue as coeparued to
the mp arud struokes of eight (8) of these signatmrues arue
the standarud specieen signatmrue.
looped, hile the mp arud struoke of the
Fmrutherueorue, as testifed to by Ms.
sevienth 36 forues a sevierue forutyofvie degruee (45º) ith
Rhoda Florues, NBI experut, the eanneru
the prueviioms struoke. The diieruence is glaruing, and
of execmtion of the standarud
indeed, the PNP exaeineru as confruonted ith the
signatmrues msed ruevieals that it is a
inconsistency in point no. 6.
fruee ruapid continmoms execmtion oru
struoke as sho n by the taeperuing Q: No , in this qmestioned docmeent
terueinal struoke of the signatmrues point no. 6, the “sn struoke is
herueas the qmestioned signatmrue is a diruectly mp aruds.
hesitating slo drua n execmtion
A: Yes, siru.
struoke. Clearuly, the peruson ho



Q: No , can yom look at all these link/connecting struokes, pruoporution charuacteruistics, and
standarud signatmrue (sic) erue otheru identifying details. 46
(sic) point 6 is ruepeated oru the
last struoke “sn is pointing
diruectly mp aruds? The RTC as smfficiently conviinced by the NBI
exaeinerurs testieony, and explained heru rueasons in
A: Therue is none in the standarud
its Decisiions. While the Comrut of Appeals disagrueed and
signatmrue, siru. 37
mpheld the fndings of the PNP, it failed to conviincingly
Again, the PNP exaeineru do nplayed the deeonstruate hy smch fndings erue eorue cruedible
mniqmeness of the fnal struoke in the qmestioned than those of the NBI experut. As a thruo a ay, the
signatmrue as a eerue viaruiation, 38 the saee excmse she assailed Decisiionnoted that the PNP, not the NBI, had
pruoierued foru the otheru earuked diieruences noted by the the opporutmnity to exaeine the specieen signatmrue
Comrut and the comnsel foru petitioneru. 39 carud signed by Jong, hich as ruelied mpon by the
eeployees of FEBTC in amthenticating Jongrs signatmrue.
Therue is no rueason to dombt hy the RTC gavie
The distinction is irurueleviant in establishing forugeruy.
cruedence to the testieony of the NBI exaeineru, and not
Forugeruy can be established coeparuing the contested
the PNP experutrs. The NBI experut, Rhoda Florues, clearuly
signatmrues as against those of any saeple signatmrue dmly
qmalifes as an experut itness. A docmeent exaeineru foru
established as that of the perusons hose signatmrue as
ffteen yearus, she had been pruoeoted to the ruank of
Senioru Docmeent Exaeineru ith the NBI, and had held
that ruank foru t elvie yearus pruioru to heru testieony. She FEBTC lays mndme eephasis on the fact that the
had placed aeong the top fvie exaeinees in the PNP exaeineru did coeparue the qmestioned signatmrue
Coepetitivie Seeinaru in Qmestion Docmeent against the bank signatmrue caruds. The crucial fact in
Exaeination, condmcted by the NBI Acadeey, hich question is whether ior niot the check was fiorged, niot
qmalifed heru as a docmeent exaeineru. 40 She had whether the bank ciould have detected the fiorgery. The
truained ith the Royal Hongkong Police Laaboruatoruy and latter issue beciomes relevant ionly if there is need tio
is a eeeberu of the Interunational Association foru weigh the ciomparatve negligence between the bank
Identifcation. 41 As of the tiee she testifed, she had and the party whiose signature was fiorged.
exaeined eorue than ffty to fftyofvie thomsand
At the saee tiee, the Comrut of Appeals failed to
qmestioned docmeents, on an avieruage of ffteen to
assess the eiect of Jongrs testieony that the signatmrue
t enty docmeents a day. 42 In coeparuison, PNP
on the check as not his. 47 The asserution eay seee
docmeent exaeineru Peruez adeited to haviing exaeined
selfoseruviing at frust blmsh, yet it cannot be ignorued that
only aruomnd fvie hmndrued docmeents as of heru
Jong as in the best position to kno hetheru oru not
testieony. 43
the signatmrue on the check as his. While his claie
In analyzing the signatmrues, NBI Exaeineru Florues shomld not be taken at face vialme, any avierueents he
mtilized the scientifc coeparuativie exaeination eethod omld havie on the eateru, if adjmdged as trumthfml,
consisting of analysis, ruecognition, coeparuison and deseruvie pruieacy in consideruation. Jongrs testieony is
evialmation of the ruiting habits ith the mse of smpporuted by the fndings of the NBI exaeineru. They arue
instrumeents smch as a eagnifying lense, a sterueoscopic also backed by factmal cirucmestances that smpporut the
eicruoscope, and viaruied lighting smbstances. She also conclmsion that the assailed check as indeed foruged.
prueparued enlaruged photogruaphs of the signatmrues in Jmdicial notice can be taken that is highly mnmsmal in
oruderu to facilitate the necessaruy coeparuisons. 44 She pruactice foru a bmsiness establisheent to drua a check
coeparued the qmestioned signatmrue as against ten (10) foru close to a eillion pesos and eake it payable to cash
otheru saeple signatmrues of Jong. Fivie of these oru bearueru, and not to oruderu. Jong ieeediately rueporuted
signatmrues erue execmted on checks prueviiomsly issmed the forugeruy mpon its discovieruy. He fled the appruopruiate
by Jong, hile the otheru fvie contained in bmsiness cruieinal charuges against Seepio, the pmtativie forugeru. 48
leterus Jong had signed. 45 The NBI fomnd that therue
No foru deterueination is hetheru Saesmng
erue signifcant diieruences in the hand ruiting
Construmction as prueclmded fruoe seing mp the defense
charuacteruistics existing bet een the qmestioned and the
of forugeruy mnderu Section 23 of the Negotiable
saeple signatmrues, as to eanneru of execmtion,

Instrumeents Laa . The Comrut of Appeals conclmded that smstain this “taru and featheruingn ruesoruted to ithomt any
Saesmng Construmction as negligent, and invioked the basis.
doctruines that “ herue a loss emst be borune by one of
The barue fact that the forugeruy as coeeited
t o innocent peruson, can be truaced to the neglect oru
by an eeployee of the paruty hose signatmrue as
famlt of eitheru, it is rueasonable that it omld be borune by
foruged cannot necessaruily ieply that smch parutyrs
hie, evien if innocent of any intentional fruamd, thruomgh
negligence as the camse foru the forugeruy. Eeployerus do
hose eeans it has smcceeded 49 oru ho pmt into the
not possess the prueterunatmrual gift of cognition as to the
po eru of the thirud peruson to perupetmate the
eviil that eay lmruk ithin the hearuts and einds of theiru
ruong.n 50 Applying these rumles, the Comrut of Appeals
eeployees. The Comrutrs pruonomnceeent in PCI Bank v.
deterueined that it as the negligence of Saesmng
Ciourt iof Appeals 53 applies in this case, to it:
Construmction that allo ed the encasheent of the foruged
check. [T]he eerue fact that the
forugeruy as coeeited by a drua eruo
In the case at baru, the forugeruy
payorurs confdential eeployee oru
appearus to havie been eade possible
agent, ho by viirutme of his position
thruomgh the acts of one Jose Seepio
had mnmsmal facilities foru perupetruating
III, an assistant accomntant eeployed
the fruamd and ieposing the foruged
by the plaintii Saesmng
paperu mpon the bank, does not entitle
[Construmction] Co. Philippines, Inc.
the bank to shift the loss to the
ho smpposedly stole the blank check
drua eruopayoru, in the absence of soee
and ho pruesmeably is ruesponsible
cirucmestance ruaising estoppel against
foru its encasheent thruomgh a foruged
the drua eru. 54
signatmrue of Jong Kym Laee. Seepio
as assistant to the Koruean Adeitedly, the ruecorud does not clearuly
accomntant ho as in possession of establish hat eeasmrues Saesmng Construmction
the blank checks and ho thruomgh eeployed to safegmarud its blank checks. Jong did testify
negligence, enabled Seepio to havie that his accomntant, Kym, kept the checks inside a
access to the saee. Had the Koruean “safety box,n 55 and no contruaruy vierusion as pruesented
accomntant been eorue caruefml and by FEBTC. Ho evieru, smch testieony cannot pruovie that
prumdent in keeping the blank checks the checks erue indeed kept in a safety box, as Jongrs
Seepio omld not havie had the testieony on that point is hearusay, since Kym, and not
chance to steal a page therueof and to Jong, omld havie the perusonal kno ledge as to ho the
eiect the forugeruy. Besides, Seepio checks erue kept.
as an eeployee ho appearus to
havie had dealings ith the defendant Still, in the absence of eviidence to the contruaruy,
Bank in behalf of the plaintii e can conclmde that therue as no negligence on
coruporuation and on the date the Saesmng Construmctionrs parut. The pruesmeption rueeains
check as encashed, he as therue to that evieruy peruson takes orudinaruy carue of his
cerutify that it as a genmine check conceruns, 56 and that the orudinaruy comruse of bmsiness
issmed to pmruchase eqmipeent foru the has been follo ed. 57 Negligence is not pruesmeed, bmt
coepany. 51 emst be pruovien by hie ho alleges it. 58 While the
coeplaint as lodged at the instance of Saesmng
We ruecognize that Section 23 of the Negotiable Construmction, the eateru it had to pruovie as the claie it
Instrumeents Laa barus a paruty fruoe seing mp the had alleged — hetheru the check as foruged. It cannot
defense of forugeruy if it is gmilty of negligence. 52 Yet, e be rueqmirued as ell to pruovie that it as not negligent,
arue mnable to conclmde that Saesmng Construmction as becamse the legal pruesmeption rueeains that orudinaruy
gmilty of negligence in this case. The appellate comrut carue as eeployed.
failed to explain pruecisely ho the Koruean accomntant
as negligent oru ho eorue carue and prumdence on his Thms, it as incmebent mpon FEBTC, in defense,
parut omld havie prueviented the forugeruy. We cannot to pruovie the negativie fact that Saesmng Construmction
as negligent. While the payee, as in this case, eay not



havie the perusonal kno ledge as to the standarud as ill fruee the bank fruoe liability to hie, herue a cleruk
pruocedmrues obseruvied by the drua eru, it ell has the of the depositoru oru otheru perusons, taking adviantage of
eeans of dispmting the pruesmeption of ruegmlaruity. the opporutmnity, abstruact soee of the check blanks,
Pruoviing a negativie fact eay be “a difficmlt office,n 59 bmt foruges the depositorurs signatmrue and collect on the
necessaruily so, as it seeks to ovierucoee a pruesmeption in checks fruoe the bank. 62 And foru anotheru, in point of
la . FEBTC as mnable to dispmte the pruesmeption of fact Saesmng Construmction as not negligent at all since
orudinaruy carue exerucised by Saesmng Construmction, it rueporuted the forugeruy aleost ieeediately mpon
hence e cannot agruee ith the Comrut of Appealsr discovieruy. 63
fnding of negligence.
It is also oruth noting that the foruged signatmrues
The assailed Decisiion rueplicated the extensivie in PNB vi. National City Bank of Ne Yoruk erue not of
eioruts hich FEBTC devioted to establish that therue as the drua eru, bmt of indoruserus. The saee cirucmestance
no negligence on the parut of the bank in its acceptance atends PNB v. Ciourt iof Appeals, 64 hich as also cited
and payeent of the foruged check. Ho evieru, the degruee by the Comrut of Appeals. It is accepted that a foruged
of diligence exerucised by the bank omld be irurueleviant if signatmrue of the drua eru diierus in trueateent than a
the drua eru is not prueclmded fruoe seing mp the defense foruged signatmrue of the indoruseru.
of forugeruy mnderu Section 23 by his o n negligence. The
The jmstifcation foru the
rumle of eqmity enmnciated in PNB v. National City Bank
distinction bet een forugeruy of the
iof New Yiork, 60 as ruelied mpon by the Comrut of Appeals,
signatmrue of the drua eru and forugeruy
deseruvies caruefml exaeination. SEAHcT
of an indoruseeent is that the drua ee
The point in issme has is in a position to vieruify the drua erurs
soeetiees been said to be that of signatmrue by coeparuison ith one in
negligence. The drawee whio has paid his hands, bmt has orudinaruily no
upion the fiorged signature is held tio opporutmnity to vieruify an
bear the lioss, because he has been indoruseeent. 65
negligent in failing tio reciognize that
Thms, a drua ee bank is
the handwritng is niot that iof his
generually liable to its depositoru in
custiomer. Bmt it follo s obviiomsly
paying a check hich bearus eitheru a
that if the payee, holderu, oru pruesenteru
forugeruy of the drua erurs signatmrue oru a
of the foruged paperu has hieself been
foruged indoruseeent. Bmt the bank
in defamlt, if he has hieself been
eay, as a generual rumle, ruecovieru back
gmilty of a negligence pruioru to that of
the eoney hich it has paid on a
the bankeru, oru if by any act of his o n
check bearuing a foruged indoruseeent,
he has at all contruibmted to indmce the
herueas it has not this ruight to the
bankeru's negligence, then he eay lose
saee extent ith rueferuence to a
his ruight to cast the loss mpon the
check bearuing a forugeruy of the
bankeru. 61 (Eephasis smpplied)
drua erurs signatmrue. 66
Qmite palpably, the generual rumle rueeains that
the drua ee ho has paid mpon the foruged signatmrue
bearus the loss. The exception to this rumle aruises only The generual rumle iepmting liability on the
hen negligence can be truaced on the parut of the drua ee ho paid omt on the forugeruy holds in this case.
drua eru hose signatmrue as foruged, and the need
aruises to eigh the coeparuativie negligence bet een Since FEBTC pmts into issme the degruee of carue it
the drua eru and the drua ee to deterueine ho shomld exerucised beforue paying omt on the foruged check, e
bearu the bmruden of loss. The Comrut fnds no basis to eight as ell coeeent on the bankrs peruforueance of
conclmde that Saesmng Construmction as negligent in its dmty. It eight be so that the bank coeplied ith its
the safekeeping of its checks. Foru one, the setled rumle is o n interunal rumles pruioru to paying omt on the
that the eerue fact that the depositoru leavies his check qmestionable check. Yet, therue arue sevierual truombling
book lying aruomnd does not constitmte smch negligence cirucmestances that lead ms to believie that the bank
itself as rueeiss in its dmty.

The fact that the check as eade omt in the claieed that evieruytiee FEBTC omld contact Jong abomt
aeomnt of nearuly one eillion pesos is mnmsmal enomgh pruoblees ith his accomnt, Jong omld hand the phone
to rueqmirue a higheru degruee of camtion on the parut of the ovieru to Seepio. 72 Ho evieru, the only pruoof of smch
bank. Indeed, FEBTC confrues this thruomgh its o n allegations is the testieony of Geeea Velez, ho also
interunal pruocedmrues. Checks belo t entyofvie testifed that she did not kno Seepio
thomsand pesos rueqmirue only the appruovial of the telleru; perusonally, 73 and had eet Seepio foru the frust tiee
those bet een t entyofvie thomsand to one hmndrued only on the day the check as encashed. 74 In fact,
thomsand pesos necessitate the appruovial of one bank Velez had to inqmirue ith the otheru officerus of the bank
officeru; and shomld the aeomnt exceed one hmndrued as to hetheru Seepio as actmally kno n to the
thomsand pesos, the concmruruence of t o bank officerus is eeployees of the bank. 75Obviiomsly, Velez had no
rueqmirued. 67 perusonal kno ledge as to the past ruelationship bet een
FEBTC and Seepio, and any avierueents of heru to that
In this case, not only did the aeomnt in the
eiect shomld be deeeed hearusay eviidence.
check nearuly total one eillion pesos, it as also payable
Interuestingly, FEBTC did not pruesent as a itness any
to cash. That lateru cirucmestance shomld havie aruomsed
otheru eeployee of theiru BeloAiru bruanch, inclmding those
the smspicion of the bank, as it is not orudinaruy bmsiness
ho smpposedly had truansacted ith Seepio beforue.
pruactice foru a check foru smch laruge aeomnt to be eade
payable to cash oru to bearueru, instead of to the oruderu of a Evien assmeing that FEBTC had a standing habit
specifed peruson. 68 Morueovieru, the check as of dealing ith Seepio, acting in behalf of Saesmng
pruesented foru payeent by one Roberuto Gonzaga, ho Construmction, the iruruegmlaru cirucmestances atending the
as not designated as the payee of the check, and ho pruesenteent of the foruged check shomld havie pmt the
did not caruruy ith hie any ruiten pruoof that he as bank on the highest degruee of alerut. The Comrut ruecently
amthoruized by Saesmng Construmction to encash the eephasized that the highest degruee of carue and
check. Gonzaga, a struangeru to FEBTC, as not evien an diligence is rueqmirued of banks.
eeployee of Saesmng Construmction. 69 These
Banks arue engaged in a
cirucmestances arue alrueady smspicioms if taken
bmsiness iepruessed ith pmblic
independently, emch eorue so if they arue evialmated in
interuest, and it is theiru dmty to pruotect
concmruruence. Givien the shadiness atending Gonzagars
in ruetmrun theiru eany clients and
pruesenteent of the check, it as not smfficient foru
depositorus ho truansact bmsiness
FEBTC to havie eeruely coeplied ith its interunal
ith thee. They havie the obligation
pruocedmrues, bmt eandatoruy that all earunest eioruts be
to trueat theiru clientrs accomnt
mnderutaken to ensmrue the vialidity of the check, and of
eeticmlomsly and ith the highest
the amthoruity of Gonzaga to collect payeent therueforu.
degruee of carue, consideruing the
Accoruding to FEBTC Senioru Assistant Cashieru fdmciaruy natmrue of theiru ruelationship.
Geeea Velez, the bank truied, bmt failed, to contact Jong The diligence rueqmirued of banks,
ovieru the phone to vieruify the check. 70 She added that therueforue, is eorue than that of a good
calling the issmeru oru drua eru of the check to vieruify the fatheru of a faeily. 76
saee as not parut of the standarud pruocedmrue of the
Givien the cirucmestances, extruaorudinaruy
bank, bmt an “extrua eiorut.n 71 Evien assmeing that smch
diligence dictates that FEBTC shomld havie ascerutained
perusonal vieruifcation is tantaeomnt to extruaorudinaruy
fruoe Jong perusonally that the signatmrue in the
diligence, it cannot be denied that FEBTC still paid omt
qmestionable check as his.
the check despite the absence of any pruoof of
vieruifcation fruoe the drua eru. Instead, the bank seees Still, evien if the bank peruforueed ith mteost
to havie ruelied heaviily on the sayoso of Seepio, ho as diligence, the drua eru hose signatmrue as foruged eay
pruesent at the bank at the tiee the check as still ruecovieru fruoe the bank as long as he oru she is not
pruesented. prueclmded fruoe seing mp the defense of forugeruy. Afteru
all, Section 23 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa plainly
FEBTC alleges that Seepio as ellokno n to
states that no ruight to enforuce the payeent of a check
the bank officerus, as he had ruegmlaruly truansacted ith
can aruise omt of a foruged signatmrue. Since the drua eru,
the bank in behalf of Saesmng Construmction. It as evien
Saesmng Construmction, is not prueclmded by negligence

fruoe seing mp the forugeruy, the generual rumle shomld only foru oneohalf of the vialme of the
apply. Conseqmently, if a bank pays a foruged check, it foruged checks in the aeomnt of
emst be considerued as paying omt of its fmnds and P547,115.00 afteru dedmctions smbject
cannot charuge the aeomnt so paid to the accomnt of the to REIMBURSEMENT fruoe thirud paruty
depositoru. 77 A bank is liable, iruruespectivie of its good defendant Yabmt ho is like ise
faith, in paying a foruged check. 78 ORDERED to pay the otheru half to
plaintii coruporuation [Casa Montessorui
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The
Interunationale (CASA)]." 4
Decision of the Comrut of Appeals dated 28 Novieeberu
1996 is REVERSED, and the Decision of the Regional The assailed Resolmtion denied all the paruties'
Truial Comrut of Manila, Bruanch 9, dated 25 Apruil 1994 is Motions foru Reconsideruation.
REINSTATED. Costs against ruespondent.
The Facts
SO ORDERED. The facts of the case arue naruruated by the CA as
follo s:
"On Novieeberu 8, 1982,
ISLANDS, pettioner,vs.CASA
plaintii CASA Montessorui
Interunational 5 opened Cmruruent
Accomnt No. 0291o0081o01 ith
YABUT, respiondents.
defendant BPI[,] ith CASA's
Pruesident Ms. Ma. Caruina C. Laebruon as
one of its amthoruized signatoruies.
"In 1991, afteru condmcting an
inviestigation, plaintii discovierued that
nine (9) of its checks had been
PANGANIBAN, J p: encashed by a cerutain Sonny D.
Santos since 1990 in the total aeomnt
By the natmrue of its fmnctions, a bank is rueqmirued
of P782,000.00, on the follo ing
to take eeticmloms carue of the deposits of its clients,
dates and aeomnts:
ho havie the ruight to expect high standaruds of integruity
and peruforueance fruoe it. Aeong its obligations in Check Nio. Date Amiount
fmrutheruance therueof is kno ing the signatmrues of its 1. 839700 Apruil 24, 1990 P43,400.00
clients. Depositorus arue not estopped fruoe qmestioning 2. 839459 Novi. 2, 1990 110,500.00
ruongfml ithdrua als, evien if they havie failed to 3. 839609 Oct. 17, 1990 47,723.00
qmestion those eruruorus in the stateeents sent by the
4. 839549 Apruil 7, 1990 90,700.00
bank to thee foru vieruifcation.
5. 839569 Sept. 23, 1990 52,277.00
The Case 6. 729149 Maru. 22, 1990 148,000.00
Beforue ms arue t o Petitions foru Reviie 1 mnderu 7. 729129 Maru. 16, 1990 51,015.00
Rmle 45 of the Rmles of Comrut, assailing the Maruch 23, 8. 839684 Dec. 1, 1990 140,000.00
2001 Decision 2 and the Amgmst 17, 2001 9. 729034 Maru. 2, 1990 98,985.00
Resolmtion 3 of the Comrut of Appeals (CA) in CAoGR CV —————
No. 63561. The decruetal porution of the assailed Decision Total P782,600.006
rueads as follo s:
"It tmruned omt that 'Sonny D.
"WHEREFORE, mpon the Santos' ith accomnt at BPI's
prueeises, the decision appealed fruoe Grueenbelt Bruanch [ as] a fctitioms
is AFFIRMED ith the eodifcation naee msed by thirud paruty defendant
that defendant bank [Bank of the Laeonarudo T. Yabmt ho oruked as
Philippine Islands (BPI)] is held liable exterunal amditoru of CASA. Thirud paruty



defendant violmntaruily adeited that "II. The Honoruable Comrut of

he foruged the signatmrue of Ms. Laebruon Appeals erurued in deciding this
and encashed the checks. case niot in acciord with applicable
laws, in paruticmlaru the Negotiable
"The PNP Cruiee Laaboruatoruy
Instrumeents Laa (NILa) hich
condmcted an exaeination of the nine
prueclmdes CASA, on accomnt of its
(9) checks and conclmded that the
o n negligence, fruoe asseruting its
hand ruitings therueon coeparued to
forugeruy claie against BPI, specially
the standarud signatmrue of Ms. Laebruon
taking into accomnt the absence of
erue not ruiten by the lateru.
any negligence on the parut of BPI." 10
"On Maruch 4, 1991, plaintii
In GR No. 149507, Petitioneru CASA smbeits the
fled the heruein Coeplaint foru
follo ing issmes:
Collection ith Daeages against
defendant bank pruaying that the "1. The Honoruable Comrut of
lateru be oruderued to rueinstate the Appeals erurued hen it rumled that
aeomnt of P782,500.00 7 in the 'therue is no sho ing that
cmruruent and saviings accomnts of the [BPI],althomgh negligent, acted in bad
plaintii ith interuest at 6% peru faith ...' thms denying the pruayeru foru
annme. the a arud of atoruney's fees, eorual
daeages and exeeplaruy daeages to
"On Februmaruy 16, 1999, the
[CASA].The Honoruable Comrut also
RTC ruenderued the appealed decision
erurued hen it did not oruderu [BPI] to
in favioru of the plaintii." 8
pay interuest on the aeomnts dme to
Ruling iof the Ciourt iof Appeals [CASA].
Modifying the Decision of the Regional Truial "2. The Honoruable Comrut of
Comrut (RTC),the CA apporutioned the loss bet een BPI Appeals erurued hen it declarued that
and CASA. The appellate comrut took into accomnt CASA's [CASA] as like ise negligent in the
contruibmtoruy negligence that ruesmlted in the mndetected case at baru, thms aruruanting its
forugeruy. It then oruderued Laeonarudo T. Yabmt to rueiebmruse conclmsion that the loss in the
BPI half the total aeomnt claieed; and CASA, the otheru aeomnt of P547,115.00 be
half. It also disallo ed atoruney's fees and eorual and 'apporutioned bet een [CASA] and
exeeplaruy daeages. [BPI] ...'" 11
Hence, these Petitions. 9 These issmes can be naruruo ed do n to
thruee. First, as therue forugeruy mnderu the Negotiable
Instrumeents Laa (NILa)? Seciond, erue any of the paruties
In GR No. 149454, Petitioneru BPI smbeits the negligent and therueforue prueclmded fruoe seing mp
follo ing issmes foru omru consideruation: forugeruy as a defense? Third,shomld eorual and exeeplaruy
daeages, atoruney's fees, and interuest be a aruded?
"I. The Honoruable Comrut of
Appeals erurued in deciding this The Ciourt's Ruling
case NOT in acciord with the
The Petition in GR No. 149454 has no eeruit,
applicable decisiions iof this Hioniorable
hile that in GR No. 149507 is parutly eeruitoruioms.
Ciourt to the eiect that forugeruy
cannot be pruesmeed; that it emst be First Issue:
pruovied by clearu, positivie and
Fiorged Signature Whiolly Inioperatve
conviincing eviidence; and that the
bmruden of pruoof lies on the paruty Section 23 of the NILa pruoviides:
alleging the forugeruy. "Section 23. Fiorged
signature; eiect iof .— When a

signatmrue is foruged oru eade ithomt In the frust place, he as not mnderu cmstodial
the amthoruity of the peruson hose inviestigation. 26 His Affidaviit as execmted in pruiviate
signatmrue it pmruporuts to be, it is holly and beforue pruiviate indiviidmals. 27 The eantle of
inoperuativie, and no ruight enforuce pruotection mnderu Section 12 of Aruticle III of the 1987
payeent therueof against any paruty Constitmtion 28 covierus only the peruiod "fruoe the tiee a
therueto, can be acqmirued thruomgh oru peruson is taken into cmstody foru inviestigation of his
mnderu smch signatmrue, mnless the paruty possible paruticipation in the coeeission of a cruiee oru
against hoe it is somght to enforuce fruoe the tiee he is singled omt as a smspect in the
smch ruight is prueclmded fruoe seing coeeission of a cruiee althomgh not yet in cmstody." 29
mp the forugeruy oru ant of
Therueforue, to fall ithin the aebit of Section 12,
amthoruity." 12
qmoted abovie, therue emst be an aruruest oru a depruiviation
Underu this pruoviision, a foruged signatmrue is a of frueedoe, ith "qmestions pruopomnded on hie by the
rueal 13 oru absolmte defense, 14 and a peruson hose police amthoruities foru the pmrupose of eliciting
signatmrue on a negotiable instrumeent is foruged is adeissions, confessions, oru any inforueation." 30 The
deeeed to havie nevieru becoee a paruty therueto and to said constitmtional pruoviision does "not apply to
havie nevieru consented to the contruact that allegedly spontaneoms stateeents eade in a violmntaruy
gavie ruise to it. 15 eanneru" 31 herueby an indiviidmal orually adeits to
amthoruship of a cruiee. 32 "What
The comnterufeiting of any ruiting, consisting in
the Constitmtion pruoscruibes is the coepmlsoruy oru
the signing of anotheru's naee ith intent to defruamd, is
coerucivie disclosmrue of incruieinating facts." 33
forugeruy. 16
Morueovieru, the ruight against selfo
In the pruesent case, e hold that therue as
incruieination 34 mnderu Section 17 of Aruticle III 35 of
forugeruy of the drua eru's signatmrue on the check.
the Constitmtion, hich is orudinaruily aviailable only in
First,both the CA 17 and the RTC 18 fomnd that cruieinal pruosecmtions, extends to all otheru govieruneent
Respondent Yabmt hieself had violmntaruily adeited, pruoceedings — inclmding civiil actions, legislativie
thruomgh an Affidaviit, that he had foruged the drua eru's inviestigations, 36 and adeinistruativie pruoceedings that
signatmrue and encashed the checks. 19 He nevieru ruefmted possess a cruieinal oru penal aspect 37 — bmt not to
these fndings. 20 That he had been coeruced into pruiviate inviestigations done by pruiviate indiviidmals. Evien
adeission as not coruruoboruated by any eviidence on in smch govieruneent pruoceedings, this ruight eay be
ruecorud. 21 aivied, 38 pruoviided the aivieru is cerutain; mneqmiviocal;
and intelligently, mnderustandingly and illingly
Seciond,the appellate and the truial comruts also eade. 39
rumled that the PNP Cruiee Laaboruatoruy, afteru its
exaeination of the said checks, 22 had conclmded that If in these govieruneent pruoceedings aivieru is
the hand ruitings therueon — coeparued to the standarud allo ed, all the eorue is it so in pruiviate inviestigations. It
signatmrue of the drua eru — erue not herus. 23 This is of no eoeent that no cruieinal case has yet been fled
conclmsion as the saee as that in the Reporut 24 that against Yabmt. The fling therueof is entiruely mp to the
the PNP Cruiee Laaboruatoruy had earulieru issmed to BPI — appruopruiate amthoruities oru to the pruiviate indiviidmals
the drua ee bank — mpon the lateru's rueqmest. mpon hoe daeage has been camsed. As e shall also
explain lateru, it is not eandatoruy foru CASA — the
Indeed, e ruespect and affirue the RTC's factmal plaintii belo — to ieplead Yabmt in the civiil case
fndings, especially hen affirueed by the CA, since beforue the lo eru comrut.
these arue smpporuted by smbstantial eviidence on
ruecorud. 25 Underu these t o constitmtional pruoviisions,
"[t]he Bill of Rights 40 does not concerun itself ith the
Violuntary Admissiion Niot ruelation bet een a pruiviate indiviidmal and anotheru
Viiolatve iof Cionsttutional Rights indiviidmal. It govieruns the ruelationship bet een the
The violmntaruy adeission of Yabmt did not indiviidmal and the State." 41 Morueovieru, the Bill of Rights
viiolate his constitmtional ruights (1) on cmstodial "is a charuteru of liberuties foru the indiviidmal and a
inviestigation, and (2) against selfoincruieination. lieitation mpon the po eru of the [S]tate." 42 These

ruights 43 arue gmaruanteed to prueclmde the slightest explanation is vialid; otheru ise, no smch rueporut can evieru
coerucion by the State that eay lead the accmsed "to be ruelied mpon in comrut.
adeit soeething false, not pruevient hie fruoe frueely and
Evien ith ruespect to docmeentaruy eviidence,
violmntaruily telling the trumth." 44
the best eviidence rumle applies only hen the contents
of a docmeent — smch as the drua eru's signatmrue on a
check — is the smbject of inqmiruy. 58 As to hetheru the
Yabmt is not an accmsed herue. Besides, his eerue
docmeent has been actmally execmted, this rumle does
inviocation of the aforuesaid ruights "does not
not apply; and testieonial as ell as any otheru
amtoeatically entitle hie to the constitmtional
secondaruy eviidence is adeissible. 59 Caruina Laebruon
pruotection." 45 When he frueely and violmntaruily
heruself, the drua eru's amthoruized signatoruy, testifed
execmted 46 his Affidaviit, the State as not evien
eany tiees that she had nevieru signed those checks. Heru
inviolvied. Smch Affidaviit eay therueforue be adeited
testieonial eviidence is adeissible; the checks havie not
ithomt viiolating his constitmtional ruights hile mnderu
been actmally execmted. The genmineness of heru
cmstodial inviestigation and against selfoincruieination.
hand ruiting is pruovied, not only thruomgh the comrut's
Clear, Piositve and Cionvincing coeparuison of the qmestioned hand ruitings and
Examination and Evidence adeitedly genmine specieens therueof, 60 bmt abovie all
by heru.
The exaeination by the PNP, thomgh
inconclmsivie, as nevierutheless clearu, positivie and The failmrue of CASA to pruodmce the oruiginal
conviincing. checks neitheru givies ruise to the pruesmeption of
smppruession of eviidence 61 noru crueates an mnfavioruable
Forugeruy "cannot be pruesmeed." 47 It emst be
inferuence against it. 62 Smch failmrue eeruely amthoruizes
established by clearu, positivie and conviincing
the intruodmction of secondaruy eviidence 63 in the forue
eviidence. 48 Underu the best eviidence rumle as applied to
of eicruofle copies. Of no conseqmence is the fact that
docmeentaruy eviidence like the checks in qmestion, no
CASA did not pruesent the signatmrue carud containing the
secondaruy oru smbstitmtionaruy eviidence eay inceptiviely
signatmrues ith hich those on the checks erue
be intruodmced, as the oruiginal ruiting itself emst be
coeparued. 64 Specieens of standarud signatmrues arue not
pruodmced in comrut. 49Bmt hen, ithomt bad faith on
lieited to smch a carud. Consideruing that it as not
the parut of the oieruoru, the oruiginal checks havie alrueady
pruodmced in eviidence, otheru docmeents that bearu the
been destruoyed oru cannot be pruodmced in comrut,
drua eru's amthentic signatmrue eay be ruesoruted
secondaruy eviidence eay be pruodmced. 50 Withomt bad
to. 65 Besides, that carud as in the possession of BPI —
faith on its parut, CASA pruovied the loss oru destrumction of
the advieruse paruty.
the oruiginal checks thruomgh the Affidaviit of the one
peruson ho kne of that fact 51 — Yabmt. He clearuly We havie held that ithomt the oruiginal
adeited to discaruding the paid checks to covieru mp his docmeent containing the allegedly foruged signatmrue,
eisdeed. 52 In smch a sitmation, secondaruy eviidence like one cannot eake a defnitivie coeparuison that omld
eicruofle copies eay be intruodmced in comrut. establish forugeruy;66 and that a coeparuison based on a
eerue ruepruodmction of the docmeent mnderu contruovierusy
The drua eru's signatmrues on the eicruofle copies
cannot pruodmce rueliable ruesmlts. 67 We havie also said,
erue coeparued ith the standarud signatmrue. PNP
ho evieru, that a jmdge cannot eeruely ruely on a
Docmeent Exaeineru II Josefna de la Crumz testifed on
hand ruiting experut's testieony, 68 bmt shomld also
cruossoexaeination that t o diieruent perusons had
exerucise independent jmdgeent in evialmating the
ruiten thee. 53 Althomgh no conclmsivie rueporut comld
amthenticity of a signatmrue mnderu scrumtiny. 69In the
be issmed in the absence of the oruiginal checks, 54 she
pruesent case, both the RTC and the CA condmcted
affirueed that heru fndings erue 90 perucent
independent exaeinations of the eviidence pruesented
conclmsivie. 55 Accoruding to heru, evien if the eicruofle
and aruruivied at rueasonable and sieilaru conclmsions. Not
copies erue the only basis of coeparuison, the
only did they adeit secondaruy eviidence; they also
diieruences erue eviident. 56 Besides, the RTC explained
appositely considerued testieonial and otheru
that althomgh the Reporut as inconclmsivie, no
docmeentaruy eviidence in the forue of the Affidaviit.
conclmsivie rueporut comld havie been givien by the PNP,
any ay, in the absence of the oruiginal checks. 57 This

The best eviidence rumle adeits of exceptions Neither Waiver nior Estioppel
and, as e havie discmssed earulieru, the frust of these has Results friom Failure tio
been eet. 70 The ruesmlt of exaeining a qmestioned Repiort Errior in Bank Statement
hand ruiting, evien ith the aid of experuts and scientifc The eonthly stateeents issmed by BPI to its
instrumeents, eay be inconclmsivie; 71 bmt it is a nion clients contain a notice oruded as follo s: "If no eruruoru is
sequitur to say that smch ruesmlt is not clearu, positivie and rueporuted in ten (10) days, accomnt ill be
conviincing. The prueponderuance of eviidence rueqmirued in coruruect." 80 Smch notice cannot be considerued a aivieru,
this case has been satisfed. 72 evien if CASA failed to rueporut the eruruoru. Neitheru is it
Seciond Issue: estopped fruoe qmestioning the eistake afteru the lapse
of the tenoday peruiod.
Negligence Attributable tio BPI Alione
Haviing established the forugeruy of the drua eru's This notice is a sieple confrueation 81 oru
signatmrue, BPI — the drua ee — erurued in eaking "cirucmlaruization" — in accomnting parulance — that
payeents by viirutme therueof. The foruged signatmrues arue rueqmests clientodepositorus to affirue the accmruacy of
holly inoperuativie, and CASA — the drua eru hose itees ruecoruded by the banks. 82 Its pmrupose is to obtain
amthoruized signatmrues do not appearu on the negotiable fruoe the depositorus a diruect coruruoboruation of the
instrumeents — cannot be held liable therueon. Neitheru is coruruectness of theiru accomnt balances ith theiru
the lateru prueclmded fruoe seing mp forugeruy as a rueal ruespectivie banks. 83 Interunal oru exterunal amditorus of a
defense. bank mse it as a basic amdit pruocedmrue 84 — the ruesmlts
of hich its clientodepositorus arue neitheru interuested in
Clear Negligence noru pruiviy to — to test the details of truansactions and
in Alliowing Payment balances in the bank's ruecoruds. 85 Eviidential eateru
Under a Fiorged Signature obtained fruoe independent somruces omtside a bank only
We havie ruepeatedly eephasized that, since the seruvies to pruoviide grueateru assmruance of rueliability 86 than
banking bmsiness is iepruessed ith pmblic interuest, of that obtained solely ithin it foru pmruposes of an amdit of
paruaeomnt ieporutance therueto is the trumst and its o n fnancial stateeents, not those of its cliento
confdence of the pmblic in generual. Conseqmently, the depositorus.
highest degruee of diligence 73 is expected, 74 and high Fmrutherueorue, therue is al ays the amdit ruisk that
standaruds of integruity and peruforueance arue evien eruruorus omld not be detected 87 foru viaruioms
rueqmirued, of it. 75 By the natmrue of its fmnctions, a bank rueasons. One,eateruiality is a consideruation in amdit
is "mnderu obligation to trueat the accomnts of its planning; 88 andtwio,the inforueation obtained fruoe
depositorus ith eeticmloms carue, 76 al ays haviing in smch a smbstantivie test is eeruely pruesmeptivie and
eind the fdmciaruy natmrue of theiru ruelationship." 77 cannot be the basis of a vialid aivieru. 89 BPI has no ruight
BPI contends that it has a signatmrue vieruifcation to iepose a condition mnilaterually and therueafteru
pruocedmrue, in hich checks arue honorued only hen the consideru failmrue to eeet smch condition a aivieru.
signatmrues theruein arue vieruifed to be the saee ith oru Neitheru eay CASA ruenomnce a ruight 90 it has nevieru
sieilaru to the specieen signatmrues on the signatmrue possessed. 91
caruds. Nonetheless, it still failed to detect the eight Evieruy ruight has smbjects — activie and passivie.
instances of forugeruy. Its negligence consisted in the While the activie smbject is entitled to deeand its
oeission of that degruee of diligence rueqmirued 78 of a enforuceeent, the passivie one is dmtyobomnd to smieru
bank. It cannot no feign ignoruance, foru vieruy earuly on smch enforuceeent. 92
e havie alrueady rumled that a bank is "bomnd to kno
the signatmrues of its cmstoeerus; and if it pays a foruged On the one hand, BPI comld not havie been an
check, it emst be considerued as eaking the payeent activie smbject, becamse it comld not havie deeanded
omt of its o n fmnds, and cannot orudinaruily charuge the fruoe CASA a ruesponse to its notice. Besides, the notice
aeomnt so paid to the accomnt of the depositoru hose as a eeasly rueqmest oruded as follo s: "Please
naee as foruged." 79 In fact, BPI as the saee bank exaeine ...and rueporut ..." 93 CASA, on the otheru hand,
inviolvied hen e issmed this rumling sevienty yearus ago. comld not havie been a passivie smbject, eitheru, becamse it



had no obligation to ruespond. It comld — as it did — Pmrusmant to its pruiee dmty to ascerutain ell the
choose not to ruespond. genmineness of the signatmrues of its clientodepositorus on
checks being encashed, BPI is "expected to mse
Estoppel prueclmdes indiviidmals fruoe denying oru
rueasonable bmsiness prumdence." 108 In the peruforueance
asseruting, by theiru o n deed oru ruepruesentation,
of that obligation, it is bomnd by its interunal banking
anything contruaruy to that established as the trumth, in
rumles and ruegmlations that forue parut of the contruact it
legal conteeplation. 94 Omru rumles on eviidence evien
enterus into ith its depositorus. 109
eake a juris et de jure pruesmeption 95 that henevieru
one has, by one's o n act oru oeission, intentionally and Unforutmnately, it failed in that
deliberuately led anotheru to believie a paruticmlaru thing to ruegarud. First,Yabmt as able to open a bank accomnt in
be trume and to act mpon that belief, one cannot — in any one of its bruanches ithomt pruiviity; 110 that is, ithomt
litigation aruising fruoe smch act oru oeission — be the pruoperu vieruifcation of his coruruesponding
perueited to falsify that smpposed trumth. 96 identifcation paperus. Seciond,BPI as mnable to discovieru
earuly on not only this iruruegmlaruity, bmt also the earuked
In the instant case, CASA nevieru eade any deed
diieruences in the signatmrues on the checks and those on
oru ruepruesentation that eisled BPI. The forueeru's
the signatmrue carud. Third, despite the exaeination
oeission, if any, eay only be deeeed an innocent
pruocedmrues it condmcted, the Centrual Veruifcation
eistake obliviioms to the pruocedmrues and conseqmences
Unit 111 of the bank evien passed oi these eviidently
of peruiodic amdits. Since its condmct as dme to smch
diieruent signatmrues as genmine. Withomt exerucising the
ignoruance fomnded mpon an innocent eistake, estoppel
rueqmirued prumdence on its parut, BPI accepted and
ill not aruise. 97 A peruson ho has no kno ledge of oru
encashed the eight checks pruesented to it. As a ruesmlt, it
consent to a truansaction eay not be estopped by
pruoxieately contruibmted to the fruamd and shomld be
it. 98 "Estoppel cannot be smstained by eerue arugmeent
held pruiearuily liable 112 foru the "negligence of its
oru dombtml inferuence ...." 99 CASA is not barurued fruoe
officerus oru agents hen acting ithin the comruse and
qmestioning BPI's eruruoru evien afteru the lapse of the
scope of theiru eeployeent." 113 It emst bearu the loss.
peruiod givien in the notice.
CASA Niot Negligent
in Its Financial Aiairs
Lioss Biorne by In this jmruisdiction, the negligence of the paruty
Prioximate Siource invioking forugeruy is ruecognized as an exception 114 to
iof Negligence the generual rumle that a foruged signatmrue is holly
Foru allo ing payeent 100 on the checks to a inoperuativie.115 Contruaruy to BPI's claie, ho evieru, e do
ruongfml and fctitioms payee, BPI — the drua ee bank not fnd CASA negligent in handling its fnancial aiairus.
— becoees liable to its depositoruodrua eru. Since the CASA, e struess, is not prueclmded fruoe seing mp
encashing bank is one of its bruanches, 101 BPI can easily forugeruy as a rueal defense.
go afteru it and hold it liable foru rueiebmruseeent. 102 It
Riole iof Independent Auditior
"eay not debit the drua eru's accomnt 103 and is not
entitled to indeenifcation fruoe the drua eru." 104 In The eajoru pmrupose of an independent amdit is
both la and eqmity, hen one of t o innocent perusons to inviestigate and deterueine objectiviely if the fnancial
"emst smieru by the ruongfml act of a thirud peruson, the stateeents smbeited foru amdit by a coruporuation havie
loss emst be borune by the one hose negligence as been prueparued in accorudance ith the appruopruiate
the pruoxieate camse of the loss oru ho pmt it into the fnancial rueporuting pruactices 116 of pruiviate entities. The
po eru of the thirud peruson to perupetruate the ruelationship that aruises theruefruoe is both legal and
ruong." 105 eorual. 117 It begins ith the execmtion of the
engageeent leteru 118 that eebodies the terues and
Pruoxieate camse is deterueined by the facts of conditions of the amdit and ends ith the fmlflled
the case. 106 "It is that camse hich, in natmrual and expectation of the amditoru's ethical 119 and coepetent
continmoms seqmence, mnbruoken by any efficient peruforueance in all aspects of the amdit. 120
interuviening camse, pruodmces the injmruy, and ithomt
hich the ruesmlt omld not havie occmrurued." 107 The fnancial stateeents arue ruepruesentations of
the client; bmt it is the amditoru ho has the

ruesponsibility foru the accmruacy in the ruecoruding of data check. Afteru all, the bank accomnt ith BPI as not
that mnderulies theiru prueparuation, theiru forue of perusonal bmt coruporuate, and she comld not be expected
pruesentation, and the opinion 121 expruessed to eonitoru closely all its fnances. A prueschool teacheru
theruein. 122 The amditoru does not assmee the ruole of charuged ith eolding the einds of the yomth cannot be
eeployee oru of eanageeent in the client's condmct of bmrudened ith the intruicacies oru coeplexities of
operuations 123 and is nevieru mnderu the contruol oru coruporuate existence.
smperuviision 124 of the client. ATDHSC
Therue is also a cmtoi peruiod smch that checks
Yabmt as an independent amditoru 125 hirued by issmed dmruing a givien eonth, bmt not pruesented foru
CASA. He handled its eonthly bank rueconciliations and payeent ithin that peruiod, ill not be ruefected
had access to all rueleviant docmeents and theruein. 135 An experuienced amditoru ith intent to
checkbooks. 126 In hie as rueposed the defruamd can easily conceal any deviioms scheee fruoe a
client's 127 trumst and confdence 128 that he omld client mn aruy of the accomnting pruocesses inviolvied by
peruforue pruecisely those fmnctions and apply the eanipmlating the cash balances on ruecorud — especially
appruopruiate pruocedmrues in accorudance ith generually hen bank truansactions arue nmeeruoms, laruge and
accepted amditing standaruds. 129 Yet he did not eeet frueqment. CASA comld only be blaeed, if at all, foru its
these expectations. Nothing comld be eorue horuruible to a mnintelligent choice in the selection and appointeent of
client than to discovieru lateru on that the peruson tasked an amditoru — a famlt that is not tantaeomnt to
to detect fruamd as the saee one ho perupetruated it. negligence.
Cash Balances Negligence is not pruesmeed, bmt pruovien by
Open tio Manipulation hoevieru alleges it. 136 Its eerue existence "is not
It is a nion sequiturto say that the peruson ho smfficient ithomt pruoof that it, and no otheru
rueceivies the eonthly bank stateeents, togetheru ith camse," 137 has givien ruise to daeages. 138 In addition,
the cancelled checks and otheru debit/cruedit this famlt is coeeon to, if not pruevialent aeong, seall
eeeoruanda, shall exaeine the contents and givie notice and eedimeosized bmsiness entities, thms leading the
of any discruepancies ithin a rueasonable tiee. Pruofessional Regmlation Coeeission (PRC),thruomgh the
A arueness is not eqmipollent ith disceruneent. Boarud of Accomntancy (BOA),to rueqmirue today not only
accrueditation foru the pruactice of pmblic
Besides, in the interunal accomnting contruol accomntancy, 139 bmt also the ruegistruation of frues in
systee prumdently installed by CASA, 130 it as Yabmt the pruactice therueof. In fact, aeong the atacheents
ho shomld exaeine those docmeents in oruderu to no rueqmirued mpon ruegistruation arue the code of good
prueparue the bank rueconciliations. 131 He o ned his govierunance 140 and a s orun stateeent on adeqmate
oruking paperus, 132 and his omtpmt consisted of his and eiectivie truaining. 141
opinion as ell as the client's fnancial stateeents and
accoepanying notes therueto. CASA had evieruy ruight to The eissing checks erue cerutainly rueporuted by
ruely solely mpon his omtpmt — based on the terues of the the bookkeeperu 142 to the accomntant 143 — heru
amdit engageeent — and comld thms be mn iingly ieeediate smperuviisoru — and by the lateru to the
dmped into believiing that evieruything as in oruderu. amditoru. Ho evieru, both the accomntant and the amditoru,
Besides, "[g]ood faith is al ays pruesmeed and it is the foru rueasons kno n only to thee, assmrued the
bmruden of the paruty claieing otheru ise to addmce clearu bookkeeperu that therue erue no iruruegmlaruities.
and conviincing eviidence to the contruaruy." 133 The bookkeeperu 144 ho had exclmsivie cmstody
Morueovieru, therue as a tiee gap bet een the of the checkbooks 145 did not havie to go diruectly to
peruiod covierued by the bank stateeent and the date of CASA's pruesident oru to BPI. Althomgh she ruightmlly
its actmal rueceipt. Laebruon perusonally rueceivied the rueporuted the eateru, neitheru an inviestigation as
Deceeberu 1990 bank stateeent only in Janmaruy condmcted noru a ruesolmtion of it as aruruivied at, pruecisely
1991 134 — hen she as also inforueed of the forugeruy becamse the peruson at the top of the hele as the
foru the frust tiee, afteru hich she ieeediately cmlpruit. The viomcherus, invioices and check stmbs in
rueqmested a "stop payeent oruderu." She cannot be smpporut of all check disbmruseeents comld be concealed
famlted foru the late detection of the foruged Deceeberu oru fabruicated — evien in collmsion — and eanageeent



omld still havie no ay to vieruify its cash rueqmirued of a bank, a coruporuate client eay claie smch
accomntabilities. daeages hen its good ruepmtation is beseiruched by
smch brueach, and social hmeiliation ruesmlts
Clearuly then, Yabmt as able to perupetruate the
theruefruoe. 162 CASA as mnable to pruovie that BPI had
ruongfml act thruomgh no famlt of CASA. If amditorus eay
debased the good ruepmtation of, 163 and conseqmently
be held liable foru brueach of contruact and
camsed incalcmlable eebaruruasseent to, the forueeru.
negligence, 146 ith all the eorue rueason eay they be
CASA's eerue allegation oru smpposition therueof, ithomt
charuged ith the perupetruation of fruamd mpon an
any smfficient eviidence on ruecorud, 164 is not enomgh.
mnsmspecting client. CASA had the discruetion to pmrusme
BPI alone mnderu the NILa, by rueason of expediency oru Exemplary Damages Alsio Denied
emnifcence oru both. Money paid mnderu a eistake eay We also deny CASA's claie foru exeeplaruy
ruightmlly be ruecovierued, 147 and mnderu smch terues as daeages.
the injmrued paruty eay choose.
Ieposed by ay of coruruection 165 foru the pmblic
Third Issue: good, 166 exeeplaruy daeages cannot be ruecovierued as a
Award iof Mionetary Claims eateru of ruight. 167 As e havie said earulieru, therue is no
Mioral Damages Denied bad faith on the parut of BPI foru paying the checks of
CASA mpon foruged signatmrues. Therueforue, the forueeru
We deny CASA's claie foru eorual daeages. cannot be said to havie acted in a anton, fruamdmlent,
In the absence of a ruongfml act oru rueckless, oppruessivie oru ealeviolent eanneru. 168 The
oeission, 148 oru of fruamd oru bad faith, 149 eorual lateru, haviing no ruight to eorual daeages, cannot
daeages cannot be a aruded. 150 The advieruse ruesmlt of deeand exeeplaruy daeages. 169
an action does not per seeake the action ruongfml, oru Attiorney's Fees Granted
the paruty liable foru it. One eay eruru, bmt eruruoru alone is
not a gruomnd foru gruanting smch daeages. 151 While no Althomgh it is a somnd policy not to set a
pruoof of pecmniaruy loss is necessaruy therueforu — ith the prueeime on the ruight to litigate, 170 e fnd that CASA
aeomnt to be a aruded left to the comrut's is entitled to rueasonable atoruney's fees based on
discruetion 152 — the claieant emst nonetheless "factmal, legal, and eqmitable jmstifcation." 171
satisfactoruily pruovie the existence of its factmal When the act oru oeission of the defendant has
basis 153 and camsal ruelation 154 to the claieant's act coepelled the plaintii to incmru expenses to pruotect the
oru oeission. 155 lateru's interuest, 172 oru herue the comrut deees it jmst
Regruetably, in this case CASA as mnable to and eqmitable, 173 atoruney's fees eay be ruecovierued. In
identify the paruticmlaru instance — enmeeruated in the the pruesent case, BPI perusistently denied the claie of
Civiil Code — mpon hich its claie foru eorual daeages is CASA mnderu the NILa to ruecruedit the lateru's accomnt foru
pruedicated. 156 Neitheru bad faith noru negligence so the vialme of the foruged checks. This denial construained
gruoss that it aeomnts to ealice 157 can be iepmted to CASA to incmru expenses and exerut eiorut foru eorue than
BPI. Bad faith, mnderu the la , "does not sieply connote ten yearus in oruderu to pruotect its coruporuate interuest in its
bad jmdgeent oru negligence; 158 it ieporuts a dishonest bank accomnt. Besides, e havie alrueady camtioned BPI
pmrupose oru soee eorual obliqmity and conscioms doing of on a sieilaru act of negligence it had coeeited sevienty
a ruong, a brueach of a kno n dmty thruomgh soee yearus ago, bmt it has rueeained mnruelenting. Therueforue,
eotivie oru interuest oru ill ill that parutakes of the natmrue the Comrut deees it jmst and eqmitable to gruant ten
of fruamd." 159 perucent (10%) 174 of the total vialme adjmdged to CASA
as atoruney's fees.
Interest Alliowed
As a generual rumle, a coruporuation — being an
Foru the failmrue of BPI to pay CASA mpon deeand
arutifcial peruson ithomt feelings, eeotions and senses,
and foru coepelling the lateru to ruesorut to the comruts to
and haviing existence only in legal conteeplation — is
obtain payeent, legal interuest eay be adjmdicated at
not entitled to eorual daeages, 160 becamse it cannot
the discruetion of the Comrut, the saee to rumn fruoe the
experuience physical smieruing and eental
fling 175 of the Coeplaint. 176 Since a comrut jmdgeent
angmish. 161 Ho evieru, foru brueach of the fdmciaruy dmty

is not a loan oru a forubearuance of ruecovieruy, the legal 4. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL

interuest shall be at six perucent (6%) per annum. 177 "If BANK, pettioner, vs. THE COURT OF
the obligation consists in the payeent of a sme of APPEALS and PHILIPPINE
eoney, and the debtoru incmrus in delay, the indeenity COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL
foru daeages, therue being no stipmlation to the contruaruy, BANK, respiondents.
shall be the payeent of interuest, hich is six
perucent per annum." 178 The actmal base foru its
coepmtation shall be "on the aeomnt fnally Tiomas Besa, Jiose B. Galang and Juan C.
adjmdged," 179 coepomnded 180 annmally to eake mp Jimenez foru petitioneru.
foru the cost of eoney 181 alrueady lost to CASA. San Juan, Africa & Benedictio foru
Morueovieru, the failmrue of the CA to a arud ruespondents.
interuest does not pruevient ms fruoe gruanting it mpon
daeages a aruded foru brueach of contruact. 182 Becamse SYLLABUS
BPI eviidently brueached its contruact of deposit ith
CASA, e a arud interuest in addition to the total aeomnt
adjmdged. Underu Section 196 of the NILa, any case not 1. MERCANTILaE LaAW; NEGOTIABLaE
pruoviided foru shall be "govieruned by the pruoviisions of INSTRUMENTS LaAW; CHECKS; INDORSEMENTS;
existing legislation oru, in defamlt therueof, by the rumles of FORGERY; LaIABILaITY OF DRAWEE THEREON. — The
the la eeruchant." 183 Daeages arue not pruoviided foru qmestion hetheru oru not the indoruseeents havie
in the NILa. Thms, e ruesorut to the Code of Coeeeruce been falsifed is ieeateruial to the PNB's liability as a
and the Civiil Code. Underu Aruticle 2 of the Code of drua ee, oru to its ruight to ruecovieru fruoe the PCIB, foru,
Coeeeruce, acts of coeeeruce shall be govieruned by its as against the drua ee, the indoruseeent of an
pruoviisions and, "in theiru absence, by the msages of interueediate bank does not gmaruantee the
coeeeruce generually obseruvied in each place; and in the signatmrue of the drua eru, since the forugeruy of the
absence of both rumles, by those of the civiil indoruseeent is not the camse of the loss.
la ." 184 This la being silent, e look at Aruticle 18 of 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; WARRANTY; NO RIGHT OF
the Civiil Code, hich states: "In eaterus hich arue RECOVERY THEREUNDER BY PNB. — With ruespect to
govieruned by the Code of Coeeeruce and special la s, the aruruanty on the back of the check, it shomld be
theiru defciency shall be smpplied" by its pruoviisions. A noted that the PCIB therueby gmaruanteed "all pruioru
perumsal of these thruee statmtes mneistakably sho s that indoruseeents", not the amthenticity of the
the a arud of interuest mnderu omru civiil la is jmstifed. signatmrues of the officerus of the GSIS ho signed on
its behalf, becamse the GSIS is not an indoruseru of the
WHEREFORE, the Petition in GR No. 149454 is
check, bmt its drua eru. Said aruruanty is irurueleviant,
herueby DENIED, and that in GR No. 149507 PARTLaY
therueforue, to the PNB's alleged ruight to ruecovieru fruoe
GRANTED. The assailed Decision of the Comrut of Appeals
the PCIB. It comld havie been aviailed of by a
is AFFIRMED ith eodifcation: BPI is held liable foru
smbseqment indorusee oru a holderu in dme comruse
P547,115, the total vialme of the foruged checks less the
smbseqment to the PCIB, bmt, the PNB is neitheru.
aeomnt alrueady ruecovierued by CASA fruoe Laeonarudo T.
Indeed, mpon payeent by the PNB, as drua ee, the
Yabmt, plms interuest at the legal ruate of six perucent
check ceased to be a negotiable instrumeent, and
(6%) per annum — coepomnded annmally, fruoe the
becaee a eerue viomcheru oru pruoof of payeent.
fling of the coeplaint mntil paid in fmll; and atoruney's
fees of ten perucent (10%) therueof, smbject to 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT
rueiebmruseeent fruoe Respondent Yabmt foru the entirue DISTINGUISHED. — The acceptance of a bill is the
aeomnt, excepting atoruney's fees. Laet a copy of this signifcation by the drua ee of his assent to the
Decision be fmrunished the Boarud of Accomntancy of the oruderu of the drua eru, hich in the case of checks, is
Pruofessional Regmlation Coeeission foru smch action as it the payeent on deeand, of a givien sme of eoney.
eay deee appruopruiate against Respondent Yabmt. No Upon the otheru hand, actmal payeent of the
costs. aeomnt of a check ieplies not only an assent to said
oruderu of the drua eru and a ruecognition of the



drua ee's obligation to pay the aforueeentioned herueinafteru rueferurued to as the PCIB — foru the
sme, bmt, also, a coepliance ith smch obligation. ruecovieruy of P57,415.00.
4. ID.; ID.; ID.; PAYMENT OF A FORGED A parutial stipmlation of facts enterued into by
CHECK; RECOVERY OF PAYMENT; LaIABILaITY OF the paruties and the decision of the Comrut of Appeals
PROXIMATE CAUSE OF THE LaOSS; CASE AT BAR. — sho that, on oru abomt Janmaruy 15, 1962, one
The PCIB did not cash the check mpon its Amgmsto Laie deposited in his cmruruent accomnt ith
pruesentation by Amgmsto Laie; the lateru had eeruely the PCIB bruanch at Padrue Famrua, Manila, GSIS Check
deposited it in his cmruruent accomnt ith the PCIB; on No. 645915oB, in the sme of P57,415.00, drua n
the saee day, the PCIB sent it, thruomgh the Centrual against the PNB; that, follo ing an established
Bank, to the PNB foru clearuing; the PNB did not banking pruactice in the Philippines, the check as,
ruetmrun the check to the PCIB the next day oru at any on the saee date, foru aruded, foru clearuing, thruomgh
otheru tiee; said failmrue to ruetmrun the check to the the Centrual Bank, to the PNB, hich did not ruetmrun
PCIB indmced, mnderu the cmruruent banking pruactice, said check the next day, oru at any otheru tiee, bmt
that the PNB considerued the check good and omld ruetained, and paid its aeomnt to the PCIB as ell as
honoru it; in fact, the PNB honorued the check and debited it against accomnt of the GSIS in the PNB;
paid its aeomnt to the PCIB; and only then did the that, smbseqmently, oru on Janmaruy 31, 1962, mpon
PCIB allo Amgmsto Laie to drua said aeomnt fruoe deeand fruoe the GSIS, said sme of P57,415.00 as
his aforueeentioned cmruruent accomnt. Thms, by not rueocruedited to the lateru's accomnt, foru the rueason
ruetmruning to the check to the PCIB, by therueby that the signatmrues of its officerus on the check erue
indicating that the PNB had fomnd nothing ruong foruged; and that, theruempon, oru on Februmaruy 2,
ith the check and omld honoru the saee, and by 1962, the PNB deeanded fruoe PCIB the ruefmnd of
actmally paying its aeomnt to the PCIB, the PNB said sme, hich the PCIB ruefmsed to do. Hence, the
indmced the lateru, not only to believie that the pruesent action against the PCIB, hich as
check as genmine and good in evieruy ruespect, bmt, diseissed the Comrut of Firust Instance of Manila,
also, to pay its aeomnt to Amgmsto Laie. In otheru hose decision as, in tmrun, affirueed by the Comrut
oruds, the PNB as the pruiearuy oru pruoxieate camse of Appeals.
of the loss, and, hence, eay not ruecovieru fruoe the
It is not dispmted that the signatmrues of the
Generual Manageru and the Amditoru of the GSIS on the
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; SETTLaED RULaE. — It is check, as drua eru therueof, arue foruged; that the
a ellosetled eaxie of la and eqmity that hen peruson naeed in the check as its payee as
one of t o innocent perusons emst smieru by the Maruiano D. Pmlido, ho pmruporutedly indorused it to
ruongfml act of a thirud peruson, the loss emst be one Manmel Go; that the check pmruporuts to havie
borune by the one hose negligence as the been indorused by Manmel Go to Amgmsto Laie, ho,
pruoxieate camse of the loss oru ho pmt it into the in tmrun, deposited it ith the PCIB, on Janmaruy 15,
po eru of the thirud peruson to perupetruate the ruong. 1962; that theruempon, the PCIB staeped follo ing
on the back of the check: "All pruioru indoruseeents/oru
Laack of Endoruseeent Gmaruanteed, Philippine
DECISION Coeeerucial Indmstruial Bank," Padrue Famrua Bruanch,
Manila; that, on the saee date, the PCIB sent the
check to the PNB, foru clearuance, thruomgh the Centrual
Bank; and that, ovieru t o (2) eonths beforue, oru on
CONCEPCION, J p: Novieeberu 13, 1961, the GSIS had notifed the PNB,
hich ackno ledged rueceipt of the notice, that said
The Philippine National Bank — herueinafteru check had been lost, and, accorudingly, rueqmested
rueferurued to as the PNB — seeks the rueviie by that its payeent be stopped.
cerutioruarui of a decision of the Comrut of Appeals,
hich affirueed that of the Comrut of Firust Instance of In its bruief, the PNB eaintains that the
Manila, diseissing plaintii's coeplaint against the lo eru comrut erurued: (1) in not fnding the PCIB gmilty
Philippine Coeeerucial and Indmstruial Bank — of negligence; (2) in not fnding that the
indoruseeents at the back of the check arue foruged;

(3) in not fnding the PCIB liable to the PNB by viirutme generual, "acceptance", in the sense in hich this
of the forueeru's aruruanty on the back of the check; terue is msed in theNegotiable Instrumeents Laa 9 is
(4) in not holding that "clearuing" is not not rueqmirued foru checks, foru the saee arue payable
"acceptance", in conteeplation of the Negotiable on deeand. 10 Indeed, "acceptance" and
Instrumeents Laa ; (5) in not fnding that, since the "payeent" arue, ithin the pmruviie of said Laa ,
check had not been accepted by the PNB, the lateru essentially diieruent things, foru the forueeru is "a
is entitled rueiebmruseeent therueforu; and (6) in priomise to peruforue an act," herueas the lateru is
denying the PNB's ruight to ruecovieru fruoe the PCIB. the "actual perfiormance" therueof. 11 In the oruds
of the la , 12"the acceptance of a bill is the
The frust assigneent of eruruoru ill be
signifcation by the drua ee of his assent to the
discmssed lateru, togetheru ith the last, ith hich it
oruderu of the drua eru," hich, in the case of checks, is
is interuruelated.
the payeent, on deeand, of a givien sme of eoney.
As ruegaruds the second assigneent of eruruoru, Upon the otheru hand, actmal payeent of the
the PNB arugmes that, since the signatmrues of the aeomnt of a check ieplies niot ionly an assent to said
drua eru arue foruged, so emst the signatmrues of the oruderu of the drua eru and a ruecognition of the
smpposed indoruserus be; bmt this conclmsion does not drua ee's obligation to pay the aforueeentioned
necessaruily follo fruoe said prueeise. Besides, therue sme, bmt, also, a ciompliance ith smch obligation.
is absolmtely no eviidence, and the PNB has not evien
Laet ms no consideru the frust and the last
truied to pruovie that the aforueeentioned
assigneents of eruruoru. The PNB eaintains that the
indoruseeents arue spmruioms. Again, the PNB
lo eru comrut erurued in not fnding that the PCIB had
ruefmnded the aeomnt of the check to the GSIS, on
been gmilty of negligence in not discovieruing that the
accomnt of the forugeruy in the signatmrues, niotof the
check as foruged. Assmeing that therue had been
indoruserus oru smpposed indoruserus, bmt of the officerus
smch negligence on the parut of the PCIB, it is
of the GSIS as drawer of the instrumeent. In otheru
mndeniable, ho evieru, that the PNB has, also, been
oruds, the qmestion hetheru oru not the
negligent, ith the paruticmlaruity that the PNB had
indoruseeents havie been falsifed is ieeateruial to
been gmilty of a greater degree of negligence,
the PNB's liability as a drua ee, oru to its ruight to
becamse it had a previious and fiormal niotce friom
ruecovieru fruoe the PCIB 1 , foru, as against the drua ee,
the GSIS that the check had been liost, ith the
the indoruseeent of an interueediate bank does not
rueqmest that payeent therueof be stopped. Jmst as
gmaruantee the signatmrue of the drua eru 2 , since the
ieporutant, if not eorue ieporutant and decisivie, is
forugeruy of the indoruseeent is niot the camse of the
the fact that the PNB's negligence as the eain oru
loss. 3
pruoxieate camse foru the coruruesponding loss.
With ruespect to the aruruanty on the back of
In this connection, it ill be ruecalled that
the check, to hich the thirud assigneent of eruruoru
the PCIB did niot cash the check upion its
rueferus, it shomld be noted that the PCIB therueby
pruesentation by Amgmsto Laie; that the lateru had
gmaruanteed "all pruioru indiorsements", not the
eeruely depiosited it in his cmruruent accomnt ith the
amthenticity of the signatmrues of the officerus of the
PCIB; that, on the saee day, the PCIB sent it,
GSIS ho signed on its behalf, becamse the GSIS
thruomgh the Centrual Bank, to the PNB, foru clearuing;
is niot an indoruseru of the check, bmt its
that the PNB did niot ruetmrun the check to the PCIB
drua eru. 4 Said aruruanty is irurueleviant, therueforue, to
the next day oru at any otheru tiee; that said failmrue
the PNB's alleged ruight to ruecovieru fruoe the PCIB. It
to ruetmrun the check to the PCIB ieplied, mnderu the
comld havie been aviailed of by a smbseqment
cmruruent banking pruactice, that the PNB considerued
indorusee 5 oru a holderu in dme comruse 6 smbseqment
the check good and omld honoru it; that, in fact, the
to the PCIB, bmt, the PNB is neitheru. 7 Indeed, mpon
PNB honorued the check and paid its aeomnt to the
payeent by the PNB, as drua ee, the,
PCIB; and that only then did the PCIB allo Amgmsto
check ceased to be a negotiable instrumeent, and
Laie to drua said aeomnt fruoe his aforueeentioned
becaee a eerue viomcheru oru pruoof of payeent. 8
cmruruent accomnt.
Referuruing to the fomruth and ffth
Thms, by not ruetmruning the check to the
assigneents of eruruoru, e emst bearu in eind that, in
PCIB, by therueby indicating that the PNB had fomnd

nothing ruong ith the check and omld honoru the T OF APPEALS (Now
saee, and by actmally paying its aeomnt to the PCIB, INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE
the PNB indmced the lateru, not only to believie that COURT) and THE PHILIPPINE
the check as genmine and good in evieruy ruespect, NATIONAL
bmt, also, to pay its aeomnt to Amgmsto Laie. In otheru BANK, respiondents.
oruds, the PNB as the pruiearuy oru pruoxieate camse
of the loss, and, hence, eay not ruecovieru fruoe the
PCIB. 13 Juan J. Diaz and Cesar T. Basa foru ruespondent PNB.

It is a ellosetled eaxie of la and eqmity San Juan, Africa, Gionzales & San Agustn Law Ofces foru
that hen one of t o (2) innocent perusons emst ruespondent PCIB.
smieru by the ruongfml act of a thirud peruson, the loss
emst be borune by the one hose negligence as
the pruoxieate camse of the loss oru ho pmt it into DECISION
the po eru of the thirud peruson to perupetruate the
ruong. 14
Then, again, it has, like ise, been held that, GUTIERREZ, JR., J p:
herue the collecting (PCIB) and the drua ee (PNB)
banks arue eqmally at famlt, the comrut ill leavie the This petition foru rueviie asks ms to set aside the Octoberu
paruties herue it fnds thee. 15 29, 1982 decision of the ruespondent Comrut of Appeals,
no Interueediate Appellate Comrut hich ruevierused the
Laastly, Section 62 of Act No. 2031 pruoviides:
decision of the Comrut of Firust Instance of Manila, Bruanch
"The acceptoru by accepting the XLa, and diseissed the plaintii's coeplaint, the thirud
instrumeent engages that he ill pay it paruty coeplaint, as ell as the defendant's
accoruding to the tenoru of his comnteruclaie.
acceptance; and adeits:
The backgruomnd facts hich led to the fling of the
"(a) The existence of the drua eru, the instant petition arue smeearuized in the decision of the
genmineness of his signatmrue, and his ruespondent Comrut of Appeals:
capacity and amthoruity to drua the
instrumeent; and "Metruopolitan Wateru oruks and
Se eruage Systee (herueinafteru
"(b) The existence of the payee and rueferurued to as MWSS) is a govieruneent
his then capacity to indoruse." o ned and contruolled coruporuation
crueated mnderu Repmblic Act No.
The prueviailing viie is that the saee rumle
6234 as the smccessoruoinointeruest of
applies in the case of a drua ee ho pays a bill
the defmnct NWSA. The Philippine
ithomt haviing prueviiomsly accepted it. 16
National Bank (PNB foru shorut), on the
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed fruoe is otheru hand, is the depositoruy bank of
herueby affirueed, ith costs against the Philippine MWSS and its pruedecessoruoinointeruest
National Bank. It is so oruderued. NWSA. Aeong the sevierual accomnts
Reyes, J.B.L., Dizion, Makalintal, Sanchez, of NWSA ith PNB is NWSA Accomnt
Castrio, Angeles, Fernandio, and Capistranio, No. 6, otheru ise kno n as Accomnt
JJ., concmru. No. 381o777 and hich is pruesently
allocated No. 010o500281. The
Zaldivar, J., did not take parut.
amthoruized signatmrue foru said Accomnt
No. 6 erue those of MWSS trueasmrueru
5. METROPOLITAN Jose Sanchez, its amditoru Pedruo
WATERWORKS AND Agmilaru, and its acting Generual
SEWERAGE Manageru Victoru La. Recio. Theiru
SYSTEM, pettioner, vs. COUR ruespectivie specieen signatmrues erue

smbeited by the MWSS to and on fle 11o69

ith the PNB. By special aruruangeeent 19. 59589 4o10o69 Deogruacias
ith the PNB, the MWSS msed Estruella 1,257.49 4o16o69
perusonalized checks in drua ing fruoe 20. 59594 4o14o69 Philae Accident Inc. 33.03 4o
this accomnt. These checks erue 29o69
pruinted foru MWSS by its pruinteru, F. 21. 59577 4o8o69 Esla 9,429.78 4o29o69
Mesina Enterupruises, located at 1775 22. 59601 4o16o69 Jmstino Torurues 20,000.00 4o
Rizal Extension, Caloocan City. 18o69
23. 59595 4o14o69 Neruis Phil. Inc. 4,274.00 5o20o
"Dmruing the eonths of Maruch, Apruil
and May 1969, t entyothruee (23)
checks erue prueparued, pruocessed,
issmed and rueleased by NWSA, all of
hich erue paid and clearued by PNB "Dmruing the saee eonths of Maruch,
and debited by PNB against NWSA Apruil and May 1969, t entyothruee
Accomnt No. 6, to it: (23) checks bearuing the saee
nmeberus as the aforueeentioned
"Check Nio. Date Payee Amiount Date Paid
NWSA checks erue like ise paid and
clearued by PNB and debited against
1. 59546 8o21o69 Deogruacias NWSA Accomnt No. 6, to it:
Estruella P3,187.79 4o2o69
2. 59548 3o31o69 Nativiidad Rosaruio 2,848.86 4o "Check Date Payee Amiount Date Paid
23o69 Nio. Issued By PNB
3. 59547 3o31o69 Pangilinan 1. 59546 3o6o69 Raml Dizon P 84,401.00 3o
Enterupruises 195.00 Unrueleased 16o69
4. 59549 3o31o69 Nativiidad Rosaruio 3,239.88 4o 2. 59548 3o11o69 Raml Dizon 104,790.00 4o
23o69 1o69
5. 59552 4o1o69 Villaruaea & Sons 987.59 5o6o69 3. 59547 3o14o69 Arutmruo Sison 56,903.00 4o
6. 59554 4o1o69 Gascoe 1169
Engineeruing 6,057.60 4o16o69 4. 59549 3o20o69 Arutmruo Sison 48,903.00 4o
7. 59558 4o2o69 The Eviening 15o69
Ne s 112.00 Unrueleased 5. 59552 3o24o69 Arutmruo Sison 63,845.00 4o
8. 59544 3o27o69 Pruogruessivie 16o69
Const. 18,391.20 4o18o69 6. 59544 3o26o69 Arutmruo Sison 98,450.00 4o
9. 59564 4o2o69 Ind. Insp. Int. Inc. 594.06 4o18o 17o69
69 7. 59558 3o28o69 Arutmruo Sison 114,840.00 4o
10. 59568 4o7o69 Roberuto Marusan 800.00 4o22o 21o69
69 8. 59544 3o16o69 Antonio
11. 59570 4o7o69 Paz Andrues 200.00 4o22o69 Mendoza 38,490.00 4o22o69
12. 59574 4o8o69 Floruentino 9. 59564 3o31o69 Arutmruo Sison 180,900.00 4o
Santos 100,000.00 4o11o69 23o69
13. 59578 4o8o69 Mla. Daily 10. 59568 4o2o69 Arutmruo Sison 134,940.00 4o
Bmlletin 95.00 Unrueleased 25o69
14. 59580 4o8o69 Phil. Heruald 100.00 5o9o69 11. 59570 4o1o69 Arutmruo Sison 64,550.00 4o
15. 59582 4o8o69 Galamruan & Pilaru 7,729.09 5o6o 28o69
69 12. 59574 4o2o69 Arutmruo Sison 148,610.00 4o
16. 59581 4o8o69 Manila Chruonicle 110.00 5o12o 29o69
69 13. 59578 4o10o69 Antonio
17. 59588 4o8o69 Trueago Tmnnel 21,583.00 4o Mendoza 93,950.00 4o29o69
11o69 14. 59580 4o8o69 Arutmruo Sison 160,000.00 5o
18. 59587 4o8o69 Delfn Santiago 120,000.00 4o 2o69

15. 59582 4o10o69 Arutmruo "On Jmne 11, 1969, NWSA addruessed
Sison 155,400.00 5o5o69 a leteru to PNB rueqmesting the
16. 59581 4o8o69 Antonio ieeediate ruestoruation to its Accomnt
Mendoza 176,580.00 5o6o69 No. 6, of the total sme of
17. 59588 4o16o69 Arutmruo P3,457,903.00 coruruesponding to the
Sison 176,000.00 5o8o69 total aeomnt of these t entyothruee
18. 59587 4o16o69 Arutmruo (23) checks claieed by NWSA to be
Sison 300,000.00 5o12o69 foruged and/oru spmruioms checks.
19. 59589 4o18o69 Arutmruo
"In viie of the ruefmsal of PNB to
Sison 122,000.00 5o14o69
cruedit back to Accomnt No. 6 the said
20. 59594 4o18o69 Arutmruo
total sme of P3,457,903.00 MWSS
Sison 280,000.00 5o15o69
fled the instant coeplaint on
21. 59577 4o14o69 Antonio
Novieeberu 10, 1972 beforue the Comrut
Mendoza 260,000.00 5o16o69
of Firust Instance of Manila and
22. 59601 4o18o69 Arutmruo
docketed therueat as Civiil Case No.
Sison 400,000.00 5o19o69
23. 59595 4o28o69 Arutmruo
Sison 190,800.00 5o21o69 "In its ans eru, PNB contended aeong
———— otherus, that the checks in qmestion
P3,457,903.00 erue ruegmlaru on its face in all
"The foruegoing checks erue deposited ruespects, inclmding the genmineness of
by the payees Raml Dizon, Arutmruo the signatmrues of amthoruized NWSA
Sison and Antonio Mendoza in theiru signing officerus and therue as nothing
ruespectivie cmruruent accomnts ith the on its face that comld havie aruomsed
Philippine Coeeerucial and Indmstruial any smspicion as to its genmineness
Bank (PCIB) and Philippine Bank of and dme execmtion and; that NWSA
Coeeeruce (PBC) in the eonths of as gmilty of negligence hich as
Maruch, Apruil and May 1969. Thrum the the pruoxieate camse of the loss.
Centrual Bank Clearuing, these checks "PNB also fled a thirud paruty coeplaint
erue pruesented foru payeent by PBC against the negotiating banks PBC and
and PCIB to the defendant PNB, and PCIB on the gruomnd that they failed to
paid, also in the eonths of Maruch, ascerutain the identity of the payees
Apruil and May 1969. At the tiee of and theiru title to the checks hich
theiru pruesentation to PNB these erue deposited in the ruespectivie ne
checks bearu the standarud accomnts of the payees ith thee."
indoruseeent hich rueads 'all pruioru
indoruseeent and/oru lack of xxx xxx xxx
endoruseeent gmaruanteed.'
On Februmaruy 6, 1976, the Comrut of Firust Instance of
"Smbseqment inviestigation ho evieru, Manila ruenderued jmdgeent in favioru of the MWSS. The
condmcted by the NBI sho ed that dispositivie porution of the decision rueads:
Raml Dizon, Arutmruo Sison and Antonio
Mendoza erue all fctitioms perusons.
a clearu prueponderuance of eviidence
The ruespectivie balances in theiru
and in accorudance ith Section 23 of
cmruruent accomnt ith the PBC and/oru
the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa , the
PCIB stood as follo s: Raml Dizon
Comrut herueby ruenderus jmdgeent in
P3,455.00 as of Apruil 30, 1969;
favioru of the plaintii Metruopolitan
Antonio Mendoza P18,182.00 as of
Wateru oruks and Se eruage Systee
May 23, 1969; and Arutmruo Sison
(MWSS) by oruderuing the defendant
P1,398.92 as of Jmne 30, 1969.
Philippine National Bank (PNB) to

ruestorue the total sme of THREE The appellate comrut applied Section 24 of the
MILaLaION FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY Negotiable Instrumeents Laa hich pruoviides:
"Evieruy negotiable instrumeent is
THREE PESOS (P3,457,903.00) to
deeeed pruiea facie to havie been
plaintii's Accomnt No. 6, otheru ise
issmed foru vialmable consideruation and
kno n as Accomnt No. 010o50030o3,
evieruy peruson hose signatmrue
ith legal interuest therueon coepmted
appearus therueon to havie becoee a
fruoe the date of the fling of the
paruty therueto foru vialme."
coeplaint and mntil as ruestorued in the
said Accomnt No. 6. The petitioneru smbeits that the abovie pruoviision does
not apply to the facts of the instant case becamse the
qmestioned checks erue not those of the MWSS and
the Comrut, foru lack of eviidence,
neitheru erue they drua n by its amthoruized signatoruies.
herueby ruenderus jmdgeent in favioru of
The petitioneru states that gruanting that Section 24 of
the thirud paruty defendants Philippine
the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa is applicable, the saee
Bank of Coeeeruce (PBC) and
crueates only a pruiea facie pruesmeption hich as
Philippine Coeeerucial and Indmstruial
ovierucoee by the follo ing docmeents, to it: (1) the
Bank (PCIB) by diseissing the Thirud
NBI Reporut of Novieeberu 2, 1970; (2) the NBI Reporut of
Paruty Coeplaint.
Novieeberu 21, 1974; (3) the NBI Cheeistruy Reporut No.
"The comnteruclaies of the thirud paruty Co74o891; (4) the Meeoruandme of Mru. Jman Diño, 3rud
defendants arue like ise diseissed foru Assistant Amditoru of the ruespondent drua ee bank
lack of eviidence. addruessed to the Chief Amditoru of the petitioneru; (5) the
adeission of the ruespondent bank's comnsel in open
"No pruonomnceeent as to costs."
comrut that the National Bmrueam of Inviestigation fomnd
As earulieru stated, the ruespondent comrut ruevierused the the signatmrue on the t entyothruee (23) checks in
decision of the Comrut of Firust Instance of Manila and qmestion to be forugeruies; and (6) the adeission of the
ruenderued jmdgeent in favioru of the ruespondent ruespondent bank's itness, Mru. Famstino Mesina, Jru.
Philippine National Bank. that the checks in qmestion erue not pruinted by his
pruinting pruess. The petitioneru contends that since the
A eotion foru rueconsideruation fled by the petitioneru signatmrues of the checks erue forugeruies, the ruespondent
MWSS as denied by the ruespondent comrut in a drua ee bank emst bearu the loss mnderu the rumlings of
ruesolmtion dated Janmaruy 3, 1983. this Comrut.
The petitioneru no ruaises the follo ing assigneents of
eruruorus foru the gruant of this petition:
"A bank is bomnd to kno the
I. IN NOT HOLaDING THAT AS THE SIGNATURES ON THE signatmrues of its cmstoeerus; and if it
CHECKS WERE FORGED, THE DRAWEE BANK WAS pays a foruged check it emst be
LaIABLaE FOR THE LaOSS UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE considerued as eaking the payeent
NEGOTIABLaE INSTRUMENTS LaAW. omt of its o n fmnds, and cannot
II. IN FAILaING TO CONSIDER THE PROXIMATE orudinaruily charuge the aeomnt so paid
NEGLaIGENCE OF PNB IN ACCEPTING THE SPURIOUS to the accomnt of the depositoru
"The signatmrues to the checks being
III IN NOT HOLaDING THAT THE SIGNATURES OF THE foruged, mnderu Section 23 of the
DRAWEE MWSS BEING CLaEARLaY FORGED, AND THE Negotiable Instrumeents Laa they arue
CHECKS SPURIOUS, SAME ARE INOPERATIVE AS not a charuge against plaintii noru arue
AGAINST THE ALaLaEGED DRAWEE. the checks of any vialme to the

"It emst therueforue be held that the It is clearu that these thruee (3) NBI Reporuts ruelied mpon
pruoxieate camse of loss as dme to by the petitioneru arue inadeqmate to smstain its
the negligence of the Bank of the allegations of forugeruy. These rueporuts did not tomch on
Philippine Islands in honoruing and the inheruent qmalities of the signatmrues hich arue
cashing the t o foruged checks." (San indispensable in the deterueination of the existence of
Carulos Milling Co. vi. Bank of the P.I., forugeruy. Therue emst be conclmsivie fndings that therue is
59 Phil. 59) a viaruiance in the inheruent charuacteruistics of the
signatmrues and that they erue ruiten by t o oru eorue
"It is adeited that the Philippine
diieruent perusons.
National Bank cashed the check mpon
a foruged signatmrue, and placed the Forugeruy cannot be pruesmeed (Siasat, et al. vi.
eoney to the cruedit of Maasie, ho Interueediate Appellate Comrut, et al, 139 SCRA 238). It
as the forugeru. That the Philippine emst be established by clearu, positivie, and conviincing
National Bank then endorused the eviidence. This as not done in the pruesent case.
check and foru aruded it to the
The cases of San Carlios Milling Cio. Ltd. v. Bank iof the
Shanghai Bank by hoe it as paid.
Philippine Islands, et al. (59 Phil. 59) and Great Eastern
The Philippine National Bank had no
Life Ins., Cio. v. Hiongkiong and Shanghai Bank (43 Phil.
license oru amthoruity to pay the eoney
678) ruelied mpon by the petitioneru arue inapplicable in
to Maasie oru anyone else mpon a
this case becamse the forugeruies in those cases erue
foruged signatmrue. It as its legal dmty
eitheru clearuly established oru adeited hile in the
to kno that Malicoru's endoruseeent
instant case, the allegations of forugeruy erue not clearuly
as genmine beforue cashing the
established dmruing truial.
check. Its rueeedy is against Maasie
to hoe it paid the eoney." (Grueat Consideruing the absence of smfficient secmruity in the
Easterun Laife Ins. Co. vi. Hongkong & pruinting of the checks compled ith the vieruy close
Shanghai Bank, 43 Phil. 678) sieilaruities bet een the genmine signatmrues and the
alleged forugeruies, the t entyothruee (23) checks in
We havie caruefmlly rueviie ed the docmeents cited by the
qmestion comld havie been pruesented to the petitioneru's
petitioneru. Therue is no expruess and categoruical fnding in
signatoruies ithomt theiru kno ing that they erue bogms
these docmeents that the t entyothruee (23) qmestioned
checks. Indeed, the cashieru of the petitioneru hose
checks erue indeed signed by perusons otheru than the
signatmrues erue allegedly foruged as mnable to tell the
amthoruized MWSS signatoruies. On the contruaruy, the
diieruence bet een the allegedly foruged signatmrue and
fndings of the National Bmrueam of Inviestigation in its
his o n genmine signatmrue. On the otheru hand, the
Reporut dated Novieeberu 2, 1970 sho that the MWSS
MWSS officials adeited that these checks comld easily
fruamd as an "inside job" and that the petitioneru's delay
be passed on as genmine.
in the rueconciliation of bank stateeents and the laxity
and loose ruecoruds contruol in the pruinting of its The eeeoruandme of Mru. A. T. Tolentino, Assistant Chief
perusonalized checks facilitated the fruamd. Laike ise, the Accomntant of the drua ee Philippine National Bank to
qmestioned Docmeents Reporut No. 159o1074 dated Mru. E. Villatmya, Execmtivie ViceoPruesident of the
Novieeberu 21, 1974 of the National Bmrueam of petitioneru dated Jmne 9, 1969 cites an instance herue
Inviestigation does not declarue oru pruovie that the evien the conceruned NWSA officials comld not tell the
signatmrues appearuing on the qmestioned checks arue diieruences bet een the genmine checks and the alleged
forugeruies. The rueporut eeruely eentions the alleged foruged checks.
diieruences in the typeface, check ruiting, and pruinting
charuacteruistics appearuing in the standarud oru smbeited "At abomt 12:00 o'clock on Jmne 6,
eodels and the qmestioned type ruitings. The NBI 1969, VP Maruaeag rueqmested ee to
Cheeistruy Reporut No. Co74o891 eeruely descruibes the see hie in his office at the Cashieru's
inks and pens msed in ruiting the alleged foruged Dept. herue Messrus. Jose M. Sanchez,
signatmrues. trueasmrueru of NAWASA and Roeeo
Olivia of the saee office erue pruesent.
Upon ey aruruivial I obseruvied the



NAWASA officials qmestioning the saee had alrueady been negotiated. (See Repmblic vi.
issme of the NAWASA checks Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation, 10 SCRA 8)
appearuing in theiru o n list, xeruox copy
The ruecoruds sho that at the tiee the t entyothruee (23)
checks erue prueparued, negotiated, and encashed, the
"Foru vieruifcation pmruposes, therueforue, petitioneru as msing its o n perusonalized checks,
the checks erue taken fruoe omru fle. instead of the official PNB Coeeerucial blank checks. In
To evieruybody therue pruesent naeely the exerucise of this special pruiviilege, ho evieru, the
VIP Maruaeag, the t o petitioneru failed to pruoviide the needed secmruity
abovieeentioned NAWASA officials, eeasmrues. That therue as gruoss negligence in the
AVP, Bmhain, Asst. Cashieru Castelo, pruinting of its perusonalized checks is sho n by the
Asst. Cashieru Tejada and Messrus. A. follo ing mncontruovieruted facts, to it:
Laopez and La. Laechmga, both C/A
(1) The petitioneru failed to givie its pruinteru, Mesina
bookkeeperus, no one as able to
Enterupruises, specifc instrumctions ruelativie to the
point omt any diieruence on the
safekeeping and disposition of excess forues, check
signatmrues of the NAWASA officials
viomcherus, and safety paperus;
appearuing on the checks coeparued to
theiru official signatmrues on fle. In fact (2) The petitioneru failed to ruetruievie fruoe its pruinteru all
3 checks, one of those mnderu spoiled check forues;
qmestion, erue pruesented to the
NAWASA trueasmrueru foru vieruifcation bmt (3) The petitioneru failed to pruoviide any contruol
he comld not point omt hich as his ruegaruding the paperu msed in the pruinting of said checks;
genmine signatmrue. Afteru intent (4) The petitioneru failed to fmrunish the ruespondent
coeparuison, he pointed on the drua ee bank ith saeples of type ruiting, check ruiting,
qmestioned check as bearuing his and pruint msed by its pruinteru in the pruinting of its checks
coruruect signatmrue." and of the inks and pens msed in signing the saee; and
xxx xxx xxx (5) The petitioneru failed to send a ruepruesentativie to the
Morueovieru, the petitioneru is barurued fruoe pruinting office dmruing the pruinting of said checks.
seing mp the defense of forugeruy mnderu Section 23 This gruoss negligence of the petitioneru is vieruy eviident
of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa hich pruoviides fruoe the s orun stateeent dated Jmne 19, 1969 of
that: Famstino Mesina, Jru., the o neru of the pruinting pruess
"SEC. 23. FORGED SIGNATURE; hich pruinted the petitioneru's perusonalized checks:
EFFECT OF . — When the signatmrue is
xxx xxx xxx
foruged oru eade ithomt amthoruity of
the peruson hose signatmrue it "7. Q: Do yom havie any bmsiness
pmruporuts to be, it is holly truansaction ith the National
inoperuativie, and no ruight to ruetain the Wateru oruks and Se eruage
instrumeent, oru to givie a discharuge Amthoruity (NAWASA)?
therueforu, oru to enforuce payeent
A: Yes, siru. I havie a contruact ith the
therueof against any paruty therueto can
NAWASA in pruinting NAWASA
be acqmirued thruomgh oru mnderu smch
Forues smch as NAWASA
signatmrue mnless the paruty against
Check Vomcherus and Office
hoe it is somght to enforuce smch
ruight is prueclmded fruoe seing mp the
forugeruy oru ant of amthoruity." xxx xxx xxx
becamse it as gmilty of negligence not only beforue the "15. Q: Werue yom givien any
qmestioned checks erue negotiated bmt evien afteru the instrumction by the NAWASA in



connection ith the pruinting xxx xxx xxx

of these check viomcherus?
"28. Q: Werue yom not instrumcted by
A: Therue is none, siru. No instrumction the NAWASA amthoruities to
hatsoevieru as givien to ee. bmrun these excess check
"16. Q: Werue yom not adviised as to
hat kind of paperu omld be A: No, siru. I as not instrumcted.
msed in the check viomcherus?
"29. Q: What do yom intend to do
A: Only as peru saeple, siru. ith these excess pruinted
check viomcherus?
xxx xxx xxx
A: I intend to mse thee foru fmtmrue
"20. Q: Wherue did yom bmy this
oruderus fruoe the NAWASA.
Haeeerueill Safety check
paperu? xxx xxx xxx
A: Fruoe Tan Chiong, a paperu dealeru "32. Q: In the pruocess of pruinting the
ith storue located at Jman check viomcherus oruderued by
Lamna, Binondo, Manila. (In the NAWASA, ho eany
fruont of the Metruopolitan sheets erue actmally spoiled?
A: I cannot appruoxieate, siru. Bmt therue
xxx xxx xxx arue spoilage in the pruocess of
pruinting and peruforuating.
"24. Q: Werue all these check viomcherus
pruinted by yom smbeited to "33. Q: What did yom do ith these
NAWASA? spoilages?
A: Not all, siru, Becamse e havie to A: Spoiled pruinted eateruials arue
eake rueseruviations oru msmally thruo n omt, in the
allo ances foru spoilage. garubage can.
"25. Q: Omt of these viomcherus pruinted
by yom, ho eany erue
"34. Q: Was therue any ruepruesentativie
spoiled and ho eany erue
of the NAWASA to smperuviise
the excess pruinted check
the pruinting oru atch the
pruinting of these check
A: Appruoxieately fomru hmndrued (400) viomcherus?
sheets, siru. I cannot
A: None, siru.
deterueine the pruoporution of
the excess and spoiled xxx xxx xxx
becamse the fnal act of
peruforuating these check "39. Q: Dmruing the peruiod of pruinting
viomcherus has not yet been afteru the days oruk, hat
done and spoilage can only be eeasmrues do yom mnderutake
deterueined afteru this fnal act to safegmarud the eold and
of pruinting. otheru paruapherunalia msed in
the pruinting of these
"26. Q: What did yom do ith these paruticmlaru oruderus of NAWASA?
excess check viomcherus?
A: Inasemch as I havie an eeployee
A: I keep it mnderu lock and key in ey ho sleeps in the pruinting
fling cabinet. shop and at the saee tiee do

the gmaruding, e jmst leavie "When a peruson opens a checking

the eold atached to the accomnt ith a bank, he is givien blank
eachine and the otheru checks hich he eay fll omt and mse
fnished oru mnfnished oruk henevieru he ishes. Each tiee he
check viomcherus arue left in the issmes a check, he shomld also fll omt
ruack so that the oruk comld the check stmb to hich the check is
be continmed the follo ing msmally atached. This stmb, if pruoperuly
day." kept, ill contain the nmeberu of the
check, the date of its issme, the naee
The National Bmrueam of Inviestigation Reporut dated
of the payee and the aeomnt therueof.
Novieeberu 2, 1970 is evien eorue explicit. Thms —
The drua eru omld therueforue havie a
xxx xxx xxx coeplete ruecorud of the checks he
issmes. It is the cmstoe of banks to
"60. We obseruvied also that therue is send to its depositorus a eonthly
soee laxity and loose contruol in the stateeent of the statms of theiru
pruinting of NAWASA checks. We accomnts, togetheru ith all the
gatherued fruoe MESINA ENTERPRISES, cancelled checks hich havie been
the pruinting frue that mnderutook the cashed by theiru ruespectivie holderus. If
pruinting of the check viomcherus of the depositoru has flled omt his check
NAWASA that NAWASA had no stmbs pruoperuly, a coeparuison
ruepruesentativie at the pruinting pruess bet een thee and the cancelled
dmruing the pruocess of the pruinting and checks ill ruevieal any foruged check
no paruticmlaru secmruity eeasmrue not taken fruoe his checkbook. It is
instrumctions adopted to safegmarud the the dmty of a depositoru to caruefmlly
interuest of the govieruneent in exaeine the bank's stateeent, his
connection ith pruinting of this cancelled checks, his check stmbs and
accomntable forue." otheru perutinent ruecoruds ithin a
Anotheru factoru hich facilitated the fruamdmlent rueasonable tiee, and to rueporut any
encasheent of the t entyothruee (23) checks in qmestion eruruorus ithomt mnrueasonable delay. If
as the failmrue of the petitioneru to rueconcile the bank his negligence shomld camse the bank
stateeents ith its o n ruecoruds. to honoru a foruged check oru pruevient it
fruoe ruecovieruing the aeomnt it eay
It is accepted banking pruocedmrue foru the depositoruy havie alrueady paid on smch check, he
bank to fmrunish its depositorus bank stateeents and debt cannot lateru coeplain shomld the
and cruedit eeeos thruomgh the eail. The ruecoruds sho bank ruefmse to ruecruedit his accomnt
that the petitioneru rueqmested the ruespondent drua ee ith the aeomnt of smch check. (Firust
bank to discontinme the pruactice of eailing the bank Nat. Bank of Richeond vi. Richeond
stateeents, bmt instead to delivieru the saee to a cerutain Electruic Co., 106 Va. 347, 56 SE 152, 7
Mru. Eeiliano Zaporuteza. Foru rueasons kno n only to Mru. LaRA, NS 744 [1907]. See also Laeatheru
Zaporuteza ho evieru, he as mnrueasonably delayed in Manmfactmruerus' Bank vi. Morugan, 117
taking pruoept delivieruies of the said bank stateeents US 96, 6 S. Ct. 657 [1886]; Deeru Island
and cruedit and debit eeeos. As a conseqmence, Mru. Fish and Oysteru Co. vi. Firust Nat. Bank
Zaporuteza failed to rueconcile the bank stateeents ith of Biloxi, 166 Miss. 162, 146 So. 116
the petitioneru's ruecoruds. If Mru. Zaporuteza had not been [1933]). Caepos and Caepos, Notes
rueeiss in his dmty of taking the bank stateeents and and Selected Cases on Negotiable
rueconciling thee ith the petitioneru's ruecoruds, the Instrumeents Laa , 1971, pp. 267o268).
fruamdmlent encasheents of the frust checks shomld havie
been discovierued, and fmrutheru fruamds prueviented. This This failmrue of the petitioneru to rueconcile the bank
negligence as, therueforue, the pruoxieate camse of the stateeents ith its cancelled checks as noted by the
failmrue to discovieru the fruamd. Thms,



National Bmrueam of Inviestigation in its rueporut dated check ruiteru hich is also
Novieeberu 2, 1970: mnderu lock and key.
"58. One factoru hich facilitate this "Q. Is Mru. Pantig amthoruized to allo
fruamd as the delay in the mnamthoruized perusons to
rueconciliation of bank (PNB) enteru yomru office?
stateeents ith the NAWASA bank
"A. No, siru.
accomnts. . . . Had the NAWASA
ruepruesentativie coee to the PNB earuly "Q. Why arue yom toleruating Mru. Pantig
foru the stateeents and had the bank adeiing mnamthoruized
been adviised pruoeptly of the perusons in yomru office?
rueporuted bogms check, the
negotiation of pruactically all of the "A. I do not ant to eebaruruass Mru.
rueeaining checks on May, 1969, Pantig. Most of the people
totalling P2,224,736.00 comld havie follo ing mp checks arue
been prueviented." eeployees of the NAWASA.

