Cannot Get Expelled Again, She Told Herself Firmly

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Julia’s arms were folded across her chest as she glared defiantly at the middle-aged
woman sitting in front of her. The woman’s vivacious auburn hair was visibly greying at the roots
and her face was indented with a few wrinkles. The fact that this woman stared back with an icy
glint in her eyes surprised Julia – people usually flinched under her callous gaze.
There was an apprehensive atmosphere in the room, and the austere washed-out walls
added to the hostile ambience. There was a mahogany desk situated in the centre of the room and
behind it sat Ms Callaway; the principal of the school that Julia was currently attending. Despite
Julia’s confident posture – reverberations of anxiety and uneasiness resounded in her mind. I
cannot get expelled again, she told herself firmly.
The phone rang, breaking through the overwrought silence that filled the room. Without
taking her eyes of Julia, Ms Callaway reached out for the phone the instant it stopped ringing.
Idiots! Julia thought, they were supposed to call in a bomb-threat!
The second that Julia had received a letter informing her that she was to meet with the
principal at lunch; she knew that whatever the old hag had to say couldn’t be good. She was right.
Therefore, Julia and her friends had come up with a plan that ensured that the meeting would be
postponed – or even cancelled. They were supposed to call in a bomb-threat guaranteeing that Ms
Callaway would suspend the meeting and would go deal with the situation. Obviously, this was no
longer an option. The meeting would continue.
“Miss McNiall,” Ms Callaway started in her monotonous voice. “I am going to keep this meeting
very short for both our sakes.”
Julia thought about responding with: “Aren’t you sure you aren’t keeping it short in order to avoid
losing your composure?” But considering the amount of trouble she was in; she thought better of
“The stunt you pulled in the school cafeteria is inexcusable.” Her voice seemed to drop an octave
– causing her to sound very solemn and manly. Julia snorted accidently. Ms Callaway’s obsidian-
coloured eyes seemed to flash with anger as Julia struggled to collect herself. “Maybe it’s
acceptable to throw knives at the lunch-ladies in England, but here it’s considered extremely rude.”
Julia found the fact that Ms Callaway thought throwing knives at someone was ‘rude’ absolutely
hilarious. This time she laughed and clasped a hand over her mouth immediately.
“Let’s find out if your punishment humours you as well.” Ms Callaway hissed in a constricted voice.
Her face shrivelled up like a prune and Julia split her sides with laughter. After several moments,
the seriousness of the situation dawned on Julia.
“Are you going to expel me?” she whispered, no longer feeling the urge to laugh. Ms Callaway
glanced at her and grinned. A slow and evil grin.
“What I’m going to do, Miss McNiall, is sign you up for one of the self-defence classes here at the
Albert Chamberlain Academy.”
Oh, God. Julia felt sick. The self-defence classes at the academy were taught by ruthless
instructors. They even made the upper-class students skive-off on Mondays because that was the
day Thai-Boxing was taught. Signing up for self-defence classes was like buying yourself a ticket
into hell. Not only did you have to attend the lessons, you also had to compete in battles. Surely
Ms Callaway wouldn’t make her go? Would she?
“Oh, and I want you to make a public apology to the lunch-lady at this week’s assembly.”

A week after her meeting with Callaway, Julia found herself in front of the double-doors of the
aerobics studio – the self-defence team hired it on Mondays and Fridays. Julia didn’t know the

dress-code for the classes, hence why she showed up in her jeans and a black turtleneck sweater
under her grey cardigan.
The black double-doors gleamed and Julia found herself squinting at her reflection. Her
burgundy coloured hair encircled her face in rich and somewhat uncontrollable curls. Her normally
creamy skin was pale with anxiety and there was no trace of her naturally rosy cheeks. Julia
studied her eyes in the reflection and was surprised to see them shimmering with determination.
They looked like two sapphire gemstones placed in clear water.
Julia exhaled sharply and pushed open the double-doors. She expected something like
students crying with pain and muscle fatigue and was therefore completely taken aback when she
saw a group of students – all male – standing around and chatting to an instructor. The door
swung closed behind her and all eyes turned towards Julia.
Consciously, she strode over towards the group and halted right in front of the instructor.
“Hello, I’m Julia. I would like to sign up for self-defence classes.” Ugh, could I sound anymore
British? Julia reprimanded herself. Julia made herself look at the instructor and was surprised
once more. He wasn’t at all like Julia imagined; instead of being forty-something with the
appearance of a body-builder, he was really young, perhaps a few years older than Julia herself.
