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Survey Questionnaire

Dear Respondents;
We are student researchers from Grade 12- St. Patrick of Ireland conducting a survey entitled
“The Benefits of Using Technology as Aid in Academic Performance.”
As such we would like to request a portion of your time to accomplish this survey. Your
participation in this survey will be very much appreciated.
The Researchers

Name: ______________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________________

1.) What are the various forms of technology that you use for educational purposes?
 Cellphone
 Tablet
 Laptop or PC
 Internet
 Social Media
 Learning Management System (e.g. Genyo)
 Educational Programs and Software (e.g GeoGebra)

2.) How often do you use these forms of technology at school? Place a ✔ on the
corresponding boxes.
Forms of Technology Number of Hours
1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 12+
Laptop or PC
Social Media
Learning Management System
(e.g. Genyo)
Educational Programs and
Software (e.g. GeoGebra)
3.) How often do you use these forms of technology at home? Place a ✔ on the
corresponding boxes.
Forms of Technology Number of Hours
1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 12+
Laptop or PC
Social Media
Learning Management System
(e.g. Genyo)
Educational Programs and
Software (e.g. GeoGebra)

4.) What do you think are the positive effects of technology to your academic
performance? Place a ✔ on the corresponding boxes.
Positive Effects Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Gadgets, such as cellphones
and tablets, make learning more
accessible anytime and
Certain applications on my
laptop or PC, such as MS Word
and Powerpoint, are useful tools
for when I am creating or editing
my schoolworks.
The Internet gives me easier
and faster access to information
that I need for topics that I need
to research on.
Social Media allows me to
connect with my schoolmates
whenever collaborative work is
needed on a certain project.
Learning Management
Systems, such as Genyo,
allows me to view and submit
my tasks in a more efficient and
organized manner.
Educational Programs and
Software, such as GeoGebra,
allows me to better understand
a certain topic.
5.) What do you think are the negative effects of technology to your academic
performance? Place a ✔ on the corresponding boxes.
Negative Effects Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Using my gadgets, such as
cellphones and tablets,
prevents me from studying and
accomplishing my tasks.
Certain applications on my
laptop or PC, such as MS Word
and Powerpoint, causes
inconveniences when it fails to
function properly.
The information on the Internet
can be edited or manipulated by
almost anyone which makes it
inaccurate and unreliable.
Social Media distracts me from
studying and from my tasks and
responsibilities in school.
Learning Management
Systems, such as Genyo, are
Educational Programs and
Software, such as GeoGebra,
are hard to use and confuses
me even more.

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