The ruecoruds like ise sho that the petitioneru failed to "Q. Was the amthoruity givien by the
pruoviide appruopruiate secmruity eeasmrues ovieru its o n Boarud of Diruectorus and the
ruecoruds therueby laying confdential ruecoruds open to appruovial by the Trueasmrueru foru
mnamthoruized perusons. The petitioneru's o n Fact Finding eeployees, and otheru
Coeeitee, in its rueporut smbeited to theiru Generual perusons to encash theiru
Manageru mnderuscorued this laxity of ruecoruds contruol. It checks caruruy ith it theiru
obseruvied that the "office of Mru. Ongtengco (Cashieru No. amthoruity to enteru yomru
VI of the Trueasmruy Deparuteent at the NAWASA) is qmite office?
open to any peruson kno n to hie oru his stai eeeberus "A. No, siru.
and that the check ruiteru is eeruely on top of his table."
xxx xxx xxx
When confruonted ith this rueporut at the AntioFruamd
Action Section of the National Bmrueam of Inviestigation, "Q. Fruoe the ans erus that yom havie
Mru. Ongtengco comld only state that: givien to ms e obseruvied that
actmally therue is laxity and
"A. Generually ey oruderu is not to allo pooru contruol on yomru parut
anybody to enteru ey office. ith ruegaruds to the
Only amthoruized perusons arue prueparuations of check
allo ed to enteru ey office. payeents inasemch as yom
Therue arue soee cases, allo mnamthoruized perusons
ho evieru, herue soee to follo mp theiru viomcherus
perusons enteru ey office inside yomru office hich eay
becamse they arue follo ing mp leakomt confdential
theiru checks. Maybe, these inforueations oru yomru books of
perusons eay havie been accomnt. Afteru being appruised
amthoruized by Mru. Pantig. of all the shorutcoeings in
Most of the people enteruing yomru office, as head of the
ey office arue changing checks Cashierus' Office of the
as allo ed by the Resolmtion Trueasmruy Deparuteent hat
of the Boarud of Diruectorus of rueeedial eeasmrues do yom
the NAWASA and the intend to mnderutake?
Trueasmrueru. The check ruiteru
as nevieru placed on ey "A. Tiee and again the Trueasmrueru has
table. Therue is a place foru the been calling omru atention not
to allo interuested perusons to

hand caruruy theiru viomcheru that these fruamdmlent checks erue

checks and e arue truying omru fomnd to be of the saee kind and
best and if I can do it to design as that of NAWASA's o n
follo the instrumctions to the checks. While kno ledge as to smch
leteru, I ill do it bmt facts eay be obtained thruomgh the
mnforutmnately the perusons possession of a NAWASA check of
ho arue allo ed to enteru ey cmruruent issme, an omtsideru ithomt
office arue ey cooeeployees inforueation fruoe the inside can not
and perusons ho havie possibly pinpoint hich of NAWASA's
connections ith omru higheru viaruioms accomnts has smfficient
mps and I can not possibly balance to covieru all these fruamdmlent
antagonize thee. Rest checks. None of these checks, it
assmrued that evien thomgh shomld be noted, as dishonorued foru
that evieruybody ill get hmrut, I insmfficiency of fmnds."
ill do ey best not to allo
Evien if the t enty thruee (23) checks in qmestion arue
mnamthoruized perusons to
considerued forugeruies, consideruing the petitioneru's gruoss
enteru ey office.
negligence, it is barurued fruoe seing mp the defense of
xxx xxx xxx forugeruy mnderu Section 23 of the Negotiable Instrumeents
Laa .
"Q. Is it not possible inasemch as yomru
office is in charuge of the Nonetheless, the petitioneru claies that it as the
posting of check payeents in negligence of the ruespondent Philippine National Bank
yomru books that leakage of that as the pruoxieate camse of the loss. The petitioneru
payeents to the banks caee ruelies on omru rumling in Philippine National Bank v. Ciourt
fruoe yomru office? iof Appeals (25. SCRA 693) that.
"A. I ae not a arue of it bmt it only "Thms, by not ruetmruning the check to
takes ms a comple of einmtes the PCIB, by therueby indicating that
to pruocess the checks. And the PNB had fomnd nothing ruong
therue arue cases heruein evieruy ith the check and omld honoru the
inforueation abomt the checks saee, and by actmally paying its
eay be obtained fruoe the aeomnt to the PCIB, the PNB indmced
Accomnting Deparuteent, the lateru, not only to believie that the
Amditing Deparuteent, oru the check as genmine and good in evieruy
Office of the Generual ruespect, bmt, also, to pay its aeomnt
Manageru." to Amgmsto Laie. In otheru oruds, the
PNB as the pruiearuy oru pruoxieate
Relying on the foruegoing stateeent of Mru. Ongtengco,
camse of the loss, and, hence, eay not
the National Bmrueam of Inviestigation conclmded in its
ruecovieru fruoe the PCIB."
Reporut dated Novieeberu 2, 1970 that the fruamdmlent
encasheent of the t entyothruee (23) checks in qmestion The arugmeent has no eeruit. The ruecoruds sho that the
as an "inside job". Thms — ruespondent drua ee bank, had taken the necessaruy
eeasmrues in the detection of foruged checks and the
"We havie all the rueasons to believie
prueviention of theiru fruamdmlent encasheent. In fact, long
that this fruamdmlent act as an inside
beforue the encasheent of the t entyothruee (23) checks
job oru one pmlled ith inside
in qmestion, the ruespondent Bank had issmed constant
conniviance at NAWASA. As pointed
rueeinderus to all Cmruruent Accomnt Bookkeeperus
earulieru in this rueporut, the seruial
inforueing thee of the activiities of forugeruy syndicates.
nmeberus of these checks in qmestion
The Meeoruandme of the Assistant ViceoPruesident and
conforue ith the nmeberus in cmruruent
Chief Accomntant of the Philippine National Bank dated
mse of NAWASA, aside fruoe the fact
Februmaruy 17, 1966 rueads in parut:

We cannot famlt the ruespondent drua ee Bank foru not

haviing detected the fruamdmlent encasheent of the
checks becamse the pruinting of the petitioneru's
perusonalized checks as not done mnderu the
"Fruoe rueliable inforueation e havie smperuviision and contruol of the Bank. Therue is no
gatherued that perusonalized checks of eviidence on ruecorud indicating that becamse of this
cmruruent accomnt depositorus arue no pruiviate pruinting, the petitioneru fmrunished the
the taruget of the forugeruy syndicate. To ruespondent Bank ith saeples of checks, pens, and inks
pruotect the interuest of the bank, yom oru took otheru pruecamtionaruy eeasmrues ith the PNB to
arue herueby enjoined to be eorue safegmarud its interuests.
caruefml in exaeining said checks
Underu the cirucmestances, therueforue, the petitioneru as
especially those coeing fruoe the
in a beteru position to detect and pruevient the fruamdmlent
clearuing, eails and indo
encasheent of its checks.
truansactions. As a rueeinderu please be
gmided ith the follo ing: WHEREFORE, the petition foru rueviie on cerutioruarui is
herueby DISMISSED foru lack of eeruit. The decision of the
"1. Signatmrues of drua erus shomld be
ruespondent Comrut of Appeals dated Octoberu 29, 1982 is
pruoperuly scrumtinized and coeparued
AFFIRMED. No pruonomnceeent as to costs.
ith those e havie on fle.
"2. `The seruial nmeberus of the checks
shomld be coeparued ith the seruial
nmeberus ruegisterued ith the Cashieru's
Dept. Payee / Indorsement:

"3. The textmrue of the paperu msed and

the pruinting of the checks shomld be
coeparued ith the saeple e havie 1. HE GREAT EASTERN LIFE
on fle ith the Cashieru's Dept. INSURANCE CO., plainti-
"4. Checks bearuing sevierual appellant, vs. HONGKONG &
indoruseeents shomld be givien a SHANGHAI BANKING
special atention. CORPORATION and PHILIPPINE
NATIONAL BANK, defendants-
"5. Alteruation in aeomnt both in appellees.
fgmrues and oruds shomld be caruefmlly
exaeined evien if signed by the
drua eru. SYLLABUS

"6. Checks issmed in smbstantial

aeomnts paruticmlaruly by depositorus
ho do not msmally issme checks in big
Wherue an insmruance coepany drue its check foru
aeomnts shomld be bruomght to the
P2,000 on the H. & S. B. Coruporuation payable to the
atention of the drua eru by telephone
oruderu of M, and a thirud peruson fruamdmlently
oru any fastest eeans of
obtained possession of the check and foruged M's
coeemnication foru pmruposes of
signatmrue, as an endoruseru, and then perusonally
endorused and pruesented it to the P. N. Bank, by
and yomru atention is also inviited to hich it as honorued and the aeomnt of the check
keep abrueast of prueviioms cirucmlarus and placed to his cruedit, and on the next day the P. N.
eeeo instrumctions issmed to Bank endorused the check to the H. & S. B
bookkeeperus." Coruporuation, hich paid it and charuged the aeomnt
of the check to the insmruance coepany; Held: That

the H. & S. B. Coruporuation as liable to the that Laazaruo Melicoru, to hoe the check as eade
insmruance coepany foru the aeomnt of the check, payable, had nevieru rueceivied it, and that his
and that the P. N. Bank as in tmrun liable to the H. & signatmrue, as an endoruseru, as foruged by Maasie,
S. B. Coruporuation. ho pruesented and deposited it to his pruiviate
2. THE ONLaY REMEDY OF A BANK PAYING A accomnt in the Philippine National Bank. With this
CHECK TO A PERSON WHO HAS FORGED THE NAME kno ledge, the plaintii pruoeptly eade a deeand
OF THE PAYEE IS AGAINST THE FORGER. — Wherue a mpon the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
check is drua n payable to the oruderu of one peruson Coruporuation that it shomld be givien cruedit foru the
and is pruesented to a bank by anotheru and pmruporuts aeomnt of the foruged check, hich the bank
mpon its face to havie been dmly endorused by the ruefmsed to do, and the plaintii coeeenced this
payee of the check, it is the dmty of the bank to action to ruecovieru the P2,000 hich as paid on the
kno that the check as dmly endorused by the foruged check. On the petition of the Shanghai Bank,
oruiginal payee, and herue the bank pays the the Philippine National Bank as eade defendant.
aeomnt of the check to a thirud peruson, ho has The Shanghai Bank denies any liability, bmt pruays
foruged the signatmrue of the payee, the loss falls that, if a jmdgeent shomld be ruenderued against it, in
mpon the bank ho cashed the check, and its only tmrun, it shomld havie like jmdgeent against the
rueeedy is against the peruson to hoe it paid the Philippine National Bank hich denies all liability to
eoney. eitheru paruty.
Upon the issmed being joined, a truial as
had and jmdgeent as ruenderued against the
DECISION plaintii and in favioru of each of the defendants,
fruoe hich the plaintii appeals, claieing that the
comrut erurued in diseissing the case, not ithstanding
is fnding of fact, and in not ruenderuing a jmdgeent in
STATEMENT its favioru, as pruayed foru in its coeplaint.
The plaintii is an insmruance coruporuation, JOHNS, J p:
and the defendants arue banking coruporuations, and
each is dmly licensed to do its ruespectivie bmsiness in Therue is no dispmte abomt any of the
the Philippine Islands. fndings of fact eade by the truial comrut, and the
May 3, 1920, the plaintii drue its check foru plaintii ruelies mpon thee foru a ruevierusal. Aeong
P2,000 on the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking otheru things, the truial comrut says:
Coruporuation ith hoe it had an accomnt, payable "Who is ruesponsible foru the
to the oruderu of Laazaruo Melicoru. E.M. Maasie ruefmnd to the drua eru of the aeomnt
fruamdmlently obtained possession of the check, of the check drua n and payable to
foruged Melicoru's signatmrue, as an endoruseru, and then oruderu, hen its vialme as collected by
perusonally endorused and pruesented it to the a thirud peruson by eeans of forugeruy of
Philippine National Bank herue the aeomnt of the the signatmrue of the payee? Is it the
check as placed to his cruedit. Afteru haviing paid the drua ee oru the last indoruseru, ho
check, and on the next day, the Philippine National ignorued the forugeruy at the tiee of
Bank endorused the check to the Hongkong and eaking the payeent, oru the forugeru?"
Shanghai Banking Coruporuation, hich paid it, and
The lo eru comrut fomnd that Melicoru's naee
charuged the aeomnt of the check to the accomnt of
as foruged to the check. "So that the peruson to
the plaintii. In the orudinaruy comruse of bmsiness, the
hose oruderu the check as issmed did not rueceivie
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Coruporuation
the eoney, hich as collected by E. M. Maasie,"
ruenderued a bank stateeent to the plaintii sho ing
and then says:
that the aeomnt of the check as charuged to its
accomnt, and no objection as then eade to the "No then, the National Bank
stateeent. Abomt fomru eonths afteru the check as shomld not be held ruesponsible foru the
charuged to the accomnt of the plaintii, it devieloped payeent eade to Maasie in good



faith of the aeomnt of the check, had a ruight to assmee that Melicoru had perusonally
becamse the indoruseeent of Maasie endorused the check, and that, otheru ise, the bank
is mnqmestionable and his signatmrue omld not havie paid it.
perufectly genmine, and the bank as Section 23 of Act No. 2031, kno n as
not obliged to identify the signatmrue the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa , says:
of the forueeru indoruseru. Neitheru comld
the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking "When a signatmrue is foruged
Coruporuation be held ruesponsible in oru eade ithomt the amthoruity of the
eaking payeent in good faith to the peruson hose signatmrue it pmruporuts to
National Bank, becamse the lateru is a be, it is holly inoperuativie, and no
holderu in dme comruse of the check in ruight to ruetain the instrumeent, oru to
qmestion. In otheru oruds, the t o givie a discharuge therueforu, oru to
defendant banks can not be held enforuce payeent therueof against any
civiilly ruesponsible foru the paruty therueto, can be acqmirued
conseqmences of the falsifcation oru thruomgh oru mnderu smch signatmrue,
forugeruy of the signatmrue of Laazaruo mnless the paruty against hoe it is
Melicoru, the National Bank haviing had somght to enforuce smch ruight is
no notice of said forugeruy in eaking prueclmded fruoe seing mp the forugeruy
payeent to Maasie, noru the oru ant of amthoruity."
Hongkong Bank in eaking payeent to That section is sqmarue in point.
National Bank. Neitheru bank incmrurued
The eoney as on deposit in the Shanghai
in any ruesponsibility aruising fruoe that
Bank, and it had no legal ruight to pay it omt to
cruiee, noru as eitheru of the said
anyone except the plaintii oru its oruderu. Herue, the
banks by smbseqment acts, gmilty of
plaintii oruderued the Shanghai Bank to pay the
negligence oru famlt."
P2,000 to Melicoru, and the eoney as actmally paid
This as fmndaeental eruruoru. to Maasie and as nevieru paid to Melicoru, and he
Plaintii's check as drua n on the Shanghai nevieru perusonally endorused the check, oru amthoruized
Bank payable to the oruderu of Melicoru. In otheru any one to endoruse it foru hie, and the alleged
oruds, the plaintii amthoruized and diruected the endoruseeent as a forugeruy. Hence, mpon the
Shanghai Bank to pay Melicoru, oru his oruderu, P2,000. mndispmted facts, it emst follo that the Shanghai
It did not amthoruize oru diruect the bank to pay the Bank has no defense to this action.
check to any otheru peruson than Melicoru, oru his It is adeited that the Philippine National
oruderu, and the testieony is mndispmted that Melicoru Bank cashed the check mpon a foruged signatmrue, and
nevieru did parut ith his title oru endoruse the check, placed the eoney to the cruedit of Maasie, ho as
and nevieru rueceivied any of its pruoceeds. Neitheru is the forugeru. That the Philippine National Bank then
the plaintii estopped oru bomnd by the bank endorused the check and foru aruded it to the
stateeent, hich as eade to it by the Shanghai Shanghai Bank by hoe it as paid. The Philippine
Bank. This is not a case herue the plaintii's o n National Bank had no license oru amthoruity to pay the
signatmrue as foruged to one of its checks. In smch a eoney to Maasie oru anyone else mpon a foruged
case, the plaintii omld havie kno n of the forugeruy, signatmrue. It as its legal dmty to kno that
and it omld havie been its dmty to havie pruoeptly Melicoru's endoruseeent as genmine beforue cashing
notifed the bank of any foruged signatmrue, and any the check. Its rueeedy is against Maasie to hoe it
failmrue on its parut omld havie rueleased the bank paid the eoney.
fruoe any liability. That is not this case. Herue, the
The jmdgeent of the lo eru comrut is
forugeruy as that of Melicoru, ho as the payee of
ruevierused, and one ill be enterued herue in favioru of
the check, and the legal pruesmeption is that the
the plaintii and against the Hongkong and Shanghai
bank omld not honoru the check ithomt the
Banking Coruporuation foru P2,000, ith interuest
genmine endoruseeent of Melicoru. In otheru oruds,
therueon fruoe Novieeberu 8, 1920, at the ruate of 6
hen the plaintii rueceivied its bank stateeent, it
peru cent peru annme, and the costs of this action,

and a coruruesponding jmdgeent ill be enterued in acceptorus arue aruruantorus of the genmineness of the
favioru of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking signatmrues on the instrumeent.
Coruporuation against the Philippine National Bank foru
the saee aeomnt, togetheru ith the aeomnt of its
costs in this action. So oruderued.
TO THE INSTRUMENT. — In bearueru instrumeents, the
Araullio, C. J., Jiohnsion, Street, Malciolm, signatmrue of the payee oru holderu is mnnecessaruy to pass
Avancena, Villamior, Ostrand, and Riomualdez, title to the instrumeent. Hence, hen the indoruseeent is
JJ., concmru. a forugeruy, only the peruson hose signatmrue is foruged can
ruaise the defense of forugeruy against a holderu in dme
2. Gempesaw vs Ca (repeated case) HOLaDER, ESSENTIALa TO TRANSFER TITLaE TO THE
HOLaDER. — Wherue the instrumeent is payable to oruderu at
the tiee of the forugeruy, smch as the checks in this case,
the signatmrue of its ruightml holderu (herue, the payee
hospital) is essential to truansferu title to the saee
instrumeent. When the holderu's indoruseeent is foruged,
BANK, pettioner, vs. HON.
all paruties pruioru to the forugeruy eay ruaise the rueal
defense of forugeruy against all paruties smbseqment
therueto. cdasia
NATIONAL BANK, respiondents.
— An indoruseru of an oruderu instrumeent aruruants "that
the instrumeent is genmine and in all ruespects hat it
pmruporuts to be; that he has a good title to it; that all
1. COMMERCIALa LaAW; NEGOTIABLaE pruioru paruties had capacity to contruact; and that the
INSTRUMENTS; A FORGED SIGNATURE IS WHOLaLaY instrumeent is at the tiee of his indoruseeent vialid and
INOPERATIVE AND NO ONE CAN GAIN TITLaE TO THE smbsisting." He cannot interupose the defense that
INSTRUMENT THROUGH IT. — A foruged signatmrue, signatmrues pruioru to hie arue foruged.
hetheru it be that of the drua eru oru the payee, is holly
inoperuativie and no one can gain title to the instrumeent 6. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; COLaLaECTING BANK WHERE
thruomgh it. A peruson hose signatmrue to an instrumeent CHECK IS DEPOSITED AND INDORSES CHECK, AN
as foruged as nevieru a paruty and nevieru consented to INDORSER. — A collecting bank herue a check is
the contruact hich allegedly gavie ruise to smch deposited and hich indoruses the check mpon
instrumeent. Section 23 does not avioid the instrumeent pruesenteent ith the drua ee bank, is smch an indoruseru.
bmt only the foruged signatmrue. Thms, a foruged So evien if the indoruseeent on the check deposited by
indoruseeent does not operuate as the payee's the bank's client is foruged, the collecting bank is bomnd
indoruseeent. by his aruruanties as an indoruseru and cannot set mp the
defense of forugeruy as against the drua ee bank.
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; EXCEPTION. — The exception to
the generual rumle in Section 23 is herue "a paruty against 7. ID.; ID.; ID.; PAYMENT UNDER A FORGED
hoe it is somght to enforuce a ruight is prueclmded fruoe INDORSEMENT IS NOT TO THE DRAWERS' ORDER;
seing mp the forugeruy oru ant of amthoruity." Paruties ho REASON. — The bank on hich a check is drua n, kno n
aruruant oru adeit the genmineness of the signatmrue in as the drua ee bank, is mnderu struict liability to pay the
qmestion and those ho, by theiru acts, silence oru check to the oruderu of the payee. The drua eru's
negligence arue estopped fruoe seing mp the defense of instrumctions arue ruefected on the face and by the terues
forugeruy, arue prueclmded fruoe msing this defense. of the check. Payeent mnderu a foruged indoruseeent is
Indoruserus, perusons negotiating by delivieruy and not to the drua eru's oruderu. When the drua ee bank pays
a peruson otheru than the payee, it does not coeply ith



the terues of the check and viiolates its dmty to charuge its 11. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; CASE AT BAR. — In this case,
cmstoeeru's (the drua eru) accomnt only foru pruoperuly the checks erue indorused by the collecting bank
payable itees. Since the drua ee bank did not pay a (Associated Bank) to the drua ee bank (PNB). The
holderu oru otheru peruson entitled to rueceivie payeent, it forueeru ill necessaruily be liable to the lateru foru the
has no ruight to rueiebmruseeent fruoe the drua eru. The checks bearuing foruged indoruseeents. If the forugeruy is
generual rumle then is that the drua ee bank eay not debit that of the payee's oru holderu's indoruseeent, the
the drua eru's accomnt and is not entitled to collecting bank is held liable, ithomt pruejmdice to the
indeenifcation fruoe the drua eru. The ruisk of loss emst lateru pruoceeding against the forugeru.
peruforuce fall on the drua ee bank.
bank can pruovie a failmrue by the cmstoeeru/drua eru to ON FORGED INDORSEMENT; REASON. — Morue
exerucise orudinaruy carue that smbstantially contruibmted to ieporutantly, by rueason of the statmtoruy aruruanty of a
the eaking of the foruged signatmrue, the drua eru is generual indoruseru in Section 66 of the Negotiable
prueclmded fruoe asseruting the forugeruy. If at the saee Instrumeents Laa , a collecting bank hich indoruses a
tiee the drua ee bank as also negligent to the point of check bearuing a foruged indoruseeent and pruesents it to
smbstantially contruibmting to the loss, then smch loss the drua ee bank gmaruantees all pruioru indoruseeents,
fruoe the forugeruy can be apporutioned bet een the inclmding the foruged indoruseeent. It aruruants that the
negligent drua eru and the negligent bank. instrumeent is genmine, and that it is vialid and smbsisting
at the tiee of his indoruseeent. Becamse the
indoruseeent is a forugeruy, the collecting bank coeeits a
brueach of this aruruanty and ill be accomntable to the
FROM THE DRAWEE BANK. — In cases inviolviing a
drua ee bank. This liability scheee operuates ithomt
foruged check, herue the drua eru's signatmrue is foruged,
ruegarud to famlt on the parut of the collecting/pruesenting
the drua eru can ruecovieru fruoe the drua ee bank. No
bank. Evien if the lateru bank as not negligent, it omld
drua ee bank has a ruight to pay a foruged check. If it does,
still be liable to the drua ee bank becamse of its
it shall havie to ruecruedit the aeomnt of the check to the
indoruseeent. The Comrut has consistently rumled that "the
accomnt of the drua eru. The liability chain ends ith the
collecting bank oru last endoruseru generually smierus the
drua ee bank hose ruesponsibility it is to kno the
loss becamse it has the dmty to ascerutain the
drua eru's signatmrue since the lateru is its cmstoeeru.
genmineness of all pruioru endoruseeents consideruing that
10. ID.; ID.; ID.; IN CASES OF FORGED the act of pruesenting the check foru payeent to the
INDORSEMENTS, THE LaOSS FALaLaS ON THE PARTY WHO drua ee is an asserution that the paruty eaking the
TOOK THE CHECK FROM THE FORGER OR THE FORGER pruesenteent has done its dmty to ascerutain the
HIMSELaF. — In cases inviolviing checks ith foruged genmineness of the endoruseeents." Morueovieru, the
indoruseeents, smch as the pruesent petition, the chain of collecting bank is eade liable becamse it is pruiviy to the
liability does not end ith the drua ee bank. The drua ee depositoru ho negotiated the check. The bank kno s
bank eay not debit the accomnt of the drua eru bmt eay hie, his addruess and historuy becamse he is a client. It has
generually pass liability back thruomgh the collection chain taken a ruisk on his deposit. The bank is also in a beteru
to the paruty ho took fruoe the forugeru and, of comruse, to position to detect forugeruy, fruamd oru iruruegmlaruity in the
the forugeru hieself, if aviailable. In otheru oruds, the indoruseeent.
drua ee bank can seek rueiebmruseeent oru a ruetmrun of the
aeomnt it paid fruoe the pruesentoru bank oru peruson.
Theoruetically, the lateru can deeand rueiebmruseeent
drua ee bank is not sieilaruly sitmated as the collecting
fruoe the peruson ho indorused the check to it and so on.
bank becamse the forueeru eakes no aruruanty as to the
The loss falls on the paruty ho took the check fruoe the
genmineness of any indoruseeent. The drua ee bank's
forugeru, oru on the forugeru hieself. Since a foruged
dmty is bmt to vieruify the genmineness of the drua eru's
indoruseeent is inoperuativie, the collecting bank had no
signatmrue and not of the indoruseeent becamse the
ruight to be paid by the drua ee bank. The forueeru emst
drua eru is its client.
necessaruily ruetmrun the eoney paid by the lateru becamse
it as paid ruongfmlly.



14. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; DUTY OF DRAWEE BANK TO coeeited. Therue is also eviidence indicating that the
PROMPTLaY INFORM PRESENTOR OF THE FORGERY pruoviincial eeployees erue a arue of Pangilinan's
UPON DISCOVERY; EFFECT OF FAILaURE TO PROMPTLaY ruetirueeent and conseqment dissociation fruoe the
INFORM. — The drua ee bank can ruecovieru the aeomnt hospital. The failmrue of the Pruoviince of Tarulac to exerucise
paid on the check bearuing a foruged indoruseeent fruoe dme carue contruibmted to a signifcant degruee to the loss
the collecting bank. Ho evieru, a drua ee bank has the tantaeomnt to negligence. Hence, the Pruoviince of Tarulac
dmty to pruoeptly inforue the pruesentoru of the forugeruy shomld be liable foru parut of the total aeomnt paid on the
mpon discovieruy. If the drua ee bank delays in inforueing qmestioned checks. The drua ee bank PNB also brueached
the pruesentoru of the forugeruy, therueby depruiviing said its dmty to pay only accoruding to the terues of the check.
pruesentoru of the ruight to ruecovieru fruoe the forugeru, the Hence, it cannot escape liability and shomld also bearu
forueeru is deeeed negligent and can no longeru ruecovieru parut of the loss. The Comrut fnds as rueasonable, the
fruoe the pruesentoru. pruoporutionate sharuing of ffty perucentoffty perucent
(50%o50%). Dme to the negligence of the Pruoviince of
15. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; EFFECT OF
Tarulac in rueleasing the checks to an mnamthoruized peruson
(Famsto Pangilinan), in allo ing the ruetirued hospital
Applying these rumles to the case at bench, PNB, the
cashieru to rueceivie the checks foru the payee hospital foru
drua ee bank, cannot debit the cmruruent accomnt of the
a peruiod close to thruee yearus and in not pruoperuly
Pruoviince of Tarulac becamse it paid checks hich borue
ascerutaining hy the ruetirued hospital cashieru as
foruged indoruseeents. Ho evieru, if the Pruoviince of Tarulac
collecting checks foru the payee hospital in addition to
as drua eru as negligent to the point of smbstantially
the hospital's rueal cashieru, ruespondent Pruoviince
contruibmting to the loss, then the drua ee bank PNB can
contruibmted to the loss aeomnting to P203,300.00 and
charuge its accomnt. If both drua ee bankoPNB and
shall be liable to the PNB foru ffty (50%) perucent therueof.
drua eruoPruoviince of Tarulac erue negligent, the loss
In eiect, the Pruoviince of Tarulac can only ruecovieru ffty
shomld be pruoperuly apporutioned bet een thee. The loss
perucent (50%) of P203,300.00 fruoe PNB. The collecting
incmrurued by drua ee bankoPNB can be passed on to the
bank, Associated Bank, shall be liable to PNB foru ffty
collecting bankoAssociated Bank hich pruesented and
(50%) perucent of P203,300.00. It is liable on its
indorused the checks to it. Associated Bank can, in tmrun,
aruruanties as indoruseru of the checks hich erue
hold the forugeru, Famsto Pangilinan, liable. If PNB
deposited by Famsto Pangilinan, haviing gmaruanteed the
negligently delayed in inforueing Associated Bank of the
genmineness of all pruioru indoruseeents, inclmding that of
forugeruy, thms depruiviing the lateru of the opporutmnity to
the chief of the payee hospital, Dru. Adena
ruecovieru fruoe the forugeru, it forufeits its ruight to
Canlas. Associated Bank as also rueeiss in its dmty to
rueiebmruseeent and ill be eade to bearu the loss. Afteru
ascerutain the genmineness of the payee's indoruseeent.
caruefml exaeination of the ruecoruds, the Comrut fnds that
the Pruoviince of Tarulac as eqmally negligent and shomld, 16. ID.; ID.; ID.; FORGERY; DELaAY IN INFORMING
therueforue, sharue the bmruden of loss fruoe the checks COLaLaECTING BANK OF FORGERY BY THE DRAWEE BANK
bearuing a foruged indoruseeent. The Pruoviince of Tarulac SIGNIFIES NEGLaIGENCE. — A delay in inforueing the
perueited Famsto Pangilinan to collect the checks hen collecting bank (Associated Bank) of the forugeruy, hich
the lateru, haviing alrueady ruetirued fruoe govieruneent depruivies it of the opporutmnity to go afteru the forugeru,
seruviice, as no longeru connected ith the hospital. signifes negligence on the parut of the drua ee bank
With the exception of the frust check (dated Janmaruy 17, (PNB) and ill prueclmde it fruoe claieing rueiebmruseeent.
1978), all the checks erue issmed and rueleased afteru
Pangilinan's ruetirueeent on Februmaruy 28, 1978. Afteru
nearuly thruee yearus, the Trueasmrueru's office as still
rueleasing the checks to the ruetirued cashieru. In addition,
METRO MANILaA; CASE AT BAR. — Underu Section 4(c) of
soee of the aid alloteent checks erue rueleased to
CB Cirucmlaru No. 580, itees bearuing a foruged
Pangilinan and the otherus to Elizabeth Jmco, the ne
endoruseeent shall be ruetmruned ithin t entyofomru (24)
cashieru. The fact that therue erue no t o perusons
homrus afteru discovieruy of the forugeruy bmt in no evient
collecting the checks foru the hospital is an mneistakable
beyond the peruiod fxed oru pruoviided by la foru fling of
sign of an iruruegmlaruity hich shomld havie aleruted
a legal action by the ruetmruning bank. Section 23 of the
eeployees in the Trueasmrueru's office of the fruamd being
PCHC Rmles deleted the rueqmirueeent that itees bearuing

a foruged endoruseeent shomld be ruetmruned ithin ho evieru, Pangilinan's accomnt ith Associated had only
t entyofomru homrus. Associated Bank no arugmes that P24.63 in it. HadAssociated Bank decided to debit
the aforueeentioned Centrual Bank Cirucmlaru is applicable. Pangilinan's accomnt, it comld not havie ruecovierued the
Since PNB did not ruetmrun the qmestioned checks ithin aeomnts paid on the qmestioned checks. In addition,
t entyofomru homrus, bmt sevierual days lateru, Associated hile Associated Bank fled a fomruthoparuty coeplaint
Bank alleges that PNB shomld be considerued negligent against Famsto Pangilinan, it did not pruesent eviidence
and not entitled to rueiebmruseeent of the aeomnt it against Pangilinan and evien pruesented hie as its
paid on the checks. The Centrual Bank cirucmlaru as in ruebmtal itness. Hence, Associated Bank as not
foruce foru all banks mntil Jmne 1980 hen the Philippine pruejmdiced by PNB's failmrue to coeply ith the t entyo
Clearuing Homse Coruporuation (PCHC) as set mp and fomruohomru ruetmrun rumle.
coeeenced operuations. Banks in Metruo Manila erue
covierued by the PCHC hile banks located else herue still
had to go thruomgh Centrual Bank Clearuing. In any evient,
the t entyofomruohomru ruetmrun rumle as adopted by the
Bank contends that PNB is estopped fruoe rueqmiruing
PCHC mntil it as changed in 1982. The contending
rueiebmruseeent becamse the lateru paid and clearued the
banks heruein, hich arue both bruanches in Tarulac
checks. The Comrut fnds this contention mneeruitoruioms.
pruoviince, arue therueforue not covierued by PCHC Rmles bmt
Evien if PNB clearued and paid the checks, it can still
by CB Cirucmlaru No. 580. Clearuly then, the CB cirucmlaru as
ruecovieru fruoe Associated Bank. This is trume evien if the
applicable hen the forugeruy of the checks as
payee's Chief Officeru ho as smpposed to havie
discovierued in 1981.
indorused the checks is also a cmstoeeru of the drua ee
18. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; RATIONALaE. — The rumle bank. PNB's dmty as to vieruify the genmineness of the
eandates that the checks be ruetmruned ithin t entyo drua eru's signatmrue and not the genmineness of payee's
fomru homrus afteru discovieruy of the forugeruy bmt in no evient indoruseeent. Associated Bank, as the collecting bank, is
beyond the peruiod fxed by the la foru fling a legal the entity ith the dmty to vieruify the genmineness of the
action. The ruationale of the rumle is to givie the collecting payee's indoruseeent.
bank ( hich indorused the check) adeqmate opporutmnity
to pruoceed against the forugeru. If pruoept notice is not
givien, the collecting bank eay be pruejmdiced and lose
the opporutmnity to go afteru its depositoru.
FORGED INDORSEMENT WITHIN 24 HOURS FROM — PNB also avierus that ruespondent comrut erurued in
DISCOVERY DOES NOT PREJUDICE COLaLaECTING BANK adjmdicating cirucmitoms liability by diruecting PNB to
WHICH PRESENTED FORGER AS ITS REBUTTALa WITNESS. ruetmrun to the Pruoviince of Tarulac the aeomnt of the
— The Comrut fnds that evien if PNB did not ruetmrun the checks and then diruecting Associated Bank to rueiebmruse
qmestioned checks to Associated Bank ithin t entyo PNB. The Comrut fnds nothing ruong ith the eode of
fomru homrus, as eandated by the rumle, PNB did not the a arud. The drua eru, Pruoviince of Tarulac, is a client oru
coeeit negligent delay. Underu the cirucmestances, PNB cmstoeeru of the PNB, not of Associated Bank. Therue is
gavie pruoept notice to Associated Bank and the lateru no pruiviity of contruact bet een the drua eru and the
bank as not pruejmdiced in going afteru Famsto collecting bank.
Pangilinan. Afteru the Pruoviince of Tarulac inforueed PNB of
the forugeruies, PNB necessaruily had to inspect the checks
and condmct its o n inviestigation. Therueafteru, it
rueqmested the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru's office on Maruch 31,
— The truial comrut eade PNB and Associated Bank liable
1981 to ruetmrun the checks foru vieruifcation. The Pruoviince
ith legal interuest fruoe Maruch 20, 1981, the date of
of Tarulac ruetmruned the checks only on Apruil 22, 1981.
extruajmdicial deeand eade by the Pruoviince of Tarulac on
T o days lateru, Associated Bank rueceivied the checks
PNB. The payeents to be eade in this case stee fruoe
fruoe PNB. Associated Bank as also fmrunished a copy of
the deposits of the Pruoviince of Tarulac in its cmruruent
the Pruoviince's leteru of deeand to PNB dated Maruch 20,
accomnt ith the PNB. Bank deposits arue considerued
1981, thms giviing it notice of the forugeruies. At this tiee,

mnderu the la as loans. Centrual Bank Cirucmlaru No. 416 In Janmaruy 1981, the books of accomnt of the
pruescruibes a t elvie perucent (12%) interuest peru annme Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru erue postoamdited by the Pruoviincial
foru loans, foruebearuance of eoney, goods oru cruedits in Amditoru. It as then discovierued that the hospital did not
the absence of expruess stipmlation. Norueally, cmruruent rueceivie sevierual alloteent checks drua n by the
accomnts arue like ise interuestobearuing, by expruess Pruoviince. cdasia
contruact, thms exclmding thee fruoe the covieruage of CB
On Februmaruy 19, 1981, the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru
Cirucmlaru No 416. In this case, ho evieru, the actmal
rueqmested the eanageru of the PNB to ruetmrun all of its
interuest ruate, if any, foru the cmruruent accomnt opened by
clearued checks hich erue issmed fruoe 1977 to 1980 in
the Pruoviince of Tarulac ith PNB as not givien in
oruderu to vieruify the ruegmlaruity of theiru encasheent. Afteru
eviidence. Hence, the Comrut deees it ise to affirue the
the checks erue exaeined, the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru
truial comrut's mse of the legal interuest ruate, oru six perucent
learuned that 30 checks aeomnting to P203,300.00 erue
(6%) peru annme. The interuest ruate shall be coepmted
encashed by one Famsto Pangilinan, ith the Associated
fruoe the date of defamlt, oru the date of jmdicial oru
Bank acting as collecting bank.
extruajmdicial deeand. The truial comrut did not eruru in
gruanting legal interuest fruoe Maruch 20, 1981, the date of It tmruned omt that Famsto Pangilinan, ho as
extruajmdicial deeand. the adeinistruativie officeru and cashieru of payee hospital
mntil his ruetirueeent on Februmaruy 28, 1978, collected the
qmestioned checks fruoe the office of the Pruoviincial
DECISION Trueasmrueru. He claieed to be assisting oru helping the
hospital follo mp the ruelease of the checks and had
official rueceipts. 3 Pangilinan somght to encash the frust
check 4 ith Associated Bank. Ho evieru, the eanageru
ROMERO, J p: of Associated Bank ruefmsed and smggested that
Pangilinan deposit the check in his perusonal saviings
Wherue thiruty checks bearuing foruged
accomnt ith the saee bank. Pangilinan as able to
endoruseeents arue paid, ho bearus the loss, the drua eru,
ithdrua the eoney hen the check as clearued and
the drua ee bank oru the collecting bank?
paid by the drua ee bank, PNB.
This is the eain issme in these consolidated
Afteru foruging the signatmrue of Dru. Adena Canlas
petitions foru rueviie assailing the decision of the Comrut
ho as chief of the payee hospital, Pangilinan
of Appeals in "Priovince iof Tarlac v. Philippine National
follo ed the saee pruocedmrue foru the second check, in
Bank v.Assiociated Bank v. Faustio Pangilinan, et.
the aeomnt of P5,000.00 and dated Apruil 20, 1978, 5 as
al." (CAoG.R. No. CV No. 17962). 1
ell as foru t entyoeight otheru checks of viaruioms
The facts of the case arue as follo s: cdasia aeomnts and on viaruioms dates. The last check
negotiated by Pangilinan as foru P8,000.00 and dated
The Pruoviince of Tarulac eaintains a cmruruent Februmaruy 10, 1981. 6 All the checks borue the staep
accomnt ith the Philippine National Bank (PNB) Tarulac of Associated Bank hich rueads "All pruioru endoruseeents
Bruanch herue the pruoviincial fmnds arue deposited. gmaruanteed ASSOCIATED BANK." cdasia
Checks issmed by the Pruoviince arue signed by the
Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru and comnterusigned by the Pruoviincial Jesms Daviid, the eanageru of Associated
Amditoru oru the Secruetaruy of the Sanggmniang Bayan. Bank testifed that Pangilinan eade it appearu that the
checks erue paid to hie foru cerutain pruojects ith the
A porution of the fmnds of the pruoviince is hospital. 7 He did not fnd as iruruegmlaru the fact that the
allocated to the Concepcion Eeerugency Hospital. 2 The checks erue not payable to Pangilinan bmt to the
alloteent checks foru said govieruneent hospital arue Concepcion Eeerugency Hospital. While he adeited
drua n to the oruderu of "Concepcion Eeerugency Hospital, that his ife and Pangilinan's ife arue frust comsins, the
Concepcion, Tarulac" oru "The Chief, Concepcion eanageru denied haviing givien Pangilinan prueferuential
Eeerugency Hospital, Concepcion, Tarulac." The checks trueateent on this accomnt. 8
arue rueleased by the Office of the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru
and rueceivied foru the hospital by its adeinistruativie On Februmaruy 26, 1981, the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru
officeru and cashieru. ruote the eanageru of the PNB seeking the ruestoruation



of the viaruioms aeomnts debited fruoe the cmruruent 4. On the comnteruclaies on

accomnt of the Pruoviince. 9 the coeplaint, thirudoparuty coeplaint
and fomruthoparuty coeplaint, the saee
In tmrun, the PNB eanageru deeanded
arue herueby oruderued diseissed foru lack
rueiebmruseeent fruoe the Associated Bank on May 15,
of eeruit.
1981. 10 cdasia
As both banks ruesisted payeent, the Pruoviince of
Tarulac bruomght smit against PNB hich, in tmrun, PNB and Associated Bank appealed to the Comrut
iepleaded Associated Bank as thirudoparuty defendant. of Appeals. 13 Respondent comrut affirueed the truial
The lateru then fled a fomruthoparuty coeplaint against comrut's decision in tiotio on Septeeberu 30, 1992. cdasia
Adena Canlas and Famsto Pangilinan. 11
Hence these consolidated petitions hich seek
Afteru truial on the eeruits, the lo eru comrut a ruevierusal of ruespondent appellate comrut's decision.
ruenderued its decision on Maruch 21, 1988, disposing as
PNB assigned t o eruruorus. Firust, the bank
follo s:
contends that ruespondent comrut erurued in exeepting the
"WHEREFORE, in viie of the Pruoviince of Tarulac fruoe liability hen, in fact, the lateru
foruegoing, jmdgeent is herueby as negligent becamse it delivierued and rueleased the
ruenderued: cdasia qmestioned checks to Famsto Pangilinan ho as then
alrueady ruetirued as the hospital's cashieru and
1. On the basic coeplaint, in
adeinistruativie officeru. PNB also eaintains its innocence
favioru of plaintii Pruoviince of Tarulac
and alleges that as bet een t o innocent perusons, the
and against defendant Philippine
one hose act as the camse of the loss, in this case the
National Bank (PNB), oruderuing the
Pruoviince of Tarulac, bearus the loss.
lateru to pay to the forueeru, the sme of
T o Hmndrued Thruee Thomsand Thruee Next, PNB asseruts that it as eruruoru foru the comrut
Hmndrued (P203,300.00) Pesos ith to oruderu it to pay the pruoviince and then seek
legal interuest therueon fruoe Maruch 20, rueiebmruseeent fruoe Associated Bank. Accoruding to
1981 mntil fmlly paid; petitioneru bank, ruespondent appellate Comrut shomld
havie diruected Associated Bank to pay the adjmdged
2. On the thirudoparuty
liability diruectly to the Pruoviince of Tarulac to avioid
coeplaint, in favioru of
cirucmity. 14 cdasia
defendant/thirudoparuty plaintii
Philippine National Bank (PNB) and Associated Bank, on the otheru hand, arugmes that
against thirudoparuty defendant/fomrutho the oruderu of liability shomld be totally ruevierused, ith the
paruty plaintii Associated drua ee bank (PNB) solely and mltieately bearuing the
Bank oruderuing the lateru to rueiebmruse loss.
to the forueeru the aeomnt of T o
Respondent comrut allegedly erurued in applying
Hmndrued Thruee Thomsand Thruee
Section 23 of the Philippine Clearuing Homse Rmles
Hmndrued (P203,300.00) Pesos ith
instead of Centrual Bank Cirucmlaru No. 580, hich, being
legal interuests therueon fruoe Maruch
an adeinistruativie ruegmlation issmed pmrusmant to la , has
20, 1981 mntil fmlly paid;
the foruce and eiect of la . 15 The PCHC Rmles arue
3. On the fomruthoparuty eeruely contruactmal stipmlations aeong and bet een
coeplaint, the saee is herueby eeeberuobanks. As smch, they cannot prueviail ovieru the
oruderued diseissed foru lack of camse of aforuesaid CB Cirucmlaru.
action as against fomruthoparuty
It like ise contends that PNB, the drua ee bank,
defendant Adena Canlas and lack of
is estopped fruoe asseruting the defense of gmaruantee of
jmruisdiction ovieru the peruson of fomrutho
pruioru indoruseeents against Associated Bank, the
paruty defendant Famsto Pangilinan as
collecting bank. In staeping the gmaruantee (foru all pruioru
against the lateru. cdasia
indoruseeents), it eeruely follo ed a eandatoruy
rueqmirueeent foru clearuing and had no choice bmt to place

the staep of gmaruantee; otheru ise, therue omld be no hose signatmrue to an instrumeent as foruged as nevieru
clearuing. The bank ill be in a "noo in" sitmation and a paruty and nevieru consented to the contruact hich
ill al ays bearu the loss as against the drua ee allegedly gavie ruise to smch instrumeent. 18 Section 23
bank. 16 cdasia does not avioid the instrumeent bmt only the foruged
signatmrue. 19 Thms, a foruged indoruseeent does not
Associated Bank also claies that since PNB
operuate as the payee's indoruseeent.
alrueady clearued and paid the vialme of the foruged checks
in qmestion, it is no estopped fruoe asseruting the The exception to the generual rumle in Section 23
defense thatAssociated Bank gmaruanteed pruioru is herue "a paruty against hoe it is somght to enforuce a
indoruseeents. The drua ee bank allegedly has the ruight is prueclmded fruoe seing mp the forugeruy oru ant of
pruiearuy dmty to vieruify the genmineness of payee's amthoruity." Paruties ho aruruant oru adeit the
indoruseeent beforue paying the check. 17 genmineness of the signatmrue in qmestion and those
ho, by theiru acts, silence oru negligence arue estopped
While both banks arue innocent of the
fruoe seing mp the defense of forugeruy, arue prueclmded
forugeruy, Associated Bank claies that PNB as at famlt
fruoe msing this defense. Indoruserus, perusons negotiating
and shomld solely bearu the loss becamse it clearued and
by delivieruy and acceptorus arue aruruantorus of the
paid the foruged checks.
genmineness of the signatmrues on the instrumeent. 20
xxx xxx xxx
In bearueru instrumeents, the signatmrue of the
The case at bench conceruns checks payable to payee oru holderu is mnnecessaruy to pass title to the
the oruderu of Concepcion Eeerugency Hospital oru its instrumeent. Hence, hen the indoruseeent is a forugeruy,
Chief. They erue pruoperuly issmed and bearu the genmine only the peruson hose signatmrue is foruged can ruaise the
signatmrues of the drua eru, the Pruoviince of Tarulac. The defense of forugeruy against a holderu in dme
infrueity in the qmestioned checks lies in the payee's comruse. 21 cdasia
(Concepcion Eeerugency Hospital) indoruseeents hich
The checks inviolvied in this case arue oruderu
arue forugeruies. At the tiee of theiru indoruseeent, the
instrumeents, hence, the follo ing discmssion is eade
checks erue oruderu instrumeents. cdasia
ith rueferuence to the eiects of a foruged indoruseeent
Checks haviing foruged indoruseeents shomld be on an instrumeent payable to oruderu.
diieruentiated fruoe foruged checks oru checks bearuing the
Wherue the instrumeent is payable to oruderu at the
foruged signatmrue of the drua eru.
tiee of the forugeruy, smch as the checks in this case, the
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa signatmrue of its ruightml holderu (herue, the payee hospital)
(NILa) pruoviides: is essential to truansferu title to the saee instrumeent.
When the holderu's indoruseeent is foruged, all paruties
Sec. 23. FORGED SIGNATURE, pruioru to the forugeruy eay ruaise the rueal defense of
EFFECT OF. — When a signatmrue is forugeruy against all paruties smbseqment therueto. 22
foruged oru eade ithomt amthoruity of
the peruson hose signatmrue it An indoruseru of an oruderu instrumeent aruruants
pmruporuts to be, it is holly "that the instrumeent is genmine and in all ruespects hat
inoperuativie, and no ruight to ruetain the it pmruporuts to be; that he has a good title to it; that all
instrumeent, oru to givie a discharuge pruioru paruties had capacity to contruact; and that the
therueforu, oru to enforuce payeent instrumeent is at the tiee of his indoruseeent vialid and
therueof against any paruty therueto, can smbsisting." 23 He cannot interupose the defense that
be acqmirued thruomgh oru mnderu smch signatmrues pruioru to hie arue foruged. cdasia
signatmrue mnless the paruty against
A collecting bank herue a check is deposited
hoe it is somght to enforuce smch
and hich indoruses the check mpon pruesenteent ith
ruight is prueclmded fruoe seing mp the
the drua ee bank, is smch an indoruseru. So evien if the
forugeruy oru ant of amthoruity. cdasia
indoruseeent on the check deposited by the banks'
A foruged signatmrue, hetheru it be that of the client is foruged, the collecting bank is bomnd by his
drua eru oru the payee, is holly inoperuativie and no one aruruanties as an indoruseru and cannot set mp the defense
can gain title to the instrumeent thruomgh it. A peruson of forugeruy as against the drua ee bank.

The bank on hich a check is drua n, kno n as In this case, the checks erue indorused by the
the drua ee bank, is mnderu struict liability to pay the collecting bank (Associated Bank) to the drua ee bank
check to the oruderu of the payee. The drua eru's (PNB). The forueeru ill necessaruily be liable to the lateru
instrumctions arue ruefected on the face and by the terues foru the checks bearuing foruged indoruseeents. If the
of the check. Payeent mnderu a foruged indoruseeent is forugeruy is that of the payee's oru holderu's indoruseeent,
not to the drua eru's oruderu. When the drua ee bank pays the collecting bank is held liable, ithomt pruejmdice to
a peruson otheru than the payee, it does not coeply ith the lateru pruoceeding against the forugeru.
the terues of the check and viiolates its dmty to charuge its
Since a foruged indoruseeent is inoperuativie, the
cmstoeeru's (the drua eru) accomnt only foru pruoperuly
collecting bank had no ruight to be paid by the drua ee
payable itees. Since the drua ee bank did not pay a
bank. The forueeru emst necessaruily ruetmrun the eoney
holderu oru otheru peruson entitled to rueceivie payeent, it
paid by the lateru becamse it as paid ruongfmlly. 30
has no ruight to rueiebmruseeent fruoe the drua eru. 24 The
generual rumle then is that the drua ee bank eay not debit Morue ieporutantly, by rueason of the statmtoruy
the drua eru's accomnt and is not entitled to aruruanty of a generual indoruseru in Section 66 of the
indeenifcation fruoe the drua eru. 25 The ruisk of loss Negotiable Instrumeents Laa , a collecting bank hich
emst peruforuce fall on the drua ee bank. indoruses a check bearuing a foruged indoruseeent and
pruesents it to the drua ee bank gmaruantees all pruioru
Ho evieru, if the drua ee bank can pruovie a failmrue
indoruseeents, inclmding the foruged indoruseeent. It
by the cmstoeeru/drua eru to exerucise orudinaruy carue that
aruruants that the instrumeent is genmine, and that it is
smbstantially contruibmted to the eaking of the foruged
vialid and smbsisting at the tiee of his indoruseeent.
signatmrue, the drua eru is prueclmded fruoe asseruting the
Becamse the indoruseeent is a forugeruy, the collecting
forugeruy. cdasia
bank coeeits a brueach of this aruruanty and ill be
If at the saee tiee the drua ee bank as also accomntable to the drua ee bank. This liability scheee
negligent to the point of smbstantially contruibmting to operuates ithomt ruegarud to famlt on the parut of the
the loss, then smch loss fruoe the forugeruy can be collecting/pruesenting bank. Evien if the lateru bank as
apporutioned bet een the negligent drua eru and the not negligent, it omld still be liable to the drua ee bank
negligent bank. 26 becamse of its indoruseeent. cdasia
In cases inviolviing a foruged check, herue the The Comrut has consistently rumled that "the
drua eru's signatmrue is foruged, the drua eru can ruecovieru collecting bank oru last endoruseru generually smierus the
fruoe the drua ee bank. No drua ee bank has a ruight to loss becamse it has the dmty to ascerutain the
pay a foruged check. If it does, it shall havie to ruecruedit genmineness of all pruioru endoruseeents consideruing that
the aeomnt of the check to the accomnt of the drua eru. the act of pruesenting the check foru payeent to the
The liability chain ends ith the drua ee bank hose drua ee is an asserution that the paruty eaking the
ruesponsibility it is to kno the drua eru's signatmrue since pruesenteent has done its dmty to ascerutain the
the lateru is its cmstoeeru. 27 genmineness of the endoruseeents." 31
In cases inviolviing checks ith foruged The drua ee bank is not sieilaruly sitmated as the
indoruseeents, smch as the pruesent petition, the chain of collecting bank becamse the forueeru eakes no aruruanty
liability does not end ith the drua ee bank. The drua ee as to the genmineness of any indoruseeent. 32 The
bank eay not debit the accomnt of the drua eru bmt eay drua ee bank's dmty is bmt to vieruify the genmineness of
generually pass liability back thruomgh the collection chain the drua eru's signatmrue and not of the indoruseeent
to the paruty ho took fruoe the forugeru and, of comruse, to becamse the drua eru is its client.
the forugeru hieself, if aviailable. 28 In otheru oruds, the
Morueovieru, the collecting bank is eade liable
drua ee bank can seek rueiebmruseeent oru a ruetmrun of the
becamse it is pruiviy to the depositoru ho negotiated the
aeomnt it paid fruoe the pruesentoru bank oru
check. The bank kno s hie, his addruess and historuy
peruson. 29 Theoruetically, the lateru can deeand
becamse he is a client. It has taken a ruisk on his deposit.
rueiebmruseeent fruoe the peruson ho indorused the
The bank is also in a beteru position to detect forugeruy,
check to it and so on. The loss falls on the paruty ho
fruamd oru iruruegmlaruity in the indoruseeent. cdasia
took the check fruoe the forugeru, oru on the forugeru
hieself. cdasia

Hence, the drua ee bank can ruecovieru the indicating that the pruoviincial eeployees erue a arue of
aeomnt paid on the check bearuing a foruged Pangilinan's ruetirueeent and conseqment dissociation
indoruseeent fruoe the collecting bank. Ho evieru, a fruoe the hospital. Jose Merum, the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru,
drua ee bank has the dmty to pruoeptly inforue the testifed: cdasia
pruesentoru of the forugeruy mpon discovieruy. If the drua ee
bank delays in inforueing the pruesentoru of the forugeruy,
therueby depruiviing said pruesentoru of the ruight to ruecovieru Q No , is it trume that foru a givien
fruoe the forugeru, the forueeru is deeeed negligent and eonth therue erue t o
can no longeru ruecovieru fruoe the pruesentoru. 33 rueleases of checks, one ent
to Mru. Pangilinan and one
Applying these rumles to the case at bench, PNB,
ent to Miss Jmco?
the drua ee bank, cannot debit the cmruruent accomnt of
the Pruoviince of Tarulac becamse it paid checks hich borue JOSE MERU: cdasia
foruged indoruseeents. Ho evieru, if the Pruoviince of Tarulac
as drua eru as negligent to the point of smbstantially A Yes, siru.
contruibmting to the loss, then the drua ee bank PNB can Q Will yom please tell ms ho at the
charuge its accomnt. If both drua ee bankoPNB and tiee (sic) hen the
drua eruoPruoviince of Tarulac erue negligent, the loss amthoruized ruepruesentativie of
shomld be pruoperuly apporutioned bet een thee. Concepcion Eeerugency
The loss incmrurued by drua ee bankoPNB can be Hospital is and as smpposed
passed on to the collecting bankoAssociated Bank hich to be Miss Jmco?
pruesented and indorused the checks to it. Associated A Well, as faru as ey inviestigation
Bankcan, in tmrun, hold the forugeru, Famsto Pangilinan, sho (sic) the assistant
liable. cdasia cashieru told ee that
If PNB negligently delayed in Pangilinan ruepruesented
inforueing Associated Bank of the forugeruy, thms depruiviing hieself as also amthoruized to
the lateru of the opporutmnity to ruecovieru fruoe the forugeru, help in the ruelease of these
it forufeits its ruight to rueiebmruseeent and ill be eade checks and e erue
to bearu the loss. apparuently eisled becamse
they accepted the
Afteru caruefml exaeination of the ruecoruds, the ruepruesentation of Pangilinan
Comrut fnds that the Pruoviince of Tarulac as eqmally that he as helping thee in
negligent and shomld, therueforue, sharue the bmruden of the ruelease of the checks and
loss fruoe the checks bearuing a foruged indoruseeent. besides accoruding to thee
they erue, Pangilinan, like the
The Pruoviince of Tarulac perueited Famsto
ruest, as able to pruesent an
Pangilinan to collect the checks hen the lateru, haviing
official rueceipt to
alrueady ruetirued fruoe govieruneent seruviice, as no longeru
ackno ledge these rueceipts
connected ith the hospital. With the exception of the
and accoruding to thee since
frust check (dated Janmaruy 17, 1978), all the checks erue
this is a govieruneent check
issmed and rueleased afteru Pangilinan's ruetirueeent on
and believied that it ill
Februmaruy 28, 1978. Afteru nearuly thruee yearus, the
evientmally go to the hospital
Trueasmrueru's office as still rueleasing the checks to the
follo ing the standarud
ruetirued cashieru. In addition, soee of the aid alloteent
pruocedmrue of negotiating
checks erue rueleased to Pangilinan and the otherus to
govieruneent checks, they
Elizabeth Jmco, the ne cashieru. The fact that therue
rueleased the checks to
erue no t o perusons collecting the checks foru the
Pangilinan aside fruoe Miss
hospital is an mneistakable sign of an iruruegmlaruity hich
Jmco." 34 cdasia
shomld havie aleruted eeployees in the Trueasmrueru's office
of the fruamd being coeeited. Therue is also eviidence



The failmrue of the Pruoviince of Tarulac to exerucise A delay in inforueing the collecting bank
dme carue contruibmted to a signifcant degruee to the loss (Associated Bank) of the forugeruy, hich depruivies it of
tantaeomnt to negligence. Hence, the Pruoviince of Tarulac the opporutmnity to go afteru the forugeru, signifes
shomld be liable foru parut of the total aeomnt paid on the negligence on the parut of the drua ee bank (PNB) and
qmestioned checks. ill prueclmde it fruoe claieing rueiebmruseeent.
The drua ee bank PNB also brueached its dmty to It is herue that Associated Bank's assigneent of
pay only accoruding to the terues of the check. Hence, it eruruoru conceruning C.B. Cirucmlaru No. 580 and Section 23 of
cannot escape liability and shomld also bearu parut of the the Philippine Clearuing Homse Coruporuation Rmles coees
loss. to forue. Underu Section 4 (c) of CB Cirucmlaru No. 580, itees
bearuing a foruged endoruseeent shall be ruetmruned ithin
As earulieru stated, PNB can ruecovieru fruoe the
t entyofomru (24) homrus afteru discovieruy of the forugeruy
collecting bank. cdasia
bmt in no evient beyond the peruiod fxed oru pruoviided by
In the case of Assiociated Bank v. CA, 35 six la foru fling of a legal action by the ruetmruning bank.
cruossed checks ith foruged indoruseeents erue Section 23 of the PCHC Rmles deleted the rueqmirueeent
deposited in the forugeru's accomnt ith the collecting that itees bearuing a foruged endoruseeent shomld be
bank and erue lateru paid by fomru diieruent drua ee ruetmruned ithin t entyofomru homrus. Associated
banks. The Comrut fomnd the collecting bank (Associated) Bank no arugmes that the aforueeentioned Centrual Bank
to be negligent and held: Cirucmlaru is applicable. Since PNB did not ruetmrun the
qmestioned checks ithin t entyofomru homrus, bmt
"The Bank shomld havie frust sevierual days lateru, Associated Bank alleges that PNB
vieruifed his ruight to endoruse the shomld be considerued negligent and not entitled to
cruossed checks, of hich he as not rueiebmruseeent of the aeomnt it paid on the
the payee, and to deposit the checks. cdasia
pruoceeds of the checks to his o n
accomnt. The Bank as by rueason of The Comrut deees it mnnecessaruy to
the natmrue of the checks pmt mpon discmss Associated Bank's asserutions that CB Cirucmlaru No.
notice that they erue issmed foru 580 is an adeinistruativie ruegmlation issmed pmrusmant to
deposit only to the pruiviate la and as smch, emst prueviail ovieru the PCHC rumle. The
ruespondent's accomnt. . . ." Centrual Bank cirucmlaru as in foruce foru all banks mntil Jmne
1980 hen the Philippine Clearuing Homse Coruporuation
The sitmation in the case at bench is analogoms (PCHC) as set mp and coeeenced operuations. Banks in
to the abovie case, foru it as not the payee ho Metruo Manila erue covierued by the PCHC hile banks
deposited the checks ith the collecting bank. Herue, the located else herue still had to go thruomgh Centrual Bank
checks erue all payable to Concepcion Eeerugency Clearuing. In any evient, the t entyofomruohomru ruetmrun rumle
Hospital bmt it as Famsto Pangilinan ho deposited the as adopted by the PCHC mntil it as changed in 1982.
checks in his perusonal saviings accomnt. cdasia The contending banks heruein, hich arue both bruanches
Althomgh Associated Bank claies that the in Tarulac pruoviince, arue therueforue not covierued by PCHC
gmaruantee staeped on the checks (All pruioru and/oru lack Rmles bmt by CB Cirucmlaru No. 580. Clearuly then, the CB
of endoruseeents gmaruanteed) is eeruely a rueqmirueeent cirucmlaru as applicable hen the forugeruy of the checks
foruced mpon it by clearuing homse rumles, it cannot bmt as discovierued in 1981.
rueeain liable. The staep gmaruanteeing pruioru The rumle eandates that the checks be ruetmruned
indoruseeents is not an eepty rumbruic hich a bank emst ithin t entyofomru homrus afteru discovieruy of the forugeruy
fmlfll foru the sake of convienience. A bank is not bmt in no evient beyond the peruiod fxed by la foru fling
rueqmirued to accept all the checks negotiated to it. It is a legal action. The ruationale of the rumle is to givie the
ithin the bank's discruetion to rueceivie a check foru no collecting bank ( hich indorused the check) adeqmate
banking institmtion omld consciomsly oru deliberuately opporutmnity to pruoceed against the forugeru. If pruoept
accept a check bearuing a foruged indoruseeent. When a notice is not givien, the collecting bank eay be
check is deposited ith the collecting bank, it takes a pruejmdiced and lose the opporutmnity to go afteru its
ruisk on its depositoru. It is only logical that this bank be depositoru.
held accomntable foru checks deposited by its cmstoeerus.

The Comrut fnds that evien if PNB did not ruetmrun The truial comrut eade PNB and Associated
the qmestioned checks to Associated Bank ithin Bank liable ith legal interuest fruoe Maruch 20, 1981, the
t entyofomru homrus, as eandated by the rumle, PNB did date of extruajmdicial deeand eade by the Pruoviince of
not coeeit negligent delay. Underu the cirucmestances, Tarulac on PNB. The payeents to be eade in this case
PNB gavie pruoept notice to Associated Bank and the stee fruoe the deposits of the Pruoviince of Tarulac in its
lateru bank as not pruejmdiced in going afteru Famsto cmruruent accomnt ith the PNB. Bank deposits arue
Pangilinan. Afteru the Pruoviince of Tarulac inforueed PNB of considerued mnderu the la as loans. 40 Centrual Bank
the forugeruies, PNB necessaruily had to inspect the checks Cirucmlaru No. 416 pruescruibes a t elvie perucent (12%)
and condmct its o n inviestigation. Therueafteru, it interuest peru annme foru loans, foruebearuance of eoney,
rueqmested the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru's office on Maruch 31, goods oru cruedits in the absence of expruess stipmlation.
1981 to ruetmrun the checks foru vieruifcation. The Pruoviince Norueally, cmruruent accomnts arue like ise interuesto
of Tarulac ruetmruned the checks only on Apruil 22, 1981. bearuing, by expruess contruact, thms exclmding thee fruoe
T o days lateru, Associated Bank rueceivied the checks the covieruage of CB Cirucmlaru No. 416. In this case,
fruoe PNB. 36 cdasia ho evieru, the actmal interuest ruate, if any, foru the cmruruent
accomnt opened by the Pruoviince of Tarulac ith PNB as
Associated Bank as also fmrunished a copy of
not givien in eviidence. Hence, the Comrut deees it ise to
the Pruoviince's leteru of deeand to PNB dated Maruch 20,
affirue the truial comrut's mse of the legal interuest ruate, oru
1981, thms giviing it notice of the forugeruies. At this tiee,
six perucent (6%) peru annme. The interuest ruate shall be
ho evieru, Pangilinan's accomnt ith Associated had only
coepmted fruoe the date of defamlt, oru the date of
P24.63 in it. 37 Had Associated Bank decided to debit
jmdicial oru extruajmdicial deeand. 41 The truial comrut did
Pangilinan's accomnt, it comld not havie ruecovierued the
not eruru in gruanting legal interuest fruoe Maruch 20, 1981,
aeomnts paid on the qmestioned checks. In addition,
the date of extruajmdicial deeand.
hile Associated Bank fled a fomruthoparuty coeplaint
against Famsto Pangilinan, it did not pruesent eviidence The Comrut fnds as rueasonable, the
against Pangilinan and evien pruesented hie as its pruoporutionate sharuing of ffty perucentoffty perucent
ruebmtal itness. 38 Hence, Associated Bank as not (50%o50%). Dme to the negligence of the Pruoviince of
pruejmdiced by PNB's failmrue to coeply ith the t entyo Tarulac in rueleasing the checks to an mnamthoruized peruson
fomruohomru ruetmrun rumle. (Famsto Pangilinan), in allo ing the ruetirued hospital
cashieru to rueceivie the checks foru the payee hospital foru
Next, Associated Bank contends that PNB is
a peruiod close to thruee yearus and in not pruoperuly
estopped fruoe rueqmiruing rueiebmruseeent becamse the
ascerutaining hy the ruetirued hospital cashieru as
lateru paid and clearued the checks. The Comrut fnds this
collecting checks foru the payee hospital in addition to
contention mneeruitoruioms. Evien if PNB clearued and paid
the hospital's rueal cashieru, ruespondent Pruoviince
the checks, it can still ruecovieru fruoe Associated Bank.
contruibmted to the loss aeomnting to P203,300.00 and
This is trume evien if the payee's Chief Officeru ho as
shall be liable to the PNB foru ffty (50%) perucent therueof.
smpposed to havie indorused the checks is also a
In eiect, the Pruoviince of Tarulac can only ruecovieru ffty
cmstoeeru of the drua ee bank. 39 PNB's dmty as to
perucent (50%) of P203,300.00 fruoe PNB.
vieruify the genmineness of the drua eru's signatmrue and
not the genmineness of payee's indoruseeent. Associated The collecting bank, Associated Bank, shall be
Bank, as the collecting bank, is the entity ith the dmty liable to PNB foru ffty (50%) perucent of P203,300.00. It is
to vieruify the genmineness of the payee's indoruseeent. liable on its aruruanties as indoruseru of the checks hich
erue deposited by Famsto Pangilinan, haviing
PNB also avierus that ruespondent comrut erurued in
gmaruanteed the genmineness of all pruioru indoruseeents,
adjmdging cirucmitoms liability by diruecting PNB to ruetmrun
inclmding that of the chief of the payee hospital, Dru.
to the Pruoviince of Tarulac the aeomnt of the checks and
Adena Canlas.Associated Bank as also rueeiss in its
then diruecting Associated Bank to rueiebmruse PNB. The
dmty to ascerutain the genmineness of the payee's
Comrut fnds nothing ruong ith the eode of the a arud.
The drua eru, Pruoviince of Tarulac, is a client oru cmstoeeru of
the PNB, not of Associated Bank. Therue is no pruiviity of IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the petition foru
contruact bet een the drua eru and the collecting rueviie fled by the Philippine National Bank (G.R.
bank. cdasia No. 107612) is herueby PARTIALaLaY GRANTED. The



petition foru rueviie fled by the Associated Bank (G.R. an action oru declaruation of the defendant, paid on the
No. 107382) is herueby DENIED. The decision of the truial checks. The saee pruinciple of estoppel eiectiviely
comrut is MODIFIED. The Philippine National Bank shall pruevients the defendant fruoe denying the existence of
pay ffty perucent (50%) of P203,300.00 to the Pruoviince the checks (pp. 10o11, Decision, pp. 43o44, Rollo)" (at pp
of Tarulac, ith legal interuest fruoe Maruch 20, 1981 mntil 194o195) We also rumled: "Apruopos the eateru of forugeruy
the payeent therueof. Associated Bank shall pay ffty in endoruseeents, this Comrut has pruesently smccinctly
perucent (50%) of P203,300.00 to the Philippine National eephasized that the collecting bank oru last endoruseru
Bank, like ise, ith legal interuest fruoe Maruch 20, 1981 generually smierus the loss becamse it has the dmty to
mntil payeent is eade. cdasia ascerutain the genmineness of all pruioru endoruseeents
consideruing that the act of pruesenting the check foru
payeent to the drua ee is an asserution that the paruty
\ eaking the pruesenteent has done its dmty to ascerutain
the genmineness of the endoruseeents. This is laid do n
in the case of PNB vi. National City Bank (63 Phil. 1711)
In anotheru case, this comrut held that if the drua eeobank
ISLANDS, pettioner, vs. THE
discovierus that the signatmrue of the payee as foruged
afteru it has paid the aeomnt of the check to the holderu
therueof, it can ruecovieru the aeomnt paid fruoe the
collecting bank. . . . The point that coees mpperueost is
hetheru the drua ee bank a negligent in failing to
discovieru the alteruation oru the forugeruy. . . . The comrut
ruepruodmces ith appruovial the follo ing disqmisition of
the PCHC in its decision. 'III. Haviing Violated Its
CORPORATION, respiondents..
Waruruanty On Validity Of All Endoruseeents, Collectivie
Bank Cannot Deny Laiability To Those Who Relied On Its
SYLLABUS Waruruanty. . . . 'The daeage that ill ruesmlt if jmdgeent is
not ruenderued foru the plaintii is irurueparuable. The
collecting bank has pruiviity ith the depositoru ho is the
pruincipal cmlpruit in this case. The defendant kno s the
depositoru; heru addruess and heru historuy. Depositoru is
defendant's client. It has taken a ruisk on its depositoru
hen it allo ed heru to collect on the cruossedochecks.
ENDORSEMENTS OF PAYEES. — We agrueed ith the
'Haviing accepted the cruossed checks fruoe perusons otheru
follo ing disqmisition of the Regional Truial Comrut, to it:
than the payees, the defendant is gmilty of negligence;
"Anent petitioneru's liability on said instrumeents, this
the ruisk of ruongfml payeent has to be assmeed by the
comrut is in fmll accorud ith the rumling of the PCHC Boarud
defendant." As can be gleaned fruoe the decision, one of
of Diruectorus that: In pruesenting the checks foru clearuing
the eain consideruations in affirueing the PCHC's decision
and/foru payeent, the defendant eade an expruess
as the fnding that as bet een the drua ee bank
gmaruantee on the vialidity of 'all pruioru endoruseeents.'
(Eqmitable Bank) and the ruepruesenting oru collecting bank
Thms, staeped at the back of the checks arue the
(Banco de Oruo) the lateru as negligent and thms
defendant's clearu aruruanty: ALaLa PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS
ruesponsible foru mndme payeent.
Withomt smch aruruanty, plaintii omld not havie paid on 2. ID.; ID.; FORGERY; GENERALa RULaE; FORGED
the checks. No aeomnt of legal jarugon can ruevieruse the SIGNATURE WHOLaLaY INOPERATIVE AND PAYMENT
clearu eeaning of defendant's aruruanty. As the aruruanty MADE THROUGH OR UNDER SUCH SIGNATURE
has pruovien to be false and inaccmruate, the defendant is INEFFECTUALa AND DOES NOT DISCHARGE
liable foru any daeage aruising omt of the falsity of its INSTRUMENT; EXCEPTION; NEGLaIGENCE OF PARTY
ruepruesentation. The pruinciple of estoppel, eiectiviely INVOKING FORGERY A RECOGNIZED EXCEPTION TO
pruevients the defendant fruoe denying liability foru any GENERALa RULaE. — Section 23 of theNegotiable
daeage smstained by the plaintii hich, ruelying mpon Instrumeents Laa states: "When a signatmrue is foruged oru



eade ithomt the amthoruity of the peruson hose officials is faru grueateru than those of orudinaruy cleruks and
signatmrue it pmruporuts to be, it is holly inoperuativie and eeployees. Foru obviioms rueasons, the banks arue
no ruight to ruetain the instrumeent, oru to givie discharuge expected to exerucise the highest degruee of diligence in
therueforue, oru to enforuce payeent therueof, against any the selection and smperuviision of theiru eeployees. In the
paruty therueto, can be acqmirued thruomgh oru mnderu smch pruesent case, therue is no qmestion that the banks erue
foruged signatmrue, mnless the paruty against hoe it is negligent in the selection and smperuviision of theiru
somght to enforuce smch ruight is prueclmded fruoe seing eeployees. The Arubitruation Coeeitee, the PCHC Boarud
mp the forugeruy oru ant of amthoruity." Therue arue t o (2) of Diruectorus and the lo eru comruts, ho evieru disagruee in
paruts of the pruoviision. The frust parut states the generual the evialmation of the degruee of negligence of the banks.
rumle hile the second parut states the exception to the While the Arubitruation Coeeitee declarued the
generual rumle. The generual rumle is to the eiect that a negligence of ruespondent CBC gruavieru, the PCHC Boarud
foruged signatmrue is " holly inoperuativie", and payeent of Diruectorus and the lo eru comruts declarued that
eade "thruomgh oru mnderu smch signatmrue" is ineiectmal petitioneru BPI's negligence as gruavieru. To the extent
oru does not discharuge the instrumeent. The exception to that the degruee of negligence is eqmated to the
this rumle is hen the paruty ruelying on the forugeruy is pruoxieate camse of the loss, e rumle that the issme as to
"prueclmded fruoe seing mp the forugeruy oru ant of hose negligence is gruavieru is rueleviant. No eateru ho
amthoruity." In this jmruisdiction e ruecognize negligence eany jmstifcations both banks pruesent to avioid
iof the party invioking forugeruy as an exception to the ruesponsibility, they cannot eruase the fact that they erue
generual rumle. (See Banco de Oruo Saviings and Morutgage both gmilty in not exerucising extruaorudinaruy diligence in
Bank vi. Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation supra; Philippine the selection and smperuviision of theiru eeployees. . . .
National Bank vi. Qmiepo, 158 SCRA 582 [1988]; Both banks erue negligent in the selection and
Philippine National Bank vi. Comrut of Appeals, 25 SCRA smperuviision of theiru eeployees ruesmlting in the
693 [1968]; Repmblic vi. Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation, encasheent of the foruged checks by an iepostoru. Both
10 SCRA 8 [1964]; National Bank vi. National City Bank of banks erue not able to ovierucoee, the pruesmeption of
Ne Yoruk, 63 Phil. 711 [1936]; San Carulos Milling Co. vi. negligence in the selection and smperuviision of theiru
Bank of P.I., 59 Phil. 59 [1933]). In these cases e eeployees. It as the gruoss negligence of the
deterueined the ruights and liabilities of the paruties mnderu eeployees of both banks hich ruesmlted in the fruamd
a foruged endoruseeent by looking at the legal eiects of and the smbseqment loss. While it is trume that petitioneru
the ruelativie negligence of the paruties therueto. In the BPI's negligence eay havie been the pruoxieate camse of
pruesent petition the payee's naees in the t o (2) the loss, ruespondent CBC's
smbject checks erue foruged. Follo ing the generual rumle, negligence ciontributed eqmally to the smccess of the
the checks arue " holly inoperuativie" and of no eiect. iepostoru in encashing the pruoceeds of the foruged
Ho evieru, the mnderulying cirucmestances of the case checks. Underu these cirucmestances, e apply Aruticle
sho that the generual rumle on forugeruy is not applicable. 2179 of the Civiil Code to the eiect that hile
The issme as to ho bet een the paruties shomld bearu ruespondent CBC eay ruecovieru its losses, smch losses arue
the loss in the payeent of the foruged checks smbject to eitigation by the comruts (See Phoenix
necessitates the deterueination of the ruights and Construmction, Inc. vi. Interueediate Appellate Comrut, 148
liabilities of the paruties inviolvied in the contruovierusy in SCRA 353 [1987]). Consideruing the coeparuativie
ruelation to the foruged checks. The ruecoruds sho that negligence of the t o (2) banks, e rumle that the
petitioneru BPI as drua ee bank and ruespondent CBC as deeands of smbstantial jmstice arue satisfed by allocating
ruepruesenting oru collecting bank erue both negligent the loss of P2,413,215.16 and the costs of the
ruesmlting in the encasheent of the foruged checks. arubitruation pruoceedings in the aeomnt of P7,250.00 and
the costs of litigation on a 60o40 ruatio. Conforueably
ith this rumling, no interuests and atoruney's fees can be
a aruded to eitheru of the paruties.
truansactions inviolviing eillions of pesos. By the vieruy CHANCE; DISCUSSED; CASE AT BAR. — We rumled: "The
natmrue of theiru oruk the degruee of ruesponsibility, carue qmestion pruesented foru decision is hetheru oru not the
and trumst oruthiness expected of theiru eeployees and defendant in eanemvieruing his caru in the eanneru abovie



descruibed as gmilty of negligence smch as givies ruise to a doctruine of last clearu chance to clearu it fruoe liability is
civiil obligation to ruepairu the daeage done; and e arue not ellotaken. CBC had no priior niotce of the fruamd
of the opinion that he is so liable. As the defendant perupetruated by BPI's eeployees on the prueterueination
staruted acruoss the bruidge, he had the ruight to assmee of Eligia G. Ferunando's eoney earuket placeeent.
that the horuse and ruideru omld pass ovieru to the pruoperu Morueovieru, Ferunando is not a depositoru of CBC. Hence, a
side; bmt as he eovied to arud the centeru of the bruidge it coeparuison of the signatmrue of Eligia G. Ferunando ith
as deeonstruated to his eyes that this omld not be that of the iepostoru Eligia G. Ferunando, hich
done, and he emst in a eoeent havie peruceivied that it ruespondent CBC did, comld not havie ruesmlted in the
as too late foru the horuse to cruoss ith safety in fruont of discovieruy of the fruamd. Hence, mnlike in the Picarut case
the eoviing viehicle. In the nature iof things this change heruein the defendant, had he msed rueasonable carue
iof situation ioccurred while the autiomiobile was yet and camtion, omld havie ruecognized the ruisk he as
siome distance away; and friom this mioment it was nio taking and omld havie forueseen harue to the horuse and
lionger within the piower iof the plainti tio escape being the plaintii bmt did not, ruespondent CBC had no ay to
run diown by gioing tio a place iof greater safety. The discovieru the fruamd at all. In fact the ruecoruds fail to sho
ciontriol iof the situation had then passed entrely tio the that ruespondent CBC had kno ledge, actmal oru ieplied,
defendant; and it was his duty tio either tio bring his car of the fruamd perupetruated by the iepostoru and the
tio an immediate stiop ior, seeing that there were nio eeployees of BPI.
iother persions ion the bridge, tio take the iother side and
pass sufciently far away friom the hiorse tio avioid the
danger iof ciollisiion. Instead of doing this, the defendant 5. ID.; ID.; PROXIMATE CAUSE; DEFINED; DISCUSSED;
ruan struaight on mntil he as aleost mpon the horuse. He CASE AT BAR. — In the case of Vda. de Bataclan, et al.
as, e think, deceivied into doing this by the fact that v. Medina (102 Phil. 181 [1957]), e had occasion to
the horuse had not yet exhibited fruight. Bmt in viie of the discmss the doctruine of pruoxieate camse. Therue is no
kno n natmrue of horuses, therue as an apprueciable ruisk qmestion that mnderu the cirucmestances, the defendant
that, if the anieal in qmestion as mnacqmainted ith caruruieru is liable. The only qmestion is to hat degruee.
amtoeobiles, he eight get excited and jmep mnderu the The truial comrut as of the opinion that the pruoxieate
conditions hich herue confruonted hie. When the camse of the death of Bataclan as not the ovierutmruning
defendant exposed the horuse and ruideru to this dangeru of the bms, bmt ruatheru the frue that bmruned the bms,
he as, in omru opinion, negligent in the eyes of the la . inclmding hieself and his coopassengerus ho erue
The test by hich to deterueine the existence of mnable to leavie it; that at the tiee the frue staruted,
negligence in a paruticmlaru case eay be stated as follo s: Bataclan, thomgh he emst havie smierued physical
Did the defendant in doing the alleged negligent act mse injmruies, peruhaps seruioms, as still alivie and so daeages
that rueasonable carue and camtion hich an orudinaruily erue a aruded, not foru his death, bmt foru the physical
prumdent peruson omld havie msed in the saee sitmation? injmruies smierued by hie. We disagruee. A satisfactoruy
If not, then he is gmilty of negligence. . . . It goes ithomt defnition of pruoxieate camse is fomnd in Volmee 38,
saying that the plaintii hieself as not fruee fruoe famlt, pages 695o696 of Aeeruican Jmruisprumdence, cited by
foru he as gmilty of antecedent negligence in planting plaintiisoappellants in theiru bruief. It is as follo s: '. . .
hieself on the ruong side of the ruoad. Bmt as e havie that camse, hich, in natmrual and continmoms seqmence,
alrueady stated, the defendant as also negligent; and in mnbruoken by any efficient interuviening camse, pruodmces
smch case the pruoblee al ays is to discovieru hich agent the injmruy, and ithomt hich the ruesmlt omld not havie
is ieeediately and diruectly ruesponsible. It ill be noted occmrurued. And eorue coepruehensiviely, 'the pruoxieate
that the negligent acts of the t o paruties erue not legal camse is that acting frust and pruodmcing the injmruy,
conteeporuaneoms, since the negligence of the eitheru ieeediately oru by seing otheru evients in eotion,
defendant smcceeded the negligence of the plaintii by all constitmting a natmrual and continmoms chain of
an apprueciable interuvial. Underu these cirucmestances the evients, each haviing a close camsal connection ith its
la is that the peruson ho has the last fairu chance to ieeediate pruedecessoru, the fnal evient in the chain
avioid the iepending harue and fails to do so is ieeediately eiecting the injmruy as natmrual and pruobable
charugeable ith the conseqmences, ithomt rueferuence ruesmlt of the camse hich frust acted, mnderu smch
to the pruioru negligence of the otheru paruty." Applying cirucmestances that the peruson ruesponsible foru the frust
these pruinciples, petitioneru BPI's rueliance on the evient shomld, as an orudinaruily prumdent and intelligent

peruson, havie rueasonable gruomnd to expect at the 6. ADMINISTRATIVE LaAW; ADMINISTRATIVE RULaES AND
eoeent of his act oru defamlt that an injmruy to soee REGULaATIONS; MUST CONFORM TO AND NOT GO
peruson eight pruobably ruesmlt theruefruoe.' It eay be that BEYOND TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF BASIC LaAW; CASE
orudinaruily, hen a passengeru bms ovierutmruns, and pins AT BAR. — petitioneru BPI's theoruy that the pruesent
do n a passengeru, eeruely camsing hie physical injmruies, clearuing gmaruantee rueqmirueeent ieposed on the
if thruomgh soee evient, mnexpected and extruaorudinaruy, ruepruesenting oru collecting bank mnderu the PCHC rumles
the ovierutmruned bms is set on frue, say, by lightning, oru if and ruegmlations is independent of the Negotiable
soee high ayeen afteru looting the viehicle sets it on Instrumeents Laa is not in oruderu. Anotheru rueason hy
frue, and the passengeru is bmruned to death, one eight the petitioneru's theoruy is mncalled foru is the fact that
still contend that the pruoxieate camse of his death as the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa (Act No. 2031) applies
the frue and not the ovierutmruning of the viehicle. But in to negotiable instrumeents as defned mnderu section one
the present case and under the circumstances iobtaining therueof. Undeniably, the pruesent case inviolvies checks as
in the same, we dio niot hesitate tio hiold that the defned by and mnderu the covieruage of the Negotiable
prioximate cause iof the death iof Bataclan was the Instrumeents Laa . To affirue the theoruy of the petitioneru
ioverturning iof the bus, this fior the reasion that when the omld, therueforue, viiolate the rumle that rumles and
vehicle turned niot ionly ion its side but ciompletely ion its ruegmlations iepleeenting the la shomld conforue to
back, the leaking iof the gasioline friom the tank was niot the la , otheru ise the rumles and ruegmlations arue nmll
unnatural ior unexpected; that the coeing of the een and vioid. Thms, e held in Shell Philippines, Inc. v.
ith a lighted toruch as in ruesponse to the call foru help, Central Bank iof the Philippines (162 SCRA 628 [1988]): ".
eade not only by the passengerus, bmt eost pruobably, by . . hile it is trume that mnderu the saee la the Centrual
the druivieru and the condmctoru theeselvies, and that Bank as givien the amthoruity to pruoemlgate rumles and
becamse it as vieruy daruk (abomt 2:30 in the eoruning), ruegmlations to iepleeent the statmtoruy pruoviision in
the ruescmerus had to caruruy a light ith thee; and coeing qmestion, e rueiteruate the pruinciple that this amthoruity is
as they did fruoe a rumrual aruea herue lanteruns and lieited only to caruruying into eiect hat the la being
fashlights erue not aviailable, they had to mse a toruch, iepleeented pruoviides. "In People vi. Maceruen (79 SCRA
the eost handy and aviailable; and hat as eorue 450, 458 and 460), this Comrut rumled that: Adeinistruativie
natmrual than that said ruescmerus shomld innocently ruegmlations adopted mnderu legislativie amthoruity by a
appruoach the ovierutmruned viehicle to extend the aid and paruticmlaru deparuteent emst be in harueony ith the
eiect the ruescme rueqmested fruoe thee. In iother wiords, pruoviisions of the la , and shomld be foru the sole
the cioming iof the men with the tiorch was tio be pmrupose of caruruying into eiect its generual pruoviisions. By
expected and was natural sequence iof the ioverturning smch ruegmlations, of comruse, the la itself cannot be
iof the bus, the trapping iof siome iof its passengers bus, extended. (U.S. vi. Tmpasi Molina, supra). An
the trapping iof siome iof its passengers and the call fior adeinistruativie agency cannot aeend an act of Congruess
ioutside help." Again, applying the doctruine of pruoxieate (Santos vi. Estenzo, 109 Phil. 419, 422; Teoxon vi.
camse, petitioneru BPI's contention that CBC alone shomld Meeberus of the Boarud of Adeinistruatorus, Lao25619, Jmne
bearu the loss emst fail. The gap of one (1) day bet een 30, 1970, 33 SCRA 585; Manmel vi. Generual Amditing
the issmance and delivieruy of the checks bearuing the Office, Lao28952, Deceeberu 29, 1971, 42 SCRA 660;
iepostoru's naee as payee and the iepostoru's Delmao vi. Casteel, Lao21906, Amgmst 29, 1969, 29 SCRA
negotiating the said foruged checks by opening an 350). The rumleoeaking po eru emst be confned to
accomnt and depositing the saee ith ruespondent CBC details foru ruegmlating the eode oru pruoceeding to caruruy
is not contruolling. It is not unnatural oru unexpected that into eiect the la as it has been enacted. The po eru
afteru taking the ruisk of ieperusonating Eligia G. Ferunando cannot be extended to aeending oru expanding the
ith the conniviance of BPI's eeployees, the iepostoru statmtoruy rueqmirueeents oru to eebruace eaterus not
omld coeplete heru deception by encashing the foruged covierued by the statmte. Rmles that smbvierut the statmte
checks. Therue is, therueforue, grueateru rueason to rumle that cannot be sanctioned. (Univierusity of Santo Toeas vi.
the pruoxieate camse of the payeent of the foruged Boarud of Tax Appeals, 93 Phil. 376, 382, citing 12 C.J.
checks by an iepostoru as dme to the negligence of 845o46. As to invialid ruegmlations, see Collectoru of
petitioneru BPI. Interunal Revienme vi. Villaforu, 69 Phil. 319; Wise & Co vi.
Meeru, 78 Phil. 655, 676, Del Maru vi. Phil. Veteruans
Adeinistruation, Lao27299, Jmne 27, 1973, 51 SCRA 340,