And as for the body, he wasn’t bulky, but not matchstick skinny either. You could tell that there
was a lot of hard, lean muscle underneath the V-neck T-shirt he was wearing, not that I care
what’s underneath his shirt. His eyes were a cool grey and seemed to scrutinise Julia slowly and
deliberately. He shook the jet-black hair out of his eyes and Julia noticed that it was messy.
Stylishly messy.
“Something tells me that a girl like you wouldn’t try out for a self-defence class.” He said.
Julia frowned. “What makes you say that?” she demanded. The instructor shrugged and folded his
arms across his chest.
“You just wouldn’t.” He stated simply. Julia took a look at the faces of the group and flinched
inwardly. They were all taller and bigger than her by a considerable amount. Most girls would only
try out for the team in order to check out the boys...oh, bloody hell.
“I’m not here for the lads, I swear.” Julia almost exclaimed whilst holding up her hands in mock
confession. Some of the guys chuckled and made their way to their stations in order to warm up
for the lesson.
“Then why are you here?” The instructor asked as he paced to a punch-bag and held it up for a
“I want to learn how to defend myself.” Julia said. By the raise of a flawlessly arched eyebrow,
Julia could tell that he wasn’t convinced. “Or maybe I’m here because Ms Callaway made me sign
up after I did something...unreasonable.” she explained.
“That sounds more like a realistic answer.” He said evenly, not even budging when the student
aimed a powerful punch at the bag. “Nichols! Come take over.” he addressed another guy across
the hall. He handed over the punch-bag to ‘Nichols’ and made his way over to the benches. Julia
didn’t know whether to follow him so she stood her ground. The instructor glanced over his
shoulder and came to a stop. Julia closed the distance between them and he seemed to glare at
“Sorry.” She said exasperatedly, making the word sound like it had two syllables. If he wants
someone to follow him, he can at least say so. The instructor shook his head at her and resumed
walking towards the benches – this time, Julia followed.
“What’s your ideal form of self defence?” He asked.
Julia shrugged and said the first thing that came into her mind. “Kung-Fu.” The instructor seemed
to choke on the water he was drinking from his bottle. He wiped his mouth with the back of his
hand and grinned. Julia noticed that he had extremely aristocratic features, high cheekbones and
strong jaw included.
“Kung-Fu, huh?” he said more to himself than to Julia. Suddenly, he leaped off of the bench and
performed a series of complicated but dangerous movements. He finished by swiftly kicking Julia
behind her knee. She lost her balance and automatically stumbled forward, right at his feet. Julia
scrambled to her feet and a flush made its way up her face.
“That’s not fair, I didn’t see it coming.” Julia protested.
“A beginner would’ve seen that coming.” The instructor replied. Ouch, Julia thought to herself.
“Why say Kung-Fu when you can say something like kickboxing?” He asked. Julia pondered over
the question and smiled.
“I saw Kung-Fu Panda last weekend and the moves were really cool.” She answered. The
instructor chuckled and he took a step closer to Julia. Julia gulped; he was so close that she could
smell his Calvin Klein scent.
“Punch-me.” He ordered.
“Excuse me?” Julia exclaimed, loud enough to turn heads. She stepped back to look into his eyes.
“Come on, punch me.” He repeated, taking another step forward. Julia was about to step back
again but he caught her wrist. “If you move back any further, the impact off the punch might make
you lose your balance and you will fall.”
“I don’t think we need to worry about that because I won’t punch you.” Julia emphasised each
“If you don’t punch me, I won’t sign you up for self-defence class – consider this as a test.” He said
in a smooth but warning tone. Julia narrowed her eyes and bit her lip.
“Where do you want me to punch you?” Julia asked. I never thought I’d be asking someone this
question, she thought.
“Right here.” He said, pointing at his stomach.
“Won’t that hurt?” Julia asked uncertainly.
“No. I’ll flex.” He said casually. Julia saw his abs move underneath his shirt and reluctantly looked
“Okay. If you’re sure.” She sighed. Julia curled her fingers around her thumb and drew her fist
back. There was an intake of breath from the instructor and he looked like he was about to say
something but didn’t.
Julia punched his stomach as hard as she could and heard a small crack. As she uncurled
her fingers, Julia felt a throbbing pain develop in her thumb and she winced. The instructor, on the
other hand, didn’t even seem fazed.
“Well, that’s the last time I punch anyone.” Julia said with mock enthusiasm as she shook her
hand. The instructor took Julia’s hand in his own and wiggled her thumb from left to right, he
searched Julia’s face for a reaction but she stayed composed.
“It’s not broken.” He said. “Your method of punching was completely off.” He informed her.
