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ENVI II Edition


Breaking the Ice on

the Baltic Sea
Music and lies forms the nied by Regina Spektor, The Killers and Rules. I was impressed by their com-
Jason Mraz. mitment to the debate and their respect
Committee committed to for each other’s opinions.
the Baltic Sea. Teambuilding was something that none
of them had experienced before, so it Why am I not scared of them failing
was quite an interesting encounter for during the GA? I think of them as a
all of them. After some stretching with time bomb – quiet and calm now, but
When meeting new people, you can S.P.U.D., we got to know something explosive and energetic later. I have no
easily become shy. When meeting about each other, strangely by lying doubts that their resolution will be a
someone who is going to be your leader to one another. So now we know that success and that both Mommy Jour-
and your guide for the next couple of amongst us we have a policeman-to-be, no and Daddy Chair will be proud of
days, you can become extremely shy. a couple of musicians (hence the music them. After all – we are the Committee
Especially if that someone does not al- background) and a polyglot. Chicken on Awesomeness.
low you to speak at all during the first Pilot was the good energiser ENVI II Sara Juricic
couple of minutes of your acquaint- needed – a perfect choice that made
ance, like ENVI II’s Chair Jan did. everyone laugh until they cried.
Not knowing whether to laugh or to be
scared, the members of the Committee Calling it hard but interesting, my
on Environment, Public Health and fierce and fabulous delegates started to
Food Safety II remained in an uncom- talk about the Baltic Sea and think of
fortable silence and introduced them- the different ways of how to rejuvenate
selves. When they realised they had it. The one thing that surprised me was
nothing to be afraid of, they relaxed the fact that they had only five Golden
and started forming a team accompa-

Saving the Baltic

Pumping our future down nately, the term ‘pollution’ is often used the bottom fauna has been heavily af-
when discussing nature and just as of- fected and will soon be ruined. Already,
the drain: how can the Bal- ten when talking about the Baltic Sea. half of the fish species are below the
tic Sea countries work to- Why is this? critical biological level. The question
is what the European Union can do
wards rejuvenating “their” The Baltic Sea is almost completely sur- to prevent the ‘death’ of the Baltic Sea
Ocean whilst maintaining rounded with land, which makes more and meanwhile maintain its economic
vulnerable to pollution than other ma- capacity. The Committee on Environ-
its economic capacity? rine areas. It is possible to say that the ment, Public Health and Food Safety
Baltic Sea is a proper ‘nutrient soup’ – it II, led by Jan Bubienczyk is here to dis-
causes the growth of seaweed as well as cuss and find a solution to this difficult
It is commonly known that our nature anaerobic bacteria. Due to the industri- yet interesting problem.
is essential for our survival. Unfortu- al waste that floods to the sea every day, Sara Juricic

The Jan Spirit

Jan Bubienczyk – an inno- did not stop him from being nervous
and excited before chairing for the first
vator with a passion. time. Thanks to the relaxed atmosphere
between the Committee members of
ENVI II, his anxiety soon disappeared.
A lot of us follow the standardised With chairing being a great passion of
Delegate-Journo-Chair path when at- his, it is one of the things that he enjoys
tending sessions of the European Youth the most. Consistent and diligent when
Parliament. This does, however, not it comes to work, but calm and kind
apply to Jan Bubienczyk, the Chair of when it comes to his Delegates, the
the Committee on Environment, Pub- members of ENVI II describe him as
lic Health and Food Safety II a.k.a. the an innovative and inspiring individual
Committee on Awesomeness. When with a great will to show, explain and
asked about the reasons for this, he an- The Kuopio’10 Press team
swers with a simple explanation – in his
opinion, being a Journalist is individual Journalists
Knowing Jan for some time now, I have Anni Marttinen
fun, whereas being a Chair lets him ap- to say I have no doubts about him or
ply everything that he has learned in Anna Westerlund
his skills. ENVI II, the Committee on Eoin O’Leary
real life. Awesomeness, should consider them- Katarina Warg
selves very lucky for having him as their Kati Pärn
Fierce and fabulous, he is a very stub- Chair.
born person. He expects a lot from you Nikolas Rawlins
Sara Juricic Sara Juricic
and he does not accept failure. Still, this
Elsa Horn af Rantzien
Konrad Staeger

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