College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

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Brylle M. Amante


Before the administration of Standard Progressive Matrices and Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale IV research on the relevant psychometric properties and standardization.
1. Take note of the type of reliability obtained, the magnitude/s of the reliability coefficient/s
and the procedure employed in examining the reliability of the test.
• Reliability Analysis shows the reliability coefficients of each WAIS-IV subtests.
Cronbach’s coefficient alpha of the AIS-IV subtest ranged from .74 - .92, indicating an
acceptable (BD, SI, and CO) to excellent (LN and FW) reliability. For the subtests of the
Verbal Comprehension index, we also computed inter-rater reliabilities. The inter-rater
agreements were high for SI (r = .97), VC (r = .96), and CO (r = .91).
2. Summarize the relevant information in a table. Evaluate the reliability of this test based on the
information from the manual.
• We found no significant differences in the scores of men and women in any of the
subtests. Significant differences between participants of different educational
backgrounds were found. Table 4 shows the differences between participants that had
completed senior high school (N = 50) and those who had a university undergraduate
egree (N = 30). ignificant differences were found on most subtests, except CO (t(78) = .22,
p > .05) and CA (t(78) = 1.47, > .05). The group that had an undergraduate degree scored
higher on all subtests, in agreement with previous esearch (Matarazzo & Herman, 1984;
Grieve & Van Eeden, 2010)
3 Take note of the kind/s of validity that was/were examined, the method/s and /or procedures
employed in obtaining the validity data and validity indices as well as other results obtained.
• In this study, we described the translation process of the WAIS-IV into the Indonesian
language. We performed psychometric analysis, including the order of the item
sequences, item analyses, and reliability of each subtests of the WAIS-IV-ID. As
expected, the item sequences of most of the translated WAIS-IV subtests had to undergo
major changes. In all subtests from the Verbal Comprehension index, we had to reorder
the item sequence, although stayed close to the original items for content purposes. For
example, in the subtest information of the original US test, most of the items that refer to
science, geography, world history, world figures, and literature are related to Western
culture knowledge. Indonesian participants were more likely to answer correctly in
science and geography, but most of them had difficulties in answering items about
specific historical persons (like Sacagawea) and literature (Alice in the Wonderland). The
index difficulties ranged from .41 - .02. On those items, participants either gave up or
said they remembered that this figures had appeared in a movie. In one item about
historical figures in the US, their answers were not fully correct although they gave
correct information to some extent.
4. Summarize the relevant information in a table/ tables.
Standardization Practical Considerations Reliability/Validation
• Standardization • Duration: N/A • The following methods
• Respondents • Language: indonesia were used in the study:
classified into 6 • Test Administration : • Coefficient Alpha
categories:Age 16-83 counseling room at the • Inter Subtest
• Length : 74 - 92 university Correlation
• Original items: Data • Setting; no external distracting, • Inter Item Correlation
analysis quiet or soundproof, without • Inter-form
• Norms : calculated interruptions during test Correlation
the inter-rater administration • Split half Technique
reliability • Usage: • Reliability
• Scoring :df = 147 • Purpose: Adult Intelligence Coefficients:
• Limitation :shows the range
and mean of index difficulties
across subtests and age

2. Research on a published studies and look for research that has utilized either a psychological
test (personality and intelligence Test). Identify the rationale of the researcher and the variables
being studied in the research



• Conceptualization of intelligence Intelligence is a very broad term which can take on

different meanings and has been defined in several different ways. For example, in a
survey asking people to define what they meant by intelligence, respondents suggested
that intelligence encompassed problemsolving ability, verbal abilities and social
competence. Some others give more importance to abstract thought, capacity to learn
and adjustment to environment however, to psychologists, “Intelligence is the capacity
to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with
challenges” (Wechsler, 1974). Psychologists who studied intelligence often disagreed on
the issue of intelligence being either a unitary factor or a multifaceted factor. Those who
believed that intelligence was a unitary concept such as Charles Spearman (1927),
supported his G-factor theory which suggests that there is a single, broad, general
intelligence factor (G) that underlay performance on any cognitive task. Many others
such as L. L. Thurstone (1938), Howard Gardner (1993), Guildford, Robert Sternberg
(1995) and Raymond Cattell (1963) believed that intelligence had many factors
contributing to it. Unfortunately, however, neither the layperson’s nor the psychologist’s
conception of intelligence is of much help when it comes to distinguishing, with any
degree of precision, more intelligent people from less intelligent ones. To overcome this
problem, psychologists who study intelligence have focused much of their attention on
the development of intelligence tests and have relied on such tests to identify a person’s
level of intelligence.

• Purpose of the assessment The aim of the test is to identify the extent to which each
individual possesses all nine types of intelligence. This will provide both awareness and
understanding about how they think, behave and respond to their respective

• Quality of the items The quality of the assessment is enhanced as it’s an easy to use
intelligence assessment with the items catering to a wide range of audiences. The items
do not include any racial or gender stereotyped comments, while the interpretation and
scoring of the assessment is simple and easily comprehensible. The derived score is
reliable, as the assessment is administered under standardized settings and extraneous
variables such as instructions and the administrator have a minimal influence on the
variation in scores as these are standardized across situations. The assessment also meets
requisite practical aspects as it includes the following considerations: 1. The items are
formulated in simple layman English 2. The assessment is legible (can be easily
understood) 3. The assessment material is durable (does not change across time)

• Scoring of the assessment (for paper-pencil formats only, as the online scores are auto-
generated) Each statement corresponds to one of the nine types of intelligence. There are
six items per domain of intelligence. Step 1: Add up the scores for all six items across the
9 domains Step 2: The minimum and maximum scores that can be obtained for each type
are 6 and 24, respectively.

• Linguistic - 17% Logical - 16% Rhytmic - 13% Visual/Spatal- 15% Kinestetic - 18% Inter-
personal - 18% Intrapersonal -14% Naturalistic 13% Methaphysical/Spiritual 13%.

• Reliability & Validity Establishing reliability, validity and norms of an instrument is

extremely essential for any psychometric instrument as it ensures that the results are
consistent with the person’s true behaviour. Therefore, the data collected through
research enables one to establish sound psychometric properties of assessments,
irrespective of the construct they are designed to measure.

3. Search for a locally published/unpublished article that uses a self-constructed questionnaire

and identify the process flow that was conducted to ensure standardization procedure. Identify
the various steps undertaken in the validation of the instrument.

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