“How am I supposed to punch then?” Julia asked, trying to ignore the warmth of his hand on hers.
“Like this.” He curled her fingers into her palm like a thumbs-up sign. Then he folded her thumb
across them and released her hand. “That way, you won’t break anything.”
Julia drew back her fist and aimed at his stomach again. Except, her fist hit his palm with a
smack. He closed his fingers around her small fist and drew her close.
“You’re going to have to be quicker than that, sweetheart.” He whispered. Julia felt her heart thud
against her ribcage. She blushed and took a rather large step back.
“Does that mean I’m signed up for self-defence now?” She asked slightly breathless. The
instructor drew a Blackberry out of the pocket of his sweatpants and handed it to her.
“Add yourself as a contact on there and I’ll call you to let you know whether you’re in or not.” Julia
took the sleek phone into her hands and did what he told her to do. She handed him back the
“What do I call you?” She asked, suddenly realising that she didn’t know his name.
“Adam.” He said briefly before walking back to the group of students that had gathered by the
benches. “See you later, Julia.”

Later that afternoon, Julia and her friends sat around a fibreglass lunch-table in the cafeteria.
“Jules, try to avoid eye contact with the lunch lady.” Her friend – Chris – warned her. Julia glanced
over her shoulder and saw the lunch-lady glowering at her fiercely. She shuddered and turned
back to Chris.
His chocolate-brown hair reached his chin in gracious waves. He regarded Julia steadfastly
with his green eyes until she averted her gaze and met the eyes of her other friend; Desiree.
“Chris is right, Julia. She looks like she wants to kill you on the spot.” Her caramel coloured skin
radiated sincerity and her cheekbones were defined with a naturally glossy sheen. Julia bit into her
apple and smiled at both of her friends, secretly hoping that they would drop the subject.
Chris and Desiree had been Julia’s first friends when she was new at the Academy. Julia
was born and raised in England up until a year ago; her mother was a fashion designer and was
offered a place with one of New York’s leading fashion houses because of her incredible talent
and passion. In addition, Julia and been expelled from three different secondary schools in
England – which made the decision of moving to America even easier for her mother.
Julia had found it hard to fit in at first. Certain things like her accent and the way she
dressed contributed to some people’s dislike towards her. Chris and Desiree were the only ones
who really accepted her for who she was.
The Albert Chamberlain Academy was situated in Manhattan. It was an enormous building
which took up more than ten acres of land. The black metal gates that surrounded the premises
were intimidating; if not a little scary. Each subject that was taught at the academy had its own
department so that no space was wasted. Due to the fact that a majority of the students were
foreign or lived outside of New York, there were five buildings which housed dorm-rooms
especially dedicated to those students that had to travel far.
Julia owned a dorm room in the third and most sophisticated building because she was
almost an upper-class student; and her mum could afford it.
“Hello? Earth to Julia.” Desiree clicked her fingers in Julia’s face.
“Sorry, what?” Julia said sheepishly.
“She asked you how the self-defence class went.” Chris told her.
“Oh, yeah. About that – you didn’t go through with the plan.” Julia raised her eyebrows accusingly.
Chris and Desiree exchanged looks and laughed nervously. “Forget it, it doesn’t matter.” She
reassured them.
The sharp sound of heels hitting ground made all three of them look up.
“Lunch was over five minutes ago.” A nasally voice informed them. Julia took in the girl by the side
of her table. She wore a jean miniskirt with a pale-yellow tube-top. Her platinum blond hair was
ruler-straight and reached her waist with a glowing vivacity. Her long legs were crossed behind
one another and she was set with one hand on her hip. On her feet, Julia noticed, were deadly
looking stiletto high heels.
“Do us a favour and ditch the Hannah Montana wig would you, Amber?” Desiree said sweetly.
“I will, as soon as you return that jacket to the thrift shop.” Amber replied with a southern drawl.
Chris shoved his chair back and slung his backpack over one shoulder.
“I’ve got physics with Callaway next, and I’m running late. See you guys later?” he said, half-
running away.
“Bye.” Desiree mumbled. Amber’s eyes drifted to Julia and she smirked, her lips shimmered with
the lip-gloss she was wearing.
“If I was the daughter of a world-class fashion designer, I would at least dress better.” She said
with a sneer. Julia raised herself off the seat with her food-tray in her hands. She leaned close to
“But you’re not the daughter of a world-class fashion designer, are you? I am.” She thoughtlessly
dumped her tray on Amber and watched her scream swear words at her. Banana milkshake
streamed down her flushed cheeks and the remains of a burger balanced on the top of her head.
Desiree gasped and pressed a hand over her mouth with a scandalised countenance.