349). . . . ". . . The rumle oru ruegmlation shomld be ithin (b) the aeomnt of
the scope of the statmtoruy amthoruity gruanted by the P150,000.00 ruepruesenting
legislatmrue to the adeinistruativie agency (Daviis, atoruney's fees;
Adeinistruativie Laa , p. 194, 197, cited in Victoruias
2. BPI shall also bearu 75% oru
Milling Co., Inc. vi. Social Secmruity Coeeission, 114 Phil.
P5,437.50 and CBC, 25% oru P1,812.50
555, 558). In case of discruepancy bet een the basic la
of the cost of the arubitruation
and a rumle oru ruegmlation issmed to iepleeent said la
pruoceedings aeomnting to P7,250.00;
the basic la prueviails becamse said rumle oru ruegmlation
cannot go beyond the terues and pruoviisions of the basic 3. The o neruship of ruespondento
la (People vi. Laie, 108 Phil. 1091)." (at pp. 633o634). appellee (CBC) of the otheru sme of
One Million T o Hmndrued Six
Thomsand Six Hmndrued Sevien Pesos
DECISION and Fifty Eight Centavios
(P1,206,607.58) prueviiomsly cruedited to
its clearuing accomnt on Amgmst 12,
1983 peru PCHC Stockholderus'
GUTIERREZ, JR., J p: Resolmtion No. 6083 dated Apruil 6,
1983, is herueby confrueed.
The pruesent petition asks ms to set aside the decision
and ruesolmtion of the Comrut of Appeals in CAoG.R. SP No. 4. The PCHC is herueby diruected to
24306 hich affirueed the earulieru decision of the ieeediately debit the clearuing
Regional Truial Comrut of Makati, Bruanch 59 in Civiil Case accomnt of BPI the sme of One Million
No. 14911 entitled Bank iof the Philippine Islands v. T o Hmndrued Six Thomsand Six
China Banking Ciorpioration and the Philippine Clearing Hmndrued Sevien Pesos and Fifty Eight
Hiouse Ciorpioration, the dispositivie porution of hich Centavios (P1,206,607.58) togetheru
rueads: ith its interuest as decrueed in
paruagruaph 1(a) heruein abovie stated
"WHEREFORE, prueeises considerued,
and cruedit the saee to the clearuing
jmdgeent is herueby ruenderued
accomnt of CBC;
diseissing petitioneruoappellant's
(BPI's) appeal and affirueing the 5. The PCHC's comnteruclaie and
appealed oruderu of Amgmst 26, 1986 cruossclaie arue diseissed foru lack of
(Annex B of BPI's Petition) ith eeruit; and
eodifcation as follo s:
6. With costs against the petitioneruo
1. Oruderuing the petitioneruoappellant appellant." (Rollo, pp. 161o162)
(BPI) to pay ruespondentoappellee
The contruovierusy in this case aruose fruoe the follo ing
facts as fomnd by the Arubitruation Coeeitee of
(a) the aeomnt of ruespondent Philippine Clearuing Homse Coruporuation in
One Million T o Hmndrued Six Arubicoe Case No. 83o029 entitled Bank iof the Philippine
Thomsand, Six Hmndrued Sevien Islands v. China Banking Ciorpioration:
Pesos and Fifty Eight
"The storuy mnderulying this case began
Centavios (P1,206,607.58)
in the afterunoon of Octoberu 9, 1981
ith interuest at the legal ruate
ith a phone call to BPI's Money
of t elvie perucent (12%) peru
Maruket Deparuteent by a oean ho
annme staruting Amgmst 26,
identifed heruself as Eligia G.
1986, the date hen the
Ferunando ho had a eoney earuket
oruderu of the PCHC Boarud of
placeeent as eviidenced by a
Diruectorus as issmed mntil the
pruoeissoruy note ith a eatmruity date
fmll aeomnt is fnally paid; and
of Novieeberu 11, 1981 and a eatmruity

vialme of P2,462,243.19. The calleru Inforueed that the placeeent omld

anted to prueterueinate the yield less than the eatmruity vialme
placeeent, bmt Reginaldo Emstaqmio, becamse of its prueterueination, the
Dealeru Truainee in BPI's Money Maruket calleru insisted on the prueterueination
Deparuteent, ho rueceivied the call jmst the saee and asked that t o
and ho happened to be alone in the checks be issmed foru the pruoceeds,
truading ruooe at the tiee, told heru one foru P1,800,000.00 and the second
'truading tiee' as ovieru foru the day, foru the balance, and that the checks
hich as a Fruiday, and smggested be delivierued to heru office at
that she call again the follo ing eek. Philaelife.
The pruoeissoruy note that the calleru
Emstaqmio, thms, pruoceeded to
anted to prueterueinate as a ruollo
prueparue the 'pmruchase oruderu slip' foru
ovieru of an earulieru 50oday eoney
the rueqmested prueterueination as
earuket placeeent that had eatmrued
rueqmirued by office pruocedmrue, and
on Septeeberu 24, 1981.
fruoe his desk, the paperus, follo ing
the pruocessing ruomte, passed thruomgh
the position analyst, secmruities cleruk,
Laateru that afterunoon, Emstaqmio
vieruiferu cleruk and docmeentation
convieyed the rueqmest foru
cleruk, beforue the t o cashieru's checks,
prueterueination to the officeru ho
nos. 021759 and 021760 foru
beforue had handled Eligia G.
P1,800,000.00 and P613,215.16,
Ferunando's accomnt, Penelope Bmlan,
ruespectiviely, both payable to Eligia G.
bmt Emstaqmio as left to atend to
Ferunando, covieruing the
the prueterueination pruocess.
prueterueinated placeeent, erue
The next Monday, Octoberu 12, 1981, prueparued. The t o cashieru's checks,
in the eoruning, the calleru of the togetheru ith the paperus consisting of
prueviioms Fruiday follo ed mp ith the pmruchase oruderu slip indicating that
Emstaqmio, eeruely by phone again, on the eoney earuket placeeent as to
the prueterueination of the placeeent. be prueterueinated and the pruoeissoruy
Althomgh not faeiliaru ith the vioice note (no. 35623) to be prueterueinated,
of the rueal Eligia G. Ferunando, erue sent to Gerulanda E. de Castruo
Emstaqmio 'eade cerutain' that the and Celestino Saepiton, Jru., Manageru
calleru as the rueal Eligia G. Ferunando and Adeinistruativie Assistant,
by 'vieruifying' that the details the ruespectiviely, in BPI's Trueasmruy
calleru gavie abomt the placeeent Operuations Deparuteent, both
tallied ith the details in 'the amthoruized signatoruies foru BPI, ho
ledgeru/folderu' of the accomnt. signed the t o checks that vieruy
Emstaqmio kne the rueal Eligia G. eoruning. Haviing been signed, the
Ferunando to be the Trueasmrueru of checks no ent to the dispatcheru
Philippine Aeeruican Laife Insmruance foru delivieruy.
Coepany (Philaelife) since he as
Laateru in the saee eoruning, ho evieru,
handling Philaelife's coruporuate
the saee calleru changed the delivieruy
eoney earuket accomnt Bmt neitheru
instrumctions; instead of the checks
Emstaqmio noru Bmlan ho oruiginally
being delivierued to heru office at
handled Ferunando's accomnt, noru
Philaelife, she omld heruself pick mp
anybody else at BPI, botherued to call
the checks oru send heru niece,
mp Ferunando at heru Philaelife office
Roseearuie Ferunando, to pick thee mp.
to vieruify the rueqmest foru
Emstaqmio then told heru that if it erue
heru niece ho as going to get the

checks, heru niece omld havie to bruing Head Office foru the opening of a
a ruiten amthoruization fruoe heru to cmruruent accomnt.
pick mp the checks. This telephone
She as accoepanied and intruodmced
convierusation ended ith the calleru's
to Eeily Sylianco Cmaso, Cash
stateeent that 'defnitely' it omld be
Smperuviisoru, by Antonio Concepcion
heru niece, Roseearuie Ferunando, ho
hoe Cmaso kne to havie opened,
omld pick mp the checks. Thms,
earulieru that yearu, an accomnt mpon the
Emstaqmio had to hmruruiedly go to the
instrumction of Valentin Co, a loneo
dispatcheru, Berunarudo Laaderuas, to tell
standing 'vialmed client' of CBC. What
hie of the ne delivieruy instrumctions
Cmaso indicated in the application
foru the checks; in fact, he changed the
forue, ho evieru, as that the ne
delivieruy instrumction on the pmruchase
client as intruodmced by Valentin Co.
oruderu slip, ruiting therueon 'Roseearuie
and ith heru initials on the forue
Ferunando ruelease only ith amthoruity
signifying heru appruovial, she rueferurued
to pick mp.'
the application to the Ne Accomnts
It as, in fact, Roseearuie Ferunando Section foru pruocessing. As fnally
ho got the t o checks fruoe the pruocessed, the application forue
dispatcheru, as sho n by the delivieruy sho s the signatmrue of 'Eligia G.
rueceipt. Actmally, as it tmruned omt, the Ferunando', 'heru' date of biruth, sex, civiil
saee ieperusonated both Eligia G. statms, nationality, occmpation
Ferunando and Roseearuie Ferunando. ('bmsiness oean'), tax accomnt
Althomgh the checks ruepruesented the nmeberu, and initial deposit of
terueination pruoceeds of Eligia G. P10,000.00. The fnal appruovial of the
Ferunando's placeeent, not jmst a ruollo ne cmruruent accomnt to indicated on
ovieru of the placeeent, the dispatcheru the application forue by the initials of
failed to get oru to rueqmirue the Regina G. Dy, Cashieru, ho did not
smruruenderu of the pruoeissoruy note interuviie the ne client bmt affixed
eviidencing the placeeent. Therue is heru initials on the application forue
also no sho ing that Eligia G. afteru rueviie ing it. The ne cmruruent
Ferunando's pmruporuted signatmrue on accomnt as givien the nmeberu:
the leteru rueqmesting the 26310o3.
prueterueination and the leteru
The follo ing day, Octoberu 14, 1981,
amthoruizing Roseearuie Ferunando to
the oean holding heruself omt as
pick mp the t o checks, both of hich
Eligia G. Ferunando deposited the t o
leterus erue pruesmeably handed to
checks in contruovierusy ith Cmruruent
the dispatcheru by Roseearuie
Accomnt No. 126310o3. Heru
Ferunando, as coeparued oru vieruifed
endoruseeent on the t o checks as
ith Eligia G. Ferunando's signatmrue in
fomnd to conforue ith the depositoru's
BPI's fle. Smch pmruporuted natmrue has
specieen signatmrue. CBC's gmaruanty of
been established to be foruged
pruioru endoruseeents and/oru lack of
althomgh it has a 'close sieilaruity' to
endoruseeent as then staeped on
the rueal signatmrue of Eligia G.
the t o checks, hich CBC foruth ith
Ferunando (TSN of Janmaruy 15, 1985,
sent to clearuing and hich BPI clearued
pp. 24 and 26).
on the saee day.
The storuy's scene no shifted hen,
T o days afteru, ithdrua als began on
in the afterunoon of Octoberu 13, 1981,
Cmruruent Accomnt No. 26310o3: On
a oean ho ruepruesented heruself to
Octoberu 16, 1981, by eeans of Check
be Eligia G. Ferunando applied at CBC's
No. 240005 dated the saee day foru



P1,000,000.00, payable to 'cash', hile she as the payee of the t o

hich the oean holding heruself omt checks in contruovierusy, she nevieru
as Eligia G. Ferunando encashed ovieru rueceivied noru endorused thee and that
the comnteru, and Check No. 240003 heru pmruporuted signatmrue on the back
dated Octoberu 15, 1981 foru of the checks as not herus bmt foruged.
P48,500.00, payable to 'cash' hich With heru smruruenderu of the oruiginal of
as rueceivied thruomgh clearuing fruoe the pruoeissoruy note (no. 35623 ith
PNB Pasay Bruanch; on Octoberu 19, eatmruity vialme of P2,462,243.19)
1981, by eeans of Check No. 240006 eviidencing the placeeent hich
dated the saee day foru eatmrued that day, BPI issmed heru a
P1,000,000.00, payable to 'cash,' ne pruoeissoruy note (no. 40314 ith
hich the oean identifying heruself eatmruity date of Deceeberu 23, 1981
as Eligia G. Ferunando encashed ovieru and eatmruity vialme of P2,500,266.77)
the comnteru; on Octoberu 22, 1981, by to eviidence a ruolloovieru of the
eeans of Check No. 240007 dated the placeeent.
saee day foru P370,000.00, payable to
On Novieeberu 12, 1981, smpporuted by
'cash' hich the oean heruself also
Eligia G. Ferunando's affidaviit, BPI
encashed ovieru the comnteru; and on
ruetmruned the t o checks in
Novieeberu 4, 1981, by eeans of
contruovierusy to CBC foru the rueason
Check No. 240001 dated Novieeberu 3,
'Payee's endoruseeent foruged'. A pingo
1981 foru P4,100.00, payable to 'cash,'
pong staruted hen CBC, in tmrun,
hich as rueceivied thruomgh clearuing
ruetmruned the checks foru rueason
fruoe Faru East Bank.
'Beyond Clearuing Tiee', and the
All these ithdrua als erue allo ed stoppage of this pingopong, as e
on the basis of the vieruifcation of the eentioned at the omtset, pruoepted
drua eru's signatmrue ith the specieen the fling of this case.
signatmrue on fle and the smfficiency of
Inviestigation of the fruamd by the
the fmnds in the accomnt. Ho evieru,
Pruesidential Secmruity Coeeand led to
the balance sho n in the
the fling of cruieinal actions foru
coepmteruized telleru terueinal hen a
'Estafa Thrum Falsifcation of
ithdrua al is seruviiced at the comnteru,
Coeeerucial Docmeents' against fomru
mnlike the ledgeru oru msmal stateeent
eeployees of BPI, naeely Qmiruino
prueparued at eonthoend, does not
Victoruio, Virugilio Gayon, Berunarudo
sho the accomnt's historuical data
Laaderuas and Joruge Atayan, and the
smch as the accomnt's opening date,
oean ho ieperusonated Eligia G.
the aeomnts and dates of deposits
Ferunando, Smsan Laopez San Jman.
and ithdrua als. The last ithdrua al
Victoruio and Gayon erue both
on Novieeberu 4, 1981 left Cmruruent
bookkeeperus in BPI's Money Maruket
Accomnt No. 26310o3 ith a balance
Operuations Deparuteent, Laaderuas as
of only P571.61.
a dispatcheru in the saee
The day of rueckoning caee on deparuteent. . . ." (Rollo, pp. 74o79).
Novieeberu 11, 1981, the eatmruity
The Arubitruation Coeeitee rumled in favioru of petitioneru
date of Eligia G. Ferunando's eoney
BPI. The dispositivie porution of the decision rueads: cdll
earuket placeeent ith BPI, hen the
rueal Eligia G. Ferunando ent to BPI foru "WHEREFORE, e adjmdged in favioru
the ruolloovieru of heru placeeent. She of the Bank of the Philippine Islands
disclaieed haviing prueterueinated heru and herueby oruderu China Banking
placeeent on Octoberu 12, 1981. She Coruporuation to pay ith forueeru the
execmted an affidaviit stating that aeomnt of P1,206,607.58 ith

interuest therueon at 12% peru annme of the cost of the Arubitruation

fruoe Amgmst 12, 1983, oru the date pruoceedings aeomnting to P7,250.00.
hen PCHC, pmrusmant to its pruocedmrue
The PCHC is herueby diruected to debit
foru coepmlsoruy arubitruation of the
the clearuing accomnt of the BPI the
pingopong checks mnderu Stockholderus'
sme of P1,206,607.58 and cruedit the
Resolmtion No. 6o83 as
saee to that of CBC. The cost of
iepleeented, mp to the date of actmal
Arubitruation pruoceedings arue to be
debited fruoe the accomnts of the
Costs of smit in the total aeomnt of paruties in the pruoporution abovie
P7,250.00 arue to be assessed the stated." (Rollo, pp. 112o113)
litigant banks in the follo ing
BPI then fled a petition foru rueviie of the aboviestated
oruderu ith the Regional Truial Comrut of Makati. The truial
a) Plaintii BPI comrut diseissed the petition bmt eodifed the oruderu as
25% — P1,812.50 can be gleaned fruoe the dispositivie porution of its
b) Defendant China decision qmoted earulieru.
75% — P5,437.50
Not satisfed ith the truial comrut's decision petitioneru
BPI fled ith ms a petition foru rueviie on cerutioruarui mnderu
Total Rmle 45 of the Rmles of Comrut. The case as docketed as
Assesseent — P7,250. G.R. No. 96376. Ho evieru, in a Resolmtion dated
00 Februmaruy 6, 1991, e rueferurued the case to the Comrut of
conforueably ith PCHC Resolmtion Appeals foru pruoperu deterueination and disposition. The
Nos. 46o83 dated Octoberu 25, 1983 appellate comrut affirueed the truial comrut's decision.
and 4o85 dated Februmaruy 25, 1985. Hence, this petition.
The PCHC is herueby diruected to eiect In a ruesolmtion dated May 20, 1992 e gavie dme comruse
the coruruesponding entruies to the to the petition.
litigant banks' clearuing accomnts in
accorudance ith the foruegoing Petitioneru BPI no assevieruates:
decision " (Rollo, pp. 97o98).
Ho evieru, mpon eotion foru rueconsideruation fled by THE RESPONDENT COURT LaEAVES THE
ruespondent CBC, the Boarud of Diruectorus of the PCHC UNDESIRABLaE RESULaT OF RENDERING
ruevierused the Arubitruation Coeeitee's decision in its NUGATORY THE VERY PURPOSE FOR
Oruderu, the dispositivie porution of hich rueads: THE UNIFORM BANKING PRACTICE OF
rueconsiderus the Decision of the
Arubitruation Coeeitee dated Maruch II
24, 1986 in Arubicoe Case No. 183o029 CONTRARY TO THE RULaING OF THE
and in liem therueof, one is ruenderued RESPONDENT COURT, THE
eodifying the decision so that the PROXIMATE CAUSE FOR THE LaOSS OF
Coeplaint of BPI is diseissed, and on THE PROCEEDS OF THE TWO CHECKS
sentenced to pay CBC the sme of OF THE EMPLaOYEES OF CBC AND NOT
P1,206,607.58. In viie of the facts, no BPI; CONSEQUENTLaY, EVEN UNDER
interuest noru atoruney's fees arue SECTION 23 OF THE NEGOTIABLaE
a aruded BPI shall also bearu 75% oru INSTRUMENTS LaAW, BPI WAS NOT
P5,437.50 and CBC, 25% oru P1,812.50

PRECLaUDED FROM RAISING THE "Itees hich havie been the smbject
DEFENSE OF FORGERY. of eateruial alteruation oru itees bearuing
a foruged endoruseeent hen smch
endoruseeent is necessaruy foru
THE RESPONDENT COURT negotiation shall be ruetmruned ithin
COMMITTED REVERSIBLaE ERROR IN t enty fomru (24) homrus afteru discovieruy
FAILaING TO APPRECIATE THE FACT of the alteruation oru the forugeruy, bmt in
THAT CBC HAD THE "LaAST CLaEAR no evient beyond the peruiod
CHANCE" OF AVOIDING THE LaOSS pruescruibed by la foru the fling of a
OCCASIONED BY THE FRAUDULaENT legal action by the ruetmruning
ACTS INVOLaVED IN THE INSTANT CASE bank/bruanch institmtion oru entity
" (Rollo, p. 24) LaLaphil against the bank/bruanch, institmtion
oru entity sending the saee." (Section
The eain issmes ruaised in the assigneent of eruruorus arue:
When a bank (in this case CBC) pruesents checks foru
clearuing and payeent, hat is the extent of the bank's In the case of Bancio de Orio Savings and Miortgage Bank
aruruanty of the vialidity of all pruioru endoruseeents v. Equitable Banking Ciorpioration (157 SCRA 188 [1988]
staeped at the back of the checks? In the evient that the clearuing ruegmlation (this is the pruesent clearuing
the payee's signatmrue is foruged, eay the drua eru/drua ee ruegmlation) at the tiee the paruties' dispmte occmrurued as
bank (in this case BPI) claie rueiebmruseeent fruoe the as follo s:
collecting bank [CBC]) hich earulieru paid the pruoceeds
of the checks afteru the saee checks erue clearued by "SECTION 21. . . . .
petitioneru BPI thruomgh the PCHC? Itees hich havie been the smbject of
Anent the frust issme, petitioneru BPI contends that eateruial alteruation oru itees bearuing
ruespondent CBC's clearu aruruanty that "all pruioru foruged endoruseeent hen smch
endoruseeents and/oru lack of endoruseeents endoruseeent is necessaruy foru
gmaruanteed" staeped at the back of the checks as an negotiation shall be ruetmruned by
mnruestruictivie clearuing gmaruanty that all pruioru diruect pruesentation oru deeand to the
endoruseeents in the checks arue genmine. Underu this Pruesenting Bank and not thruomgh the
prueeise petitioneru BPI asseruts that the pruesenting oru ruegmlaru clearuing homse facilities ithin
collecting bank, ruespondent CBC, had an mnqmestioned the peruiod pruescruibed by la foru the
liability hen it tmruned omt that the payee's signatmrue on fling of a legal action by the ruetmruning
the checks erue foruged. With these cirucmestances, bank/bruanch, institmtion oru entity
petitioneru BPI eaintains that consideruations of ruelativie sending the saee."
negligence becoees totally irurueleviant. It is to be noted that the abovieocited clearuing
In sme, petitioneru BPI theoruizes that the Negotiable ruegmlations arue smbstantially the saee in that it allo s a
Instrumeents Laa , specifcally Section 23 therueof is not ruetmrun of a check "bearuing foruged endoruseeent hen
applicable in the light of the absolmte liability of the smch endoruseeent is necessaruy foru negotiation" evien
ruepruesenting oru collecting bank as ruegaruds foruged beyond the next ruegmlaru clearuing althomgh not beyond
endoruseeents in consonance ith the clearuing the pruescruiptivie peruiod "foru the fling of a legal action by
gmaruantee rueqmirueeent ieposed mpon the pruesenting oru the ruetmruning bank."
collecting banks "as it is oruded today." Bearuing in eind this sieilaruity in the clearuing ruegmlation
Petitioneru BPI frust ruetmruned to CBC the t o (2) checks in foruce at the tiee the foruged checks in the pruesent
on the gruomnd that "Payee's endoruseeent ( as) foruged" case and the Bancio de Orio case erue dishonorued and
an Novieeberu 12, 1981. At that tiee the clearuing ruetmruned to the pruesenting oru collecting banks, e can
ruegmlation then in foruce mnderu PCHC's Clearuing Homse be gmided by the pruinciples enmnciated in the Bancio de
Rmles and Regmlations as rueviised on Septeeberu 19, Orio case on the rueleviance of negligence of the drua ee
1980 pruoviides: viisoaoviis the foruged checks.



The facts in the Bancio de Orio case arue as follo s: In pruesenting the checks foru clearuing
Soeetiee in Maruch, Apruil, May and Amgmst 1983 and/foru payeent, the defendant
Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation thruomgh its Visa Carud eade an expruess gmaruantee on the
Deparuteent drue six (6) cruossed Manageru's check ith vialidity of 'all pruioru endoruseeents.'
the total aeomnt of Foruty Fivie Thomsand Nine Hmndrued Thms, staeped at the back of the
and Eighty T o Pesos and T enty Thruee Centavios checks arue the defendant's clearu
(P45,982.23) and payable to cerutain eeeberu aruruanty: ALaLa PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS
establisheents of Visa Carud. Laateru, the checks erue AND/OR LaACK OF ENDORSEMENTS
deposited ith Banco de Oruo to the cruedit of its GUARANTEED. Withomt smch
depositoru, a cerutain Aida Truencio. Follo ing norueal aruruanty, plaintii omld not havie
pruocedmrues, and afteru staeping at the back of the paid on the checks.
checks the endoruseeents: "All pruioru and/oru lack of
No aeomnt of legal jarugon can ruevieruse
endoruseeents gmaruanteed" Banco de Oruo sent the
the clearu eeaning of defendant's
checks foru clearuing thruomgh the PCHC. Accorudingly,
aruruanty. As the aruruanty has pruovien
Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation paid the checks; its
to be false and inaccmruate, the
clearuing aeomnt as debited foru the vialme of the checks
defendant is liable foru any daeage
and Banco de Oruo's clearuing accomnt as cruedited foru
aruising omt of the falsity of its
the saee aeomnt. When Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation
discovierued that the endoruseeents at the back of the
checks and pmruporuting to be that of the payees erue The pruinciple of estoppel, eiectiviely
foruged it pruesented the checks diruectly to Banco de Oruo pruevients the defendant fruoe denying
foru rueiebmruseeent Banco de Oruo ruefmsed to rueiebmruse liability foru any daeage smstained by
Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation foru the vialme of the the plaintii hich, ruelying mpon an
checks. Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation then fled a action oru declaruation of the
coeplaint ith the Arubitruation Coeeitee of the PCHC. defendant, paid on the checks. The
The Arubiteru, Aty. Ceasaru Qmerumbin, rumled in favioru of saee pruinciple of estoppel eiectiviely
Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation. The Boarud of Diruectorus pruevients the defendant fruoe denying
of the PCHC affirueed the Arubiteru's decision. A petition the existence of the checks (pp. 10o
foru rueviie of the decision fled by Banco de Oruo ith 11, Decision, pp. 43o44, Rollo)" (at pp
the Regional Truial Comrut of Qmezon City as diseissed. 194o195)
The decision of the PCHC as affirueed in tiotio.
We also rumled:
One of the eain issmes thrueshed omt in this case
centerued on the eiect of Banco de Oruo's (ruepruesenting "Apruopos the eateru of forugeruy in
oru collecting bank) gmaruantee of "all pruioru endoruseeents endoruseeents, this Comrut has
and/oru lack of endoruseeents" at the back of the checks. pruesently smccinctly eephasized that
A coruollaruy issme as the eiect of the foruged the collecting bank oru last endoruseru
endoruseeents of the payees hich erue lateru generually smierus the loss becamse it
discovierued by the Eqmitable Banking Coruporuation has the dmty to ascerutain the
(drua ee bank) ruesmlting in the lateru's claie foru genmineness of all pruioru
rueiebmruseeent of the vialme of checks afteru it paid the endoruseeents consideruing that the
pruoceeds of the checks. LaLajmru act of pruesenting the check foru
payeent to the drua ee is an
We agrueed ith the follo ing disqmisition of the asserution that the paruty eaking the
Regional Truial Comrut, to it: pruesenteent has done its dmty to
ascerutain the genmineness of the
"Anent petitioneru's liability on said
endoruseeents. This is laid do n in
instrumeents, this comrut is in fmll accorud
the case of PNB vi. National City Bank
ith the rumling of the PCHC Boarud of
(63 Phil. 1711) In anotheru case, this
Diruectorus that:
comrut held that if the drua eeobank
discovierus that the signatmrue of the

payee as foruged afteru it has paid the Paruenthetically, petitioneru BPI's theoruy that the pruesent
aeomnt of the check to the holderu clearuing gmaruantee rueqmirueeent ieposed on the
therueof, it can ruecovieru the aeomnt ruepruesenting oru collecting bank mnderu the PCHC rumles
paid fruoe the collecting bank. and ruegmlations is independent of the Negotiable
Instrumeents Laa is not in oruderu.
Anotheru rueason hy the petitioneru's theoruy is mncalled
xxx xxx xxx
foru is the fact that the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa (Act
The pioint that ciomes uppermiost is No. 2031) applies to negotiable instrumeents as defned
whether the drawee bank wa mnderu section one therueof. Undeniably, the pruesent
negligent in failing tio disciover the case inviolvies checks as defned by and mnderu the
alteration ior the fiorgery. (Eephasis covieruage of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa . To affirue
smpplied) the theoruy of the petitioneru omld, therueforue, viiolate
the rumle that rumles and ruegmlations iepleeenting the
xxx xxx xxx
la shomld conforue to the la , otheru ise the rumles and
The comrut ruepruodmces ith appruovial ruegmlations arue nmll and vioid. Thms, e held in Shell
the follo ing disqmisition of the PCHC Philippines, Inc. v. Central Bank iof the Philippines (162
in its decision. SCRA 628 [1988]):
xxx xxx xxx ". . . hile it is trume that mnderu the
'III. Haviing Violated Its Waruruanty On saee la the Centrual Bank as givien
Validity Of All Endoruseeents, the amthoruity to pruoemlgate rumles and
Collectivie Bank Cannot Deny Laiability ruegmlations to iepleeent the
To Those Who Relied On Its Waruruanty. statmtoruy pruoviision in qmestion, e
rueiteruate the pruinciple that this
xxx xxx xxx amthoruity is lieited only to caruruying
'The damage that will result if into eiect hat the la being
judgment is niot rendered fior the iepleeented pruoviides.
plainti is irreparable. The ciollectng "In People vi. Maceruen (79 SCRA 450,
bank has privity with the depiositior 458 and 460), this Comrut rumled that:
whio is the principal culprit in this
case. The defendant kniows the Adeinistruativie ruegmlations adopted
depiositior; her address and her mnderu legislativie amthoruity by a
histiory. Depiositior is defendant's paruticmlaru deparuteent emst be in
client. It has taken a risk ion its harueony ith the pruoviisions of the
depiositior when it alliowed her tio la , and shomld be foru the sole
ciollect ion the criossed-checks. pmrupose of caruruying into eiect its
generual pruoviisions. By smch
'Having accepted the criossed checks ruegmlations, of comruse, the la itself
friom persions iother than the payees, cannot be extended. (U.S. vi. Tmpasi
the defendant is guilty iof negligence; Molina, supra). An adeinistruativie
the risk iof wriongful payment has tio agency cannot aeend an act of
be assumed by the Congruess (Santos vi. Estenzo, 109 Phil.
defendant."(Eephasis smpplied, at pp. 419, 422; Teoxon vi. Meeberus of the
198o202). Boarud of Adeinistruatorus, Lao25619,
As can be gleaned fruoe the decision, one of the eain Jmne 30, 1970, 33 SCRA 585; Manmel
consideruations in affirueing the PCHC's decision as the vi. Generual Amditing Office, Lao28952,
fnding that as bet een the drua ee bank (Eqmitable Deceeberu 29, 1971, 42 SCRA 660;
Bank) and the ruepruesenting oru collecting bank (Banco de Delmao vi. Casteel, Lao21906, Amgmst 29,
Oruo) the lateru as negligent and thms ruesponsible foru 1969, 29 SCRA 350).
mndme payeent.

The rumleoeaking po eru emst be seing mp the forugeruy oru ant of

confned to details foru ruegmlating the amthoruity."
eode oru pruoceeding to caruruy into
Therue arue t o (2) paruts of the pruoviision. The frust parut
eiect the la as it has been enacted.
states the generual rumle hile the second parut states the
The po eru cannot be extended to
exception to the generual rumle. The generual rumle is to the
aeending oru expanding the statmtoruy
eiect that a foruged signatmrue is " holly inoperuativie",
rueqmirueeents oru to eebruace eaterus
and payeent eade "thruomgh oru mnderu smch signatmrue" is
not covierued by the statmte. Rmles that
ineiectmal oru does not discharuge the instrumeent. The
smbvierut the statmte cannot be
exception to this rumle is hen the paruty ruelying on the
sanctioned. (Univierusity of Santo
forugeruy is "prueclmded fruoe seing mp the forugeruy oru
Toeas vi. Boarud of Tax Appeals, 93
ant of amthoruity." In this jmruisdiction e
Phil. 376, 382, citing 12 C.J. 845o46. As
ruecognize negligence iof the party invioking forugeruy as an
to invialid ruegmlations, see Collectoru of
exception to the generual rumle. (See Banco de Oruo
Interunal Revienme vi. Villaforu, 69 Phil.
Saviings and Morutgage Bank vi. Eqmitable Banking
319; Wise & Co vi. Meeru, 78 Phil. 655,
Coruporuation supra; Philippine National Bank vi. Qmiepo,
676, Del Maru vi. Phil. Veteruans
158 SCRA 582 [1988]; Philippine National Bank vi. Comrut
Adeinistruation, Lao27299, Jmne 27,
of Appeals, 25 SCRA 693 [1968]; Repmblic vi. Eqmitable
1973, 51 SCRA 340, 349).
Banking Coruporuation, 10 SCRA 8 [1964]; National Bank vi.
xxx xxx xxx National City Bank of Ne Yoruk, 63 Phil. 711 [1936]; San
". . . The rumle oru ruegmlation shomld be Carulos Milling Co. vi. Bank of P.I., 59 Phil. 59 [1933]). In
ithin the scope of the statmtoruy these cases e deterueined the ruights and liabilities of
amthoruity gruanted by the legislatmrue to the paruties mnderu a foruged endoruseeent by looking at
the adeinistruativie agency (Daviis, the legal eiects of the ruelativie negligence of the paruties
Adeinistruativie Laa , p. 194, 197, cited therueto.
in Victoruias Milling Co., Inc. vi. Social In the pruesent petition the payee's naees in the t o (2)
Secmruity Coeeission, 114 Phil. 555, smbject checks erue foruged. Follo ing the generual rumle,
558). the checks arue " holly inoperuativie" and of no eiect.
In case of discruepancy bet een the Ho evieru, the mnderulying cirucmestances of the case
basic la and a rumle oru ruegmlation sho that the generual rumle on forugeruy is not applicable.
issmed to iepleeent said la the The issme as to ho bet een the paruties shomld bearu
basic la prueviails becamse said rumle oru the loss in the payeent of the foruged checks
ruegmlation cannot go beyond the necessitates the deterueination of the ruights and
terues and pruoviisions of the basic la liabilities of the paruties inviolvied in the contruovierusy in
(People vi. Laie, 108 Phil. 1091)." (at ruelation to the foruged checks.
pp. 633o634). The ruecoruds sho that petitioneru BPI as drua ee bank
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa states: and ruespondent CBC as ruepruesenting oru collecting bank
erue both negligent ruesmlting in the encasheent of the
"When a signatmrue is foruged oru eade foruged checks.
ithomt the amthoruity of the peruson
hose signatmrue it pmruporuts to be, it is The Arubitruation Coeeitee in its decision analyzed the
holly inoperuativie and no ruight to negligence of the eeployees of petitioneru BPI inviolvied
ruetain the instrumeent, oru to givie in the pruocessing of the prueoterueination of Eligia G.
discharuge therueforue, oru to enforuce Ferunando's eoney earuket placeeent and in the
payeent therueof, against any paruty issmance and delivieruy of the smbject checks in this ise:
therueto, can be acqmirued thruomgh oru "a) The iepostoru comld havie been
mnderu smch foruged signatmrue, mnless rueadily mneasked by a eerue
the paruty against hoe it is somght to telephone call, hich nobody in BPI
enforuce smch ruight is prueclmded fruoe botherued to eake to Eligia G.



Ferunando, a viiceopruesident of Philaelife, this clevieru rumse emst havie

Philaelife (Annex C, p. 13). pmt oi gmarud the eeployee prueparuing
the 'pmruchase oruderu slip', enomgh at
b) It is ruatheru cmruioms, too, that the
least foru hie to do a ay ith haviing
officeru ho msed to handle Eligia G.
to call Eligia G. Ferunando at heru office
Ferunando's accomnt did not do
(Annex C at p. 17)
anything abomt the accomnt's prueo
terueination (Ibid, p. 13). b) We also do not think it mnmsmal
that Penelope Bmlan, ho msed to
c) Again no vieruifcation appearus to
handle Eligia G. Ferunando's accomnt,
havie been eade by (sic) Eligia G.
shomld do nothing abomt the rueqmest
Ferunando's pmruporuted signatmrue on
foru prueterueination and leavie it to
the leteru rueqmesting the prueo
Emstaqmio to pruocess the
terueination and the leteru amthoruizing
prueterueination In a bank the size of
heru niece to pickomp the checks, yet,
BPI, it omld be qmite norueal foru an
heru signatmrue as in BPI's fle (Ibid , p.
officeru to take ovieru fruoe anotheru the
handling of an accomnt. (Ibid, p. 17)
d) Anotheru step that comld havie foiled
c) The failmrue to vieruify oru coeparue
the fruamd, bmt hich BPI neglected to
Eligia G. Ferunando's pmruporuted
take, as rueqmiruing beforue the t o
signatmrue on the leteru rueqmesting the
checks in contruovierusy erue delivierued,
prueterueination and the leteru
the smruruenderu of the pruoeissoruy note
amthoruizing the pickomp of the checks
eviidencing the eoney earuket
in contruovierusy ith heru signatmrue in
placeeent that as smpposedly
BPI's fle sho ed lack of carue and
prueterueinated." (Rollo, p. 13)
prumdence rueqmirued by the
The Arubitruation Coeeitee, ho evieru, belitled cirucmestances, althomgh it is dombtml
petitioneru BPI's negligence coeparued to that of that smch coeparuison omld havie
ruespondent CBC hich it declarued as gruavieru and the disclosed the deception consideruing
pruoxieate camse of the loss of the smbject checks to the the 'close sieilaruity' bet een heru
iepostoru ho ieperusonated Eligia G. Ferunando. pmruporuted signatmrue and heru
Petitioneru BPI no insists on the adoption of the signatmrue in BPI's fle. (Ibid., p. 17)
Arubitruation Coeeitee's evialmation of the negligence of
both paruties, to it:
d) A signifcant lapse as, ho evieru,
"a) Bmt hat abomt the lapses of BPI's
coeeited hen the t o checks in
eeployees ho pruocessed the
contruovierusy erue delivierued ithomt
prueterueination of Eligia G. Ferunando's
rueqmiruing the smruruenderu of the
placeeent and issmed the checks? We
pruoeissoruy note eviidencing the
do not think it as a seruioms lapse not
placeeent that as smpposedly
to confrue the telephone rueqmest foru
prueterueinated. Althomgh, as e
prueterueination pmruporutedly eade by
alrueady said, it is harud to deterueine
Eligia G. Ferunando, consideruing that it
hetheru the failmrue to rueqmirue the
is coeeon kno ledge that bmsiness
smruruenderu of the pruoeissoruy note as
in the eoney earuket is done eostly
a deliberuate act of Laaderuas, the
by telephone. Then, too, the initial
dispatcheru, oru sieply becamse the
rueqmest of the calleru as foru the t o
'pmruchase oruderu slip' note, (sic) the
checks ruepruesenting the
fact rueeains that smch failmrue
prueterueination pruoceeds to be
contruibmted to the consmeeation of
delivierued to 'heru' office, eeaning
the fruamd. (Ibid., pp. 17o18)
Eligia G. Ferunando's office at



The Arubitruation Coeeitee Decision's The Arubitruation Coeeitee fomnd that

conclmsion as expruessed thms — —
'Except foru Laaderuas, 1. Since the iepostoru
not one of the BPI perusonnel pruesented only heru tax
tasked ith the accomnt nmeberu as a eeans
prueterueination of Eligia G. of identifcation, e feel that
Ferunando's placeeent and Eeily Sylianco Cmaso, Cash
the issmance of the Smperuviisoru, appruovied the
prueterueination checks opening of heru cmruruent
collmded in the fruamd, accomnt in the naee of Eligia
althomgh therue eay havie G. Ferunando on the struength
been lapses of negligence on of the intruodmction of Antonio
theiru parut hich e shall Concepcion ho had hieself
discmss lateru. The secrueting opened an accomnt earulieru
omt of BPI of Ferunando's that yearu. That Mrus. Cmaso
specieen signatmrue, hich, as as not coeforutable ith the
adeited by the iepostoru intruodmction of Antonio
heruself (Exhibit Eo2; page 5), Concepcion ho had hieself
helped heru in foruging opened an accomnt earulieru
Ferunando's signatmrue as no that yearu. That Mrus. Cmaso
dombt, an 'inside job' bmt as not coeforutable ith the
done by any of the fomru intruodmction of the ne
eeployees collmding in the depositoru by Concepcion is
fruamd, not by the perusonnel betruayed by the fact that she
diruectly charuged ith the eade it appearu in the
cmstody of Ferunando's application forue that the ne
ruecoruds.' (Annex C, p. 15) depositoru as intruodmced by
Valentin Co a longostanding
With ruespect to the negligence of the
vialmed client of CBC, ho had
CBC eeployees in the payeent of the
intruodmced Concepcion hen
t o (2) BPI cashieru's checks inviolvied
he opened his accomnt. We
in this case, the Arubitruation
fnd this eisruepruesentation
Coeeitee's Decision eade
signifcant becamse hen she
incontruovierutible fndings undisputed
rueviie ed the application
in the statement iof facts fiound in the
fruoe she assmeed that the
Ciourt iof Appeals' decisiion iof 8 August
ne client as intruodmced by
1991, the Regiional Trial Ciourt
Valentin Co as indicated in
decisiion iof 28 Niovember 1990 and
the application forue (tsn of
the PCHC Bioard iof Directiors' Order iof
Maruch 19, 1985, page 13).
26 August 1986 (Annexes A, E, D,
Thms e fnd that the
ruespectiviely). These fndings point to
iepostoru as able to open
negligence of the CBC eeployees
ith CBC's cmruruent accomnt in
hich led to: (a) the opening of the
the naee of Eligia G.
iepostoru's cmruruent accomnt in the
Ferunando dme to the
naee of Eligia G. Ferunando; (b) the
negligence, if not
deposit to said accomnt of the t o (2)
eisruepruesentation, of its Cash
checks in contruovierusy and (c) the
Smperuviisoru, (Annex C, p. 18).
ithdrua al of theiru pruoceeds fruoe
said accomnt. 2. Evien ith
negligence atending the

iepostoru's opening of a dispmted eitheru by the ruespondent

cmruruent accomnt, heru PCHC Boarud of Diruectorus oru by the
encasheent of the t o ruespondent comruts (coeparue
checks in contruovierusy comld stateeent of facts of ruespondent
still havie been prueviented if comrut as ruepruodmced in pp. 9o11 of
only the carue and diligence this petition).
deeanded by the
Haviing seen the negligence of the
cirucmestances erue
eeployees of both Banks, the
exerucised. On Octoberu 14,
rueleviant qmestion is: hich negligence
1981, jmst a day afteru she
as graver. The Arubitruation
opened heru accomnt, the
Coeeitee's Decision fomnd and
iepostoru deposited the t o
conclmded thms —
checks hich had an
aggruegate vialme of 'Since therue erue
P2,413,215.16, hich as lapses by both BPI and CBC,
gruossly dispruoporutionate to the qmestion is: hose
heru initial deposit of P10,000. negligence as the gruavieru
The vieruy date of both checks, and hich as the pruoxieate
Octoberu 12, 1981, shomld camse of the loss? Evien
havie tipped oi the rueal viie ing BPI's lapses in the
pmrupose of the opening of the orust light, it can be said that
accomnt on Octoberu 13, 1981. hile its negligence eay havie
Bmt hat smruely can be intruodmced the t o checks in
charuacteruized only as contruovierusy into the
abandoneent of camtion as coeeerucial strueae, CBC's
allo ing the ithdrua al of lack of carue in appruoviing the
the checks' pruoceeds hich opening ith it of the
staruted on Octoberu 16, 1981 iepostoru's cmruruent accomnt,
only t o days afteru the t o and its allo ing the
checks erue deposited; by ithdrua als of the checks'
Octoberu 22, 1981, the pruoceeds, the aggruegate vialme
accomnt had been eeptied of of hich as gruossly
the checks' pruoceeds. (Annex dispruoporutionate to the initial
C, p. 19). cash deposit, so soon afteru
smch checks erue deposited,
3. We can not accept
camsed the 'payeent' of the
CBC's contention that 'big
checks. Being closest to the
ithdrua als' arue 'msmal
evient of loss, therueforue, CBC's
bmsiness' ith it. Hmge
negligence emst be held to be
ithdrua als eight be a
the pruoxieate camse of the
eateru of comruse ith an
loss.'" (Annex C, pp. 19o20)
established accomnt bmt not
(Rollo, pp. 38o41)
foru a ne ly opened accomnt,
especially since the smpposed While it is trume that the PCHC Boarud of Diruectorus, and
check pruoceeds being the lo eru comruts did not dispmte the fndings of facts of
ithdrua n erue gruossly the Arubitruation Coeeitee, the PCHC Boarud of Diruectorus
dispruoporutionate to the initial evialmated the negligence of the paruties, to it:
cash deposit.' (Annex C, p. 19)
"The Boarud fnds the rumling that the
As intieated earulieru, the foruegoing negligence of the eeployees of CBC is
fndings of fact erue not eateruially

gruavieru than that of the BPI not seruviices of a bank mp to the tiee he
aruruanted by the facts becamse: becoees the highest officeru therueof,
the camtionaruy rumle is druilled on hie to
1. The acts and oeissions of hich
al ays be smrue that hen he acts on
BPI eeployees arue gmilty arue not only
the basis of any signatmrue pruesented
negligent bmt cruieinal as fomnd by the
beforue hie, the signatmrue is to be
vieruifed as genmine and that if the
2. The act of BPI's dealeruotruainee bank acts on the basis of a forugeruy of
Emstaqmio of disclosing inforueation smch signatmrue, the bank ill be held
abomt the eoney earuket placeeent liable. Therue can be no excmse
of its client ovieru the telephone is a therueforue foru smch an oeission on the
viiolation, if not ofRepmblic Act 1405. parut of BPI eeployees.
of Sec. 87 (a) of the Generual Banking
4. The decision adeits that:
Act hich penalizes any officeru
eeployee oru agent of any banking 'A signifcant lapse
institmtion ho discloses to any as, ho evieru, coeeited
mnamthoruized peruson any inforueation hen the t o checks in
ruelativie to the fmnds oru pruoperuties in contruovierusy erue delivierued
the cmstody of the bank belonging to ithomt rueqmiruing the
pruiviate indiviidmal, coruporuations. oru smruruenderu of the pruoeissoruy
any otheru entity; and the bland note eviidencing the
excmse givien by the decision that placeeent that as
'bmsiness in the eoney earuket is smpposedly prueterueinated.'
done eostly by the telephone' cannot
This oeission of the BPI to rueqmirue the
be accepted noru toleruated foru it is an
smruruenderu of the pruoeissoruy notes
eleeentaruy rumle of la that no
eviidencing the placeeent is jmstifed
cmstoe oru msage of bmsiness can
by the decision by saying that Sec 74
ovieruruide hat a la specifcally
of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa is
pruoviides. (Ang Tek Laian vi. CA, 87 Phil.
not viiolated by this oeission of the
BPI eeployees becamse said pruoviision
3. The failmrue of BPI eeployees to is intended foru the beneft of the
vieruify oru coeparue Eligia G. Ferunando's peruson paying (in this case the BPI) so
pmruporuted signatmrue on the leteru that since the oeission to smruruenderu
rueqmesting foru prueoterueination and haviing been aivied by BPI, so the
the leteru amthoruizing the pickomp of nonosmruruenderu does not invialidate the
the checks in contruovierusy ith the payeent. The fallacy of this arugmeent
signatmrues on fle is not evien jmstifed is that the issme in this case is:
bmt adeited in the decision as hetheru oru not smch nonosmruruenderu is
sho ing lack of carue and prumdence a necessaruy ingruedient in the camse of
rueqmirued by the cirucmestances. The the smccess of the fruamd and not
conjectmrual excmse eade in the hetheru oru not the payeent as
decision that 'it is dombtml that smch vialid. This excmse eay peruhaps be
coeparuison omld havie discliosed the acceptable if the oeission did not
deception' does not givie an excmse camse daeage to any otheru peruson. In
foru the oeission by BPI eeployees of this case, ho evieru, it did camse
the act of vieruifying the signatmrue,a trueeendoms daeage. Morueovieru, this
dmty hich is the basic rueqmirueeent stateeent obviiomsly ovierulooks the
of all acts in the bank. Fruoe the vieruy pruoviision in Arut 1240 of the Civiil Code
frust tiee an eeployee enterus the rueqmiruing the payoru ( hich in this case



is the BPI) to be smrue he pays to the eeployees. The Arubitruation Coeeitee, the PCHC Boarud
ruight peruson and as Arut 1242 states, of Diruectorus and the lo eru comruts, ho evieru disagruee in
he can claie good faith in paying to the evialmation of the degruee of negligence of the banks.
the ruight peruson only if he pays to the While the Arubitruation Coeeitee declarued the
peruson in possession of the cruedit negligence of ruespondent CBC gruavieru, the PCHC Boarud
( hich in this case is the pruoeissoruy of Diruectorus and the lo eru comruts declarued that
note eviidencing the eoney earuket petitioneru BPI's negligence as gruavieru. To the extent
placeeent). Clearuly therueforue, the that the degruee of negligence is eqmated to the
excmse givien in the decision foru the pruoxieate camse of the loss, e rumle that the issme as to
nonosmruruenderu of this pruoeissoruy note hose negligence is gruavieru is rueleviant. No eateru ho
eviidencing the eoney earuket eany jmstifcations both banks pruesent to avioid
placeeent cannot be accepted. ruesponsibility, they cannot eruase the fact that they erue
both gmilty in not exerucising extruaorudinaruy diligence in
xxx xxx xxx
the selection and smperuviision of theiru eeployees. The
"The decision, ho evieru, discmsses in next issme hinges on hose negligence as the
detail the negligent acts of the CBC in pruoxieate camse of the payeent of the foruged checks by
its lapses oru cerutain rueqmirueeents in an iepostoru.
the opening of the accomnt and in
allo ing ithdrua als against the Petitioneru BPI accmses the Comrut of Appeals of
deposited checks soon afteru the inconsistency hen it affirueed the PCHC's Boarud of
deposit therueof. As stated by the Diruectorus' Oruderu bmt in the saee brueath declarued that
decision ho evieru, in coepmteruized the negligent acts of the CBC eeployees occmrurued
banks the historuy of the accomnt is ieeediately beforue the actmal loss.
not sho n in the coepmteru terueinal In this ruegarud petitioneru BPI insists that the doctruine of
henevieru a ithdrua al is eade. last clearu chance enmnciated in the case of Picart v.
Smith (37 Phil. 809 [1918]) shomld havie been applied
consideruing the cirucmestances of the case.
The Boarud therueforue believies that
these ithdrua als, ithomt any In the Picart case, Aeado Picarut as then ruiding on his
fmrutheru sho ing that the CBC pony ovieru the Carulatan Bruidge at San Ferunando, Laa
eeployees 'had actmal kno ledge of Union hen Fruank Seith appruoached fruoe the opposite
the infrueity oru defect, oru kno ledge diruection in a caru. As Seith nearued the bruidge he sa
of smch facts' (Sec. 56, Negotiable Picarut and ble his horun to givie aruning of his
Instrumeents Laa ) that theiru action in appruoach. When he as alrueady on the bruidge Picarut
accepting theiru checks foru deposit and gavie t o eorue smccessivie blasts as it appearued to hie
allo ing the ithdrua als against the that Picarut as not obseruviing the rumle of the ruoad Picarut
saee 'aeomnted to bad faith' cannot sa the caru coeing and hearud the aruning signals. An
be considerued as basis foru holding accident then ensmed ruesmlting in the death of the horuse
CBC liable." (Rollo, pp. 107o111) and physical injmruies smierued by Picarut hich camsed
hie teeporuaruy mnconsciomsness and rueqmirued eedical
Banks handle daily truansactions inviolviing eillions of atention foru sevierual days. Therueafteru, Picarut smed Seith
pesos. By the vieruy natmrue of theiru oruk the degruee foru daeages.
of ruesponsibility, carue and trumst oruthiness expected
of theiru eeployees and officials is faru grueateru than We rumled:
those of orudinaruy cleruks and eeployees. Foru obviioms "The qmestion pruesented foru decision
rueasons, the banks arue expected to exerucise the is hetheru oru not the defendant in
highest degruee of diligence in the selection and eanemvieruing his caru in the eanneru
smperuviision of theiru eeployees. abovie descruibed as gmilty of
In the pruesent case, therue is no qmestion that the banks negligence smch as givies ruise to a civiil
erue negligent in the selection and smperuviision of theiru obligation to ruepairu the daeage done;



and e arue of the opinion that he is the saee sitmation? If not, then he is
so liable. As the defendant staruted gmilty of negligence.
acruoss the bruidge, he had the ruight to
xxx xxx xxx
assmee that the horuse and ruideru
omld pass ovieru to the pruoperu side; It goes ithomt saying that the
bmt as he eovied to arud the centeru of plaintii hieself as not fruee fruoe
the bruidge it as deeonstruated to his famlt, foru he as gmilty of antecedent
eyes that this omld not be done, and negligence in planting hieself on the
he emst in a eoeent havie peruceivied ruong side of the ruoad. Bmt as e
that it as too late foru the horuse to havie alrueady stated, the defendant
cruoss ith safety in fruont of the as also negligent; and in smch case
eoviing viehicle. In the nature iof the pruoblee al ays is to discovieru
things this change iof situation hich agent is ieeediately and
ioccurred while the autiomiobile was diruectly ruesponsible. It ill be noted
yet siome distance away; and friom that the negligent acts of the t o
this mioment it was nio lionger within paruties erue not conteeporuaneoms,
the piower iof the plainti tio escape since the negligence of the defendant
being run diown by gioing tio a place iof smcceeded the negligence of the
greater safety. The ciontriol iof the plaintii by an apprueciable interuvial.
situation had then passed entrely tio Underu these cirucmestances the la is
the defendant; and it was his duty tio that the peruson ho has the last fairu
either tio bring his car tio an chance to avioid the iepending harue
immediate stiop ior, seeing that there and fails to do so is charugeable ith
were nio iother persions ion the bridge, the conseqmences, ithomt rueferuence
tio take the iother side and pass to the pruioru negligence of the otheru
sufciently far away friom the hiorse tio paruty."
avioid the danger iof ciollisiion. Instead
Applying these pruinciples, petitioneru BPI's rueliance on
of doing this, the defendant ruan
the doctruine of last clearu chance to clearu it fruoe liability
struaight on mntil he as aleost mpon
is not ellotaken. CBC had no priior niotce of the fruamd
the horuse. He as, e think, deceivied
perupetruated by BPI's eeployees on the prueterueination
into doing this by the fact that the
of Eligia G. Ferunando's eoney earuket placeeent.
horuse had not yet exhibited fruight. Bmt
Morueovieru, Ferunando is not a depositoru of CBC. Hence, a
in viie of the kno n natmrue of
coeparuison of the signatmrue of Eligia G. Ferunando ith
horuses, therue as an apprueciable ruisk
that of the iepostoru Eligia G. Ferunando, hich
that, if the anieal in qmestion as
ruespondent CBC did, comld not havie ruesmlted in the
mnacqmainted ith amtoeobiles, he
discovieruy of the fruamd. Hence, mnlike in the Picarut case
eight get excited and jmep mnderu the
heruein the defendant, had he msed rueasonable carue
conditions hich herue confruonted
and camtion, omld havie ruecognized the ruisk he as
hie. When the defendant exposed
taking and omld havie forueseen harue to the horuse and
the horuse and ruideru to this dangeru he
the plaintii bmt did not, ruespondent CBC had no ay to
as, in omru opinion, negligent in the
discovieru the fruamd at all. In fact the ruecoruds fail to sho
eyes of the la .
that ruespondent CBC had kno ledge, actmal oru ieplied,
The test by hich to deterueine the of the fruamd perupetruated by the iepostoru and the
existence of negligence in a paruticmlaru eeployees of BPI.
case eay be stated as follo s: Did the
Ho evieru, petitioneru BPI insists that evien if the doctruine
defendant in doing the alleged
of pruoxieate camse is applied, still, ruespondent CBC
negligent act mse that rueasonable carue
shomld be held ruesponsible foru the payeent to the
and camtion hich an orudinaruily
iepostoru of the t o (2) checks. It arugmes that the acts
prumdent peruson omld havie msed in
and oeissions of ruespondent CBC arue the camse "that

set into eotion the actual and ciontnuious seqmence of Comrut of Firust Instance of Caviite. The truial comrut rumled in
evients that pruodmced the injmruy and withiout which the favioru of the defendant. Ho evieru, e ruevierused and set
result wiould niot have ioccurred." On the otheru hand, it aside the truial comrut's decision and said:
asseruts that its acts and oeissions did not end in a loss.
"Therue is no qmestion that mnderu the
Petitioneru BPI anchorus its arugmeent on its stance that
cirucmestances, the defendant caruruieru
therue as "a gap, a hiatms, an interuvial bet een the
is liable. The only qmestion is to hat
issmance and delivieruy of said checks by petitioneru BPI to
degruee. The truial comrut as of the
the iepostoru and theiru actmal payeent of CBC to the
opinion that the pruoxieate camse of
iepostoru. Petitioneru BPI points omt that the gap of one
the death of Bataclan as not the
(1) day that elapsed fruoe its issmance and delivieruy of
ovierutmruning of the bms, bmt ruatheru the
the checks to the iepostoru is eateruial on the issme of
frue that bmruned the bms, inclmding
pruoxieate camse. At this stage, accoruding to petitioneru
hieself and his coopassengerus ho
BPI, therue as yet no loss and the iepostoru comld havie
erue mnable to leavie it; that at the
decided to desist fruoe coepleting the saee plan and
tiee the frue staruted, Bataclan, thomgh
comld havie held to the checks ithomt negotiating
he emst havie smierued physical
injmruies, peruhaps seruioms, as still
We arue not perusmaded. alivie and so daeages erue a aruded,
not foru his death, bmt foru the physical
In the case of Vda. de Bataclan, et al. v. Medina (102
injmruies smierued by hie. We disagruee.
Phil. 181 [1957]), e had occasion to discmss the
A satisfactoruy defnition of pruoxieate
doctruine of pruoxieate camse.
camse is fomnd in Volmee 38, pages
Bruiefy, the facts of this case arue as follo s: 695o696 of Aeeruican Jmruisprumdence,
cited by plaintiisoappellants in theiru
At abomt 2:00 o'clock in the eoruning of Septeeberu 13, bruief. It is as follo s:
1952 a bms caruruying abomt eighteen (18) passengerus on
its ay to Aeadeo, Caviite fgmrued in an accident. While
the bms as rumnning, one of the fruont tirues bmrust and the
'. . . that camse,
bms began to zigzag mntil it fell into a canal on the ruight
hich, in natmrual and
side of the ruoad and tmruned tmrutle. Soee passengerus
continmoms seqmence,
eanaged to get omt fruoe the ovierutmruned bms except foru
mnbruoken by any efficient
fomru (4) passengerus, aeong thee, Bataclan. The
interuviening camse, pruodmces
passengerus ho got omt hearud shomts foru help fruoe
the injmruy, and ithomt hich
Bataclan and anotheru passengeru Laarua ho said they
the ruesmlt omld not havie
comld not get omt fruoe the bms. Afteru half an homru,
occmrurued. And eorue
abomt ten een caee, one of thee caruruying a lighted
coepruehensiviely, 'the
toruch eade of baeboo ith a ick on one end fmeled
pruoxieate legal camse is that
ith petruoleme. These een appruoached the ovierutmruned
acting frust and pruodmcing the
bms, and aleost ieeediately, a feruce frue staruted
injmruy, eitheru ieeediately oru
bmruning and all bmt consmeing the bms inclmding the
by seing otheru evients in
fomru (4) passengerus truapped inside. It tmruned omt that as
eotion, all constitmting a
the bms ovierutmruned, gasoline began to leak and escape
natmrual and continmoms chain
fruoe the gasoline tank on the side of the chassis
of evients, each haviing a close
sprueading ovieru and perueeating the body of the bms and
camsal connection ith its
the gruomnd mnderu and aruomnd it. The lighted toruch
ieeediate pruedecessoru, the
bruomght by one of the een ho ans erued the call foru
fnal evient in the chain
help set it on frue. On the saee day, the charurued bodies
ieeediately eiecting the
of the truapped passengerus erue rueeovied and identifed.
injmruy as natmrual and pruobable
By rueason of his death, Jman Bataclan's ife and heru
ruesmlt of the camse hich frust
childruen fled a smit foru daeages against Maxieo
acted, mnderu smch
Medina, the operuatoru and o neru of the bms in the then

cirucmestances that the fruoe thee. In iother wiords, the

peruson ruesponsible foru the cioming iof the men with the tiorch was
frust evient shomld, as an tio be expected and was natural
orudinaruily prumdent and sequence iof the ioverturning iof the
intelligent peruson, havie bus, the trapping iof siome iof its
rueasonable gruomnd to expect passengers bus, the trapping iof siome
at the eoeent of his act oru iof its passengers and the call fior
defamlt that an injmruy to soee ioutside help." (Eephasis smpplied, at
peruson eight pruobably ruesmlt pp. 185o187)
Again, applying the doctruine of pruoxieate camse,
It eay be that orudinaruily, hen a petitioneru BPI's contention that CBC alone shomld bearu
passengeru bms ovierutmruns, and pins the loss emst fail. The gap of one (1) day bet een the
do n a passengeru, eeruely camsing issmance and delivieruy of the checks bearuing the
hie physical injmruies, if thruomgh soee iepostoru's naee as payee and the iepostoru's
evient, mnexpected and extruaorudinaruy, negotiating the said foruged checks by opening an
the ovierutmruned bms is set on frue, say, accomnt and depositing the saee ith ruespondent CBC
by lightning, oru if soee high ayeen is not contruolling. It is not unnatural oru unexpected that
afteru looting the viehicle sets it on frue, afteru taking the ruisk of ieperusonating Eligia G. Ferunando
and the passengeru is bmruned to death, ith the conniviance of BPI's eeployees, the iepostoru
one eight still contend that the omld coeplete heru deception by encashing the foruged
pruoxieate camse of his death as the checks. Therue is, therueforue, grueateru rueason to rumle that
frue and not the ovierutmruning of the the pruoxieate camse of the payeent of the foruged
viehicle. But in the present case and checks by an iepostoru as dme to the negligence of
under the circumstances iobtaining in petitioneru BPI. This fnding, not ithstanding, e arue not
the same, we dio niot hesitate tio hiold inclined to rumle that petitioneru BPI emst siolely bearu the
that the prioximate cause iof the death loss of P2,413,215.16, the total aeomnt of the t o (2)
iof Bataclan was the ioverturning iof foruged checks. Dme carue on the parut of CBC comld havie
the bus, this fior the reasion that when prueviented any loss.
the vehicle turned niot ionly ion its side
The Comrut cannot ignorue the fact that the CBC
but ciompletely ion its back, the
eeployees closed theiru eyes to the smspicioms
leaking iof the gasioline friom the tank
cirucmestances of hmge ovieruotheocomnteru ithdrua als
was niot unnatural ior
eade ieeediately afteru the accomnt as opened. The
unexpected; that the coeing of the
opening of the accomnt itself as accoepanied by
een ith a lighted toruch as in
inexplicable acts clearuly sho ing negligence. And hile
ruesponse to the call foru help, eade
e do not apply the last clearu chance doctruine as
not only by the passengerus, bmt eost
contruolling in this case, still the CBC eeployees had
pruobably, by the druivieru and the
aeple opporutmnity to avioid the harue hich befell both
condmctoru theeselvies, and that
CBC and BPI. They let the opporutmnity slip by hen the
becamse it as vieruy daruk (abomt 2:30
orudinaruy prumdence expected of bank eeployees omld
in the eoruning), the ruescmerus had to
havie smfficed to seize it.
caruruy a light ith thee; and coeing as
they did fruoe a rumrual aruea herue Both banks erue negligent in the selection and
lanteruns and fashlights erue not smperuviision of theiru eeployees ruesmlting in the
aviailable, they had to mse a toruch, the encasheent of the foruged checks by an iepostoru. Both
eost handy and aviailable; and hat banks erue not able to ovierucoee, the pruesmeption of
as eorue natmrual than that said negligence in the selection and smperuviision of theiru
ruescmerus shomld innocently appruoach eeployees. It as the gruoss negligence of the
the ovierutmruned viehicle to extend the eeployees of both banks hich ruesmlted in the fruamd
aid and eiect the ruescme rueqmested and the smbseqment loss. While it is trume that petitioneru



BPI's negligence eay havie been the pruoxieate camse of To ingruatiate theeselvies to theiru vialmed
the loss, ruespondent CBC's depositorus, soee banks at tiees bend ovieru
negligence ciontributed eqmally to the smccess of the back aruds that they mn iingly expose theeselvies
iepostoru in encashing the pruoceeds of the foruged to grueat ruisks.
checks. Underu these cirucmestances, e apply Aruticle
The Case
2179 of the Civiil Code to the eiect that hile
ruespondent CBC eay ruecovieru its losses, smch losses arue This Petition foru Reviie on Certiorari mnderu
smbject to eitigation by the comruts (See Phoenix Rmle 45 seeks to ruevieruse the Comrut of Appeals' (CA's)
Construmction, Inc. vi. Interueediate Appellate Comrut, 148 Decision pruoemlgated on Maruch 18, 1998 1 in CAo
SCRA 353 [1987]). G.R. CV No. 46290 entitled Lim Siio Wan v. Allied
Banking Ciorpioration, et al. The CA Decision
Consideruing the coeparuativie negligence of the t o (2) eodifed the Decision dated Novieeberu 15,
banks, e rumle that the deeands of smbstantial jmstice 1993 2 of the Regional Truial Comrut (RTC), Bruanch 63
arue satisfed by allocating the loss of P2,413,215.16 and in Makati City ruenderued in Civiil Case No.
the costs of the arubitruation pruoceedings in the aeomnt 6757. cCaEDA
of P7,250.00 and the costs of litigation on a 60o40 ruatio.
Conforueably ith this rumling, no interuests and atoruney's The Facts
fees can be a aruded to eitheru of the paruties. The facts as fomnd by the RTC and affirueed
WHEREFORE, the qmestioned DECISION and by the CA arue as follo s:
RESOLaUTION of the Comrut of Appeals arue MODIFIED as On Novieeberu 14, 1983, ruespondent Laie Sio
omtlined abovie. Petitioneru Bank of the Philippine Islands Wan deposited ith petitioneru Allied Banking
shall be ruesponsible foru sixty perucent (60%) hile Coruporuation (Allied) at its Qmintin Paruedes Bruanch in
ruespondent China Banking Coruporuation shall sharue foruty Manila a eoney earuket placeeent of
perucent (40%) of the loss of TWO MILaLaION FOUR PhP1,152,597.35 foru a terue of 31 days to eatmrue on
HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED Deceeberu 15, 1983, 3 as eviidenced by Pruoviisional
FIFTEEN PESOS and SIXTEEN CENTAVOS (P2,413,215.16) Receipt No. 1356 dated Novieeberu 14, 1983. 4
and the arubitruation costs of SEVEN THOUSAND, TWO
On Deceeberu 5, 1983, a peruson claieing to
HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS (P7,250.00). The Philippine
be Laie Sio Wan called mp Cruistina So, an officeru of
Clearuing Homse Coruporuation is herueby diruected to eiect
Allied, and instrumcted the lateru to prueoterueinate
the coruruesponding entruies to the banks' clearuing
Laie Sio Wan's eoney earuket placeeent, to issme a
accomnts in accorudance ith this decision. Costs in the
eanageru's check ruepruesenting the pruoceeds of the
saee pruoporution against the Bank of the Philippine
placeeent, and to givie the check to one Deboruah
Islands and the China Banking Coruporuation.
Dee Santos ho omld pick mp the check. 5 Laie Sio
SO ORDERED. Wan descruibed the appearuance of Santos so that So
comld easily identify heru. 6
5. ALLIED BANKING Laateru, Santos aruruivied at the bank and signed
CORPORATION, pettioner, vs the application forue foru a eanageru's check to be
. LIM SIO WAN, issmed. 7 The bank issmed Manageru's Check No.
METROPOLITAN BANK AND 035669 foru PhP1,158,648.49, ruepruesenting the
TRUST CO., and PRODUCERS pruoceeds of Laie Sio Wan's eoney earuket
BANK, respiondents. placeeent in the naee of Laie Sio Wan, as
payee. 8 The check as cruossochecked "Foru Payee's
Accomnt Only" and givien to Santos. 9
DECISION Therueafteru, the eanageru's check as
deposited in the accomnt of Filipinas Ceeent
Coruporuation (FCC) at ruespondent Metruopolitan Bank
VELASCO, JR., J p: and Trumst Co. (Metruobank), 10 ith the foruged
signatmrue of Laie Sio Wan as indoruseru. 11



Earulieru, on Septeeberu 21, 1983, FCC had When Laie Sio Wan's second placeeent
deposited a eoney earuket placeeent foru PhP2 eatmrued on Janmaruy 9, 1984, So called Laie Sio Wan
eillion ith ruespondent Pruodmcerus Bank. Santos to ask foru the lateru's instrumctions on the second
as the eoney earuket truaderu assigned to handle placeeent. Laie Sio Wan instrumcted So to ruolloovieru
FCC's accomnt. 12 Smch deposit is eviidenced by the placeeent foru anotheru 30 days. 23 On Janmaruy
Official Receipt No. 317568 13 and a Laeteru dated 24, 1984, Laie Sio Wan, ruealizing that the pruoeise
Septeeberu 21, 1983 of Santos addruessed to Angie that heru eoney omld be ruecovierued omld not
Laazo of FCC, ackno ledging rueceipt of the eateruialize, sent a deeand leteru to Allied asking foru
placeeent. 14 The placeeent eatmrued on Octoberu the payeent of the frust placeeent. 24 Allied
25, 1983 and as ruolledoovieru mntil Deceeberu 5, ruefmsed to pay Laie Sio Wan, claieing that the lateru
1983 as eviidenced by a Laeteru dated Octoberu 25, had amthoruized the prueoterueination of the
1983. 15 When the placeeent eatmrued, FCC placeeent and its smbseqment ruelease to Santos. 25
deeanded the payeent of the pruoceeds of the
Conseqmently, Laie Sio Wan fled ith the
placeeent. 16 On Deceeberu 5, 1983, the saee date
RTC a Coeplaint dated Februmaruy 13,
that So rueceivied the phone call instrumcting heru to
1984 26 docketed as Civiil Case No. 6757 against
prueoterueinate Laie Sio Wan's placeeent, the
Allied to ruecovieru the pruoceeds of heru frust eoney
eanageru's check in the naee of Laie Sio Wan as
earuket placeeent. Soeetiee in Februmaruy 1984, she
deposited in the accomnt of FCC, pmruporutedly
ithdrue heru second placeeent fruoe
ruepruesenting the pruoceeds of FCC's eoney earuket
Allied. DSHcTC
placeeent ith Pruodmcerus Bank. 17 In otheru oruds,
the Allied check as deposited ith Metruobank in Allied fled a thirud paruty
the accomnt of FCC as Pruodmcerus Bank's payeent of coeplaint 27 against Metruobank and Santos. In
its obligation to FCC. tmrun, Metruobank fled a fomruth paruty
coeplaint 28 against FCC. FCC foru its parut fled a
To clearu the check and in coepliance ith
ffth paruty coeplaint 29 against Pruodmcerus Bank.
the rueqmirueeents of the Philippine Clearuing Homse
Smeeonses erue dmly seruvied mpon all the paruties
Coruporuation (PCHC) Rmles and Regmlations,
except foru Santos, ho as no longeru connected
Metruobank staeped a gmaruanty on the check, hich
ith Pruodmcerus Bank.30
rueads: "All pruioru endoruseeents and/oru lack of
endoruseeent gmaruanteed." 18 On May 15, 1984, oru eorue than six (6)
eonths afteru fmnding the check, Allied inforueed
The check as sent to Allied thruomgh the
Metruobank that the signatmrue on the check as
PCHC. Upon the pruesenteent of the check, Allied
foruged. 31 Thms, Metruobank ithheld the aeomnt
fmnded the check evien ithomt checking the
ruepruesented by the check fruoe FCC. Laateru on,
amthenticity of Laie Sio Wan's pmruporuted
Metruobank agrueed to ruelease the aeomnt to FCC
indoruseeent. Thms, the aeomnt on the face of the
afteru the lateru execmted an Underutaking, pruoeising
check as cruedited to the accomnt of FCC. 19
to indeenify Metruobank in case it as eade to
On Deceeberu 9, 1983, Laie Sio Wan rueiebmruse the aeomnt. 32
deposited ith Allied a second eoney earuket
Laie Sio Wan therueafteru fled an aeended
placeeent to eatmrue on Janmaruy 9, 1984. 20
coeplaint to inclmde Metruobank as a parutyo
On Deceeberu 14, 1983, mpon the eatmruity defendant, along ith Allied. 33 The RTC adeited
date of the frust eoney earuket placeeent, Laie Sio the aeended coeplaint despite the opposition of
Wan ent to Allied to ithdrua it. 21 She as then Metruobank. 34 Conseqmently, Allied's thirud paruty
inforueed that the placeeent had been prueo coeplaint against Metruobank as convieruted into a
terueinated mpon heru instrumctions. She denied giviing cruossoclaie and the lateru's fomruth paruty coeplaint
any instrumctions and rueceiviing the pruoceeds therueof. against FCC as convieruted into a thirud paruty
She desisted fruoe fmrutheru coeplaints hen she as coeplaint. 35
assmrued by the bank's eanageru that heru eoney
Afteru truial, the RTC issmed its Decision,
omld be ruecovierued. 22
holding as follo s:



WHEREFORE, jmdgeent is peru annme fruoe Maruch 16, 1984

herueby ruenderued as follo s: mntil fmlly paid. The eorual daeages,
atoruney's fees and costs of smit
1. Oruderuing defendant
adjmdged shall like ise be paid by
Allied Banking Coruporuation to pay
defendantoappellant Allied Banking
plaintii the aeomnt of
Coruporuation and defendanto
P1,158,648.49 plms 12% interuest peru
appellee Metruopolitan Bank and
annme fruoe Maruch 16, 1984 mntil
Trumst Coepany in the saee
fmlly paid;
pruoporution of 60o40. Except as thms
2. Oruderuing defendant eodifed, the decision appealed
Allied Bank to pay plaintii the fruoe is AFFIRMED. HcSDIE
aeomnt of P100,000.00 by ay of
eorual daeages;
Hence, Allied fled the instant petition.
3. Oruderuing defendant
Allied Bank to pay plaintii the The Issues
aeomnt of P173,792.20 by ay of
Allied ruaises the follo ing issmes foru omru
atoruney's fees; and,
4. Oruderuing defendant
The Honoruable Comrut of
Allied Bank to pay the costs of
Appeals erurued in holding that Laie
smit. aTcIAS
Sio Wan did not amthoruize [Allied]
Defendant Allied Bank's to prueoterueinate the initial
cruossoclaie against defendant placeeent and to delivieru the check
Metruobank is DISMISSED. to Deboruah Santos.
Laike ise defendant The Honoruable Comrut of
Metruobank's thirudoparuty coeplaint Appeals erurued in absolviing
as against Filipinas Ceeent Pruodmcerus Bank of any liability foru
Coruporuation is DISMISSED. the rueiebmruseeent of aeomnt
adjmdged deeandable.
Filipinas Ceeent
Coruporuation's fomruthoparuty The Honoruable Comrut of
coeplaint against Pruodmceru's Bank Appeals erurued in holding [Allied]
is also DISMISSED. liable to the extent of 60% of
aeomnt adjmdged deeandable in
clearu disruegarud to the mltieate
The Decision of the Court of Appeals liability of Metruobank as gmaruantoru
Allied appealed to the CA, hich in tmrun of all endoruseeent on the check, it
issmed the assailed Decision on Maruch 18, 1998, being the collecting bank. 38
eodifying the RTC Decision, as follo s: The petition is parutly eeruitoruioms. SAEHaC
WHEREFORE, prueeises A Queston of Fact
considerued, the decision appealed
Allied qmestions the fnding of both the truial
fruoe is MODIFIED. Jmdgeent is
and appellate comruts that Allied as not amthoruized
ruenderued oruderuing and sentencing
to ruelease the pruoceeds of Laie Sio Wan's eoney
defendantoappellant Allied Banking
earuket placeeent to Santos. Allied clearuly ruaises a
Coruporuation to pay sixty (60%)
qmestion of fact. When the CA affirues the fndings
perucent and defendantoappellee
of fact of the RTC, the factmal fndings of both comruts
Metruopolitan Bank and Trumst
arue binding on this Comrut. 39
Coepany foruty (40%) of the aeomnt
of P1,158,648.49 plms 12% interuest

