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Project System: IM Configuration Guide

Configuration Document
Shasun Chemicals and Drugs Limited, Chennai


Dated: Apr 01, 2008


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Project System: IM Configuration Guide

Document Title: Configuration Document for SAP ECC 6.0

Document ID :
Purpose: Configuration Document

File Name: Configuration Document-PS-Shasun

Security Company Confidential
Author: V.Ananthapadmanaban

Approved by: Harish Gour / Hari Prasad K

Distribution List: Shasun Chemicals and Drugs Limited, Chennai
SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd, Chennai.
SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd, Hyderabad.

Version No Date of Release Description

1.0 Apr’ 01, 2008 Configuration


Ver. No. / Brief Change Detailed Change Description
Date Description
2008-04- Original Original Document

© 2004 SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd.

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Project System: IM Configuration Guide

The contents of this document are the property of SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd
and are intended for the sole purpose of consumption by
Shasun Chemicals and Drugs Limited, Chennai
Reproduction, distribution, and modification of this document or

any parts thereof, in any form, without the written permission of

SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd are not permitted. Use of this docu-

ment or parts thereof for purposes other than those agreed by

SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd is not permitted.

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Project System: IM Configuration Guide


1.Project System: Investment Management Configuration guide.............5

2.Define Program Types............................................... .....................6
3.Define Person responsible......................................................... ......9
4.Define Scale............................................. ..................................10
5.Specify Status Profile....................................... ............................12
6.Specify status Authorization........................................ ..................14
7.Maintain Planning Profile........................................................... ....15
8.Define Budget Profiles for Investment Programs ..............................16
9.Define Screen Layout for Appropriation Requests ............................18
10.Define Partner Determ. Procedure and Partner Functions.................23
11.Define User Status Profile...................................... ......................26
12.Define Number Assignment.........................................................36
13.Number assignment defined........................................................37
14.Maintain Coding Masks for Approp. Request Number.......................38
15.Restrict and Convert Coding Mask......................................... ........40
16.Define Planning Profiles for Cost Planning .....................................46
17.Define Approval Levels for Appropriation Requests .........................50
18.Activate Event-Linkage for Workflow Task......................................55
19.Maintain Planning Profiles.......................................... ..................56
20.Activate Account Assignment Objects............................................60
21.Create Statistical Cost Elements ..................................................62

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Project System: Investment Management Configuration

11 guide

1.1 Purpose

This configuration guide provides the information that you need to manually set
up configuration for PS module in mySAP ECC6.0.

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Define Program Types


2.1 Use

In this step you define program types. The program type serves to classify
investment programs and contains important control information. When you
create a program definition, you have to assign assign each program to a
program type.

Standard settings

SAP provides the standard program type 0001.


Define your program types. The following specifications are particularly


Key and name of the program type

In the detail screen:

Plan/budget profile

Status profile

Note that you can no longer change your status profile entry in the
program type once programs have been created for the program type.

Using the display format, you specify whether the position ID or the
short text is used for representing program positions in the lists
and in the planning/budgeting functions.

CO object class (as of release 3.0, all CO objects have to be assigned

to a CO object class, for example indirect costs, product costs,
investment costs)

The CO object class serves only informational purposes for the

investment program.

Allowed measures - the following are allowed at present:

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Appropriation requests

Internal orders

WBS elements

The object types that are allowed here are automatically adopted in the
program position. However they can still be limited further there, if
2.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.
2.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment ManagementInvestment ProgramsMaster
Data  Define Program Types
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Activities : Copy or Create Program Types

3. Overview of data records

PType Name
0001 Sample cap. inv. program
ZSCD Cap. inv. program (SCDL)
ZSRD Cap. inv. program (SCDL-R&D)

Program type ZSCD Cap. inv. program (SCDL)

Budget Profile ZP0001 Cap.inv.program
Plan. profile ZP0001 Cap.inv.program planning
Status Profile Not Selected
Repr.form 1 ID Cap.inv.prog.position
/ ID Measure
Object Class INVST Profit analysis
Invest. profile Not Selected
Budget Distribution
Budget dist Overall Active
Budget dist.annl.vals Active
Assign meas/App.Req
Single Assignment Inactive
Group Reporting