“You, bitch!” Amber hissed.
“Why, thank you very much.” Julia smiled widely, feeling her cheeks indent with her dimples.
Amber spluttered and her face turned an ugly shade of purple.
A tug on Julia’s arm stopped her relishing the scene in front of her. Desiree’s eyebrows
were pulled together at the middle and she continued tugging on her arm until Julia turned away
and exited the cafeteria alongside Desiree.
“You were completely out of order!” Desiree whispered furiously once they were outside.
The arctic November wind whipped their hair out of their faces with a powerful force. The
academy grounds were swathed in a thick layer of pure white snow and a humongous Christmas
tree was positioned in the centre of the spacious field.
Julia hugged herself and buried her chin in her comfy scarf. “Yeah, I’m starting to realise
that now.” She spoke into the woollen fabric. Desiree whirled on her and under the dark skin of her
nose; there was a section that was starting to turn rosy.
“I don’t want you to get excluded, Julia. You’re the only friend I have here – besides Chris, of
course.” She said in a tone loaded with emotion.
Desiree was a likeable girl, and to Julia, she was the best friend you could ever wish for. It
was a shame that no one else apart from Chris saw that. Desiree was incredibly shy, and that
added to the fact that she didn’t have many friends. Students at the Albert Chamberlain Academy
were known for their boisterous behaviour; they were New Yorkers after all.
“Okay, I’ll behave from now of on.” Julia assured her. Desiree leaned in for a hug and Julia
wrapped her arms around her petite frame.
“Promise me you won’t get excluded.” Desiree said. After a momentary silence, Julia answered.
“I’ll try not to.” She said with a smirk. Desiree considered her answer and decided it was the best
she would get. She laughed and linked her arm through Julia’s.
“There’s about fifteen minutes left of our lesson anyway, let’s just walk around.” Julia suggested.
Desiree shrugged and they walked in the opposite direction of which they came from.


Dazzling sunlight filtered in through the blinds and bathed the bedroom in a golden hue. Julia
stirred and abruptly slammed a hand down on the alarm-clock before it had a chance to go off.

6:59 – the red numbers glowed against the dark background of the screen. Phew, Julia thought.
She hadn’t gotten quite accustomed to the deafening blare of the little object on her nightstand.
Hesitantly, she rolled out of her bed and made her way over towards the en-suite bathroom.
She shivered at the icy tiles underneath her feat. The reflection displayed an image of a girl with a
head full of red, curly hair. Her eyes were clouded over with sleep but there was no denying that
they were a dark blue. Julia frowned at herself and saw the forming of her dimples in her cheeks.
Everyone who encountered with Julia almost always commented on her dimples. They
made her look sweet and innocent. Julia resented them. She’d much rather have high-cheekbones
and look sophisticated and cultivated.
After she was done in the bathroom, Julia dressed herself in white skinny-jeans her mother
had made her promise to wear. She pulled on a green turtleneck sweater and inserted azure-blue
studs into her earlobes. She retrieved a new pair of black and white Converse from underneath
her bed and shoved her feet into them.
Like always, she spent a good ten minutes searching for her swamp-green messenger bag
with all of school things in it. Out of the blue, something wrapped around Julia’s ankles and she fell
to the carpeted with an audible thud. Julia winced and shifted her weight in order to look at the
cause of her fall. Her bag. She swore under her breath and grabbed the bag with one hand. Out of
its side pocket, a beige envelope fluttered gracefully to the floor.
Julia noticed her name was imprinted on the flap in cursive writing. There was no doubt this
letter was sent by her mother. Since Julia was on the floor, she crawled to letter and opened it.
Her mother’s beautiful handwriting was revealed as she unfolded it.

My Dearest Daughter,
Firstly, I should start by explaining how much I love you. You are as important to me as the oxygen I
breathe; without you, I can’t live. I have watched you take your first steps; I have also witnessed you
searching for the right bra! What I’m trying to say, darling, is that whatever happens – I’ll never forget you
and I’ll always keep a special place in my heart dedicated to you.
I should probably explain why I’m writing this letter to you. As you are already aware, we’ve moved to New
York because there was a better job opportunity for me here, but there’s more. I have moved to New York
because this was the place where I first encountered with your dad. I met him in a little Indian Takeaway
stall where they had – well, you know, Indian food. I got to know your dad and I developed a strong liking
towards him. By the time he proposed, I was head-over-heels in love with a man I thought was an
accountant. I gradually found out that your dad wasn’t all he seemed to be. Your father told me things that
were completely out of this world. He droned on and on about a city called Euphoria and how it’s
inhabitants were his ancestors. Despite the fact that he insisted that ‘Euphoria’ really existed, I was cynical
and decided to play along to whatever he had in mind.