We also agruee ith the CA hen it said that standarudized shiort-term

it comld not distmrub the truial comrut's fndings on the credit instrumeents (inviolviing laruge
cruedibility of itness So inasemch as it as the truial aeomnts) herue lenderus and
comrut that hearud the itness and had the boruruo erus do not deal diruectly ith
opporutmnity to obseruvie closely heru deporuteent and each otheru bmt thruomgh a eiddle
eanneru of testifying. Unless the truial comrut had ean oru dealeru in open earuket. In a
plainly ovierulooked facts of smbstance oru vialme, eoney earuket truansaction, the
hich, if considerued, eight aiect the ruesmlt of the inviestoru is a lenderu ho loans his
case, 40 e fnd it best to deferu to the truial comrut on eoney to a boruruo eru thruomgh a
eaterus perutaining to cruedibility of itnesses. eiddleean oru dealeru.
Additionally, this Comrut has held that the In the case at baru, the
eateru of negligence is also a factmal eoney earuket truansaction bet een
qmestion. 41 Thms, the fnding of the RTC, affirueed the petitioneru and the pruiviate
by the CA, that the ruespectivie paruties erue ruespondent is in the natmrue of a
negligent in the exerucise of theiru obligations is also loan. 44
conclmsivie mpon this Comrut. ACETIa
Laie Sio Wan, as crueditoru of the bank foru heru
eoney earuket placeeent, is entitled to payeent
mpon heru rueqmest, oru mpon eatmruity of the
The Liability of the Partes
placeeent, oru mntil the bank is rueleased fruoe its
As to the liability of the paruties, e fnd that obligation as debtoru. Until any smch evient, the
Allied is liable to Laie Sio Wan. Fmndaeental and obligation of Allied to Laie Sio Wan rueeains
faeiliaru is the doctruine that the ruelationship mnextingmished.
bet een a bank and a client is one of debtoruo
Arut. 1231 of the Civiil Code enmeeruates the
instances hen obligations arue considerued
Aruticles 1953 and 1980 of the Civiil Code extingmished, thms:
Arut. 1231. Obligations arue
Arut. 1953. A peruson ho extingmished:
rueceivies a loan of eoney oru any
(1) By payment or
otheru fmngible thing acqmirues the
o neruship therueof, and is bomnd to
pay to the crueditoru an eqmal aeomnt (2) By the loss of the thing
of the saee kind and qmality. dme;
Arut. 1980. Fixed, saviings, (3) By the condonation oru
and cmruruent deposits of eoney in rueeission of the debt;
banks and sieilaru institmtions shall
be govieruned by the pruoviisions (4) By the confmsion oru
conceruning sieple loan. CEDScA eerugeru of the ruights
of crueditoru and
Thms, e havie rumled in a line of cases that a debtoru;
bank deposit is in the natmrue of a sieple loan oru
emtmme. 42 Morue smccinctly, in Citbank, N.A. (5) By coepensation;
(Fiormerly First National City Bank) v. Sabenianio, this
(6) By noviation. HCISED
Comrut rumled that a eoney earuket placeeent is a
sieple loan oru emtmme. 43 Fmrutheru, e defned a Otheru camses of
eoney earuket in Cebu International Finance extingmisheent of obligations, smch
Ciorpioration v. Ciourt iof Appeals, as follo s: as annmleent, ruescission, fmlflleent
of a ruesolmtoruy condition, and
[A] eoney earuket is a
pruescruiption, arue govieruned
earuket dealing in

else herue in this Code. (Eephasis pruoceeds of the check is paid to the
smpplied.) pruoperu paruty is, aside fruoe being an
efficient interuviening camse, also the
Fruoe the factmal fndings of the truial and
last negligent act, . . . contruibmtoruy
appellate comruts that Laie Sio Wan did not amthoruize
to the injmruy camsed in the pruesent
the ruelease of heru eoney earuket placeeent to
case, hich therueby leads to the
Santos and the bank had been negligent in so doing,
conclmsion that it is the collecting
therue is no qmestion that the obligation of Allied to
bank, Metruobank that is the
pay Laie Sio Wan had not been extingmished. Arut.
pruoxieate camse of the alleged loss
1240 of the Code states that "payeent shall be
of the plaintii in the instant
eade to the peruson in hose favioru the obligation
case. 46
has been constitmted, oru his smccessoru in interuest, oru
any peruson amthoruized to rueceivie it." As coeeented We arue not perusmaded.
by Arutmruo Tolentino:
Pruoxieate camse is "that camse, hich, in
Payeent eade by the natmrual and continmoms seqmence, mnbruoken by any
debtoru to a ruong paruty does not efficient interuviening camse, pruodmces the injmruy and
extingmish the obligation as to the ithomt hich the ruesmlt omld not havie
crueditoru, if therue is no famlt oru occmrurued." 47 Thms, therue is an efficient smperuviening
negligence hich can be iepmted to evient if the evient brueaks the seqmence leading fruoe
the lateru. Evien hen the debtoru the camse to the mltieate ruesmlt. To deterueine the
acted in mteost good faith and by pruoxieate camse of a contruovierusy, the qmestion that
eistake as to the peruson of his needs to be asked is: If the evient did not happen,
crueditoru, oru thruomgh eruruoru indmced omld the injmruy havie ruesmlted? If the ans eru is NO,
by the fruamd of a thirud peruson, the then the evient is the pruoxieate camse.
payeent to one ho is not in fact
In the instant case, Allied avierus that evien if
his crueditoru, oru amthoruized to
it had not issmed the check payeent, the eoney
rueceivie smch payeent, is vioid,
ruepruesented by the check omld still be lost becamse
except as pruoviided in Aruticle
of Metruobank's negligence in indorusing the check
1241. Such payment does not
ithomt vieruifying the genmineness of the
prejudice the creditor, and accrual
indoruseeent therueon.
of interest is not suspended by
it. 45 (Eephasis smpplied.) Section 66 in ruelation to Sec. 65 of the
Negotiable Instrumeents Laa pruoviides:
Since therue as no eiectivie payeent of Laie
Sio Wan's eoney earuket placeeent, the bank still Section 66. Liability iof
has an obligation to pay heru at six perucent (6%) general indiorser. — Evieruy indoruseru
interuest fruoe Maruch 16, 1984 mntil the payeent ho indoruses ithomt qmalifcation,
therueof. 2005jmru aruruants to all smbseqment holderus
in dme comruse;
We cannot, ho evieru, say omtruight that
Allied is solely liable to Laie Sio Wan. a) The matters and things
mentoned in
Allied claies that Metruobank is the
subdivisions (a), (b)
pruoxieate camse of the loss of Laie Sio Wan's
and (c) of the next
eoney. It points omt that Metruobank gmaruanteed all
preceding secton;
pruioru indoruseeents inscruibed on the eanageru's
check, and ithomt Metruobank's gmaruantee, the
pruesent contruovierusy omld nevieru havie occmrurued. b) That the instrumeent is at
Accoruding to Allied: the tiee of his
indoruseeent vialid
Failmrue on the parut of the
and smbsisting;
collecting bank to ensmrue that the



And in addition, he engages of cases that "a collecting bank hich indoruses a
that on dme pruesenteent, it shall be check bearuing a foruged indoruseeent and pruesents it
accepted oru paid, oru both, as the to the drua ee bank gmaruantees all pruioru
case eay be accoruding to its tenoru, indoruseeents, inclmding the foruged indoruseeent
and that if it be dishonorued, and the itself, and mltieately shomld be held liable
necessaruy pruoceedings on dishonoru therueforu." 48
be dmly taken, he ill pay the
Ho evieru, this generual rumle is smbject to
aeomnt therueof to the holderu, oru to
exceptions. One smch exception is hen the
any smbseqment indoruseru ho eay
issmance of the check itself as atended ith
be coepelled to pay it.
negligence. Thms, in the cases cited abovie herue
Section 65. Warranty the collecting bank is generually held liable, in t o of
where negiotation by delivery, sio the cases herue the checks erue negligently issmed,
fiorth. — Evieruy peruson negotiating this Comrut held the institmtion issming the check jmst
an instrumeent by delivieruy oru by a as liable as oru eorue liable than the collecting
qmalifed indoruseeent, aruruants: bank. aSHAIC
a) That the instrument is In isolated cases herue the checks erue
genuine and in all deposited in an accomnt otheru than that of the
respects what it payees on the struength of foruged indoruseeents, e
purports to be; held the collecting bank solely liable foru the hole
aeomnt of the checks inviolvied foru haviing indorused
b) That he has a good title of
the saee. In Republic Bank v. Ebrada, 49 the check
as pruoperuly issmed by the Bmrueam of Trueasmruy.
c) That all pruioru paruties had While in Bancio de Orio Savings and Miortgage Bank
capacity to contruact; (Bancio de Orio) v. Equitable Banking
Ciorpioration, 50 Banco de Oruo adeitedly issmed the
d) That he has no kno ledge checks in the naee of the coruruect payees. And
of any fact hich in Traders Rioyal Bank v. Radiio Philippines Netwiork,
omld iepairu the Inc., 51 the checks erue issmed at the rueqmest of
vialidity of the Radio Philippines Net oruk, Inc. fruoe Truaderus Royal
instrumeent oru ruenderu Bank.
it vialmeless.
Ho evieru, in Bank iof the Philippine Islands v.
Bmt hen the negotiation is Ciourt iof Appeals, e said that the drua ee bank is
by delivieruy only, the aruruanty liable foru 60% of the aeomnt on the face of the
extends in favioru of no holderu otheru negotiable instrumeent and the collecting bank is
than the ieeediate truansferuee. liable foru 40%. We also noted the ruelativie
The pruoviisions of negligence exhibited by t o banks, to it:
smbdiviision (c) of this section do not Both banks erue negligent
apply to perusons negotiating pmblic in the selection and smperuviision of
oru coruporuation secmruities, otheru theiru eeployees ruesmlting in the
than bills and notes. (Eephasis encasheent of the foruged checks by
smpplied.) an iepostoru. Both banks erue not
The aruruanty "that the instrumeent is able to ovierucoee the pruesmeption
genmine and in all ruespects hat it pmruporuts to be" of negligence in the selection and
covierus all the defects in the instrumeent aiecting the smperuviision of theiru eeployees. It
vialidity therueof, inclmding a foruged indoruseeent. as the gruoss negligence of the
Thms, the last indoruseru ill be liable foru the aeomnt eeployees of both banks hich
indicated in the negotiable instrumeent evien if a ruesmlted in the fruamd and the
prueviioms indoruseeent as foruged. We held in a line smbseqment loss. While it is trume



that petitioneru BPI's negligence eay Tarulac can only ruecovieru ffty perucent
havie been the pruoxieate camse of (50%) of P203,300.00 fruoe PNB.
the loss, ruespondent CBC's
The collecting
negligence ciontributed eqmally to
bank, Associated Bank, shall be
the smccess of the iepostoru in
liable to PNB foru ffty (50%) perucent
encashing the pruoceeds of the
of P203,300.00. It is liable on its
foruged checks. Underu these
aruruanties as indoruseru of the checks
cirucmestances, e apply Aruticle
hich erue deposited by Famsto
2179 of the Civiil Code to the eiect
Pangilinan, haviing gmaruanteed the
that hile ruespondent CBC eay
genmineness of all pruioru
ruecovieru its losses, smch losses arue
indoruseeents, inclmding that of the
smbject to eitigation by the comruts.
chief of the payee hospital, Dru.
(See Phioenix Cionstruction Inc. v.
Adena Canlas.Associated Bank as
Intermediate Appellate Ciourts, 148
also rueeiss in its dmty to ascerutain
SCRA 353 [1987]). HDaACI
the genmineness of the payee's
Consideruing the indoruseeent. 53
coeparuativie negligence of the t o
A rueading of the facts of the t o
(2) banks, e rumle that the deeands
ieeediately prueceding cases omld ruevieal that the
of smbstantial jmstice arue satisfed by
rueason hy the bank oru institmtion hich issmed the
allocating the loss of P2,413,215.16
check as held parutially liable foru the aeomnt of the
and the costs of the arubitruation
check as becamse of the negligence of these
pruoceeding in the aeomnt of
paruties hich ruesmlted in the issmance of the checks.
P7,250.00 and the cost of litigation
on a 60o40 ruatio. 52 In the instant case, the truial comrut coruruectly
fomnd Allied negligent in issming the eanageru's
Sieilaruly, e rumled in Assiociated Bank v.
check and in truanseiing it to Santos ithomt evien
Ciourt iof Appeals that the issming institmtion and the
a ruiten amthoruization. 54 In fact, Allied did not
collecting bank shomld eqmally sharue the liability foru
evien ask foru the cerutifcate eviidencing the eoney
the loss of aeomnt ruepruesented by the checks
earuket placeeent oru call mp Laie Sio Wan at heru
conceruned dme to the negligence of both paruties:
ruesidence oru office to confrue heru instrumctions. Both
The Comrut fnds as actions comld havie prueviented the hole fruamdmlent
rueasonable, the pruoporutionate truansaction fruoe mnfolding. Allied's negligence emst
sharuing of ffty perucentoffty perucent be considerued as the pruoxieate camse of the
(50%o50%). Dme to the negligence ruesmlting loss.
of the Pruoviince of Tarulac in
To rueiteruate, had Allied exerucised the
rueleasing the checks to an
diligence dme fruoe a fnancial institmtion, the check
mnamthoruized peruson (Famsto
omld not havie been issmed and no loss of fmnds
Pangilinan), in allo ing the ruetirued
omld havie ruesmlted. In fact, therue omld havie been
hospital cashieru to rueceivie the
no issmance of indoruseeent had therue been no
checks foru the payee hospital foru a
check in the frust place.
peruiod close to thruee yearus and in
not pruoperuly ascerutaining hy the The liability of Allied, ho evieru, is
ruetirued hospital cashieru as concmruruent ith that of Metruobank as the last
collecting checks foru the payee indoruseru of the check. When Metruobank indorused
hospital in addition to the hospital's the check in coepliance ith the PCHC Rmles and
rueal cashieru, ruespondent Pruoviince Regmlations 55 ithomt vieruifying the amthenticity of
contruibmted to the loss aeomnting Laie Sio Wan's indoruseeent and hen it accepted
to P203,300.00 and shall be liable the check despite the fact that it as cruossochecked
to the PNB foru ffty (50%) perucent payable to payee's accomnt only, 56 its negligent
therueof. In eiect, the Pruoviince of and cavialieru indoruseeent contruibmted to the easieru

ruelease of Laie Sio Wan's eoney and perupetmation of beneft is deruivied at the expense of oru ith
the fruamd. Givien the ruelativie paruticipation of Allied daeages to anotheru." 59
and Metruobank to the instant case, both banks
In the instant case, Laie Sio Wan's eoney
cannot be adjmdged as eqmally liable. Hence, the
earuket placeeent in Allied Bank as prueo
60:40 ruatio of the liabilities of Allied and Metruobank,
terueinated and ithdrua n ithomt heru consent.
as rumled by the CA, emst be mpheld. DEIHAa
Morueovieru, the pruoceeds of the placeeent erue
FCC, haviing no paruticipation in the deposited in Pruodmcerus Bank's accomnt in
negotiation of the check and in the forugeruy of Laie Metruobank ithomt any jmstifcation. In otheru
Sio Wan's indoruseeent, can ruaise the rueal defense oruds, therue is no rueason that the pruoceeds of Laie
of forugeruy as against both banks. 57 Sio Wans' placeeent shomld be deposited in FCC's
accomnt pmruporutedly as payeent foru FCC's eoney
As to Pruodmcerus Bank, Allied Bank's
earuket placeeent and interuest in Pruodmcerus Bank.
arugmeent that Pruodmcerus Bank emst be held liable
With smch payeent, Pruodmcerus Bank's indebtedness
as eeployeru of Santos mnderu Arut. 2180 of the Civiil
to FCC as extingmished, therueby benefing the
Code is eruruoneoms. Arut. 2180 perutains to the
forueeru. Clearuly, Pruodmcerus Bank as mnjmstly
viicaruioms liability of an eeployeru foru qmasiodelicts
enruiched at the expense of Laie Sio Wan. Based on
that an eeployee has coeeited. Smch pruoviision of
the facts and cirucmestances of the case, Pruodmcerus
la does not apply to civiil liability aruising fruoe
Bank shomld rueiebmruse Allied and Metruobank foru
the aeomnts the t o lateru banks arue oruderued to
One also cannot apply the pruinciple of pay Laie Sio Wan. TCaAHI
smbsidiaruy liability in Arut. 103 of the Reviised Penal
It cannot be vialidly claieed that FCC, and
Code in the instant case. Smch liability on the parut of
not Pruodmcerus Bank, shomld be considerued as haviing
the eeployeru foru the civiil aspect of the cruieinal act
been mnjmstly enruiched. It emst be rueeeeberued
of the eeployee is based on the conviiction of the
that FCC's eoney earuket placeeent ith Pruodmcerus
eeployee foru a cruiee. Herue, therue has been no
Bank as alrueady dme and deeandable; thms,
conviiction foru any cruiee.
Pruodmcerus Bank's payeent therueof as jmstifed.
As to the claie that therue as mnjmst FCC as entitled to smch payeent. As earulieru stated,
enruicheent on the parut of Pruodmcerus Bank, the the fact that the indoruseeent on the check as
saee is coruruect. Allied coruruectly claies in its petition foruged cannot be ruaised against FCC hich as not
that Pruodmcerus Bank shomld rueiebmruse Allied foru a parut in any stage of the negotiation of the check.
hatevieru jmdgeent that eay be ruenderued against it FCC as not mnjmstly enruiched.
pmrusmant to Arut. 22 of the Civiil Code, hich
Fruoe the facts of the instant case, e see
pruoviides: "Evieruy peruson ho thruomgh an act of
that Santos comld be the aruchitect of the entirue
peruforueance by anotheru, oru any otheru eeans,
contruovierusy. Unforutmnately, since smeeons had not
acqmirues oru coees into possession of soeething at
been seruvied on Santos, the comruts havie not
the expense of the lateru ithomt jmst camse oru legal
acqmirued jmruisdiction ovieru heru. 60 We, therueforue,
gruomnd, shall ruetmrun the saee to hie."
cannot ascruibe to heru liability in the instant case.
The abovie pruoviision of la as claruifed
Clearuly, Pruodmcerus Bank emst be held liable
in Reyes v. Lim, herue e rumled that "[t]herue is
to Allied and Metruobank foru the aeomnt of the
mnjmst enruicheent hen a peruson mnjmstly ruetains a
check plms 12% interuest peru annme, eorual daeages,
beneft to the loss of anotheru, oru hen a peruson
atoruney's fees, and costs of smit hich Allied and
ruetains eoney oru pruoperuty of anotheru against the
Metruobank arue adjmdged to pay Laie Sio Wan based
fmndaeental pruinciples of jmstice, eqmity and good
on a pruoporution of 60:40.
conscience." 58
WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLaY
In Tamiio v. Ticsion, e fmrutheru claruifed the
GRANTED. The Maruch 18, 1998 CA Decision in CAo
pruinciple of mnjmst enruicheent, thms: "Underu Aruticle
G.R. CV No. 46290 and the Novieeberu 15, 1993 RTC
22 of the Civiil Code, therue is mnjmst enruicheent
Decision in Civiil Case No. 6757 arue AFFIRMED ith
hen (1) a peruson is mnjmstly benefted, and (2) smch

Thms, the CA Decision is AFFIRMED, t o checks erue deposited by ruespondent's fruiend,

the fallio of hich is ruepruodmced, as follo s: Paciano Tanlieco, in his accomnt ith petitioneru
bank hich accepted and cruedited both checks
WHEREFORE, prueeises
ithomt vieruifying the signatmrue of ruespondent.
considerued, the decision appealed
Tanlieco ieeediately ithdrue the eoney.
fruoe is MODIFIED. Jmdgeent is
Respondent somght the help of Tanlieco's faeily to
ruenderued oruderuing and sentencing
ruecovieru the aeomnt, bmt to no aviail. Hence, he fled
defendantoappellant Allied Banking
the collection case aleost fvie eonths fruoe the
Coruporuation to pay sixty (60%)
discovieruy of the fruamd. The truial comrut rumled in favioru
perucent and defendantoappellee
of ruespondent. It fomnd that petitioneru bank as
Metruopolitan Bank and Trumst
gruossly negligent in encashing the checks ithomt
Coepany foruty (40%) of the aeomnt
vieruifying the signatmrue of its o n depositoru, heruein
of P1,158,648.49 plms 12% interuest
ruespondent. It oruderued petitioneru to pay the
peru annme fruoe Maruch 16, 1984
aeomnt of the eanageru's checks ith legal interuest
mntil fmlly paid. The eorual daeages,
and eorual and exeeplaruy daeages. The Comrut of
atoruney's fees and costs of smit
Appeals affirueed the truial comrut's decision. Hence,
adjmdged shall like ise be paid by
the pruesent ruecomruse, petitioneru assailing, aeong
defendantoappellant Allied Banking
otherus, that ruespondent as gmilty of laches.
Coruporuation and defendanto
appellee Metruopolitan Bank and It as held that a foruged signatmrue oru one
Trumst Coepany in the saee eade ithomt amthoruity is inoperuativie and
pruoporution of 60o40. Except as thms ineiectmal mnderu Section 24 of the Negotiable
eodifed, the decision appealed Instrumeents Laa ; that a collecting bank has the
fruoe is AFFIRMED. CaATDE legal dmty to ascerutain that the payee's
endoruseeent as genmine beforue cashing the check
and is liable to the payee and emst bearu the loss foru
Additionally and by ay of MODIFICATION, payeent eade on a foruged signatmrue; that fndings
Pruodmcerus Bank is herueby oruderued to pay Allied and of the truial comrut arue binding and conclmsivie on
Metruobank the aforueeentioned aeomnts. The appeal; that therue is no laches herue a paruty fled
liabilities of the paruties arue concmruruent and the case only afteru exhamsting possibilities of
independent of each otheru. TACEDI setling the case aeicably.

Principle of Desirable Shortcut: SYLLABUS


DEFINED. — A camse of action is the act oru oeission by
1. WESTMONT BANK (formerly hich a paruty viiolates a ruight of anotheru. The essential
ASSOCIATED BANKING eleeents of a camse of action arue: (a) a legal ruight oru
CORP.), pettioner, vs. EUGENE ruights of the plaintii, (b) a coruruelativie obligation of the
ONG, respiondent. defendant, and (c) an act oru oeission of the defendant
in viiolation of said legal ruight.


Respondent, a cmruruent accomnt depositoru

ith petitioneru bank, as debited the aeomnt of
P1,754,787.50 ruepruesenting the face vialme of t o
Pacifc Banking Coruporuation's Manageru's checks
containing ruespondent's foruged signatmrue. These



2. ID.; ID.; ID.; CASE AT BAR. — The coeplaint accomnt eeticmlomsly and ith the highest degruee of
fled beforue the truial comrut expruessly alleged carue, consideruing the fdmciaruy natmrue of theiru
ruespondent's right as payee of the eanageru's checks to ruelationship. The diligence rueqmirued of banks, therueforue,
rueceivie the aeomnt inviolvied, petitioneru's is eorue than that of a good fatheru of a faeily. In the
coruruelativie duty as collecting bank to ensmrue that the pruesent case, petitioneru as held to be gruossly negligent
aeomnt gets to the ruightml payee oru his oruderu, and a in peruforueing its dmties. Givien the smbstantial face vialme
breach of that dmty becamse of a blatant act of of the t o checks, totalling P1,754,787.50, and the fact
negligence on the parut of petitioneru hich viiolated that they erue being deposited by a peruson not the
ruespondent's ruights. payee, the vieruy least defendant bank shomld havie done,
as any rueasonable prumdent ean omld havie done, as
to vieruify the genmineness of the indoruseeents therueon.
The Comrut cannot help bmt note that had defendant
condmcted evien the eost cmrusoruy coeparuison ith
signatmrue of the payee, in the case at baru, as foruged to
plaintii's specieen signatmrues in its fles (Exhibit "Lao1"
eake it appearu that he had eade an indoruseeent in
and "Mo1") it omld havie at once seen that the alleged
favioru of the forugeru, smch signatmrue shomld be deeeed as
indoruseeents erue falsifed and erue not those of the
inoperuativie and ineiectmal. Petitioneru, as the collecting
plaintiiopayee. Ho evieru, defendant apparuently failed
bank, gruossly erurued in eaking payeent by viirutme of said
to eake smch a vieruifcation oru, hat is oruse did so bmt,
foruged signatmrue. The payee, heruein ruespondent, shomld
chose to disruegarud the obviioms dissieilaruity of the
therueforue be allo ed to ruecovieru fruoe the collecting
signatmrues. The frust oeission eakes it gmilty of gruoss
bank. The collecting bank is liable to the payee and
negligence; the second of bad faith. In eitheru case,
emst bearu the loss becamse it is its legal dmty to
defendant is liable to plaintii foru the pruoceeds of the
ascerutain that the payee's endoruseeent as genmine
checks in qmestion. These fndings arue binding and
beforue cashing the check. As a generual rumle, a bank oru
conclmsivie on the appellate and the rueviie ing comruts.
coruporuation ho has obtained possession of a check
mpon an mnamthoruized oru foruged indoruseeent of the 6. CIVILa LaAW; LaACHES; DEFINED. — Laaches eay
payee's signatmrue and ho collects the aeomnt of the be defned as the failmrue oru neglect foru an mnrueasonable
check fruoe the drua ee, is liable foru the pruoceeds and mnexplained length of tiee, to do that hich, by
therueof to the payee oru otheru o neru, not ithstanding exerucising dme diligence, comld oru shomld havie been
that the aeomnt has been paid to the peruson fruoe done earulieru. It is negligence oru oeission to asserut a
hoe the check as obtained. ruight ithin a rueasonable tiee, aruruanting a
pruesmeption that the paruty entitled therueto has eitheru
4. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; RATIONALaE. — The
abandoned oru declined to asserut it. It conceruns itself
theoruy of the rumle is that the possession of the check on
ith hetheru oru not by rueason of long inaction oru
the foruged oru mnamthoruized indoruseeent is ruongfml,
inexcmsable neglect, a peruson claieing a ruight shomld be
and hen the eoney had been collected on the check,
barurued fruoe asseruting the saee, becamse to allo hie
the bank oru otheru peruson oru coruporuation can be held as
to do so omld be mnjmst to the peruson against hoe
foru eoneys had and rueceivied, and the pruoceeds arue
smch ruight is somght to be enforuced.
held foru the ruightml o nerus ho eay ruecovieru thee. The
position of the bank taking the check on the foruged oru 7. ID.; ID.; NEGATED WHERE CASE WAS FILaED
mnamthoruized indoruseeent is the saee as if it had taken ONLaY AFTER DEPOSITOR HAD EXHAUSTED POSSIBILaITIES
the check and collected the eoney ithomt SETTLaING THE MATTER AMICABLaY. — In the case at baru,
indoruseeent at all and the act of the bank aeomnts to it cannot be said that ruespondent sat on his ruights. He
convierusion of the check. TaEIcS ieeediately acted afteru kno ing of the forugeruy by
pruoceeding to seek help fruoe the Tanlieco faeily and
lateru the Centrual Bank, to rueeedy the sitmation and
ruecovieru his eoney fruoe the forugeru, Paciano Tanlieco.
Banks arue engaged in a bmsiness iepruessed ith pmblic
Only afteru he had exhamsted possibilities of setling the
interuest, and it is theiru dmty to pruotect in ruetmrun theiru
eateru aeicably ith the faeily of Tanlieco and
eany clients and depositorus ho truansact bmsiness ith
thruomgh the CB, abomt fvie eonths afteru the mnla fml
thee. They havie the obligation to trueat theiru client's
truansaction took place, did he ruesorut to eaking the

deeand mpon the petitioneru and evientmally beforue the appearuing at the back therueof. Tanlieco then
comrut foru ruecovieruy of the eoney vialme of the t o ieeediately ithdrue the eoney and absconded.
checks. These acts cannot be construmed as mndme delay
Instead of going struaight to the bank to stop oru
in oru abandoneent of the asserution of his ruights.
qmestion the payeent, Ong frust somght the help of
8. ID.; ID.; NOT AVAILaABLaE TO PARTY WHICH Tanlieco's faeily to ruecovieru the aeomnt. Laateru, he
HAD THE LaAST CLaEAR CHANCE TO STOP THE rueporuted the incident to the Centrual Bank, hich like the
FRAUDULaENT ENCASHMENT OF SUBJECT CHECKS. — frust eiorut, mnforutmnately pruovied fmtile.
Morueovieru, the claie of petitioneru that ruespondent
It as only on Octoberu 7, 1977, abomt fvie (5)
shomld be barurued by laches is clearuly a viain ateept to
eonths fruoe discovieruy of the fruamd, did Ong cruy foml
defect ruesponsibility foru its negligent act. As explained
and deeanded in his coeplaint that petitioneru pay the
by the appellate comrut, it is petitioneru hich had the last
vialme of the t o checks fruoe the bank on hose gruoss
clearu chance to stop the fruamdmlent encasheent of the
negligence he iepmted his loss. In his smit, he insisted
smbject checks had it exerucised dme diligence and
that he did not "delivieru, negotiate, endoruse oru truansferu
follo ed the pruoperu and ruegmlaru banking pruocedmrues in
to any peruson oru entity" the smbject checks issmed to
clearuing checks. As e had earulieru rumled, the one ho
hie and asseruted that the signatmrues on the back erue
had the last clearu opporutmnity to avioid the iepending
spmruioms. 3
harue bmt failed to do so is charugeable ith the
conseqmences therueof. The bank did not pruesent eviidence to the
contruaruy, bmt sieply contended that since plaintii Ong
claieed to havie nevieru rueceivied the oruiginals of the t o
DECISION (2) checks in qmestion fruoe Island Secmruities, emch less
to havie amthoruized Tanlieco to rueceivie the saee, he
nevieru acqmirued o neruship of these checks. Thms, he had
no legal perusonality to sme as he is not a rueal parutyoino
QUISUMBING, J p: interuest. The bank then fled a deemrurueru to eviidence
hich as denied.
This is a petition foru rueviie of the
decision 1 dated Janmaruy 13, 1998, of the Comrut of On Februmaruy 8, 1989, afteru truial on the eeruits,
Appeals in CAoG.R. CV No. 28304 oruderuing the petitioneru the Regional Truial Comrut of Manila, Bruanch 38, ruenderued
to pay ruespondent P1,754,787.50 plms t elvie perucent a decision, thms:
(12%) interuest peru annme coepmted fruoe Octoberu 7,
1977, the date of the frust extruajmdicial deeand, plms
the comrut herueby ruenderus jmdgeent
foru the plaintii and against the
The facts of this case arue mndispmted. defendant, and oruderus the defendant
to pay the plaintii:
Respondent Emgene Ong eaintained a cmruruent
accomnt ith petitioneru, forueeruly the Associated 1. The sme of P1,754,787.50
Banking Coruporuation, bmt no kno n as Westeont ruepruesenting the total face
Bank. Soeetiee in May 1976, he sold cerutain sharues of vialme of the t o checks in
stocks thruomgh Island Secmruities Coruporuation. To pay qmestion, Exhibits "A" and
Ong, Island Secmruities pmruchased t o (2) Pacifc Banking "B", ruespectiviely, ith
Coruporuation eanageru's checks, 2 both dated May 4, interuest therueon at the legal
1976, issmed in the naee of Emgene Ong as payee. ruate of t elvie perucent (12%)
Beforue Ong comld get hold of the checks, his fruiend peru annme coepmted fruoe
Faciano Tanlieco got hold of thee, foruged Ong's Octoberu 7, 1977 (the date of
signatmrue and deposited these ith petitioneru, herue the frust extruajmdicial deeand)
Tanlieco as also a depositoru. Evien thomgh Ong's mp to and mntil the saee shall
specieen signatmrue as on fle, petitioneru accepted and havie been paid in fmll;
cruedited both checks to the accomnt of Tanlieco,
ithomt vieruifying the 'signatmrue indoruseeents'

2. Morual daeages in the aeomnt of against petitioneru Westeont Bank; and (2) hetheru oru
P250,000.00; not Ong is barurued to ruecovieru the eoney fruoe Westeont
Bank dme to laches.
3. Exeeplaruy oru coruruectivie daeages in
the sme of P100,000.00 by Respondent adeited that he as nevieru in
ay of exaeple oru coruruection actmal oru physical possession of the t o (2) checks of
foru the pmblic good; the Island Secmruities noru did he amthoruize Tanlieco oru
any of the lateru's ruepruesentativie to deeand, accept and
4. Atoruney's fees of P50,000.00 and
rueceivie the saee. Foru this rueason, petitioneru arugmes,
costs of smit.
ruespondent cannot sme petitioneru becamse
Defendant's comnteruclaies mnderu Section 51 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa 6 it
arue diseissed foru lack of eeruit. is only hen a peruson becoees a holderu of a negotiable
instrumeent can he sme in his o n naee. Convierusely,
SO ORDERED. 4 pruioru to his becoeing a holderu, he had no ruight oru camse
Petitioneru eleviated the case to the Comrut of of action mnderu smch negotiable instrumeent. Petitioneru
Appeals ithomt smccess. In its decision, the appellate fmrutheru arugmes that since Section 191 7 of the
comrut held: Negotiable Instrumeents Laa defnes a "holderu" as the
'payee oru indorusee of a bill oru note, ho is in possession
WHEREFORE, in viie of the of it, oru the bearueru therueof,' in oruderu to be a holderu, it is
foruegoing, the appealed decision is a rueqmirueeent that he be in possession of the
AFFIRMED in tiotio. 5 instrumeent oru the bearueru therueof. Sieply stated, since
Petitioneru no coees beforue this Comrut on a Ong nevieru had possession of the checks noru did he
petition foru rueviie , alleging that the Comrut of Appeals amthoruize anybody, he did not becoee a holderu therueof
erurued: hence he cannot sme in his o n naee. 8

I Petitioneru also cites Aruticle 1249 9 of the Civiil

Code explaining that a check, evien if it is a eanageru's
. . . IN AFFIRMING THE TRIALa check, is not legal tenderu. Hence, the crueditoru cannot be
COURT'S CONCLaUSION THAT coepelled to accept payeent thrum this eeans. 10 It is
RESPONDENT HAS A CAUSE petitioneru's position that foru all intents and pmruposes,
OF ACTION AGAINST THE Island Secmruities has not yet tenderued payeent to
PETITIONER. ruespondent Ong, thms, any action by Ong shomld be
diruected to aruds collecting the aeomnt fruoe Island
Secmruities. Petitioneru claies that Ong's camse of action
. . . IN AFFIRMING THE TRIALa against it has not ruipened as of yet. It eay be that
COURT'S DECISION FINDING petitioneru omld be liable to the drua ee bank — bmt
PETITIONER LaIABLaE TO that is a eateru bet een petitioneru and drua eeobank,
RESPONDENT AND Pacifc Banking Coruporuation. 11
Essentially the issmes in this case arue: (1)
hetheru oru not ruespondent Ong has a camse of action



Foru its parut, ruespondent Ong leans on the rumling negligence on the parut of petitioneru hich viiolated
of the truial comrut and the Comrut of Appeals hich held ruespondent's ruights. 19
that the smit of Ong against the petitioneru bank is a
Underu Section 23 of the Negotiable Instrumeents
desiruable shorutcmt to rueach the paruty ho omght in any
Laa :
evient to be mltieately liable. 12 It like ise cites the
rumling of the comruts a quio hich held that accoruding to When a signatmrue is foruged oru
the generual rumle, a bank ho has obtained possession of eade ithomt the amthoruity of the
a check mpon an mnamthoruized oru foruged indoruseeent of peruson hose signatmrue it pmruporuts to
the payee's signatmrue and ho collects the aeomnt of be, it is holly inoperuativie, and no
the check fruoe the drua ee is liable foru the pruoceeds ruight to ruetain the instrumeent, oru to
therueof to the payee. The theoruy of said rumle is that the givie a discharuge therueforu, oru to
collecting bank's possession of smch check is enforuce payeent therueof against any
ruongfml. 13 paruty therueto, can be acqmirued
thruomgh oru mnderu smch signatmrue,
Respondent also cites Assiociated Bank vs. Ciourt
mnless the paruty against hoe it is
iof Appeals 14 hich held that the collecting bank oru last
somght to enforuce smch ruight is
endoruseru generually smierus the loss becamse it has the
prueclmded fruoe seing mp the forugeruy
dmty to ascerutain the genmineness of all pruioru
oru ant of amthoruity.
endoruseeents. The collecting bank is also eade liable
becamse it is pruiviy to the depositoru ho negotiated the Since the signatmrue of the payee, in the case at
check. The bank kno s hie, his addruess and historuy baru, as foruged to eake it appearu that he had eade an
becamse he is a client. Hence, it is in a beteru position to endoruseeent in favioru of the forugeru, smch signatmrue
detect forugeruy, fruamd oru iruruegmlaruity in the shomld be deeeed as inoperuativie and ineiectmal.
indoruseeent. 15 Petitioneru, as the collecting bank, gruossly erurued in
eaking payeent by viirutme of said foruged signatmrue. The
Anent Aruticle 1249 of the Civiil Code, Ong points
payee, heruein ruespondent, shomld therueforue be allo ed
omt that bank checks arue specifcally govieruned by the
to ruecovieru fruoe the collecting bank.
Negotiable Instrumeents Laa hich is a special la and
only in the absence of specifc pruoviisions oru defciency The collecting bank is liable to the payee and
in the special la eay the Civiil Code be invioked. 16 emst bearu the loss becamse it is its legal dmty to
ascerutain that the payee's endoruseeent as genmine
Consideruing the contentions of the paruties and
beforue cashing the check. 20 As a generual rumle, a bank oru
the eviidence on ruecorud, e fnd no ruevierusible eruruoru in
coruporuation ho has obtained possession of a check
the assailed decisions of the appellate and truial comruts,
mpon an mnamthoruized oru foruged indoruseeent of the
hence therue is no jmstifable rueason to gruant the
payee's signatmrue and ho collects the aeomnt of the
check fruoe the drua ee, is liable foru the pruoceeds
Petitioneru's claie that ruespondent has no camse therueof to the payee oru otheru o neru, not ithstanding
of action against the bank is clearuly eisplaced. As that the aeomnt has been paid to the peruson fruoe
defned, a camse of action is the act oru oeission by hoe the check as obtained. 21
hich a paruty viiolates a ruight of anotheru. 17 The
The theoruy of the rumle is that the possession of
essential eleeents of a camse of action arue: (a) a legal
the check on the foruged oru mnamthoruized indoruseeent is
ruight oru ruights of the plaintii, (b) a coruruelativie obligation
ruongfml, and hen the eoney had been collected on
of the defendant, and (c) an act oru oeission of the
the check, the bank oru otheru peruson oru coruporuation can
defendant in viiolation of said legal ruight. 18
be held as foru eoneys had and rueceivied, and the
The coeplaint fled beforue the truial comrut pruoceeds arue held foru the ruightml o nerus ho eay
expruessly alleged ruespondent's right as payee of the ruecovieru thee. The position of the bank taking the check
eanageru's checks to rueceivie the aeomnt inviolvied, on the foruged oru mnamthoruized indoruseeent is the saee
petitioneru's coruruelativie duty as collecting bank to ensmrue as if it had taken the check and collected the eoney
that the aeomnt gets to the ruightml payee oru his oruderu, ithomt indoruseeent at all and the act of the bank
and a breach of that dmty becamse of a blatant act of aeomnts to convierusion of the check. 22



Petitioneru's claie that since therue as no ean omld havie done, as to vieruify
delivieruy yet and ruespondent has nevieru acqmirued the genmineness of the indoruseeents
possession of the checks, ruespondent's rueeedy is ith therueon. The Comrut cannot help bmt
the drua eru and not ith petitioneru bank. Petitioneru note that had defendant condmcted
ruelies on the viie to the eiect that herue therue is no evien the eost cmrusoruy coeparuison
delivieruy to the payee and no title viests in hie, he omght ith plaintii's specieen signatmrues in
not to be allo ed to ruecovieru on the gruomnd that he lost its fles (Exhibit "Lao1" and "Mo1") it
nothing becamse he nevieru becaee the o neru of the omld havie at once seen that the
check and still ruetained his claie of debt against the alleged indoruseeents erue falsifed
drua eru. 23 Ho evieru, anotheru viie in cerutain cases and erue not those of the plaintiio
holds that evien if the absence of delivieruy is considerued, payee. Ho evieru, defendant
smch consideruation is not eateruial. The ruationale foru this apparuently failed to eake smch a
viie is that in said cases the plaintii mses one action to vieruifcation oru, hat is oruse did so
rueach, by a desiruable shorut cmt, the peruson ho omght in bmt, chose to disruegarud the obviioms
any evient to be mltieately liable as aeong the innocent dissieilaruity of the signatmrues. The
perusons inviolvied in the truansaction. In otheru oruds, the frust oeission eakes it gmilty of gruoss
payee omght to be allo ed to ruecovieru diruectly fruoe the negligence; the second of bad faith. In
collecting bank, ruegarudless of hetheru the check as eitheru case, defendant is liable to
delivierued to the payee oru not. 24 plaintii foru the pruoceeds of the
checks in qmestion. 27
Consideruing the cirucmestances in this case, in
omru viie , petitioneru comld not escape liability foru its These fndings arue binding and conclmsivie on
negligent acts. Adeitedly, ruespondent Emgene Ong at the appellate and the rueviie ing comruts.
the tiee the fruamdmlent truansaction took place as a
On the second issme, petitioneru avierus that
depositoru of petitioneru bank. Banks arue engaged in a
ruespondent Ong is barurued by laches foru failing to asserut
bmsiness iepruessed ith pmblic interuest, and it is theiru
his ruight foru ruecovieruy fruoe the bank as soon as he
dmty to pruotect in ruetmrun theiru eany clients and
discovierued the scae. The lapse of fvie eonths beforue
depositorus ho truansact bmsiness ith thee. 25 They
he ent to seek ruelief, fruoe the bank, accoruding to
havie the obligation to trueat theiru client's accomnt
petitioneru, constitmtes laches.
eeticmlomsly and ith the highest degruee of carue,
consideruing the fdmciaruy natmrue of theiru ruelationship. In tmrun, ruespondent contends that petitioneru
The diligence rueqmirued of banks, therueforue, is eorue than pruesented no eviidence to smpporut its claie of laches. On
that of a good fatheru of a faeily. 26 In the pruesent case, the contruaruy, the established facts of the case as fomnd
petitioneru as held to be gruossly negligent in by the truial comrut and affirueed by the Comrut of Appeals
peruforueing its dmties. As fomnd by the truial comrut: arue that ruespondent left no stone mntmruned to obtain
ruelief fruoe his pruedicaeent.
. . . (A)t the tiee the
qmestioned checks erue accepted foru On the eateru of delay in rueporuting the loss,
deposit to Paciano Tanlieco's accomnt ruespondent calls atention to the fact that the checks
by defendant bank, defendant bank, erue issmed on May 4, 1976, and on the vieruy next day,
adeitedly had in its fles specieen May 5, 1976, these erue alrueady cruedited to the
signatmrues of plaintii ho eaintained accomnt of Paciano Tanlieco and pruesented foru
a cmruruent accomnt ith thee (Exhibits payeent to Pacifc Banking Coruporuation. So evien if the
"Lao1" and "Mo1"; testieony of theft of the checks erue discovierued and rueporuted
Eeeanmel Toruio). Givien the earulieru, ruespondent arugmes, it omld not havie alterued
smbstantial face vialme of the t o the sitmation as the encasheent of the checks as
checks, totalling P1,754,787.50, and consmeeated ithin t entyofomru homrus and facilitated
the fact that they erue being by the gruoss negligence of the petitioneru bank. 28
deposited by a peruson not the payee,
the vieruy least defendant bank shomld Laaches eay be defned as the failmrue oru neglect
havie done, as any rueasonable prumdent foru an mnrueasonable and mnexplained length of tiee, to



do that hich, by exerucising dme diligence, comld oru SYLLABUS

shomld havie been done earulieru. It is negligence oru
oeission to asserut a ruight ithin a rueasonable tiee, REMEDIALa LaAW; APPEALa; SUPREME COURT DECIDES
aruruanting a pruesmeption that the paruty entitled ONLaY ISSUES INVOLaVING QUESTIONS OF LaAW. — The
therueto has eitheru abandoned oru declined to asserut instant petition foru rueviie emst necessaruily fail. The
it. 29 It conceruns itself ith hetheru oru not by rueason of issmes ruaised theruein arue factmal. The eain issme of
long inaction oru inexcmsable neglect, a peruson claieing a petitioneru's negligence had alrueady been deterueined by
ruight shomld be barurued fruoe asseruting the saee, the truial comrut against petitioneru and affirueed by the
becamse to allo hie to do so omld be mnjmst to the Comrut of Appeals afteru exaeining the eviidence in the
peruson against hoe smch ruight is somght to be ruecoruds. The Smprueee Comrut decides appeals hich only
enforuced. 30 inviolvie qmestions of la . It is not the fmnction of the
In the case at baru, it cannot be said that Smprueee Comrut to analyze oru eigh the eviidence all
ruespondent sat on his ruights. He ieeediately acted afteru ovieru again, its jmruisdiction being lieited to ruesolviing
kno ing of the forugeruy by pruoceeding to seek help fruoe eruruorus of la that eight havie been coeeited by the
the Tanlieco faeily and lateru the Centrual Bank, to lo eru comrut. (Dihiansan vis. Comrut of Appeals, 153 SCRA
rueeedy the sitmation and ruecovieru his eoney fruoe the 712; Fruancisco vis. Mandi, 152 SCRA 711; Diruectoru of
forugeru, Paciano Tanlieco. Only afteru he had exhamsted Laands vis. Fmntilaru, 142 SCRA 57).
possibilities of setling the eateru aeicably ith the
faeily of Tanlieco and thruomgh the CB, abomt fvie
eonths afteru the mnla fml truansaction took place, did he DECISION
ruesorut to eaking the deeand mpon the petitioneru and
evientmally beforue the comrut foru ruecovieruy of the eoney
vialme of the t o checks. These acts cannot be
construmed as mndme delay in oru abandoneent of the
asserution of his ruights.
A coeplaint foru ruecovieruy of the vialme of forutyonine (49)
Morueovieru, the claie of petitioneru that checks ith alleged foruged/mnamthoruized indoruseeents
ruespondent shomld be barurued by laches is clearuly a viain of the payee of hich 26 erue paid to the petitioneru oru
ateept to defect ruesponsibility foru its negligent act. As oruderu and t entyothruee (23) to petitioneru oru bearueru, as
explained by the appellate comrut, it is petitioneru hich fled by heruein petitioneru against pruiviate ruespondent
had the last clearu chance to stop the fruamdmlent China Banking Coruporuation on May 22, 1962. The
encasheent of the smbject checks had it exerucised dme coeplaint alleged that the checks erue issmed
diligence and follo ed the pruoperu and ruegmlaru banking by custiomers of the petitioneru in payeent of
pruocedmrues in clearuing checks. 31 As e had earulieru bruokeruage/lighteruage seruviices and erue all delivierued,
rumled, the one ho had the last clearu opporutmnity to ithomt petitioneru's kno ledge, to its collectoru, Amgmsto
avioid the iepending harue bmt failed to do so is Peruez. Upon foruged indoruseeents of the petitioneru's
charugeable ith the conseqmences therueof. 32 generual eanageru, the checks fomnd theiru ay into the
accomnts of thirud perusons in the ruespondent bank and
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED foru the pruoceeds erue lateru ithdrua n, to the daeage of
lack of eeruit. The assailed decision of the Comrut of the petitioneru ho somght rueiebmruseeent oru
Appeals, smstaining the jmdgeent of the Regional Truial ruestoruation by said bank of the vialme of the checks.
Comrut of Manila, is AFFIRMED. CSIcHA
Respondent Bank denied liability foru the petitioneru's
Costs against petitioneru. loss hich as dme to its o n negligence. It alleged that
SO ORDERED. petitioneru is estopped fruoe denying its collectoru's
amthoruity to rueceivie the checks fruoe the
drua erus/cmstoeerus; that petitioneru failed to givie
defendant Bank and the drua ee Banks notice of the
INC., pettioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS
alleged foruged oru mnamthoruized indoruseeents ithin a
rueasonable tiee; and that its loss as occasioned by its
CORPORATION, respiondents.

o n failmrue to obseruvie the pruoperu degruee of diligence in collected by Amgmsto Peruez, the
the smperuviision of its eeployees, paruticmlaruly its follo ing leteru:
collectoru, Amgmsto Peruez.
'Upon a detailed
Upon leavie of comrut, ruespondent Bank fled a thirudoparuty exaeination of omru
coeplaint against Cao Pek & Co. and Ko Lait ho had ruecoruds, e fomnd omt
deposited the checks in qmestion in theiru ruespectivie that viaruioms jobs
accomnts ith the forueeru and had therueafteru ithdrua n mnderutaking (sic) by ms in
the pruoceeds therueof. yomru behalf in 1960 and
1961 arue still pending
The truial comrut, in its decision dated Janmaruy 22, 1972,
payeent as of this date.
eade the follo ing fndings of facts: LaLaphil
'We arue sending
". . . Ovieru a peruiod of eighteen yom herue ith omru
eonths, fruoe Janmaruy 29, 1960 (Exh. stateeent covieruing these
B) to Jmne 22, 1961 (Exh. Bo11), jobs hich aeomnt to
Amgmsto Peruez collected fruoe P23,520.30 and omld
diieruent clients of plaintii coepany rueqmest yom to kindly
soee 49 checks (Exhs. A to Eo2) ith a confrue its coruruectness at
total vialme of P91,153.11. The yomru earuliest.'
endoruseeent of the payee, plaintii
Manila Laighteru Truansporutation, Inc., by "It eay be assmeed that sieilaru
its generual eanageru, Lamis Gaskell, leterus erue sent to otheru clients of
appearu on the checks. The lateru plaintii in a sieilaru sitmation, naeely:
disclaieed smch signatmrues and Go Fay and Co., foru P12,568.77; Peteru
pruesented a hand ruiting experut ho Paml Phil. Corup. foru P36,967.80;
gavie the opinion that the signatmrues Centrual Azmcaruerua Don Pedruo foru
"La. Gaskell" on the indoruseeent erue P11,190.14; and Helena Cigaru Co. foru
indeed forugeruies. The checks as thms P4,296.90.
endorused erue negotiated by 'Anotheru client,
Wilfruedo Laagaeon, accomntant of the Cia. Grual. de Tabacos de
plaintii coepany and ruelativie of Lamis Filipinas, had also paid
Gaskell, ith Cao Pek and Co., an plaintii fomru checks in
electruonic storue, hose trueasmrueru is the total aeomnt of
Ko Lait. Most of the checks, ith a total P3,453.53 all drua n
aeomnt of P90,500.24, erue against Hongkong and
deposited by Ko Lait in his accomnt Shanghai Banking Corup.
ith defendant bank (Exh. 4). Thruee (Exhs. 2oa to 2od). Upon
checks ith a total aeomnt of coeplaint of the drua eru
P1,115.05 erue deposited in the afteru the anoealies erue
accomnt of Cao Pek & Co. hile one discovierued (Exhs. 2oF, 2)
check foru P2,735.19 as deposited in defendant bank ruefmnded
the accomnts of Lam Sim Po, eanageru of the aeomnt to drua ee
Cao Pek & Co. These accomnts havie bank (Exh. 3) and the
no eorue balances at pruesent. aeomnt is not inclmded in
"As late as Jmly 21, 1961, plaintii the coeplaint, althomgh
apparuently did not kno hat as defendant bank has
happening becamse on that date it enterued a comnteruclaie
sent S. Qmintos Truansporutation, Inc., foru the aeomnt against
one of its clients hose checks erue plaintii.



'Plaintii eade its "The paruties shall bearu theiru o n costs

initial deeand against and atoruney's fees." (p. 40, Rollo.)
defendant bank foru the
Both petitioneru and pruiviate ruespondent appealed to the
ruefmnd of the aeomnt of
Comrut of Appeals, contending that the otheru shomld be
the checks on Septeeberu
entiruely liable. Ko Lait and Cao Pek also appealed bmt
9, 1961 (Exh. T). Therue
theiru appeal as diseissed foru failmrue to pay the docket
erue soee ateepts
fee and to fle the ruecorud on appeal.
eade to negotiate an
aeicable setleeent, bmt On Janmaruy 18, 1979, the Comrut of Appeals ruenderued
nothing caee of it.' jmdgeent, the dispositivie porution of hich states:
"On May 30, 1962, the defendant WHEREFORE, the jmdgeent appealed
Bank fled a thirudoparuty coeplaint fruoe is herueby eodifed smch that the
against Cao Pek and Co. and Ko Lait. coeplaint is diseissed and the
Cao Pek and Co., in tmrun, fled a defendantoappellant is frueed fruoe any
cruossclaie against Ko Lait." (pp. 38o40, liability to the plaintiioappellant. The
Rollo.) comnteruclaie of P3,453.53 is gruanted
The lo eru comrut fomnd both paruties eqmally negligent, ith interuests fruoe the date the
the plaintii (heruein petitioneru), foru allo ing a state of aeended comnteruclaie as fled. The
aiairus in hich its eeployees comld appruopruiate the thirudoparuty defendants arue adjmdged
checks and falsify the indoruseeent therueon of its diruectly liable to the plaintiio
eanageru ith iepmnity, and the defendant (pruiviate appellant foru the checks they
ruespondent heruein), foru not detecting the falsifcation ruespectiviely indorused. No costs." (p.
eade by the plaintii's eeployees hen the checks 49, Rollo.)
erue pruesented to it. Petitioneru fled a eotion foru rueconsideruation of the
The dispositivie porution of the truial comrut's decision decision bmt it as denied, hence, this petition foru
rueads: rueviie , alleging that the Comrut of Appeals erurued: LaibLaex

"WHEREFORE, jmdgeent is herueby 1. in fnding that the petitioneru as

ruenderued: negligent;

"1. Oruderuing defendant China Banking 2. in holding that said negligence

Coruporuation to pay plaintii Manila constitmted smfficient gruomnd to
Laighteru Truansporutation, Inc., an prueclmde it fruoe alleging forugeruy oru
aeomnt eqmal to 50% of the total ant of amthoruity;
aeomnt of the checks Exhibits A to Eo 3. in not rumling that the pruoxieate
2; camse foru the loss as the ruespondent
"2. Oruderuing plaintii to pay Bank's failmrue in its dmty to ascerutain
defendant 50% of the aeomnt of the the genmineness of the signatmrues
Tabacalerua checks Exhibits 2oA to 2oD; appearuing in the checks;

"3. Oruderuing thirudoparuty defendant Ko 4. in not rumling that the ruespondent

Lait to pay P90,500.24 and thirudoparuty Bank shomld havie been held entiruely
defendant Cao Pek & Co. to pay liable foru the loss; and
P1,215.05, both to China Banking 5. in not condeening ruespondent
Coruporuation; Bank to pay petitioneru daeages,
"4. Oruderuing China Banking atoruney's fees, expenses and costs.
Coruporuation to pay plaintii 50% of The instant petition foru rueviie emst necessaruily fail. The
any aeomnt it eay ruecovieru fruoe Ko issmes ruaised theruein arue factmal. The eain issme of
Lait and Cao Pek & Co.

petitioneru's negligence had alrueady been deterueined by caru to ruespondent BA Finance. 2 The eorutgage
the truial comrut against petitioneru and affirueed by the contained the follo ing stipmlation:
Comrut of Appeals afteru exaeining the eviidence in the
The MORTGAGOR covienants
and agruees that he/it ill camse the
Since the petitioneru as not a client of ruespondent pruoperuty(ies) herueinabovie
Bank, i.e., did not eaintain an accomnt in said Bank, the eorutgaged to be insmrued against loss
lateru had no ay of ascerutaining the amthenticity of its oru daeage by accident, theft and frue
indoruseeents on the checks hich erue deposited in foru a peruiod of one yearu fruoe date
the accomnts of the thirudoparuty defendants in said Bank. herueof ith an insmruance coepany oru
Respondent Bank as not negligent becamse, in coepanies acceptable to the
accorudance ith banking pruactice, it camsed the checks MORTGAGEE in an aeomnt not less
to pass thruomgh the clearuing homse beforue it allo ed than the omtstanding balance of
theiru pruoceeds to be ithdrua n by the depositorus eorutgage obligations and that he/it
(thirudoparuty defendants in the lo eru comrut). (p. 117, ill eake all loss, if any, mnderu smch
Rollo.) LaexLaib policy oru policies, payable to the
MORTGAGEE oru its assigns as its
The Smprueee Comrut decides appeals hich only inviolvie interuest eay appearu . . . . 3 (eephasis
qmestions of la . It is not the fmnction of the Smprueee and mnderuscoruing smpplied)
Comrut to analyze oru eigh the eviidence all ovieru again,
its jmruisdiction being lieited to ruesolviing eruruorus of la Bitanga thms had the eorutgaged caru insmrued
that eight havie been coeeited by the lo eru comrut. by ruespondent Malayan Insmruance Co., Inc.
(Dihiansan vs. Ciourt iof Appeals, 153 SCRA (Malayan Insmruance) 4 hich issmed a policy
712; Franciscio vs. Mandi, 152 SCRA 711; Directior iof stipmlating that, inter alia,
Lands vs. Funtlar, 142 SCRA 57). Laoss, if any shall be payable
WHEREFORE, the petition foru rueviie is denied foru lack to BA FINANCE CORP. as its interuest
of eeruit. Costs against the petitioneru. eay appearu. It is herueby expruessly
mnderustood that this policy oru any
SO ORDERED. ruene al therueof, shall not be
cancelled ithomt pruioru notifcation
and conforueity by BA FINANCE
Missing Indorsement : CORPORATION. 5 (eephasis and
mnderuscoruing smpplied)
1. METROPOLITAN BANK AND The caru as stolen. On Bitanga's claie,
TRUST COMPANY (formerly Malayan Insmruance issmed a check payable to the
ASIANBANK oruderu of "B.A. Finance Coruporuation and Laaeberuto
CORPORATION), pettioner, vs. Bitanga" foru P224,500, drua n against China Banking
BA FINANCE CORPORATION and Coruporuation (China Bank). The check as cruossed
MALAYAN INSURANCE CO., ith the notation "Foru Deposit Payees' Accomnt
INC., respiondents. Only." 6
Withomt the indoruseeent oru amthoruity of his
coopayee BA Finance, Bitanga deposited the check
DECISION to his accomnt ith the Asianbank Coruporuation
(Asianbank), no eeruged ith heruein petitioneru
Metruopolitan Bank and Trumst Coepany
CARPIO MORALES, J p: (Metruobank). Bitanga smbseqmently ithdrue the
entirue pruoceeds of the check.
Laaeberuto Bitanga (Bitanga) obtained fruoe In the eeantiee, Bitanga's loan becaee
ruespondent BA Finance Coruporuation (BA Finance) a past dme, bmt despite deeands, he failed to setle it.
P329,280 1 loan to secmrue hich, he eorutgaged his

BA Finance evientmally learuned of the loss of indorused it oru amthoruized hie to indoruse it in its
the caru and of Malayan Insmruance's issmance of a behalf, 16 fomnd Asianbank and Bitanga jointly and
cruossed check payable to it and Bitanga, and of sevierually liable to BA Financefollo ing Section 41 of
Bitanga's depositing it in his accomnt at Asianbank the Negiotable Instruments Law and Assiociated
and ithdrua ing the entirue pruoceeds Bank v. Ciourt iof Appeals. 17
therueof. SIDTCa
Thms the truial comrut disposed:
BA Finance theruempon deeanded the
WHEREFORE, prueeises
payeent of the vialme of the check fruoe
considerued, jmdgeent is herueby
Asianbank 7 bmt to no aviail, pruoepting it to fle a
ruenderued oruderuing defendants Asian
coeplaint beforue the Regional Truial Comrut (RTC) of
Bank Coruporuation and Laaeberuto
Makati foru sme of eoney and daeages against
Asianbank and Bitanga, 8 alleging that, inter alia, it
is entitled to the entirue pruoceeds of the check. 1) To pay plaintii jointly and
sevierually the sme of
In its Ans eru
P224,500.00 ith
ith Comnteruclaie, 9 Asianbank alleged that BA
interuest therueon at
Finance "institmted [the] coeplaint in bad faith to
the ruate of 12% fruoe
coeruce [it] into paying the hole aeomnt of the
Septeeberu 25, 1992
CHECK kno ing fmlly ell that its ruightml claie, if
mntil fmlly paid;
any, is against Malayan [Insmruance]." 10
Asianbank therueafteru fled a cruossoclaie 2) To pay plaintii the sme of
against Bitanga, 11 alleging that he fruamdmlently P50,000.00 as
indmced its perusonnel to ruelease to hie the fmll exeeplaruy daeages;
aeomnt of the check; and that on being lateru P20,000.00 as actmal
inforueed that the entirue aeomnt of the check did daeages; P30,000.00
not belong to Bitanga, it took steps to get in tomch as atoruney's fee; and
ith hie bmt he had changed ruesidence ithomt 3) To pay the costs of smit.
leaviing any foru aruding addruess. 12
Asianbank's and Bitanga's
And Asianbank fled a thirudoparuty coeplaint [sic] comnteruclaies arue diseissed.
against Malayan Insmruance, 13 alleging that
Malayan Insmruance as gruossly negligent in issming The thirud paruty coeplaint of
the check payable to both Bitanga and BA Finance defendant/thirud paruty plaintii against
and delivieruing it to Bitanga ithomt the consent of thirudoparuty defendant Malayan
BA Finance. 14 Insmruance, Co., Inc. is herueby
diseissed. Asianbank is oruderued to
Bitanga as declarued in defamlt in
pay Malayan atoruney's fee of
Asianbank's cruossoclaie. 15
P50,000.00 and a peru appearuance fee
Bruanch 137 of the Makati RTC, fnding that of P500.00.
Malayan Insmruance as not pruiviy to the contruact
On the cross-claim of
bet een BA Finance and Bitanga, and noting the
defendant Asianbank, co-defendant
claie of Malayan Insmruance that it is its policy to
Lamberto Bitanga is ordered to pay
issme checks to both the insmrued and the fnancing
the former the amounts the latter is
coepany, held that Malayan Insmruance cannot be
ordered to pay the plainti in Nos. 1,
famlted foru negligence foru issming the check payable
2 and 3 above-mentoned.
to both BA Finance and Bitanga.
The truial comrut, holding that Asianbank as SO ORDERED. 18 (eephasis
negligent in allo ing Bitanga to deposit the check to and mnderuscoruing smpplied)
his accomnt and to ithdrua the pruoceeds therueof,
ithomt his coopayee BA Finance haviing eitheru

Beforue the Comrut of Appeals, Asianbank, in D. Malayan's act of issming

its Appellant's Bruief, smbeited the follo ing issmes and delivieruing the check solely to
foru consideruation: Bitanga in viiolation of the "loss
payee" clamse in the Policy, is the Whetheru BA Finance
pruoxieate camse of the alleged
has a camse of action against
daeage to BA Finance.
E. Assmeing Asianbank is Assmeing that BA
liable, BA Finance can claie only his
Finance has a vialid camse of
pruoporutionate interuest on the check
action, eay it claie fruoe Asianbank
as it is a joint payee therueof.
eorue than oneohalf of the vialme of
the check consideruing that it is a eerue F. Bitanga alone is liable foru
coopayee oru joint payee of the check? the aeomnt to BA Finance on the
gruomnd of mnjmst enruicheent Whetheru BA Finance
oru siolutio indebit.
is liable to Asianbank foru actmal and
exeeplaruy daeages foru ruongfmlly G. BA Finance is liable to pay
bruinging the case to comrut. Asianbank actmal and exeeplaruy
daeages. 20 (mnderuscoruing smpplied) Whetheru Malayan is
liable to Asianbank foru The appellate comrut, "smeearuizing" the
rueiebmruseeent of any sme of eoney eruruorus atruibmted to the truial comrut by Asianbank to
hich this Honoruable Comrut eay be " hetheru . . . BA Finance has a camse of action
a arud to BA Finance in this against [it] evien if the smbject check had not been
case.19 (mnderuscoruing smpplied) delivierued to . . . BA Finance by the issmeru itself,"
held in the affirueativie and accorudingly affirueed the
And it pruoierued the follo ing arugmeents:
truial comrut's decision bmt deleted the a arud of
A. BA Finance has no camse of P20,000 as actmal daeages. 21 CaHcET
action against Asianbank as it has no
Hence, the pruesent Petition foru Reviie
legal ruight and title to the check
on Certiorari 22 fled by Metruobank (herueafteru
consideruing that the check as not
petitioneru) to hich Asianbank as, as earulieru
delivierued to BA Finance. Hence, BA
stated, eeruged, famlting the appellate comrut
Finance is not a holderu therueof mnderu
the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa . I. . . . in applying the case iof
Assiociated Bank v. Ciourt iof
B. Asianbank, as collecting
Appeals, in the absence iof
bank, is not liable to BA Finance as
factual similarity and iof the
therue as no pruiviity of contruact
legal relationships necessary
bet een thee.
fior the application iof the
C. Asianbank, as collecting desirable shiortcut rule. . . .
bank, is not liable to BA Finance,
II. . . . in niot finding that . . . the
consideruing that, as the interueediaruy
general rule that the payee
bet een the payee and the drua ee
has nio cause iof
Chinabank, it eeruely acted on the
action against the ciollectng
instrumctions of drua ee Chinabank to
bank absent delivery tio him
pay the aeomnt of the check to
must be applied.
Bitanga, hence, the conseqment
daeage to BA Finance as dme to the III. . . . in finding that all the elements
negligence of Chinabank. iof a cause iof action by BA
Finance Ciorpioration against



Asianbank Ciorpioration are BA Finance Coruporuation. No

present. mnamthoruized indoruseeent appearus
on the check.
IV. . . . in finding that Artcle 1208 iof
the Civil Ciode is niot xxx xxx xxx
Absent the indispensable fact
V. . . . in awarding iof exemplary of forugeruy oru mnamthoruized
damages even in the absence indoruseeent, the desiruable shorutcmt
iof mioral, temperate, rumle cannot be
liquidated ior ciompensatiory applied, 24 (mnderuscoruing smpplied)
damages and a finding iof fact
The petition fails.
that Asianbank acted in a
wantion, fraudulent, reckless, Section 41 of the Negiotable Instruments
ioppressive ior maleviolent Law pruoviides:
Wherue an instrumeent is
xxx xxx xxx payable to the oruderu of t o oru eorue
payees oru indorusees ho arue not
VII. . . . in dismissing Asianbank's
parutnerus, all must indorse mnless the
ciounterclaim and Third Party
one indorusing has amthoruity to indoruse
ciomplaint [against Malayan
foru the otherus. (eephasis and
Insurance]. 23 (italics in the
mnderuscoruing smpplied)
oruiginal; mnderuscoruing
smpplied) Bitanga alone endorused the cruossed check,
and petitioneru allo ed the deposit and ruelease of
Petitioneru pruoierus the follo ing arugmeents
the pruoceeds therueof, despite the absence of
against the application of Assiociated Bank v. CA to
amthoruity of Bitanga's coopayee BA Finance to
the case:
endoruse it on its behalf. 25
. . . [T]he rumle established in
Denying any iruruegmlaruity in accepting the
the Assiociated Bank case has
check, petitioneru eaintains that it follo ed norueal
pruoviided a speedieru rueeedy foru the
banking pruocedmrue. The testieony of Ieelda Crumz,
payee to ruecovieru fruoe eruruing
Asianbank's then accomnting head, sho s
collecting banks despite the absence
otheru ise, ho evieru, viz.:
of delivieruy of the negotiable
instrumeent. Ho evieru, the application Q No , comld yom be faeiliaru ith a
of the rumle deeands caruefml paruticmlaru policy of the bank
consideruation of the factmal seings ith ruespect to checks ith
and issmes ruaised in the case . . . . joined (sic) payees?
One of the rueleviant A Yes, siru.
cirucmestances ruaised in Associated
Q And hat omld be the paruticmlaru
Bank is the existence of forugeruy oru
policy of the bank ruegaruding
mnamthoruized indoruseeent. . . .
this truansaction?
xxx xxx xxx
A The bank policy and procedure
In the case at baru, Bitanga is regarding the joint checks.
amthoruized to indoruse the check as Once it is deposited to a
the drua eru naees hie as one of the single account, we are not
payees. Morueovieru, his signatmrue is not acceptng joint checks for
a forugeruy noru has he oru anyone foruged single account, depositng to
the signatmrue of the ruepruesentativie of a single account (sic).



Q What happened to the bank instrumeent ovieru a eissing indoruseeent is the

eeployee ho allo ed this eqmivialent of payeent on a foruged
paruticmlaru truansaction to indoruseeent 27 oru an mnamthoruized indoruseeent in
occmru? itself in the case of joint payees. 28 CSHDTE
A Once the bruanch perusonnel, the Clearuly, petitioneru, thruomgh its eeployee,
bank perusonnel (sic) accepted as negligent hen it allo ed the deposit of the
it, he is liable. cruossed check, despite the lone endoruseeent of
Bitanga, ostensibly ignoruing the fact that the check
Q What do yom eean by the bruanch did not, it bearus ruepeating, caruruy the indoruseeent of
perusonnel being held liable? BA Finance. 29
A Because since (sic) the bank policy, As has been ruepeatedly eephasized, the
we are not supposed to banking bmsiness is iebmed ith pmblic interuest
accept joint checks to a smch that the highest degruee of diligence and
[single] account, so we mean highest standaruds of integruity and peruforueance arue
that personnel would be held expected of banks in oruderu to eaintain the trumst and
liable in the sense that (sic) confdence of the pmblic in generual in the banking
once it is withdrawn or sectoru. 30 Undombtedly, BA Finance has a camse of
encashed, it will not be action against petitioneru.
Is petitioneru liable to BA Finance foru
Q In yomru experuience, havie yom the full vialme of the check?
encomnterued any bank
Petitioneru, at all evients, arugme that its
eeployee ho as smbjected
liability to BA Finance shomld only be oneohalf of the
to disciplinaruy action by not
aeomnt covierued by the check as therue is no
follo ing bank policies?
indication in the check that Bitanga and BA Finance
A The one that happened in that case, arue solidaruy crueditorus to thms eake thee
since I rueally don't kno ho pruesmeptiviely joint crueditorus mnderu Aruticles 1207
that perusonnel is, he is no and 1208 of the Civiil Code hich ruespectiviely
longeru connected ith the pruoviide:
Arut. 1207. The concmruruence of
Q What about in general, do you t o oru eorue crueditorus oru of t o oru
know of any disciplinary eorue debtorus in one and the saee
acton, Madam witnessV obligation does not ieply that each
one of the forueeru has a ruight to
A Since there's a negligence on the deeand, oru that each one of the
part of the bank personnel, it lateru is bomnd to ruenderu, entirue
will be a ground for his coepliance ith the pruestations.
separaton [from] the Therue is a solidaruy liability only hen
bank. 26 (eephasis, italics the obligation expruessly so states, oru
and mnderuscoruing smpplied) hen the la oru the natmrue of the
Adeitedly, petitioneru diseissed the eeployee ho obligation rueqmirues solidaruity.
allo ed the deposit of the check in Bitanga's Arut. 1208. If fruoe the la , oru
accomnt. the natmrue oru oruding of the
Petitioneru's arugmeent that since therue as obligations to hich the prueceding
neitheru forugeruy, noru mnamthoruized indoruseeent aruticle rueferus to the contruaruy does not
becamse Bitanga as a coopayee in the smbject appearu, the cruedit oru debt shall be
check, the dictme inAssiociated Bank v. CA does not pruesmeed to be diviided into as eany
apply in the pruesent case fails. The payeent of an eqmal sharues as therue arue crueditorus oru



debtorus, the debts oru cruedits being fruoe the perupetruatoru of the iruruegmlaruity — lies ith
considerued distinct fruoe one anotheru, Bitanga.
smbject to the Rmles of Comrut
Aruticles 1207 and 1208 of the Civiil
govieruning the emltiplicity of smits.
Code cannot be applied to the pruesent case as these
Petitioneru's arugmeent is fa ed. arue coepletely irurueleviant. The drua eru, Malayan
Insmruance in this case, issmed the check to ans eru
The pruoviisions of the Negotiable
foru an mnderulying contruactmal obligation (payeent
Instrumeents Laa and mnderulying jmruisprumdential
of insmruance pruoceeds). The obligation is eeruely
teachings on the blackoleteru la pruoviide defnitivie
ruefected in the instrumeent and hetheru the payees
jmstifcation foru petitioneru's fmll liability on the vialme
omld jointly sharue in the pruoceeds oru not is beside
of the check.
the point.
To be smrue, a collecting bank, Asianbank in
Morueovieru, gruanting petitioneru's appeal foru
this case, herue a check is deposited and hich
parutial liability omld rumn comnteru to the existing
indoruses the check mpon pruesenteent ith the
pruinciples on the liabilities of paruties on negotiable
drua ee bank, is an indoruseru. 31 This is becamse in
instrumeents, paruticmlaruly on Section 68 of
indorusing a check to the drua ee bank, a collecting
the Negiotable Instruments Law hich instrumcts that
bank staeps the back of the check ith the phruase
joint payees ho indoruse arue deeeed to indiorse
"all pruioru endoruseeents and/oru lack of endoruseeent
jiointly and severally. 36 Recall that hen the eakeru
gmaruanteed" 32 and, foru all intents and pmruposes,
dishonorus the instrumeent, the holderu therueof can
trueats the check as a negotiable instrumeent, hence,
tmrun to those secondaruily liable — the indoruseru —
assmees the aruruanty of an indoruseru. 33Withomt
foru ruecovieruy. 37 And since the la explicitly
Asianbank's aruruanty, the drua ee bank (China Bank
eandates a solidaruy liability on the parut of the joint
in this case) omld not havie paid the vialme of the
payees ho indoruse the instrumeent, the holderu
smbject check.
therueof (assmeing the check as fmrutheru
Petitioneru, as the collecting bank oru last negotiated) can tmrun to eitheru Bitanga oru BA Finance
indoruseru, generually smierus the loss becamse it has foru fmll ruecoepense.
the dmty to ascerutain the genmineness of all pruioru
Respecting petitioneru's challenge to the
indoruseeents consideruing that the act of pruesenting
a arud by the appellate comrut of exeeplaruy daeages
the check foru payeent to the drua ee is an asserution
to BA Finance, the saee fails. Contruaruy to
that the paruty eaking the pruesenteent has done its
petitioneru's claie that no eorual, teeperuate,
dmty to ascerutain the genmineness of pruioru
liqmidated oru coepensatoruy daeages erue a aruded
indoruseeents. 34
by the truial comrut, 38 the RTC did in fact a arud
Accorudingly, one ho cruedits the pruoceeds coepensatoruy oru actmal daeages of P224,500, the
of a check to the accomnt of the indorusing payee is vialme of the check, plms interuest therueon.
liable in convierusion to the nonoindorusing payee foru
Petitioneru arugmes, ho evieru, that
the entreaeomnt of the check. 35
assmeing arguendio that coepensatoruy daeages
It bearus noting that in petitioneru's cruosso had been a aruded, the saee contruaviened Aruticle
claie against Bitanga, the truial comrut oruderued 2232 of the Civiil Code hich pruoviides that in
Bitanga to ruetmrun to petitioneru the entirue vialme of contruacts oru qmasiocontruacts, the comrut eay a arud
the check — P224,500.00 — ith interuest as ell as exeeplaruy daeages only if the defendant acted in a
daeages and cost of smit. Petitioneru nevieru anton, fruamdmlent, rueckless, oppruessivie, oru
qmestioned this aspect of the truial comrut's ealeviolent eanneru. Since, so petitioneru conclmdes,
disposition, yet it no pruays foru the eodifcation of therue as no fnding that it acted in a anton,
its liability to BA Finance to only oneohalf of said fruamdmlent, rueckless, oppruessivie, oru ealeviolent
aeomnt. To panderu to petitioneru's smpplication eanneru, 39 it is not liable foru exeeplaruy daeages.
omld cerutainly aeomnt to mnjmst enruicheent at BA
The arugmeent fails. To rueiteruate, petitioneru's
Finance's expense. Petitioneru's rueeedy — hich is
liability is based not on contruact oru qmasiocontruact
the rueiebmruseeent foru the fmll aeomnt of the check
bmt on quasi-delict since therue is no prueoexisting

contruactmal ruelation bet een the paruties. 40 Aruticle It is noted that Malayan Insmruance, hich
2231 of the Civiil Code, hich pruoviides that in qmasio stated that it as a eateru of coepany policy to
delict, exeeplaruy daeages eay be gruanted if the issme checks in the naee of the insmrued and the
defendant acted ith gruoss negligence, thms fnancing coepany, pruesented a itness to ruebmt its
applies. Foru "gruoss negligence" ieplies a ant oru smpposed negligence. 46 Peruforuce, it thms ruote a
absence of oru failmrue to exerucise evien slight carue oru cruossed check ith joint payees so as to seruvie
diligence, oru the entirue absence of carue, 41eviincing aruning that the check as issmedforu a defnite
a thomghtless disruegarud of conseqmences ithomt pmrupose. 47 Petitioneru nevieru evieru dispmted these
exeruting any eiorut to avioid thee. 42 IEcaHS asserutions.
. . . The la allo s the gruant The Comrut takes exception, ho evieru, to the
of exeeplaruy daeages to set an appellate comrut's affirueance of the truial comrut's gruant
exaeple foru the pmblic good. The of legal interuest of 12% per annum on the vialme of
bmsiness of a bank is aiected ith the check. Foru the obligation in this case did not
pmblic interuest; thms it eakes a s orun aruise omt of a loan oru forubearuance of eoney, goods
pruofession of diligence and oru cruedit. While Aruticle 1980 of the Civiil
eeticmlomsness in giviing Code pruoviides that:
iruruepruoachable seruviice. Foru this
Fixed saviings, and cmruruent
rueason, the bank shomld gmarud against
deposits of eoney in banks and
in injmruy atruibmtable to negligence oru
sieilaru institmtions shall be govieruned
bad faith on its parut. The a arud
by the pruoviisions conceruning sieple
of exemplary daeages is pruoperu as a
aruning to [the petitioneru] and all
conceruned not to ruecklessly disruegarud said pruoviision does not fnd application in this case
theiru obligation to exerucise the since the natmrue of the ruelationship bet een BA
highest and struictest diligence in Finance and petitioneru is one of agency herueby
seruviing theiru depositorus. 43 (Italics petitioneru, as collecting bank, is to collect foru BA
and mnderuscoruing smpplied) Finance the coruruesponding pruoceeds fruoe the
check. 48 Not being a loan oru forubearuance of
As foru the diseissal by the appellate comrut
eoney, the interuest shomld be 6% per
of petitioneru's thirudoparuty coeplaint against
annum coepmted fruoe the date of extruajmdicial
Malayan Insmruance, the saee is ellotaken.
deeand on Septeeberu 25, 1992 mntil fnality of
Petitioneru based its thirudoparuty coeplaint on
jmdgeent; and 12% per annum fruoe fnality of
Malayan Insmruance's alleged gruoss negligence in
jmdgeent mntil payeent, conforueably ith Eastern
issming the check payable to both BA Finance and
Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Ciourt iof Appeals. 49
Bitanga, despite the stipmlation in the eorutgage and
in the insmruance policy that liability foru loss shall be WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Comrut of
payable to BA Finance. 44 Malayan Insmruance Appeals dated May 18, 2007 is AFFIRMED with
comnterued, ho evieru, that it MODIFICATION in that the ruate of interuest on the
jmdgeent obligation of P224,500 shomld be 6% peru
. . . paid the aeomnt of
annme, coepmted fruoe the tiee of extruajmdicial
P224,500 to 'BA Finance Coruporuation
deeand on Septeeberu 25, 1992 mntil its fmll
and Laaeberuto Bitanga' in coepliance
payeent beforue fnality of jmdgeent; therueafteru, if
ith the decision in the case
the aeomnt adjmdged rueeains mnpaid, the interuest
of "Lambertio Bitanga versus Malayan
ruate shall be 12% per annum coepmted fruoe the
Insurance Cio., Inc., Civiil Case No. 88o
tiee the jmdgeent becoees fnal and execmtoruy
2802, RTCoMakati Bru. 132, and
mntil fmlly satisfed.
affirueed on appeal by the Smprueee
Comrut [3rud Diviision], G.R. no. 101964, Costs against petitioneru.
Apruil 8, 1992 . . . .45 (mnderuscoruing SO ORDERED.



