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Cargo Data
Cargo Type: Gas Turbine

Weight of Cargo w = 417.00 ton

Factored Weight (10% added) W = 1.10 x 417.00
= 458.70 ton
Length (Longitudinal Direction) l = 14.09 m
Breadth (Transversal Direction) b = 6.50 m
Height (Vertical Direction) h = 7.84 m

Distance from C.O.R

Longitudinal LCG = 13.50 m
Transversal TCG 0.00 m
Vertical VCG = 6.36 m

2. Barge Data
Length Loa = 76.20 m
Breadth B = 21.95 m
Height H = 4.88 m
Vessel Draf T = 2.00 m (assumed)
Vertical Center of Rotation VCOR = 2.44 m

3. Motion Criteria
Reference: GL Noble Denton 0030/ND (Guidelines for Marine Transportation)
Note: Check Table 7-1 for Default Motion Criteria

Rolling Angle θroll = 20.00 deg
= 0.35 rad
Rolling Periode troll = 10.00 sec

Pitch Angle θpitch = 12.50 deg
= 0.22 rad
Pitching Period tpitch = 10.00 sec

Heave Acceleration aheave = 0.20 g
Gravitation Acceleration g = 9.81 m/s

4. Static Force
a. Static Roll Force
Horizontal Static Roll Force
FrsH = W x COS θroll

= 458.70 x COS 20.00

= 431.04 ton

Vertical Static Roll Force

FrsV = W x SIN θroll

= 458.70 x SIN 20.00

= 156.88 ton

b. Static Pitch Force

Horizontal Static Pitch Force
FpsH = W x COS θpitch

= 458.70 x COS 12.50

= 447.83 ton

Vertical Static Pitch Force

FpsV = W x SIN θpitch

= 458.70 x SIN 12.50

= 99.28 ton

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