One cloudy evening, your father told me that we would be going to New York the next morning. I in
absolute jubilation! I mean, imagine – as an amateur fashion designer – getting to go to New York, one of
the fashion capitals in the world! But little did I know that your father had different motive compared to
The same time next night, we were in a luxurious apartment that your dad had somehow managed to
rent. We we’re in bed and discussed what we wanted to do with our lives, when your father asked: “Can I
show you something? But you have to promise to let me erase your mind as soon as we’re back.” I was
completely taken aback and realised that he was playing his game again. Me – being the fool that I am –
agreed to his proposal.
He took my hand and led me to the deluxe bathroom. He gazed into my eyes and smiled. “I love you
with all my heart, Salina.” He told me. I felt myself tremble with desire at his seductive voice.
He bended over and opened the cupboard underneath the sink. I noticed that instead of the pipes
there was a huge open space. I saw your father look at me uncertainly; as if waiting for my response. I asked
him what it was. “This is Euphoria.” Was all he told me.
After that, I only have a hazy memory of him taking my hand and guiding me down to the bottom of
the sink. The rest is all a jumble of colours, and when I try to envision the place again, I get a powerful
migraine for about three days. I guess he did what he said he’s do. He wiped my memory of that particular
Now, sweetie, I know that this is a lot to take in, especially when you have to read it. All I’m hoping
for is your understanding when I say that I’m going to visit Euphoria again. I am going to see why your
father had to wipe my memory after our visit. Do not follow me, Julia. The only reason I told you this is
because you’re the only person I can confide in at the moment. Remember what I told you in the beginning
of the letter, sweetheart. I love you.
...Your mother...

Julia was still engrossed in the letter even though she had finished reading it. A tear from
keeping her eyes open too long without blinking dropped onto the paper and stained the phrase
her mother had repeatedly written: I love you.
She struggled to her feet and stumbled over her bag again. Automatically, Julia hoisted
herself up and slung her bag across her torso. She snatched the letter off of the floor and stuffed it
inside the secret compartment of her bag. Does that mean that she’s already gone? Julia asked
herself. Her mind spun with questions seeking answers. The weird thing was, should she be
concerned for her mother or not. I mean, the place is called ‘Euphoria.’ She thought absently. Julia
decided to ponder about this after her classes were done.
Inattentively, Julia pulled on her leather jacket and left the room. Notwithstanding the vow
she made of thinking about her mother later, on her way to the language department, all she could
think of was the letter she had read. Which is why, when Chris appeared beside her, she shrieked.
Chris chuckled and draped and arm across her shoulder.
“G’day to you too, sunshine.” Chris drawled. He had transferred from an academy in Australia a
few months ago.
“Do not sneak up on me!” Julia snapped concisely as she shrugged off his arm.
“I didn’t, I called you twice.” Chris said, holding up two fingers.
“Oh, sorry.” Julia grinned contritely. They walked alongside each other in a relaxed silence until
they rounded the corner and strolled to the entrance of the language department.
“I have French with Madame Jolie.” Chris said.
“Ironic that she’s completely the opposite of jolie, right?” Julia laughed. Chris punched her on the
arm lightly and headed off to the east wing of the department.
Julia then turned on her heel and ran smack into someone.
“Sorry!” she exclaimed diffidently. Strong arms stopped her from tumbling backwards.
“No worries.” A voice said. Julia shook her hair out of her face and saw Adam looking down at her.
For some inexplicable reason, a warm sensation travelled all around her body; making her
oblivious to her frozen fingers and face. Oh, my God. I can’t think of my instructor like that! She
thought, mortified at the aspect of liking her instructor. It wasn’t that he wasn’t hot – he totally was.
It was just...he was her instructor, for crying out loud!
“Are you all right.” He questioned when there was a nervous pause between them. Julia blushed
and nodded. Adam conceded this with a smile and sidestepped her into the department.
“Oh, bloody flipping hell.” Julia whispered under her breath. She turned and took her own route to
her English class.
Miss Dewey, the English teacher, decided to introduce drama to the subject. Her aim was to put
on a school production of Much Ado about Nothing by Shakespeare. Naturally, everyone in the
class was super excited to do something interactive for a change. Worst of all, Miss Dewey would
choose who would play who in the show.
“Julia!” She called. Julia groaned and dropped the comic she was reading. She walked to the front
of the classroom and stopped beside Miss Dewey. While she explained what Julia’s strong points
were – sarcasm was one of them – Julia crossed her fingers behind her back and hoped she
would get a part like Don John or one of his minions.