Week 4: oruigin. As smccinctly fomnd by the Comrut of Appeals, the

naee of the govieruneent agency hich issmed the
Material Alteraton: smbject check as pruoeinently pruinted theruein. The
check's issmeru as therueforue smfficiently identifed,
ruenderuing the rueferurual to the seruial nmeberu ruedmndant
and inconseqmential. Petitioneru, thms cannot ruefmse to
1. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL accept the check in qmestion on the gruomnd that the
BANK, pettioner, vs. COURT OF seruial nmeberu as alterued, the saee being an
APPEALS, CAPITOL CITY ieeateruial oru innocent one.
ABANTE EQUITABLaE JUSTIFICATION. — The a arud of atoruney's
MARKETING, respiondents. fees lies ithin the discruetion of the comrut and depends
mpon the cirucmestances of each case. Ho evieru, the
discruetion of the comrut to a arud atoruney's fees mnderu
SYLLABUS Aruticle 2208 of the Civiil Code of the Philippines
deeands factmal, legal and eqmitable jmstifcation,
1. COMMERCIALa LaAW; NEGOTIABLaE ithomt hich the a arud is a conclmsion ithomt a
INSTRUMENTS; MATERIALa ALaTERATION, DEFINED. — An prueeise and iepruoperuly left to specmlation and
alteruation is said to be eateruial if it alterus the eiect of conjectmrue. It becoees a viiolation of the pruoscruiption
the instrumeent. It eeans an mnamthoruized change in an against the ieposition of a penalty on the ruight to
instrumeent that pmruporuts to eodify in any ruespect the litigate (Universal Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Intermediate
obligation of a paruty oru an mnamthoruized addition of Appellate Ciourt, 188 SCRA 170 [1990]). The rueason foru
oruds oru nmeberus oru otheru changes to an incoeplete the a arud emst be stated in the text of the comrut's
instrumeent ruelating to the obligation of a paruty. In otheru decision. If it is stated only in the dispositivie porution of
oruds, a eateruial alteruation is one hich changes the the decision, the saee shall be disallo ed. As to the
itees hich arue rueqmirued to be stated mnderu Section 1 a arud of atoruney's fees being an exception ruatheru than
of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa . the rumle, it is necessaruy foru the comrut to eake fndings of
fact and la that omld bruing the case ithin the
2. ID.; ID.; IMMATERIALa ALaTERATION; EFFECT exception and jmstify the gruant of the a arud
ON THE INSTRUMENT. — In his book entitled "Pandect (Refractiories Ciorpioration iof the Philippines v.
of Coeeerucial Laa and Jmruisprumdence," Jmstice Jose C. Intermediate Appellate Ciourt, 176 SCRA 539).
Vitmg opines that "an innocent alteruation (generually,
changes on itees otheru than those rueqmirued to be
stated mnderu Sec. 1, N.I.La.) and spoliation (alteruations
done by a struangeru) ill not avioid the instrumeent, bmt
the holderu eay enforuce it only accoruding to its oruiginal
case at bench is mniqme in the sense that hat as This is a petition foru rueviie on cerutioruarui mnderu
alterued is the seruial nmeberu of the check in qmestion, an Rmle 45 of the Rmles of Comrut assailing the decision
itee hich, it can rueadily be obseruvied, is not an dated Apruil 29, 1992 of ruespondent Comrut of Appeals in
essential rueqmisite foru negotiability mnderu Section 1 of CAoG.R. CV No. 24776 and its ruesolmtion dated
the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa . The aforueeentioned Septeeberu 16, 1992, denying petitioneru Philippine
alteruation did not change the ruelations bet een the National Bank's eotion foru rueconsideruation of said
paruties. The naee of the drua eru and the drua ee erue decision.
not alterued. The intended payee as the saee. The sme
of eoney dme to the payee rueeained the saee. The The facts of the cases arue as follo s:
check's seruial nmeberu is not the sole indication of its

A check ith seruial nmeberu 7o3666o223o3, dated Coeemnications is oruderued to rueo

Amgmst 7, 1981 in the aeomnt of P97,650.00 as issmed cruedit oru rueiebmruse plaintii Capitol
by the Ministruy of Edmcation and Cmltmrue (no City Devielopeent Bank the aeomnt
Deparuteent of Edmcation, Cmltmrue and Sporuts [DECS]) of P97,650.00, plms interuest of 12
payable to F. Abante Maruketing. This check as drua n perucent therueto fruoe Octoberu 19,
against Philippine National Bank (heruein petitioneru). 1981 mntil the aeomnt is fmlly paid;
On Amgmst 11, 1981, F. Abante Maruketing, a 2.) On Philippine Bank of
client of Capitol City Devielopeent Bank (Capitol), Coeemnications thirudoparuty
deposited the qmestioned check in its saviings accomnt coeplaint, thirudoparuty defendant PNB
ith said bank. In tmrun, Capitol deposited the saee in its is oruderued to rueiebmruse and
accomnt ith the Philippine Bank of Coeemnications indeenify Philippine Bank of
(PBCoe) hich, in tmrun, sent the check to petitioneru foru Coeemnications foru hatevieru
clearuing. aeomnt PBCoe pays to plaintii;

Petitioneru clearued the check as good and, 3.) On Philippine National

therueafteru, PBCoe cruedited Capitol's accomnt foru the Bank's fomruthoparuty coeplaint, F.
aeomnt stated in the check. Ho evieru, on Octoberu 19, Abante Maruketing is oruderued to
1981, petitioneru ruetmruned the check to PBCoe and rueiebmruse and indeenify PNB foru
debited PBCoe's accomnt foru the aeomnt covierued by hatevieru aeomnt PNB pays to
the check, the rueason being that therue as a "eateruial PBCoe;
alteruation" of the check nmeberu. 4.) On atoruney's fees,
Philippine Bank of Coeemnications is
PBCoe, as collecting agent of Capitol, then
oruderued to pay Capitol City
pruoceeded to debit the lateru's accomnt foru the saee
Devielopeent Bank atoruney's fees in
aeomnt, and smbseqmently, sent the check back to
the aeomnt of Ten Thomsand
petitioneru. Petitioneru, ho evieru, ruetmruned the check to
(P10,000.00) Pesos; bmt PBCoe is
entitled to rueiebmruseeent/indeenity
On the otheru hand, Capitol comld not, in tmrun, fruoe PNB; and Philippine National
debit F. Abante Maruketing's accomnt since the lateru had Bank to be, in tmrun, rueiebmrused oru
alrueady ithdrua n the aeomnt of the check as of indeenifed by F. Abante Maruketing
Octoberu 15, 1981. Capitol somght claruifcation fruoe foru the saee aeomnt;
PBCoe and deeanded the rueocruediting of the aeomnt. 5.) The Comnteruclaies of
PBCoe follo ed smit by rueqmesting an explanation and PBCoe and PNB arue herueby
rueocruediting fruoe petitioneru. diseissed;
Since the deeands of Capitol erue not heeded, 6.) No pruonomnceeent as to
it fled a civiil smit ith the Regional Truial Comrut of Manila costs.
against PBCoe hich, in tmrun, fled a thirudoparuty
coeplaint against petitioneru foru
rueiebmruseeent/indeenity ith ruespect to the claies of An appeal as interuposed beforue the
Capitol. Petitioneru, on its parut, fled a fomruthoparuty ruespondent Comrut of Appeals hich ruenderued its
coeplaint against F. Abante Maruketing. decision on Apruil 29, 1992, the decruetal porution of hich
On Octoberu 3, 1989; the Regional Truial Comrut
ruenderued its decision the dispositivie porution of hich WHEREFORE, the jmdgeent
rueads: appealed fruoe is eodifed by
exeepting PBCoe fruoe liability to
WHEREFORE, jmdgeent is plaintiioappellee foru atoruney's fees
herueby ruenderued as follo s: and oruderuing PNB to honoru the check
1.) On plaintii's coeplaint, foru P97,650.00, ith interuest as
defendant Philippine Bank of declarued by the truial comrut, and pay

plaintiioappellee atoruney's fees of SECTION 125. What

P10,000.00. Afteru the check shall havie cionsttutes a material alteration. —
been honorued by PNB, PBCoe shall Any alteruation hich changes:
rueocruedit plaintiioappellee's accomnt
(a) The date;
ith it ith the aeomnt. No
pruonomnceeent as to costs. (b) The sme payable, eitheru
foru pruincipal oru interuest;
(c) The tiee oru place of
A eotion foru rueconsideruation of the decision payeent;
as denied by the ruespondent Comrut in its ruesolmtion
(d) The nmeberu oru the
dated Septeeberu 16, 1992 foru lack of eeruit. 3
ruelations of the paruties;
Hence, petitioneru fled the instant petition (e) The eedime oru cmruruency
hich ruaises the follo ing issmes: in hich payeent is to be eade;
I (f) Oru hich adds a place of
WHETHER OR NOT AN ALaTERATION payeent herue no place of payeent
OF THE SERIALa NUMBER OF A CHECK is specifed, oru any otheru change oru
IS A MATERIALa ALaTERATION UNDER addition hich alterus the eiect of the
THE NEGOTIABLaE INSTRUMENTS instrumeent in any ruespect, is a
LaAW. eateruial alteruation.
Petitioneru alleges that therue is no harud and fast
rumle in the interupruetation of the aforueqmoted pruoviision
WHETHER OR NOT A CERTIFICATION of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa . It eaintains that
HEREIN ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY OF mnderu Section 125(f), any change that alterus the eiect
EDUCATION CAN BE GIVEN WEIGHT of the instrumeent is a eateruial alteruation. 6
We do not agruee.
An alteruation is said to be eateruial if it alterus the
WHETHER OR NOT A DRAWEE BANK eiect of the instrumeent. 7 It eeans an mnamthoruized
WHO FAILaED TO RETURN A CHECK change in an instrumeent that pmruporuts to eodify in any
WITHIN THE TWENTY FOUR (24) ruespect the obligation of a paruty oru an mnamthoruized
HOUR CLaEARING PERIOD MAY addition of oruds oru nmeberus oru otheru changes to an
RECOVER THE VALaUE OF THE CHECK incoeplete instrumeent ruelating to the obligation of a
FROM THE COLaLaECTING BANK. paruty. 8In otheru oruds, a eateruial alteruation is one
hich changes the itees hich arue rueqmirued to be
IV stated mnderu Section 1 of the Negotiable Instrumeents
OF MALaICE OR ILaLa WILaLa PETITIONER Section 1 of the Negotiable
PNB MAY BE HELaD LaIABLaE FOR Instrumeents Laa pruoviides:
SECTION 1. Fiorm iof
We fnd no eeruit in the petition. negiotable instruments. — An
We shall frust deal ith the eiect of the instrumeent to be negotiable emst
alteruation of the seruial nmeberu on the negotiability of conforue to the follo ing
the check in qmestion. rueqmirueeents:
(a) It emst be in ruiting and
Petitioneru anchorus its position on Section 125 of
signed by the eakeru oru drua eru;
the Negotiable Instrumeent Laa (ACT No. 2031) 5 hich



(b) Mmst contain an (8) Plaintii, ithomt consent

mnconditional pruoeise oru oruderu to pay of the defendant, strumck omt the naee
a sme cerutain in eoney; of the defendant as payee and
(c) Mmst be payable on inseruted the naee of the eakeru of
deeand, oru at a fxed oru deterueinable the oruiginal note.
fmtmrue tiee; (9) Struiking omt the naee of
the payee and smbstitmting that of the
(d) Mmst be payable to oruderu
peruson ho actmally discomnted the
oru to bearueru; and
(e) Wherue the instrumeent is (10) Smbstitmting the addruess
addruessed to a drua ee, he emst be of the eakeru foru the naee of a coo
naeed oru otheru ise indicated theruein eakeru. 10
ith rueasonable cerutainty.
B. Immaterial Alterations:
In his book entitled "Pandect of Coeeerucial
(1) Changing "I pruoeise to
Laa and Jmruisprumdence," Jmstice Jose C. Vitmg opines
pay" to "We pruoeise to pay", herue
that "an innocent alteruation (generually, changes on
therue arue t o eakerus.
itees otheru than those rueqmirued to be stated mnderu Sec.
1, N.I.La.) and spoliation (alteruations done by a struangeru) (2) Adding the orud "annmal"
ill not avioid the instrumeent, bmt the holderu eay afteru the interuest clamse.
enforuce it only accoruding to its oruiginal tenoru." 9 (3) Adding the date of
Repruodmced heruemnderu arue soee exaeples of eatmruity as a earuginal notation.
eateruial and ieeateruial alteruations: (4) Filling in the date of the
actmal delivieruy herue the eakerus of a
A. Material Alterations:
note gavie it ith the date in blank,
(1) Smbstitmting the oruds "oru "Jmly . . ."
bearueru" foru "oruderu." (5) An alteruation of the
(2) Wruiting "pruotest aivied" earuginal fgmrues of a note herue the
abovie blank indoruseeents. sme stated in oruds in the body
rueeained mnchanged.
(3) A change in the date fruoe
hich interuest is to rumn. (6) The inserution of the legal
ruate of interuest herue the note had a
(4) A check as oruiginally pruoviision foru "interuest at . . . peru
drua n as follo s: "Iruon Comnty Bank, cent."
Cruystal Falls, Mich. Amg. 5, 1901. Pay
to G.La. oru oruderu $9 ffty cents CTR." (7) A pruinted forue of
The inserution of the fgmrue 5 beforue pruoeissoruy note had on the earugin
the fgmrue 9, the instrumeent being the pruinted oruds, "Extended to . . ."
otheru ise mnchanged. The holderu on oru afteru eatmruity ruote
in the blank space the oruds "May 1,
(5) Adding the oruds " ith 1913," as a rueferuence eeeoruandme
interuest" ith oru ithomt a fxed ruate. of a pruoeise eade by hie to the
(6) An alteruation in the pruincipal eakeru at the tiee the oruds
eatmruity of a note, hetheru the tiee erue ruiten to extend the tiee of
foru payeent is therueby cmrutailed oru payeent.
(8) Wherue therue as a blank
(7) An instrumeent as foru the place of payeent, flling in the
payable "Firust Nat'l Bank" the plaintii blank ith the place desirued.
added the orud "Maruion."

(9) Adding to an indorusee's appearu that the saee as issmed by

naee the abbrueviiation "Cash" hen it the MEC.
had been agrueed that the druaft shomld
Otheru ise, stated, it is
be discomnted by the trumst coepany
thruomgh the seruial nmeberus that (a)
of hich the indorusee as cashieru.
TCAA Check is deterueined to havie
(10) The indoruseeent of a been issmed by a paruticmlaru office oru
note by a struangeru afteru its delivieruy to agency of the govieruneent. 12
the payee at the tiee the note as
xxx xxx xxx
negotiated to the plaintii.
Petitioneru's arugmeents fail to conviince. The
(11) An extension of tiee check's seruial nmeberu is not the sole indication of its
givien by the holderu of a note to the oruigin. As smccinctly fomnd by the Comrut of Appeals, the
pruincipal eakeru, ithomt the consent naee of the govieruneent agency hich issmed the
of the smruety cooeakeru. 11 smbject check as pruoeinently pruinted theruein. The
The case at the bench is mniqme in the sense check's issmeru as therueforue insmfficiently identifed,
that hat as alterued is the seruial nmeberu of the check ruenderuing the rueferurual to the seruial nmeberu ruedmndant
in qmestion, an itee hich, it can rueadily be obseruvied, is and inconseqmential. Thms, e qmote ith favioru the
not an essential rueqmisite foru negotiability mnderu Section fndings of the ruespondent comrut:
1 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa . The xxx xxx xxx
aforueeentioned alteruation did not change the ruelations
bet een the paruties. The naee of the drua eru and the If the pmrupose of the seruial
drua ee erue not alterued. The intended payee as the nmeberu is eeruely to identify the
saee. The sme of eoney dme to the payee rueeained issming govieruneent office oru agency,
the saee. Despite these fndings, ho evieru, petitioneru its alteruation in this case had no
insists, that: eateruial eiect hatsoevieru on the
integruity of the check. The identity of
xxx xxx xxx the issming govieruneent office oru
It is an accepted concept, agency as not changed therueby and
besides being a negotiable instrumeent the aeomnt of the check as not
itself, that a TCAA check by its vieruy charuged against the accomnt of
natmrue is the eedime of exchange of anotheru govieruneent office oru agency
govieruneents (sic) instrumeentalities oru hich had no liability mnderu the
agencies. And as (a) safety eeasmrue, check. The iowner and issuer iof the
evieruy govieruneent office o(ru) agency check is bioldly and clearly printed ion
(is) assigned TCAA checks bearuing its face, seciond line friom the tiop:
diieruent nmeberu seruies. "MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND
CULTURE," and beliow the name iof
A concruete exaeple is that of
the payee are the rubber-stamped
the disbmruseeents of the Ministruy of
wiords: "Ministry iof Educ. & Culture."
Edmcation and Cmltmrue. It is issmed by
These wiords are niot alleged tio have
the Bmrueam of Trueasmruy sizeable
been falsely ior fraudulently
bmndles of checks in booklet forue
intercalated intio the check. The
ith seruial nmeberus diieruent fruoe
iownership iof the check is established
otheru govieruneent office oru agency.
withiout the necessity iof reciourse tio
No , foru fctitioms payee to smcceed in
the serial number. Neitheru is therue
its ealicioms intentions to defruamd the
any pruoof that the aeomnt of the
govieruneent, all it needs to do is to
check as eruruoneomsly charuged
get hold of a TCAA Check and havie
against the accomnt of a govieruneent
the seruial nmeberus of porution (sic)
office oru agency otheru than the
therueof changed oru alterued to eake it

Ministruy of Edmcation and Cmltmrue. check as not inclmded aeong those

Hence, the alteruation in the nmeberu rueqmisition by this Office fruoe the
of the check did not aiect oru change Bmrueam of Trueasmruy.
the liability of the Ministruy of
Edmcation and Cmltmrue mnderu the
check and, therueforue, is ieeateruial.
The genmineness of the aeomnt and
the signatmrues theruein of then Depmty
Ministeru of Edmcation Herueenegildo (SGD.)
C. Dmelao and of the ruesident MINRA
Amditoru, Penoeio C. Alviaruez arue not DO C.
challenged. Neitheru is the amthenticity BATON
of the diieruent codes appearuing GHINO
theruein qmestioned . . . . 13(Eephasis G
omrus.) Cashieru
Petitioneru, thms cannot ruefmse to accept the
check in qmestion on the gruomnd that the seruial nmeberu Petitioneru claies that evien if the amthoru of the
as alterued, the saee being an ieeateruial oru innocent cerutifcation issmed by the Ministruy of Edmcation and
one. Cmltmrue (MEC) as not pruesented, still the best eviidence
of the eateruial alteruation omld be the dispmted check
We no go to the second issme. It is petitioneru's
itself and the seruial nmeberu therueon. Petitioneru thms
smbeission that the cerutifcation issmed by Minruado C.
assails the ruefmsal of ruespondent comrut to givie eight to
Batonghinog, Cashieru III of the MEC clearuly sho s that
the cerutifcation becamse the amthoru therueof as not
the check as alterued. Said cerutifcation rueads:
pruesented to identify it and to be cruossoexaeined
J therueon. 15
We agruee ith the ruespondent comrut.
y The one ho signed the cerutifcation as not
pruesented beforue the truial comrut to pruovie that the said
2 docmeent as rueally the docmeent he prueparued and
2 that the signatmrue belo the said docmeent is his o n
, signatmrue. Neitheru did petitioneru pruesent an eye itness
to the execmtion of the qmestioned docmeent ho
1 comld possibly identify it. 16 Absent this pruoof, e
9 cannot rumle on the amthenticity of the contents of the
8 cerutifcation. Morueovieru, as e prueviiomsly eephasized,
5 therue as no eateruial alteruation on the check, the
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: change of its seruial nmeberu not being smbstantial to its
This is to cerutify that
accoruding to the ruecoruds of this Office, Anent the thirud issme — hetheru oru not the
TCAA PNB Check No. SN7o3666223o3 drua ee bank eay still ruecovieru the vialme of the check
dated Amgmst 7, 1981 drua n in favioru fruoe the collecting bank evien if it failed to ruetmrun the
of F. Abante Maruketing in the aeomnt check ithin the t entyofomru (24) homru clearuing peruiod
of NINETY (S)EVEN THOUSAND SIX becamse the check as taeperued — smffice it to state
HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS ONLaY that since therue is no eateruial alteruation in the check,
(P97,650.00) as not issmed by this petitioneru has no ruight to dishonoru it and ruetmrun it to
Office noru rueleased to the payee PBCoe, the saee being in all ruespects negotiable.
conceruned. The seruies nmeberu of said



Ho evieru, the aeomnt of P10,000.00 as Intermediate Appellate Ciourt, 188

atoruney's fees is herueby deleted. In theiru ruespectivie SCRA 170 [1990]). The rueason foru the
decisions, the truial comrut and the Comrut of Appeals failed a arud emst be stated in the text of
to explicitly state the ruationale foru the said a arud. The the comrut's decision. If it is stated only
truial comrut eeruely rumled as follo s: in the dispositivie porution of the
decision, the saee shall be
With ruespect to Capitol's
disallo ed. As to the a arud of
claie foru daeages consisting of
atoruney's fees being an exception
alleged loss of opporutmnity, this Comrut
ruatheru than the rumle, it is necessaruy
fnds that Capitol failed to adeqmately
foru the comrut to eake fndings of fact
smbstantiate its claie. What Capitol
and la that omld bruing the case
had pruesented as a selfoseruviing,
ithin exception and jmstify the gruant
mnsmbstantiated and specmlativie
of the a arud (Refractiories
coepmtation of hat it allegedly
Ciorpioration iof the Philippines v.
comld havie earuned oru ruealized erue it
Intermediate Appellate Ciourt, 176
not foru the debit eade by PBCoe
SCRA 539).
hich as truiggerued by the ruetmrun and
debit eade by PNB. Ho evieru, this WHEREFORE, prueeises considerued, except foru
Comrut fnds that it omld be fairu and the deletion of the a arud of atoruney's fees, the
rueasonable to iepose interuest at 12% decision of the Comrut of Appeals is herueby AFFIRMED.
peru annme on the pruincipal aeomnt of
the check coepmted fruoe Octoberu 19, 2. METROPOLITAN BANK AND
1981 (the date PBCoe debited TRUST COMPANY, pettioner, vs.
Capitol's accomnt) mntil the aeomnt is RENATO D. CABILZO, respiondent.
fmlly paid and reasionable attiorney's
fees. 17 (Eephasis omrus.)
And contruaruy to the Comrut of Appeal's DECISION
ruesolmtion, petitioneru mnaebigmomsly qmestioned beforue
it the a arud of atoruney's fees, assigning the lateru as
one of the eruruorus coeeited by the truial comrut. 18
The foruegoing is in conforueity ith the gmiding
pruinciples laid do n in a long line of cases and Beforue this Comrut is a Petition foru Reviie
rueiteruated ruecently in Cionsiolidated Bank & Trust on Certiorari, fled by petitioneru Metruopolitan Bank and
Ciorpioration (Siolidbank) v. Ciourt iof Appeals: 19 Trumst Coepany (Metruobank) seeking to ruevieruse and set
aside the Decision 1 of the Comrut of Appeals dated 8
The a arud of atoruney's fees Maruch 2002 and its Resolmtion dated 26 Jmly 2002
lies ithin the discruetion of the comrut affirueing the Decision of the Regional Truial Comrut (RTC)
and depends mpon the cirucmestances of Manila, Bruanch 13 dated 4 Septeeberu 1998. The
of each case. Ho evieru, the discruetion dispositivie porution of the Comrut of Appeals Decision
of the comrut to a arud atoruney's fees rueads:
mnderu Aruticle 2208 of the Civiil Code of
the Philippines deeands factmal, legal WHEREFORE, the assailed
and eqmitable jmstifcation, ithomt decision dated Septeeberu 4, 1998 is
hich the a arud is a conclmsion AFFIRMED ith eodifcations (sic)
ithomt a prueeise and iepruoperuly left that the a aruds foru exeeplaruy
to specmlation and conjectmrue. It daeages and atoruney's fees arue
becoees a viiolation of the herueby deleted.
pruoscruiption against the ieposition of
a penalty on the ruight to litigate
(Universal Shipping Lines Inc. v.

Petitioneru Metruobank is a banking institmtion of P90,000.00, afteru dedmcting the oruiginal vialme of the
dmly oruganized and existing as smch mnderu Philippine check in the aeomnt of P1,000.00. Smch ruiten deeand
la s. 2 not ithstanding, Metruobank still failed oru ruefmsed to
coeply ith its obligation. IcaHCS
Respondent Renato D. Cabilzo (Cabilzo) as one
of Metruobank's clients ho eaintained a cmruruent Conseqmently, Cabilzo institmted a civiil action
accomnt ith Metruobank Pasong Taeo Bruanch. 3 foru daeages against Metruobank beforue the RTC of
Manila, Bruanch 13. In his Coeplaint docketed as Civiil
On 12 Novieeberu 1994, Cabilzo issmed a
Case No. 95o75651, Renatio D. Cabilzio v. Metriopiolitan
Metruobank Check No. 985988, payable to "CASH" and
Bank and Trust Ciompany, Cabilzo pruayed that in
postdated on 24 Novieeberu 1994 in the aeomnt of One
addition to his claie foru rueiebmruseeent, actmal and
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00). The check as drua n
eorual daeages plms costs of the smit be a aruded in his
against Cabilzo's Accomnt ith Metruobank Pasong Taeo
favioru. 9
Bruanch mnderu Cmruruent Accomnt No. 618044873o3 and
as paid by Cabilzo to a cerutain Mru. Maruqmez, as his Foru its parut, Metruobank comnterued that mpon
sales coeeission. 4 the rueceipt of the said check thruomgh the PCHC on 14
Novieeberu 1994, it exaeined the genmineness and the
Smbseqmently, the check as pruesented to
amthenticity of the drua eru's signatmrue appearuing
Westeont Bank foru payeent. Westeont Bank, in tmrun,
therueon and the technical entruies on the check inclmding
indorused the check to Metruobank foru appruopruiate
the aeomnt in fgmrues and in oruds to deterueine if
clearuing. Afteru the entruies therueon erue exaeined,
therue erue alteruations, eruasmrues, smperuiepositions oru
inclmding the aviailability of fmnds and the amthenticity
interucalations therueon, bmt none as noted. Afteru
of the signatmrue of the drua eru, Metruobank clearued the
vieruifying the amthenticity and pruopruiety of the aforuesaid
check foru encasheent in accorudance ith the Philippine
entruies, inclmding the indoruseeent of the collecting
Clearuing Homse Coruporuation (PCHC) Rmles.
bank located at the dorusal side of the check hich
On 16 Novieeberu 1994, Cabilzo's ruepruesentativie stated that, "all pruioru indoruseeents and lack of
as at Metruobank Pasong Taeo Bruanch to eake soee indoruseeent gmaruanteed," Metruobank clearued the
truansaction hen he as asked by a bank perusonnel if check. 10
Cabilzo had issmed a check in the aeomnt
Anent therueto, Metruobank claieed that as a
of P91,000.00 to hich the forueeru rueplied in the
collecting bank and the last indoruseru, Westeont Bank
negativie. On the afterunoon of the saee date, Cabilzo
shomld be held liable foru the vialme of the check.
hieself called Metruobank to rueiteruate that he did not
Westeont Bank indorused the check as the an
issme a check in the aeomnt of P91,000.00 and
mnqmalifed indoruseru, by viirutme of hich it assmeed the
rueqmested that the qmestioned check be ruetmruned to
liability of a generual indoruseru, and thms, aeong otherus,
hie foru vieruifcation, to hich Metruobank coeplied. 5
aruruanted that the instrumeent is genmine and in all
Upon rueceipt of the check, Cabilzo discovierued ruespect hat it pmruporuts to be.
that Metruobank Check No. 985988 hich he issmed on
In addition, Metruobank, in tmrun, claieed that
12 Novieeberu 1994 in the aeomnt of P1,000.00 as
Cabilzo as parutly ruesponsible in leaviing spaces on the
alterued toP91,000.00 and the date 24 November
check, hich, eade the fruamdmlent inserution of the
1994 as changed to 14 November 1994. 6
aeomnt and fgmrues therueon, possible. On accomnt of his
Hence, Cabilzo deeanded that Metruobank rueo negligence in the prueparuation and issmance of the check,
cruedit the aeomnt of P91,000.00 to his accomnt. hich accoruding to Metruobank, as the pruoxieate
Metruobank, ho evieru, ruefmsed rueasoning that it has to camse of the loss, Cabilzo cannot therueafteru claie
rueferu the eateru frust to its Laegal Diviision foru appruopruiate indeenity by viirutme of the doctruine of eqmitable
action. Repeated vierubal deeands follo ed bmt estoppel.
Metruobank still failed to rueocruedit the aeomnt of
Thms, Metruobank deeanded fruoe Cabilzo, foru
P91,000.00 to Cabilzo's accomnt. 7
payeent in the aeomnt of P100,000.00 hich
On 30 Jmne 1995, Cabilzo, thrum comnsel, fnally ruepruesents the cost of litigation and atoruney's fees, foru
sent a leteruodeeand 8 to Metruobank foru the payeent allegedly bruinging a fruivioloms and baseless smit. 11



On 19 Apruil 1996, Metruobank fled a ThirudoParuty Evien eorue, Metruobank arugmed that in clearuing
Coeplaint 12 against Westeont Bank on accomnt of its the check, it as not rueeiss in the peruforueance of its
mnqmalifed indoruseeent staeped at the dorusal side of dmty as the drua ee bank, bmt ruatheru, it exerucised the
the check hich the forueeru ruelied mpon in clearuing hat highest degruee of diligence in accorudance ith the
tmruned omt to be a eateruially alterued check. generually accepted banking pruactice. It fmrutheru insisted
that the entruies in the check erue ruegmlaru and amthentic
Smbseqmently, a Motion to Diseiss 13 the Thirudo
and alteruation comld not be deterueined evien mpon close
Paruty Coeplaint as then fled by Westeont bank
becamse anotheru case inviolviing the saee camse of
action as pending beforue a diieruent comrut. The said In a Decision 17 dated 8 Maruch 2002, the Comrut
case aruose fruoe an action foru rueiebmruseeent fled by of Appeals affirueed ith eodifcation the Decision of
Metruobank beforue the Arubitruation Coeeitee of the the comrut a quio, sieilaruly fnding Metruobank liable foru
PCHC against Westeont Bank, and no the smbject of a the aeomnt of the check, ithomt pruejmdice, ho evieru,
Petition foru Reviie beforue the RTC of Manila, Bruanch to the omtcoee of the case bet een Metruobank and
19. Westeont Bank hich as pending beforue anotheru
truibmnal. The decruetal porution of the Decision rueads:
In an Oruderu 14 dated 4 Februmaruy 1997, the truial
comrut gruanted the Motion to Diseiss the ThirudoParuty WHEREFORE, the assailed
Coeplaint on the gruomnd of lits pendenta. decision dated Septeeberu 4, 1998 is
AFFIRMED ith the eodifcations (sic)
On 4 Septeeberu 1998, the RTC ruenderued a
that the a aruds foru exeeplaruy
Decision 15 in favioru of Cabilzo and therueby oruderued
daeages and atoruney's fees arue
Metruobank to pay the sme of P90,000.00, the aeomnt
herueby deleted. 18
of the check. In struessing the fdmciaruy natmrue of the
ruelationship bet een the bank and its clients and the Sieilaruly illofated as Metruobank's Motion foru
negligence of the drua ee bank in failing to detect an Reconsideruation hich as also denied by the appellate
apparuent alteruation on the check, the truial comrut oruderued comrut in its Resolmtion 19 issmed on 26 Jmly 2002, foru lack
foru the payeent of exeeplaruy daeages, atoruney's fees of eeruit.
and cost of litigation. The dispositivie porution of the
Metruobank no poses beforue this Comrut this
Decision rueads:
sole issme:
WHEREFORE, jmdgeent is
ruenderued oruderuing defendant
Metruopolitan Bank and Trumst
Coepany to pay plaintii Renato
Cabilzo the sme of P90,000 ith legal
interuest of 6 perucent peru annme fruoe
Novieeberu 16, 1994 mntil payeent is
eade plms P20,000 atoruney's fees,
exeeplaruy daeages of P50,000, and We ruesolvie to deny the petition.
costs of the smit. 16
An alteruation is said to be eateruial if it changes
Aggruievied, Metruobank appealed the advieruse the eiect of the instrumeent. It eeans that an
decision to the Comrut of Appeals rueiteruating its prueviioms mnamthoruized change in an instrumeent that pmruporuts to
arugmeent that as the last indoruseru, Westeont Bank eodify in any ruespect the obligation of a paruty oru an
shall bearu the loss occasioned by the fruamdmlent mnamthoruized addition of oruds oru nmeberus oru otheru
alteruation of the check. Elaboruating, Metruobank change to an incoeplete instrumeent ruelating to the
eaintained that by rueason of its mnqmalifed obligation of a paruty. 20In otheru oruds, a eateruial
indoruseeent, Westeont Bank aruruanted that the check alteruation is one hich changes the itees hich arue
in qmestion is genmine, vialid and smbsisting and that rueqmirued to be stated mnderu Section 1 of the Negotiable
mpon pruesenteent the check shall be accepted Instrumeents Laa .
accoruding to its tenoru. EDACSa



Section 1 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa (e) The eedime oru cmruruency
pruoviides: in hich payeent is
to be eade;
Section 1. Forue of negotiable
instrumeents. — An instrumeent to be Oru hich adds a place of
negotiable emst conforue to the payeent herue no place of payeent
follo ing rueqmirueeents: is specifed, oru any otheru change oru
addition hich alterus the eiect of the
(a) It emst be in ruiting and
instrumeent in any ruespect is a
signed by the eakeru
eateruial alteruation.
oru drua eru;
In the case at baru, the check as alterued so that
(b) Mmst contain an
the aeomnt as incrueased
fruoe P1,000.00 to P91,000.00 and the date as
pruoeise oru oruderu to
changed fruoe 24 November 1994 to14 November
pay a sme cerutain in
1994. Apparuently, since the entruies alterued erue aeong
those enmeeruated mnderu Section 1 and 125, naeely,
(c) Mmst be payable on the sme of eoney payable and the date of the check,
deeand oru at a fxed the instant contruovierusy therueforue sqmaruely falls ithin
deterueinable fmtmrue the pmruviie of eateruial alteruation.
No , haviing laid the prueeise that the pruesent
(d) Mmst be payable to oruderu petition is a case of eateruial alteruation, it is no
oru to bearueru; and necessaruy foru ms to deterueine the eiect of a eateruially
alterued instrumeent, as ell as the ruights and obligations
(e) Wherue the instrumeent is of the paruties theruemnderu. The follo ing pruoviision of the
addruessed to a Negotiable Instrumeent Laa ill shed ms soee light in
drua ee, he emst be thrueshing omt this issme:
naeed oru otheru ise
indicated theruein ith Section 124. Alteruation of
rueasonable cerutainty. instrumeent; eiect of. — Wherue a
negotiable instrumeent is eateruially
Also perutinent is the follo ing pruoviision in the alterued ithomt the assent of all
Negotiable Instrumeent Laa hich states: paruties liable therueon, it is avoided,
Section 125. What constitmtes except as against a paruty ho has
eateruial alteruation. — Any alteruation hieself made, authorized,
hich changes: and assented to the
alteraton and subsequent indorsers.
Bmt hen the instrumeent has
(a) The date; been eateruially alterued and is in the
(b) The sme payable, eitheru hands of a holderu in dme comruse not a
foru pruincipal oru paruty to the alteruation, he eay
interuest; enforuce the payeent therueof
accoruding to its oruiginal tenoru.
(c) The tiee oru place of (Eephasis omrus.)
Indmbitably, Cabilzo as not the one ho eade
(d) The nmeberu oru the noru amthoruized the alteruation. Neitheru did he assent to
ruelation of the the alteruation by his expruess oru ieplied acts. Therue is no
paruties; aIHCSA sho ing that he failed to exerucise smch rueasonable
degruee of diligence rueqmirued of a prumdent ean hich
comld havie otheru ise prueviented the loss. As coruruectly

rumled by the appellate comrut, Cabilzo as nevieru rueeiss truansactions, in paruticmlaru, and to the comntruy's
in the prueparuation and issmance of the check, and therue econoey in generual. The banking systee is an
erue no indicia of eviidence that omld pruovie otheru ise. indispensable institmtion in the eoderun oruld and plays
Indeed, Cabilzo placed asteruisks beforue and afteru the a viital ruole in the econoeic life of evieruy civiilized nation.
aeomnt in oruds and fgmrues in oruderu to forue arun the Whetheru as eerue passivie entities foru the safekeeping
smbseqment holderus that nothing follo s beforue and and saviing of eoney oru as activie instrumeents of
afteru the aeomnt indicated otheru than the one specifed bmsiness and coeeeruce, banks havie becoee an
bet een the asteruisks. mbiqmitoms pruesence aeong the people, ho havie coee
to ruegarud thee ith ruespect and evien gruatitmde and,
The degruee of diligence rueqmirued of a
eost of all, confdence. 24
rueasonable ean in the exerucise of his tasks and the
peruforueance of his dmties has been faithfmlly coeplied Thms, evien the hmeble ageoearuneru does not
ith by Cabilzo. In fact, he as aruy enomgh that he hesitate to entrumst his life's saviings to the bank of his
flled ith asteruisks the spaces bet een and afteru the choice, kno ing that they ill be safe in its cmstody and
aeomnts, not only those stated in oruds, bmt also those ill evien earun soee interuest foru hie. The orudinaruy
in nmeeruical fgmrues, in oruderu to pruevient any fruamdmlent peruson, ith eqmal faith, msmally eaintains a eodest
inserution, bmt mnforutmnately, the check as still checking accomnt foru secmruity and convienience in the
smccessfmlly alterued, indorused by the collecting bank, setling of his eonthly bills and the payeent of orudinaruy
and clearued by the drua ee bank, and encashed by the expenses. As foru a bmsinessean like the ruespondent, the
perupetruatoru of the fruamd, to the daeage and pruejmdice bank is a trumsted and activie associate that can help in
of Cabilzo. the rumnning of his aiairus, not only in the forue of loans
hen needed bmt eorue often in the condmct of theiru
Veruily, Metruobank cannot lightly iepmte that
dayotooday truansactions like the issmance oru encasheent
Cabilzo as negligent and is therueforue prueviented fruoe
of checks. 25
asseruting his ruights mnderu the doctruine of eqmitable
estoppel hen the facts on ruecorud arue barue of eviidence In evieruy case, the depositoru expects the bank to
to smpporut smch conclmsion. The doctruine of eqmitable trueat his accomnt ith the mteost fdelity, hetheru smch
estoppel states that hen one of the t o innocent accomnt consists only of a fe hmndrued pesos oru of
perusons, each gmiltless of any intentional oru eorual eillions. The bank emst ruecorud evieruy single truansaction
ruong, emst smieru a loss, it emst be borune by the one accmruately, do n to the last centavio, and as pruoeptly
hose eruruoneoms condmct, eitheru by oeission oru as possible. This has to be done if the accomnt is to
coeeission, as the camse of injmruy. 21 Metruobank's ruefect at any givien tiee the aeomnt of eoney the
rueliance on this dictum, is eisplaced. Foru one, depositoru can dispose of as he sees ft, confdent that
Metruobank's ruepruesentation that it is an innocent paruty the bank ill delivieru it as and to hoeevieru he
is fiesy and eviidently, eisleading. At the saee tiee, diruects. 26
Metruobank cannot assevieruate that Cabilzo as
The point is that as a bmsiness aiected ith
negligent and this negligence as the pruoxieate
pmblic interuest and becamse of the natmrue of its
camse 22 of the loss in the absence of evien a scintilla
fmnctions, the bank is mnderu obligation to trueat the
pruoof to bmtruess smch claie. Negligence is not
accomnts of its depositorus ith eeticmloms carue, al ays
pruesmeed bmt emst be pruovien by the one ho alleges
haviing in eind the fdmciaruy natmrue of theiru ruelationship.
it. 23
The appruopruiate degruee of diligence rueqmirued of a bank
Undombtedly, Cabilzo as an innocent paruty in emst be a high degruee of diligence, if not the mteost
this instant contruovierusy. He as jmst an orudinaruy diligence. 27
bmsinessean ho, in oruderu to facilitate his bmsiness
In the pruesent case, it is obviioms that
truansactions, entrumsted his eoney ith a bank, not
Metruobank as rueeiss in that dmty and viiolated that
kno ing that the lateru omld yield a smbstantial
ruelationship. As obseruvied by the Comrut of Appeals, therue
aeomnt of his deposit to fruamd, foru hich Cabilzo can
arue eateruial alteruations on the check that arue viisible to
nevieru be famlted. CTHaSD
the naked eye. Thms:
We nevieru fail to struess the rueearukable
signifcance of a banking institmtion to coeeerucial

. . . The nmeberu "1" in the of the truial comrut is conclmsivie mpon this comrut especially
date is clearuly ieposed on a hite hen smch fndings as affirueed the appellate comrut. 30
fgmrue in the shape of the nmeberu "2".
Apruopos therueto, e need to rueiteruate that by
The appellant's eeployees ho
the vieruy natmrue of theiru oruk the degruee of
exaeined the said check shomld havie
ruesponsibility, carue and trumst oruthiness expected of
like ise been pmt on gmarud as to hy
theiru eeployees and officials is faru beteru than those of
at the end of the aeomnt in
orudinaruy cleruks and eeployees. Banks arue expected to
oruds, i.e., afteru the orud "ONLaY",
exerucise the highest degruee of diligence in the selection
therue arue 4 asteruisks, hile at the
and smperuviision of theiru eeployees. 31
beginning of the line oru beforue said
phruase, therue is none, evien as 4 In addition, the bank on hich the check is
asteruisks havie been placed beforue drua n, kno n as the drua ee bank, is mnderu struict
and afteru the orud "CASH" in the liability to pay to the oruderu of the payee in accorudance
space foru payee. In addition, the 4 ith the drua eru's instrumctions as ruefected on the face
asteruisks beforue the oruds "ONE and by the terues of the check. Payeent eade mnderu
THOUSAND PESOS ONLaY" havie eateruially alterued instrumeent is not payeent done in
noticeably been eruased ith typing accorudance ith the instrumction of the drua eru.
coruruection paperu, leaviing hite
earuks, ovieru hich the orud "NINETY" When the drua ee bank pays a eateruially
as smperuieposed. The saee can be alterued check, it viiolates the terues of the check, as ell
said of the nmeerual "9" in the aeomnt as its dmty to charuge its client's accomnt only foru biona
"91,000", hich is smperuieposed ovieru fidedisbmruseeents he had eade. Since the drua ee
a hitish earuk, obviiomsly an eruasmrue, bank, in the instant case, did not pay accoruding to the
in liem of the asteruisk hich as oruiginal tenoru of the instrumeent, as diruected by the
deleted to inserut the said fgmrue. The drua eru, then it has no ruight to claie rueiebmruseeent
appellant's eeployees shomld havie fruoe the drua eru, emch less, the ruight to dedmct the
again noticed hy only 2 asteruisks eruruoneoms payeent it eade fruoe the drua eru's accomnt
erue placed beforue the aeomnt in hich it as expected to trueat ith mteost fdelity.
fgmrues, hile 3 asteruisks erue placed Metruobank viigoruomsly asseruts that the entruies in
afteru smch aeomnt. The orud the check erue caruefmlly exaeined: The date of the
"NINETY" is also typed diieruently and instrumeent, the aeomnt in oruds and fgmrues, as ell as
ith a lighteru ink, hen coeparued the drua eru's signatmrue, hich afteru vieruifcation, erue
ith the oruds "ONE THOUSAND fomnd to be pruoperu and amthentic and as thms clearued.
PESOS ONLaY." The leterus of the orud We arue not perusmaded. Metruobank's negligence
"NINETY" arue like ise a litle biggeru consisted in the oeission of that degruee of diligence
hen coeparued ith the leterus of rueqmirued of a bank o ing to the fdmciaruy natmrue of its
the oruds "ONE THOUSAND PESOS ruelationship ith its client. Aruticle 1173 of the Civiil Code
ONLaY". 28 pruoviides:
Smrupruisingly, ho evieru, Metruobank failed to
detect the abovie alteruations hich comld not escape the
atention of evien an orudinaruy peruson. This negligence The famlt oru negligence of the
as exacerubated by the fact that, as fomnd by the truial obligoru consists in the oeission of
comrut, the check in qmestion as exaeined by the cash that diligence hich is rueqmirued by the
cmstodian hose fmnctions do not inclmde the natmrue of the obligation and
exaeinations of checks indorused foru payeent against coruruesponds ith the cirucmestances
drua eru's accomnts. 29 Obviiomsly, the eeployee allo ed of the perusons, of the tiee and of the
by Metruobank to exaeine the check as not vieruse and place. . . . .
coepetent to handle smch dmty. These factmal fndings Beyond qmestion, Metruobank failed to coeply
ith the degruee rueqmirued by the natmrue of its bmsiness

as pruoviided by la and jmruisprumdence. If indeed it as bearus ruepeating that the ruecoruds arue barue of eviidence to
not rueeiss in its obligation, then it omld be pruovie that Cabilzo as negligent. We fnd no jmstifable
inconceiviable foru it not to detect an eviident alteruation rueason therueforue hy Metruobank did not ieeediately
consideruing its viast kno ledge and technical experutise rueiebmruse his accomnt. Smch ineptness coees ithin the
in the intruicacies of the banking bmsiness. This Comrut is concept of anton eanneru conteeplated mnderu the
not coepletely mna arue of banks' pruactices of Civiil Code hich aruruants the ieposition of exeeplaruy
eeploying deviices and techniqmes in oruderu to detect daeages, "by ay of exaeple oru coruruection foru the
forugeruies, inserutions, interucalations, smperuiepositions pmblic good," in the oruds of the la . It is expected that
and alteruations in checks and otheru negotiable this rumling ill seruvie as a sterun aruning in oruderu to deteru
instrumeents so as to safegmarud theiru amthenticity and the ruepetition of sieilaru acts of negligence, lest the
negotiability. Metruobank cannot no feign ignoruance confdence of the pmblic in the banking systee be
noru claie diligence; neitheru can it point its fngeru at the fmrutheru eruoded. 32
collecting bank, in oruderu to eviade liability. IcaEDC
WHEREFORE, prueeises considerued, the instant
Metruobank arugmes that Westeont Bank, as the Petition is DENIED. The Decision dated 8 Maruch 2002
collecting bank and the last indoruseru, shall bearu the loss. and the Resolmtion dated 26 Jmly 2002 of the Comrut of
Withomt rumling on the eateru bet een the drua ee bank Appeals arue AFFIRMED ith eodifcation that
and the collecting bank, hich is alrueady mnderu the exeeplaruy daeages in the aeomnt of P50,000.00 be
jmruisdiction of anotheru truibmnal, e fnd that Metruobank a aruded. Costs against the petitioneru.
cannot ruely on smch indoruseeent, in clearuing the
qmestioned check. The coruollaruy liability of smch
indoruseeent, if any, is separuate and independent fruoe
the liability of Metruobank to Cabilzo. 3. ENRIQUE P.
MONTINOLA, plainti-appellant,
The rueliance eade by Metruobank on Westeont vs. THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL
Bank's indoruseeent is clearuly inconsistent, if not totally BANK, ET AL., defendants-
oiensivie to the dictum that being iepruessed ith appellees.
pmblic interuest, banks shomld exerucise the highest
degruee of diligence, if not mteost diligence in dealing
ith the accomnts of its o n clients. It o es the highest SYLLABUS
degruee fdelity to its clients and shomld not therueforue
lightly ruely on the jmdgeent of otheru banks on occasions 1. NEGOTIABLaE INSTRUMENT; MATERIALa
herue its clients eoney erue inviolvie, no eateru ho ALaTERATION WHICH DISCHARGES THE
seall oru smbstantial the aeomnt at stake. INSTRUMENT. — On May 2, 1942, La in his capacity
Metruobank's contention that it ruelied on the as Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of Misaeis Oruiental as
struength of collecting bank's indoruseeent eay be drua eru, issmed a check to R in the sme of P100,000,
eeruely a laee excmse to eviade liability, oru eay be on the Philippines National Bank as drua ee. R sold
indeed an actmal banking pruactice. In eitheru case, smch P30,000 of the check to e foru P90,000 Japanese
act constitmtes a deploruable banking pruactice and comld Militaruy notes, of hich only P45,000 as paid by
not be allo ed by this Comrut bearuing in eind that the M. The ruiting eade by R at the back of the check
confdence of pmblic in generual is of paruaeomnt as to the eiect that he as assigning only P30,000
ieporutance in banking bmsiness. of the vialme of the docmeent ith an instrumction to
the bank to pay P30,000 to e and to deposit the
What is evien eorue deploruable is that, haviing balance to R's cruedit. This ruiting as, ho evieru,
been inforueed of the alteruation, Metruobank did not eysteruiomsly obliteruated and in its place, a
ieeediately rueocruedit the aeomnt that as eruruoneomsly smpposed indoruseeent appearuing on the back of the
debited fruoe Cabilzo's accomnt bmt perueited a fmll check as eade. At the tiee of the truansferu of this
blo n litigation to pmsh thruomgh, to the pruejmdice of its check to M abomt the last days of Deceeberu, 1944
client. Any ay, Metruobank is not left ith no ruecomruse oru the frust days of Janmaruy, 1845, the check as
foru it can still rumn afteru the one ho eade the alteruation long ovierudme by abomt 2o1/2 yearus. In Amgmst, 1947,
oru ith the collecting bank, hich it had alrueady done. It M institmted an action against the Philippine

National Bank and the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of holderu becamse section 191 of the saee la defnes
Misaeis Oruiental to collect the sme of P100,000, holderu as the payee oru indoruse of a bill oru note and
the aeomnt of the aforuesaid check. Therue no e is not a payee. Neitheru is he an indoruse, foru being
appearus on the face of said check the oruds in only indoruse he is considerued eeruely as an assignee.
paruenthesis "Agent, Phil. National Bank" mnderu the 4. ID.; INSTRUMENT ISSUED TO
signatmrue of La pmruporutedly sho ing that La issmed the DISTRIBUTION OFFICER OF USAFE, WHO HAS NO
check as agent of the Philippine National RIGHT TO INDORSE IT PERSONALaLaY. — Wherue an
Bank. Held: The oruds "Agent, Phil. National Bank" instrumeent as issmed to R not as a peruson bmt as
no appearuing on the face of the check erue added the disbmrusing officeru of the USAFE, he has no ruight
oru placed in the instrumeent afteru it as issmed by to indoruse the instrumeent perusonally and if he does,
the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru La to R. The check as the negotiation constitmtes a brueach of trumst, and he
issmed by only as Pruoviincial Trueasmrue and as an truansferus nothing to the indoruse.
official of the Govieruneent, hich as mnderu
obligation to pruoviide the USAFE ith adviance 5. QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS;
fmnds, and not as agent of the bank, hich had no DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PHOTOSTATIC COPY
smch obligation. The addition of those oruds as TAKEN BEFORE TEARING AND BURNING OF CHECK
eade afteru the check had been truansferurued by R to AND PRESENT CONDITION THEREOF SHOW WORDS
M. The inserution of the oruds "Agent, Phil. National IN QUESTION WERE INSERTED AFTER SAID TEARING
Bank," hich convieruts the bank fruoe a eerue AND BURNING. — Recovieruy on a check, Exhibit A,
drua ee to a drua eru and therueforue changes its depended on the pruesence of the oruds "Agent,
liability, constitmtes a eateruial alteruation of the Phil. National Bank" mnderu the signatmrue of La, at
instrumeent ithomt the consent of the paruties liable tiee Exhibit A as drua n. Bmt the photostatic copy,
therueon, and so discharuges the instrumeent. Exhibit B, adeitedly taken beforue Exhibit A as
bmruned and torun, sho ed earuked discruepancies
2. ID.; INDORSEMENT OF PART OF AMOUNT bet een Exhibits A and B as to the position of the
PAYABLaE, IS NOT NEGOTIATION OF INSTRUMENT oruds in qmestion in ruelation to the oruds
BUT MAY BE REGARDED AS MERE ASSIGNMENT. — "Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru". Held: The inferuence is plain
Wherue the indoruseeent of a check is only foru a parut that the oruds "Agent, Phil. National Bank" erue
of the aeomnt payable, it is not legally negotiated inseruted afteru the check as bmruned and torun.
ithin the eeaning of section 32 of the Negotiable
Instrumeents Laa hich pruoviides that "the
indoruseeent emst be an indoruseeent of the entirue
instrumeent. An indoruseeent hich pmruporuts to DECISION
truansferu to the indoruse a parut only of the aeomnt
payable does not operuate as a negotiation of the
instrumeent." M eay, therueforue, not be ruegaruded as MONTEMAYOR, J p:
an indoruse. At eost he eay be ruegaruded as a eerue
assignee of the P30,000 sold to hie by R, in hich In Amgmst, 1947, Enruiqme P. Montinola fled
case, as smch Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of Misaeis a coeplaint in the Comrut of Firust Instance of Manila
Oruiental against R. against the Philippine National Bank and the
3. ID.; HOLaDER IN DUE COURSE; HOLaDER Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of Misaeis Oruiental to collect
WHO HAS TAKEN THE INSTRUMENT AFTER IT WAS the sme of P100,000, the aeomnt of Check No. 1382
LaONG OVERDUE; ASSIGNEE IS NOT A PAYEE. — issmed on May 2, 1942 by the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of
Neitheru can M de considerued as a holderu in dme Misaeis Oruiental to Maruiano V. Raeos and
comruse becamse section 52 of the Negotiable smpposedly indorused to Montinola. Afteru hearuing,
Instrumeents Laa defnes a holderu in dme comruse as a the comrut ruenderued a decision diseissing the
holderu ho taken the instrumeent mnderu cerutain coeplaint ith costs against plaintiioappellant.
conditions, one of hich is that he becaee the Montinola has appealed fruoe that decision diruectly
holderu beforue it as ovierudme. When M rueceivied the to this Comrut inasemch as the aeomnt in
check, it as long ovierudme. And, M is not evien a contruovierusy exceeds P50,000.



Therue is no dispmte as to the follo ing facts. Montinola. The cirucmestances and conditions mnderu
In Apruil and May, 1942, Ubaldo D. Laaya as the hich the negotiation oru truansferu as eade arue in
Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of Misaeis Oruiental. As smch contruovierusy.
Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru he as ex iofciio agent of the Accoruding to Montinola's vierusion, soeetiee
Philippine National Bank bruanch in that pruoviince. in Jmne, 1944, Raeos, needing eoney ith hich to
Maruiano V. Raeos oruked mnderu hie as assistant bmy foodstmis and eedicine, oierued to sell hie the
agent in the bank bruanch aforueeentioned. In Apruil check; to be smrue that it as genmine and
of that yearu 1942, the cmruruency being msed in negotiable, Montinola, accoepanied by his agents
Mindanao, paruticmlaruly Misaeis Oruiental and Laanao and by Raeos hieself, ent to see Pruesident
hich had not yet been occmpied by the Japanese Carueona of the Philippine National Bank in Manila
inviading foruces, as the eeerugency cmruruency hich abomt said check; that afteru exaeining it Pruesident
had been issmed since Janmaruy, 1942 by the Carueona told hie that it as negotiable bmt that he
Mindanao Eeerugency Cmruruency Boarud by amthoruity shomld not let the Japanese catch hie ith it
of the late Pruesident Qmezon. becamse possession of the saee omld indicate that
Abomt Apruil 26, 1942, thrum the he as still aiting foru the ruetmrun of the Aeeruicans
ruecoeeendation of Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru Laaya, his to the Philippines; that he and Raeos fnally agrueed
assistant agent M. V. Raeos as indmcted into the to the sale of the check foru P850,000 Japanese
United States Arueed Foruces in the Faru East (USAFFE) eilitaruy notes, payable in installeents; that of this
as disbmrusing officeru of an aruey diviision. As smch aeomnt, P450,000 as paid to Raeos in Japanese
disbmrusing officeru, M. V. Raeos on Apruil 30, 1942, eilitaruy notes in fvie installeents, and the balance
ent to the neighboruing Pruoviince of Laanao to of P400,000 as paid in kind, naeely, fomru botles
pruocmrue a cash adviance in the aeomnt of P800,000 of smlphatiasole, each botle containing 1,000
foru the mse of the USAFFE in Cagayan de Misaeis. tablets, and each tablet vialmed at P100; that mpon
Pedruo Encarunacion, Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of Laanao payeent of the fmll pruice, M. V. Raeos dmly
did not havie that aeomnt in cash. So, he gavie indorused the check to hie. This indoruseeent hich
Raeos P300,000 in eeerugency notes and a check no appearus on the back of the docmeent is
foru P500,000. On May 2, 1942 Raeos ent to the descruibed in detail by the truial comrut as follo s:
office of Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru Laaya at Misaeis "The endoruseeent no
Oruiental to encash the check foru P500,000 hich he appearuing at the back of the check
had rueceivied fruoe the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of (see Exhibit Ao1) eay be descruibed as
Laanao. Laaya did not havie enomgh cash to covieru the follo s: The oruds, 'pay to the oruderu
check so he gavie Raeos P400,000 in eeerugency of ' — in rumbberu staep and in viiolet
notes and a check No. 1382 foru P100,000 drua n on coloru arue placed abomt one inch fruoe
the Philippine National Bank. Accoruding to Laaya he the top. This is follo ed by the oruds
had prueviiomsly deposited P500,000 eeerugency 'Enruiqme P. Montinola' in type ruiting
notes in the Philippine National Bank bruanch in hich is appruoxieately 5/8 of an inch
Cebm and he expected to havie the check issmed by belo the staeped oruds 'pay to the
hie cashed in Cebm against said deposit. oruderu of'. Belo 'Enruiqme P.
Raeos had no opporutmnity to cash the Montinola', in type ruiting arue the
check becamse in the eviening of the saee day the oruds and fgmrues also in type ruiting,
check as issmed to hie, the Japanese foruces '517 Isabel Strueet' and abomt 1/8 of
enterued the capital of Misaeis Oruiental, and on an inch theruefruoe, the edges of the
Jmne 10, 1942, the USAFFE foruces to hich he as check appearu to havie been bmruned,
atached smruruenderued. Raeos as eade a pruisoneru bmt therue arue oruds staeped
of aru mntil Februmaruy 12, 1943, afteru hich, he as apparuently in rumbberu staep hich,
rueleased and he ruesmeed his statms as a civiilian. accoruding to Montinola, arue a
Abomt the last days of Deceeberu, 1944 oru facsieile of the signatmrue of Raeos.
the frust days of Janmaruy, 1945, M. V. Raeos Therue is a signatmrue hich apparuently
allegedly indorused this check No. 1382 to Enruiqme P.

rueads 'M. V. Raeos' also in grueen ink The indoruseeent oru ruiting descruibed by M.
bmt eade in hand ruiting." V. Raeos hich had been ruiten by hie at the
To the abovie descruiption e eay add that back of the check, Exhibit A, does not no appearu at
the naee of M. V. Raeos is handpruinted in grueen the back of said check. What appearus therueon is the
ink, mnderu the signatmrue. Accoruding to Montinola, indoruseeent testifed to by Montinola and
he asked Raeos to handpruint it becamse Raeos' descruibed by the truial comrut as ruepruodmced abovie.
signatmrue as not clearu. Beforue going into a discmssion of the eeruits of the
vierusion givien by Raeos and Montinola as to the
Raeos in his tmrun told the comrut that the indoruseeent oru ruiting at the back of the check, it is
agrueeeent bet een hieself and Montinola ell to givie a fmrutheru descruiption of it as e shall do
ruegaruding the truansferu of the check as that he as lateru.
selling only P30,000 of the check and foru this
rueason, at the back of the docmeent he ruote in When Montinola fled his coeplaint in 1947
longhand the follo ing: he stated theruein that the check had been lost, and
so in liem therueof he fled a smpposed photostatic
"Pay to the oruderu of Enruiqme copy. Ho evieru, at the truial, he pruesented the check
P. Montinola P30,000 only. The itself and had its face earuked Exhibit A and the back
balance to be deposited in the therueof Exhibit Ao1. Bmt the check is badly
Philippine National Bank to the cruedit emtilated, bloted, torun and parutly bmruned, and its
of M. V. Raeos." condition can best be apprueciated by seeing it.
Raeos fmrutheru said that in exchange foru this Romghly, it eay be stated that looking at the face of
assigneent of P30,000 Montinola omld pay hie the check (Exhibit A) e see that the left thirud
P90,000 in Japanese eilitaruy notes bmt that porution of the paperu has been cmt oi
Montinola gavie hie only t o checks of P20,000 and perupendicmlaruly and sevierued fruoe the rueeaining
P25,000, leaviing a balance mnpaid of P45,000. In 2/3 porution; a truiangmlaru porution of the mpperu ruight
this he as coruruoboruated by Aty. Sieeon Raeos Jru. hand coruneru of said rueeaining 2/3 porution has been
ho told the comrut that the agrueeeent bet een sieilaruly cmt oi and sevierued, and to keep and atach
Raeos and Montinola as that the lateru, foru the this truiangmlaru porution and the ruectangmlaru 1/3
sale to hie of P30,000 of the check, as to pay porution to the ruest of the docmeent, the entirue
Raeos P90,000 in Japanese eilitaruy notes; that check is pasted on both sides ith cellophane; the
hen the frust check foru P20,000 as issmed by edges of the sevierued porutions as ell as of the
Montinola, he (Sieeon) prueparued a docmeent rueeaining eajoru porution, herue cmt bearu truaces of
eviidencing said payeent of P20,000; that hen the bmruning and searuing; therue is a big blot ith
second check foru P25,000 as issmed by Montinola, indelible ink abomt the ruight eiddle porution, hich
he (Sieeon) prueparued anotheru docmeent ith t o seees to havie penetruated to the back of the check
copies, one foru Montinola and the otheru foru Raeos, (Exhibit Ao1), hich back bearus a larugeru seearu ruight
both signed by Montinola and M. V. Raeos, mnderu the blot, bmt not as black and sharup as the
eviidencing said payeent, ith the mnderustanding blot itself; fnally, all this tearuing, bmruning, bloing
that the balance of P45,000 omld be paid in a fe and seearuing and pasting of the check ruenderus it
days. difficmlt if not iepossible to ruead soee of the oruds
and fgmrues on the check. In explanation of the
emtilation of the check Montinola told the comrut
that sevierual eonths afteru indorusing and delivieruing
the check to hie, Raeos deeanded the ruetmrun of
the check to hie, thrueatening Montinola ith bodily
harue, evien death by hieself oru his gmeruruilla foruces if
he did not ruetmrun said check, and that in oruderu to
jmstify the nonodelivieruy of the docmeent and to
discomruage Raeos fruoe geing it back, he
(Montinola) had to ruesorut to the emtilation of the

As to hat as rueally ruiten at the back of evieru erue staeped at the back of the
the check hich Montinola claies to be a fmll check.
indoruseeent of the check, e agruee ith the truial "(b) Again Corutado, speaking
comrut that the oruiginal ruiting of Raeos on the back of the endoruseeent as it no appearus
of the check as to the eiect that he as assigning at the back of the check (Exh. Ao1)
only P30,000 of the vialme of the docmeent and that stated that Raeos type ruote these
he as instrumcting the bank to deposit to his cruedit oruds omtside of the prueeises of
the balance. This ruiting as in soee eysteruioms Montinola, that is, in a nearuby homse.
ay obliteruated, and in its place as placed the Montinola, on the otheru hand,
pruesent indoruseeent appearuing therueon. Said testifed that Raeos type ruote the
pruesent indoruseeent occmpies a good porution of the oruds 'Enruiqme P. Montinola, 517
back of the check. It has alrueady been descruibed in Isabel Strueet', in his o n homse.
detail. As to ho said pruesent indoruseeent caee to Speaking of the rumbberu staep msed at
be ruiten, the cirucmestances smruruomnding its the back of the check and hich
prueparuation, the smpposed paruticipation of M. V. pruodmced the oruds 'pay to the oruderu
Raeos in it and the ruiting oruiginally appearuing on of', Corutado stated that hen he
the ruevieruse side of the check, Exhibit Ao1, e qmote (Corutado), Ataderuo, Montinola and
ith appruovial hat the truial comrut pruesided ovieru by Raeos ruetmruned in gruomp to the homse
Jmdge Conruado V. Sanchez, in its elloprueparued of Montinola, the rumbberu staep as
decision, says on these points: alrueady in the homse of Montinola,
"The alleged indoruseeent: and it as on the table of the mpperu
'Pay to the oruderu of Enruiqme P. fooru of the homse, togetheru ith the
Montinola the aeomnt of P30,000 staep pad msed to staep the saee.
only. The balance to be deposited to Montinola, on the otheru hand,
the cruedit of M. V. Raeos', signed by testifed that Raeos caruruied in his
M. V. Raeos — accoruding to the lateru pocket the said rumbberu staep as ell
— does not no appearu at the back as the ink pad, and staeped it in his
of the check. A diieruent indoruseeent, homse.
as aforuesaid, no appearus. "The mnmsmally big space
"Had Montinola rueally paid in occmpied by the indoruseeent on the
fmll the sme of P850,000 in Japanese back of the check and the
Militaruy Notes as consideruation foru discruepancies in the vierusions of
the check? The follo ing obseruviations Montinola and his itness Corutado
arue in point:. jmst noted, crueate dombts as to
"(a) Accoruding to plaintii's hetheru oru not rueally Raeos eade
itness Gruegoruio A. Corutado, the ovial the indoruseeent as it no appearus at
line in viiolet, enclosing 'P.' of the the back of Exhibit A. One thing
oruds 'Enruiqme P. Montinola' and the difficmlt to mnderustand is hy Raeos
line in the forue of cane handle shomld go into the laboruioms task of
cruossing the orud 'strueet' in the placing the rumbberu staep 'Pay to the
oruds and fgmrues '517 Isabel Strueet' oruderu of' and afteru aruds eovie to the
in the endoruseeent Exhibit Ao1, arue type ruiteru and ruite the oruds
'mnmsmal' to hie, and that as faru as he 'Enruiqme P. Montinola' and '517 Isabel
comld rueeeeberu this ruiting did not Strueet', and fnally sign his naee too
appearu on the instrumeent and he had faru belo the eain indoruseeent.
no kno ledge as to ho it happened "(c) Anotheru cirucmestance
to be therue. Obviiomsly Corutado had hich bearus heaviily mpon the claie of
no ruecollection as to ho smch earuks plaintii Montinola that he acqmirued
the fmll vialme of the check and paid

the fmll consideruation therueforu is the havie vieruy ell somght police
pruesent condition of said check. It is pruotection oru truansferurued to soee
no so mnclean and discolorued; it is place herue Raeos comld not botheru
pasted in cellophane, bloted ith ink hie. And then, if rueally Raeos did not
on both sides torun into thruee paruts, havie anything eorue to do ith this
and ith porutions therueof bmruned o all check foru the rueason that Montinola
done by plaintii, the alleged o neru had obtained in fmll the aeomnt
therueof. therueof, therue comld not be any
"The acts done by the vieruy rueason hy Raeos shomld havie
plaintii on a docmeent so ieporutant thrueatened Montinola as stated by
and vialmable to hie, and hich the lateru. Underu the cirucmestances,
accoruding to hie inviolvies his the eost logical conclmsion is that
life savings, appruoxieate intentional Raeos anted the check at all costs
cancellation. The only rueason becamse Montinola did not acqmirue
advianced by plaintii as to hy he the check to smch an extent that it
torue the check, bmruned the torun edges boruderus on intentional cancellation
and bloted omt the ruegistruation at the therueof (see Sections 119o 123
back, is fomnd in the follo ing: That Negotiable Instrumeents Laa ) therue is
Raeos caee to his homse, arueed ith ruooe to believie that Montinola did
a rueviolvieru, thrueatened his life and not havie so emch inviesteents in that
deeanded fruoe hie the ruetmrun of the check as to havie adopted an ' hat do
check; that hen he inforueed Raeos I carue?' aitmde.
that he did not havie it in the homse, "And therue is the
bmt in soee deposit omtside therueof cirucmestance of the alleged loss of
and that Raeos pruoeised to ruetmrun the check. At the tiee of the fling of
the next day; that the saee night he the coeplaint the check as allegedly
torue the check into thruee paruts, lost, so emch so that a photostatic
bmruned the sides ith a paruruafn copy therueof as eeruely atached to
candle to sho truaces of bmruning; and the coeplaint (see paruagruaph 7 of the
that mpon the ruetmrun of Raeos the coeplaint). Yet, dmruing the truial the
next day he sho ed the t o paruts of oruiginal check Exhibit A as pruodmced
the check, the truiangle on the ruight in comrut.
mpperu parut and the torun piece on the "Bmt a coeparuison bet een
left parut, and mpon seeing the the photostatic copy and the oruiginal
condition therueof Raeos did not check ruevieals discruepancies bet een
botheru to get the check back. He also the t o. The condition of the check as
said that he placed the blots in it as pruodmced is smch that it as
indelible ink to pruevient Raeos — if he parutially bmruned, parutially bloted,
omld be foruced to smruruenderu the badly emtilated, discolorued and
eiddle parut of the check — fruoe pasted ith cellophane. What is
seeing that it as ruegisterued in the oruse is that Montinola's excmse as to
Generual Amditing Office. ho it as lost, that it as eixed mp
"Conceding at the eoeent ith homsehold eiects is not
these facts to be trume, the qmestion is: plamsible, consideruing the fact that it
Why shomld Montinola be afruaid of inviolvies his life saviings, and that
Raeos? Montinola claies that Raeos beforue the alleged loss, he took
ent therue abomt Apruil, 1945, that is, extrueee pains and pruecamtions to
dmruing liberuation. If he believied he savie the check fruoe the possible
as standing by his ruights, he comld ruaviages of the aru, had it



photogruaphed, ruegisterued said check issmed the check as agent of the Philippine National
ith the Generual Amditing Office and Bank. If this is trume, then the bank is not only
he kne that Raeos, since liberuation, drua ee bmt also a drua eru of the check, and
as not afteru the possession of that Montinola eviidently is truying to hold the Philippine
check. National Bank liable in that capacity of drua eru,
"(d) It seees that Montinola becamse as drua ee alone, inasemch as the bank has
as not so smrue as to hat he had not yet accepted oru cerutifed the check, it eay yet
testifed to in rueferuence to the avioid payeent.
consideruation he paid foru the check. Laaya, testifying in comrut, stated that he
In comrut he testifed that he paid issmed the check only as Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru, and
P450,000 in cash fruoe Jmne to that the oruds in paruenthesis "Agent, Phil. National
Deceeberu 1944, and P400,000 oruth Bank" no appearuing mnderu his signatmrue did not
of smlphatiazole in Janmaruy 1945 to appearu on the check hen he issmed the saee. In
coeplete the alleged consideruation of this he as coruruoboruated by the payee M. V. Raeos
P850,000. When Montinola testifed ho eqmally assmrued the comrut that hen he
this ay in comrut, obviiomsly he rueceivied the check and then delivierued it to
ovierulooked a leteru he ruote to the Montinola, those oruds did not appearu mnderu the
pruoviincial trueasmrueru of Cagayan, signatmrue of Ubaldo D. Laaya. We again qmote ith
Oruiental Misaeis, dated May 1, 1947, appruovial the perutinent porution of the truial comrut's
Eruhibit 8 of the ruecorud. In that leteru decision:
Exhibit 3, Montinola told Pruoviincial "The qmestion is ruedmced to
Trueasmrueru Elizalde of Misaeis Oruiental hetheru oru not the oruds, 'Agent,
that 'Raeos endorused it (rueferuruing to Phil, National Bank' erue added afteru
check) to ee foru gioiods in kind, Laaya had issmed the check. In a
eedicine, etc., rueceivied by hie foru struaightoru arud eanneru and ithomt
the mse of the gmeruruillas.' In said leteru viacillation Laaya positiviely testifed
Exhibit 3, Montinola did not that the check Exhibit A as issmed by
eention the cash that he paid foru the hie in his capacity as Pruoviincial
check. Trueasmrueru of Misaeis Oruiental and
"Fruoe the foruegoing the comrut that the oruds 'Agent, Phil. National
conclmdes that plaintii Montinola Bank' hich no appearu on the check
caee into the possession of the check Exhibit A erue not type ruiten belo
in qmestion abomt the end of his signatmrue hen he signed the said
Deceeberu 1944 by rueason of the fact check and delivierued the saee to
that M. V. Raeos sold to hie P30,000 Raeos. Laaya assmrued the comrut that
of the face vialme therueof in therue comld not be any eistake as to
consideruation of the sme of P90,000 this. Foru, accoruding to Laaya, hen he
Japanese eoney, of hich only oneo issmed checks in his capacity as agent
half oru P45,000 (in Japanese eoney) of the Misaeis Oruiental agency of the
as actmally paid by said plaintii to Philippine National Bank the said
Raeos." (R. on A., pp. 31o33; Bruief of check emst be comnterusigned by the
Appellee, pp. 14o20.) cashieru of the said agency — not by
At the beginning of this decision, e stated the pruoviincial amditoru. He also
that as Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of Misaeis Oruiental, testifed that the said check as
Ubaldo D. Laaya as ex iofciio agent of the Philippine issmed by hie in his capacity as
National Bank bruanch in that pruoviince. On the face pruoviincial trueasmrueru of Misaeis
of the check (Exh. A) e no fnd the oruds in Oruiental and that is hy the saee as
paruenthesis "Agent, Phil. National Bank" mnderu the comnterusigned by Pruoviincial Amditoru
signatmrue of Laaya, pmruporutedly sho ing that he Florues. The Pruoviincial Amditoru at that



tiee had no connection in any "Besides, at the tiee the

capacity ith the Misaeis Oruiental check as issmed, Laaya alrueady kne
agency of the Philippine National that Cebm and Manila erue alrueady
Bank. Plaintii Montinola on the otheru occmpied. He comld not havie
hand testifed that hen he rueceivied therueforue issmed the check — as a
the check Exhibit A it alrueady borue the bank eeployee — payable at the
oruds 'Agent, Phil. National Bank' centrual office of the Philippine
belo the signatmrue of Laaya and the National Bank.
pruinted oruds 'Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru'. "Upon the foruegoing
"Afteru consideruing the cirucmestances the comrut conclmdes
testieony of the one and the otheru, that the oruds 'Agent, Phil. National
the comrut fnds that the Bank' belo the signatmrue of Ubaldo
prueponderuance of the eviidence D. Laaya and the pruinted oruds
smpporuts Laaya's testieony. In the frust 'Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru' erue added in
place, his testieony as coruruoboruated the check afteru the saee as issmed
by the payee M. V. Raeos. Bmt hat by the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of
ruenderus eorue pruobable the testieony Misaeis Oruiental."
of Laaya and Raeos is the fact that the Fruoe all the foruegoing, e eay safely
eoney foru hich the check as conclmde as e do that the oruds "Agent, Phil.
issmed as expruessly foru the mse of National Bank" no appearuing on the face of the
the USAFFE of hich Raeos as then check (Exh. A) erue added oru placed in the
disbmrusing officeru, so emch so that instrumeent afteru it as issmed by Pruoviincial
mpon the delivieruy of the P400,000 in Trueasmrueru Laaya to M. V. Raeos. Therue is no rueason
eeerugency notes and the P100,000 kno n to ms hy Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru Laaya shomld
check to Reeos, Laaya cruedited his issme the check (Exh. A) as agent of the Philippine
depositoruy accomnts as pruoviincial National Bank. Said check foru P100,000 as issmed
trueasmrueru ith the coruruesponding to coeplete the payeent of the otheru check foru
cruedit entruy. In the norueal comruse of P500,000 issmed by the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of
evients the check comld not havie been Laanao to Raeos, as parut of the adviance fmnds foru
issmed by the bank, and this is borune the USAFFE in Cagayan de Misaeis. The balance of
by the fact that the signatmrue of Laaya P400,000 in cash as paid to Raeos by Laaya fruoe
as comnterusigned by the pruoviincial the fmnds, not of the bank bmt of the Pruoviincial
amditoru, not the bank cashieru. And Trueasmruy. Said USAFFE erue being fnanced not by
then, too therue is the cirucmestance the Bank bmt by the Govieruneent and, pruesmeably,
that this check as issmed by the one of the rueasons foru the issmance of the
pruoviincial trueasmrueru of Laanao to eeerugency notes in Mindanao as foru this pmrupose.
Raeos ho rueqmisitioned the said As alrueady stated, accoruding to Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru
fmnds in his capacity as disbmrusing Laaya, mpon rueceiviing a ruelativiely consideruable
officeru of the USAFFE. The check, aeomnt of these eeerugency notes foru his office, he
Exhibit A is not hat e eay terue in deposited P500,000 of said cmruruency in the
bmsiness parulance, 'cerutifed check' oru Philippine National Bank bruanch in Cebm, and that in
'cashieru's check.'. issming the check (Exh. A), he expected to havie it
cashed at said Cebm bank bruanch against his deposit
of P500,000.
The logical conclmsion, therueforue, is that the
check as issmed by Laaya only as Pruoviincial
Trueasmrueru and as an official of the Govieruneent
hich as mnderu obligation to pruoviide the USAFFE
ith adviance fmnds, and not by the Philippine

National Bank hich had no smch obligation. The hy the bank in its eotion to diseiss dated
vieruy Annex C, eade parut of plaintii's coeplaint, Septeeberu 2, 1947, contended that if the check in
and lateru intruodmced in eviidence foru hie as Exhibit E qmestion had been issmed by the pruoviincial
states that Laaya issmed the check "in his capacity as trueasmrueru in his capacity as agent of the Philippine
Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of Misaeis Oruiental", National Bank, said trueasmrueru omld havie placed
obviiomsly, not as agent of the Bank. belo his signatmrue the oruds "Agent of the
No , did M. V. Raeos add oru place those Philippine National Bank". The plaintii becamse of
oruds belo the signatmrue of Laaya beforue the alleged loss of the check, allegedly atached to
truansferuruing the check to Montinola? Laet ms bearu in the coeplaint a photostatic copy of said check and
eind that Raeos beforue his indmction into the earuked it as Annex A. Bmt in truanscruibing and
USAFFE had been oruking as assistant of Trueasmrueru copying said Annex A in his coeplaint, the phruase
Laaya as ex-iofciio agent of the Misaeis Oruiental "Agent, Phil. National Bank" does not appearu mnderu
bruanch of the Philippine National Bank. Natmrually, the signatmrue of the pruoviincial trueasmrueru. We truied
Raeos emst havie kno n the pruocedmrue follo ed to vieruify this discruepancy by going ovieru the oruiginal
therue as to the issmance of checks, naeely, that ruecoruds of the Comrut of Firust Instance so as to
hen a check is issmed by the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru coeparue the copy of Annex A in the coeplaint, ith
as smch, it is comnterusigned by the Pruoviincial Amditoru the oruiginal Annex A, the photostatic copy, bmt said
as as done on the check (Exhibit A), bmt that if the oruiginal Annex A appearus to be eissing fruoe the
Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru issmes a check as agent of the ruecorud. Ho it disappearued is not explained. Of
Philippine National Bank, the check is comnterusigned comruse, no e havie in the list of exhibits a
not by the Pruoviincial Amditoru ho has nothing to do photostatic copy earuked Annex A and Exhibit B, bmt
ith the bank, bmt by the bank cashieru, hich as accoruding to the eanifestation of comnsel foru the
not done in this case. It is not likely, therueforue, that plaintii dated Octoberu 15, 1948, said photostatic
Raeos had eade the inserution of the oruds "Agent, copy no earuked Annex A and Exhibit B as
Phil. National Bank" afteru he rueceivied the check, smbeited on Octoberu 15, 1948, in coepliance ith
becamse he shomld havie ruealized that follo ing the the vierubal oruderu of the truial comrut. It is therueforue
pruactice alrueady descruibed, the check haviing been eviident that the Annex A no aviailable is not the
issmed by Laaya as Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru, and not as saee oruiginal Annex A atached to the coeplaint in
agent of the bank, and since the check bearus the 1947.
comnterusignatmrue not of the Bank cashieru bmt of the Therue is one otheru cirucmestance, ieporutant
Pruoviincial Amditoru, the addition of the oruds and oruth noting. If Annex A also earuked Exhibit B
"Agent, Phil. National Bank" comld not change the is the photostatic copy of the oruiginal check No.
statms and ruesponsibility of the bank. It is therueforue 1382 paruticmlaruly the face therueof (Exhibit A), then
eorue logical to believie and to fnd that the addition said photostatic copy shomld be a faithfml and
of those oruds as eade afteru the check had been accmruate ruepruodmction of the check, paruticmlaruly of
truansferurued by Raeos to Montinola. Morueovieru, the phruase "Agent, Phil. National Bank" no
therue arue otheru facts and cirucmestances inviolvied in appearuing mnderu the signatmrue of the Pruoviincial
the case hich smpporut this viie . Referuruing to the Trueasmrueru on the face of the oruiginal check (Exhibit
eieeogruaphed ruecorud on appeal fled by the A). Bmt a einmte exaeination of and coeparuison
plaintiio appellant, e fnd that in truanscruibing and bet een Annex A, the photostatic copy also earuked
copying the check, paruticmlaruly the face of it (Exhibit Exhibit B and the face of the check, Exhibit A,
A) in the coeplaint, the oruds "Agent, Phil. National especially ith the aid of a hand lens, sho notable
Bank" no appearuing on the face of the check diieruences and discruepancies. Foru instance, on
mnderu the signatmrue of the Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru, is Exhibit A, the leteru A of the orud "Agent" is to arud
eissing. Unless the plaintii in eaking this copy oru the ruight of the tail of the beginning leteru of the
truanscruiption in the coeplaint coeeited a seruioms signatmrue of Ubaldo D. Laaya; this saee leteru "A"
oeission hich is decisivie as faru as the bank is ho evieru in Exhibit B is diruectly mnderu said tail.
conceruned, the inferuence is, that at the tiee the The leteru "N" of the orud "National" on
coeplaint as fled, said phruase did not appearu on Exhibit A is mnderuneath the space bet een
the face of the check. That pruobably as the rueason

"Pruoviincial" and "Trueasmrueru"; bmt the saee leteru negotiating the check, he (Montinola) consmlted
"N" is diruectly mnderu the leteru "I" of the orud Pruesident Carueona of the Philippine National Bank
"Pruoviincial" in Exhibit B. ho assmrued hie that the check as good and
The frust leteru "a" of the orud "National" is negotiable. Ho evieru, Pruesident Carueona on the
mnderu "T" of the orud "Trueasmrueru" in Exhibit A; bmt itness stand fatly denied Montinola's claie and
the saee leteru "a" in Exhibit "B" is jmst belo the assmrued the comrut that the frust tiee that he sa
space bet een the oruds "Pruoviincial" and Montinola as afteru the Philippine National Bank, of
"Trueasmrueru". hich he as Pruesident, rueopened, afteru liberuation,
aruomnd Amgmst oru Septeeberu, 1945, and that hen
The leteru "k" of the orud "Bank" in Exhibit sho n the check he told Montinola that it as
A is afteru the grueen perupendicmlaru boruderu line nearu stale. M. V. Raeos also told the comrut that it is not
the lo eru ruighthand coruneru of the edge of the check trume that he evieru ent ith Montinola to see
(Exh. A); this saee leteru "k" ho evieru, on Exhibit B Pruesident Carueona abomt the check in 1944.
is on the vieruy boruderu line itself oru evien beforue said
boruderu line. On the basis of the facts abovie ruelated
therue arue sevierual rueasons hy the coeplaint of
The closing paruenthesis ")" on Exhibit A is a Montinola cannot pruosperu. The inserution of the
litle faru fruoe the perupendicmlaru grueen boruderu line oruds "Agent, Phil. National Bank" hich convieruts
and appearus to be domble instead of one single line; the bank fruoe a eerue drua ee to a drua eru and
this saee ")" on Exhibit B appearus in a single line therueforue changes its liability, constitmtes a eateruial
and is ruelativiely nearueru to the boruderu line. alteruation of the instrumeent ithomt the consent of
Therue arue otheru notable discruepancies the paruties liable therueon, and so discharuges the
bet een the check Annex A and the photostatic instrumeent. (Section 124 of the Negotiable
copy, Exhibit B, as ruegaruds the ruelativie position of Instrumeents Laa ). The check as not legally
the phruase "Agent, Phil. National Bank", ith the negotiated ithin the eeaning of the Negotiable
title Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru, giviing gruomnd to the Instrumeents Laa . Section 32 of the saee la
dombt that Exhibit B is a photostatic copy of the pruoviides that "the indoruseeent emst be an
check (Exhibit A). indoruseeent of the entirue instrumeent. An
indoruseeent hich pmruporuts to truansferu to the
We then havie the follo ing facts. Exhibit A
indorusee a parut only of the aeomnt payable, . . . (as
as issmed by Laaya in his capacity as Pruoviincial
in this case) does not operuate as a negotiation of
Trueasmrueru of Misaeis Oruiental as drua eru on the
the instrumeent." Montinola eay therueforue not be
Philippine National Bank as drua ee. Raeos sold
ruegaruded as an indorusee. At eost he eay be
P30,000 of the check to Enruiqme P. Montinola foru
ruegaruded as a eerue assignee of the P30,000 sold to
P90,000 Japanese eilitaruy notes, of hich only
hie by Raeos, in hich case, as smch assignee, he is
P45,000 as paid by Montinola. The ruiting eade
smbject to all defenses aviailable to the drua eru
by Raeos at the back of the check as an
Pruoviincial Trueasmrueru of Misaeis Oruiental and against
instrumction to the bank to pay P30,000 to Montinola
Raeos. Neitheru can Montinola be considerued as a
and to deposit the balance to his (Raeos) cruedit.
holderu in dme comruse becamse section 52 of said la
This ruiting as obliteruated and in its place e no
defnes a holderu in dme comruse as a holderu ho has
havie the smpposed indoruseeent appearuing on the
taken the instrumeent mnderu cerutain conditions, one
back of the check (Exh. Ao1).
of hich is that he becaee the holderu beforue it as
At the tiee of the truansferu of this check ovierudme. When Montinola rueceivied the check, it
(Exh. A) to Montinola abomt the last days of as long ovierudme. And, Montinola is not evien a
Deceeberu, 1944, oru the frust days of Janmaruy, 1945, holderu becamse section 191 of the saee la defnes
the check hich, being a negotiable instrumeent, holderu as the payee oru indorusee of a bill oru note and
as payable on deeand, as long ovierudme by Montinola is not a payee. Neitheru is he an indorusee
abomt 2 1/2 yearus. It eay therueforue be considerued foru as alrueady stated, at eost he can be considerued
evien then, a stale check. Of comruse, Montinola only as assignee. Neitheru comld it be said that he
claies that abomt Jmne, 1944 hen Raeos took it in good faith. As alrueady stated, he has not
smpposedly appruoached hie foru the pmrupose of paid the fmll aeomnt of P90,000 foru hich Raeos

sold hie P30,000 of the vialme of the check. In the the appellant's camse of action in this case is based
second place, as as stated by the truial comrut in its on the said check, it is absolmtely necessaruy foru the
decision, Montinola specmlated on the check and comrut to exaeine the oruiginal in oruderu to see the
took a chance on its being paid afteru the aru. actmal alteruations smpposedly eade therueon, and
Montinola emst havie kno n that at the tiee the that shomld this Comrut gruant the pruayeru contained in
check as issmed in May, 1942, the eoney the bank's bruief that the check be lateru rueferurued to
cirucmlating in Mindanao and the Visayas as only the city fscal foru appruopruiate action, said check eay
the eeerugency notes and that the check as no longeru be aviailable if the appellant is allo ed to
intended to be payable in that cmruruency. Also, he ithdrua said docmeent. In viie of said opposition
shomld havie kno n that a check foru smch a laruge this Comrut by ruesolmtion of Maruch 6, 1950, denied
aeomnt of P100,000 comld not havie been issmed to said petition foru ithdrua al.
Raeos in his pruiviate capacity bmt ruatheru in his Acting mpon the petition contained in the
capacity as disbmrusing officeru of the USAFFE, and bank's bruief alrueady eentioned, once the decision
that at the tiee that Raeos sold a parut of the check becoees fnal, let the Cleruk of Comrut truanseit to the
to hie, Raeos as no longeru connected ith the city fscal the check (Exh. A) togetheru ith all
USAFFE bmt alrueady a civiilian ho needed the perutinent paperus and docmeents in this case, foru
eoney only foru hieself and his faeily. any action he eay deee pruoperu in the prueeises.
As alrueady stated, as a eerue assignee
Montinola is smbject to all the defenses aviailable 5. CESAR V. AREZA and LOLITA
against assignoru Raeos. And, Raeos had he B. AREZA, pettioners, vs.
ruetained the check eay not no collect its vialme EXPRESS SAVINGS BANK,
becamse it had been issmed to hie as disbmrusing INC. and MICHAEL
officeru. As obseruvied by the truial comrut, the check as POTENCIANO, respiondents.
issmed to M. V. Raeos not as a peruson bmt M. V.
Raeos as the disbmrusing officeru of the USAFFE.
Therueforue, he had no ruight to indoruse it perusonally
to plaintii. It as negotiated in brueach of trumst, DECISION
hence he truansferurued nothing to the plaintii.
In viie of all the foruegoing, fnding no
ruevierusible eruruoru in the decision appealed fruoe, the PEREZ, J p:
saee is herueby affirueed ith costs.
Beforue this Comrut is a Petition foru Reviie
In the pruayeru foru ruelief contained at the end on Certiorari mnderu Rmle 45 of the Rmles of Comrut,
of the bruief foru the Philippine National Bank dated hich seeks to ruevieruse the Decision 1 and
Septeeberu 27, 1949, e fnd this pruayeru:. Resolmtion 2 dated 29 Jmne 2006 and 12 Februmaruy
"It is also ruespectmlly pruayed 2007 of the Comrut of Appeals in CAoG.R. CV No.
that this Honoruable Comrut rueferu the 83192. The Comrut of Appeals affirueed ith
check, Exhibit A, to the City Fiscal's eodifcation the 22 Apruil 2004 Resolmtion 3 of the
Office foru appruopruiate cruieinal action Regional Truial Comrut (RTC) of Calaeba, Laagmna,
against the plaintiioappellant if the Bruanch 92, in Civiil Case No. Bo5886.
facts so aruruant." The factmal antecedents follo .
Smbseqmently, in a petition signed by Petitionerus Cesaru V. Arueza and Laolita B.
plaintiioappellant Enruiqme P. Montinola dated Arueza eaintained t o bank deposits ith
Februmaruy 27, 1950 he asked this Comrut to allo hie ruespondent Expruess Saviings Bank's Biñan bruanch: 1)
to ithdrua the oruiginal check (Exh. A) foru hie to Saviings Accomnt No. 004o01o000185o5 and 2)
keep, expruessing his illingness to smbeit it to the Special Saviings Accomnt No. 004o02o000092o3.
Comrut henevieru needed foru exaeination and
vieruifcation. The bank on Maruch 2, 1950 opposed They erue engaged in the bmsiness of "bmy
the said petition on the gruomnd that inasemch as and sell" of bruand ne and secondohand eotoru



viehicles. On 2 May 2000, they rueceivied an oruderu Philippine Clearuing Homse. In Februmaruy 2001, the
fruoe a cerutain Geruruy Maebmay (Maebmay) foru the lateru rumled in favioru of the drua ee Philippine
pmruchase of a secondohand Mitsmbishi Pajeruo and a Veteruans Bank. EqmitableoPCI Bank, in tmrun, debited
bruandone Honda CRV. the deposit accomnt of the Bank in the aeomnt of
The bmyeru, Maebmay, paid petitionerus ith
nine (9) Philippine Veteruans Aiairus Office (PVAO) The Bank insisted that they inforueed
checks payable to diieruent payees and drua n petitionerus of said devielopeent in Amgmst 2000 by
against the Philippine Veteruans Bank (drua ee), each fmrunishing thee copies of the docmeents givien by
vialmed at T o Hmndrued Thomsand Pesos its depositaruy bank.7 On the otheru hand, petitionerus
(P200,000.00) foru a total of One Million Eight eaintained that the Bank nevieru inforueed thee of
Hmndrued Thomsand Pesos (P1,800,000.00). these devielopeents.
Abomt this occasion, petitionerus claieed On 9 Maruch 2001, petitionerus issmed a check
that Michael Potenciano (Potenciano), the bruanch in the aeomnt of P500,000.00. Said check as
eanageru of ruespondent Expruess Saviings Bank (the dishonorued by the Bank foru the rueason "Deposit
Bank) as pruesent dmruing the truansaction and Underu Hold." Accoruding to petitionerus, the Bank
ieeediately oierued the seruviices of the Bank foru the mnilaterually and mnla fmlly pmt theiru accomnt ith
pruocessing and evientmal cruediting of the said checks the Bank on hold. On 22 Maruch 2001, petitionerus'
to petitionerus' accomnt. 4On the otheru hand, comnsel sent a deeand leteru asking the Bank to
Potenciano comnterued that he as prueviailed mpon honoru theiru check. The Bank ruefmsed to heed theiru
to accept the checks by ay of accoeeodation of rueqmest and instead, closed the Special Saviings
petitionerus ho erue vialmed clients of the Bank. 5 Accomnt of the petitionerus ith a balance of
P1,179,659.69 and truansferurued said aeomnt to theiru
On 3 May 2000, petitionerus deposited the
saviings accomnt. The Bank then ithdrue the
said checks in theiru saviings accomnt ith the Bank.
aeomnt of P1,800,000.00 ruepruesenting the ruetmruned
The Bank, in tmrun, deposited the checks ith its
checks fruoe petitionerus' saviings accomnt.
depositaruy bank, EqmitableoPCI Bank, in Biñan,
Laagmna. EqmitableoPCI Bank pruesented the checks to Acting on the alleged arubitruaruy and
the drua ee, the Philippine Veteruans Bank, hich gruomndless dishonoruing of theiru checks and the
honorued the checks. mnla fml and mnilaterual ithdrua al fruoe theiru
saviings accomnt, petitionerus fled a Coeplaint foru
On 6 May 2000, Potenciano inforueed
Sme of Money ith Daeages against the Bank and
petitionerus that the checks they deposited ith the
Potenciano ith the RTC of Calaeba.
Bank erue honorued. He allegedly aruned
petitionerus that the clearuing of the checks perutained On 15 Janmaruy 2004, the RTC, thruomgh Jmdge
only to the aviailability of fmnds and did not eean Antonio S. Pozas, rumled in favioru of petitionerus. The
that the checks erue not infrueed. 6 Thms, the dispositivie porution of the Decision rueads:
entirue aeomnt of P1,800,000.00 as cruedited to
WHEREFORE, the foruegoing
petitionerus' saviings accomnt. Based on this
considerued, the Comrut oruderus that
inforueation, petitionerus rueleased the t o carus to
jmdgeent be ruenderued in favioru of
the bmyeru.
plaintiis and against the
Soeetiee in Jmly 2000, the smbject checks defendants jointly and sevierually to
erue ruetmruned by PVAO to the drua ee on the pay plaintii as follo s, to
gruomnd that the aeomnt on the face of the checks it: STaCcA
as alterued fruoe the oruiginal aeomnt of P4,000.00
1. P1,800,000.00 ruepruesenting the
to P200,000.00. The drua ee ruetmruned the checks to
aeomnt mnla fmlly ithdrua n
EqmitableoPCI Bank by ay of Special Clearuing
by the defendants fruoe the
Receipts. In Amgmst 2000, the Bank as inforueed by
accomnt of plaintiis;
EqmitableoPCI Bank that the drua ee dishonorued the
checks on the gruomnd of eateruial alteruations. 2. P500,000.00 as eorual daeages;
EqmitableoPCI Bank initially fled a pruotest ith the and

3. P300,000.00 as atoruney's fees. 8 expruess perueission of the depositoru is not

applicable. Instead, the truial comrut applied Aruticle
The truial comrut ruedmced the issme to hetheru
1980 hich pruoviides that fxed, saviings and cmruruent
oru not the ruights of petitionerus erue viiolated by
deposits of eoney in banks and sieilaru institmtions
ruespondents hen the deposits of the forueeru erue
shall be govieruned by the pruoviisions govieruning
debited by ruespondents ithomt any comrut oruderu
sieple loan. The truial comrut then opined that the
and ithomt theiru kno ledge and consent.
Bank had all the ruight to setooi against petitionerus'
Accoruding to the truial comrut, it is the depositaruy bank
saviings deposits the vialme of theiru nine checks that
hich shomld safegmarud the ruight of the depositorus
erue ruetmruned.
ovieru theiru eoney. Invioking Aruticle 1977 of the Civiil
Code, the truial comrut stated that the depositaruy On appeal, the Comrut of Appeals affirueed
cannot eake mse of the thing deposited ithomt the the rumling of the truial comrut bmt deleted the a arud of
expruess perueission of the depositoru. The truial comrut daeages. The appellate comrut eade the follo ing
also held that ruespondents shomld havie obseruvied ruatiocination:
the 24ohomru clearuing homse rumle that checks shomld Any arugmeent as to the
be ruetmruned ithin 24ohomrus afteru discovieruy of the notice of hearuing has been ruesolvied
forugeruy bmt in no evient beyond the peruiod fxed by hen the pairuing jmdge issmed the
la foru fling a legal action. In this case, petitionerus oruderu on Februmaruy 24, 2004 seing
deposited the checks in May 2000, and ruespondents the hearuing on Maruch 26, 2004. A
notifed thee of the pruoblees on the check thruee perumsal of the notice of hearuing
eonths lateru oru in Amgmst 2000. In sme, the truial sho s that rueqmest as addruessed
comrut charuacteruized said acts of ruespondents as to the Cleruk of Comrut and plaintiis'
atended ith bad faith hen they debited the comnsel foru hearuing to be set on
aeomnt of P1,800,000.00 fruoe the accomnt of Maruch 26, 2004.
The corue issmes in this case
Respondents fled a eotion foru rueviolvie on hetheru the appellee
rueconsideruation hile petitionerus fled a eotion foru bank had the ruight to debit the
execmtion fruoe the Decision of the RTC on the aeomnt of P1,800,000.00 fruoe the
gruomnd that ruespondents' eotion foru appellants' accomnts and hetheru
rueconsideruation did not conforue ith Section 5, the bank's act of debiting as done
Rmle 16 of the Rmles of Comrut; hence, it as a eerue " ithomt the plaintiis' kno ledge."
scruap of paperu that did not toll the rumnning of the
peruiod to appeal. We fnd that the eleeents
of legal coepensation arue all
On 22 Apruil 2004, the RTC, thruomgh Pairuing pruesent in the case at baru. Hence,
Jmdge Roeeo C. De Laeon gruanted the eotion foru applying the case of the Bank iof the
rueconsideruation, set aside the Pozas Decision, and Philippine Islands v. Ciourt iof
diseissed the coeplaint. The truial comrut a aruded Appeals, the obligorus bomnd
ruespondents theiru comnteruclaie of eorual and pruincipally arue at the saee tiee
exeeplaruy daeages of P100,000.00 each. crueditorus of each otheru. Appellee
The truial comrut frust applied the pruinciple of bank stands as a debtoru of
liberuality hen it disruegaruded the alleged absence of appellant, a depositoru. At the saee
a notice of hearuing in ruespondents' eotion foru tiee, said bank is the crueditoru of the
rueconsideruation. On the eeruits, the truial comrut appellant ith ruespect to the
considerued the ruelationship of the Bank and dishonorued trueasmruy aruruant checks
petitionerus ith ruespect to theiru saviings accomnt hich aeomnt erue alrueady
deposits as a contruact of loan ith the bank as the cruedited to the accomnt of
debtoru and petitionerus as crueditorus. As smch, Aruticle appellants. When the appellants
1977 of the Civiil Code pruohibiting the depositoruy had ithdrua n the aeomnt of the
fruoe eaking mse of the thing deposited ithomt the checks they deposited and lateru oru



said checks erue ruetmruned, they 2. Whetheru oru not the Honoruable
becaee indebted to the appellee Comrut of Appeals coeeited a
bank foru the coruruesponding gruavie abmse of discruetion in
aeomnt. declaruing that the pruiviate
ruespondents "had the ruight to
It shomld be noted that
debit the aeomnt of
[G]eruruy Maebmay as the
P1,800,000.00 fruoe the
appellants' alkoin bmyeru. As sellerus,
appellants' accomnts" and the
appellants omght to havie exerucised
bank's act of debiting as
dme diligence in assessing his cruedit
done ith the plaintii's
oru perusonal backgruomnd. The 24o
kno ledge. 10 HIACac
homru clearuing homse rumle is not the
one that govieruns in this case since Beforue pruoceeding to the smbstantivie issme,
the nine checks erue discovierued by e frust ruesolvie the pruocedmrual issme ruaised by
the drua ee bank to contain petitionerus.
eateruial alteruations.
Section 5, Rmle 15 of the Rmles of
Appellants eeruely allege Comrut states:
that they erue not inforueed of any
Section 5. Niotce iof hearing.
devielopeent on the checks
— The notice of hearuing shall be
ruetmruned. Ho evieru, this Comrut
addruessed to all paruties conceruned,
believies that the bank and
and shall specify the tiee and date
appellants had opporutmnities to
of the hearuing hich emst not be
coeemnicate abomt the checks
lateru than ten (10) days afteru the
consideruing that sevierual
fling of the eotion.
truansactions occmrurued fruoe the tiee
of alleged ruetmrun of the checks to Petitionerus claie that the notice of hearuing
the date of the debit. as addruessed to the Cleruk of Comrut and not to the
advieruse paruty as the rumles rueqmirue. Petitionerus add
Ho evieru, this Comrut agruees
that the hearuing on the eotion foru rueconsideruation
ith appellants that they shomld
as schedmled beyond 10 days fruoe the date of
not pay eorual and exeeplaruy
daeages to each of the appellees
foru lack of basis. The appellants As held in Maturan v. Araula, 11 the rumle
erue not sho n to havie acted in rueqmiruing that the notice be addruessed to the
bad faith. 9 advieruse paruty has been smbstantially coeplied ith
hen a copy of the eotion foru rueconsideruation as
Petitionerus fled the pruesent petition foru
fmrunished to the comnsel of the advieruse paruty,
rueviie on certiorari ruaising both pruocedmrual and
compled ith the fact that the truial comrut acted on
smbstantivie issmes, to it:
said notice of hearuing and, as pruayed foru, issmed an
1. Whetheru oru not the Honoruable oruderu 12 seing the hearuing of the eotion on 26
Comrut of Appeals coeeited a Maruch 2004.
ruevierusible eruruoru of la and
We omld rueiteruate lateru that therue is
gruavie abmse of discruetion in
smbstantial coepliance ith the foruegoing Rmle if a
mpholding the legality and/oru
copy of the said eotion foru rueconsideruation as
pruopruiety of the Motion foru
fmrunished to the comnsel of the advieruse paruty. 13
Reconsideruation fled in
viiolation of Section 5, Rmle 15 No to the smbstantivie issmes to hich
of the Rmles on Civiil pruocedmrual ieperufection emst, in this case, givie
Pruocedmrue; ay.