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Exch Rate Type Inactive

Cons. dim Inactive

Program type ZSRD Cap. inv. program (SCDL-

Budget Profile ZP0001 Cap.inv.program
Plan. profile ZP0001 Cap.inv.program planning
Status Profile Not Selected
Repr.form 1 ID Cap.inv.prog.position
/ ID Measure
Object Class PROFT Profit analysis
Invest. profile Not Selected
Budget Distribution
Budget dist Overall Active
Budget dist.annl.vals Active
Assign meas/App.Req
Single Assignment Inactive
Group Reporting
Exch Rate Type Inactive
Cons. dim Inactive

Assignable Operatives
ZSCD - Cap. inv. program (SCDL)

Ob Type Short Text

IQ Appropriation requests
OR Orders
PR WBS elements

ZSRD - Cap. inv. program (SCDL-R&D)

Ob Type Short Text

IQ Appropriation requests
OR Orders
PR WBS elements

2.4 Result
Investment program Type created.

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31 Define Person responsible

3.1 Use

In this step, you define which employees can be responsible for the entire
program or for program positions. You can enter the name of the person
responsible in the master data of the respective program definition/program

3.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.

3.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment ManagementInvestment ProgramsMaster
Data  Allowed Values for Certain Master Data Fields
 Define Person Responsible
Transaction Code OPS6

2. Activities : Create new Entries

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3. Overview of Data Records

Respons. Name of resp.person User

00000100A Vasanthamurugesh
00000200Kaushik S
00000300Vipranarayanan R
00000400Dr. Sampath Kumar
00000500Dr. Milind K Biyani
00000600Ganesh Manivannan
00000700Jaimeera G
00000800Mayur A

3.4 Result
Person responsible defined

41 Define Scale

4.1 Use

In this step you define the entries allowed for the "scale" master data field.

Using a scale, you can classify your investments according to their size or scope.
You can define any number of scales. You can use the scale as a selection
criterion in reporting. You enter the scale in the master record of

the program positions

the measures and the appropriation requests


The scale serves only to assist in classification. The scale is not related to the
plan values or the budget values for the object in the system.

Standard settings

SAP provides various scales as examples.


1. Define additional scales if you need them.

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4.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.

4.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment ManagementInvestment ProgramsMaster
Data  Allowed Values for Certain Master Data Fields
 Define Scale
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Activities : Copy or Create New Scale for Measures

3. Overview of Data Records

Scale Name Detail display

1 Small capital investments
2 Medium-sized capital investments
3 Large-scale capital investments Active

4.4 Result
Scale Defined

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51 Specify Status Profile

5.1 Use

In this IMG activity you define status profiles.

5.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.

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5.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment ManagementInvestment ProgramsMaster
Data  User Status Specify Status Profile
Transaction Code OK02

2. Activities: Copy or Create New Status Profile

1. Enter a Status Profile.

2. Assign the status profile to an Object Type.
3. Define the User Status.
4. Assign Business Transactions to user statuses.
5. Translate the status profile and user statuses.

3. Overview of Data Records

PSUSERST : User Status Profile-PS

5.4 Result

User Status Profile created

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61 Specify status Authorization

6.1 Use

The status of a program position can be linked to an authorization check.

In this step you define authorization keys which you can use to set up
authorization checks when you manually set or delete a user status. When the
system sets a user status as a reaction to business transaction, it does not
perform an authorization check.

6.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.
6.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment ManagementInvestment ProgramsMaster
Data  User Status Specify Status Authorisations
Transaction Code BS52

2. Activities :

SAP Standard Setting.

6.4 Result
Status authorization specified

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71 Maintain Planning Profile

7.1 Use

In this step you maintain planning profiles for investment programs.

You need planning profiles for the planning methods below:

Overall planning for internal orders

Hierarchy cost planning for projects

Preliminary costing for production orders that do not have a quantity

structure (CO production orders).

Cost planning for investment programs or investment measures, and for

appropriation requests.

Financial budgeting

You can create new planning profiles, or change existing ones.

