Signal Condition 20 39

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CURRENT - TO- VOLTAGE ConvERTERS once He current signal get to Me place wwhene ab Ls & de usd, it must Le converted Lack into a voltage. thin Can be Aimply done with a resistor. CD) Ground nefevenced 2 -v Converter “zero and Span converter > Problems @ssociated with We above Conve ! C) there must te @ find. retern for Ks current behseen Transmitter K Receiver Gi Ag resistance in He bine will Cause an addd. voltage drop. Git) Often everad volts of difference betseen Pra. points im factored => Mia potential appeame & Le Pook of Mx Aignal be Vex receiver 5 He resule 44 unpredictable beAaviewr in Me e/s. The Solution 1s to use a floating Load im which He Curent is Aent fo and retuned foom Wx dead along a twisted pair of wire. SGtb SGI Floating I-V Converter : aE Ee Your = Goths + V2 i ZERO The tranemittet Curvent 4 converted & diftl. voltage Ang Rs- opamb Ar, Re & Ri form Yu DAs Jo prevent doading errors , de Keme Hat Ri >> Rs Jo Select Correct 3ero and Span components : considering, Wa transter curve, v at peimt a, vee) = 5b read Re H¥2 07 vew)|- : s at pet bs ren VCb) = FE row Ro 4 Vz ---Q Syeay i ves) - vca) = BE Re [Bee - rca) zea)_-ECb) in view) Va) re, Rg = ——____--- (3) Design Re/p.) [ICE-T Cad ti e/a) ) From ean By V2 = yea) - RE reap Rs. ox Note: dhe ( is Adleched to be Large value in eae i Ke Power Supply requirements in v- ane G18 Why be Aelect Aigh gain fev Ike Datt Ampr + + Vz 2 F0-W + TRecz-v) loop 6 + IRs Cv-2) Rscy-t), V-1 converter I-v conv = COreund. referenced) CFleating toad) te, Ha deop supply velbage in we V-I Converter must de atleast Mis Large. Th Win velue x4 imeonvencenthy darge, we can fewer Re cryy And make up for His reduced voltage Ly putking more faim im Wa DA of I-V conv! Problem aaign & Floating I-v converter Hat coil convert a alo 2oma Curvent signal into & 0 & tev qround referenced volkage Aignal . Solution veb)~ via) lov= ov $e ee CE) [rew- zen] (BE) [20 -ulma Re = 62-5 choosing (Rg/R;) &% to, “ R, >> Reo Ri Yo os ~ 22% ama (62-50) = - 25V 2 20’ - a ¢ ) can he elect 2s 2-24, Rp 222K. $G19 VoLTAGE TO FREQUENCY CONVERSION Jo eliminate Me errr anctiated with R doop Tranamission of Current, Hag. Chinn of Floating conpegn. — However Noise picked up in Me Traumission Loop due to faaey beads in We industries cant Le eliminated - Jo provide Rig noise inamuendly : Digital Transmission Used. Digckak ceaue Signal —> cae a ee) ‘widlh 2k, fF veret At transmitter : Pulse Even > cumant (noite Gftech only CFrequenty) mpl. nob fren) AL Receiter {orn > volbage Puls C freq ) Freq > velbage CAheady value) dhe heels of beth Large noise And Series cep raxatance Bae Leen ebininated . St Current Signal ee Signa . { Amal nei 500 He. with morse (Freq. (s ) Digitat transmission of signal Re Ce V, ‘ 1 = oe fh Rs <2eot'h 4 v, Rov Copen collector) Freq. @ output “1. 