“Beatrice!” The woman cried out enthusiastically. There was a ripple of dissatisfied groans around
the room as Miss Dewey presented Julia with a creamy frock that had a square neckline.
“What?” Julia blurted, staring at the dress with an outraged expression. “You’ll never catch me
dead in that thing!” Not that the dress was ugly, Julia just didn’t do dresses.
“You see! That’s exactly why I elected you as the part of Beatrice. She is a feisty redhead who
always gets her way no matter what!” Miss Dewey said dramatically.
“FYI, Beatrice has strawberry-blonde hair, not red.” Amber’s irritating voice called from the back of
the room. Julia glanced at her and saw how badly she’d wanted the part of Beatrice. She suddenly
felt better.
“You know what, I think you’re absolutely right, Miss Dewey. I’ll make you proud.” Julia lied for the
sake of infuriating Amber. She walked pack to her seat and smiled confidently at her envious
Towards the end of the lesson, Miss Dewey gathered them all around a round table at the
front of the room.
“All right, listen up my little fledglings. I want you all to know that this production is no joke. From
now of on, you will: eat, sleep and breathe your script in order to avoid blanking out on stage.
Promise me that you’ll learn your lines.” She looked at all the faces around the table. There was a
chorus of ‘I promise’ and with that assurance secured; Miss Dewey let them all go.
Julia left the languages department and started for the cafeteria until Desiree yelled her
“Julia! Wait up.” She said, approaching her quickly. “Oh, my God! You’ll never guess what
happened in Spanish class.” It was clear as day that Desiree was pumped about something.
“What’s up, Des?” Julia asked, resuming to her walk. Desiree hopped alongside her with a dreamy
look lighting up her dark eyes. She flashed Julia an adorable smile and took in a breath to speak.
“Our new Spanish teacher is smoking hot!” She almost screamed. A nearby girl shot her a look
and grinned. She paced over to Julia and Desiree.
“I know!” She chimed in. Her short blonde hair was cropped close around her heart-shaped face.
They all rounded the corner and trudged through the thick snow.
“Really, Julie. You should’ve seen him. He has the most amazing eyes and hair, and oh – those
cheekbones!” Desiree breathed. Julia dug her hands in the pocket of her jacket and walked
backwards in front of Desiree and the other girl.
“Is his name Adam?” She wondered.
“Yeah!” The blonde girl said incredulously. “But he told us to call him Senor Lavas.” She swooned.
“Do you know him, Julia?” Desiree said, unable to keep a smile off her face.
“Err, yeah. Sort of. He’s my –” Julia broke off abruptly when she staggered and tripped over a hard
lump of ice. She landed and her back with snow sprinkled all over her. She heard hard footsteps
approaching and assumed Desiree and the girl had come to see if she was okay. Julia sat up and
rubbed her butt in pain.
“I think I dislocated my arse.” She said, looking up to see imperturbable grey eyes staring back.
No. Freaking. Way. Julia thought self-consciously. Adam’s lips twitched as if he wanted to smile.
He offered her a hand and pulled her up easily.
“Thanks.” Julia said, looking at anywhere but his face. She saw Desiree and the other girl gazing
at her open mouthed. He dug into his coat pocket and handed her a piece of paper with times and
classroom numbers on it.
“This is you self-defence class schedule. Make sure you attend all classes. You see where the
classroom numbers change?” He asked, leaning closer and pointing to a number. Julia nodded.
“The numbers change because the aerobics studio won’t always be available. Sometimes we’ll be
outside.” He said.
“So, I take it that I’m part of the class now.” Julia stated as she folded the paper and slid it into her
jeans pocket. Adam laughed to himself and began walking.
“First lesson’s on Thursday. Don’t be late.” He warned as he strolled down the narrow path that led
to the other departments. There were a few seconds of stillness before Julia made herself look at
“He’s your self-defence teacher?” The blonde girl asked disbelievingly. Julia dipped her head and
looked at her best friend through her hair. She had her eyes narrowed and her mouth was curved
at the corners, we’ll talk later, the look read.
The day progressed slowly and Julia sat through all of her lessons with her mind not in
attendance. Instead, it was with what she had learnt from the letter that morning. If Euphoria does
exist, who are its inhabitants? She questioned, and who – or what – does that make my father?
Evening came and Julia was completely exhausted, she dragged herself to the main hall of
the school for the weekly assembly. She was relieved when Chris and Desiree saved her a seat
between the two of them. Wearily, she settled in the foldable chair leaned back against it.