The following settings are important:

Time frame

You can specify which values are to be planned, and in which fiscal years.

Value display

You can specify which standard view the system is to display with the plan
value, when you call up the initial screen for planning. You can default the
number of decimal places and the display factor.

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7.2 Prerequisites

Independent activity.
7.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment ManagementInvestment Programs Planning
in Program  Cost Planning
Maintain Planning Profiles
Transaction Code OIP1

2. Activities : Copy or Create New Planning Profile

1. Check the planning profiles provided by the SAP standard.

2. If necessary, change the detail settings for the existing planning
profiles. Alternatively, create new planning profiles by choosing "New
3. Assign the planning profile to an order type, program type,
appropriation request type, project or FM area.

3. Overview of Data Records

Project Profile Description

000001 Cap.inv.program planning
ZP0001 Cap.inv.program planning
ZP0002 Cap.inv.program planning-R&D

7.4 Result

Planning profile Investment program created

81 Define Budget Profiles for Investment Programs

8.1 Use

In this step, you define the budget profiles for capital investment programs. The
budget profile contains the parameters for controlling the budgeting transaction
(such as, the allowed planning interval).

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In order to be able to carry out budgeting for a capital investment program, you
have to create a budget profile, or use an already created budget profile.

8.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.
8.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment ManagementInvestment Programs Budget-
ing in Program  Define Budget Profiles for Invest-
ment Programs

Transaction Code OIB1

2. Activities : Copy or Create New Budget Profile

Create the budget profile. Make the following entries in the detail screen:

Specify whether only total values can be budgeted, or if annual values are
also allowed.

Define the planning interval for the budgeting of annual values (starting from
the start year):

number of years into the past that can be budgeted

number of years into the future that can be budgeted

the relationship of the start year to the current year (0 means the start
year = current year)

Specify how the budgeting transaction should look:

the value type that should be shown with the budget values in the
default view in the initial screen of the transaction

default values for decimal places and the display factor

3. Overview of Data Records

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Profile Text
000001 Cap.inv.program budgeting
ZP0001 Cap.inv.program budgeting
ZP0002 Cap.inv.program budgeting-R&D

8.4 Result
Budget Profile for Investment Program Created

91 Define Screen Layout for Appropriation Requests

9.1 Use

In this step, you define the screen layout of the master record screens for
appropriation request. The screen layout control you define is valid for the whole

9.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.
9.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Master
Data  Control Data Define Screen Layout for Ap-
propriation Requests

Transaction Code OITL

2. Activities :

1. Determine the screen group for which you want to modify fields.
2. Set the indicators for the modifiable fields and the values for the
influencing fields.
3. Transport your settings, if necessary. To do this, click on Field selection
-> Transport.

Settings without influencing field

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9.4 Result
Screen Layout for App Request defined

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101 Define Partner Determ. Procedure and Partner Functions

10.1 Use

In this step, you define the partner determination procedures and the partner
functions that belong to them. You assign a partner determination procedure to
an appropriation request by means of the appropriation request type. In the
master record of the appropriation request, you can assign the persons involved
with the appropriation request to appropriate partner functions (roles). In this
way, you can manage the names and functions of people associated with the
appropriation request

10.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.
10.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Master
Data  Control Data Define Partner Determ. Proced-
ure and Partner Functions

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Activities : Copy or create New entries

1. Define the partner functions that you want to use in connection with
your appropriation requests. Make sure that a partner type is assigned to
each partner function. The following partner types are allowed for
appropriation requests:

o US (user)

O (organizational unit)

A (work center)

S (position)

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2. You can define keys for the partner functions that are language-
dependent on the log-on language.
3. Define the partner determination procedures and enter the necessary
partner functions there.

