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AFET Edition


The Committee of Love

Trust, love and heated mo- easily chatting, tossing out jokes and nor details; I will just let the quotes be-
seemed unified as a team. low speak for themselves.
ments in the Committee
on Foreign Affairs. One thing always leads to another and “Jonas, you opened my belt!”
the loving mood in the Committee has “Gentle!” – “I am being gentle. I just…
led to some heated moments. When I Well, he does not like it gentle”
joined the Committee for a round of “Push harder!”
Love and romance seem follow the “Honey, tell me that you love me” I was “You did it again, you opened my belt.”
Committee on Foreign Affairs wherever surprised of how jocular they acted. Katarina Warg
they go. In their Committee room there The flourishing love seemed to inspire
are hearts hanging on the wall and their the Delegates to trust one another and
theme for the Committee presentation step out of their normal comfort zone.
was romance – the love is flourishing in All Committee members were commit-
AFET. ted to the game and allowed themselves
to laugh together. “Honey, tell me that
The amiable atmosphere in the Com- you love me” is a game that allows plen-
mittee of Love struck me when I re- ty of physical interaction. AFET chal-
joined the Committee after being away lenged the conventions, stretched the
for about an hour. When I left they limits and left no physical boundaries
were still doing name games, when I uncrossed. Furthermore, one pair was
returned they had established a relaxed crystallised quite early in the Commit-
and friendly environment. They were tee of Love. I will mention no names,

Europe’s High,
Afghanistan’s Low
From opium production to tion has moved elsewhere. Developing these societies, their people and their
countries without a functioning legal economy. Eliminating these produc-
sustainable rural and eco- system have instead become the new tions would increase the risk of finan-
nomic development: how centers for drug production. cial crises in already unstable econo-
mies and could result in many people
can the EU help developing The developing countries’ extensive losing their employment and source of
countries, such as Afghani- drug markets supply the worldwide income. Nevertheless, the drug market
demand for drugs. The drug industry must be fought on grounds of being
stan, fight drug production employs large numbers of people and toxic and not a sustainable alternative.
within their borders? many individuals and families depend
on their income from this illegal mar- The core problem of this topic is how
ket. In order to survive they are forced to eliminate the drug market without
to work under horrible working con- impeding the developing countries’
All over the world, in developed as well
ditions. The drug market is a well- progress. The European Union, as well
developing countries, there is a demand
established and, in some countries, as AFET, must aim to improve this del-
for drugs. Within the European Un-
even makes up a major part of the na- icate situation, however, they must be
ion, drug production is prohibited and
tional economy. Prohibiting drugs and careful to not inflict with the develop-
relatively under control, but since the
eliminating all drug production would ing countries’ sovereigntiy.
demand for drugs remains the produc-
therefore have major consequences for Katarina Warg

The Kuopio’10 Press team

Anni Marttinen
Anna Westerlund
Eoin O’Leary
Katarina Warg
Kati Pärn
Nikolas Rawlins
Sara Juricic

Elsa Horn af Rantzien
Konrad Staeger

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