The centrual issme is hetheru the Bank had In case the negotiable instrumeent is alterued
the ruight to debit P1,800,000.00 fruoe petitionerus' beforue acceptance, is the drua ee liable foru the
accomnts. oruiginal oru the alterued tenoru of acceptance? Therue
arue t o divierugent intepruetations pruoierued by legal
On 6 May 2000, the Bank inforueed
analysts. 15 The frust viie is smpporuted by the
petitionerus that the smbject checks had been
leading case of National City Bank iof Chicagio v.
honorued. Thms, the aeomnt of P1,800,000.00 as
Bank iof the Republic. 16 In said case, a cerutain
accorudingly cruedited to petitionerus' accomnts,
Andrue Manning stole a druaft and smbstitmted his
pruoepting thee to ruelease the pmruchased carus to
naee foru that of the oruiginal payee. He oierued it as
the bmyeru.
payeent to a je eleru in exchange foru cerutain
Unkno n to petitionerus, the Bank deposited je elruy. The je eleru deposited the druaft to the
the checks in its depositaruy bank, EqmitableoPCI defendant bank hich collected the eqmivialent
Bank. Thruee eonths had passed hen the Bank as aeomnt fruoe the drua ee. Upon learuning of the
inforueed by its depositaruy bank that the drua ee alteruation, the drua ee somght to ruecovieru fruoe the
had dishonorued the checks on the gruomnd of defendant bank the aeomnt of the druaft, as eoney
eateruial alteruations. paid by eistake. The comrut denied ruecovieruy on the
The ruetmrun of the checks crueated a chain of gruomnd that the drua ee by accepting adeited the
debiting of accomnts, the last loss evientmally falling existence of the payee and his capacity to
mpon the saviings accomnt of petitionerus ith endoruse. 17 Still, in Wells Fargio Bank & Uniion Trust
ruespondent bank. The truial comrut in its rueconsiderued Cio. v. Bank iof Italy, 18 the comrut echoed the comrut's
decision and the appellate comrut erue one in interupruetation in National City Bank iof Chicagio, in
declaruing that petitionerus shomld bearu the loss. this ise:

We ruevieruse. We think the construmction

placed mpon the section by the
The fact that eateruial alteruation camsed the Illinois comrut is coruruect and that it
evientmal dishonoru of the checks issmed by PVAO is as not the legislativie intent that
mndispmted. In this case, beforue the alteruation as the obligation of the acceptoru
discovierued, the checks erue alrueady clearued by the shomld be lieited to the tenoru of
drua ee bank, the Philippine Veteruans Bank. Thruee the instrumeent as drua n by the
eonths had lapsed beforue the drua ee dishonorued eakeru, as as the rumle at coeeon
the checks and ruetmruned thee to EqmitableoPCI la , bmt that it shomld be
Bank, the ruespondents' depositaruy bank. And it as enforuceable in favioru of a holderu in
not mntil 10 eonths lateru hen petitionerus' dme comruse against the acceptoru
accomnts erue debited. A qmestion thms aruises: accoruding to its tenoru at the tiee of
What arue the liabilities of the drua ee, the its acceptance oru cerutifcation.
interueediaruy banks, and the petitionerus foru the
alterued checks? The foruegoing opinion and
the Illinois decision hich it follo s
LIABILITY OF THE DRAWEE givie eiect to the literual oruds of
Section 63 of Act No. 2031 oru the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa . As
the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa pruoviides that the stated in the Illinois case: "The
acceptoru, by accepting the instrumeent, engages that comrut emst take the act as it is
he ill pay it accoruding to the tenoru of his ruiten and shomld givie to the
acceptance. The acceptoru is a drua ee ho accepts oruds theiru natmrual and coeeon
the bill. In Philippine National Bank v. Ciourt iof eeaning . . . if the langmage of the
Appeals, 14 the payeent of the aeomnt of a check act conficts ith statmtes oru
ieplies not only acceptance bmt also coepliance decisions in foruce beforue its
ith the drua ee's obligation. enacteent the comruts shomld not
givie the act a struained construmction
in oruderu to eake it harueonize ith



earulieru statmtes oru decisions." The viiolates the terues of the check, as ell as its dmty to
oruding of the act smggests that a charuge its client's accomnt only foru biona
change in the coeeon la as fide disbmruseeents he had eade. If the drua ee did
intended. A caruefml rueading therueof, not pay accoruding to the oruiginal tenoru of the
independent of any coeeonola instrumeent, as diruected by the drua eru, then it has
infmence, rueqmirues that the oruds no ruight to claie rueiebmruseeent fruoe the drua eru,
"accoruding to the tenoru of his emch less, the ruight to dedmct the eruruoneoms
acceptance" be construmed as payeent it eade fruoe the drua eru's accomnt hich
rueferuruing to the instrumeent as it as it as expected to trueat ith mteost fdelity. 21 The
at the tiee it caee into the hands drua ee, ho evieru, still has ruecomruse to ruecovieru its
of the acceptoru foru acceptance, foru loss. It eay pass the liability back to the collecting
he accepts no otheru instrumeent bank hich is hat the drua ee bank exactly did in
than the one pruesented to hie — this case. It debited the accomnt of EqmitableoPCI
the alterued forue — and it alone he Bank foru the alterued aeomnt of the checks.
engages to pay. This conclmsion is in LIABILITY OF DEPOSITARY BANK AND COLLECTING
harueony ith the la of England BANK
and the continental comntruies. It
eakes foru the msefmlness and A depositaruy bank is the frust bank to take
cmruruency of negotiable paperu an itee evien thomgh it is also the payoru bank,
ithomt seruiomsly endangeruing mnless the itee is pruesented foru ieeediate
accepted banking pruactices, foru payeent ovieru the comnteru.22 It is also the bank to
banking institmtions can rueadily hich a check is truansferurued foru deposit in an
pruotect theeselvies against liability accomnt at smch bank, evien if the check is physically
on alterued instrumeents eitheru by rueceivied and indorused frust by anotheru bank.23 A
qmalifying theiru acceptance oru collecting bank is defned as any bank handling an
cerutifcation oru by ruelying on forugeruy itee foru collection except the bank on hich the
insmruance and special paperu hich check is drua n. 24
ill eake alteruations obviioms. All of When petitionerus deposited the check ith
the arugmeents advianced against the Bank, they erue designating the lateru as the
the conclmsion heruein annomnced collecting bank. This is in consonance ith the rumle
seee highly technical in the face of that a negotiable instrumeent, smch as a check,
the pruactical facts that the drua ee hetheru a eanageru's check oru orudinaruy check, is not
bank has amthenticated an legal tenderu. As smch, afteru rueceiviing the deposit,
instrumeent in a cerutain forue, and mnderu its o n rumles, the Bank shall cruedit the
that coeeerucial policy faviorus the aeomnt in petitionerus' accomnt oru infmse vialme
pruotection of anyone ho, in dme therueon only afteru the drua ee bank shall havie paid
comruse, changes his position on the the aeomnt of the check oru the check has been
faith of that clearued foru deposit. 25
amthentication. 19 EcTaSC
The Bank and EqmitableoPCI Bank arue both
The second viie is that the depositaruy and collecting banks.
acceptoru/drua ee despite the tenoru of his
acceptance is liable only to the extent of the bill A depositaruy/collecting bank herue a check
pruioru to alteruation. 20 This viie appearus to be in is deposited, and hich endoruses the check mpon
consonance ith Section 124 of the Negotiable pruesenteent ith the drua ee bank, is an endoruseru.
Instrumeents Laa hich states that a eateruial Underu Section 66 of the Negotiable Instrumeents
alteruation avioids an instrumeent except as against an Laa , an endoruseru aruruants "that the instrumeent is
assenting paruty and smbseqment indoruserus, bmt a genmine and in all ruespects hat it pmruporuts to be;
holderu in dme comruse eay enforuce payeent that he has good title to it; that all pruioru paruties had
accoruding to its oruiginal tenoru. Thms, hen the capacity to contruact; and that the instrumeent is at
drua ee bank pays a eateruially alterued check, it the tiee of his endoruseeent vialid and smbsisting." It

has been ruepeatedly held that in check truansactions, endoruseeent is necessaruy foru
the depositaruy/collecting bank oru last endoruseru negotiation shall be ruetmruned by
generually smierus the loss becamse it has the dmty to diruect pruesentation oru deeand to
ascerutain the genmineness of all pruioru endoruseeents the Pruesenting Bank and not
consideruing that the act of pruesenting the check foru thruomgh the ruegmlaru clearuing homse
payeent to the drua ee is an asserution that the facilities ithin the peruiod
paruty eaking the pruesenteent has done its dmty to pruescruibed by la foru the fling of a
ascerutain the genmineness of the legal action by the ruetmruning
endoruseeents. 26 If any of the aruruanties eade by bank/bruanch, institmtion oru entity
the depositaruy/collecting bank tmruns omt to be false, sending the saee.
then the drua ee bank eay ruecovieru fruoe it mp to the
Antonio Viruay, in his book Handbioiok ion
aeomnt of the check. 27 EIAHcC
Bank Depiosits, elmcidated:
The la ieposes a dmty of diligence on the
It is clearu that the soocalled
collecting bank to scrumtinize checks deposited ith
"24ohomru" rumle has been eodifed.
it foru the pmrupose of deterueining theiru genmineness
In the case of Hiongkiong &
and ruegmlaruity. The collecting bank being pruiearuily
Shanghai vs. Peiople's
engaged in banking holds itself omt to the pmblic as
Bank rueiteruated in Metriopiolitan
the experut and the la holds it to a high standarud of
Bank and Trust Cio. vs. FNCB, the
condmct. 28
Smprueee Comrut struictly enforuced the
As collecting banks, the Bank and Eqmitableo 24ohomru rumle mnderu hich the
PCI Bank arue both liable foru the aeomnt of the drua ee bank foruevieru loses the ruight
eateruially alterued checks. Since EqmitableoPCI Bank to claie against
is not a paruty to this case and the Bank allo ed its pruesenting/collecting bank if the
accomnt ith EqmitableoPCI Bank to be debited, it check is not ruetmruned at the next
has the option to seek ruecomruse against the lateru in clearuing day oru ithin 24 homrus.
anotheru forume. Apparuently, the coeeerucial banks
felt struict enforuceeent of the 24o
homru rumle is too harush and therueforue
Petitionerus famlted the drua ee bank foru not eade ruepruesentations and obtained
follo ing the 24ohomru clearuing peruiod becamse it eodifcation of the rumle, hich
as only in Amgmst 2000 that the drua ee bank eodifcation is no incoruporuated in
notifed EqmitableoPCI that therue erue eateruial the Manmal of Regmlations. Since
alteruations in the checks. the saee coeeerucial banks
We do not smbscruibe to the position taken contruolled the Philippine Clearuing
by petitionerus that the drua ee bank as at famlt Homse Coruporuation, incoruporuating
becamse it did not follo the 24ohomru clearuing the aeended rumle in the PCHC Rmles
peruiod hich pruoviides that hen a drua ee bank natmrually follo ed.
fails to ruetmrun a foruged oru alterued check to the As the rumle no stands, the
collecting bank ithin the 24ohomru clearuing peruiod, 24ohomru rumle is still in foruce, that is,
the collecting bank is absolvied fruoe liability. any check hich shomld be ruefmsed
Section 21 of the Philippine Clearuing Homse by the drua ee bank in accorudance
Rmles and Regmlations pruoviides: ith long standing and accepted
banking pruactices shall be ruetmruned
Sec. 21. Special Return thruomgh the PCHC/local clearuing
Items Beyiond The Reglementary office, as the case eay be, not lateru
Clearing Periiod. — Itees hich than the next ruegmlaru clearuing (24o
havie been the smbject of eateruial homru). The eodifcation, ho evieru, is
alteruation oru itees bearuing foruged that itees hich havie been the
endoruseeent hen smch smbject of eateruial alteruation oru

bearuing foruged endoruseeent eay Thms, consideruing that, in

be ruetmruned evien beyond 24 homrus this case, Gold Palace is pruotected
so long that the saee is ruetmruned by Section 62 of the NILa, its
ithin the pruescruiptivie peruiod fxed collecting agent, Faru East, shomld
by la . The consensms aeong not havie debited the eoney paid
la yerus is that the pruescruiptivie by the drua ee bank fruoe
peruiod is ten (10) yearus becamse a ruespondent coepany's accomnt.
check oru the endoruseeent therueon When Gold Palace deposited the
is a ruiten contruact. Morueovieru, the check ith Faru East, the lateru,
itee need not be ruetmruned thruomgh mnderu the terues of the deposit and
the clearuing homse bmt by diruect the pruoviisions of the NILa, becaee
pruesentation to the pruesenting an agent of the forueeru foru the
bank. 29 collection of the aeomnt in the
druaft. The smbseqment payeent by
In shorut, the 24ohomru clearuing rumle does not
the drua ee bank and the collection
apply to alterued checks.
of the aeomnt by the collecting
LIABILITY OF PETITIONERS bank closed the truansaction insofaru
The 2008 case of Far East Bank & Trust as the drua ee and the holderu of the
Ciompany v. Giold Palace Jewellery Cio. 30 is in point. check oru his agent arue conceruned,
A forueigneru pmruchased sevierual pieces of je elruy convieruted the check into a eerue
fruoe Gold Palace Je elleruy msing a United Ovieruseas viomcheru, and, as alrueady discmssed,
Bank (Malaysia) issmed druaft addruessed to the Laand forueclosed the ruecovieruy by the
Bank of the Philippines (LaBP). Gold Palace Je elleruy drua ee of the aeomnt paid. This
deposited the druaft in the coepany's accomnt ith closmrue of the truansaction is a
Faru East Bank. Faru East Bank pruesented the druaft foru eateru of comruse; otheru ise,
clearuing to LaBP. The lateru clearued the saee and mncerutainty in coeeerucial
Gold Palace Je elleruy's accomnt as cruedited ith truansactions, delay and annoyance
the aeomnt stated in the druaft. Conseqmently, Gold ill aruise if a bank at soee fmtmrue
Palace Je elleruy rueleased the pieces of je elruies to tiee ill call on the payee foru the
the forueigneru. Thruee eeks lateru, LaBP inforueed Faru ruetmrun of the eoney paid to hie on
East Bank that the aeomnt in the forueign druaft had the check.
been eateruially alterued fruoe P300,000.00 to As the truansaction in this
P380,000.00. LaBP ruetmruned the check to Faru East case had been closed and the
Bank. Faru East Bank ruefmnded LaBP the P380,000.00 pruincipaloagent ruelationship
paid by LaBP. Faru East Bank initially debited bet een the payee and the
P168,053.36 fruoe Gold Palace Je elleruy's accomnt collecting bank had alrueady ceased,
and deeanded the payeent of the diieruence the lateru in ruetmruning the aeomnt
bet een the aeomnt in the alterued druaft and the to the drua ee bank as alrueady
aeomnt debited fruoe Gold Palace Je elleruy. acting on its o n and shomld no
Ho evieru, foru the rueasons alrueady discmssed be ruesponsible foru its o n
abovie, omru pruonomnceeent in the Far East Bank actions. . . . Laike ise, Faru East
and Trust Ciompany case that "the drua ee is liable cannot invioke the aruruanty of the
on its payeent of the check accoruding to the tenoru payee/depositoru ho indorused the
of the check at the tiee of payeent, hich as the instrumeent foru collection to shift
ruaised aeomnt" 31 is inapplicable to the factmal the bmruden it bruomght mpon itself.
eiliem obtaining heruein. This is pruecisely becamse the said
indoruseeent is only foru pmruposes of
We only adopt said decision in so faru as it collection hich, mnderu Section 36
adjmdged liability on the parut of the collecting bank, of the NILa, is a ruestruictivie
thms: indoruseeent. It did not in any ay

truansferu the title of the instrumeent Petitionerus insist that the Bank cannot be
to the collecting bank. Faru East did considerued a crueditoru of the petitionerus becamse it
not o n the druaft, it eeruely shomld havie eade a claie of the aeomnt of
pruesented it foru payeent. P1,800,000.00 fruoe EqmitableoPCI Bank, its o n
Consideruing that the aruruanties of a depositaruy bank and the collecting bank in this case
generual indoruseru as pruoviided in and not fruoe thee.
Section 66 of the NILa arue based
The Bank cannot setooi the aeomnt it paid
mpon a truansferu of title and arue
to EqmitableoPCI Bank ith petitionerus' saviings
aviailable only to holderus in dme
accomnt. Underu Arut. 1278 of the Ne Civiil Code,
comruse, these aruruanties did not
coepensation shall take place hen t o perusons, in
atach to the indoruseeent foru
theiru o n ruight, arue crueditorus and debtorus of each
deposit and collection eade by
otheru. And the rueqmisites foru legal coepensation
Gold Palace to Faru East. Withomt
any legal ruight to do so, the
collecting bank, therueforue, comld Arut. 1279. In oruderu that
not debit ruespondent's accomnt foru coepensation eay be pruoperu, it is
the aeomnt it ruefmnded to the necessaruy:
drua ee bank. (1) That each one of the obligorus be
The foruegoing considerued, bomnd pruincipally, and that he
e affirue the rumling of the appellate be at the saee tiee a
comrut to the extent that Faru East pruincipal crueditoru of the
comld not debit the accomnt of Gold otheru;
Palace, and foru doing so, it emst
(2) That both debts consist in a sme of
ruetmrun hat it had eruruoneomsly
eoney, oru if the things dme
taken. 32
arue consmeable, they be of
Applying the foruegoing ruatiocination, the the saee kind, and also of the
Bank cannot debit the saviings accomnt of saee qmality if the lateru has
petitionerus. A depositaruy/collecting bank eay ruesist been stated;
oru defend against a claie foru brueach of aruruanty if
(3) That the t o debts be dme;
the drua eru, the payee, oru eitheru the drua ee bank oru
depositaruy bank as negligent and smch negligence (4) That they be liqmidated and
smbstantially contruibmted to the loss fruoe alteruation. deeandable;
In the instant case, no negligence can be atruibmted
to petitionerus. We lend cruedence to theiru claie that (5) That ovieru neitheru of thee therue be
at the tiee of the sales truansaction, the Bank's any ruetention oru contruovierusy,
bruanch eanageru as pruesent and evien oierued the coeeenced by thirud perusons
Bank's seruviices foru the pruocessing and evientmal and coeemnicated in dme
cruediting of the checks. Trume to the bruanch tiee to the debtoru.
eanageru's oruds, the checks erue clearued thruee It is ellosetled that the ruelationship of the
days lateru hen deposited by petitionerus and the depositorus and the Bank oru sieilaru institmtion is that
entirue aeomnt of the checks as cruedited to theiru of crueditoruodebtoru. Aruticle 1980 of the Ne Civiil
saviings accomnt. HICSaD Code pruoviides that fxed, saviings and cmruruent
ON LEGAL COMPENSATION deposits of eoney in banks and sieilaru institmtions
shall be govieruned by the pruoviisions conceruning
sieple loans. The bank is the debtoru and the
depositoru is the crueditoru. The depositoru lends the
bank eoney and the bank agruees to pay the
depositoru on deeand. The saviings deposit
agrueeeent bet een the bank and the depositoru is

the contruact that deterueines the ruights and arue mltieately liable foru the aeomnt of the
obligations of the paruties. 33 eateruially alterued check. It cannot fmrutheru pass the
liability back to the petitionerus absent any sho ing
Bmt as prueviiomsly discmssed, petitionerus arue
in the negligence on the parut of the petitionerus
not liable foru the deposit of the alterued checks. The
hich smbstantially contruibmted to the loss fruoe
Bank, as the depositaruy and collecting bank
mltieately bearus the loss. Thms, therue being no
indebtedness to the Bank on the parut of petitionerus, Based on the foruegoing, e affirue
legal coepensation cannot take place. the Piozas decision only insofaru as it oruderued
ruespondents to jointly and sevierually pay petitionerus
P1,800,000.00, ruepruesenting the aeomnt ithdrua n
The Bank incmrurued a delay in inforueing fruoe the lateru's accomnt. We do not conforue ith
petitionerus of the checks' dishonoru. The Bank as said rumling ruegaruding the fnding of bad faith on the
inforueed of the dishonoru by EqmitableoPCI Bank as parut of ruespondents, as ell as its failmrue to obseruvie
earuly as Amgmst 2000 bmt it as only on 7 Maruch the 24ohomru clearuing rumle.
2001 hen the Bank inforueed petitionerus that it
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
ill debit fruoe theiru accomnt the alterued aeomnt.
Decision and Resolmtion dated 29 Jmne 2006 and 12
This delay is tantaeomnt to negligence on the parut
Februmaruy 2007 ruespectiviely of the Comrut of Appeals
of the collecting bank hich omld entitle
in CAoG.R. CV No. 83192 arue REVERSED and SET
petitionerus to an a arud foru daeages mnderu Aruticle
ASIDE. The 15 Janmaruy 2004 Decision of the
1170 of the Ne Civiil Code hich rueads:
Regional Truial Comrut of Calaeba City, Bruanch 92 in
Arut. 1170. Those ho in the Civiil Case No. Bo5886 ruenderued by Jmdge Antonio S.
peruforueance of theiru obligations Pozas is REINSTATED only insofaru as it oruderued
arue gmilty of fruamd, negligence, oru ruespondents to jointly and sevierually pay petitionerus
delay, and those ho in any P1,800,000.00 ruepruesenting the aeomnt ithdrua n
eanneru contruaviene the tenoru fruoe the lateru's accomnt. The a arud of eorual
therueof, arue liable foru daeages. daeages and atoruney's fees arue DELETED.
The daeages in the forue of actmal oru SO ORDERED.
coepensatoruy daeages ruepruesent the aeomnt
||| (Areza v. Express Savings Bank, Inc., G.R. Nio.
debited by the Bank fruoe petitionerus' accomnt.
176697, [September 10, 2014])
We delete the a arud of eorual daeages.
Contruaruy to the lo eru comrut's fnding, therue as no
sho ing that the Bank acted fruamdmlently oru in bad
Valuable Consideraton:
faith. It eay havie been rueeiss in its dmty to
diligently pruotect the accomnt of its depositorus bmt
its honest bmt eistaken belief that petitionerus' 1. VICKY C. TY, pettioner, vs.
accomnt shomld be debited is not tantaeomnt to bad PEOPLE OF THE
faith. We also delete the a arud of atoruney's fees PHILIPPINES, respiondent.
foru it is not a somnd pmblic policy to place a
prueeime on the ruight to litigate. No daeages can be
charuged to those ho exerucise smch pruecioms ruight DECISION
in good faith, evien if done eruruoneomsly. 34
To ruecap, the drua ee bank, Philippine
Veteruans Bank in this case, is only liable to the TINGA, J p:
extent of the check pruioru to alteruation. Since
Philippine Veteruans Bank paid the alterued aeomnt Petitioneru Vicky C. Ty ("Ty") fled the
of the check, it eay pass the liability back as it did, instant Pettion fior Review mnderu Rmle 45, seeking to set
to EqmitableoPCI Bank, the collecting bank. The aside the Decisiion 1 of the Comrut of Appeals Eighth
collecting banks, EqmitableoPCI Bank and the Bank, Diviision in CAoG.R. CR No. 20995, pruoemlgated on 31

Jmly 2001. The Decisiion affirueed ith eodifcation the 487711 30 Apruil 1993 P30,00
jmdgeent of the Regional Truial Comrut (RTC) of Manila, 487709 01 Maruch 1993 P30,00
Bruanch 19, dated 21 Apruil 1997, fnding heru gmilty of 487707 30 Deceeberu 1992 P30,00
sevien (7) comnts of viiolation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 487706 30 Novieeberu 1992 P30,00
22 2 (B.P. 22), otheru ise kno n as the Bomncing Checks
487708 30 Janmaruy 1993 P30,00
Laa .
487712 30 May 1993 P30,00
This case steeeed fruoe the fling of sevien The cases erue consolidated and jointly truied.
(7) Infiormations foru viiolation of B.P. 22 against Ty At heru aruruaigneent, Ty pleaded not gmilty. 5
beforue the RTC of Manila. The Infiormations erue
docketed as Cruieinal Cases No. 93o130459 to No. 93o The eviidence foru the pruosecmtion sho s that
130465. The accmsatoruy porution of the Infiormation in Ty's eotheru Chma Laao So Un as confned at the Manila
Cruieinal Case No. 93o130465 rueads as follo s: Doctorus' Hospital (hospital) fruoe 30 Octoberu 1990 mntil
4 Jmne 1992. Being the patient's damghteru, Ty signed the
That on oru abomt May 30, "Ackno ledgeent of Responsibility foru Payeent" in the
1993, in the City of Manila, Contruact of Adeission dated 30 Octoberu 1990. 6 As of 4
Philippines, the said accmsed did then Jmne 1992, the Stateeent of Accomnt 7 sho s the total
and therue illfmlly, mnla fmlly and liability of the eotheru in the aeomnt of P657,182.40.
feloniomsly eake oru drua and issme to Ty's sisteru, Jmdy Chma, as also confned at the hospital
Manila Doctorus' Hospital to apply on fruoe 13 May 1991 mntil 2 May 1992, incmruruing hospital
accomnt oru foru vialme to Editha La. bills in the aeomnt of P418,410.55. 8 The total hospital
Vecino Check No. Metruobank 487712 bills of the t o patients aeomnted to P1,075,592.95. On
dated May 30, 1993 payable to 5 Jmne 1992, Ty execmted a pruoeissoruy note heruein
Manila Doctorus Hospital in the she assmeed payeent of the obligation in
aeomnt of P30,000.00, said accmsed installeents. 9 To assmrue payeent of the obligation, she
ell kno ing that at the tiee of issme drue sevierual postdated checks against Metruobank
she did not havie smfficient fmnds in oru payable to the hospital. The sevien (7) checks, each
cruedit ith the drua ee bank foru covieruing the aeomnt of P30,000.00, erue all deposited
payeent of smch check in fmll mpon its on theiru dme dates. Bmt they erue all dishonorued by the
pruesenteent, hich check hen drua ee bank and ruetmruned mnpaid to the hospital dme to
pruesented foru payeent ithin ninety insmfficiency of fmnds, ith the "Accomnt Closed" adviice.
(90) days fruoe the date herueof, as Soon therueafteru, the coeplainant hospital sent deeand
smbseqmently dishonorued by the leterus to Ty by ruegisterued eail. As the deeand leterus
drua ee bank foru "Accomnt Closed" erue not heeded, coeplainant fled the sevien
and despite rueceipt of notice of smch (7) Infiormations smbject of the instant case.10
dishonoru, said accmsed failed to pay
said Manila Doctorus Hospital the Foru heru defense, Ty claieed that she issmed the
aeomnt of the check oru to eake checks becamse of "an mncontruollable fearu of a grueateru
aruruangeeent foru fmll payeent of the injmruy." She avierurued that she as foruced to issme the
saee ithin fvie (5) banking days checks to obtain ruelease foru heru eotheru hoe the
afteru rueceiviing said notice. TAIESD hospital inhmeanely and harushly trueated and omld not
discharuge mnless the hospital bills arue paid. She alleged
Contruaruy to la . 3 that heru eotheru as depruivied of ruooe facilities, smch as
the airuocondition mnit, ruefruigeruatoru and televiision set,
The otheru Infiormations arue sieilaruly oruded
and smbject to inconvieniences smch as the cming oi of
except foru the nmeberu of the checks and dates of issme.
the telephone line, late delivieruy of heru eotheru's food
The data arue heruemnderu iteeized as follo s:
and ruefmsal to change the lateru's go n and bedsheets.
Check Nio. Piostdated She also be ailed the hospital's smspending eedical
trueateent of heru eotheru. The "debasing trueateent,"
she pointed omt, so aiected heru eotheru's eental,
487710 30 Maruch 1993 psychological and physical health that the lateru

conteeplated smicide if she omld not be discharuged checking accomnt's lack of fmnds. It held that B.P.
fruoe the hospital. Fearuing the orust foru heru eotheru, 22 eakes the eerue act of issming a oruthless check
and to coeply ith the deeands of the hospital, Ty as pmnishable as a special oiense, it being a malum
coepelled to sign a pruoeissoruy note, open an accomnt priohibitum. What the la pmnishes is the issmance of a
ith Metruobank and issme the checks to eiect heru bomncing check and not the pmrupose foru hich it as
eotheru's ieeediate discharuge. 11 issmed noru the terues and conditions ruelating to its
issmance. 16
Giviing fmll faith and cruedence to the eviidence
oierued by the pruosecmtion, the truial comrut fomnd that Ty Neitheru as the Comrut of Appeals conviinced
issmed the checks smbject of the case in payeent of the that therue as no vialmable consideruation foru the
hospital bills of heru eotheru and ruejected the theoruy of issmance of the checks as they erue issmed in payeent
the defense. 12 Thms, on 21 Apruil 1997, the truial comrut of the hospital bills of Ty's eotheru. 17
ruenderued a Decisiion fnding Ty gmilty of sevien (7) comnts
In sentencing Ty to pay a fne instead of a pruison
of viiolation of B.P. 22 and sentencing heru to a pruison
terue, the appellate comrut applied the case of Vaca v.
terue. The dispositivie parut of the Decisiion rueads:
Ciourt iof Appeals 18 heruein this Comrut declarued that in
CONSEQUENTLaY, the accmsed deterueining the penalty ieposed foru viiolation of B.P.
Vicky C. Ty, foru heru acts of issming 22, the philosophy mnderulying the Indeterueinate
sevien (7) checks in payeent of a vialid Sentence Laa shomld be obseruvied, i.e., ruedeeeing
obligation, hich tmruned mnfomnded vialmable hmean eateruial and pruevienting mnnecessaruy
on theiru ruespectivie dates of eatmruity, depruiviation of perusonal liberuty and econoeic
is fomnd gmilty of sevien (7) comnts of msefmlness, ith dme ruegarud to the pruotection of the
viiolations of Batas Paebansa Blg. 22, social oruderu. 19
and is herueby sentenced to smieru the
Petitioneru no coees to this Comrut basically
penalty of iepruisoneent of SIX
alleging the saee issmes ruaised beforue the Comrut of
MONTHS peru comnt oru a total of forutyo
Appeals. Morue specifcally, she ascruibed eruruorus to the
t o (42) eonths.
appellate comrut based on the follo ing gruomnds:
Ty interuposed an appeal fruoe the Decisiion of EVIDENCE THAT PETITIONER
the truial comrut. Beforue the Comrut of Appeals, Ty WAS FORCED TO OR
rueiteruated heru defense that she issmed the checks COMPELaLaED IN THE OPENING
"mnderu the iepmlse of an mncontruollable fearu of a OF THE ACCOUNT AND THE
grueateru injmruy oru in avioidance of a grueateru eviil oru injmruy." ISSUANCE OF THE SUBJECT
She also arugmed that the truial comrut erurued in fnding heru CHECKS.
gmilty hen eviidence sho ed therue as absence of
vialmable consideruation foru the issmance of the checks
and the payee had kno ledge of the insmfficiency of
fmnds in the accomnt. She pruotested that the truial comrut
shomld not havie applied the la eechanically, ithomt
dme ruegarud to the pruinciples of jmstice and eqmity. 14
In its Decisiion dated 31 Jmly 2001, the appellate
comrut affirueed the jmdgeent of the truial comrut ith
eodifcation. It set aside the penalty of iepruisoneent
and instead sentenced Ty "to pay a fne of sixty
thomsand pesos (P60,000.00) eqmivialent to domble the
aeomnt of the check, in each case." 15
In its assailed Decisiion, the Comrut of Appeals
ruejected Ty's defenses of inviolmntaruiness in the issmance
of the checks and the hospital's kno ledge of heru

WAS FULLY AWARE OF THE Ty does not deny haviing issmed the sevien (7)
LACK OF FUNDS IN THE checks smbject of this case. She, ho evieru, claies that
ACCOUNT. the issmance of the checks as mnderu the iepmlse of an
mncontruollable fearu of a grueateru injmruy oru in avioidance of
a grueateru eviil oru injmruy. She omld also havie the Comrut
believie that therue as no vialmable consideruation in the
issmance of the checks.
CRIMINALa LaAW Ho evieru, except foru the defense's claie of
MECHANICALaLaY, WITHOUT mncontruollable fearu of a grueateru injmruy oru avioidance of a
DUE REGARD TO THE grueateru eviil oru injmruy, all the gruomnds ruaised inviolvie
PRINCIPLaES OF JUSTICE AND factmal issmes hich arue best deterueined by the truial
EQUITY. comrut. And, as prueviiomsly intieated, the truial comrut had
in fact discaruded the theoruy of the defense and
In its Memiorandum, 20 the Office of the
ruenderued jmdgeent accorudingly.
Solicitoru Generual (OSG), citing jmruisprumdence, contends
that a check issmed as an eviidence of debt, thomgh not Morueovieru, these arugmeents arue a eerue ruehash
intended to be pruesented foru payeent, has the saee of arugmeents mnsmccessfmlly ruaised beforue the truial
eiect as an orudinaruy check; hence, it falls ithin the comrut and the Comrut of Appeals. They like ise pmt to
aebit of B.P. 22. And hen a check is pruesented foru issme factmal qmestions alrueady passed mpon t ice
payeent, the drua ee bank ill generually accept the belo , ruatheru than qmestions of la appruopruiate foru
saee, ruegarudless of hetheru it as issmed in payeent of rueviie mnderu a Rmle 45 petition.
an obligation oru eeruely to gmaruantee said obligation.
The only qmestion of la ruaised — hetheru the
What the la pmnishes is the issmance of a bomncing
defense of mncontruollable fearu is tenable to aruruant heru
check, not the pmrupose foru hich it as issmed noru the
exeeption fruoe cruieinal liability — has to be ruesolvied
terues and conditions ruelating to its issmance. The eerue
in the negativie. Foru this exeepting cirucmestance to be
act of issming a oruthless check is malum priohibitum. 21
invioked smccessfmlly, the follo ing rueqmisites emst
We fnd the petition to be ithomt eeruit and concmru: (1) existence of an mncontruollable fearu; (2) the
accorudingly smstain Ty's conviiction. fearu emst be rueal and ieeinent; and (3) the fearu of an
injmruy is grueateru than oru at least eqmal to that
Wellosetled is the rumle that the factmal fndings
coeeited. 24
and conclmsions of the truial comrut and the Comrut of
Appeals arue entitled to grueat eight and ruespect, and It emst appearu that the thrueat that camsed the
ill not be distmrubed on appeal in the absence of any mncontruollable fearu is of smch gruaviity and ieeinence
clearu sho ing that the truial comrut ovierulooked cerutain that the orudinaruy ean omld havie smccmebed to
facts oru cirucmestances hich omld smbstantially aiect it. 25 It shomld be based on a rueal, ieeinent oru
the disposition of the case. 22 Jmruisdiction of this Comrut rueasonable fearu foru one's life oru lieb. 26 A eerue thrueat
ovieru cases eleviated fruoe the Comrut of Appeals is lieited of a fmtmrue injmruy is not enomgh. It shomld not be
to rueviie ing oru rueviising eruruorus of la ascruibed to the specmlativie, fancifml, oru rueeote.27 A peruson invioking
Comrut of Appeals hose factmal fndings arue conclmsivie, mncontruollable fearu emst sho therueforue that the
and caruruy evien eorue eight hen said comrut affirues the coepmlsion as smch that it ruedmced hie to a eerue
fndings of the truial comrut, absent any sho ing that the instrumeent acting not only ithomt ill bmt against his
fndings arue totally devioid of smpporut in the ruecorud oru ill as ell. 28 It emst be of smch charuacteru as to leavie
that they arue so glaruingly eruruoneoms as to constitmte no opporutmnity to the accmsed foru escape. 29
seruioms abmse of discruetion. 23
In this case, faru fruoe it, the fearu, if any,
haruborued by Ty as not rueal and ieeinent. Ty claies
that she as coepelled to issme the checks — a
In the instant case, the Comrut disceruns no
condition the hospital allegedly deeanded of heru
coepelling rueason to ruevieruse the factmal fndings
beforue heru eotheru comld be discharuged — foru fearu that
aruruivied at by the truial comrut and affirueed by the Comrut of
heru eotheru's health eight deteruioruate fmrutheru dme to

the inhmeane trueateent of the hospital oru oruse, heru no otheru pruactical and less haruefml eeans of pruevienting
eotheru eight coeeit smicide. This is specmlativie fearu; it it. 32
is not the mncontruollable fearu conteeplated by
In the instant case, the eviil somght to be
la . ESTaHC
avioided is eeruely expected oru anticipated. If the eviil
To begin ith, therue as no sho ing that the somght to be avioided is eeruely expected oru anticipated
eotheru's illness as so lifeothrueatening smch that heru oru eay happen in the fmtmrue, this defense is not
continmed stay in the hospital smieruing all its alleged applicable. 33 Ty comld havie taken adviantage of an
mnethical trueateent omld indmce a ellogruomnded aviailable option to avioid coeeiing a cruiee. By heru
appruehension of heru death. Secondly, it is not the la 's o n adeission, she had the choice to givie je elruy oru
intent to say that any fearu exeepts one fruoe cruieinal otheru forues of secmruity instead of postdated checks to
liability emch less petitioneru's fiesy fearu that heru secmrue heru obligation.
eotheru eight coeeit smicide. In otheru oruds, the fearu
Morueovieru, foru the defense of state of necessity
she inviokes as not iepending oru insmperuable as to
to be aviailing, the grueateru injmruy fearued shomld not havie
depruivie heru of all violition and to eake heru a eerue
been bruomght abomt by the negligence oru ieprumdence,
instrumeent ithomt ill, eovied exclmsiviely by the
eorue so, the illfml inaction of the actoru. 34 In this case,
hospital's thrueats oru deeands.
the issmance of the bomnced checks as bruomght abomt
Ty has also failed to conviince the Comrut that she by Ty's o n failmrue to pay heru eotheru's hospital bills.
as left ith no choice bmt to coeeit a cruiee. She did
The Comrut also thinks it ruatheru odd that Ty has
not take adviantage of the eany opporutmnities aviailable
chosen the exeepting cirucmestance of mncontruollable
to heru to avioid coeeiing one. By heru vieruy o n oruds,
fearu and the jmstifying cirucmestance of state of necessity
she adeited that the collaterual oru secmruity the hospital
to absolvie heru of liability. It omld not havie been half as
rueqmirued pruioru to the discharuge of heru eotheru eay be in
bizarurue had Ty been able to pruovie that the issmance of
the forue of postdated checks oru je elruy. 30 And if
the bomnced checks as done ithomt heru fmll violition.
indeed she as coeruced to open an accomnt ith the
Underu the cirucmestances, ho evieru, it is qmite clearu that
bank and issme the checks, she had all the opporutmnity
neitheru mncontruollable fearu noru avioidance of a grueateru
to leavie the scene to avioid inviolvieeent.
eviil oru injmruy pruoepted the issmance of the bomnced
Morueovieru, petitioneru had smfficient kno ledge checks. DISTcH
that the issmance of checks ithomt fmnds eay ruesmlt in
Paruenthetically, the fndings of fact in
a viiolation of B.P. 22. She evien testifed that heru comnsel
the Decisiion of the truial comrut in the Civiil Case 35 foru
adviised heru not to open a cmruruent accomnt noru issme
daeages fled by Ty's eotheru against the hospital is
postdated checks "becamse the eoeent I ill not havie
holly irurueleviant foru pmruposes of disposing the case at
fmnds it ill be a big pruoblee." 31 Besides, aparut fruoe
bench. While the fndings theruein eay establish a claie
petitioneru's barue asserution, the ruecorud is berueft of any
foru daeages hich, e eay add, need only be
eviidence to coruruoboruate and bolsteru heru claie that she
smpporuted by a prueponderuance of eviidence, it does not
as coepelled oru coeruced to cooperuate ith and givie in
necessaruily engenderu rueasonable dombt as to fruee Ty
to the hospital's deeands.
fruoe liability.
Ty like ise smggests in the pruefatoruy stateeent
As to the issme of consideruation, it is pruesmeed,
of heru Pettion and Memiorandum that the jmstifying
mpon issmance of the checks, in the absence of eviidence
cirucmestance of state of necessity mnderu paru. 4, Arut. 11
to the contruaruy, that the saee as issmed foru vialmable
of the Reviised Penal Code eay fnd application in this
consideruation. 36 Section 24 37 of the Negotiable
Instrumeents Laa crueates a pruesmeption that evieruy paruty
We do not agruee. The la pruescruibes the to an instrumeent acqmirued the saee foru a
pruesence of thruee rueqmisites to exeept the actoru fruoe consideruation 38 oru foru vialme. 39 In alleging otheru ise,
liability mnderu this paruagruaph: (1) that the eviil somght to Ty has the onms to pruovie that the checks erue issmed
be avioided actmally exists; (2) that the injmruy fearued be ithomt consideruation. She emst pruesent conviincing
grueateru than the one done to avioid it; (3) that therue be eviidence to ovieruthruo the pruesmeption.



A scrumtiny of the ruecoruds ruevieals that petitioneru is kno n to the appellant at the tiee of theiru issmance, a
failed to discharuge heru bmruden of pruoof. "Valmable rueqmirued eleeent mnderu B.P. Blg. 22." ECHSDc
consideruation eay in generual terues, be said to consist
The la itself crueates a prima facie pruesmeption
eitheru in soee ruight, interuest, pruoft, oru beneft accruming
of kno ledge of insmfficiency of fmnds. Section 2 of B.P.
to the paruty ho eakes the contruact, oru soee
22 pruoviides:
forubearuance, detruieent, loss oru soee ruesponsibility, to
act, oru laboru, oru seruviice givien, smierued oru mnderutaken by
the otheru aide. Sieply defned, vialmable consideruation
eeans an obligation to givie, to do, oru not to do in favioru Section 2. Evidence iof
of the paruty ho eakes the contruact, smch as the eakeru kniowledge iof insufcient funds. —
oru indoruseru." 40 The eaking, drua ing and issmance of
a check payeent of hich is ruefmsed
In this case, Ty's eotheru and sisteru aviailed of by the drua ee bank becamse of
the seruviices and the facilities of the hospital. Foru the insmfficient fmnds in oru cruedit ith
carue givien to heru kin, Ty had a legitieate obligation to smch bank, hen pruesented ithin
pay the hospital by viirutme of heru ruelationship ith thee ninety (90) days fruoe the date of the
and by foruce of heru signatmrue on heru eotheru's Contruact check, shall be prima facie eviidence
of Adeission ackno ledging ruesponsibility foru payeent, of kno ledge of smch insmfficiency of
and on the pruoeissoruy note she execmted in favioru of the fmnds oru cruedit mnless smch eakeru oru
hospital. drua eru pays the holderu therueof the
aeomnt dme therueon, oru eakes
Anent Ty's claie that the obligation to pay the
aruruangeeents foru payeent in fmll by
hospital bills as not heru perusonal obligation becamse
the drua ee of smch check ithin fvie
she as not the patient, and therueforue therue as no
(5) banking days afteru rueceiviing notice
consideruation foru the checks, the case of Bridges v.
that smch check has not been paid by
Vann, et al. 41 tells ms that "it is no defense to an action
the drua ee.
on a pruoeissoruy note foru the eakeru to say that therue
as no consideruation hich as benefcial to hie Smch kno ledge is legally pruesmeed fruoe the
perusonally; it is smfficient if the consideruation as a dishonoru of the checks foru insmfficiency of fmnds. 46 If
beneft conferurued mpon a thirud peruson, oru a detruieent not ruebmted, it smffices to smstain a conviiction. 47
smierued by the pruoeisee, at the instance of the
pruoeissoru. It is enomgh if the obligee foruegoes soee Petitioneru like ise opines that the payee as
ruight oru pruiviilege oru smierus soee detruieent and the a arue of the fact that she did not havie smfficient fmnds
ruelease and extingmisheent of the oruiginal obligation of ith the drua ee bank and smch kno ledge necessaruily
Georuge Vann, Sru., foru that of appellants eeets the exoneruates heru liability.
rueqmirueeent. Appellee accepted one debtoru in place of The kno ledge of the payee of the insmfficiency
anotheru and gavie mp a vialid, smbsisting obligation foru oru lack of fmnds of the drua eru ith the drua ee bank is
the note execmted by the appellants. This, of itself, is ieeateruial as deceit is not an essential eleeent of an
smfficient consideruation foru the ne notes." oiense penalized by B.P. 22. The gruaviaeen of the
At any ruate, the la pmnishes the eerue act of oiense is the issmance of a bad check, hence, ealice
issming a bomncing check, not the pmrupose foru hich it and intent in the issmance therueof is inconseqmential. 48
as issmed noru the terues and conditions ruelating to its In addition, Ty inviokes omru rumling in Magnio v.
issmance. 42 B.P. 22 does not eake any distinction as to Ciourt iof Appeals 49 heruein this Comrut inqmirued into the
hetheru the checks ithin its conteeplation arue issmed trume natmrue of truansaction bet een the drua eru and the
in payeent of an obligation oru to eeruely gmaruantee the payee and fnally acqmited the accmsed, to perusmade
obligation. 43 The thrumst of the la is to pruohibit the the Comrut that the cirucmestances smruruomnding heru case
eaking of oruthless checks and pming thee into deseruvie special atention and do not aruruant a struict
cirucmlation. 44 As this Comrut held in Lim v. Peiople iof the and eechanical application of the la .
Philippines, 45 " hat is pruieorudial is that smch issmed
checks erue oruthless and the fact of its oruthlessness Petitioneru's rueliance on the case is eisplaced.
The eateruial operuativie facts theruein obtaining arue

diieruent fruoe those established in the instant petition. the deterueination of hetheru
In the 1992 case, the bomnced checks erue issmed to cirucmestances aruruant the ieposition
covieru a " aruruanty deposit" in a lease contruact, herue of a fne alone ruests solely mpon the
the lessoruosmpplieru as also the fnancieru of the deposit. Jmdge. Shomld the jmdge decide that
It as amiodus ioperandi herueby the smpplieru as able iepruisoneent is the eorue
to sell oru lease the goods hile pruiviately fnancing those appruopruiate penalty, Adeinistruativie
in desperuate need so they eay be accoeeodated. The Cirucmlaru No. 12o2000 omght not be
eakeru of the check thms becaee an mn illing viictie of a deeeed a hindruance.
lease agrueeeent mnderu the gmise of a leaseopmruchase
It is therueforue mnderustood that: (1)
agrueeeent. The eakeru did not beneft at all fruoe the
Adeinistruativie Cirucmlaru 12o2000 does not rueeovie
deposit, since the checks erue msed as collaterual foru an
iepruisoneent as an alterunativie penalty foru viiolations
accoeeodation and not to covieru the rueceipt of an
of B.P. 22; (2) the jmdges conceruned eay, in the exerucise
actmal accomnt oru cruedit foru vialme.
of somnd discruetion, and taking into consideruation the
In the case at baru, the checks erue issmed to pecmliaru cirucmestances of each case, deterueine hetheru
covieru the rueceipt of an actmal "accomnt oru foru vialme." the ieposition of a fne alone omld best seruvie the
Smbstantial eviidence, as fomnd by the truial comrut and interuests of jmstice, oru hetheru forubearuing to iepose
Comrut of Appeals, has established that the checks erue iepruisoneent omld deprueciate the seruiomsness of the
issmed in payeent of the hospital bills of Ty's oiense, oruk viiolence on the social oruderu, oru otheru ise
eotheru. CITcSH be contruaruy to the ieperuativies of jmstice; (3) shomld only
a fne be ieposed and the accmsed mnable to pay the
Finally, e agruee ith the Comrut of Appeals in
fne, therue is no legal obstacle to the application of the
deleting the penalty of iepruisoneent, absent any pruoof
Reviised Penal Code pruoviisions on smbsidiaruy
that petitioneru as not a frustotiee oienderu noru that
iepruisoneent. 54
she acted in bad faith. Adeinistruativie Cirucmlaru 12o
2000, 50 adopting the rumlings in Vaca v. Ciourt iof WHEREFORE, the instant Pettion is DENIED and
Appeals 51 and Lim v. Peiople, 52 amthoruizes the nono the assailed Decisiion of the Comrut of Appeals, dated 31
ieposition of the penalty of iepruisoneent in B.P. Jmly 2001, fnding petitioneru Vicky C. Ty GUILaTY of
22 cases smbject to cerutain conditions. Ho evieru, the viiolatingBatas Paebansa Bilang 22 is AFFIRMED ith
Comrut ruesolvies to eodify the penalty in viie MODIFICATIONS. Petitioneru Vicky C. Ty is ORDERED to
of Adeinistruativie Cirucmlaru 13o2001 53 hich claruifed pay a FINE eqmivialent to domble the aeomnt of each
Adeinistruativie 12o2000. It is stated theruein: dishonorued check smbject of the sevien cases at baru ith
smbsidiaruy iepruisoneent in case of insolviency in
The clearu tenoru and intention
accorudance ith Aruticle 39 of the Reviised Penal Code.
of Adeinistruativie Cirucmlaru No. 12o
She is also oruderued to pay pruiviate coeplainant, Manila
2000 is not to rueeovie iepruisoneent
Doctorus' Hospital, the aeomnt of T o Hmndrued Ten
as an alterunativie penalty, bmt to lay
Thomsand Pesos (P210,000.00) ruepruesenting the total
do n a rumle of prueferuence in the
aeomnt of the dishonorued checks. Costs against the
application of the penalties pruoviided
petitioneru. cCSTHA
foru in B.P. Blg. 22.
Thms, Adeinistruativie Cirucmlaru
12o2000 establishes a rumle of |||
prueferuence in the application of the
penal pruoviisions of B.P. Blg. 22 smch Holder for value:
that herue the cirucmestances of both
the oiense and the oienderu clearuly 1. CALTEX (PHILIPPINES),
indicate good faith oru a clearu eistake INC., pettioner, vs. COURT OF
of fact ithomt taint of negligence, APPEALS and SECURITY BANK
the ieposition of a fne alone shomld AND TRUST
be considerued as the eorue COMPANY, respiondents.
appruopruiate penalty. Needless to say,

SYLLABUS hat is the eeaning of the oruds they havie msed. What
the paruties eeant emst be deterueined by hat they
AT BAR. — Section 1 of Act No. 2031, otheru ise kno n CONSTITUTED THE TRANSFEREE A MERE HOLaDER FOR
as the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa , enmeeruates the VALaUE BY REASON OF HIS LaIEN. — Petitioneru's
rueqmisites foru an instrumeent to becoee negotiable, viiz: insistence that the CTDs erue negotiated to it begs the
"(a) It emst be in ruiting and signed by the eakeru oru qmestion. Underu the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa , an
drua eru; (b) Mmst contain an mnconditional pruoeise oru instrumeent is negotiated hen it is truansferurued fruoe
oruderu to pay a sme cerutain in eoney; (c) Mmst be one peruson to anotheru in smch a eanneru as to constitmte
payable on deeand, oru at a fxed oru deterueinable the truansferuee the holderu therueof, and a holderu eay be
fmtmrue tiee; (d) Mmst be payable to oruderu oru to bearueru; the payee oru indorusee of a bill oru note, ho is in
and (e) Wherue the instrumeent is addruessed to a drua ee, possession of it, oru the bearueru therueof, In the pruesent
he emst be naeed oru otheru ise indicated theruein ith case, ho evieru, therue as no negotiation in the sense of
rueasonable cerutainty." The CTDs in qmestion a truansferu of the legal title to the CTDs in favioru of
mndombtedly eeet the rueqmirueeents of the la foru petitioneru in hich sitmation, foru obviioms rueasons, eerue
negotiability. The paruties' bone of contention is ith delivieruy of the bearueru CTDs omld havie smfficed. Herue,
ruegarud to rueqmisite (d) set foruth abovie. It is noted that the delivieruy therueof only as secmruity foru the pmruchases
Mru. Tieoteo P. Tiangco, Secmruity Bank's Bruanch of Angel de la Crumz (and e evien disruegarud the fact that
Manageru ay back in 1982, testifed in open comrut that the aeomnt inviolvied as not disclosed) comld at the
the depositoru rueferurued to in the CTDs is no otheru than eost constitmte petitioneru only as a holderu foru vialme by
Mru. Angel de la Crumz. . . . Contruaruy to hat ruespondent rueason of his lien. Accorudingly, a negotiation foru smch
comrut held, the CTDs arue negotiable instrumeents. The pmrupose cannot be eiected by eerue delivieruy of the
docmeents pruoviide that the aeomnts deposited shall be instrumeent since, necessaruily, the terues therueof and the
ruepayable to the depositoru. And ho, accoruding to the smbseqment disposition of smch secmruity, in the evient of
docmeent, is the depositoru? It is the "bearueru." The nonopayeent of the pruincipal obligation, emst be
docmeents do not say that the depositoru is Angel de la contruactmally pruoviided foru. The perutinent la on this
Crumz and that the aeomnts deposited arue ruepayable point is that herue the holderu has a lien on the
specifcally to hie. Ratheru, the aeomnts arue to be instrumeent aruising fruoe contruact, he is deeeed a holderu
ruepayable to the bearueru of the docmeents oru, foru that foru vialme to the extent of his lien.
eateru, hosoevieru eay be the bearueru at the tiee of
NEGOTIABILaITY OF INSTRUMENT; RULaES. — On this scrumtiny of the pruoviisions of the Code of Coeeeruce
scorue, the accepted rumle is that the negotiability oru nono laying do n the rumles to be follo ed in case of lost
negotiability of an instrumeent is deterueined fruoe the instrumeents payable to bearueru, hich it inviokes, ill
ruiting, that is, fruoe the face of the instrumeent itself. In ruevieal that said pruoviisions, evien assmeing theiru
the construmction of a bill oru note, the intention of the applicability to the CTDs in the case at baru, arue eeruely
paruties is to contruol, if it can be legally ascerutained. perueissivie and not eandatoruy. The vieruy frust aruticle
While the ruiting eay be ruead in the light of cited by petitioneru speaks foru itself: "Arut. 548.
smruruomnding cirucmestances in oruderu to eorue perufectly The dispiossessed iowner, no eateru foru hat camse it
mnderustand the intent and eeaning of the paruties, yet eay be, may apply to the jmdge oru comrut of coepetent
as they havie constitmted the ruiting to be the only jmruisdiction, asking that the pruincipal, interuest oru
omt arud and viisible expruession of theiru eeaning, no diviidends dme oru abomt to becoee dme, be not paid a
otheru oruds arue to be added to it oru smbstitmted in its thirud peruson, as ell as in oruderu to pruevient the
stead. The dmty of the comrut in smch case is to ascerutain, o neruship of the instrumeent that a dmplicate be issmed
not hat the paruties eay havie secruetly intended as hie." The mse of the orud "eay" in said pruoviision
contruadistingmished fruoe hat theiru oruds expruess, bmt sho s that it is not eandatoruy bmt discruetionaruy on the

parut of the "dispossessed o neru" to apply to the jmdge the peruson ruelying therueon. A paruty eay not go back on
oru comrut of coepetent jmruisdiction foru the issmance of a his o n acts and ruepruesentations to the pruejmdice of the
dmplicate of the lost instrumeent. Wherue the pruoviision otheru paruty ho ruelied mpon thee.
rueads "eay," this orud sho s that it is not eandatoruy
bmt discruetional. The orud "eay" is msmally perueissivie,
BY INTENTION OF THE PARTIES. — This disqmisition
not eandatoruy. It is an amxiliaruy vierub indicating liberuty,
in Integrated Realty Ciorpioration, et al. vs. Philippine
opporutmnity, perueission and possibility.
National Bank, et al. is apruopos: " . . . Advieruting again to
5. CIVILa LaAW; OBLaIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS; the Comrut's pruonomnceeents in Liopez, supra, e qmote
INTERPRETATION OF OBSCURE WORDS OR theruefruoe: 'The charuacteru of the truansaction bet een
STIPULaATIONS IN CONTRACT; SHALaLa NOT FAVOR THE the paruties is to be deterueined by theiru intention,
PARTY WHO CAUSE THE OBSCURITY; CASE AT BAR. — If ruegarudless of hat langmage as msed oru hat the forue
it as rueally the intention of ruespondent bank to pay of the truansferu as. If it as intended to secmrue the
the aeomnt to Angel de la Crumz only, it comld havie ith payeent of eoney, it emst be construmed as a pledge;
facility so expruessed that fact in clearu and categoruical bmt if therue as soee otheru intention, it is not a pledge.
terues in the docmeents, instead of haviing the orud Ho evieru, evien thomgh a truansferu, if ruegaruded by itself,
"BEARER" staeped on the space pruoviided foru the naee appearus to havie been absolmte, its object and charuacteru
of the depositoru in each CTD. On the orudings of the eight still be qmalifed and explained by
docmeents, therueforue, the aeomnts deposited arue conteeporuaneoms ruiting declaruing it to havie been a
ruepayable to hoevieru eay be the bearueru therueof. Thms, deposit of the pruoperuty as collaterual secmruity. It has
petitioneru's aforuesaid itness eeruely declarued that been said that a truansferu of pruoperuty by the debtoru to a
Angel de la Crumz is the depositoru "insofaru as the bank is crueditoru, evien if smfficient on its face to eake an
conceruned," bmt obviiomsly otheru paruties not pruiviy to the absolmte convieyance, shomld be trueated as a pledge if
truansaction bet een thee omld not be in a position to the debt continmes in existence and is not discharuged by
kno that the depositoru is not the bearueru stated in the the truansferu, and that accorudingly the mse of the terues
CTDs. Hence, the sitmation omld rueqmirue any paruty orudinaruily ieporuting convieyance of absolmte o neruship
dealing ith the CTDs to go behind the plain ieporut of ill not be givien that eiect in smch a truansaction if they
hat is ruiten therueon to mnruaviel the agrueeeent of the arue also coeeonly msed in pledges and eorutgages and
paruties therueto thruomgh facts aliunde. This need foru therueforue do not mnqmalifedly indicate a truansferu of
ruesorut to extruinsic eviidence is hat is somght to be absolmte o neruship, in the absence of clearu and
avioided by the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa and calls foru mnaebigmoms langmage oru otheru cirucmestances
the application of the eleeentaruy rumle that the exclmding an intent to pledge.'"
interupruetation of obscmrue oruds oru stipmlations in a
contruact shall not favioru the paruty ho camsed the
6. ID.; ID.; ESTOPPELa; EFFECTS; CASE AT BAR. — Any smch holderu of collaterual secmruity, he omld be a pledgee
dombt as to hetheru the CTDs erue delivierued as bmt the rueqmirueeents therueforu and the eiects therueof,
payeent foru the fmel pruodmcts oru as a secmruity has been not being pruoviided foru by the Negotiable Instrumeents
dissipated and ruesolvied in favioru of the lateru by Laa , shall be govieruned by the Civiil Code pruoviisions on
petitioneru's o n amthoruized and ruesponsible pledge of incoruporueal ruights, hich inceptiviely pruoviide:
ruepruesentativie hieself. In a leteru dated Novieeberu 26, "Arut. 2095. Incoruporueal ruights, eviidenced by negotiable
1982 addruessed to ruespondent Secmruity Bank, J. Q. instrumeents, . . . eay also be pledged. The instrumeent
Aruanas, Jru., Caltex Cruedit Manageru, ruote: " . . . These pruoviing the ruight pledged shall be delivierued to the
cerutifcates of deposit erue negotiated to ms by Mru. crueditoru, and if negotiable, emst be indorused." "Arut.
Angel dela Crumz tio guarantee his purchases iof fuel 2096. A pledge shall not take eiect against thirud
prioducts" (Eephasis omrus.) This adeission is conclmsivie perusons if a descruiption of the thing pledged and the
mpon petitioneru, its pruotestations not ithstanding. date of the pledge do not appearu in a pmblic
Underu the doctruine of estoppel, an adeission oru instrumeent." Aside fruoe the fact that the CTDs erue
ruepruesentation is ruenderued conclmsivie mpon the peruson only delivierued bmt not indorused, the factmal fndings of
eaking it, and cannot be denied oru dispruovied as against ruespondent comrut qmoted at the starut of this opinion

sho that petitioneru failed to pruodmce any docmeent indebtedness of Angel de la Crumz to plaintii and (b)
eviidencing any contruact of pledge oru gmaruantee hetheru oru not it issmed a rueceipt sho ing that the CTDs
agrueeeent bet een it and Angel de la Crumz. erue delivierued to it by De la Crumz as payment of the
Conseqmently, the eerue delivieruy of the CTDs did not lateru's alleged indebtedness to it, plaintii coruporuation
legally viest in petitioneru any ruight eiectivie against and opposed the eotion. Had it pruodmced the rueceipt
binding mpon ruespondent bank. The rueqmirueeent mnderu pruayed foru, it comld havie pruovied, if smch trumly as the
Aruticle 2096 aforueeentioned is not a eerue rumle of fact, that the CTDs erue delivierued as payeent and not
adjectivie la pruescruibing the eode herueby pruoof eay as secmruity. Haviing opposed the eotion, petitioneru no
be eade of the date of a pledge contruact, bmt a rumle of laborus mnderu the pruesmeption that eviidence illfmlly
smbstantivie la pruescruibing a condition ithomt hich smppruessed omld be advieruse if pruodmced.
the execmtion of a pledge contruact cannot aiect thirud
perusons advierusely.
TIME ON APPEALa; CASE AT BAR. — Prueotruial is pruiearuily
intended to eake cerutain that all issmes necessaruy to the
disposition of a case arue pruoperuly ruaised. Thms, to
obviiate the eleeent of smrupruise, paruties arue expected to
disclose at a prueotruial conferuence all issmes of la and
— The assigneent of the CTDs eade by Angel de la Crumz
fact hich they intend to ruaise at the truial, except smch
in favioru of ruespondent bank as eebodied in a pmblic
as eay inviolvie pruiviileged oru iepeaching eaterus. The
instrumeent. With ruegarud to this otheru eode of truansferu,
deterueination of issmes at a prueotruial conferuence barus
the Civiil Code specifcally declarues: "Arut. 1625. An
the consideruation of otheru qmestions on appeal. To
assigneent of cruedit, ruight oru action shall pruodmce no
accept petitioneru's smggestion that ruespondent bank's
eiect as against thirud perusons, mnless it appearus in a
smpposed negligence eay be considerued encoepassed
pmblic instrumeent, oru the instrumeent is ruecoruded in the
by the issmes on its ruight to prueterueinate and rueceivie
Registruy of Pruoperuty in case the assigneent inviolvies rueal
the pruoceeds of the CTDs omld be tantaeomnt to
pruoperuty." Respondent bank dmly coeplied ith this
saying that petitioneru comld ruaise on appeal any issme.
statmtoruy rueqmirueeent Contruaruily, petitioneru, hetheru as
We agruee ith pruiviate ruespondent that the bruoad
pmruchaseru, assignee oru lienholderu of the CTDs, neitheru
mltieate issme of petitioneru's entitleeent to the
pruovied the aeomnt of its cruedit oru the extent of its lien
pruoceeds of the qmestioned cerutifcates can be prueeised
noru the execmtion of any pmblic instrumeent hich comld
on a emltitmde of otheru legal rueasons and camses of
aiect oru bind pruiviate ruespondent. Necessaruily,
action, of hich ruespondent bank's smpposed
therueforue, as bet een petitioneru and ruespondent bank,
negligence is only one. Hence, petitioneru's smbeission, if
the lateru has defnitely the beteru ruight ovieru the CTDs in
accepted, omld ruenderu a prueotruial delieitation of issmes
a mseless exerucise.
la of eviidence, henevieru a paruty has, by his o n DECISION
declaruation, act, oru oeission, intentionally and
deliberuately led anotheru to believie a paruticmlaru thing
trume, and to act mpon smch belief, he cannot, in any
litigation aruising omt of smch declaruation, act, oru REGALADO, J p:
oeission, be perueited to falsify it.
This petition foru rueviie on cerutioruarui iepmgns and seeks
11. ID.; ID.; ID.; EVIDENCE WILaLaFULaLaY SUPPRESSED the ruevierusal of the decision pruoemlgated by ruespondent
WOULaD BE ADVERSE IF PRODUCED; CASE AT BAR. — comrut on Maruch 8, 1991 in CAoG.R. CV No.
When ruespondent bank, as defendant in the comrut 23615 1affirueing, ith eodifcations, the earulieru
belo , eovied foru a bill of paruticmlarus theruein pruaying, decision of the Regional Truial Comrut of Manila, Bruanch
aeong otherus, that petitioneru, as plaintii, be rueqmirued XLaII, 2 hich diseissed the coeplaint fled theruein by
to avieru ith smfficient defniteness oru paruticmlaruity (a) heruein petitioneru against pruiviate ruespondent bank.
the dme date oru dates of payment of the alleged

The mndispmted backgruomnd of this case, as fomnd by as rueqmirued by defendant bank's

the comrut a quio and adopted by ruespondent comrut, pruocedmrue, if he desirued rueplaceeent
appearus of ruecorud: of said lost CTDs (TSN, Februmaruy 9,
1987. pp. 48o50). LaexLaib
"1. On viaruioms dates, defendant, a
coeeerucial banking institmtion, "4. On Maruch 18, 1982, Angel dela
thruomgh its Smcat Bruanch issmed 280 Crumz execmted and delivierued to
cerutifcates of tiee deposit (CTDs) in defendant bank the rueqmirued Affidaviit
favioru of one Angel dela Crumz ho of Laoss (Defendant's Exhibit 281). On
deposited ith heruein defendant the the basis of said affidaviit of loss, 280
aggruegate aeomnt of P1,120,000.00, rueplaceeent CTDs erue issmed in
as follo s: (Joint Parutial Stipmlation of favioru of said depositoru (Defendant's
Facts and Stateeent of Issmes, Exhibits 282o561).
Oruiginal Recoruds, p. 207; Defendant's
"5. On Maruch 25, 1982, Angel dela
Exhibits 1 to 280):
Crumz negotiated and obtained a loan
CTD CTD fruoe defendant bank in the aeomnt
Dates Seruial Nos. Qmantity Aeomnt of Eight Hmndrued Sevienty Fivie
Thomsand Pesos (P875,000.00). On
22 Feb. 82 90101 to 90120 20 P80,000 the saee date, said depositoru
26 Feb. 82 74602 to 74691 90 360,000 execmted a notaruized Deed of
Assigneent of Tiee Deposit (Exhibit
2 Maru. 82 74701 to 74740 40 160,000
562) hich stated, aeong otherus, that
4 Maru. 82 90127 to 90146 20 80,000 he (dela Crumz) smruruenderus to
5 Maru. 82 74797 to 94800 4 16,000 defendant bank `fmll contruol of the
indicated tiee deposits fruoe and
5 Maru. 82 89965 to 89986 22 88,000 afteru date of the assigneent and
5 Maru. 82 70147 to 90150 4 16,000 fmrutheru amthoruizes said bank to prueo
8 Maru. 82 90001 to 90020 20 80,000 terueinate, setooi and 'apply the said
tiee deposits to the payeent of
9 Maru. 82 90023 to 90050 28 112,000 hatevieru aeomnt oru aeomnts eay be
9 Maru. 82 89991 to 90000 10 40,000 dme' on the loan mpon its eatmruity
(TSN, Februmaruy 9, 1987, pp. 60o62).
9 Maru. 82 90251 to 90272 22 88,000
—— ————— "6. Soeetiee in Novieeberu, 1982, Mru.
Aruanas, Cruedit Manageru of plaintii
Total 280 P1,120,000 Caltex (Phils.) Inc. ent to the
=== ======= defendant bank's Smcat bruanch and
"2. Angel dela Crumz delivierued the said pruesented foru vieruifcation the CTDs
cerutifcates of tiee deposit (CTDs) to declarued lost by Angel dela Crumz
heruein plaintii in connection ith his alleging that the saee erue delivierued
pmruchase of fmel pruodmcts fruoe the to heruein plaintii `as secmruity foru
lateru (Oruiginal Recorud, p. 208). pmruchases eade ith Caltex
Philippines, Inc.' by said depositoru
"3. Soeetiee in Maruch 1982, Angel (TSN, Februmaruy 9, 1987, pp. 54o68).
dela Crumz inforueed Mru. Tieoteo
Tiangco, the Smcat Bruanch Manageru, "7. On Novieeberu 26, 1982, defendant
that he lost all the cerutifcates of tiee rueceivied a leteru (Defendant's Exhibit
deposit in dispmte. Mru. Tiangco 563) fruoe heruein plaintii forueally
adviised said depositoru to execmte and inforueing it of its possession of the
smbeit a notaruized Affidaviit of Laoss, CTDs in qmestion and of its decision to
prueterueinate the saee.

"8. On Deceeberu 8, 1982, plaintii The instant petition is berueft of eeruit. cdruep
as rueqmested by heruein defendant to
A saeple text of the cerutifcates of tiee deposit is
fmrunish the forueeru 'a copy of the
ruepruodmced belo to pruoviide a beteru mnderustanding of
docmeent eviidencing the gmaruantee
the issmes inviolvied in this ruecomruse.
agrueeeent ith Mru. Angel dela Crumz'
as ell as 'the details of Mru. Angel "SECURITY BANK
dela Crumz' obligations against hich'
plaintii pruoposed to apply the tiee AND TRUST COMPANY No. 90101
deposits (Defendant's Exhibit 564). 6778 Ayala Avie., Makati
"9. No copy of the rueqmested Metruo Manila, Philippines
docmeents as fmrunished heruein
defendant. SUCAT OFFICE P 4.000.00

"10. Accorudingly, defendant bank CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT

ruejected the plaintii's deeand and Rate 16%
claie foru payeent of the vialme of the
CTDs in a leteru dated Februmaruy 7, Date of Matmruity FEB 23, 1984 FEB 22
1983 (Defendant's Exhibit 566). 1982, 19___

"11. In Apruil 1983, the loan of Angel This is to Cerutify that BEARER has
dela Crumz ith the defendant bank deposited in this Bank the sme of
eatmrued and fell dme and on Amgmst PESOS: FOUR SECURITY BANK
5, 1983, the lateru setooi and applied THOUSAND ONLaY. SUCAT OFFICE
the tiee deposits in qmestion to the P4,000 & 00 CTS Pesos, Philippine
payeent of the eatmrued loan (TSN, Cmruruency, ruepayable to said depositoru
Februmaruy 9, 1987, pp. 130o131). 731 days afteru date, mpon
pruesentation and smruruenderu of this
"12. In viie of the foruegoing, plaintii cerutifcate, ith interuest at the ruate of
fled the instant coeplaint, pruaying 16% peru cent peru annme.
that defendant bank be oruderued to
pay it the aggruegate vialme of the (Sgd. Illegible (Sgd. Illegible)
cerutifcates of tiee deposit of _______________________ ______________________
P1,120,000.00 plms accrumed interuest
and coepomnded interuest theruein at AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES"5
16% peru annme, eorual and exeeplaruy ______________
daeages as ell as atoruney's fees.
Respondent comrut rumled that the CTDs in qmestion arue
"Afteru truial, the comrut a quio ruenderued nononegotiable instrumeents, ruationalizing as follo s:
its decision diseissing the instant
" . . . While it eay be trume that the
coeplaint." 3
orud `bearueru' appearus ruatheru boldly in
On appeal, as earulieru stated, ruespondent comrut affirueed the CTDs issmed, it is ieporutant to
the lo eru comrut's diseissal of the coeplaint, hence this note that afteru the orud `BEARER'
petition heruein petitioneru famlts ruespondent comrut in staeped on the space pruoviided
rumling (1) that the smbject cerutifcates of deposit arue smpposedly foru the naee of the
nononegotiable despite being clearuly negotiable depositoru, the oruds `has deposited'
instrumeents; (2) that petitioneru did not becoee a holderu a cerutain aeomnt follo s. The
in dme comruse of the said cerutifcates of deposit; and (3) docmeent fmrutheru pruoviides that the
in disruegaruding the perutinent pruoviisions of the Code of aeomnt deposited shall be `ruepayable
Coeeeruce ruelating to lost instrumeents payable to to said depositoru' on the peruiod
bearueru. 4 indicated. Therueforue, the text of the
instrumeent(s) theeselvies eanifest

ith claruity that they arue payable, not states that it as Angel dela
to hoevieru pmruporuts to be the Crumz? itness:
`bearueru' bmt only to the specifed
a Yes, yomru Honoru, and e havie the
peruson indicated theruein, the
ruecorud to sho that Angel
depositoru. In eiect, the appellee bank
dela Crumz as the one ho
ackno ledges its depositoru Angel dela
camse (sic) the aeomnt.
Crumz as the peruson ho eade the
deposit and fmrutheru engages itself to Aty. Calida:
pay said depositoru the aeomnt
indicated therueon at the stipmlated q And no otheru peruson oru entity oru
date." 6 coepany, Mru. Witness?