It collapsed. Ugh, it’s just not my day is it? All eyes turned towards her as she fumbled upright with
the help of Chris and Desiree pulling on her arms. When she was finally steady, she saw that
everyone was still looking at her. What? She mouthed at the guy in front of her who gazed
“Miss McNiall!” A voice at the front of the hall boomed. Julia noticed that Ms Callaway had spoken
to her. She stood up, a gradual and hot blush flushed her face.
“Yes, Ms Callaway?” She said in a voice near to a whisper.
“I want you to come and make that public apology to poor Henrietta.” Ms Callaway spoke in a
clipped tone.
Julia’s stomach dropped. “Hell.” She whispered under her breath. Chris and Desiree shot her
apologetic glances as Julia forced her legs to move her to the front of the hall.
She was sweating underneath the turtleneck sweater she wore and her hair was heavy on
her shoulders. When she drew nearer to Ms Callaway, she noticed all of the teachers were sitting
behind her. Including Adam. Shit – was all she could mentally think.
Julia gulped and stopped before Henrietta the lunch-lady. She had a navy blue apron
wrapped around her lower body. She glowered at Julia, although Julia found it difficult to
concentrate on an apology when she saw Henrietta’s unibrow wiggle on her forehead (a unibrow
was what she and Chris called a person with no visible space between their eyebrows). An
inelegant snort escaped her lips and Henrietta’s eyes flickered with hatred. Julia swallowed her
laughter and stole a look at Adam.
He sat with his arms folded across his chest and his expression serious . Great, wait till he
finds out that I threw a knife at a member of staff.

“Julia, apologise to Henrietta. Now.” Ms Callaway instructed. The last word held an authoritative
emphasis that Julia had no choice but to obey.
“Henrietta.” She began, aware that every eye in the room was watching her. “I’m sorry that I
threw...that I threw a knife at you.” There were a few giggles in the audience and Ms Callaway
silenced them with an over the top stamp of her foot.
“Carry on.” She told Julia. Julia sighed and thought of what to say next.
“I was wrong and should never have asked you for a second portion of fries.” She said. It was
because Julia had asked for a second portion of fries that this whole drama had started. After she
had asked Henrietta for more fries, the woman flipped and told Julia that she was a spoiled little
brat and that her mother didn’t have a talent for fashion designing at all. Julia had gotten angry
and had picked up an object from her tray and threw it a Henrietta. Five seconds later she realised
that she’d thrown a knife at an adult. As usual , her reaction included her favourite phrase: bloody
“Shouldn’t she apologise too?” Julia asked Ms Callaway in the politest tone she could manage.
“For what do you want me to apologise?” Henrietta demanded in a heavy German accent.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe for making snide comments about my mother when I didn’t invite you
to?” All the politeness was erased from Julia’s voice by know. What she found out this morning
about her parents also made her feel ultra-sensitive.
“Everything I said about your mother was true. You are raised without manners, child.” Henrietta
sneered. There were a few intakes of breath and Ms Callaway talked to her in a persuasive tone.
“At least I was raised by a person.” She spat, “Unlike you. It seems to me that you were raised on
a farm by pigs. You certainly smell like it, you old witch.” Julia said.
“Julia!” Ms Callaway shouted. Julia ignored her and continued burning Henrietta with her glare.
“Take that back you ignorant little girl.” Henrietta said icily. Julia laughed harshly.
“Nope.” She smiled coolly, popping her lips on the p. A slap resounded through the hall and Julia’s
head jerked to the left. She felt her cheek blazing. At snail’s pace, she became conscious of the
fact that Henrietta had just slapped her with her big, meaty hands.
A few students screamed and the teachers were on their feet in an instant. Julia lunged at
the chubby woman in front of her and found herself shoving against Adam instead.
“Let me go!” She screamed, clawing at him so that she could get at Henrietta.
“No chance.” Adam said while trying to restrain Julia from getting to the woman who was being
spoken to by a group of teachers. The students were flustered and Julia saw Chris and Desiree
make their way over towards her. Her eyes stung with unshed tears and she gave up struggling
with Adam.
“Mr Lavas, please take Julia away from here.” Ms Callaway said breathlessly. Adam nodded once
and turned on Julia.
“Are you going to cooperate or am I going to have to carry you out of here?” He asked sternly.
Julia was breathing heavily and felt something trickle down her cheek. She placed a palm on her
cheek and inspected her hand. There was blood running down her face. With an incensed scream
she darted past Adam and prepared to jump at Henrietta when Adam caught her around the waist
in mid-jump.
“You leave me with no choice.” He said as he dragged her out of the hall.
