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Association of Christ Oriented Students

– Campus Crusade for

Christ (ACOS-CCC)

Narrative Report
Academic Year 2016-2017
Association of Christ Oriented Students – Campus Crusade for Christ

List of Activities
A.Y. 2016-2017

Core Leaders Regular Meeting
Core Leaders Prayer and Fasting
ACOS TINDAHAN: Income Generating Project (IGP)
Regular Fellowship
I Jam
See You at the Pole 2016 (SYATP 2016)

Jericho Walk
4SL Demonstration

III. Southern Luzon State University: Seminar for Leaders

SLSU Seminar for Organization Leaders

I. ACOS-CCC Activities

Core Leaders Regular Meeting

Association of Christ Oriented Students – Campus Crusade for Christ conducted its core
leaders meeting every Thursday, after ACOS-CCC Fellowship. The meeting is either held inside or
outside the university’s premises. The agenda every meeting is (1) evaluation of the fellowship
(2) task assigning for the next fellowship and (3) other concerns.

If it’s not possible for the core leaders to meet after the fellowship, a day is still selected
to hold the meeting after every fellowship. More than a meeting, the activity provides the core
leaders bonding and fellowship for each other. During the meeting, the core leaders are also
asked to evaluate their ministry. For example, in the Music ministry, there is a need for new
musicians and worship leaders.

After this evaluation, the core leaders will address the problem by thinking and
suggesting possible solution. For example again, in the music ministry, one solution is to first
teach students how to play a musical instrument and train them in praise and worship. Other core
leaders who are knowledgeable about music, even if he/she holds a different ministry offers help
to the ministry who needs assistance. Another thing is, core leaders are asked if he/she has a plan
for his/her ministry.

Core leaders meeting didn’t only address the organization’s activities but also to give
collective help and encouragement to the core leaders to improve themselves and the organization.

Core Leaders Prayer and Fasting

Association of Christ Oriented Students – Campus Crusade for Christ core leaders had its
prayer and fasting every month. The activity consists of time allocation for prayer and schedule
for fasting. The core leaders will select a certain date for the month and for the next 24 hours, all
core leaders will fast.

The 24 hours are divided and for every two hours, a core leader will pray for the prayer
item selected. For example, from 8:00am to 10:00am, the student coordinator is the one assigned
to pray, for the next two hours, 10:00am to 12:00noon, the ministry coordinator is assigned to
pray, and so on. The prayer and fasting are not held with the leaders meeting face to face. It is
done even if they are inside the school or not. The communication of the core leaders are through
text messages to inform the others if they have finished praying or if there will be additional
prayer items.

The prayer items ranged from the organization’s concern up to international issues. The
core leaders were expected to become responsible during the activity. This activity also
developed the core leaders discipline and reliance to the Lord through prayer in addressing
problems not just for the organization.
ACOS TINDAHAN: Income Generating Project (IGP)

Association of Christ Oriented Students – Campus Crusade for Christ Income Generating
Project is a traditional project of the organization during major events in Southern Luzon State
University, particularly the ICACC. ACOS-CCC partners with students and Philippine Christian
Bookstore (PCBS) – a national distributor of Christian materials – to conduct the project. The
IGP aims to raise fund for the organization and to make fellowship with ACOS-CCC members
and students.

The IGP is commonly known as the ACOS Tindahan. ACOS-CCC had its contact in
PCBS who delivered the materials sold to the students. The core leaders sells the product and to
gain profit, the ten percent of the price of the item will be added to the original price of the item.
For example, a book mark costs 10 pesos but it will be sold for 11 pesos. Students, members or
not members, are aware of the pricing. The original price tag is not removed so the buyer will see
the original price and then explained to the buyer who, which the organization is grateful, is
willing to buy the item. There is also a permission from PCBS in doing such pricing.

The ACOS Tindahan was situated in front of the university particularly inside the Blue
Bench, the waiting shed. The core leaders thought of this place as a very strategic place in selling
the items/materials. Core leaders take turns in being ‘on duty’ in the ACOS Tindahan since
ICCAC week takes more than a day.

On the first day, the leaders and other members at around 9am starts to set up the place and
the materials, will continue for the day and packs up at around 4:30pm to 5:00pm. And since this
year also, the university hosted the STRASUC-CAF, the ACOS tindahan was also opened to raise
fund too and by grace there are more students not just from SLSU, became ACOS Tindaha’s suki.

More than selling to raise funds, the organization also took the opportunity to evangelize
to students, or even non-students, coming nearby.
Regular Fellowship

Association of Christ Oriented Students – Campus Crusade for Christ conducts its regular
fellowship every Thursday at 7:30 PM. Since ACOS-CCC’s church partner with fellowship outside
the school, Lucban Conservative Baptist Church situated in front of Southern Luzon State University,
moved to another location, ACOS-CCC returned its fellowship inside the campus.

The organization didn’t have its regular spot for fellowship so it moved from place to
place throughout the school year to do the fellowship depending if the place will be approved to
be utilized. College of Engineering Study Area, College of Teacher Education room and College
Engineering room are the common sites where the organization does its fellowship.

The fellowship are also attended by students coming from the different colleges in
Southern Luzon State University and sometimes instructors who were ACOS Alumni when they
were still SLSU Students.

