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I am in favor of the Divorce Bill. Because why not? There are two ways to legally end a marriage.

One is annulment and the other is Divorce. Yes, there is a big difference between the two. The
former, cancels a marriage, it is as though it is completely erased and never technically existed
and never was valid. While the former, ends a valid marriage, returning both parties to single
status with the ability to remarry. Both are different procedurally, but they have one and the
same end goal. That is to end a marriage. Annulment is recognized legally in the Philippines as a
means of ending a marriage. Since annulment is recognized in Philippines, why not divorce?
Which is a faster and a more convenient way of ending a marriage.

One’s whole life is wasted by being tied to a marriage that is long dead. Why not give merciful
liberation of the unfortunate spouse from a long rotting marriage. Separated spouse must be
given another chance to start a new, and this time, with the right person and with the right

Also, they say it’s traumatizing for children if the Divorce Law will be passed. You know what’s
more traumatizing? Seeing your parents fight everyday, seeing one parent getting hurt because
of an abusive spouse. Staying in an unhappy and abusive marriage is a tragedy. This also gives
our children wrong ideas of love. Let us stop this cycle. Yes to the Divorce Bill.

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