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DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test)

Dermatoglyphics word raises from Greek are divided into two parts derma and glyphe. Derma meaning
is Skin and glyphe means carve (pattern of skin) and signifies friction ridge formations which visible on
the palms from the hands and soles from the feet. These patterns are formed from the external
ectoderm and constantly occur through the fetal development stage, 13th to 19th weeks after
fertilization. At the time of brain formation our fingerprints are also developed.

Right hand of humans is correlated with left side of brain and vice versa. Left side of mental faculties
is directly related to logics (analytic thought, language, science and math's) and other side of brain is
applies creativity (holistic thought, Intuition, art and music).

In 1983 American developmental psychologist Dr. Howard Gardner argued of the fact that concept
of intelligence as traditionally defined in psychometrics (IQ tests) does not sufficiently describe the wide
range of minds humans display. His theory became know under the name ‘Multiple Intelligence’ (MI).
Several years ago essentially the most remarkable commercial spin-off from Gardner’s theory became
available: a product named the DMIT, which symbolize: ‘Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test’.

Multiple Intelligences test is split up into 8 parts.

 Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self- Smart): The concept of intrapersonal means “within the self”—
so, “intrapersonal intelligence” is an additional term for self-awareness or introspection. People
who have obtained high intrapersonal intelligence are aware of their emotions, motivations,
beliefs, and goals. They know what they like, exactly what they dislike, of who they might be
exactly, and what they want to do.

 Interpersonal Intelligence (People- Smart): Victims people smart learn through relating to
others by sharing, comparing, and cooperating. Interpersonal learners can make brilliant group
leaders and team players.

 Logical Intelligence (Logic-Smart): People who reveal this type of intelligence learn by
classifying, categorizing, and thinking abstractly about patterns, relationships, and numbers.

 Visual-Spatial Intelligence (Picture-Smart): These people learn best by drawing or visualizing

things by utilizing a mind’s eye. Observable people understand the most out of pictures,
diagrams, in addition to other visual aids.

 Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body-Smart): Body-smart persons learn best through touch and
movement. These people are best at developing information across the body. In certain cases
kinesthetic learners perform most optimally standing up and moving instead of sitting still.
 Linguistic Intelligence (Word-Smart): People who possess this learning style learn best through
reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Verbal students absorb information by engaging with
reading materials and through discussing and debating ideas.

 Musical Intelligence (Musical-Smart): Students people who find themselves music smart learn
by using rhythm or melody, especially by singing or listening to music.

 Naturalistic Intelligence (Nature-Smart): Naturalistic learn by dealing with nature. Naturalistic

students enjoy studying living things and natural events. They might excel in the sciences and be
very passionate about environmental issues.

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