3. Overview of Data Records

Define Partner Functions
Add the following New entries in addition to the Std. entries

F No Part
unc Name Tpe Role
I1 Proposed By US X
I2 Supported By US I3
I3 App-Unit/Proj Head US I4
I4 Approved-Finance US I5
I5 Approved-CEO US
I6 Head - Proj. Mgmt US I7
UnitHead -
I7 Proj.Mgmt US
I8 Approved-Finance US I7

Define Partner Determination Schema

Partner schemas

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Partner schema Description

IM01 IM: 1 Approver

IM02 IM: 2 Approver
IM03 IM :3 Approver
Partner Functions in Procedure
IM01 & IM02

Funct Name Mand Unique

I1 Proposed By Active Active
I2 Supported By Active
I3 App-Unit/Proj Head Active
I4 Approved-Finance Active

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Funct Name Mand Unique
I1 Proposed By Active
I2 Supported By Active
I3 App-Unit/Proj Head Active
I4 Approved-Finance Active Active
I5 Approved-CEO Active

10.4 Result
Partner function defined.

111 Define User Status Profile

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11.1 Use

In this IMG activity you define status profiles.

11.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.
11.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Master
Data  Control Data User Status Define User
Status Profile

Transaction Code OK02

2. Activities : Copy or Create New Status Profile

3. Overview of Data Records

PSUSERST : User Status Profile-PS
11.4 Result
User Status Profile defined

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12 Maintain Appropriation Request Types

12.1 Use

In this step, you define the appropriation request types. The appropriation
request type

classifies the appropriation requests according to any criteria you decide to


contains all control parameters for the master data maintenance and
planning of appropriation requests

12.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.

12.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Master
Data  Control Data User Status Maintain Ap-
propriation Request Types

Transaction Code SPRO

Create the appropriation request types you need. Copy 0r Create New entries
3.Overview of Data Records

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App Request Type Details :S1

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12.4 Result
App Request type created

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131 Define Number Assignment

13.1 Use

In this step, you define the number ranges for the assignment of appropriation
request numbers. You can roughly classify your appropriation requests using the
number ranges

Number assignment can be controlled by the appropriation request type. By

assigning a number range group to the appropriation request type, you specify
that the number assignment for this appropriation request type comes from the
number range in this number range group.

13.2 Prerequisites

Independent activity
13.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Master
Data  Control Data User Status Define Number

Transaction Code IMAN

NR Object Appropriation req

From Number To Number Ext

000000010000 000000099999 Inactive
000000100000 000000199999 Inactive
000000200000 000000299999 Inactive
000000300000 000000399999 Inactive
000000400000 000000499999 Inactive
000000900000 000000999999 Inactive

13.4 Result

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Number assignment defined

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141 Maintain Coding Masks for Approp. Request Number

14.1 Use

In this step, you define the coding masks for appropriation request numbers.
You can create a coding mask for each key that you plan to use.

The system determines the coding key that it should use based on the first
character of the coding key.

You can use the following symbols:

X for alphanumeric characters

0 for numeric characters

special symbols for the structure of the appropriation request number

You can also use a blocking indicator. If you set this indicator, then it is no longer
possible to create new appropriation request numbers using this coding key.

14.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.

14.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Master
Data  Coding Mask for Approp. Request Number 
Maintain Coding Masks for Approp. Request Number

Transaction Code OPSJ


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Define the coding masks.

3. Overview of Data Records

PrjI Lc Lk
D Description Coding mask k S
P CAPEX - Projects 000
P CRAMS Projects -XXXXX-X-XXX-00-00
P Generics - Projects -XXXXX-X-XXX-00-00
PR Research & Development -000-00-00-00-00-
D Projects 000
PST Site Transfer Projects 000
Technology Transfer -000-00-00-00-00-
PTT Projects 000
Projects in company
Y division A .000.XX-XXXX
Projects in company
Z division B /000-XXX-000/XXXX

14.4 Result
Coding Mask for App Request maintained.

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151 Restrict and Convert Coding Mask

15.1 Use

In this step, you assign coding masks for the formatting of the appropriation
request number to appropriation request types. At the same time, you can
specify coding masks, which are different from the coding masks of the
appropriation request, that the system should use for formatting the project
numbers and WBS elements belonging to these appropriation request types.