0 oo Ve > Vi, Vous 2 2 (vw) wv vel. {* » Vout : A a) Ve “eat Mvp (Vx2 ¢ >t Low Ws : Soue [Hign vs wigs ee FRY, Wight > Waveforms 6, V-F Converter VOLTAGE To FREQUENCY CONVERTER Working of Hu cireuib : (Generat) She Capacitor Cy “4 Charged 4y Be Awitthad Curent Aouree for a fixed time, determined dy Redey- He souvee 24 Maen Awibchel off, and CL dis charges Boo Bu. leben Vy doops Redes Vii» Wee Compr oubpub Joes Lew whieh briggers da mmv. Hee Muy drives Q ON (mp Output Foes Lor) and connects Wx Curent Seured be Charge uP CL for a fined time & Me Cyele repeats . How Ha output <4 a freg. propertionad te _impeat tre Ibage Ci) He Charge £45 Outed by a Current Source which Produces a fined rite in Vy indep. of Me Wit. on SX: Gi) Ghee discharge rate 44 @ simple Re dised. cohiek is direethy Propertionad be Mr value of Vx Le, Wee Larger Vue Vay small ———_p> eT Conversion Process : Ry connected & +Vee > Relda Me Comparaters + input at Veg, abreve Hic -input.=> Compr. outpuk is High . Fis keeps Me one Ahot and Current Aoures of fF. a Faling edge of impub aa differentiated. into & Apike dy Ry &eD moment orri Ly pulleng He + input below - impat Ha comparater output i4 Lew which Fires Hu one Ahet which inturn clots He Current Acurce — $q-95 This provideA Toy lo He load resister fora time tom = I RE CE after which He Current Aource tums eff and waite for holber trigger pulse. Ge result <4 @ train of current pulse & Ri & Constant pulae widlh Ct) and wale a Frequency equat fe Wat of Be émput. iy a pe 2M. gg KE | BV EIR afer ee) 42> > 5 7a + inmate ae =n time paris This pule Waveform must de filtered fo remove Be tépple , leauing only Ha de or average voltage Coie, Coes Wie Falkering. ; Problem A reflective opbicad Senter <4 ued & encode He velocity of shape. Than Are 6 piccer of rag. Cape ushich, Produce & Soy, duby Cycle wave. Ihe max. shabt afued 44 3000 rpm - Design Wa Foy Converter MeASaYy Y& eutput tov ab max. Abate Aped. $ Solution : re F : 6 counts ~ 3600 rey. | Amin max rep. min. bos = 30042 3; Twin = tac = 3:33 ms from whied ton =O5T = 0.54334 = 1.64ms Cin) Using Een cout) = 0-87, we get ton Cout) F266 me = 1.) Re Cy “. Selecting % <0. me 2 2b ak ele ting t o.33 HF, t * eaaRF 73% (68k) Je Selects Ry &Cy: . tj 169 ms Roly << tency; ve, Rac = > a Rc onte7ms Ima TH Cy = o.01HF, Rp = = Z Sorege 7 TK (15K) . lo Jo Aelect Rs : av Ler re eRe Recall Rs fin Vay ‘ QI 1x68 md x 0-33KE x nok - lov 6 Qxbly 6.8 x0.33x 10 x ex to e300 - 2 = hbk (tok + lok pot) Jo Check We Current Source : i 22M 2 2M 2 135 BA which 2s Ra Ie BQ less Wham he 200 HA allowed fev Lm 13), Signals , noise Gnd. ground Loops in DAS Without proper shielding and Grounding techni fues tuen Ha Mest Expensive DAS wll produce Arratic resulh at deat. Proper Cab bing will Clee tun & Chacp Aystem & rechige ih full spetential - bay Ahcelding against inbexference from Large magmeb ie & electric fields produced in Mn Gra Fa Cheer ng environments, Magmeti¢ Gna Electrostatic Shielding : Itanever @ Cument fhus : assoccated mag. faethe 4 produced. : Lange cuvenb % Sofbo Hz wil! produce Large mag. fédlas which When Udting the Conductors, frodete ToT magnebe neist— (Mut! STAGE {mes ch V, - He Chomv) + (1+ a3) Vel CONNECTION o " lok Cle + Ip + Ta) C5om2) Where V a (2) Actuator eff! Va. = CSmA + 2oms +0) (Soman) =1-25mv Vy = -Cloe)C4omv) + Clot) (1-25 mv) = - 3+84V Al tke Cowect value Akould £2 (-10e)(4omv) =~ zh, ngake for Mis 37, Error wilh @ span ar Se ciiseen (b) Actuator on * Va = (8ma +35 mA +1 A)CGSomn) = 52mVv Vp = (tee) Cgomv) + Ciel) Samy) = 1-25V Fhe correct value 14 -4v. But Hee Lange Ground. return ie Common Soma current From Me actuator, running Ground bus has naiszed He NI input of Me signal Whig is more Ban He som conditioner ay 52 mv. transducer Signal i. $5 33

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