Once outside, Adam sat Julia on a bench and crouched in front of her.
“Julia.” He said softly. Julia was sobbing violently and pulled up her knees to hug them to her
chest. “Julia, look at me.” He said again. Julia looked at him and caught her breath at the open
concern that showed on his face. He took out a tissue from the inner pocket of his jacket and
wiped at the blood on her cheek; making soft dabbing motions. “Does it hurt?”
“No.” Julia rejoined in a brusque voice. He peered at her through his lush black hair and dropped
his hand. “You should’ve let me at her. I would have shown you that I can punch the living
daylights out of her.” Julia told him. Adam laughed, a real laugh. It was wonderful sound, loud and
“I have no doubt that you would’ve beaten her hands down.” He smiled, “But as a teacher, it’s my
duty to guide you in the right direction – and letting you punch Henrietta wouldn’t portray me as a
very good instructor.”
“Whatever you say, Senor Lavas.” Julia shrugged. There was a moment when the two of them just
stared at each other. “I loathe being seventeen.” Julia exhaled loudly. Adam got up from his
crouch and sat on the bench beside her.
“Enjoy it while you can.” He said, “When you get to my age, you’ll realise that you have a lot more
“How old are you?” Julia asked and turned on the bench so that she faced him. Adam shook his
hair out of his eyes and pursed his lips thoughtfully.
“Guess.” He said with a sly grin.
Julia had always guessed he was in his late teens or early twenties; it was hard to tell
because of the way he carried himself like he was the wisest person on earth.
“Twenty-one?” She estimated unsurely. Adam gave nothing away and kept his countenance
neutral. “Well?” Julia pressed.
“No, I’m nineteen.” Adam said. Julia noticed that his lower lip was slightly fuller than his top lip. His
lips were as rosy as Julia’s cheeks were when she blushed. Adam’s skin seemed a little pale in
The sound of his phone startled them both and Adam answered it with an irritated hello.
“Hello?” There was a response on the other end of the line and Adam visibly relaxed. “Hey.” His
voice was tinged with huskiness. “No, I’m still at the academy. I should be back in about thirty
minutes, though? What? You want me to go past McDonalds? Oh, right. Yeah, I will. Bye, babe.”
He hung up the phone and stood up, stretching his arms with a yawn.
“Sorry, I kept you here too long.” Julia said in a cooler voice. No words could describe the
disappointment she had felt when he called the other person on the line babe. It was obvious that
she was his girlfriend – you wouldn’t talk on the phone like that unless you were speaking to a
“Put some ice on that cheek and it should reduce the swelling.” He told her as he took a few steps
Just at that instant, the doors to the hall flew open and Desiree and Chris stumbled out.
They both clocked her at the same time and rushed in her direction. Adam gave her a small wave
and walked back to the hall with his hands in his pockets.
Desiree flew into her but luckily didn’t cause too much harm due to her fragile body. Chris
enfolded both girls into a hug and rested his chin on Julia’s head.
“Are you all right?” Desiree blubbered. Julia stepped out of their cosy little circle and stared at
“Why are you crying?” She asked gently, tucking a long strand of hair the colour of brown sugar
behind her friend’s ear. Desiree’s eye makeup was practically none existent and large teardrops
trailed down her gleaming cheeks.
“That horrible hag had no right to slap you! I felt like coming of there and shoving my fist down her
throat!” Desiree cried, near to hysteria. Chris wrapped his arms around her and drew her close. He
held her until the shaking had stopped and the crying was down to soft sobs. He glanced at Julia

and made a thumbs-up sign that indicated: are you okay? Julia shrugged and patted Desiree on
the back.
“Hey, Des. I should be the one crying. Not you.” Julia grinned. Desiree cracked a small smile and
wiped at her eyes with the tips of her fingers. She shot Chris a grateful smile which he returned
“Who says I’m good for nothing?” He said with an overconfident face.
“What’s happening in there?” Julia asked.
“They’ve escorted Henrietta to the library and all of the students are still talking about what
happened.” Chris said, leaning on the wall beside him. “You’re face is bleeding, by the way.”
“Henrietta’s nail must have caught me.” Julia said distractedly. “Guys, I’m going to go back to my
room. The teachers probably want to question me about this whole situation and I’m too tired to
answer them rationally.”
“I’ll come with you.” Desiree suggested. Julia laid a hand on her forearm.
“No, that’s okay. I’m only going to sleep anyway. I’m fine.” Julia insisted when Desiree looked
uncertain. With a meek goodbye to her friends, Julia sped down the narrow hallway and exited the
department from a side door.


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