15.2 Prerequisites
You must have already created coding masks in Customizing by choosing
Appropriation Request Number

15.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Master
Data  Coding Mask for Approp. Request Number 
Restrict and Convert Coding Mask

Transaction Code SPRO


1. Assign a coding mask to the appropriation request type.

2. Assign another coding mask to this appropriation request type in the
"ProjID" column.
3. Assign additional coding masks to the appropriation request type for
the appropriation request number or the project number, if needed.

3. Overview of Data Records

Appropriation Request Type

App Req Type Description

2 Projects as Investment Measures
S1 R&D Projects as Investment Measures
S2 SCDL-Projects as Investment Measures

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15.4 Result
Coding Mask restricted.

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161 Define Planning Profiles for Cost Planning

16.1 Use

In this step, you define planning profiles for cost planning for appropriation

Note: SAP Standard Setting.

16.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.

16.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Plan-
ning  Define Planning Profiles for Cost Planning

Transaction Code OIF2

Activities: Define the user-defined fields.
Overview of Data Records

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16.4 Result
Planning Profiles for Cost Planning defined.

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171 Define Approval Levels for Appropriation Requests

17.1 Use

In this step, you define the approval levels per appropriation request type.
These approval levels are used in the approval process for appropriation
requests. You can define any number of approval levels. The numerical key of
the approval level determines its place in the sequence of the approval levels.
The system goes through the approval levels sequentially based on their key,
starting from the lowest numbers and increasing upward. The system initiates
the first approval level (that has the lowest number key) after the appropriation
request receives the "to be approved" status. After the last approval level is
completed, the system sets the status to "approved."

In addition, you have to assign a partner function to each approval level. The
partner function is responsible for approval at that level. You define the partner
functions in the partner determination procedure of the appropriation request
type. You can specify the actual users who fulfill these partner functions in the
appropriation requests. The users defined as fulfilling the partner function
receive the appropriation requests assigned to their approval level. They receive
the appropriation requests as workflow work items in their office inbox. They can
approve or reject the appropriation requests there.

17.2 Prerequisites

You must have defined appropriation request types.

You must have defined at least one partner determination procedure.

17.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Ap-
proval  Define Approval Levels for Appropriation Re-

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Transaction Code SPRO

2. Activities:
1. Select the appropriation request type you want to process.
2. Define the approval levels that the appropriation request type has to go
Assign the keys of the approval levels in increasing numerical order.
3. Assign a responsible partner function to each approval level.

3. Overview of Data Records

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17.4 Result

Approval level for appropriation requests defined

181 Activate Event-Linkage for Workflow Task

18.1 Use

In this step, you activate the workflow task "approve appropriation requests."
When you activate this workflow task, you can no longer approve appropriation
requests by changing the status in their master record. Instead you have to use
the workflow to go through the approval levels of the appropriation request type
that was used

18.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.

18.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Appropriation Requests Ap-
proval  Activate Event-Linkage for Workflow Task

Transaction Code OITN

2. Activities:

Activate event linkage.

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Required Users included and Event link activated

18.4 Result

Event linkage for workflow activated

191 Maintain Planning Profiles

19.1 Use

In this step you maintain planning profiles for projects.

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You need planning profiles for the planning methods below:

Overall planning for internal orders

Hierarchy cost planning for projects

Preliminary costing for production orders that do not have a quantity

structure (CO production orders).

Cost planning for investment programs or investment measures, and for

appropriation requests.

Financial budgeting

You can create new planning profiles, or change existing ones.

19.2 Prerequisites
Independent activity.

19.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Projects as Investment Measures
 Planning and Budgeting  Maintain Planning Pro-
Transaction Code OPSB

2. Activities : Copy or Create New Status Profile

1. Check the planning profiles provided by the SAP standard.

2. If necessary, change the detail settings for the existing planning
profiles. Alternatively, create new planning profiles by choosing "New
3. Assign the planning profile to an order type, program type,
appropriation request type, project or FM area.