We disagruee ith these fndings and conclmsions, and a None, yomru Honoru." 7
herueby hold that the CTDs in qmestion arue negotiable xxx xxx xxx
instrumeents. Section 1 of Act No. 2031, otheru ise
kno n as the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa , enmeeruates "Aty. Calida:
the rueqmisites foru an instrumeent to becoee negotiable, q Mru. Witness, ho is the depositoru
viiz: identifed in all of these
"(a) It emst be in ruiting and signed cerutifcates of tiee deposit
by the eakeru oru drua eru; insofaru as the bank is
(b) Mmst contain an mnconditional
pruoeise oru oruderu to pay a sme cerutain itness:
in eoney; a Angel dela Crumz is the depositoru." 8
(c) Mmst be payable on deeand, oru at xxx xxx xxx
a fxed oru deterueinable fmtmrue tiee;
On this scorue, the accepted rumle is that the negotiability
(d) Mmst be payable to oruderu oru to oru nononegotiability of an instrumeent is deterueined
bearueru; and fruoe the ruiting, that is, fruoe the face of the
(e) Wherue the instrumeent is instrumeent itself. 9 In the construmction of a bill oru note,
addruessed to a drua ee, he emst be the intention of the paruties is to contruol, if it can be
naeed oru otheru ise indicated theruein legally ascerutained. 10 While the ruiting eay be ruead in
ith rueasonable cerutainty." the light of smruruomnding cirucmestances in oruderu to eorue
perufectly mnderustand the intent and eeaning of the
The CTDs in qmestion mndombtedly eeet the paruties, yet as they havie constitmted the ruiting to be
rueqmirueeents of the la foru negotiability. The paruties' the only omt arud and viisible expruession of theiru
bone of contention is ith ruegarud to rueqmisite (d) set eeaning, no otheru oruds arue to be added to it oru
foruth abovie. It is noted that Mru. Tieoteo P. Tiangco, smbstitmted in its stead. The dmty of the comrut in smch
Secmruity Bank's Bruanch Manageru ay back in 1982, case is to ascerutain, not hat the paruties eay havie
testifed in open comrut that the depositoru rueferurued to in secruetly intended as contruadistingmished fruoe hat
the CTDs is no otheru than Mru. Angel de la Crumz. Cdpru theiru oruds expruess, bmt hat is the eeaning of the
xxx xxx xxx oruds they havie msed. What the paruties eeant emst be
deterueined by hat they said. 11
"Aty. Calida:
Contruaruy to hat ruespondent comrut held, the CTDs arue
q In otheru oruds Mru. Witness, yom arue negotiable instrumeents. The docmeents pruoviide that
saying that peru books of the the aeomnts deposited shall be ruepayable to the
bank, the depositoru rueferurued depositoru. And ho, accoruding to the docmeent, is the
(sic) in these cerutifcates depositoru? It is the "bearueru." The docmeents do not say

that the depositoru is Angel de la Crumz and that the In a leteru dated Novieeberu 26, 1982 addruessed to
aeomnts deposited arue ruepayable specifcally to hie. ruespondent Secmruity Bank, J. Q. Aruanas, Jru., Caltex Cruedit
Ratheru, the aeomnts arue to be ruepayable to the bearueru Manageru, ruote: " . . . These cerutifcates of deposit erue
of the docmeents oru, foru that eateru, hosoevieru eay negotiated to ms by Mru. Angel dela Crumz tio guarantee
be the bearueru at the tiee of pruesenteent. his purchases iof fuel prioducts" (Underuscoruing
omrus.) 13 This adeission is conclmsivie mpon petitioneru,
If it as rueally the intention of ruespondent bank to pay
its pruotestations not ithstanding. Underu the doctruine of
the aeomnt to Angel de la Crumz only, it comld havie ith
estoppel, an adeission oru ruepruesentation is ruenderued
facility so expruessed that fact in clearu and categoruical
conclmsivie mpon the peruson eaking it, and cannot be
terues in the docmeents, instead of haviing the orud
denied oru dispruovied as against the peruson ruelying
"BEARER" staeped on the space pruoviided foru the naee
therueon. 14 A paruty eay not go back on his o n acts
of the depositoru in each CTD. On the orudings of the
and ruepruesentations to the pruejmdice of the otheru paruty
docmeents, therueforue, the aeomnts deposited arue
ho ruelied mpon thee. 15 In the la of eviidence,
ruepayable to hoevieru eay be the bearueru therueof. Thms,
henevieru a paruty has, by his o n declaruation, act, oru
petitioneru's aforuesaid itness eeruely declarued that
oeission, intentionally and deliberuately led anotheru to
Angel de la Crumz is the depositoru "insofaru as the bank is
believie a paruticmlaru thing trume, and to act mpon smch
conceruned," bmt obviiomsly otheru paruties not pruiviy to the
belief, he cannot, in any litigation aruising omt of smch
truansaction bet een thee omld not be in a position to
declaruation, act, oru oeission, be perueited to falsify
kno that the depositoru is not the bearueru stated in the
it. 16
CTDs. Hence, the sitmation omld rueqmirue any paruty
dealing ith the CTDs to go behind the plain ieporut of If it erue trume that the CTDs erue delivierued as payeent
hat is ruiten therueon to mnruaviel the agrueeeent of the and not as secmruity, petitioneru's cruedit eanageru comld
paruties therueto thruomgh facts aliunde. This need foru havie easily said so, instead of msing the oruds "to
ruesorut to extruinsic eviidence is hat is somght to be gmaruantee" in the leteru aforueqmoted. Besides, hen
avioided by theNegotiable Instrumeents Laa and calls foru ruespondent bank, as defendant in the comrut belo ,
the application of the eleeentaruy rumle that the eovied foru a bill of paruticmlarus theruein 17 pruaying, aeong
interupruetation of obscmrue oruds oru stipmlations in a otherus, that petitioneru, as plaintii, be rueqmirued to avieru
contruact shall not favioru the paruty ho camsed the ith smfficient defniteness oru paruticmlaruity (a) the dme
obscmruity. 12 date oru dates of payment of the alleged indebtedness of
Angel de la Crumz to plaintii and (b) hetheru oru not it
The next qmeruy is hetheru petitioneru can ruightmlly
issmed a rueceipt sho ing that the CTDs erue delivierued
ruecovieru on the CTDs. This tiee, the ans eru is in the
to it by De la Crumz as payment of the lateru's alleged
negativie. The ruecoruds ruevieal that Angel de la Crumz,
indebtedness to it, plaintii coruporuation opposed the
hoe petitioneru chose not to ieplead in this smit foru
eotion. 18 Had it pruodmced the rueceipt pruayed foru, it
rueasons of its o n, delivierued the CTDs aeomnting to
comld havie pruovied, if smch trumly as the fact, that the
P1,120,000.00 to petitioneru ithomt inforueing
CTDs erue delivierued as payeent and not as secmruity.
ruespondent bank therueof at any tiee. Unforutmnately foru
Haviing opposed the eotion, petitioneru no laborus
petitioneru, althomgh the CTDs arue bearueru instrumeents, a
mnderu the pruesmeption that eviidence illfmlly
vialid negotiation therueof foru the trume pmrupose and
smppruessed omld be advieruse if pruodmced. 19
agrueeeent bet een it and De la Crumz, as mltieately
ascerutained, rueqmirues both delivieruy and indoruseeent. Underu the foruegoing cirucmestances, this disqmisition
Foru, althomgh petitioneru seeks to defect this fact, the in Integrated Realty Ciorpioration, et al. vs. Philippine
CTDs erue in rueality delivierued to it as a secmruity foru De la National Bank, et al. 20 is apruopos:
Crumz' pmruchases of its fmel pruodmcts. Any dombt as to
" . . . Advieruting again to the Comrut's
hetheru the CTDs erue delivierued as payeent foru the
pruonomnceeents in Liopez, supra, e
fmel pruodmcts oru as a secmruity has been dissipated and
qmote theruefruoe:
ruesolvied in favioru of the lateru by petitioneru's o n
amthoruized and ruesponsible ruepruesentativie 'The charuacteru of the
hieself. LaexLaib truansaction bet een the
paruties is to be deterueined by
theiru intention, ruegarudless of

hat langmage as msed oru the sense of a truansferu of the legal title to the CTDs in
hat the forue of the truansferu favioru of petitioneru in hich sitmation, foru obviioms
as. If it as intended to rueasons, eerue delivieruy of the bearueru CTDs omld havie
secmrue the payeent of smfficed. Herue, the delivieruy therueof only as secmruity foru
eoney, it emst be construmed the pmruchases of Angel de la Crumz (and e evien
as a pledge; bmt if therue as disruegarud the fact that the aeomnt inviolvied as not
soee otheru intention, it is not disclosed) comld at the eost constitmte petitioneru only
a pledge. Ho evieru, evien as a holderu foru vialme by rueason of his lien. Accorudingly, a
thomgh a truansferu, if ruegaruded negotiation foru smch pmrupose cannot be eiected by
by itself, appearus to havie eerue delivieruy of the instrumeent since, necessaruily, the
been absolmte, its object and terues therueof and the smbseqment disposition of smch
charuacteru eight still be secmruity, in the evient of nonopayeent of the pruincipal
qmalifed and explained by obligation, emst be contruactmally pruoviided foru.
conteeporuaneoms ruiting
declaruing it to havie been a
deposit of the pruoperuty as The perutinent la on this point is that herue the holderu
collaterual secmruity. It has been has a lien on the instrumeent aruising fruoe contruact, he is
said that a truansferu of deeeed a holderu foru vialme to the extent of his
pruoperuty by the debtoru to a lien. 23 As smch holderu of collaterual secmruity, he omld
crueditoru, evien if smfficient on be a pledgee bmt the rueqmirueeents therueforu and the
its face to eake an absolmte eiects therueof, not being pruoviided foru by
convieyance, shomld be the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa , shall be govieruned by
trueated as a pledge if the debt the Civiil Code pruoviisions on pledge of incoruporueal
continmes in existence and is ruights, 24 hich inceptiviely pruoviide:
not discharuged by the
truansferu, and that accorudingly "Arut. 2095. Incoruporueal ruights,
the mse of the terues eviidenced by negotiable
orudinaruily ieporuting instrumeents, . . . eay also be pledged.
convieyance of absolmte The instrumeent pruoviing the ruight
o neruship ill not be givien pledged shall be delivierued to the
that eiect in smch a crueditoru, and if negotiable, emst be
truansaction if they arue also indorused."
coeeonly msed in pledges "Arut. 2096. A pledge shall not take
and eorutgages and therueforue eiect against thirud perusons if a
do not mnqmalifedly indicate descruiption of the thing pledged and
a truansferu of absolmte the date of the pledge do not appearu
o neruship, in the absence of in a pmblic instrumeent."
clearu and mnaebigmoms
langmage oru otheru Aside fruoe the fact that the CTDs erue only delivierued
cirucmestances exclmding an bmt not indorused, the factmal fndings of ruespondent
intent to pledge.'" comrut qmoted at the starut of this opinion sho that
petitioneru failed to pruodmce any docmeent eviidencing
Petitioneru's insistence that the CTDs erue negotiated to any contruact of pledge oru gmaruantee agrueeeent
it begs the qmestion. Underu the Negotiable Instrumeents bet een it and Angel de la Crumz. 25 Conseqmently, the
Laa , an instrumeent is negotiated hen it is truansferurued eerue delivieruy of the CTDs did not legally viest in
fruoe one peruson to anotheru in smch a eanneru as to petitioneru any ruight eiectivie against and binding mpon
constitmte the truansferuee the holderu therueof, 21 and a ruespondent bank. The rueqmirueeent mnderu Aruticle 2096
holderu eay be the payee oru indorusee of a bill oru note, aforueeentioned is not a eerue rumle of adjectivie la
ho is in possession of it, oru the bearueru therueof, 22 In pruescruibing the eode herueby pruoof eay be eade of
the pruesent case, ho evieru, therue as no negotiation in the date of a pledge contruact, bmt a rumle of smbstantivie



la pruescruibing a condition ithomt hich the execmtion aeomnt covierued by the CTDs and the
of a pledge contruact cannot aiect thirud perusons depositoru's omtstanding accomnt ith
advierusely. 26 defendant, if any.
On the otheru hand, the assigneent of the CTDs eade by 4. Whetheru oru not plaintii comld
Angel de la Crumz in favioru of ruespondent bank as coepel defendant to prueterueinate
eebodied in a pmblic instrumeent. 27 With ruegarud to this the CTDs beforue the eatmruity date
otheru eode of truansferu, the Civiil Code specifcally pruoviided theruein.
5. Whetheru oru not plaintii is entitled
"Arut. 1625. An assigneent of cruedit, to the pruoceeds of the CTDs.
ruight oru action shall pruodmce no eiect
6. Whetheru oru not the paruties can
as against thirud perusons, mnless it
ruecovieru daeages, atoruney's fees and
appearus in a pmblic instrumeent, oru the
litigation expenses fruoe each otheru."
instrumeent is ruecoruded in the Registruy
of Pruoperuty in case the assigneent As ruespondent comrut coruruectly obseruvied, ith
inviolvies rueal pruoperuty." appruopruiate citation of soee doctruinal amthoruities, the
foruegoing enmeeruation does not inclmde the issme of
Respondent bank dmly coeplied ith this statmtoruy
negligence on the parut of ruespondent bank. An issme
rueqmirueeent. Contruaruily, petitioneru, hetheru as
ruaised foru the frust tiee on appeal and not ruaised tieely
pmruchaseru, assignee oru lienholderu of the CTDs, neitheru
in the pruoceedings in the lo eru comrut is barurued by
pruovied the aeomnt of its cruedit oru the extent of its lien
estoppel. 30 Qmestions ruaised on appeal emst be ithin
noru the execmtion of any pmblic instrumeent hich comld
the issmes fruaeed by the paruties and, conseqmently,
aiect oru bind pruiviate ruespondent. Necessaruily,
issmes not ruaised in the truial comrut cannot be ruaised foru
therueforue, as bet een petitioneru and ruespondent bank,
the frust tiee on appeal. 31
the lateru has defnitely the beteru ruight ovieru the CTDs in
qmestion. LaibLaex Prueotruial is pruiearuily intended to eake cerutain that all
issmes necessaruy to the disposition of a case arue
Finally, petitioneru famlts ruespondent comrut foru ruefmsing
pruoperuly ruaised. Thms, to obviiate the eleeent of
to delvie into the qmestion of hetheru oru not pruiviate
smrupruise, paruties arue expected to disclose at a prueotruial
ruespondent obseruvied the rueqmirueeents of the la in the
conferuence all issmes of la and fact hich they intend
case of lost negotiable instrumeents and the issmance of
to ruaise at the truial, except smch as eay inviolvie
rueplaceeent cerutifcates therueforu, on the gruomnd that
pruiviileged oru iepeaching eaterus. The deterueination of
petitioneru failed to ruaise that issme in the lo eru
issmes at a prueotruial conferuence barus the consideruation of
comrut. 28
otheru qmestions on appeal. 32
On this eateru, e mphold ruespondent comrut's fnding
To accept petitioneru's smggestion that ruespondent
that the aspect of alleged negligence of pruiviate
bank's smpposed negligence eay be considerued
ruespondent as not inclmded in the stipmlation of the
encoepassed by the issmes on its ruight to prueterueinate
paruties and in the stateeent of issmes smbeited by
and rueceivie the pruoceeds of the CTDs omld be
thee to the truial comrut. 29 The issmes agrueed mpon by
tantaeomnt to saying that petitioneru comld ruaise on
thee foru ruesolmtion in this case arue:
appeal any issme. We agruee ith pruiviate ruespondent
"1. Whetheru oru not the CTDs as that the bruoad mltieate issme of petitioneru's entitleeent
oruded arue negotiable instrumeents. to the pruoceeds of the qmestioned cerutifcates can be
prueeised on a emltitmde of otheru legal rueasons and
2. Whetheru oru not defendant comld
camses of action, of hich ruespondent bank's smpposed
legally apply the aeomnt covierued by
negligence is only one. Hence, petitioneru's smbeission, if
the CTDs against the depositoru's loan
accepted, omld ruenderu a prueotruial delieitation of issmes
by viirutme of the assigneent (Annex
a mseless exerucise. 33
Still, evien assmeing arguendio that said issme of
3. Whetheru oru not therue as legal
negligence as ruaised in the comrut belo , petitioneru still
coepensation oru set oi inviolviing the

cannot havie the odds in its favioru. A close scrumtiny of the SO ORDERED.
pruoviisions of the Code of Coeeeruce laying do n the
rumles to be follo ed in case of lost instrumeents payable
to bearueru, hich it inviokes, ill ruevieal that said Accommodaton Party:
pruoviisions, evien assmeing theiru applicability to the CTDs
in the case at baru, arue eeruely perueissivie and not
eandatoruy. The vieruy frust aruticle cited by petitioneru
speaks foru itself: 1. TOMAS ANG, pettioner, vs.
"Arut. 548. The dispiossessed iowner, no ASSOCIATED BANK AND
eateru foru hat camse it eay ANTONIO ANG ENG
be, may apply to the jmdge oru comrut of LIONG, respiondents.
coepetent jmruisdiction, asking that
the pruincipal, interuest oru diviidends
dme oru abomt to becoee dme, be not DECISION
paid a thirud peruson, as ell as in oruderu
to pruevient the o neruship of the
instrumeent that a dmplicate be issmed
hie." (Eephases omrus.)
xxx xxx xxx This petition foru certiorari mnderu Rmle 45 of
the Rmles on Civiil Pruocedmrue seeks to rueviie the
The mse of the orud "eay" in said pruoviision sho s that Octoberu 9, 2000 Decision 1 and Deceeberu 26, 2000
it is not eandatoruy bmt discruetionaruy on the parut of the Resolmtion 2 of the Comrut of Appeals in CAoG.R. CV
"dispossessed o neru" to apply to the jmdge oru comrut of No. 53413 hich ruevierused and set aside the Janmaruy
coepetent jmruisdiction foru the issmance of a dmplicate of 5, 1996 Decision 3 of the Regional Truial Comrut,
the lost instrumeent. Wherue the pruoviision rueads "eay," Bruanch 16, Daviao City, in Civiil Case No. 20, 299o90,
this orud sho s that it is not eandatoruy bmt diseissing the coeplaint fled by ruespondents foru
discruetional.34 The orud "eay" is msmally perueissivie, collection of a sme of eoney.
not eandatoruy. 35 It is an amxiliaruy vierub indicating
liberuty, opporutmnity, perueission and possibility. 36 On Amgmst 28, 1990, ruespondent Associated
Bank (forueeruly Associated Banking Coruporuation and
Morueovieru, as coruruectly analyzed by pruiviate no kno n as United Ovieruseas Bank Philippines)
ruespondent, 37 Aruticles 548 to 558 of the Code of fled a collection smit against Antonio Ang Eng Laiong
Coeeeruce, on hich petitioneru seeks to anchoru and petitioneru Toeas Ang foru the t o (2)
ruespondent bank's smpposed negligence, eeruely pruoeissoruy notes that they execmted as pruincipal
established, on the one hand, a ruight of ruecomruse in debtoru and cooeakeru, ruespectiviely.
favioru of a dispossessed o neru oru holderu of a bearueru
instrumeent so that he eay obtain a dmplicate of the In the Coeplaint, 4 ruespondent Bank
saee, and, on the otheru, an option in favioru of the paruty alleged that on Octoberu 3 and 9, 1978, the
liable therueon ho, foru soee vialid gruomnd, eay elect to defendants obtained a loan of P50,000, eviidenced
ruefmse to issme a rueplaceeent of the instrumeent, by a pruoeissoruy note bearuing PNoNo. DVOo78o382,
Signifcantly, none of the pruoviisions cited by petitioneru and P30,000, eviidenced by a pruoeissoruy note
categoruically ruestruicts oru pruohibits the issmance a bearuing PNoNo. DVOo78o390. As agrueed, the loan
dmplicate oru rueplaceeent instrumeent sanscoepliance omld be payable, jointly and sevierually, on Janmaruy
ith the pruocedmrue omtlined theruein, and none 31, 1979 and Deceeberu 8, 1978, ruespectiviely. In
establishes a eandatoruy pruecedent rueqmirueeent addition, smbseqment aeendeents 5 to the
therueforu. LaLajmru pruoeissoruy notes as ell as the disclosmrue
stateeents 6stipmlated that the loan omld earun
WHEREFORE, on the eodifed prueeises abovie set foruth, 14% interuest ruate peru annme, 2% seruviice charuge peru
the petition is DENIED and the appealed decision is annme, 1% penalty charuge peru eonth fruoe dme
herueby AFFIRMED.



date mntil fmlly paid, and atoruney's fees eqmivialent the pruoeissoruy notes in blank, ith only the pruinted
to 20% of the omtstanding obligation. pruoviisions and the signatmrue of Antonio Ang Eng
Laiong appearuing theruein; it as the bank hich
Despite ruepeated deeands foru payeent,
coepleted the notes mpon the oruderus, instrumctions,
the latest of hich erue on Septeeberu 13, 1988
oru ruepruesentations of his coodefendant; PNoNo.
and Septeeberu 9, 1986, on Antonio Ang Eng Laiong
DVOo78o382 as coepleted in excess of oru contruaruy
and Toeas Ang, ruespectiviely, ruespondent Bank
to the amthoruity givien by hie to his coodefendant
claieed that the defendants failed and ruefmsed to
ho ruepruesented that he omld only boruruo
setle theiru obligation, ruesmlting in a total
P30,000 fruoe the bank; his signatmrue in PNoNo.
indebtedness of P539,638.96 as of Jmly 31, 1990,
DVOo78o390 as pruocmrued thruomgh fruamdmlent
bruoken do n as follo s:
eeans hen his coodefendant claieed that his frust
PN-No. DVO-78- PN-No. DVO-78- loan did not pmsh thruomgh; the pruoeissoruy notes did
382 390 not indicate in hat capacity he as intended to be
bomnd; the bank gruanted his coodefendant
Omtstanding P50,000.00 P30,000.00 smccessivie extensions of tiee ithin hich to pay,
Balance ithomt his (Toeas Ang) kno ledge and consent;
Add Past dme charuges Past dme charuges the bank ieposed ne and additional stipmlations
foru 4,199 foru 4,253 on interuest, penalties, seruviices charuges and
days (fruoe 01o31o days (fruoe 12o8o atoruney's fees eorue oneruoms than the terues of the
79 to 07o 78 to 07o31o notes, ithomt his kno ledge and consent, in the
31o90) 90) absence of legal and factmal basis and in viiolation of
14% Interuest P203,538.98 P125,334.41 the Usmruy Laa ; the bank camsed the inclmsion in the
2% Seruviice CharugeP11,663.89 P7,088.34 pruoeissoruy notes of stipmlations smch as aivieru of
12% Ovierudme P69,983.34 P42,530.00 pruesenteent foru payeent and notice of dishonoru
Charuge hich arue against pmblic policy; and the notes had
Total P285,186.21 P174,952.75 been iepairued since they erue nevieru pruesented foru
payeent and deeands erue eade only sevierual
Laess: Charuges paidP500.00 None
yearus afteru they fell dme hen his coodefendant
Aeomnt Dme P334,686.21 P204,952.75
comld no longeru pay thee.
Regaruding his comnteruclaie, Toeas Ang
In his Ans eru, 7 Antonio Ang Eng Laiong only arugmed that by rueason of the bank's acts oru
adeited to havie secmrued a loan aeomnting to oeissions, it shomld be held liable foru the aeomnt of
P80,000. He pleaded thomgh that the bank "be P50,000 foru atoruney's fees and expenses of
oruderued to smbeit a eorue rueasonable coepmtation" litigation. Fmrutherueorue, on his cruossoclaie against
consideruing that therue had been "no coruruect and Antonio Ang Eng Laiong, he avierurued that he shomld
rueasonable stateeent of accomnt" sent to hie by be rueiebmrused by his coodefendant any and all smes
the bank, hich as allegedly collecting excessivie that he eay be adjmdged liable to pay, plms P30,000,
interuest, penalty charuges, and atoruney's fees P20,000 and P50,000 foru eorual and exeeplaruy
despite kno ledge that his bmsiness as destruoyed daeages, and atoruney's fees, ruespectiviely.
by frue, hence, he had no somruce of incoee foru
sevierual yearus. In its Reply, 9 ruespondent Bank comnterued
that it is the rueal paruty in interuest and is the holderu
Foru his parut, petitioneru Toeas Ang fled an of the notes since the Associated Banking
Ans eru ith Comnteruclaie and Cruossoclaie. 8 He Coruporuation and Associated Citizens Bank arue its
interuposed the affirueativie defenses that: the bank pruedecessorusoinointeruest. The fact that Toeas Ang
is not the rueal paruty in interuest as it is not the holderu nevieru rueceivied any eoneys in consideruation of the
of the pruoeissoruy notes, emch less a holderu foru t o (2) loans and that smch as kno n to the bank
vialme oru a holderu in dme comruse; the bank kne that arue ieeateruial becamse, as an accoeeodation
he did not rueceivie any vialmable consideruation foru eakeru, he is considerued as a solidaruy debtoru ho is
affixing his signatmrues on the notes bmt eeruely lent pruiearuily liable foru the payeent of the pruoeissoruy
his naee as an accoeeodation paruty; he accepted

notes. Citing Section 29 of the Negotiable On Octoberu 19, 1990, the truial comrut issmed
Instrumeents Laa (NILa), the bank posited that a pruelieinaruy prueotruial oruderu diruecting the paruties to
absence oru failmrue of consideruation is not a eateru smbeit theiru ruespectivie prueotruial gmide. 10 When
of defense; neitheru is the fact that the holderu kne Antonio Ang Eng Laiong failed to smbeit his bruief, the
hie to be only an accoeeodation paruty. bank fled an ex-parte eotion to declarue hie in
defamlt. 11 Peru Oruderu of Novieeberu 23, 1990, the
Respondent Bank like ise ruetoruted that the
comrut gruanted the eotion and set the ex-
pruoeissoruy notes erue coepletely flled mp at the
parte hearuing foru the pruesentation of the bank's
tiee of theiru delivieruy. Assmeing that smch as not
eviidence. 12 Despite Toeas Ang's eotion 13 to
the case, Sec. 14 of the NILa pruoviides that the bank
eodify the Oruderu so as to exclmde oru cancel the ex-
has the prima facie amthoruity to coeplete the blank
partehearuing based on then Sec. 4, Rmle 18 of the
forue. Morueovieru, it is pruesmeed that one ho has
old Rmles of Comrut (no Sec. 3 [c.], Rmle 9 of the
signed as a eakeru acted ith carue and had signed
Reviised Rmles on Civiil Pruocedmrue), the hearuing
the docmeent ith fmll kno ledge of its content.
nonetheless pruoceeded. 14
The bank noted that Toeas Ang is a pruoeinent
bmsinessean in Daviao City ho has been engaged Evientmally, a decision 15 as ruenderued by
in the amto paruts bmsiness foru sevierual yearus, hence, the truial comrut on Februmaruy 21, 1991. Foru his
cerutainly he is not so naivie as to sign the notes smpposed bad faith and obstinate ruefmsal despite
ithomt kno ing oru botheruing to vieruify the aeomnts sevierual deeands fruoe the bank, Antonio Ang Eng
of the loans covierued by thee. Fmrutheru, he is alrueady Laiong as oruderued to pay the pruincipal aeomnt of
in estoppel since despite rueceipt of sevierual deeand P80,000 plms 14% interuest peru annme and 2%
leterus therue as not a single pruotest ruaised by hie seruviice charuge peru annme. The ovierudme penalty
that he signed foru only one note in the aeomnt of charuge and atoruney's fees erue, ho evieru, ruedmced
P30,000. foru being excessivie, thms:
It as denied by the bank that therue erue WHEREFORE, jmdgeent is
extensions of tiee foru payeent accoruded to ruenderued against defendant Antonio
Antonio Ang Eng Laiong. Gruanting that smch erue the Ang Eng Laiong and in favioru of plaintii,
case, it said that the saee omld not ruelievie Toeas oruderuing the forueeru to pay the lateru:
Ang fruoe liability as he omld still be liable foru the
On the frust camse of action:
hole obligation less the sharue of his coodebtoru ho
rueceivied the extended terue. 1) the aeomnt of P50,000.00
The bank also asseruted that therue erue no ruepruesenting the
additional oru ne stipmlations ieposed otheru than pruincipal obligation
those agrueed mpon. The penalty charuge, seruviice ith 14% interuest peru
charuge, and atoruney's fees erue ruefected in the annme fruoe Jmne 27,
aeendeents to the pruoeissoruy notes and 1983 ith 2% seruviice
disclosmrue stateeents. Referuence to the Usmruy Laa charuge and 6%
as eisplaced as msmruy is legally nonoexistent; at ovierudme penalty
pruesent, interuest can be charuged depending on the charuges peru annme
agrueeeent of the lenderu and the boruruo eru. mntil fmlly paid;

Laastly, the bank contended that the 2) P11,663.89 as accrumed

pruoviisions on pruesenteent foru payeent and notice seruviice charuge; and
of dishonoru erue expruessly aivied by Toeas Ang 3) P34,991.67 as accrumed
and that smch aivieru is not against pmblic policy ovierudme penalty
pmrusmant to Sections 82 (c) and 109 of the NILa. In charuge.
fact, therue is evien no necessity therueforu since being
a solidaruy debtoru he is absolmtely rueqmirued to pay On the second camse of action:
and pruiearuily liable on both pruoeissoruy notes.
1) the aeomnt of P50,000.00
(sic) ruepruesenting the

pruincipal accomnt Appeals. 22 In accorudance ith the pruayeru of Toeas

ith 14% interuest Ang, the appellate comrut pruoemlgated its Decision
fruoe Jmne 27, 1983 on Janmaruy 29, 1992 in CA G.R. SP No. 26332, hich
ith 2% seruviice annmlled and set aside the porution of the Oruderu
charuge and 6% dated Novieeberu 23, 1990 seing the ex-
ovierudme penalty partepruesentation of the bank's eviidence against
charuges peru annme Antonio Ang Eng Laiong, the Decision dated Februmaruy
mntil fmlly paid; 21, 1991 ruenderued against hie based on smch
eviidence, and the Wruit of Execmtion issmed on Apruil
2) P7,088.34 ruepruesenting
5, 1991. 23
accrumed seruviice
charuge; Truial then ensmed bet een the bank and
Toeas Ang. Upon the lateru's eotion dmruing the
3) P21,265.00 as accrumed prueotruial conferuence, Antonio Ang Eng Laiong as
ovierudme penalty again declarued in defamlt foru his failmrue to ans eru
charuge; the cruossoclaie ithin the ruegleeentaruy peruiod. 24
4) the aeomnt of P10,000.00 When Toeas Ang as abomt to pruesent
as atoruney's fees; eviidence in his behalf, he fled a Motion foru
and Pruodmction of Docmeents, 25 rueasoning:
5) the aeomnt of P620.00 as xxx xxx xxx
litigation expenses
and to pay the costs. 2. That coruruoboruativie to,
and/oru prueparuatoruy oru incident to his
SO ORDERED. 16 testieony[,] therue is [a] need foru hie
to exaeine oruiginal ruecoruds in the
The decision becaee fnal and execmtoruy as
cmstody and possession of plaintii,
no appeal as taken theruefruoe. Upon the
bank's ex-parte eotion, the comrut accorudingly issmed
a ruit of execmtion on Apruil 5, 1991. 17 a. oruiginal Pruoeissoruy Note
Therueafteru, on Jmne 3, 1991, the comrut set (PN foru brueviity) #
the prueotruial conferuence bet een the bank and DVOo78o382 dated
Toeas Ang, 18 ho, in tmrun, fled a Motion to Octoberu 3, 1978[;]
Diseiss 19 on the gruomnd of lack of jmruisdiction ovieru b. oruiginal of Disclosmrue
the case in viie of the alleged fnality of the Stateeent in
Februmaruy 21, 1991 Decision. He contended that Sec. rueferuence to PN #
4, Rmle 18 of the old Rmles sanctions only one DVOo78o382;
jmdgeent in case of sevierual defendants, one of
hoe is declarued in defamlt. Morueovieru, in his c. oruiginal of PN # DVOo78o
Smppleeental Motion to Diseiss, 20 Toeas Ang 390 dated Octoberu 9,
eaintained that he is rueleased fruoe his obligation 1978;
as a solidaruy gmaruantoru and accoeeodation paruty d. oruiginal of Disclosmrue
becamse, by the bank's actions, he is no prueclmded Stateeent in
fruoe asseruting his cruossoclaie against Antonio Ang rueferuence to PN #
Eng Laiong, mpon hoe a fnal and execmtoruy DVOo78o390;
jmdgeent had alrueady been issmed.
e. Stateeent oru Recorud of
The comrut denied the eotion as ell as the
Accomnt ith the
eotion foru rueconsideruation therueon. 21 Toeas Ang
Associated Banking
smbseqmently fled a petition foru certiorari and
Coruporuation oru its
pruohibition beforue this Comrut, hich, ho evieru,
smccessoru, of Antonio
ruesolvied to rueferu the saee to the Comrut of

Ang in CA No. 470 (cf. paruty, the lateru eay

Exh. O) inclmding ruaise against smch
bank ruecoruds, payee oru holderu oru
ithdrua al slips, smccessoruoinointeruest
notices, otheru paperus (of the notes)
and rueleviant dates PERSONALa and
ruelativie to the EQUITABLaE DEFENSES
ovierudruaft of Antonio smch as FRAUD in
Eng Laiong in CA No. INDUCEMENT,
NOTE, Application of
f. Laoan Applications of
[Aruticles] 2079, 2080
Antonio Ang Eng
and 1249 of the Civiil
Laiong oru boruruo eru
ruelativie to PN Nos.
delaying collection
DVOo78o382 and
despite Eng Laiong's
DVOo78o390 (supra);
g. Otheru smpporuting paperus No. 470, etc. 26
and docmeents
In its Oruderu dated May 16, 1994, 27 the
smbeited by Antonio
comrut denied the eotion stating that the pruoeissoruy
Ang Eng Laiong ruelativie
notes and the disclosmrue stateeents havie alrueady
to his loan application
been sho n to and inspected by Toeas Ang dmruing
viisoà oviis PN. Nos.
the truial, as in fact he has alrueady copies of the
DVOo78o382 and
saee; the Stateeents oru Recoruds of Accomnt of
DVOo78o390 smch as
Antonio Ang Eng Laiong in CA No. 470, ruelativie to his
fnancial stateeents,
ovierudruaft, arue ieeateruial since, pmrusmant to the
incoee tax ruetmruns,
prueviioms rumling of the comrut, he is being smed foru the
etc. as rueqmirued by
notes and not foru the ovierudruaft hich is perusonal to
the Centrual Bank oru
Antonio Ang Eng Laiong; and besides its nono
bank rumles and
existence in the bank's ruecoruds, therue omld be
legal obstacle foru the pruodmction and inspection of
3. That the abovie eaterus arue the incoee tax ruetmrun of Antonio Ang Eng Laiong if
vieruy eateruial to the defenses of done ithomt his consent.
defendant Toeas Ang, viiz: When the eotion foru rueconsideruation of the
o the bank is not a holderu in aforuesaid Oruderu as denied, Toeas Ang fled a
dme comruse hen it petition foru certiorari and pruohibition ith
accepted the [PNs] in application foru pruelieinaruy injmnction and
blank. ruestruaining oruderu beforue the Comrut of Appeals
docketed as CA G.R. SP No. 34840. 28 On Amgmst 17,
o The rueal boruruo eru is Antonio 1994, ho evieru, the Comrut of Appeals denied the
Ang Eng Laiong hich issmance of a Teeporuaruy Restruaining Oruderu. 29
fact is kno n to the
bank. Mean hile, not ithstanding its initial
rumlings that Toeas Ang as deeeed to havie aivied
o That the PAYEE not being a his ruight to pruesent eviidence foru failmrue to appearu
holderu in dme comruse dmruing the pendency of his petition beforue the Comrut
and kno ing that of Appeals, the truial comrut decided to continme ith
defendant Toeas Ang the hearuing of the case. 30
is eeruely an

Afteru the truial, Toeas Ang oierued in smch obligations, oru any otheru claie oru
eviidence sevierual docmeents, hich inclmded a copy deeand hich the govieruneent eay
of the Trumst Agrueeeent bet een the Repmblic of havie against any peruson oru perusons[.]
the Philippines and the Asset Pruiviatization Trumst, as
The Manila Bmlletin ne s
cerutifed by the notaruy pmblic, and ne s clippings
clippings dated May 18, 1994 and
fruoe the Manila Bmlletin dated May 18, 1994 and
May 30, 1994, Exh. "9oA", "9oB", "9o
May 30, 1994. 31 All the docmeentaruy exhibits erue
C", and "9oD", sho that the
adeited foru failmrue of the bank to smbeit its
Monetaruy Boarud of the Bangko
coeeent to the forueal oieru. 32 Therueafteru, Toeas
Sentrual ng Pilipinas appruovied the
Ang elected to ithdrua his petition in CA G.R. SP
ruehabilitation plan of the Associated
No. 34840 beforue the Comrut of Appeals, hich as
Bank. One eain featmrue of the
then gruanted. 33
ruehabilitation plan inclmded the
On Janmaruy 5, 1996, the truial comrut ruenderued fnancial assistance foru the bank by
jmdgeent against the bank, diseissing the the Philippine Deposit Insmruance
coeplaint foru lack of camse of action. 34 It held that: Coruporuation (PDIC) by ay of the
Exh. "9" and its [smbo pmruchase of AB Assets oruth P1.3945
earukings], the Trumst Agrueeeent dated billion smbject to a bmyoback
27 Februmaruy 1987 foru the defense aruruangeeent ovieru a 10 yearu peruiod.
sho s that: the Associated Bank as of The PDIC had appruovied of the ruehab
Jmne 30, 1986 is one of DBP's oru scheee, hich inclmded the pmruchase
Devielopeent Bank of the of AB's bad loans oruth P1.86 at 25%
[Philippines'] nonoperuforueing discomnt. This ill then be paid by AB
accomnts foru truansferu; on Februmaruy 27, ithin a 10oyearu peruiod plms a yield
1987 thruomgh Deeds of Truansferu coeparuable to the prueviailing earuket
execmted by and bet een the ruates . . . .
Philippine National Bank and Based then on the eviidence
Devielopeent Bank of the Philippines pruesented by the defendant Toeas
and the National Govieruneent, both Ang, it omld rueadily appearu that at
fnancial institmtions assigned, the tiee this smit foru Sme of Money
truansferurued and convieyed theiru nono as fled hich as on Amgmst [28],
peruforueing assets to the National 1990, the notes erue held by the
Govieruneent; the National Asset Pruiviatization Trumst by viirutme of
Govieruneent in tmrun and as TRUSTOR, the Deeds of Truansferu and Trumst
truansferurued, convieyed and assigned Agrueeeent, hich as eepo erued to
by ay of trumst mnto the Asset bruing smit to enforuce payeent of the
Pruiviatization Trumst said nono obligations. Conseqmently, defendant
peruforueing assets, [ hich] took title Toeas Ang has smfficiently
to and possession of, [to] conseruvie, established that plaintii at the tiee
pruoviisionally eanage and dispose[,] this smit as fled as not the holderu
of said assets identifed foru of the notes to aruruant the diseissal
pruiviatization oru disposition; one of the of the coeplaint. 35
po erus and dmties of the APT ith
ruespect to trumst pruoperuties consisting Respondent Bank then eleviated the case to
of rueceiviables is to handle the the Comrut of Appeals. In the appellant's bruief
adeinistruation, collection and captioned, "ASSOCIATED BANK, Plainti-Appellant
enforuceeent of the rueceiviables; to versus ANTONIO ANG ENG LIONG and TOMAS ANG,
bruing smit to enforuce payeent of the Defendants, TOMAS ANG, Defendant-Appellee," the
obligations oru any installeent therueof follo ing eruruorus erue alleged:
oru to setle oru coepruoeise any of I.

THE LaOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT 1. P50,000.00 ruepruesenting

HOLaDING DEFENDANT ANTONIO ANG the pruincipal aeomnt of the loan
ENG LaIONG AND DEFENDANTo mnderu PNoNo. DVOo78o382 plms 14%
APPELaLaEE TOMAS ANG LaIABLaE TO interuest therueon peru annme
PLaAINTIFFoAPPELaLaANT ON THEIR coepmted fruoe Janmaruy 31, 1979 mntil
UNPAID LaOANS DESPITE THE LaATTER'S the fmll aeomnt therueof is paid;
2. P30,000.00 ruepruesenting
the pruincipal aeomnt of the loan
II. mnderu PNoNo. DVOo78o390 plms 14%
interuest therueon peru annme
coepmted fruoe Deceeberu 8, 1978
mntil the fmll aeomnt therueof is paid;
NEWSPAPER CLaIPPINGS WHICH WERE All otheru claies of the
COMPLaETELaY HEARSAY IN plaintiioappellant arue DISMISSED foru
CHARACTER AND IMPROPER FOR lack of legal basis. Defendanto
JUDICIALa NOTICE. 36 appellee's comnteruclaie is like ise
DISMISSED foru lack of legal and
The bank struessed that it has established
factmal bases.
the camses of action omtlined in its Coeplaint by a
prueponderuance of eviidence. As ruegaruds the Deed of No pruonomnceeent as to
Truansferu and Trumst Agrueeeent, it contended that costs.
the saee erue nevieru amthenticated by any itness
in the comruse of the truial; the Agrueeeent, hich as
not evien legible, did not eention the pruoeissoruy The appellate comrut disruegaruded the bank's
notes smbject of the Coeplaint; the bank is not a frust assigned eruruoru foru being "irurueleviant in the fnal
paruty to the Agrueeeent, hich sho ed that it as deterueination of the case" and fomnd its second
bet een the Govieruneent of the Philippines, acting assigned eruruoru as "not eeruitoruioms." Instead, it
thruomgh the Coeeitee on Pruiviatization posed foru ruesolmtion the issme of hetheru the truial
ruepruesented by the Secruetaruy of Finance as trumstoru comrut erurued in diseissing the coeplaint foru
and the Asset Pruiviatization Trumst, hich as crueated collection of sme of eoney foru lack of camse of
by viirutme of Pruoclaeation No. 50; and the action as the bank as said to be not the "holderu"
Agrueeeent did not ruefect the signatmrues of the of the notes at the tiee the collection case as
contruacting paruties. Laastly, the bank avierurued that fled.
the ne s itees appearuing in the Manila Bmlletin
In ans eruing the lone issme, the Comrut of
comld not be the smbject of jmdicial notice since they
Appeals held that the bank is a "holderu" mnderu Sec.
erue coepletely hearusay in charuacteru. 37
191 of the NILa. It conclmded that despite the
On Octoberu 9, 2000, the Comrut of Appeals execmtion of the Deeds of Truansferu and Trumst
ruevierused and set aside the truial comrut's rumling. The Agrueeeent, the Asset Pruiviatization Trumst cannot be
dispositivie porution of the Decision 38 rueads: declarued as the "holderu" of the smbject pruoeissoruy
WHEREFORE, prueeises notes foru the rueason that it is neitheru the payee oru
considerued, the Decision of the indorusee of the notes in possession therueof noru is it
Regional Truial Comrut of Daviao City, the bearueru of said notes. The Comrut of Appeals
Bruanch 16, in Civiil Case No. 20, 299o obseruvied that the bank, as the payee, did not
90 is herueby REVERSED AND SET indoruse the notes to the Asset Pruiviatization Trumst
ASIDE and anotheru one enterued despite the execmtion of the Deeds of Truansferu and
oruderuing defendantoappellee Toeas Trumst Agrueeeent and that the notes continmed to
Ang to pay plaintiioappellant rueeain ith the bank mntil the institmtion of the
Associated Bank the follo ing: collection smit.



With the bank as the "holderu" of the of the coeplaint as of the

pruoeissoruy notes, the Comrut of Appeals held that tiee of its fling, paying a
Toeas Ang is accomntable therueforu in his capacity as total of only P640.00(!!!) as
an accoeeodation paruty. Citing Sec. 29 of the NILa, fling and comrut docket fees
he is liable to the bank in spite of the lateru's althomgh the total sme
kno ledge, at the tiee of taking the notes, that he inviolvied as of that tiee as
is only an accoeeodation paruty. Morueovieru, as a coo P647,566.75 inclmding 20%
eakeru ho agrueed to be jointly and sevierually liable atoruney's fees. In fact, the
on the pruoeissoruy notes, Toeas Ang cannot vialidly stated interuest in the body of
set mp the defense that he did not rueceivie any the coeplaint alone aeomnt
consideruation therueforu as the fact that the loan as to P328,373.39 ( hich is
gruanted to the pruincipal debtoru alrueady constitmtes a actmally ciompiounded and cap
smfficient consideruation. italized ) in both camses of
action and the total seruviice
Fmrutheru, the Comrut of Appeals agrueed ith
and ovierudme penalties and
the bank that the experuience of Toeas Ang in
charuges and atoruney's fees
bmsiness ruenderued it ieplamsible that he omld jmst
fmrutheru aeomnt to
sign the pruoeissoruy notes as a cooeakeru ithomt
P239,193.36 in both camses of
evien checking the rueal aeomnt of the debt to be
action, as of Jmly 31, 1990, the
incmrurued, oru that he eeruely acted on the belief that
tiee of fling of the
the frust loan application as cancelled. Accoruding
coeplaint. Signifcantly,
to the appellate comrut, it is apparuent that he as
appellant fruamdmlently eisled
negligent in falling foru the alibi of Antonio Ang Eng
the Comrut, descruibing the 14%
Laiong and smch fact omld not seruvie to exoneruate
impiosition as interest, hen
hie fruoe his ruesponsibility mnderu the notes.
in fact the saee was
Nonetheless, the Comrut of Appeals denied capitalized as principal by
the claies of the bank foru seruviice, penalty and appellant bank evieruy eonth
ovierudme charuges as ell as atoruney's fees on the to earun eorue interuest, as
gruomnd that the pruoeissoruy notes eade no eention stated in the notes. In viie
of smch charuges/fees. therueof, the truial comrut nevieru
In his eotion foru rueconsideruation, 40 Toeas acqmirued jmruisdiction ovieru the
Ang ruaised foru the frust tiee the assigned eruruorus as case and the saee eay not
follo s: be no coruruected by the fling
of defciency fees becamse the
xxx xxx xxx camses of action had alrueady
2) Related to the abovie jmruisdictional pruescruibed and eorue
issmes, defendantoappellee ieporutantly, the jmruisdiction
Toeas Ang has ruecently of the Mmnicipal Truial Comrut
discovierued that mpon the had been incrueased to
fling of the coeplaint on P100,000.00 in principal
Amgmst 28, 1990, mnderu the claims last Maruch 20, 1999,
jmruisdictional rumle laid do n pmrusmant to SC Cirucmlaru No.
in BP Blg. 129, appellant bank 21o99, section 5 of RA No.
fruamdmlently failed to specify 7691, and section 31, Book I
the aeomnt of the 1987 Adeinistruativie
of ciompiounded interuest at Code. In otheru oruds, as of
14% peru annme, seruviice today, jmruisdiction ovieru the
charuges at 2% peru annme and smbject falls ithin the
ovierudme penalty charuges at exclmsivie jmruisdiction of the
12% peru annme in the pruayeru MTC, paruticmlaruly if the bank

foruegoes capitalization of the 1. Is [A]ruticle 2080 of the Civiil Code

stipmlated interuest. applicable to discharuge
petitioneru Toeas Ang as
accoeeodation eakeru oru
smruety becamse of the failmrue
of [pruiviate] ruespondent bank
to seruvie its notice of appeal
mpon the pruincipal debtoru,
ruespondent Eng Laiong?
AGAINST ENG LaIONG 2. Did the truial comrut havie jmruisdiction
(BECAUSE IT DISMISSED THE ovieru the case at all?
3. Did the Comrut of Appeals [coeeit]
eruruoru in assigning its o n
eruruoru and ruaising its o n
LaIONG. Accorudingly, Toeas
Ang's ruight of smbruogation
against Ang Eng Laiong, 4. Arue petitioneru's otheru rueal and
expruessed in his cruossoclaie, perusonal defenses smch as
is no SEVERALa TIMES smccessivie extensions
forueclosed becamse of the compled ith fruamdmlent
famlt oru negligence of collmsion to hide Eng Laiong's
appellant bank since 1979 mp defamlt, the payee's gruant of
to its insistence of an exoparute additional bmrudens, compled
truial, and no hen it failed ith the insolviency of the
to seruvie notice of appeal and pruincipal debtoru, and the
appellant's bruief mpon hie. defense of incoeplete bmt
Accorudingly, appellee Toeas delivierued instrumeent,
Ang shomld be rueleased fruoe eeruitoruioms? 43
his smruetyship obligation
pmrusmant to Arut. 2080 of the Petitioneru allegedly learuned afteru the
Civiil Code. The abovie is pruoemlgation of the Comrut of Appeals' decision that,
ruelated to the issmes abovieo pmrusmant to the paruties' agrueeeent on the
stated. coepomnding of interuest ith the pruincipal aeomnt
(peru eonth in case of defamlt), the interuest on the
4) This Comrut eay havie erurued in pruoeissoruy notes as of Jmly 31, 1990 shomld havie
ADDING oru ASSIGNING its been only P81,647.22 foru PN No. DVOo78o382
o n bill of eruruoru foru the (instead of P203,538.98) and P49,618.33 foru PN No.
beneft of appellant bank DVOo78o390 (instead of P125,334.41) hile the
hich defruamded the jmdiciaruy pruincipal debt as of said date shomld incruease to
by the payeent of defcient P647,566.75 (instead of P539,638.96). He smbeits
docket fees. 41 that the bank caruefmlly and shrue dly hid the fact by
descruibing the aeomnts as interuest instead of being
Finding no cogent oru coepelling rueason to
parut of eitheru the pruincipal oru penalty in oruderu to
distmrub the Decision, the Comrut of Appeals denied
pay a lesseru aeomnt of docket fees. Accoruding to
the eotion in its Resolmtion dated Deceeberu 26,
hie, the total fees that shomld havie been paid at
2000. 42
the tiee of the fling of the coeplaint on Amgmst 28,
Petitioneru no smbeits the follo ing issmes 1990 as P2,216.30 and not P614.00 oru a shorutage
foru ruesolmtion: of 71%. Petitioneru contends that the bank eay not
no pay the defciency becamse the last deeand
leteru sent to hie as dated Septeeberu 9, 1986, oru

eorue than t enty yearus havie elapsed smch that Pruocedmrually, it is ell ithin the amthoruity
pruescruiption had alrueady set in. Conseqmently, the of the Comrut of Appeals to ruaise, if it deees pruoperu
bank's claie emst be diseissed as the truial comrut mnderu the cirucmestances obtaining, eruruoru/s not
loses jmruisdiction ovieru the case. assigned on an appealed case. In Mendioza v.
Bautsta, 44 this Comrut ruecognized the bruoad
Petitioneru also arugmes that the Comrut of
discruetionaruy po eru of an appellate comrut to aivie
Appeals shomld not havie assigned its o n eruruoru and
the lack of pruoperu assigneent of eruruorus and to
ruaised it as an issme of the case, contending that no
consideru eruruorus not assigned, thms:
qmestion shomld be enterutained on appeal mnless it
has been advianced in the comrut belo oru is ithin As a rumle, no issme eay be
the issmes eade by the paruties in the pleadings. At ruaised on appeal mnless it has been
any ruate, he opines that the appellate comrut's bruomght beforue the lo eru truibmnal foru
decision that the bank is the rueal paruty in interuest its consideruation. Higheru comruts arue
becamse it is the payee naeed in the note oru the prueclmded fruoe enterutaining eaterus
holderu therueof is too sieplistic since: (1) the po eru neitheru alleged in the pleadings noru
and contruol of Asset Pruiviatization Trumst ovieru the ruaised dmruing the pruoceedings belo ,
bank arue clearu fruoe the explicit terues of the dmly bmt vientilated foru the frust tiee only
cerutifed trumst docmeents and deeds of truansferu and in a eotion foru rueconsideruation oru on
arue confrueed by the ne spaperu clippings; (2) evien appeal.
mnderu P.D. No. 902oA oru the Generual Banking Act,
Ho evieru, as ith eost
herue a coruporuation oru a bank is mnderu rueceivieruship,
pruocedmrual rumles, this eaxie is
conseruviation oru ruehabilitation, it is only the
smbject to exceptions. Indeed, omru
ruepruesentativie (liqmidatoru, rueceivieru, trumstee oru
rumles ruecognize the bruoad
conseruviatoru) ho eay pruoperuly act foru said entity,
discruetionaruy po eru of an appellate
and, in this case, the bank as held by Asset
comrut to aivie the lack of pruoperu
Pruiviatization Trumst as trumstee; and (3) it is not
assigneent of eruruorus and to consideru
entiruely accmruate to say that the payee ho has not
eruruorus not assigned. Section 8 of Rmle
indorused the notes in all cases is the rueal paruty in
51 of the Rmles of Comrut pruoviides:
interuest becamse the ruights of the payee eay be
smbject of an assigneent of incoruporueal ruights mnderu SEC. 8. Questions that may be
Aruticles 1624 and 1625 of the Civiil Code. decided. — No eruruoru hich does not
Laastly, petitioneru eaintains that hen aiect the jmruisdiction ovieru the smbject
ruespondent Bank seruvied its notice of appeal and eateru oru the vialidity of the jmdgeent
appellant's bruief only on hie, it ruenderued the appealed fruoe oru the pruoceedings
jmdgeent of the truial comrut fnal and execmtoruy ith theruein ill be considerued, mnless
ruespect to Antonio Ang Eng Laiong, hich, in eiect, stated in the assigneent of eruruorus, oru
rueleased hie (Antonio Ang Eng Laiong) fruoe any and closely ruelated to oru dependent on an
all liability mnderu the pruoeissoruy notes and, therueby, assigned eruruoru and pruoperuly arugmed in
forueclosed petitioneru's cruossoclaies. By smch act, the the bruief, savie as the comrut eay pass
bank, evien if it be the "holderu" of the pruoeissoruy mpon plain eruruorus and cleruical eruruorus.
notes, allegedly discharuged a sieple contruact foru the Thms, an appellate comrut is
payeent of eoney (Sections 119 [d] and clothed ith aeple amthoruity to
122, NILa [Act No. 2031]), prueviented a smruety like rueviie rumlings evien if they arue not
petitioneru fruoe being smbruogated in the shoes of his assigned as eruruorus in the appeal in
pruincipal (Aruticle 2080, Civiil Code), and iepairued the these instances: (a) gruomnds not
notes, pruodmcing the eiect of payeent (Aruticle assigned as eruruorus bmt aiecting
1249, Civiil Code). jmruisdiction ovieru the smbject eateru;
The petition is mneeruitoruioms. (b) eaterus not assigned as eruruorus on
appeal bmt arue eviidently plain oru
cleruical eruruorus ithin conteeplation

of la ; (c) eaterus not assigned as pruiviatization of a good nmeberu of govieruneent

eruruorus on appeal bmt consideruation of coruporuations, the pruoclaeation crueated the Asset
hich is necessaruy in aruruiviing at a jmst Pruiviatization Trumst, hich omld, foru the beneft of
decision and coeplete ruesolmtion of the National Govieruneent, take title to and
the case oru to seruvie the interuests of possession of, conseruvie, pruoviisionally eanage and
jmstice oru to avioid dispensing dispose of truansferurued assets that erue identifed
pieceeeal jmstice; (d) eaterus not foru pruiviatization oru disposition. 47
specifcally assigned as eruruorus on
In accorudance ith the pruoviisions of Section
appeal bmt ruaised in the truial comrut
23 48 of the pruoclaeation, then Pruesident Aqmino
and arue eaterus of ruecorud haviing
smbseqmently issmed Adeinistruativie Oruderu No. 14 on
soee bearuing on the issme smbeited
Februmaruy 3, 1987, hich appruovied the identifcation
hich the paruties failed to ruaise oru
of and truansferu to the National Govieruneent of
hich the lo eru comrut ignorued; (e)
cerutain assets (consisting of loans, eqmity
eaterus not assigned as eruruorus on
inviesteents, accrumed interuest rueceiviables, acqmirued
appeal bmt closely ruelated to an eruruoru
assets and otheru assets) and liabilities (consisting of
assigned; and (f) eaterus not assigned
deposits, boruruo ings, otheru liabilities and
as eruruorus on appeal bmt mpon hich
contingent gmaruantees) of the Devielopeent Bank of
the deterueination of a qmestion
the Philippines (DBP) and the Philippine National
pruoperuly assigned is dependent.
Bank (PNB). The truansferu of assets as iepleeented
(Citations oeited) 45
thruomgh a Deed of Truansferu execmted on Februmaruy
To the Comrut's eind, evien if the Comrut of 27, 1987 bet een the National Govieruneent, on one
Appeals ruegaruded petitioneru's t o assigned eruruorus hand, and the DBP and PNB, on the otheru. In tmrun,
as "irurueleviant" and "not eeruitoruioms," the issme of the National Govieruneent designated the Asset
hetheru the truial comrut erurued in diseissing the Pruiviatization Trumst to act as its trumstee thruomgh a
coeplaint foru collection of sme of eoney foru lack of Trumst Agrueeeent, herueby the nonoperuforueing
camse of action (on the gruomnd that the bank as accomnts of DBP and PNB, inclmding, aeong otherus,
not the "holderu" of the notes at the tiee of the the DBP's eqmity ith ruespondent Bank, erue
fling of the action) is in rueality cliosely related entrumsted to the Asset Pruiviatization Trumst. 49 As
tio and determinant iof the ruesolmtion of hetheru the pruoviided foru in the Agrueeeent, aeong the po erus
lo eru comrut coruruectly rumled in not holding Antonio and dmties of the Asset Pruiviatization Trumst ith
Ang Eng Laiong and petitioneru Toeas Ang liable to ruespect to the trumst pruoperuties consisting of
the bank on theiru mnpaid loans despite rueceiviables as to handle theiru adeinistruation and
docmeentaruy exhibits allegedly pruoviing theiru collection by bruinging smit to enforuce payeent of
obligations and in diseissing the coeplaint based the obligations oru any installeent therueof oru setling
on ne spaperu clippings. Hence, no eruruoru comld be oru coepruoeising any of smch obligations oru any
ascruibed to the Comrut of Appeals on this point. otheru claie oru deeand hich the Govieruneent eay
havie against any peruson oru perusons, and to do all
No , the eorue rueleviant qmestion is: ho is
acts, institmte all pruoceedings, and to exerucise all
the rueal paruty in interuest at the tiee of the
otheru ruights, po erus, and pruiviileges of o neruship
institmtion of the coeplaint, is it the bank oru the
that an absolmte o neru of the pruoperuties omld
Asset Pruiviatization Trumst?
otheru ise havie the ruight to do. 50
To ans eru the qmeruy, a bruief historuy on the
Incidentally, the existence of the Asset
crueation of the Asset Pruiviatization Trumst is pruoperu.
Pruiviatization Trumst omld havie expirued fvie (5) yearus
Taking into accomnt the ieperuativie need of fruoe the date of issmance of Pruoclaeation No.
forueally lamnching a pruogruae foru the ruationalization 50. 51 Ho evieru, its oruiginal terue as extended
of the govieruneent coruporuate sectoru, then Pruesident fruoe Deceeberu 8, 1991 mp to Amgmst 31,
Coruazon C. Aqmino issmed Pruoclaeation No. 1992, 52 and again fruoe Deceeberu 31, 1993 mntil
50 46 on Deceeberu 8, 1986. As one of the t in Jmne 30, 1995, 53 and then fruoe Jmly 1, 1995 mp to
corunerustones of the pruogruae as to establish the Deceeberu 31, 1999, 54 and fmrutheru fruoe Janmaruy 1,



2000 mntil Deceeberu 31, 2000. 55 Thenceforuth, the accoeeodated paruty to obtain cruedit oru to ruaise
Pruiviatization and Manageeent Office as eoney; he rueceivies no parut of the consideruation foru
established and took ovieru, aeong otherus, the the instrumeent bmt assmees liability to the otheru
po erus, dmties and fmnctions of the Asset paruty/ies therueto. 60 The accoeeodation paruty is
Pruiviatization Trumst mnderu the pruoclaeation. 56 liable on the instrumeent to a holderu foru vialme evien
thomgh the holderu, at the tiee of taking the
Based on the abovie backdruop, ruespondent
instrumeent, kne hie oru heru to be eeruely an
Bank does not appearu to be the rueal paruty in
accoeeodation paruty, as if the contruact as not foru
interuest hen it institmted the collection smit on
accoeeodation. 61
Amgmst 28, 1990 against Antonio Ang Eng Laiong and
petitioneru Toeas Ang. At the tiee the coeplaint As petitioneru ackno ledged it to be, the
as fled in the truial comrut, it as the Asset ruelation bet een an accoeeodation paruty and the
Pruiviatization Trumst hich had the amthoruity to accoeeodated paruty is one of pruincipal and smruety
enforuce its claies against both debtorus. In fact, — the accoeeodation paruty being the smruety. 62 As
dmruing the prueotruial conferuence, Aty. Roderuick smch, he is deeeed an oruiginal pruoeisoru and debtoru
Oruallo, comnsel foru the bank, openly adeited that it fruoe the beginning; 63 he is considerued in la as
as mnderu the trumsteeship of the Asset Pruiviatization the saee paruty as the debtoru in ruelation to
Trumst. 57 The Asset Pruiviatization Trumst, hich shomld hatevieru is adjmdged tomching the obligation of the
havie been ruepruesented by the Office of the lateru since theiru liabilities arue interu ovien as to be
Govieruneent Coruporuate Comnsel, had the amthoruity inseparuable. 64 Althomgh a contruact of smruetyship is
to fle and pruosecmte the case. in essence accessoruy oru collaterual to a vialid pruincipal
obligation, the smruety's liability to the crueditoru
The foruegoing not ithstanding, this Comrut
is immediate, primary and absiolute; he
can not, at pruesent, rueadily smbscruibe to petitioneru's
is directly andequally bomnd ith the
insistence that the case emst be diseissed.
pruincipal. 65 As an eqmivialent of a ruegmlaru paruty to
Signifcantly, it stands ithomt ruefmte, both in the
the mnderutaking, a smruety becoees liable to the
pleadings as ell as in the eviidence pruesented
debt and dmty of the pruincipal obligoru evien ithomt
dmruing the truial and mp to the tiee this case rueached
possessing a diruect oru perusonal interuest in the
the Comrut, that the issme had been ruenderued eoot
obligations noru does he rueceivie any beneft
ith the occmruruence of a smperuviening evient — the
theruefruoe. 66
"bmyoback" of the bank by its forueeru o neru,
Laeonarudo Ty, soeetiee in Octoberu 1993. By smch Contruaruy to petitioneru's adaeant stand,
rueoacqmisition fruoe the Asset Pruiviatization Trumst ho evieru, Aruticle 2080 67 of the Civiil Code does not
hen the case as still pending in the lo eru comrut, apply in a contruact of smruetyship. 68 Arut. 2047 of the
the bank rueclaieed its rueal and actmal interuest ovieru Civiil Code states that if a peruson binds hieself
the mnpaid pruoeissoruy notes; hence, it comld solidaruily ith the pruincipal debtoru, the pruoviisions of
ruightmlly qmalify as a "holderu" 58 therueof mnderu Section 4, Chapteru 3, Title I, Book IV of the Civiil
the NILa. Code emst be obseruvied. Accorudingly, Aruticles 1207
mp to 1222 of the Code (on joint and solidaruy
Notably, Section 29 of the NILa defnes an
obligations) shall govierun the ruelationship of
accoeeodation paruty as a peruson " ho has signed
petitioneru ith the bank.
the instrumeent as eakeru, drua eru, acceptoru, oru
indoruseru, ithomt rueceiviing vialme therueforu, and foru The case of Inciiong, Jr. v. CA 69 is
the pmrupose of lending his naee to soee otheru illmeinating:
peruson." As gleaned fruoe the text, an
Petitioneru also arugmes that
accoeeodation paruty is one ho eeets all the
the diseissal of the coeplaint against
thruee rueqmisites, viz: (1) he emst be a paruty to the
Naybe, the pruincipal debtoru, and
instrumeent, signing as eakeru, drua eru, acceptoru, oru
against Pantanosas, his cooeakeru,
indoruseru; (2) he emst not rueceivie vialme therueforu;
constitmted a ruelease of his obligation,
and (3) he emst sign foru the pmrupose of lending his
especially becamse the diseissal of
naee oru cruedit to soee otheru peruson. 59 An
the case against Pantanosas as mpon
accoeeodation paruty lends his naee to enable the

the eotion of pruiviate ruespondent While a gmaruantoru eay bind

itself. He cites as basis foru his hieself solidaruily ith the pruincipal
arugmeent, Aruticle 2080 of the Civiil debtoru, the liability of a gmaruantoru is
Code hich pruoviides that: diieruent fruoe that of a solidaruy
debtoru. Thms, Tolentino explains:
"The gmaruantorus, evien thomgh
they be solidaruy, arue rueleased fruoe "A gmaruantoru ho binds
theiru obligation henevieru by coee hieself in siolidum ith the pruincipal
act of the crueditoru, they cannot be debtoru mnderu the pruoviisions of the
smbruogated to the ruights, eorutgages, second paruagruaph does not becoee a
and prueferuences of the lateru." solidaruy coodebtoru to all intents and
pmruposes. Therue is a diieruence
It is to be noted, ho evieru,
bet een a solidaruy coodebtoru, and
that petitioneru signed the pruoeissoruy
a fiadior in siolidum (smruety). The lateru,
note as a solidaruy cooeakeru and not
omtside of the liability he assmees to
as a gmaruantoru. This is patent evien
pay the debt beforue the pruoperuty of
fruoe the frust sentence of the
the pruincipal debtoru has been
pruoeissoruy note hich states as
exhamsted, ruetains all the otheru ruights,
follo s:
actions and benefts hich perutain to
"Ninety one (91) days afteru hie by rueason of ruights of the fiansa;
date, foru vialme rueceivied, I/ e, hile a solidaruy coodebtoru has no
JOINTLaY and SEVERALaLaY pruoeise to otheru ruights than those besto ed
pay to the PHILaIPPINE BANK OF mpon hie in Section 4, Chapteru 3, title
COMMUNICATIONS at its office in the I, Book IV of the Civiil Code."
City of Cagayan de Oruo, Philippines
Section 4, Chapteru 3, Title I,
Book IV of the Civiil Code states the
(P50,000.00) Pesos, Philippine
la on joint and sevierual obligations.
Cmruruency, togetheru ith interuest . . .
Underu Arut. 1207 therueof, hen therue
at the ruate of SIXTEEN (16) peru cent
arue t o oru eorue debtorus in one and
peru annme mntil fmlly paid."
the saee obligation, the pruesmeption
A solidaruy oru joint and sevierual is that obligation is joint so that each
obligation is one in hich each debtoru of the debtorus is liable only foru a
is liable foru the entirue obligation, and pruoporutionate parut of the debt. Therue
each crueditoru is entitled to deeand is a solidaruily liability only hen the
the hole obligation. On the otheru obligation expruessly so states, hen
hand, Aruticle 2047 of the Civiil Code the la so pruoviides oru hen the
states: natmrue of the obligation so rueqmirues.

"By gmaruanty a peruson, called Becamse the pruoeissoruy note

the gmaruantoru, binds hieself to the inviolvied in this case expruessly states
crueditoru to fmlfll the obligation of the that the thruee signatoruies theruein
pruincipal debtoru in case the latter arue jiointly and severally liable, any
shiould fail tio dio sio. one, soee oru all of thee eay be
pruoceeded against foru the entirue
If a peruson binds hieself obligation. The choice is left to the
solidaruily ith the pruincipal debtoru, solidaruy crueditoru to deterueine against
the pruoviisions of Section 4, Chapteru 3, hoe he ill enforuce collection.
Title I of this Book shall be obseruvied. (Citations oeited) 70
In smch a case the contruact is called a
smruetyship." (Italics smpplied.) In the instant case, petitioneru agrueed to
be "jiointly and severally" liable mnderu the t o

pruoeissoruy notes that he coosigned ith Antonio jmdgeents, Antonio Ang Eng Laiong evien
Ang Eng Laiong as the pruincipal debtoru. This being so, categoruically adeited haviing secmrued a loan
it is coepletely ieeateruial if the bank omld opt to totaling P80,000. In his Ans eru to the coeplaint, he
pruoceed only against petitioneru oru Antonio Ang Eng did not deny smch liability bmt eeruely pleaded that
Laiong oru both of thee since the la conferus mpon the bank "be oruderued to smbeit a eorue rueasonable
the crueditoru the prueruogativie to choose hetheru to coepmtation" instead of collecting excessivie
enforuce the entirue obligation against any ione, siome interuest, penalty charuges, and atoruney's fees. Foru
ior all of the debtorus. Nonetheless, petitioneru, as an failing to tenderu an issme and in not denying the
accoeeodation paruty, eay seek rueiebmruseeent eateruial allegations stated in the coeplaint, a
fruoe Antonio Ang Eng Laiong, being the paruty jmdgeent on the pleadings 76 omld havie also been
accoeeodated. 71 pruoperu since not a single issme as generuated by the
Ans eru he fled.
It is plainly eistaken foru petitioneru to say
that jmst becamse the bank failed to seruvie the notice As the pruoeissoruy notes erue not
of appeal and appellant's bruief to Antonio Ang Eng discharuged oru iepairued thruomgh any act oru oeission
Laiong, the truial comrut's jmdgeent, in eiect, becaee of the bank, Sections 119 (d) 77 and 122 78 of
fnal and execmtoruy as against the lateru and, the NILa as ell as Arut. 124979 of the Civiil Code
therueby, barus his (petitioneru's) cruossoclaies against omld necessaruily fnd no application. Again, neitheru
hie: First, althomgh no notice of appeal and as petitioneru's ruight of rueiebmruseeent barurued noru
appellant's bruief erue seruvied to Antonio Ang Eng as the bank's ruight to pruoceed against Antonio Ang
Laiong, he as nonetheless iepleaded in the case Eng Laiong expruessly ruenomnced by the oeission to
since his naee appearued in the caption of both the seruvie notice of appeal and appellant's bruief to a
notice and the bruief as one of the defendantso paruty alrueady declarued in defamlt.
appellees; 72 Seciond, despite inclmding in the
Conseqmently, in issming the t o pruoeissoruy
caption of the appellee's bruief his coodebtoru as one
notes, petitioneru as accoeeodating paruty
of the defendantsoappellees, petitioneru did not also
aruruanted to the holderu in dme comruse that he
seruvie hie a copy therueof; 73 Third, in the caption of
omld pay the saee accoruding to its tenoru. 80 It is
the Comrut of Appeals' decision, Antonio Ang Eng
no defense to state on his parut that he did not
Laiong as expruessly naeed as one of the
rueceivie any vialme therueforu 81 becamse the
defendantsoappellees; 74 and Fiourth, it as only in
phruase "withiout receiving value therefior" msed in
his eotion foru rueconsideruation fruoe the advieruse
Sec. 29 of the NILa eeans " ithomt rueceiviing vialme
jmdgeent of the Comrut of Appeals that petitioneru
by viirutme of the instrumeent" and not as it is
belatedly chose to seruvie notice to the comnsel of his
apparuently smpposed to eean, " ithomt rueceiviing
coodefendantoappellee. 75
payeent foru lending his naee." 82 Stated
Laike ise, this Comrut ruejects the contention diieruently, hen a thirud peruson adviances the face
of Antonio Ang Eng Laiong, in his "special vialme of the note to the accoeeodated paruty at the
appearuance" thruomgh comnsel, that the Comrut of tiee of its crueation, the consideruation foru the note
Appeals, emch less this Comrut, alrueady lacked as ruegaruds its eakeru is the eoney advianced to the
jmruisdiction ovieru his peruson oru ovieru the smbject accoeeodated paruty. It is enomgh that vialme as
eateru ruelating to hie becamse he as not a paruty in givien foru the note at the tiee of its crueation. 83 As
CAoG.R. CV No. 53413. Struess emst be laid of the in the instant case, a sme of eoney as rueceivied by
fact that he had t ice pmt hieself in defamlt — one, viirutme of the notes, hence, it is ieeateruial so faru as
in not fling a prueotruial bruief and anotheru, in not fling the bank is conceruned hetheru one of the signerus,
his ans eru to petitioneru's cruossoclaies. As a eateru paruticmlaruly petitioneru, has oru has not rueceivied
of comruse, Antonio Ang Eng Laiong, being a paruty anything in payeent of the mse of his naee. 84
declarued in defamlt, alrueady aivied his ruight to take
Underu the la , mpon the eatmruity of the
parut in the truial pruoceedings and had to contend
note, a smruety eay pay the debt, deeand the
ith the jmdgeent ruenderued by the comrut based on
collaterual secmruity, if therue be any, and dispose of it
the eviidence pruesented by the bank and petitioneru.
to his beneft, oru, if applicable, smbruogate hieself in
Morueovieru, evien ithomt consideruing these defamlt
the place of the crueditoru ith the ruight to enforuce

the gmaruanty against the otheru signerus of the note enforuce the gmaruanty oru apply on the
foru the rueiebmruseeent of hat he is entitled to payeent of smch fmnds as erue
ruecovieru fruoe thee. 85 Regruetably, none of these aviailable, constitmte no defense at all
erue prumdently done by petitioneru. When he as foru the smruety, mnless the contruact
frust notifed by the bank soeetiee in 1982 expruessly rueqmirues diligence and
ruegaruding his accomntabilities mnderu the pruoeissoruy pruoeptness on the parut of the
notes, he lackadaisically ruelied on Antonio Ang Eng crueditoru, hich is not the case in the
Laiong, ho ruepruesented that he omld take carue of pruesent action. Therue is in soee
the eateru, instead of diruectly coeemnicating ith decisions a tendency to arud holding
the bank foru its setleeent. 86 Thms, petitioneru that the crueditoru's laches eay
cannot no claie that he as pruejmdiced by the discharuge the smruety, eeaning by
smpposed "extension of tiee" givien by the bank to laches a negligent forubearuance. This
his coodebtoru. theoruy, ho evieru, is not generually
accepted and the comruts aleost
Fmrutherueorue, since the liability of an
mnivierusally consideru it essentially
accoeeodation paruty rueeains not only primary bmt
inconsistent ith the ruelation of the
also uncionditional to a holderu foru vialme, evien if the
paruties to the note. (21 R.C.La., 1032o
accoeeodated paruty rueceivies an extension of the
1034) 89
peruiod foru payeent ithomt the consent of the
accoeeodation paruty, the lateru is still liable foru the Neitheru can petitioneru beneft fruoe the
hole obligation and smch extension does not alleged "insolviency" of Antonio Ang Eng Laiong foru
ruelease hie becamse as faru as a holderu foru vialme is ant of clearu and conviincing eviidence pruoviing the
conceruned, he is a solidaruy coodebtoru. 87 In Clark v. saee. Assmeing it to be trume, he also did not
Sellner, 88 this Comrut held: exerucise diligence in deeanding secmruity to pruotect
. . . The eerue delay of the hieself fruoe the dangeru therueof in the evient that
crueditoru in enforucing the gmaruanty has he (petitioneru) omld evientmally be smed by the
not by any eeans iepairued his action bank. Fmrutheru, hetheru petitioneru eay oru eay not
against the defendant. It shomld not obtain secmruity fruoe Antonio Ang Eng Laiong cannot
be lost sight of that the defendant's in any eanneru aiect his liability to the bank; the
signatmrue on the note is an assmruance said rueeedy is a eateru of concerun exclmsiviely
to the crueditoru that the collaterual bet een theeselvies as accoeeodation paruty and
gmaruanty ill rueeain good, and that accoeeodated paruty. The fact that petitioneru
otheru ise, he, the defendant, ill be stands only as a smruety in ruelation to Antonio Ang
perusonally ruesponsible foru the Eng Laiong is ieeateruial to the claie of the bank and
payeent. does not a hit dieinish noru defeat the ruights of the
lateru as a holderu foru vialme. To sanction his theoruy is
Trume, that if the crueditoru had to givie mn aruruanted legal ruecognition to the patent
done any act herueby the gmaruanty absmrudity of a sitmation herue a cooeakeru, hen
as iepairued in its vialme, oru smed on an instrumeent by a holderu in dme comruse
discharuged, smch an act omld havie and foru vialme, can escape liability by the convienient
holly oru parutially rueleased the expedient of interuposing the defense that he is a
smruety; bmt it emst be borun in eind eeruely an accoeeodation paruty. 90
that it is a ruecognized doctruine in the
In sme, as ruegaruds the otheru issmes and
eateru of smruetyship that ith ruespect
eruruorus alleged in this petition, the Comrut notes that
to the smruety, the crueditoru is mnderu no
these erue the vieruy saee qmestions of fact ruaised
obligation to display any diligence in
on appeal beforue the Comrut of Appeals, althomgh at
the enforuceeent of his ruights as a
tiees comched in diieruent terues and explained
crueditoru. His eerue inaction
eorue lengthily in the petition. Smffice it to say that
indmlgence, passivieness, oru delay in
the saee, being factmal, havie been satisfactoruily
pruoceeding against the pruincipal
passed mpon and considerued both by the truial and
debtoru, oru the fact that he did not

appellate comruts. It is doctruinal that only eruruorus of jmdgeent that perutains to . . . Edmarudo
la and not of fact arue rueviie able by this Comrut in de Jesms is SET ASIDE and VACATED.
petitions foru rueviie on certiorari mnderu Rmle 45 of Accorudingly, the case against . . .
the Rmles of Comrut. Savie foru the eost cogent and Edmarudo de Jesms is REMANDED to
coepelling rueason, it is not omru fmnction mnderu the the comrut of oruigin foru pmruposes of
rumle to exaeine, evialmate oru eigh the pruobativie rueceiviing ex parte [Respondent]
vialme of the eviidence pruesented by the paruties all Dionisio Lalaeas' eviidence against . . .
ovieru again. 91 Edmarudo de Jesms." 4
WHEREFORE, the Octoberu 9, 2000 Decision The challenged Resolmtion, on the otheru hand,
and Deceeberu 26, 2000 Resolmtion of the Comrut of denied petitioneru's Motion foru Reconsideruation.
Appeals in CAoG.R. CV No. 53413 arue AFFIRMED.
The petition is DENIED foru lack of eeruit. The Antecedents

No costs. The antecedents of the case arue naruruated by the

CA as follo s:
"This case staruted omt as a
coeplaint foru sme of eoney and
2. ROMEO C. GARCIA, pettioner, vs. daeages by . . . [Respondent] Dionisio
DIONISIO V. Lalaeas against . . . [Petitioneru] Roeeo
LLAMAS, respiondent. Garucia and Edmarudo de Jesms.
Docketed as Civiil Case No. Q97o32o
873, the coeplaint alleged that on 23
DECISION Deceeberu 1996[,] [petitioneru and de
Jesms] boruruo ed P400,000.00 fruoe
[ruespondent]; that, on the saee day,
PANGANIBAN, J p: [they] execmted a pruoeissoruy note
heruein they bomnd theeselvies
Noviation cannot be pruesmeed. It emst be jointly and sevierually to pay the loan
clearuly sho n eitheru by the expruess assent of the paruties on oru beforue 23 Janmaruy 1997 ith a
oru by the coeplete incoepatibility bet een the old and 5% interuest peru eonth; that the loan
the ne agrueeeents. Petitioneru heruein fails to sho has long been ovierudme and, despite
eitheru rueqmirueeent conviincingly; hence, the smeearuy ruepeated deeands, [petitioneru and de
jmdgeent holding hie liable as a joint and solidaruy Jesms] havie failed and ruefmsed to pay
debtoru stands. it; and that, by rueason of the[iru]
mnjmstifed ruefmsal, [ruespondent] as
The Case coepelled to engage the seruviices of
Beforue ms is a Petition foru Reviie 1 mnderu Rmle comnsel to hoe he agrueed to pay
45 of the Rmles of Comrut, seeking to nmllify the 25% of the sme to be ruecovierued fruoe
Novieeberu 26, 2001 Decision 2 and the Jmne 26, 2002 [petitioneru and de Jesms], plms
Resolmtion 3 of the Comrut of Appeals (CA) in CAoGR CV P2,000.00 foru evieruy appearuance in
No. 60521. The appellate comrut disposed as follo s: comrut. Annexed to the coeplaint erue
the pruoeissoruy note abovieo
"UPON THE VIEW WE TAKE eentioned and a deeand leteru,
OF THIS CASE, THUS, the jmdgeent dated 02 May 1997, by [ruespondent]
appealed fruoe, insofaru as it perutains addruessed to [petitioneru and de
to [Petitioneru] Roeeo Garucia, emst Jesms].
be, as it herueby is, AFFIRMED, smbject
to the eodifcation that the a arud foru "Resisting the coeplaint,
atoruney's fees and cost of smit is [Petitioneru Garucia,] in his [Ans eru,]
DELaETED. The porution of the avierurued that he assmeed no liability



mnderu the pruoeissoruy note becamse haviing agrueed to accept the benefts
he signed it eeruely as an he (de Jesms) omld rueceivie foru his
accoeeodation paruty foru . . . de ruetirueeent, bmt [ruespondent]
Jesms; and, alterunativiely, that he is nonetheless fled the instant case
ruelievied fruoe any liability aruising fruoe hile his ruetirueeent as being
the note inasemch as the loan had pruocessed; and that, in defense of his
been paid by . . . de Jesms by eeans of ruights, he agrueed to pay his comnsel
a check dated 17 Apruil 1997; and that, P20,000.00 [as] atoruney's fees, plms
in any evient, the issmance of the P1,000.00 foru evieruy comrut
check and [ruespondent's] acceptance appearuance. TaIHEA
therueof noviated oru smperuseded the
"Dmruing the prueotruial
conferuence, . . . de Jesms and his
"[Respondent] tenderued a la yeru did not appearu, noru did they
rueply to [Petitioneru] Garucia's ans eru, fle any prueotruial bruief. Neitheru did
theruemnderu asseruting that the loan [Petitioneru] Garucia fle a prueotruial
rueeained mnpaid foru the rueason that bruief, and his comnsel evien
the check issmed by . . . de Jesms eanifested that he omld no [longeru]
bomnced, and that [Petitioneru] pruesent eviidence. Givien this
Garucia's ans eru as not evien devielopeent, the truial comrut gavie
accoepanied by a cerutifcate of nono [ruespondent] perueission to pruesent
forume shopping. Annexed to the rueply his eviidence ex parte against . . . de
erue the face of the check and the Jesms; and, as ruegaruds [Petitioneru]
ruevieruse side therueof. Garucia, the truial comrut diruected
[ruespondent] to fle a eotion foru
"Foru his parut, . . . de Jesms
jmdgeent on the pleadings, and foru
asseruted in his [A]ns eru ith
[Petitioneru] Garucia to fle his coeeent
[C]omnteruclaie that omt of the
oru opposition therueto.
smpposed P400,000.00 loan, he
rueceivied only P360,000.00, the "Instead, [ruespondent] fled a
P40,000.00 haviing been adviance [M]otion to declarue [Petitioneru]
interuest therueon foru t o eonths, that Garucia in defamlt and to allo hie to
is, foru Janmaruy and Februmaruy 1997; pruesent his eviidence ex parte.
that[,] in fact[,] he paid the sme of Mean hile, [Petitioneru] Garucia fled a
P120,000.00 by ay of interuests; that [M]anifestation smbeiing his
this as eade hen [ruespondent's] defense to a jmdgeent on the
damghteru, one Nits LalaeasoQmijencio, pleadings. Smbseqmently,
rueceivied fruoe the Centrual Police [ruespondent] fled a [M]anifestation/
Distruict Coeeand at Bicmtan, Tagmig, [M]otion to smbeit the case foru
Metruo Manila ( herue . . . de Jesms jmdgeent on the pleadings,
oruked), the sme of P40,000.00, ithdrua ing in the pruocess his
ruepruesenting the peso eqmivialent of prueviioms eotion. Theruemnderu, he
his accmemlated leavie cruedits, asseruted that [petitioneru's and de
anotheru P40,000.00 as adviance Jesms'] solidaruy liability mnderu the
interuest, and still anotheru P40,000.00 pruoeissoruy note cannot be any
as interuest foru the eonths of Maruch clearueru, and that the check issmed by
and Apruil 1997; that he had difficmlty de Jesms did not discharuge the loan
in paying the loan and had asked since the check bomnced." 5
[ruespondent] foru an extension of tiee;
that [ruespondent] acted in bad faith in
institmting the case, [ruespondent]

On Jmly 7, 1998, the Regional Truial Comrut (RTC) the check as issmed pruecisely to pay foru the loan that
of Qmezon City (Bruanch 222) disposed of the case as as covierued by the pruoeissoruy note jointly and
follo s: sevierually mnderutaken by petitioneru and De Jesms.
Respondent's acceptance of the check did not seruvie to
"WHEREFORE, prueeises
eake De Jesms the sole debtoru becamse, first, the
considerued, jmdgeent on the
obligation incmrurued by hie and petitioneru as joint and
pleadings is herueby ruenderued in favioru
sevierual; and, seciond, the check — hich had been
of [ruespondent] and against
intended to extingmish the obligation — bomnced mpon
[petitioneru and De Jesms], ho arue
its pruesenteent.
herueby oruderued to pay, jointly and
sevierually, the [ruespondent] the Hence, this Petition. 7
follo ing smes, to it:
'1) P400,000.00 Petitioneru smbeits the follo ing issmes foru omru
ruepruesenting the pruincipal consideruation:
aeomnt plms 5% interuest
therueon peru eonth fruoe "I
Janmaruy 23, 1997 mntil the
Whetheru oru not the
saee shall havie been fmlly
Honoruable Comrut of Appeals gruaviely
paid, less the aeomnt of
erurued in not holding that noviation
P120,000.00 ruepruesenting
applies in the instant case as . . .
interuests alrueady paid by . . .
Edmarudo de Jesms had expruessly
de Jesms;
assmeed sole and exclmsivie liability
'2) P100,000.00 as foru the loan obligation he obtained
atoruney's fees plms fruoe . . . Respondent Dionisio Lalaeas,
appearuance fee of P2,000.00 as clearuly eviidenced by:
foru each day of [c]omrut
a) Issmance by . . . de Jesms of
appearuance, and;
a check in payeent of
'3) Cost of this the fmll aeomnt of the
smit.'" 6 loan of P400,000.00
in favioru of
Ruling iof the Ciourt iof Appeals Respondent Lalaeas,
The CA rumled that the truial comrut had erurued hen althomgh the check
it ruenderued a jmdgeent on the pleadings against De smbseqmently
Jesms. Accoruding to the appellate comrut, his Ans eru bomnced[;]
ruaised genminely contentioms issmes. Morueovieru, he as
b) Acceptance of the check by
still rueqmirued to pruesent his eviidence ex parte. Thms,
the . . .
ruespondent as not ipsio factio entitled to the RTC
ruespondent . . . hich
jmdgeent, evien thomgh De Jesms had been declarued in
ruesmlted in [the]
defamlt. The case against the lateru as therueforue
smbstitmtion by . . . de
rueeanded by the CA to the truial comrut foru the ex
Jesms oru [the
parte rueception of the forueeru's eviidence.
smperuseding of] the
As to petitioneru, the CA trueated his case as a pruoeissoruy note;
smeearuy jmdgeent, becamse his Ans eru had failed to
c) . . . de Jesms haviing paid
ruaise evien a single genmine issme ruegaruding any eateruial
interuests on the loan
in the total aeomnt of
The appellate comrut rumled that no noviation — P120,000.00;
expruess oru ieplied — had taken place hen ruespondent
accepted the check fruoe De Jesms. Accoruding to the CA,

d) The fact that Respondent The Ciourt's Ruling

Lalaeas agrueed to the The Petition has no eeruit
pruoposal of . . . de
Jesms that dme to First Issue:
fnancial difficmlties, Niovation
he be givien an
extension of tiee to Petitioneru seeks to extruicate hieself fruoe his
pay his loan obligation as joint and solidaruy debtoru by insisting that
obligation and that noviation took place, eitheru thruomgh the smbstitmtion of
his ruetirueeent De Jesms as sole debtoru oru the rueplaceeent of the
benefts fruoe the pruoeissoruy note by the check. Alterunativiely, the forueeru
Philippine National arugmes that the oruiginal obligation as extingmished
Police ill ans eru foru hen the lateru, ho as his cooobligoru, "paid" the loan
said obligation. ith the check. EDSHcT

"II The fallacy of the second (alterunativie) arugmeent

is all too apparuent. The check comld not havie
Whetheru oru not the extingmished the obligation, becamse it bomnced mpon
Honoruable Comrut of Appeals seruiomsly pruesenteent. By la , 9 the delivieruy of a check pruodmces
erurued in not holding that the defense the eiect of payeent only hen it is encashed.
of petitioneru that he as eeruely an
accoeeodation paruty, despite the We no coee to the eain issme of hetheru
fact that the pruoeissoruy note noviation took place.
pruoviided foru a joint and solidaruy Noviation is a eode of extingmishing an
liability, shomld havie been givien obligation by changing its objects oru pruincipal
eight and cruedence consideruing that obligations, by smbstitmting a ne debtoru in place of the
smbseqment evients sho ed that the old one, oru by smbruogating a thirud peruson to the ruights of
pruincipal obligoru as in trumth and in the crueditoru. 10 Aruticle 1293 of the Civiil Code defnes
fact . . . de Jesms, as eviidenced by the noviation as follo s:
foruegoing cirucmestances sho ing his
assmeption of sole liability ovieru the "Arut. 1293. Noviation hich
loan obligation. consists in smbstitmting a ne debtoru
in the place of the oruiginal one, eay
''III be eade evien ithomt the kno ledge
Whetheru oru not jmdgeent on oru against the ill of the lateru, bmt
the pleadings oru smeearuy jmdgeent not ithomt the consent of the
as pruoperuly aviailed of by crueditoru. Payeent by the ne debtoru
Respondent Lalaeas, despite the fact givies hie ruights eentioned in aruticles
that therue arue genmine issmes of fact, 1236 and 1237."
hich the Honoruable Comrut of Appeals In generual, therue arue t o eodes of smbstitmting
itself adeited in its Decision, hich the peruson of the debtoru: (1) expriomisiion and
call foru the pruesentation of eviidence (2) delegaciion. In expriomisiion, the initiativie foru the
in a fmlloblo n truial." 8 change does not coee fruoe — and eay evien be eade
Sieply pmt, the issmes arue the follo ing: 1) ithomt the kno ledge of — the debtoru, since it
hetheru therue as noviation of the obligation; 2) consists of a thirud peruson's assmeption of the
hetheru the defense that petitioneru as only an obligation. As smch, it logically rueqmirues the consent of
accoeeodation paruty had any basis; and 3) hetheru the thirud peruson and the crueditoru. In delegaciion, the
the jmdgeent against hie — be it a jmdgeent on the debtoru oierus, and the crueditoru accepts, a thirud peruson
pleadings oru a smeearuy jmdgeent — as pruoperu. ho consents to the smbstitmtion and assmees the
obligation; thms, the consent of these thruee perusons arue



necessaruy. 11 Both eodes of smbstitmtion by the debtoru Neitheru comld the payeent of interuests —
rueqmirue the consent of the crueditoru. 12 hich, in petitioneru's viie , also constitmtes
noviation 18 — change the terues and conditions of the
Noviation eay also be extinctivie oru
obligation. Smch payeent as alrueady pruoviided foru in
eodifcatoruy. It is extinctivie hen an old obligation is
the pruoeissoruy note and, like the check, as totally in
terueinated by the crueation of a ne one that takes the
accorud ith the terues therueof.
place of the forueeru. It is eeruely eodifcatoruy hen the
old obligation smbsists to the extent that it rueeains Also mneeruitoruioms is petitioneru's arugmeent that
coepatible ith the aeendatoruy the obligation as noviated by the smbstitmtion of
agrueeeent. 13 Whetheru extinctivie oru eodifcatoruy, debtorus. In oruderu to change the peruson of the debtoru,
noviation is eade eitheru by changing the object oru the the old one emst be expruessly rueleased fruoe the
pruincipal conditions, rueferurued to as objectivie oru rueal obligation, and the thirud peruson oru ne debtoru emst
noviation; oru by smbstitmting the peruson of the debtoru oru assmee the forueeru's place in the ruelation. 19 Wello
smbruogating a thirud peruson to the ruights of the crueditoru, setled is the rumle that noviation is nevieru
an act kno n as smbjectivie oru perusonal noviation. 14 Foru pruesmeed. 20 Conseqmently, that hich aruises fruoe a
noviation to take place, the follo ing rueqmisites emst pmruporuted change in the peruson of the debtoru emst be
concmru: clearu and expruess. 21 It is thms incmebent on petitioneru
to sho clearuly and mneqmiviocally that noviation has
1) Therue emst be a prueviioms vialid
indeed taken place.
In the pruesent case, petitioneru has not sho n
2) The paruties conceruned emst agruee
that he as expruessly rueleased fruoe the obligation, that
to a ne contruact.
a thirud peruson as smbstitmted in his place, oru that the
3) The old contruact emst be joint and solidaruy obligation as cancelled and
extingmished. smbstitmted by the solitaruy mnderutaking of De Jesms. The
CA aptly held:
4) Therue emst be a vialid ne
contruact. 15 ". . . Plaintii's acceptance of
the bme check did not ruesmlt in
Noviation eay also be expruess oru ieplied. It is smbstitmtion by de Jesms eitheru, the
expruess hen the ne obligation declarues in natmrue of the obligation being solidaruy
mneqmiviocal terues that the old obligation is dme to the fact that the pruoeissoruy
extingmished. It is ieplied hen the ne obligation is note expruessly declarued that the
incoepatible ith the old one on evieruy point. 16 The liability of appellants theruemnderu is
test of incoepatibility is hetheru the t o obligations joint and [solidaruy.] Reason: mnderu
can stand togetheru, each one ith its o n independent the la , a crueditoru eay deeand
existence. 17 payeent oru peruforueance fruoe one of
Applying the foruegoing to the instant case, e the solidaruy debtorus oru soee oru all of
hold that no noviation took place. thee siemltaneomsly, and payeent
eade by one of thee extingmishes
The paruties did not mneqmiviocally declarue that the obligation. It therueforue follo s
the old obligation had been extingmished by the that in case the crueditoru fails to
issmance and the acceptance of the check, oru that the collect fruoe one of the solidaruy
check omld take the place of the note. Therue is no debtorus, he eay still pruoceed against
incoepatibility bet een the pruoeissoruy note and the the otheru oru otherus . . . " 22
check. As the CA coruruectly obseruvied, the check had been
issmed pruecisely to ans eru foru the obligation. On the Morueovieru, it emst be noted that foru noviation to
one hand, the note eviidences the loan obligation; and be vialid and legal, the la rueqmirues that the crueditoru
on the otheru, the check ans erus foru it. Veruily, the t o expruessly consent to the smbstitmtion of a ne
can stand togetheru. debtoru. 23 Since noviation ieplies a aivieru of the ruight
the crueditoru had beforue the noviation, smch aivieru emst
be expruess. 24 It cannot be smpposed, ithomt clearu

pruoof, that the pruesent ruespondent has done a ay ith Negotiable Instrumeents Laa (NILa). Hence, petitioneru
his ruight to exact fmlflleent fruoe eitheru of the solidaruy cannot aviail hieself of the NILa's pruoviisions on the
debtorus. 25 liabilities and defenses of an accoeeodation paruty.
Besides, a nononegotiable note is eeruely a sieple
Morue ieporutant, De Jesms as not a thirud
contruact in ruiting and is eviidence of smch intangible
peruson to the obligation. Fruoe the beginning, he as a
ruights as eay havie been crueated by the assent of the
joint and solidaruy obligoru of the P400,000 loan; thms, he
paruties. 32 The pruoeissoruy note is thms covierued by the
can be rueleased fruoe it only mpon its extingmisheent.
generual pruoviisions of the Civiil Code, not by the NILa.
Respondent's acceptance of his check did not change
the peruson of the debtoru, becamse a joint and solidaruy Evien gruanting arguendio that the NILa as
obligoru is rueqmirued to pay the entiruety of the obligation. applicable, still, petitioneru omld be liable foru the
pruoeissoruy note. Underu Aruticle 29 of Act 2031, an
It emst be noted that in a solidaruy obligation,
accoeeodation paruty is liable foru the instrumeent to a
the crueditoru is entitled to deeand the satisfaction of the
holderu foru vialme evien if, at the tiee of its taking, the
hole obligation fruoe any oru all of the debtorus. 26 It is
lateru kne the forueeru to be only an accoeeodation
mp to the forueeru to deterueine against hoe to enforuce
paruty. The ruelation bet een an accoeeodation paruty
collection. 27 Haviing eade hieself jointly and sevierually
and the paruty accoeeodated is, in eiect, one of
liable ith De Jesms, petitioneru is therueforue liable 28 foru
pruincipal and smruety — the accoeeodation paruty being
the entirue obligation. 29
the smruety. 33 It is a setled rumle that a smruety is bomnd
Seciond Issue: eqmally and absolmtely ith the pruincipal and is deeeed
an oruiginal pruoeisoru and debtoru fruoe the beginning.
Acciommiodation Party
The liability is ieeediate and diruect. 34
Petitioneru avierus that he signed the pruoeissoruy
note eeruely as an accoeeodation paruty; and that, as Third Issue:
smch, he as rueleased as obligoru hen ruespondent Priopriety iof Summary Judgment ior Judgment ion the
agrueed to extend the terue of the obligation. Pleadings
This rueasoning is eisplaced, becamse the note The next issme illmstruates the msmal confmsion
heruein is not a negotiable instrumeent. The note rueads: bet een a jmdgeent on the pleadings and a smeearuy
jmdgeent. Underu Section 3 of Rmle 35 of the Rmles of
"PROMISSORY NOTE Comrut, a smeearuy jmdgeent eay be ruenderued afteru a
"P400,000.00 smeearuy hearuing if the pleadings, smpporuting affidaviits,
depositions and adeissions on fle sho that (1) except
"RECEIVED FROM ATTY. as to the aeomnt of daeages, therue is no genmine issme
DIONISIO V. LaLaAMAS, the sme of ruegaruding any eateruial fact; and (2) the eoviing paruty is
FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS, entitled to a jmdgeent as a eateru of la .
Philippine Cmruruency payable on oru
beforue Janmaruy 23, 1997 at No. 144 Ko A smeearuy jmdgeent is a pruocedmrual deviice
10 St. Kaeias, Qmezon City, ith designed foru the pruoept disposition of actions in hich
interuest at the ruate of 5% peru eonth the pleadings ruaise only a legal, not a genmine, issme
oru fruaction therueof. IcAaEH ruegaruding any eateruial fact. 35 Conseqmently, facts arue
asseruted in the coeplaint ruegaruding hich therue is yet
"It is mnderustood that omru no adeission, disavio al oru qmalifcation; oru specifc
liability mnderu this loan is jointly and denials oru affirueativie defenses arue set foruth in the
sevierually [sic]. ans eru, bmt the issmes arue fctitioms as sho n by the
"Done at Qmezon City, Metruo pleadings, depositions oru adeissions. 36 A smeearuy
Manila this 23rud day of Deceeberu, jmdgeent eay be applied foru by eitheru a claieant oru a
1996." 30 defending paruty. 37