Regarding the flow of the fellowship, the assigned host/s shall, first, provide an ice
breaker for the students either for the purpose of games and fun or just to simply know new
friends. After that, the person assigned in the opening prayer starts the fellowship officially, by
praying and then Praise and Worship follows. For the word or the message, it will be tackled by
either a guest speaker or student speaker. The topics are planned prior to the fellowship that has
significance to the student’s life anchored in the Word of God. The speaker closes his/her
messages through a prayer. And to turn up things around, the assigned game master will provide
an active game, longer than the ice breaker or, with the speaker, will give an interactive activity
for the students. After this, offering and special number follows.

New students attending the fellowship are called in front and welcomed by the present
members with a song and handshaking. Then, all the attendees gather in circle and close the
activity in Prayer. The fellowship ends between 8:30PM to 9:00PM.

The regular fellowship is postponed if the week is exam week. So, every semester, there
are three weeks with no fellowship to provide students preparation for their individual exams.
(Prelim, Midterm, Finals)
Also, there are special regular fellowship. Instead of following the fixed program, there
are fellowship that only has Jamming session. In this kind of session, students prepares songs
and performs it while sharing the significance of that song in his/her life. The special regular
fellowship activities depends on the planning of the core leaders – what and when will this kind
of fellowship take place.

Throughout the School year, ACOS-CCC fellowship aims to provide support to students,
through prayers, life groups and messages to encourage them. To support the university in
honing Christ oriented students while honoring and glorifying the Name of the Lord.

Association of Christ Oriented Students – Campus Crusade for Christ has its series
gathering of I-JAM. I-JAM is a regular fellowship of students every Monday every 7:30PM.
Compared to ACOS-CCC regular fellowship, I-JAM focuses in prayer. Other students know it as
prayer meeting of ACOS-CCC. Also, it is attended by small number of students compared to the
regular fellowship but still, by students coming from the different colleges.

I-Jam activity provides opening prayer, praise and worship, short devotion to encourage
everyone before prayer time and the prayer time. Prayer items varies and ranges from personal
prayers requests up to international concerns.
See You At The Pole 2016

Association of Christ Oriented Students – Campus Crusade for Christ (ACOS-CCC) held
its annual See You at the Pole last September 28, 2016 at Southern Luzon Grandstand at 4:00
AM. The said event is an annual prayer gathering of students ready to pray for their university.

This activity is not only done in most universities in the Philippines, but also across the
globe at the same date and time. Historically, see you at the pole was called as it is because of the
practice of students “seeing” other students, some includes faculty members, on the university’s
“pole”. And by taking part to this event, ACOS-CCC invited all Christian organization in and out
the campus. With year’s SYATP theme: WE CRY OUT, A generation Seeking Him (Psalms 24:3-
6) not only aims to provide fellowship with other students, this also goals for the development of
students’ concern in the university and to their fellow students as the most important purpose is
accomplished – to worship and honor the Lord.

The Christian organizations involved and the program flow are as follows: (1) Opening
prayer by Kristyanong Kabataan para sa Bayan (KKB), (2) Ice Breaker from Emman Calisajay of
One Heart (OH) and Jen Mikesh of Association of Christ Oriented Students – Campus Crusade for
Christ (ACOS-CCC) and followed by Praise and Worship led by Living Word Christian Fellowship
(LWCF). Before the message, Neilmar Lulu of ACOS-CCC introduced the SYATP history and the
hosts, Emman Calisajay and Jen Mikseh introduced the speaker, Pastor Dan Angelo Gozo, the youth
pastor of Lucban Conservative Baptist Church. After the message, students were randomly selected
to form a prayer group and started to pray on the university’s grandstand and field. Once the group
prayer was over, members of the diverse Christian organization had their “knowing games” where
students get their stranger partner and through the game led by the Youth For Christ (YFC), they got
to mingle with other students and had a chance to know them. Later, announcements and plug-ins
were handled by ACOS-CCC and the other Christian organizations.

The victory song was led by LCWF and the closing prayer by Every Nation Campus
(ENC). Other organizations who did not took part I the program but was invited to join are Bible
Readers Society (BREAD) and United for Him (U4H).The event lasted until 7:20 am and the
participants enjoyed a simple snack before their early classes.
See You At The Pole Official Poster
II. Other Activities

Jericho Walk
Although Jericho Walk is a minor and not a regular activity of ACOS-CCC, this activity
was held inside the University where ACOS-CCC members walk and pray inside the colleges at
6:00 am. Students pray for the college, it student rooms, faculty rooms and other facilities. It is a
small fellowship and prayer gathering.

4SL Demonstration
(Evangelism and Discipleship)
4SL is a strategy for evangelism and discipleship. Joyce Andrade and Meynard Rubiales
conducted the demonstration to the members of ACOS-CCC.

III. University Activity that ACOS-CCC participated

Southern Luzon State University: Seminar for Leaders
Southern Luzon State University conducted a seminar for the leaders of the student
organizations in SLSU Library. Jocelyn Navarro, ACOS-CCC Student Coordinator attended the
said event. According to her, the seminar tackled lessons concerning the youth and in addition, it
addresses the issue of drugs. She echoed the lessons of the seminars to the core leaders to raise
awareness of the concerns of the youth since the organization primarily deals with the youth.
The acquired and passed knowledge from seminar was a great help for ACOS-CCC.

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