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3. Overview of Data Records

Planning Profile: Cost and Revenue Planning for Projects

Profile Text
000001 Planning Profile (Annual Val.)
000002 Plan profile (overall value)
ZP0001 R&D Plan Profile Overall Value
ZP0002 Projects Plan Profile Overall

Profile ZP0001 R&D Plan Profile Overall Value

Manual Planning
Bottom –up Planning Activated
Planning Elements Activated
Time Frame
Past 3
Future 10
Total Values Activated
Annual Values Activated
Detailed Planning and Unit
Prim. CElem.grp
Sender CCtr group
Sender act.type grp
Stat key fig grp
Costing Variant PS06
Decimal places 2
Scaling Factor
Currency Transl, overall plan
Exchange rate type 1002
Value Date
Remainder Transl

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Planning Currency
Controlling area currency Activated
Object Currency
Transaction Currency
Default object currency
Automatic Revenue planning
From quotation Activated
From Sales order Activated
RElem.f.billing .plan 6000000

Profile ZP0002 Projects Plan Profile Overall

Manual Planning
Bottom –up Planning Activated
Planning Elements Activated
Time Frame
Past 2
Future 5
Total Values Activated
Annual Values Activated
Detailed Planning and Unit
Prim. CElem.grp
Sender CCtr group
Sender act.type grp
Stat key fig grp
Costing Variant PS06
Decimal places 2
Scaling Factor
Currency Transl, overall plan
Exchange rate type M
Value Date
Remainder Transl
Planning Currency
Controlling area currency Activated
Object Currency
Transaction Currency
Default object currency
Automatic Revenue planning
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From quotation
From Sales order
RElem.f.billing .plan
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19.4 Result
Planning Profile created.

20 Activate Account Assignment Objects

20.1 Use

In this step, you make settings for additional account assignment objects (for
example, cost center, investment order) during posting in Asset Accounting

20.2 Prerequisites

For the posting transactions to the General Ledger, you have to make sure
that the account assignment objects you want to use are available for input,
using the field status of posting keys 70 and 75 (debit asset and credit
asset). You make this setting under the step Integration with the General
Ledger -> Change the Field Status Variant of the Asset G/L Accounts.

20.3 Procedure
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Invest-
ment Management Projects as Investment Measures
 Planning and Budgeting  Statistical Budget Mon-
itoring Activate Account Assignment Objects
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Activities:

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Project System: IM Configuration Guide

1. Activate the account assignment objects you need for Asset

2. Specify whether the account assignment object is relevant to the
balance sheet. Account assignment objects that are relevant to the
balance sheet can no longer be changed directly in the asset master
record once the asset has been capitalized. Instead, such assets have to
be transferred to a new asset master record to make this change.
3. Specify whether the account assignment object you enter when posting
has to agree with the account assignment object entered in the asset
master record. If you set this indicator, you cannot change the account
assignment object when posting.

3. Overview of Data Records

Acct Assign Name Active B.Sheet Agreement

PS_PSP_PNR WBS Element of Investment Activated Inactive Inactive
PS_PSP_PNR2 WBS Element Inactive Inactive Inactive

20.4 Result
Account Assignment Objects activated.

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Project System: IM Configuration Guide

21 Create Statistical Cost Elements

20.1 Use

In this step, you set up the asset balance sheet accounts as statistical cost
elements for the account assignment of asset transactions to an internal order
or a WBS element.

20.2 Prerequisites
You must have maintained your account determinations.

You must have defined the general entries for your controlling area. In
particular, you should check the assignment of the controlling area to
the company code, since the chart of accounts concerned is
determined using this assignment. For more information, see the
Implementation Guide step "Controlling General."

20.3 Procedure
Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide 
Investment Management Projects as
Investment Measures Planning and Budgeting
 Statistical Budget Monitoring Create
Statistical Cost Elements
Transaction Code OAK7/FS00

For inventory account statistical cost elements need to be generated

through FS00

1. Start the program for defining your asset balance sheet accounts as
statistical cost elements. Enter

the controlling area concerned

the period of validity

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Project System: IM Configuration Guide

The system then automatically creates statistical cost elements (cost

element type 90) for all of the APC balance sheet accounts belonging to
your account determination in Asset Accounting (depreciation area 01).
2. Transport these cost elements to your production clients.

Overview of Data Records

Cost elem. Type Description

20.4 Result
Cost elements for statistical auto posting of assets created.

For inventory account statistical cost elements need to be generated through


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