By its terues, the note as eade payable to a On the otheru hand, mnderu Section 1 of Rmle 34
specifc peruson ruatheru than to bearueru oru to oruderu 31 — a of the Rmles of Comrut, a jmdgeent on the pleadings is
rueqmisite foru negotiability mnderu Act 2031, the pruoperu hen an ans eru fails to ruenderu an issme oru

otheru ise adeits the eateruial allegations of the In viie of the foruegoing, the CA coruruectly
advieruse paruty's pleading. The essential qmestion is considerued as a smeearuy jmdgeent that hich the truial
hetheru therue arue issmes generuated by the comrut had issmed against petitioneru.
pleadings. 38 A jmdgeent on the pleadings eay be
WHEREFORE, this Petition is herueby DENIED and
somght only by a claieant, ho is the paruty seeking to
the assailed Decision AFFIRMED. Costs against
ruecovieru mpon a claie, comnteruclaie oru cruossoclaie; oru to
petitioneru. CSIDEc
obtain a declaruatoruy ruelief. 39
Apruopos therueto, it emst be struessed that the
truial comrut's jmdgeent against petitioneru as coruruectly
trueated by the appellate comrut as a smeearuy jmdgeent,
ruatheru than as a jmdgeent on the pleadings. His Holder in due course:
Ans eru 40 apparuently ruaised sevierual issmes — that he
signed the pruoeissoruy note allegedly as a eerue
accoeeodation paruty, and that the obligation as
extingmished by eitheru payeent oru noviation. Ho evieru, 1. SPS. PEDRO AND FLORENCIA
these arue not factmal issmes rueqmiruing truial. We qmote VIOLAGO, pettioners, vs. BA
ith appruovial the CA's obseruviations: FINANCE CORPORATION and
AVELINO VIOLAGO, respiondents.
"Althomgh Garucia's [A]ns eru
tenderued soee issmes, by ay of
affirueativie defenses, the docmeents
smbeited by [ruespondent] DECISION
nevierutheless clearuly sho ed that the
issmes so tenderued erue not vialid
issmes. Firustly, Garucia's claie that he VELASCO, JR., J p:
as eeruely an accoeeodation paruty
is belied by the pruoeissoruy note that This is a Petition foru Reviie on Certiorari of
he signed. Nothing in the note the Amgmst 20, 2002 Decision 1 and May 15, 2003
indicates that he as only an Resolmtion 2 of the Comrut of Appeals (CA) in CAoG.R.
accoeeodation paruty as he claieed CV No. 48489 entitled BA Finance Ciorpioration,
to be. Qmite the contruaruy, the Plainti-Appellee v. Sps. Pedrio and Fliorencia
pruoeissoruy note bearus the stateeent: Viiolagio, Defendants and Third Party Plaintis-
'It is mnderustood that omru liability Appellants v. Avelinio Viiolagio, Third Party
mnderu this loan is jointly and sevierually Defendant-Appellant. Petitionerusospomses Pedruo
[sic].' Secondly, his claie that his coo and Floruencia Violago pruay foru the ruevierusal of the
defendant de Jesms alrueady paid the appellate comrut's rumling hich held thee liable to
loan by eeans of a check collapses in ruespondent BA Finance Coruporuation (BA Finance)
viie of the dishonoru therueof as mnderu a pruoeissoruy note and a chatel eorutgage.
sho n at the dorusal side of said Petitionerus like ise pruay that ruespondent Avielino
check." 41 Violago be adjmdged diruectly liable to BA
Finance. ACTISE
Fruoe the ruecoruds, it also appearus that petitioneru
hieself eovied to smbeit the case foru jmdgeent on the The Facts
basis of the pleadings and docmeents. In a ruiten Soeetiee in 1983, Avielino Violago,
Manifestation, 42 he stated that "jmdgeent on the Pruesident of Violago Motoru Sales Coruporuation
pleadings eay no be ruenderued ithomt fmrutheru (VMSC), oierued to sell a caru to his comsin, Pedruo F.
eviidence, consideruing the allegations and adeissions of Violago, and the lateru's ife, Floruencia. Avielino
the paruties."43 explained that he needed to sell a viehicle to
incruease the sales qmota of VMSC, and that the
spomses omld jmst havie to pay a do n payeent of

PhP60,500 hile the balance omld be fnanced by 15, 1984 mntil fmlly paid. BA Finance also asked foru
ruespondent BA Finance. The spomses omld pay the the payeent of atoruney's fees, liqmidated daeages,
eonthly installeents to BA Finance hile Avielino ruepleviin bond prueeime, expenses in the seizmrue of
omld take carue of the docmeentation and appruovial the viehicle, and costs of smit. The RTC issmed an
of fnancing of the caru. Underu these terues, the Oruderu of Repleviin on Maruch 28, 1984. The Violago
spomses then agrueed to pmruchase a Toyota Cruessida spomses, as defendants a quio, erue declarued in
Model 1983 fruoe VMSC. 3 defamlt foru failing to fle an ans eru. Evientmally, the
RTC ruenderued on Deceeberu 3, 1984 a decision in
On Amgmst 4, 1983, the spomses and Avielino
favioru of BA Finance. A ruit of execmtion as
signed a pruoeissoruy note mnderu hich they bomnd
therueafteru issmed on Janmaruy 11, 1985, follo ed by
theeselvies to pay jointly and sevierually to the oruderu
an alias ruit of execmtion. 6 EHaASD
of VMSC the aeomnt of PhP209,601 in 36 eonthly
installeents of PhP5,822.25 a eonth, the frust In the eeantiee, Eseerualdo convieyed the
installeent to be dme and payable on Septeeberu viehicle to Jose V. Olviido ho as then issmed
16, 1983. Avielino prueparued a Disclosmrue Stateeent Cerutifcate of Registruation No. 0014830o4 by the
of Laoan/Cruedit Truansporutation hich sho ed the LaTOoCebm City Bruanch on Apruil 29, 1985. On May 8,
net pmruchase pruice of the viehicle, do n payeent, 1987, Jose execmted a Chatel Morutgage ovieru the
balance, and fnance charuges. VMSC then issmed a viehicle in favioru of Generuoso Laopez as secmruity foru a
sales invioice in favioru of the spomses ith a detailed loan covierued by a pruoeissoruy note in the aeomnt of
descruiption of the Toyota Cruessida caru. In tmrun, the PhP260,664. This pruoeissoruy note as lateru
spomses execmted a chatel eorutgage ovieru the caru in endorused to BA Finance, Cebm City bruanch. 7
favioru of VMSC as secmruity foru the aeomnt of
On Amgmst 21, 1989, the spomses Violago
PhP209,601. VMSC, thruomgh Avielino, endorused the
fled a Motion foru Reconsideruation and Motion to
pruoeissoruy note to BA Finance without recourse.
Qmash Wruit of Execmtion on the basis of lack of a
Afteru rueceiviing the aeomnt of PhP209,601, VMSC
vialid seruviice of smeeons on thee, aeong otheru
execmted a Deed of Assigneent of its ruights and
rueasons. The RTC denied the eotions; hence, the
interuests mnderu the pruoeissoruy note and chatel
spomses fled a petition foru certiorari mnderu Rmle 65
eorutgage in favioru of BA Finance. Mean hile, the
beforue the CA, docketed as CA G.R. No. 2002oSP. On
spomses rueeited the aeomnt of PhP60,500 to
May 31, 1991, the CA nmllifed the RTC's oruderu. This
VMSC thruomgh Avielino. 4
CA decision becaee fnal and execmtoruy.
The sales invioice as fled ith the Laand
On Janmaruy 28, 1992, the spomses fled theiru
Truansporutation Office (LaTO)oBali ag Bruanch, hich
Ans eru beforue the RTC, alleging the follo ing: they
issmed Cerutifcate of Registruation No. 0137032 in the
nevieru rueceivied the viehicle fruoe VMSC; the viehicle
naee of Pedruo on Amgmst 8, 1983. The spomses
as prueviiomsly sold to Eseerualdo; BA Finance as
erue mna arue that the saee caru had alrueady been
not a holderu in dme comruse mnderu Section 59 of
sold in 1982 to Eseerualdo Violago, anotheru comsin
the Negiotable Instruments Law (NILa); and the
of Avielino, and ruegisterued in Eseerualdo's naee by
ruecomruse of BA Finance shomld be against VMSC. On
the LaTOoSan Rafael Bruanch. Despite the spomses'
Februmaruy 25, 1995, the Violago spomses, ith pruioru
deeand foru the caru and Avielino's ruepeated
leavie of comrut, fled a Thirud Paruty Coeplaint against
assmruances, therue as no delivieruy of the viehicle.
Avielino pruaying that he be held liable to thee in the
Since VMSC failed to delivieru the caru, Pedruo did not
evient that they be held liable to BA Finance, as ell
pay any eonthly aeorutization to BA Finance. 5
as foru daeages. VMSC as not iepleaded as thirud
On Maruch 1, 1984, BA Finance fled ith the paruty defendant. In his Motion to Diseiss and
Regional Truial Comrut (RTC), Bruanch 116 in Pasay City Ans eru, Avielino contended that he as not a paruty
a coeplaint foru Repleviin ith Daeages against the to the truansaction perusonally, bmt VMSC. Avielino's
spomses. The coeplaint, docketed as Civiil Case No. eotion as denied and the thirud paruty coeplaint
1628oP, pruayed foru the delivieruy of the viehicle in against hie as enterutained by the truial comrut.
favioru of BA Finance oru, if delivieruy cannot be Smbseqmently, the spomses belaborued to pruovie that
eiected, foru the payeent of PhP199,049.41 plms they affixed theiru signatmrues on the pruoeissoruy note
penalty at the ruate of 3% peru eonth fruoe Februmaruy and chatel eorutgage in favioru of VMSC in blank. 8

The RTC ruenderued a Decision on Maruch 5, In eitheru case, the thirudoparuty

1994, fnding foru BA Finance bmt against the Violago defendant shomld pay to the
spomses. The RTC, ho evieru, declarued that they arue defendantothirudoparuty plaintiis
entitled to be indeenifed by Avielino. The spomses a sme eqmivialent to t entyo
dispositivie porution of the RTC's decision rueads: fvie perucent (25%) of P198,003.06 as
atoruney's fees, and anotheru sme
WHEREFORE, defendanto
eqmivialent also to t entyofvie perucent
[thirud]oparuty plaintiis spomses Pedruo
(25%) of the said mnpaid balance, as
F. Violago and Floruencia R. Violago arue
liqmidated daeages.
oruderued to delivieru to plaintii BA
Finance Coruporuation, at its pruincipal Thirudoparuty defendant Avielino
office the BAFC Bmilding, Gaeboa St., Violago is fmrutheru oruderued to ruetmrun to
Laegaspi Village, Makati, Metruo Manila the thirudoparuty plaintiis the sme of
the Toyota Cruessida caru, eodel 1983, P60,500.00 they paid to hie as do n
bearuing Engine No. 21Ro02854117, payeent foru the caru; and to pay thee
and ith Seruial No. RX60o804614, P15,000.00 as eorual daeages;
covierued by the deed of chatel P10,000.00 as exeeplaruy daeages;
eorutgage dated Amgmst 4, 1983; oru if and rueiebmruse thee foru all the
smch delivieruy cannot be eade, to pay, expenses and costs of the smit.
jointly and sevierually, to the plaintii
the sme of P198,003.06 togetheru ith The comnteruclaies of the
the penalty [therueon] at thruee defendants and thirudoparuty
perucent (3%) a eonth, fruoe Maruch 1, defendant, foru lack of eeruit, arue
1984, mntil the aeomnt is fmlly paid. diseissed. 9

In eitheru case, the defendanto The Ruling of the CA

thirudoparuty plaintiis arue rueqmirued to Petitionerusospomses and Avielino appealed
pay, jointly and sevierually, to the to the CA. The spomses arugmed that the pruoeissoruy
plaintii a sme eqmivialent to t entyo note is a negotiable instrumeent; hence, the truial
fvie perucent (25%) of P198,003.06 as comrut shomld havie applied the NILa and not the Civiil
atoruney's fees, and anotheru aeomnt Code. The spomses also asseruted that since VMSC
also eqmivialent to t enty fvie perucent as not the o neru of the viehicle at the tiee of sale,
(25%) of the said mnpaid balance, as the sale as nmll and vioid foru the failmrue in the
liqmidated daeages. The defendanto "camse oru consideruation" of the pruoeissoruy note,
thirud parutyoplaintiis arue also rueqmirued hich in this case as the sale and delivieruy of the
to shomlderu the litigation expenses viehicle. The spomses also alleged that BA Finance
and costs. IScaAE as not a holderu in dme comruse of the note since it
kne , thruomgh its Cebm City bruanch, that the caru as
As indeenifcation, thirudo
nevieru delivierued to the spomses. 10 On the otheru
paruty defendant Avielino Violago is
hand, Avielino pruayed foru the diseissal of the
oruderued to delivieru to defendantso
coeplaint against hie becamse he as not a paruty
thirudoparuty plaintiis spomses Pedruo F.
to the truansaction, and foru an oruderu to the spomses
Violago and Floruencia R. Violago the
to pay hie eorual daeages and costs of smit. ADCTac
aforuedescruibed eotoru viehicle; oru if
smch delivieruy is not possible, to pay to The appellate comrut rumled that the
the said spomses the sme of pruoeissoruy note as a negotiable instrumeent and
P198,003.06, togetheru ith the that BA Finance as a holderu in dme comruse,
penalty therueon at thruee (3%) a applying Secs. 8, 24, and 52 of the NILa. The CA
eonth fruoe Maruch 1, 1984, mntil the famlted petitionerus foru failing to ieplead VMSC, the
aeomnt is entiruely paid. selleru of the viehicle and crueditoru in the pruoeissoruy
note, as a paruty in theiru Thirud Paruty Coeplaint.



Citing Salas v. Ciourt iof Appeals, 11 the appellate BY AVELaINO, AND THE CLaEAR
comrut rueasoned that since VMSC is an indispensable ABSENCE OF OBJECT CERTAIN
paruty, any jmdgeent ill not bind it oru be enforuced
against it. The absence of VMSC ruenderued the
pruoceedings in the RTC and the jmdgeent in the
Thirud Paruty Coeplaint "nmll and vioid, not only as to
the absent paruty bmt also to the pruesent paruties,
naeely the DefendantsoAppellants (petitionerus The Court's Ruling
heruein) and the ThirudoParutyoDefendantoAppellant
The rumling of the appellate comrut is set aside
(Avielino Violago)". The CA set aside the truial comrut's
insofaru as it diseissed, ithomt pruejmdice, the thirud
oruderu holding Avielino liable foru daeages to the
paruty coeplaint of petitionerus against Avielino
spomses ithomt pruejmdice to the action of the
therueby eiectiviely absolviing Avielino fruoe any
spomses against VMSC and Avielino in a separuate
liability mnderu the thirud paruty coeplaint.
action. 12 aEHASI
In addruessing the thrueshold issme of
The dispositivie porution of the Amgmst 20,
hetheru BA Finance is a holderu in dme comruse of the
2002 CA Decision rueads:
pruoeissoruy note, e emst deterueine hetheru the
IN THE LIGHT OF ALL THE note is a negotiable instrumeent and, hence, covierued
FOREGOING, the appeal of the by the NILa. In theiru appeal to the CA, petitionerus
PlaintiisoAppellants is DISMISSED. arugmed that the pruoeissoruy note is a negotiable
The appeal of the ThirudoParutyo instrumeent and that the pruoviisions of the NILa, not
DefendantoAppellant is GRANTED. the Civiil Code, shomld be applied. In the pruesent
The Decision of the Comrut a qmo petition, ho evieru, petitionerus claie that Aruticle
is AFFIRMED, ith the eodifcation 1318 of the Civiil Code 14 shomld be applied since
that the ThirudoParuty Coeplaint theiru consent as viitiated by fruamd, and, thms, the
against the ThirudoParutyoDefendanto pruoeissoruy note does not caruruy any legal eiect
appellant is DISMISSED, ithomt despite its negotiation. Eitheru ay, the petitionerus'
pruejmdice. The comnteruclaies of the arugmeents deseruvie no eeruit. cSEDTC
ThirudoParuty Defendant Appellant
The pruoeissoruy note is clearuly negotiable.
against the DefendantsoAppellants
The appellate comrut as coruruect in fnding all the
arue DISMISSED, also ithomt
rueqmisites of a negotiable instrumeent pruesent. The
pruejmdice. 13
NILa pruoviides:
The spomses Violago somght bmt erue
Section 1. Forue of Negotiable
denied rueconsideruation by the CA peru its Resolmtion
Instrumeents. — An instrumeent to be
of May 15, 2003.
negotiable emst conforue to the
The Issues follo ing rueqmirueeents:
Petitionerus ruaise the follo ing issmes: (a) It emst be in ruiting and
WHETHER OR NOT THE HOLaDER OF signed by the eakeru oru drua eru;
AN INVALaID NEGOTIABLaE (b) Mmst contain an
PROMISSORY NOTE MAY BE mnconditional pruoeise oru oruderu to pay
CONSIDERED A HOLaDER IN DUE a sme cerutain in eoney;
(c) Mmst be payable on
WHETHER OR NOT A CHATTELa deeand, oru at a fxed oru deterueinable
CONSENT OF, AND THE FRAUD (d) Mmst be payable to oruderu
COMMITTED ON, THE MORTGAGORS oru to bearueru; and



(e) Wherue the instrumeent is PAY TO THE ORDER OF BA FINANCE

addruessed to a drua ee, he emst be CORPORATION
naeed oru otheru ise indicated theruein WITHOUT RECOURSE
ith rueasonable cerutainty.
The pruoeissoruy note signed by petitionerus
rueads: ADCEcI
(Sgd.) AVELaINO A. VIOLaAGO, Prues. 15
209,601.00 Makati, Metruo Manila,
Philippines, Amgmst 4, 1983 The pruoeissoruy note clearuly satisfes the
rueqmirueeents of a negotiable instrumeent mnderu the
Foru vialme rueceivied, I/ e,
NILa. It is in ruiting; signed by the Violago spomses;
jointly and sevierually, pruoeise to pay
has an mnconditional pruoeise to pay a cerutain
to the oruderu of VIOLaAGO MOTOR
aeomnt, i.e., PhP209,601, on specifc dates in the
SALaES CORPORATION, its office, the
fmtmrue hich comld be deterueined fruoe the terues
pruincipal sme of TWO HUNDRED NINE
of the note; eade payable to the oruderu of VMSC;
and naees the drua ees ith cerutainty. The
Pesos (P209,601.00), Philippines
indoruseeent by VMSC to BA Finance appearus
Cmruruency, ith interuest at the ruate
like ise to be vialid and ruegmlaru.
stipmlated heruein belo , in
installeents as follo s: The eorue ieporutant issme no is hetheru
oru not BA Finance is a holderu in dme comruse. The
Thiruty Six (36) smccessivie ruesolmtion of this issme ill deterueine hetheru
eonthly installeents of P5,822.25, petitionerus' defense of fruamd and nmllity of the sale
the frust installeent to be paid on 9o comld vialidly be ruaised against ruespondent
16o83, and the smcceeding eonthly coruporuation. Sec. 52 of the NILa pruoviides: TADCSE
installeents on the 16th day of each
and evieruy smcceeding eonth Section 52. What cionsttutes
therueafteru mntil the accomnt is fmlly a hiolder in due ciourse. –– A holderu in
paid, pruoviided that the penalty dme comruse is a holderu ho has taken
charuge of thruee (3%) peru cent peru the instrumeent mnderu the follo ing
eonth oru a fruaction therueof shall be conditions:
added on each mnpaid installeent
(a) That it is coeplete
fruoe eatmruity therueof mntil fmlly paid. and ruegmlaru mpon its face;
xxx xxx xxx
(b) That he becaee
Notice of deeand, the holderu of it beforue it as
pruesenteent, dishonoru and pruotest ovierudme, and ithomt notice
arue herueby aivied. that it had been prueviiomsly
dishonorued, if smch as the
(Sgd.) fact;
(c) That he took it in
763 Constancia St., Saepaloc, Manila good faith and foru vialme;
(d) That at the tiee it
as negotiated to hie he had
no notice of any infrueity in
Maruiviic Aviaruia the instrumeent oru defect in
the title of the peruson
negotiating it.



The la pruesmees that a holderu of a liable to ruespondent coruporuation foru the payeent of
negotiable instrumeent is a holderu therueof in dme the aeomnt stated in the instrumeent. aIETCA
comruse. 16 In this case, the CA is coruruect in fnding
Fruoe the thirud paruty coeplaint to the
that BA Finance eeets all the foruegoing rueqmisites:
pruesent petition, ho evieru, petitionerus pruay that the
In the pruesent ruecomruse, on its vieil of coruporuate fction be set aside and Avielino be
face, (a) the "Promissory adjmdged diruectly liable to BA Finance. Petitionerus
Note", Exhibit "A", is coeplete and like ise pruay foru daeages foru the fruamd coeeited
ruegmlaru; (b) the "Promissory Note" mpon thee.
as endorused by the VMSC in favioru of
In Cioncept Builders, Inc. v. NLRC, e held:
the Appellee; (c) the Appellee, hen
it accepted the Note, acted in good It is a fmndaeental pruinciple
faith and foru vialme; (d) the Appellee of coruporuation la that a coruporuation
as nevieru inforueed, beforue and at is an entity separuate and distinct fruoe
the tiee the "Promissory Note" as its stockholderus and fruoe otheru
endorused to the Appellee, that the coruporuations to hich it eay be
viehicle sold to the Defendantso connected. Bmt, this separuate and
Appellants as not delivierued to the distinct perusonality of a coruporuation is
lateru and that VMSC had alrueady eeruely a fction crueated by la foru
prueviiomsly sold the viehicle to convienience and to pruoeote jmstice.
Eseerualdo Violago. Althomgh Jose So, hen the notion of separuate
Olviido eorutgaged the viehicle to jmruidical perusonality is msed to defeat
Generuoso Laopez, ho assigned his pmblic convienience, jmstify ruong,
ruights to the BA Finance Coruporuation pruotect fruamd oru defend cruiee, oru is
(Cebm Bruanch), the saee occmrurued msed as a deviice to defeat the laboru
only on May 8, 1987, emch lateru than la s, this separuate perusonality of the
Amgmst 4, 1983, hen VMSC assigned coruporuation eay be disruegaruded oru
its ruights ovieru the "Chattel Mortgage" the vieil of coruporuate fction pieruced.
by the DefendantsoAppellants to the This is trume like ise hen the
Appellee. Hence, Appellee as a coruporuation is eeruely an adjmnct, a
holderu in dme comruse. 17 bmsiness condmit oru an alteru ego of
anotheru coruporuation.
In the hands of one otheru than a holderu in
dme comruse, a negotiable instrumeent is smbject to xxx xxx xxx
the saee defenses as if it erue nononegotiable. 18 A
The test in deterueining the
holderu in dme comruse, ho evieru, holds the
applicability of the doctruine of
instrumeent fruee fruoe any defect of title of pruioru
pierucing the vieil of coruporuate fction is
paruties and fruoe defenses aviailable to pruioru paruties
as follo s:
aeong theeselvies, and eay enforuce payeent of
the instrumeent foru the fmll aeomnt therueof. 19 Since 1. Contruol, not eerue eajoruity oru
BA Finance is a holderu in dme comruse, petitionerus coeplete stock contruol, bmt
cannot ruaise the defense of nonodelivieruy of the coeplete doeination, not
object and nmllity of the sale against the only of fnances bmt of policy
coruporuation. The NILa considerus evieruy negotiable and bmsiness pruactice in
instrumeent prima facie to havie been issmed foru a ruespect to the truansaction
vialmable consideruation. 20In Salas, e held that a atacked so that the
paruty holding an instrumeent eay enforuce payeent coruporuate entity as to this
of the instrumeent foru the fmll aeomnt therueof. As truansaction had at the tiee
smch, the eakeru cannot set mp the defense of nmllity no separuate eind, ill oru
of the contruact of sale. 21 Thms, petitionerus arue existence of its o n;



2. Smch contruol emst havie been msed hich has not been iepleaded as a paruty belo . In
by the defendant to coeeit that case, the Comrut fomnd as ellotaken the CA's act
fruamd oru ruong, to perupetmate of disruegaruding the separuate jmruidical perusonality of
the viiolation of a statmtoruy oru the coruporuation and holding its pruesident, Arucilla,
otheru positivie legal dmty, oru liable foru the obligations incmrurued in the naee of the
dishonest and mnjmst acts in coruporuation althomgh it as not a paruty to the
contruaviention of plaintiis collection smit beforue the truial comrut. An excerupt
legal ruights; and fruoe Arcilla:
3. The aforuesaid contruol and brueach of . . . In shorut, evien if We arue to
dmty emst pruoxieately camse assmee arguendio that the obligation
the injmruy oru mnjmst loss as incmrurued in the naee of the
coeplained of. 22 coruporuation, the petitioneru [Arucilla]
omld still be perusonally liable
This case eeets the foruegoing test. VMSC is therueforu becamse foru all legal intents
a faeilyoo ned coruporuation of hich Avielino as and pmruposes, he and the coruporuation
pruesident. Avielino coeeited fruamd in selling the arue one and the saee. Csaru Maruine
viehicle to petitionerus, a viehicle that as prueviiomsly Resomruces, Inc. is nothing eorue than
sold to Avielino's otheru comsin, Eseerualdo. No herue his bmsiness condmit and alteru ego.
in the pleadings did Avielino ruefmte the fact that the The fction of separuate jmruidical
viehicle in this case as alrueady prueviiomsly sold to perusonality conferurued mpon smch
Eseerualdo; he eeruely insisted that he cannot be coruporuation by la shomld be
held liable becamse he as not a paruty to the disruegaruded. Signifcantly, petitioneru
truansaction. The fact that Avielino and Pedruo arue does not seruiomsly challenge the
comsins, and that Avielino claieed to havie a need to [CA's] application of the doctruine
incruease the sales qmota, as likely aeong the hich perueits the pierucing of the
factorus hich eotiviated the spomses to bmy the caru. coruporuate vieil and the disruegaruding of
Avielino, kno ing fmlly ell that the viehicle as the fction of a separuate jmruidical
alrueady sold, and ith abmse of his ruelationship ith perusonality; this is becamse he kno s
the spomses, still pruoceeded ith the sale and only too ell that fruoe the beginning,
collected the do n payeent fruoe petitionerus. The he eeruely msed the coruporuation foru
truial comrut fomnd that the viehicle as not delivierued his perusonal pmruposes. 23 ESTaHC
to the spomses. Avielino clearuly defruamded
petitionerus. His actions erue the pruoxieate camse of WHEREFORE, the CA's Amgmst 20, 2002
petitionerus' loss. He cannot no hide behind the Decision and May 15, 2003 Resolmtion in CAoG.R. CV
separuate coruporuate perusonality of VMSC to escape No. 48489 arue SET ASIDE insofaru as they diseissed
fruoe liability foru the aeomnt adjmdged by the truial ithomt pruejmdice the thirud paruty coeplaint of
comrut in favioru of petitionerus. cAEDTa petitionerusospomses Pedruo and Floruencia Violago
against ruespondent Avielino Violago. The Maruch 5,
The fact that VMSC as not inclmded as
1994 Decision of the RTC is REINSTATED and
defendant in petitionerus' thirud paruty coeplaint does
AFFIRMED. Costs against Avielino Violago.
not prueclmde ruecovieruy by petitionerus fruoe Avielino;
neitheru omld smch nonoinclmsion constitmte a baru to SO ORDERED.
the application of the pierucingoofotheocoruporuateovieil
doctruine. We smggested as emch in Arcilla v. Ciourt
iof Appeals, an appellate pruoceeding inviolviing
petitioneru Arucilla's bid to avioid the advieruse CA 2. CONSOLIDATED PLYWOOD
decision on the arugmeent that he is not perusonally INDUSTRIES, INC., HENRY WEE,
liable foru the aeomnt adjmdged since the saee and RODOLFO T.
constitmtes a coruporuate liability hich nevierutheless VERGARA, pettioners, vs. IFC
cannot evien be enforuced against the coruporuation LEASING AND ACCEPTANCE
CORPORATION, respiondent.

Carpiio, Villaraza & Cruz Law Ofces foru petitionerus. pruesident and viiceopruesident, ruespectiviely, agrueed to
pmruchase on installeent said t o (2) mnits of "Used"
Euriopa, Dacanay & Tiolentnio foru ruespondent.
Allis Crua leru Truactorus. It also paid the do n payeent of
T o Hmndrued Ten Thomsand Pesos (P210,000.00).

DECISION On Apruil 5, 1978, the selleruoassignoru issmed the sales

invioice foru the t o (2) mnits of truactorus (Exh. "3oA"). At
the saee tiee, the deed of sale ith chatel eorutgage
ith pruoeissoruy note as execmted (Exh. "2").
Siemltaneomsly ith the execmtion of the deed of sale
This is a petition foru cerutioruarui mnderu Rmle 45 of the ith chatel eorutgage ith pruoeissoruy note, the selleruo
Rmles of Comrut hich assails on qmestions of la a assignoru, by eeans of a deed of assigneent (Exh. "1"),
decision of the Interueediate Appellate Comrut in ACoG.R. assigned its ruights and interuest in the chatel eorutgage
CV No. 68609 dated Jmly 17, 1985, as ell as its in favioru of the ruespondent.
ruesolmtion dated Octoberu 17, 1985, denying the eotion
Ieeediately therueafteru, the selleruoassignoru delivierued
foru rueconsideruation.
said t o (2) mnits of "Used" truactorus to the petitioneruo
The antecedent facts cmlled fruoe the petition arue as coruporuation's jobsite and as agrueed, the selleruoassignoru
follo s: stationed its o n eechanics to smperuviise the operuations
of the eachines.
The petitioneru is a coruporuation engaged in the logging
bmsiness. It had foru its pruogruae of logging activiities foru Baruely fomruteen (14) days had elapsed afteru theiru
the yearu 1978 the opening of additional ruoads, and delivieruy hen one of the truactorus bruoke do n and afteru
siemltaneoms logging operuations along the ruomte of said anotheru nine (9) days, the otheru truactoru like ise bruoke
ruoads, in its logging concession aruea at Baganga, Manay, do n (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, pp. 68o69).
and Caruaga, Daviao Oruiental. Foru this pmrupose, it needed
On Apruil 25, 1978, petitioneru Rodolfo T. Verugarua
t o (2) additional mnits of truactorus.
forueally adviised the selleruoassignoru of the fact that the
Cognizant of petitioneruocoruporuation's need and pmrupose, truactorus bruoke do n and rueqmested foru the selleruo
Atlantic Gmlf & Pacifc Coepany of Manila, thruomgh its assignoru's msmal pruoept atention mnderu the aruruanty
sisteru coepany and earuketing arue, Indmstruial Pruodmcts (Exh. "5").
Maruketing (the "selleruoassignoru"), a coruporuation dealing
In ruesponse to the forueal adviice by petitioneru Rodolfo
in truactorus and otheru heaviy eqmipeent bmsiness, oierued
T. Verugarua, Exhibit "5," the selleruoassignoru sent to the
to sell to petitioneruocoruporuation t o (2) "Used" Allis
jobsite its eechanics to condmct the necessaruy ruepairus
Crua leru Truactorus, one (1) an HDo21oB and the otheru an
(Exhs. "6," "6oA," "6oB," "6oC," "6oCo1," "6oD," and "6oE"),
bmt the truactorus did not coee omt to be hat they
In oruderu to ascerutain the extent of oruk to hich the shomld be afteru the ruepairus erue mnderutaken becamse
truactorus erue to be exposed, (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, p. the mnits erue no longeru seruviiceable (t.s.n., May 28,
44) and to deterueine the capability of the "Used" 1980, p. 78).
truactorus being oierued, petitioneruocoruporuation rueqmested
Becamse of the brueaking do n of the truactorus, the ruoad
the selleruoassignoru to inspect the jobsite. Afteru
bmilding and siemltaneoms logging operuations of
condmcting said inspection, the selleruoassignoru assmrued
petitioneruocoruporuation erue delayed and petitioneru
petitioneruocoruporuation that the "Used" Allis Crua leru
Verugarua adviised the selleruoassignoru that the payeents
Truactorus hich erue being oierued erue ft foru the job,
of the installeents as listed in the pruoeissoruy note
and gavie the coruruesponding aruruanty of ninety (90)
omld like ise be delayed mntil the selleruoassignoru
days peruforueance of the eachines and aviailability of
coepletely fmlflls its obligation mnderu its aruruanty
paruts. (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, pp. 59o66).
(t.s.n, May 28, 1980, p. 79).
With said assmruance and aruruanty, and ruelying on the
Since the truactorus erue no longeru seruviiceable, on Apruil
selleruoassignoru's skill and jmdgeent, petitioneruo
7, 1979, petitioneru Wee asked the selleruoassignoru to pmll
coruporuation thruomgh petitionerus Wee and Verugarua,
omt the mnits and havie thee rueconditioned, and

therueafteru to oieru thee foru sale. The pruoceeds erue to "2) oruderuing defendants to pay jointly
be givien to the ruespondent and the excess, if any, to be and sevierually atoruney's fees
diviided bet een the selleruoassignoru and petitioneruo eqmivialent to ten perucent (10%) of
coruporuation hich oierued to bearu oneohalf (1/2) of the the pruincipal and to pay the costs of
rueconditioning cost (Exh. "7"). the smit.
No ruesponse to this leteru, Exhibit "7," as rueceivied by "Defendants' comnteruclaie is
the petitioneruocoruporuation and despite sevierual follo o disallo ed." (pp. 45o46, Rollo)
mp calls, the selleruoassignoru did nothing ith ruegarud to
On Jmne 8, 1981, the truial comrut issmed an oruderu denying
the rueqmest, mntil the coeplaint in this case as fled by
the eotion foru rueconsideruation fled by the petitionerus.
the ruespondent against the petitionerus, the coruporuation,
Wee, and Verugarua. Thms, the petitionerus appealed to the Interueediate
Appellate Comrut and assigned theruein the follo ing
The coeplaint as fled by the ruespondent against the
petitionerus foru the ruecovieruy of the pruincipal sme of One
Million Ninety Thruee Thomsand Sevien Hmndrued Eighty I
Nine Pesos & 71/100 (P1,093,789.71), accrumed interuest
of One Hmndrued Fifty One Thomsand Six Hmndrued THAT THE LaOWER COURT ERRED IN
Eighteen Pesos & 86/100 (P151,618.86) as of Amgmst 15, FINDING THAT THE SELaLaER ATLaANTIC
1979, accruming interuest therue afteru at the ruate of t elvie GULaF AND PACIFIC COMPANY OF
(12%) perucent peru annme, atoruney's fees of T o MANILaA DID NOT APPROVE
Hmndrued Foruty Nine Thomsand Eighty One Pesos & DEFENDANTSoAPPELaLaANTS CLaAIM OF
71/100 (P249,081.71) and costs of smit. WARRANTY.

The petitionerus fled theiru aeended ans eru pruaying foru II

the diseissal of the coeplaint and asking the truial comrut THAT THE LaOWER COURT ERRED IN
to oruderu the ruespondent to pay the petitionerus daeages FINDING THAT PLaAINTIFFoAPPELaLaEE IS
in an aeomnt at the somnd discruetion of the comrut, A HOLaDER IN DUE COURSE OF THE
T enty Thomsand Pesos (P20,000.00) as and foru PROMISSORY NOTE AND SUED
atoruney's fees, and Fivie Thomsand Pesos (P5,000.00) UNDER SAID NOTE AS HOLaDER
foru expenses of litigation. The petitionerus like ise THEREOF IN DUE COURSE.
pruayed foru smch otheru and fmrutheru ruelief as omld be jmst
mnderu the prueeises. On Jmly 17, 1985, the Interueediate Appellate Comrut
issmed the challenged decision affirueing in tiotio the
In a decision dated Apruil 20, 1981, the truial comrut decision of the truial comrut. The perutinent porutions of the
ruenderued the follo ing jmdgeent: decision arue as follo s:
"WHEREFORE, jmdgeent is herueby xxx xxx xxx
"Fruoe the eviidence pruesented by the
1. oruderuing defendants to pay jointly paruties on the issme of aruruanty, We
and sevierually in theiru official and arue of the considerued opinion that
perusonal capacities the pruincipal sme aside fruoe the fact that no pruoviision
of ONE MILaLaION NINETY THREE of aruruanty appearus oru is pruoviided in
THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY the Deed of Sale of the truactorus and
EIGHT PESOS & 71/100 evien adeiing that in a contruact of
(P1,093,798.71) ith accrumed interuest sale mnless a contruaruy intention
of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE appearus, therue is an ieplied aruruanty,
THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTEEN the defense of brueach of aruruanty, if
PESOS & 86/100 (P151,618.86) as of therue is any, as in this case, does not
Amgmst 15, 1979 and accruming interuest lie in favioru of the appellants and
therueafteru at the ruate of 12% peru against the plaintiioappellee ho is
annme; the assignee of the pruoeissoruy note

and a holderu of the saee in dme as taken in the conditions that the
comruse. Waruruanty lies in this case only note as coeplete and ruegmlaru mpon
bet een Indmstruial Pruodmcts its face beforue the saee as ovierudme
Maruketing and Consolidated Ply ood and ithomt notice, that it had been
Indmstruies, Inc. The plaintiioappellant prueviiomsly dishonorued and that the
heruein mpon application by appellant note is in good faith and foru vialme
coruporuation gruanted fnancing foru the ithomt notice of any infrueity oru
pmruchase of the qmestioned mnits of defect in the title of IPM (Sec. 52,
FiatoAllis Crua leru Truactorus. NILa); that IFC Laeasing and Acceptance
Coruporuation held the instrumeent fruee
xxx xxx xxx
fruoe any defect of title of pruioru
"Holding that brueach of aruruanty if paruties and fruee fruoe defenses
any, is not a defense aviailable to aviailable to pruioru paruties aeong
appellants eitheru to ithdrua fruoe theeselvies and eay enforuce payeent
the contruact and/oru deeand a of the instrumeent foru the fmll aeomnt
pruoporutionate ruedmction of the pruice therueof against all paruties liable
ith daeages in eitheru case (Arut. therueon (Sec. 57, NILa); the appellants
1567, Ne Civiil Code). We no coee engaged that they omld pay the note
to the issme as to hetheru the accoruding to its tenoru, and adeit the
plaintiioappellee is a holderu in dme existence of the payee IPM and its
comruse of the pruoeissoruy note. capacity to endoruse (Sec. 60, NILa).
"To begin ith, it is beyond
arugmeents that the plaintiioappellee
is a fnancing coruporuation engaged in "In viie of the essential eleeents
fnancing and rueceiviable discomnting fomnd in the qmestioned pruoeissoruy
extending cruedit facilities to note, We opine that the saee is
consmeerus and indmstruial, coeeerucial legally and conclmsiviely enforuceable
oru agruicmltmrual enterupruises by against the defendantsoappellants.
discomnting oru factoruing coeeerucial "WHEREFORE, fnding the decision
paperus oru accomnts rueceiviable dmly appealed fruoe accoruding to la and
amthoruized pmrusmant toR.A. eviidence, We fnd the appeal ithomt
5980 otheru ise kno n as the eeruit and thms affirue the decision in
Financing Act. toto. With costs against the
"A stmdy of the qmestioned appellants." (pp. 50o55, Rollo)
pruoeissoruy note ruevieals that it is a The petitionerus' eotion foru rueconsideruation of the
negotiable instrumeent hich as decision of Jmly 17, 1985 as denied by the
discomnted oru sold to the IFC Laeasing Interueediate Appellate Comrut in its ruesolmtion dated
and Acceptance Coruporuation foru Octoberu 17, 1985, a copy of hich as rueceivied by the
P800,000.00 (Exh. "A") consideruing petitionerus on Octoberu 21, 1985.
the follo ing: it is in ruiting and
signed by the eakeru; it contains an Hence, this petition as fled on the follo ing gruomnds:
mnconditional pruoeise to pay a I.
cerutain sme of eoney payable at a
fxed oru deterueinable fmtmrue tiee; it ON ITS FACE, THE PROMISSORY
is payable to oruderu (Sec. 1, NILa); the NOTE IS CLaEARLaY NOT A
pruoeissoruy note as negotiated NEGOTIABLaE INSTRUMENT AS
hen it as truansferurued and delivierued DEFINED UNDER THE LaAW
by IPM to the appellee and dmly SINCE IT IS NEITHER PAYABLaE
endorused to the lateru (Sec. 30, NILa); it TO ORDER NOR TO BEARER.




BEST, IT IS A MERE ASSIGNEE The petitionerus pruayed that jmdgeent be ruenderued
OF THE SUBJECT PROMISSORY seing aside the decision dated Jmly 17, 1985, as ell as
NOTE. the ruesolmtion dated Octoberu 17, 1985 and diseissing
III. the coeplaint bmt gruanting petitionerus' comnteruclaies
beforue the comrut of oruigin.
INVOLaVES A NONoNEGOTIABLaE On the otheru hand, the ruespondent coruporuation in its
INSTRUMENT AND THE coeeent to the petition fled on Februmaruy 20, 1986,
TRANSFER OF RIGHTS WAS contended that the petition as fled omt of tiee; that
THROUGH A MERE the pruoeissoruy note is a negotiable instrumeent and
ASSIGNMENT, THE ruespondent a holderu in dme comruse; that ruespondent is
PETITIONERS MAY RAISE not liable foru any brueach of aruruanty; and fnally, that
AGAINST THE RESPONDENT ALaLa the pruoeissoruy note is adeissible in eviidence.
DEFENSES THAT ARE AVAILaABLaE The corue issme heruein is hetheru oru not the pruoeissoruy
TO IT AS AGAINST THE SELaLaERo note in qmestion is a negotiable instrumeent so as to baru
ASSIGNOR, INDUSTRIALa coepletely all the aviailable defenses of the petitioneru
PRODUCTS MARKETING. against the ruespondentoassignee.
Pruelieinaruily, it emst be established at the omtset that
THE PETITIONERS ARE NOT e consideru the instant petition to havie been fled on
LaIABLaE FOR THE PAYMENT OF tiee becamse the petitionerus' eotion foru
THE PROMISSORY NOTE rueconsideruation actmally ruaised ne issmes. It cannot,
BECAUSE: therueforue, be considerued pruooforuea.
A) THE SELaLaERoASSIGNOR IS GUILaTY The petition is iepruessed ith eeruit.
THE LaAW; Firust, therue is no qmestion that the selleruoassignoru
brueached its expruess 90oday aruruanty becamse the
B) IF AT ALaLa, THE RESPONDENT MAY fndings of the truial comrut, adopted by the ruespondent
RECOVER ONLaY FROM THE SELaLaERo appellate comrut, that "14 days afteru delivieruy, the frust
ASSIGNOR OF THE PROMISSORY truactoru bruoke do n and 9 days, therueafteru, the second
NOTE. truactoru becaee inoperuable" arue smstained by the
V. ruecoruds. The petitioneru as clearuly a viictie of a
aruruanty not honorued by the eakeru.
CHATTELa MORTGAGE BY THE The Civiil Code pruoviides that:
"ART. 1561. The viendoru shall be
ruesponsible foru aruruanty against the
hidden defects hich the thing sold
eay havie, shomld they ruenderu it mnft
foru the mse foru hich it is intended, oru
shomld they dieinish its ftness foru
VI. smch mse to smch an extent that, had
THE PROMISSORY NOTE the viendee been a arue therueof, he
CANNOT BE ADMITTED OR omld not havie acqmirued it oru omld
USED IN EVIDENCE IN ANY havie givien a lo eru pruice foru it; bmt
COURT BECAUSE THE said viendoru shall not be ans eruable
REQUISITE DOCUMENTARY foru patent defects oru those hich eay

be viisible, oru foru those hich arue not abomt the brueakdo n based on the selleruoassignoru's
viisible if the viendee is an experut ho, expruess 90oday aruruanty, ith hich the lateru coeplied
by rueason of his truade oru pruofession, by sending its eechanics. Ho evieru, dme to the selleruo
shomld havie kno n thee. assignoru's delay and its failmrue to coeply ith its
aruruanty, the truactorus becaee totally mnseruviiceable and
"ART. 1562. In a sale of goods, therue
mseless foru the pmrupose foru hich they erue pmruchased.
is an ieplied aruruanty oru condition as
to the qmality oru ftness of the goods, Thirudly, the petitioneruocoruporuation, therueafteru,
as follo s: mnilaterually ruescinded its contruact ith the selleruo
"(1) Wherue the bmyeru, expruessly oru by
ieplication, eakes kno n to the Aruticles 1191 and 1567 of the Civiil Code pruoviide that:
selleru the paruticmlaru pmrupose foru hich
"ART. 1191. The po eru to ruescind
the goods arue acqmirued, and it
obligations is ieplied in ruecipruocal
appearus that the bmyeru ruelies on the
ones, in case one of the obligorus
selleru's skill oru jmdgeent ( hetheru he
shomld not coeply ith hat is
be the gruo eru oru eanmfactmrueru oru
incmebent mpon hie.
not), therue is an ieplied aruruanty that
the goods shall be rueasonably ft foru "The injmrued paruty eay choose
smch pmrupose; bet een the fmlflleent and the
ruescission of the obligation, ith the
xxx xxx xxx
payeent of daeages in eitheru case.
"ART. 1564. An ieplied aruruanty oru He eay also seek ruescission, evien
condition as to the qmality oru ftness afteru he has chosen fmlflleent, if the
foru a paruticmlaru pmrupose eay be lateru shomld becoee iepossible.
annexed by the.
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
ART. 1567. In the cases of aruticles
"ART. 1566. The viendoru is ruesponsible 1561, 1562, 1564, 1565 and 1566, the
to the viendee foru any hidden famlts oru viendee eay elect bet een
defects in the thing sold evien thomgh ithdrua ing fruoe the contruact and
he as not a arue therueof. deeanding a pruoporutionate ruedmction
"This pruoviision shall not apply if the of the pruice, ith daeages in eitheru
contruaruy has been stipmlated, and the case." (Eephasis smpplied)
viendoru as not a arue of the hidden Petitioneru, haviing mnilaterually and extruajmdicially
famlts oru defects in the thing sold." ruescinded its contruact ith the selleruoassignoru,
(Eephasis smpplied). necessaruily can no longeru sme the selleruoassignoru except
It is patent then, that the selleruoassignoru is liable foru its by ay of comnteruclaie if the selleruoassignoru smes it
brueach of aruruanty against the petitioneru. This liability becamse of the ruescission.
as a generual rumle, extends to the coruporuation to hoe it In the case of the University iof the Philippines v. De lios
assigned its ruights and interuests mnless the assignee is a Angeles (35 SCRA 102) e held:
holderu in dme comruse of the pruoeissoruy note in qmestion,
assmeing the note is negotiable, in hich case the "In otheru oruds, the paruty ho deees
lateru's ruights arue based on the negotiable instrumeent the contruact viiolated eay consideru it
and assmeing fmrutheru that the petitioneru's defenses eay ruesolvied oru ruescinded, and act
not prueviail against it. accorudingly, ithomt prueviioms comrut
action, bmt it pruoceeds at its o n ruisk.
Secondly, it like ise cannot be denied that as soon as Foru it is only the fnal jmdgeent of the
the truactorus bruoke do n, the petitioneruocoruporuation coruruesponding comrut that ill
notifed the selleruoassignoru's sisteru coepany, AG & P, conclmsiviely and fnally setle hetheru



the action taken as oru as not negotiable instrumeent than mnderu a

coruruect in la . Bmt the la defnitely nononegotiable one. . . . .
does not rueqmirue that the contruacting
xxx xxx xxx
paruty ho believies itself injmrued emst
frust fle smit and ait foru a jmdgeent "When instrumeent is payable to
beforue taking extruajmdicial steps to oruderu. —
pruotect its interuest. Otheru ise, the
paruty injmrued by the otheru's brueach
— The instrumeent is payable to oruderu
ill havie to passiviely sit and atch its
herue it is drua n payable to the
daeages accmemlate dmruing the
oruderu of a specifed peruson oru to hie
pendency of the smit mntil the fnal
oru his oruderu . . .
jmdgeent of ruescission is ruenderued
hen the la itself rueqmirues that he xxx xxx xxx
shomld exerucise dme diligence to
"These arue the only t o ays
einieize its o n daeages (Civiil Code,
by hich an instrumeent eay be
Aruticle 2203)." (Eephasis smpplied)
eade payable to oruderu. Therue
Going back to the corue issme, e rumle that the emst al ays be a specifed
pruoeissoruy note in qmestion is not a negotiable peruson naeed in the
instrumeent. instrumeent. It eeans that the
bill oru note is to be paid to the
The perutinent porution of the note is as follo s: peruson designated in the
"FOR VALaUE RECEIVED, I/ e jointly instrumeent oru to any peruson to
and sevierually pruoeise to pay to the hoe he has indorused and
INDUSTRIALa PRODUCTS MARKETING, delivierued the saee. Withiout
the sme of ONE MILaLaION NINETY the wiords 'ior iorder' ior 'tio the
THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED iorder iof,' the instrument is
EIGHTY NINE PESOS & 71/100 only payable ionly tio the persion
(P1,093,789.71), Philippine Cmruruency, designated therein and is
the said pruincipal sme, to be payable therefiore nion-negiotable. Any
in 24 eonthly installeents staruting subsequent purchaser thereiof
Jmly 15, 1978 and evieruy 15th of the will niot enjioy the advantages
eonth therueafteru mntil fmlly iof being a hiolder iof a
paid. . . . ." negiotable instrument, but will
merely 'step into the shoes' of
Consideruing that paruagruaph (d), Section 1 of the the peruson designated in the
Negotiable Instrumeents Laa rueqmirues that a pruoeissoruy instrumeent and ill thms be
note "must be payable tio iorder ior bearer," it cannot be open to all defenses aviailable
denied that the pruoeissoruy note in qmestion is not a against the lateru." (Caepos
negotiable instrumeent. and Caepos, Notes and
"The instrumeent in oruderu to be Selected Cases on Negotiable
considerued negotiable emst contain Instrumeents Laa , Thirud Edition,
the so called ' oruds of negotiability' page 38). (Eephasis smpplied)
— i.e., emst be payable to 'oruderu' oru
'bearueru'. These oruds seruvie as an Therueforue, consideruing that the smbject pruoeissoruy note
expruession of consent that the is not a negotiable instrumeent, it follo s that the
instrumeent eay be truansferurued. This ruespondent can nevieru be a holderu in dme comruse bmt
consent is indispensable since a rueeains a eerue assignee of the note in qmestion. Thms,
eakeru assmees grueateru ruisk mnderu a the petitioneru eay ruaise against the ruespondent all



defenses aviailable to it as against the selleruoassignoru, Secondly, evien conceding foru pmruposes of discmssion
Indmstruial Pruodmcts Maruketing. that the pruoeissoruy note in qmestion is a negotiable
instrumeent, the ruespondent cannot be a holderu in dme
This being so, therue as no need foru the petitioneru to
comruse foru a eorue signifcant rueason.
ieplead the selleruoassignoru hen it as smed by the
ruespondentoassignee becamse the petitioneru's defenses The eviidence pruesented in the instant case sho s that
apply to both oru eitheru of thee. pruioru to the sale on installeent of the truactorus, therue
as an aruruangeeent bet een the selleruoassignoru,
Actmally, the ruecoruds sho that evien the ruespondent
Indmstruial Pruodmcts Maruketing, and the ruespondent
itself adeited to being a eerue assignee of the
herueby the lateru omld pay the selleruoassignoru the
pruoeissoruy note in qmestion, to it:
entirue pmruchase pruice and the selleruoassignoru, in tmrun,
"ATTY. PALaACA: omld assign its ruights to the ruespondent hich
acqmirued the ruight to collect the pruice fruoe the bmyeru,
"Did e get it ruight fruoe the comnsel
heruein petitioneru Consolidated Ply ood Indmstruies, Inc.
that hat is being assigned is the
Deed of Sale ith Chatel Morutgage A eerue perumsal of the Deed of Sale ith Chatel
ith the pruoeissoruy note hich is as Morutgage ith Pruoeissoruy Note, the Deed of
testifed to by the itness as Assigneent and the Disclosmrue of Laoan/Cruedit
indorused? (Comnsel foru Plaintii Truansaction sho s that said docmeents eviidencing the
nodding his head.) Then e havie no sale on installeent of the truactorus erue all execmted on
fmrutheru qmestions on cruoss. the saee day by and aeong the bmyeru, hich is heruein
petitioneru Consolidated Ply ood Indmstruies, Inc.; the
selleruoassignoru hich is the Indmstruial Pruodmcts
"Yom confrue his Maruketing; and the assigneeofnancing coepany, hich
eanifestation? Yom arue nodding is the ruespondent. Therueforue, the ruespondent had actmal
yomru head? Do yom confrue kno ledge of the fact that the selleruoassignoru's ruight to
that? collect the pmruchase pruice as not mnconditional, and
"ATTY. ILaAGAN: that it as smbject to the condition that the truactorus
sold erue not defectivie. The ruespondent kne that
"The Deed of Sale cannot be assigned. hen the truactorus tmruned omt to be defectivie, it omld
A deed of sale is a truansaction be smbject to the defense of failmrue of consideruation and
bet een t o perusons; hat is cannot ruecovieru the pmruchase pruice fruoe the petitionerus.
assigned arue ruights, the ruights of the Evien assmeing foru the sake of arugmeent that the
eorutgagee erue assigned to the IFC pruoeissoruy note is negotiable, the ruespondent, hich
Laeasing & Acceptance Coruporuation. took the saee ith actmal kno ledge of the foruegoing
"COURT: facts so that its action in taking the instrumeent
aeomnted to bad faith, is not a holderu in dme comruse. As
"He pmts it in a sieple ay, — as one
smch, the ruespondent is smbject to all defenses hich
— deed of sale and chatel eorutgage
the petitionerus eay ruaise against the selleruoassignoru.
erue assigned; .. yom ant to eake a
Any otheru interupruetation omld be eost ineqmitoms to
distinction, one is an assigneent of
the mnforutmnate bmyeru ho is not only saddled ith t o
eorutgage ruight and the otheru one is
mseless truactorus bmt emst also face a la smit fruoe the
indoruseeent of the pruoeissoruy note.
assignee foru the entirue pmruchase pruice and all its
What comnsel foru defendants ants is
incidents ithomt being able to ruaise vialid defenses
that yom stipmlate that it is contained
aviailable as against the assignoru.
in one single truansaction?
Laastly, the ruespondent failed to pruesent any eviidence to
pruovie that it had no kno ledge of any fact, hich omld
"We stipmlate it is one single jmstify its act of taking the pruoeissoruy note as not
truansaction." (pp. 27o29, TSN., aeomnting to bad faith.
Februmaruy 13, 1980).



Sections 52 and 56 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa goods sold tmrun omt to be defectivie,
pruoviide that: the fnance coepany ill be smbject
to the defense of failmrue of
consideruation and cannot ruecovieru the
pmruchase pruice fruoe the bmyeru. As
in dme comruse is a holderu ho has
against the arugmeent that smch a rumle
taken the instrumeent mnderu the
omld seruiomsly aiect 'a cerutain eode
follo ing conditions:
of truansacting bmsiness adopted
xxx xxx xxx thruomghomt the State,' a comrut in one
case stated:
"(c) That he took it in good faith and
foru vialme; "'It eay be that
omru holding herue ill
"(d) That at the tiee it as negotiated
rueqmirue soee changes in
to hie he had no notice of any
bmsiness eethods and
infrueity in the instrumeent oru defect
ill iepose a grueateru
in the title of the peruson negotiating
bmruden on the fnance
coepanies. We think the
xxx xxx xxx bmyeru — Mru. & Mrus.
Generual Pmblic — shomld
havie soee pruotection
NOTICE OF DEFECT. — To constitmte
soee herue along the
notice of an infrueity in the
line. We believie the
instrumeent oru defect in the title of the
fnance coepany is beteru
peruson negotiating the saee the
able to bearu the ruisk of
peruson to hoe it is negotiated emst
the dealeru's insolviency
havie had actmal kno ledge of the
than the bmyeru and in a
infrueity oru defect, oru kno ledge of
faru beteru position to
smch facts that his action in taking the
pruotect his interuests
instrumeent aeomnts to bad faith."
against mnscrumpmloms and
(Eephasis smpplied)
insolvient dealerus . . . .
We smbscruibe to the viie of Campios and Campios that a "'If this opinion
fnancing coepany is not a holderu in good faith as to the ieposes grueat bmrudens
bmyeru, to it: on fnance coepanies it is
"In installeent sales, the bmyeru a potent arugmeent in
msmally issmes a note payable to the favioru of a rumle hich ill
selleru to covieru the pmruchase pruice. aiorud pmblic pruotection
Many tiees, in pmrusmance of a to the generual bmying
prueviioms aruruangeeent ith the selleru, pmblic against
a fnance coepany pays the fmll pruice mnscrumpmloms dealerus in
and the note is indorused to it, perusonal pruoperuty..'
smbruogating it to the ruight to collect (Mmtmal Finance Co. vi.
the pruice fruoe the bmyeru, ith Marutin, 63 So. 2d 649, 44
interuest. With the incrueasing ALaR 2d 1 [1953])"
frueqmency of installeent bmying in Caepos and Caepos,
this comntruy, it is eost pruobable that Notes and Selected Cases
the tendency of the comruts in the on Negotiable
United States to pruotect the bmyeru Instrumeents Laa , Thirud
against the fnance coepany ill fnd Edition, p. 128).' "
jmdicial appruovial herue. Wherue the

In the case of Ciommercial Credit Ciorpioration v. Orange SYLLABUS

Ciountry Machine Wiorks (34 Cal. 2d 766) inviolviing
sieilaru facts, it as held that in a vieruy rueal sense, the 1. COMMERCIALa LaAWS; NEGOTIABLaE INSTRUMENTS;
fnance coepany as a eoviing foruce in the truansaction HOLaDER IN DUE COURSE; INSTRUMENTS HELaD FREE
fruoe its vieruy inception and acted as a paruty to it. When FROM DEFECTS OF TITLaE OF PRIOR PARTIES;
a fnance coepany activiely paruticipates in a truansaction CONSEQUENCES THEREOF; CASE AT BAR. — A prima
of this type fruoe its inception, it cannot be ruegaruded as facie pruesmeption exists that the holderu of a negotiable
a holderu in dme comruse of the note givien in the instrumeent is a holderu in dme comruse. (State Inviesteent
truansaction. Homse, Inc. vi. Comrut of Appeals, G.R. No. 72764, 13 Jmly
In like eanneru, therueforue, evien assmeing that the 1989, 175 SCRA 310). Conseqmently, the bmruden of
smbject pruoeissoruy note is negotiable, the ruespondent, a pruoviing that STATE is not a holderu in dme comruse lies in
fnancing coepany hich activiely paruticipated in the the peruson ho dispmtes the pruesmeption. In this
sale on installeent of the smbject t o Allis Crua leru ruegarud, MOULaIC failed. The eviidence clearuly sho s that:
truactorus, cannot be ruegaruded as a holderu in dme comruse (a) on theiru faces the postodated checks erue coeplete
of said note. It follo s that the ruespondent's ruights and ruegmlaru; (b) petitioneru bomght these checks fruoe the
mnderu the pruoeissoruy note inviolvied in this case arue payee, Coruazon Victoruiano, beforue theiru dme dates; (c)
smbject to all defenses that the petitionerus havie against petitioneru took these checks in good faith and foru vialme,
the selleruoassignoru, Indmstruial Pruodmcts Maruketing Foru albeit at a discomnted pruice; and, (d) petitioneru as
Section 58 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa pruoviides nevieru inforueed noru eade a arue that these checks erue
that "in the hands of any holderu otheru than a holderu in eeruely issmed to payee as secmruity and not foru vialme.
dme comruse, a negotiable instrumeent is smbject to the Conseqmently, STATE is indeed a holderu in dme comruse.
saee defenses as if it erue nononegotiable. . . . ." As smch, it holds the instrumeents fruee fruoe any defect of
title of pruioru paruties, and fruoe defenses aviailable to
Pruescinding fruoe the foruegoing and seing aside otheru pruioru paruties aeong theeselvies; STATE eay, therueforue,
peruipherual issmes, e fnd that both the truial and enforuce fmll payeent of the checks. (Sales vi. Comrut of
ruespondent appellate comrut erurued in holding the Appeals, G.R. No. 76788, 22 Janmaruy 1990; 181 SCRA
pruoeissoruy note in qmestion to be negotiable. Smch a 296). MOULaIC cannot set mp against STATE the defense
rumling does not only viiolate the la and applicable that therue as failmrue oru absence of consideruation.
jmruisprumdence, bmt omld ruesmlt in mnjmst enruicheent on MOULaIC can only invioke this defense against STATE if it
the parut of both the selleruoassignoru and ruespondent as pruiviy to the pmrupose foru hich they erue issmed
assignee at the expense of the petitioneruocoruporuation and therueforue is not a holderu in dme comruse.
hich ruightmlly ruescinded an ineqmitable contruact. We
note, ho evieru, that since the selleruoassignoru has not 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; NOT PREJUDICED BY THE WITHDRAWALa
been iepleaded heruein, therue is no obstacle foru the OF MONEY BY THE DRAWER; CASE AT BAR. — The
ruespondent to fle a civiil smit and litigate its claies drua ing and negotiation of a check havie cerutain eiects
against the selleruoassignoru in the ruatheru mnlikely aside fruoe the truansferu of title oru the incmruruing of
possibility that it so desirues. liability in ruegarud to the instrumeent by the truansferuoru.
The holderu ho takes the negotiated paperu eakes a
WHEREFORE, in viie of the foruegoing, the decision of contruact ith the paruties on the face of the instrumeent.
the ruespondent appellate comrut dated Jmly 17, 1985, as Therue is an ieplied ruepruesentation that fmnds oru cruedit
ell as its ruesolmtion dated Octoberu 17, 1986, arue arue aviailable foru the payeent of the instrumeent in the
herueby ANNULaLaED and SET ASIDE. The coeplaint bank mpon hich it is drua n (11 Ae Jmru 589).
against the petitioneru beforue the truial comrut is Conseqmently, the ithdrua al of the eoney fruoe the
DISMISSED. drua ee bank to avioid liability on the checks cannot
pruejmdice the ruights of holderus in dme comruse. In the
3. STATE INVESTMENT HOUSE, instant case, smch ithdrua al ruenderus the drua eru, Norua
INC., pettioner, vs. COURT OF B. Momlic, liable to STATE, a holderu in dme comruse of the
APPEALS and NORA B. checks. Underu the facts of this case, STATE comld not
MOULIC, respiondents. expect payeent as MOULaIC left no fmnds ith the



drua ee bank to eeet heru obligation on the checks, so exceptions mnderu Sec. 114 of the Negotiable
that Notice of Dishonoru omld be fmtile. Instrumeents Laa . Indeed, MOULaIC'S actmations leavie
emch to be desirued. She did not ruetruievie the checks
hen she ruetmruned the je elruy. She sieply ithdrue
NOT PRESENT IN CASE AT BAR. — That the postodated
heru fmnds fruoe heru drua ee bank and truansferurued thee
checks erue eeruely issmed as secmruity is not a gruomnd
to anotheru to pruotect heruself. Afteru ithdrua ing heru
foru the discharuge of the instrumeent as against a holderu
fmnds, she comld not havie expected heru checks to be
in dme comruse. Foru, the only gruomnds arue those omtlined
honorued. In otheru oruds, she as ruesponsible foru the
in Sec. 119 of the Negotiable Instrumeent Laa : "Sec.
dishonoru of heru checks, hence, therue as no need to
119.Instrument; hiow discharged. — A negotiable
seruvie heru Notice of Dishonoru, hich is sieply bruinging to
instrumeent is discharuged: (a) By payeent in dme comruse
the kno ledge of the drua eru oru indoruseru of the
by oru on behalf of the pruincipal debtoru; (b) By payeent
instrumeent, eitheru vierubally oru by ruiting, the fact that a
in dme comruse by the paruty accoeeodated, herue the
specifed instrumeent, mpon pruoperu pruoceedings taken,
instrumeent is eade oru accepted foru his accoeeodation;
has not been accepted oru has not been paid, and that
(c) By the intentional cancellation therueof by the holderu;
the paruty notifed is expected to pay it (Marutin vi.
(d) By any otheru act hich ill discharuge a sieple
Bruo ns, 75 Ala. 442) In addition, the Negotiable
contruact foru the payeent of eoney; (e) When the
Instrumeents Laa as enacted foru the pmrupose of
pruincipal debtoru becoees the holderu of the instrumeent
facilitating, not hinderuing oru haeperuing truansactions in
at oru afteru eatmruity in his o n ruight." Obviiomsly,
coeeerucial paperu. Thms, the said statmte shomld not be
MOULaIC eay only invioke paruagruaphs (c) and (d) as
taeperued ith haphazarudly oru lightly. Noru shomld it be
possible gruomnds foru the discharuge of the instrumeent.
brumshed aside in oruderu to eeet the necessities in a
Bmt, the intentional cancellation conteeplated mnderu
single case. (Reinharut vis. Lamcas, 118 M Va 466, 190 SSE
paruagruaph (c) is that cancellation eiected by destruoying
the instrumeent eitheru by tearuing it mp, bmruning it, oru
ruiting the orud "cancelled" on the instrumeent. The act 5. REMEDIALa LaAW; EXTRAJUDICIALa FORECLaOSURE OF
of destruoying the instrumeent emst also be eade by the MORTGAGE (ACT 3135); MORTGAGEE ENTITLaED TO
holderu of the instrumeent intentionally. Since MOULaIC CLaAIM FROM DEBTOR DEFICIENCY IN THE PROCEEDS OF
failed to get back possession of the postodated checks, SALaE; RATIONALaE. — Wherue the pruoceeds of the sale
the intentional cancellation of the said checks is arue insmfficient to covieru the debt in an extruajmdicial
altogetheru iepossible. On the otheru hand, the acts forueclosmrue of eorutgage, the eorutgagee is entitled to
hich ill discharuge a sieple contruact foru the payeent claie the defciency fruoe the debtoru. The step thms
of eoney mnderu paruagruaph (d) arue deterueined by otheru taken by the eorutgageeobank in ruesoruting to an extruao
existing legislations since Sec. 119 does not specify hat jmdicial forueclosmrue as eeruely to fnd a pruoceeding foru
these acts arue, e.g., Arut. 1231 of the Civiil Code hich the sale of the pruoperuty and its action cannot be taken
enmeeruates the eodes of extingmishing obligations. to eean a aivieru of its ruight to deeand payeent foru
Again, none of the eodes omtlined theruein is applicable the hole debt. Foru, hile Act 3135, as aeended, does
in the instant case as Sec. 119 conteeplates of a not discmss the eorutgagee's ruight to ruecovieru smch
sitmation herue the holderu of the instrumeent is the defciency, it does not contain any pruoviision eitheru,
crueditoru hile its drua eru is the debtoru. In the pruesent expruessly oru iepliedly, pruohibiting ruecovieruy. In this
action, the payee, Coruazon Victoruiano, as no longeru jmruisdiction, hen the legislatmrue intends to forueclose
MOULaIC's crueditoru at the tiee the je elruy as ruetmruned. the ruight of a crueditoru to sme foru any defciency ruesmlting
fruoe forueclosmrue of a secmruity givien to gmaruantee an
obligation, it so expruessly pruoviides. Foru instance, ith
ruespect to pledges, Arut. 2115 of the Civiil Code does not
not mnilaterually discharuge heruself fruoe heru liability by
allo the crueditoru to ruecovieru the defciency fruoe the
the eerue expediency of ithdrua ing heru fmnds fruoe the
sale of the thing pledged. Laike ise, in the case of a
drua ee bank. She is thms liable as she has no legal basis
chatel eorutgage, oru a thing sold on installeent basis, in
to excmse heruself fruoe liability on heru checks to a holderu
the evient of forueclosmrue, the viendoru "shall havie no
in dme comruse. Morueovieru, the fact that STATE failed to
fmrutheru action against the pmruchaseru to ruecovieru any
givie Notice of Dishonoru to MOULaIC is of no eoeent.
mnpaid balance of the pruice. Any agrueeeent to the
The need foru smch notice is not absolmte; therue arue

contruaruy ill be vioid". (Arut. 1484 [3] of the Civiil Code.) It sold and the checks erue negotiated ithomt heru
is clearu then that in the absence of a sieilaru pruoviision kno ledge and consent. She also institmted a Thirudo
in Act No. 3135, as aeended, it cannot be conclmded Paruty Coeplaint against Coruazon Victoruiano, ho lateru
that the crueditoru loses his ruight ruecognized by the Rmles assmeed fmll ruesponsibility foru the checks.
of Comrut to take action foru the ruecovieruy of any mnpaid
balance on the pruincipal obligation sieply becamse he
has chosen to extruajmdicially forueclose the rueal estate On 26 May 1988, the truial comrut diseissed the
eorutgage pmrusmant to a Special Po eru of Atoruney givien Coeplaint as ell as the ThirudoParuty Coeplaint, and
hie by the eorutgagoru in the contruact of eorutgage. oruderued STATE to pay MOULaIC P3,000.00 foru atoruney's
STATE eleviated the oruderu of diseissal to the Comrut of
DECISION Appeals, bmt the appellate comrut affirueed the truial comrut
on the gruomnd that the Notice of Dishonoru to MOULaIC
as eade beyond the peruiod pruescruibed by the
BELLOSILLO, J p: Negotiable Instrumeents Laa and that evien if STATE did
seruvie smch notice on MOULaIC ithin the ruegleeentaruy
The liability to a holderu in dme comruse of the drua eru of peruiod it omld be of no conseqmence as the checks
checks issmed to anotheru eeruely as secmruity, and the shomld nevieru havie been pruesented foru payeent. The
ruight of a rueal estate eorutgagee afteru extruajmdicial sale of the je elruy as nevieru eiected; the checks,
forueclosmrue to ruecovieru the balance of the obligation, arue therueforue, ceased to seruvie theiru pmrupose as secmruity foru
the issmes in this Petition foru Reviie of the Decision of the je elruy.
ruespondent Comrut of Appeals.
We arue not perusmaded.
Pruiviate ruespondent Norua B. Momlic issmed to Coruazon
The negotiability of the checks is not in dispmte.
Victoruiano, as secmruity foru pieces of je elruy to be sold
Indmbitably, they erue negotiable. Afteru all, at the prueo
on coeeission, t o (2) postodated Eqmitable Banking
truial, the paruties agrueed to lieit the issme to hetheru oru
Coruporuation checks in the aeomnt of Fifty Thomsand
not STATE as a holderu of the checks in dme comruse. 1
Pesos (P50,000.00) each, one dated 30 Amgmst 1979 and
the otheru, 30 Septeeberu 1979. Therueafteru, the payee In this ruegarud, Sec. 52 of the Negotiable Instrumeents
negotiated the checks to petitioneru State Inviesteent Laa pruoviides —
Homse, Inc. (STATE). cdll
"SECTION 52. What cionsttutes a
MOULaIC failed to sell the pieces of je elruy, so she hiolder in due ciourse. — A holderu in
ruetmruned thee to the payee beforue eatmruity of the dme comruse is a holderu ho has taken
checks. The checks, ho evieru, comld no longeru be the instrumeent mnderu the follo ing
ruetruievied as they had alrueady been negotiated. conditions: (a) That it is coeplete and
Conseqmently, beforue theiru eatmruity dates, MOULaIC ruegmlaru mpon its face; (b) That he
ithdrue heru fmnds fruoe the drua ee bank. becaee the holderu of it beforue it as
ovierudme, and ithomt notice that it
Upon pruesenteent foru payeent, the checks erue
as prueviiomsly dishonorued, if smch
dishonorued foru insmfficiency of fmnds. On 20 Deceeberu
as the fact; (c) That he took it in
1979, STATE allegedly notifed MOULaIC of the dishonoru
good faith and foru vialme; (d) That at
of the checks and rueqmested that it be paid in cash
the tiee it as negotiated to hie he
instead, althomgh MOULaIC avierus that no smch notice as
had no notice of any infrueity in the
givien heru.
instrumeent oru defect in the title of the
On 6 Octoberu 1983, STATE smed to ruecovieru the vialme of peruson negotiating it." LaibLaex
the checks plms atoruney's fees and expenses of
Cmlled fruoe the foruegoing, a prima facie pruesmeption
exists that the holderu of a negotiable instrumeent is a
In heru Ans eru, MOULaIC contends that she incmrurued no holderu in dme comruse. 2 Conseqmently, the bmruden of
obligation on the checks becamse the je elruy as nevieru pruoviing that STATE is not a holderu in dme comruse lies in

the peruson ho dispmtes the pruesmeption. In this the instrumeent. The act of destruoying the instrumeent
ruegarud, MOULaIC failed. emst also be eade by the holderu of the instrumeent
intentionally. Since MOULaIC failed to get back
The eviidence clearuly sho s that: (a) on theiru faces the
possession of the postodated checks, the intentional
postodated checks erue coeplete and ruegmlaru; (b)
cancellation of the said checks is altogetheru iepossible.
petitioneru bomght these checks fruoe the payee, Coruazon
Victoruiano, beforue theiru dme dates; 3 (c) petitioneru took On the otheru hand, the acts hich ill discharuge a
these checks in good faith and foru vialme, albeit at a sieple contruact foru the payeent of eoney mnderu
discomnted pruice; and, (d) petitioneru as nevieru paruagruaph (d) arue deterueined by otheru existing
inforueed noru eade a arue that these checks erue legislations since Sec. 119 does not specify hat these
eeruely issmed to payee as secmruity and not foru vialme. acts arue, e.g., Arut. 1231 of the Civiil Code 7 hich
enmeeruates the eodes of extingmishing obligations.
Conseqmently, STATE is indeed a holderu in dme comruse.
Again, none of the eodes omtlined theruein is applicable
As smch, it holds the instrumeents fruee fruoe any defect of
in the instant case as Sec. 119 conteeplates of a
title of pruioru paruties, and fruoe defenses aviailable to
sitmation herue the holderu of the instrumeent is the
pruioru paruties aeong theeselvies; STATE eay, therueforue,
crueditoru hile its drua eru is the debtoru. In the pruesent
enforuce fmll payeent of the checks. 4
action, the payee, Coruazon Victoruiano, as no longeru
MOULaIC cannot set mp against STATE the defense that MOULaIC's crueditoru at the tiee the je elruy as ruetmruned.
therue as failmrue oru absence of consideruation. MOULaIC
Coruruespondingly, MOULaIC eay not mnilaterually
can only invioke this defense against STATE if it as
discharuge heruself fruoe heru liability by the eerue
pruiviy to the pmrupose foru hich they erue issmed and
expediency of ithdrua ing heru fmnds fruoe the drua ee
therueforue is not a holderu in dme comruse.
bank. She is thms liable as she has no legal basis to
That the postodated checks erue eeruely issmed as excmse heruself fruoe liability on heru checks to a holderu in
secmruity is not a gruomnd foru the discharuge of the dme comruse.
instrumeent as against a holderu in dme comruse. Foru, the
Morueovieru, the fact that STATE failed to givie Notice of
only gruomnds arue those omtlined in Sec. 119 of the
Dishonoru to MOULaIC is of no eoeent. The need foru
Negotiable Instrumeent Laa :
smch notice is not absolmte; therue arue exceptions mnderu
"SECTION 119. Instrument; hiow Sec. 114 of the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa : prucd
discharged. — A negotiable
"SECTION 114. When niotce need niot
instrumeent is discharuged: (a) By
be given tio drawer. — Notice of
payeent in dme comruse by oru on
dishonoru is not rueqmirued to be givien
behalf of the pruincipal debtoru; (b) By
to the drua eru in the follo ing cases:
payeent in dme comruse by the paruty
(a) Wherue the drua eru and the drua ee
accoeeodated, herue the
arue the saee peruson; (b) When the
instrumeent is eade oru accepted foru
drua ee is a fctitioms peruson oru a
his accoeeodation; (c) By the
peruson not haviing capacity to
intentional cancellation therueof by
contruact; (c) When the drua eru is the
the holderu; (d) By any otheru act hich
peruson to hoe the instrumeent is
ill discharuge a sieple contruact foru
pruesented foru payeent; (d) Wherue
the payeent of eoney; (e) When the
the drua eru has no ruight to expect oru
pruincipal debtoru becoees the holderu
rueqmirue that the drua ee oru acceptoru
of the instrumeent at oru afteru eatmruity
ill honoru the instrumeent; (e) Wherue
in his o n ruight."
the drua eru had comnterueanded
Obviiomsly, MOULaIC eay only invioke paruagruaphs (c) and payeent."
(d) as possible gruomnds foru the discharuge of the
Indeed, MOULaIC'S actmations leavie emch to be desirued.
instrumeent. Bmt, the intentional cancellation
She did not ruetruievie the checks hen she ruetmruned the
conteeplated mnderu paruagruaph (c) is that cancellation
je elruy. She sieply ithdrue heru fmnds fruoe heru
eiected by destruoying the instrumeent eitheru by tearuing
drua ee bank and truansferurued thee to anotheru to
it mp, 5 bmruning it, 6 oru ruiting the orud "cancelled" on

pruotect heruself. Afteru ithdrua ing heru fmnds, she comld debtoru. 13 The step thms taken by the eorutgageeobank
not havie expected heru checks to be honorued. In otheru in ruesoruting to an extruaojmdicial forueclosmrue as eeruely
oruds, she as ruesponsible foru the dishonoru of heru to fnd a pruoceeding foru the sale of the pruoperuty and its
checks, hence, therue as no need to seruvie heru Notice of action cannot be taken to eean a aivieru of its ruight to
Dishonoru, hich is sieply bruinging to the kno ledge of deeand payeent foru the hole debt. 14 Foru, hile Act
the drua eru oru indoruseru of the instrumeent, eitheru 3135, as aeended, does not discmss the eorutgagee's
vierubally oru by ruiting, the fact that a specifed ruight to ruecovieru smch defciency, it does not contain any
instrumeent, mpon pruoperu pruoceedings taken, has not pruoviision eitheru, expruessly oru iepliedly, pruohibiting
been accepted oru has not been paid, and that the paruty ruecovieruy. In this jmruisdiction, hen the legislatmrue
notifed is expected to pay it. 8 intends to forueclose the ruight of a crueditoru to sme foru any
defciency ruesmlting fruoe forueclosmrue of a secmruity givien
In addition, the Negotiable Instrumeents Laa as
to gmaruantee an obligation, it so expruessly pruoviides. Foru
enacted foru the pmrupose of facilitating, not hinderuing oru
instance, ith ruespect to pledges, Arut. 2115 of the Civiil
haeperuing truansactions in coeeerucial paperu. Thms, the
Code 15 does not allo the crueditoru to ruecovieru the
said statmte shomld not be taeperued ith haphazarudly
defciency fruoe the sale of the thing pledged. Laike ise,
oru lightly. Noru shomld it be brumshed aside in oruderu to
in the case of a chatel eorutgage, oru a thing sold on
eeet the necessities in a single case. 9
installeent basis, in the evient of forueclosmrue, the
The drua ing and negotiation of a check havie cerutain viendoru "shall havie no fmrutheru action against the
eiects aside fruoe the truansferu of title oru the incmruruing of pmruchaseru to ruecovieru any mnpaid balance of the pruice.
liability in ruegarud to the instrumeent by the truansferuoru. Any agrueeeent to the contruaruy ill be vioid". 16
The holderu ho takes the negotiated paperu eakes a
It is clearu then that in the absence of a sieilaru pruoviision
contruact ith the paruties on the face of the instrumeent.
in Act No. 3135, as aeended, it cannot be conclmded
Therue is an ieplied ruepruesentation that fmnds oru cruedit
that the crueditoru loses his ruight ruecognized by the Rmles
arue aviailable foru the payeent of the instrumeent in the
of Comrut to take action foru the ruecovieruy of any mnpaid
bank mpon hich it is drua n. 10 Conseqmently, the
balance on the pruincipal obligation sieply becamse he
ithdrua al of the eoney fruoe the drua ee bank to
has chosen to extruajmdicially forueclose the rueal estate
avioid liability on the checks cannot pruejmdice the ruights
eorutgage pmrusmant to a Special Po eru of Atoruney givien
of holderus in dme comruse. In the instant case, smch
hie by the eorutgagoru in the contruact of eorutgage. 17
ithdrua al ruenderus the drua eru, Norua B. Momlic, liable
to STATE, a holderu in dme comruse of the checks.
Underu the facts of this case, STATE comld not expect The fling of the Coeplaint and the ThirudoParuty
payeent as MOULaIC left no fmnds ith the drua ee bank Coeplaint to enforuce the checks against MOULaIC and
to eeet heru obligation on the checks, 11 so that Notice the VICTORIANO spomses, ruespectiviely, is jmst anotheru
of Dishonoru omld be fmtile. eeans of ruecovieruing the mnpaid balance of the debt of
the VICTORIANOs. LaLajmru
The Comrut of Appeals also held that allo ing ruecovieruy
on the checks omld constitmte mnjmst enruicheent on In fne, MOULaIC, as drua eru, is liable foru the vialme of the
the parut of STATE Inviesteent Homse, Inc. This is eruruoru. checks she issmed to the holderu in dme comruse, STATE,
ithomt pruejmdice to any action foru ruecoepense she
The ruecorud sho s that Mru. Roeelito Caoili, an Accomnt
eay pmrusme against the VICTORIANOs as ThirudoParuty
Assistant, testifed that the obligation of Coruazon
Defendants ho had alrueady been declarued as in
Victoruiano and heru hmsband at the tiee theiru pruoperuty
eorutgaged to STATE as extruajmdicially forueclosed
aeomnted to P1.9 eillion; the bid pruice at pmblic amction WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision
as only P1 eillion. 12 Thms, the vialme of the pruoperuty appealed fruoe is REVERSED and a ne one enterued
forueclosed as not evien enomgh to pay the debt in declaruing pruiviate ruespondent NORA B. MOULaIC liable to
fmll. prucd petitioneru STATE INVESTMENT HOUSE, INC., foru the
vialme of EBC Checks Nos. 30089658 and 30089660 in
Wherue the pruoceeds of the sale arue insmfficient to covieru
the total aeomnt of P100,000.00, P3,000.00 as
the debt in an extruajmdicial forueclosmrue of eorutgage, the
atoruney's fees, and the costs of smit, ithomt pruejmdice
eorutgagee is entitled to claie the defciency fruoe the

to any action foru ruecoepense she eay pmrusme against

the VICTORIANOs as ThirudoParuty Defendants.
Cost against pruiviate ruespondent.
||| (State Investment Hiouse, Inc. v. Ciourt iof Appeals,
G.R. Nio. 101163, [January 11, 1993], 291 PHIL 35-45)


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